
1996 船舶共通通信システム 国際VHF トランシーバーICOM(アイコム

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1996 船舶共通通信システム 国際VHF トランシーバーICOM(アイコム
Spin Preschool Newsletter…A program proudly brought to you by Starpoint
Hard to believe that it is already July! Please remember that the children will be
continuing to go outside daily. Before going outside, teachers have been putting sunblock
on your children. We are looking for donations of sunblock (no aerosol please) due to the
amount that we are having to use. We will be closed on Monday, July 4th. Hope everyone
has a safe and fun filled Fourth of July!
Toddler Room
Infant Room
It's already July and
summer is here. The children are
all growing and moving around.
Our older ones are walking and
the younger ones are starting to
roll over. We'll continue to
take the kids on stroller rides
and we might bring out the water
table :) We are also working on
teaching simple sign language to
use to express their needs.
Thank You,
Kris and Angie
We are loving the warm weather and
being outside. Water days have been
a blast as well. We will continue to
have water days until August.
As a class, we are working on using
utensils at meal times. We are also
learning to use soft touches when we
are playing with our friends. If you
have any questions or concerns,
please come and see us.
Thank You,
Michelle and Karen
Purple Room
Orange Room
Wow, summer seems to be flying
by! We will be welcoming new
friends into our class this month.
We are planning a pajama
day/movie party on Wednesday,
July 6th. Water days will continue
every Tuesday and Thursday.
Please make sure your child has a
swimsuit, towel, and water bottle
with their name on them.
Thank You,
Nikki and Ashley
With the temperature continuing to rise and
sun becoming stronger, we are in need of
sunscreen. We are going through a lot of it.
Please be sure that your child has a water
bottle to leave here. We are encouraging
them all to drink plenty of water throughout
the day.
We are working on strategies to aid in
handling our emotions, as well as following
classroom expectations.
There are several art projects in the works.
Look for some of these to come home.
Have a safe and happy 4th!
Thank You,
Patti and Cassi
Brown Room/School Age
Summer is here and we have a lot of fun activities coming up. Water days are
every Wednesday, movie days, walks and more. Please check out our calendar
for these upcoming activities. Also just a reminder for the field trips, we must
have a permission slips signed for every trip or your child may not be able to
attend. If you have any questions or suggestions please let us know.
Thank You,
Amy, Nina, Mary
Activities for Home
How to Rain Paint
Kool Aid
paint brushes
watercolor paper (optional)
Directions: This homemade paint recipe is one of the easiest recipes ever! All u do was empty Kool Aid packets
into oil baby food jars, then set the jars out in our backyard and waited for the rain.
Once it rains enough to fill the jars give each paint mixture a good stir with the paint brushes.
I chose watercolor paper for this project since I anticipated it being very wet. Regular paper can be used,
although I recommend sticking with a heavier paper to avoid tearing.
These homemade watercolors are so easy to make, and they smell incredible.
B-waffles, applesauce,
L-beef and bean chili,
saltines, orange slice,
B- Cereal, pears, milk
L-chicken nuggets,
carrot sticks, orange
slices, milk
S-Jelly sandwich, milk
B- Pancakes, peaches,
B- Bagels w/ butter,
apples slices, milk
L- Beef tacos, corn,
orange slices, milk
L-chicken salad
sandwiches, cucumber
slice, apple slice, , milk
S-Cheese and crackers,
B-bagels w/jelly, peaches,
L-chicken enchilada
casserole, corn, apple
slice, milk
S-vanilla wafers, milk
B- Cereal, peaches, milk
L- Chicken mushroom
noodle casserole, mixed
veggies, pears, milk
S- Cheese and crackers,
B-English muffin
w/cheese slice, peaches,
B-scrambled eggs, toast ,
orange slice, milk
L-macaroni and cheese
W/ham, green beans,
pears, milk
S-graham crackers, milk
B- Waffles, applesauce,
L-turkey roll up w/ cheese
slice, cucumbers slice,
carrot sticks, milk
S-saltines w/ cheese,
B- Biscuits w/jelly, apple
slices, milk
L- chicken broccoli pie,
peaches, milk
S- graham crackers,
orange slice, water
L- beef & broccoli on rice,
mixed veggies, milk
L- tuna pasta salad,
orange slice, peas, milk
S- Cinnamon toast, milk
S- Animal crackers, milk
L-chicken noodle
casserole, orange slice,
mixed veggies, milk
S- Graham crackers,
apple slice
B-cinnamon tortilla,
banana, milk
L- tuna salad sandwiches
peas, orange slice, milk
B- Pancakes, applesauce,
L- Baked ham , mashed
potatoes, pineapple,
bread, milk
S- goldfish, milk
B- English muffin w/
cheese, orange slices,
L- bean and cheese
burritos, apple slices,
corn, milk
S- Animal crackers, milk
B- Waffles, applesauce,
L-Beef rotini bake,
green beans, apple slices,
S- Vanilla wafers, milk
S-hardboiled egg, apple
slice, water
B- Bagel w/ cream
cheese, apple slice, milk
S-graham crackers, milk
B- Bagel w/cream cheese,
orange slices, milk
L-mac & cheese/beef,
mixed veggies, Apple
slices, milk
S-Graham crackers, milk
S-pretzel, milk
B-French toast sticks,
applesauce, milk
L-Johnson’s temptation,
bread, Orange slices, milk
S-goldfish, milk
B- Cereal, peaches,
B- Cereal, pears, milk
L- chicken nuggets,
cucumber slice, orange
slice, Milk
S- Saltines w/ cheese
B- Scrambled Eggs,
English Muffin, pears,
L-Chicken Breasts,
cooked carrots, mixed
fruit, bread, milk
S- cottage cheese,
pineapple, water
The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race,
color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental
status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in
employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs, the first 6
protected bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability and sex are the 6 protected bases for applicants and recipients of the child nutrition
If you wish to file a civil rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA program discrimination complaint form, found online at
http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaintfilingcust.html, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter
containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave., S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at
[email protected].
For individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing, have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the federal relay service at (800) 877-8339; (800)
845-6136 (Spanish)
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Fly UP