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Milk is made into butter.
▶前置詞: be made of ∼,be made from ∼,be made into ∼,be full of ∼,be f illed with ∼など。
He made up his mind to go abroad.
▶連語: be different from ∼,take care of ∼,at the age of ∼,make up one ’s mind など。
How well she plays the piano!
▶会話表現 / 感嘆文: How ∼!,What ∼!
次の文の( )
内から適するものを選び,記号で答えなさい。 ⑴ I want you to f inish the work( ア till イ by ウ from エ to )tomorrow.
〔 〕
⑵ A : Where shall we meet tomorrow?
B : Let’s meet( ア front イ out ウ back エ under )the big tree in the park.
〔 〕
⑶ When Takeshi was( ア in イ to ウ on エ from )his way to the station last Sunday, an old
foreign woman spoke to him. 〔 〕
⑷ My father played golf( ア in イ for ウ to エ of )the f irst time.
〔 〕
⑸ The park was full( ア of イ with ウ at エ in )beautiful f lowers.
〔 〕
次の対話が成り立つように,( )に最も適する英文をア∼エから選び,記号で答えなさい。
⑴ At the airport
A : Show me your passport, please.
B : Sure. ( )
ア Here you are.
〔 〕
イ That’s too bad.
ウ Here it comes.
エ That’s strange.
⑵ A : How about going to the lake next Sunday?
B : ( ) I’m free on that day.
ア You, too.
〔 〕
イ That’s a good idea.
ウ Take it easy.
エ Have a nice trip.
⑶ A : May I help you?
B : ( ) I’m just looking.
ア Yes, please.
〔 〕
イ How much is it?
ウ No, thank you.
エ I will take this.
⑷ A : Would you tell me the way to the nearest bus stop?
B : ( ) It’s in front of the bookstore over there.
ア Sure.
イ Don’t worry.
ウ You are welcome.
〔 〕
エ Sorry, I don’t know.
⑸ A : Hello. Is this Mrs. Alice Watson?
B : ( )
ア Yes, she is.
〔 〕
イ No problem.
ウ Oh, I see.
エ Yes, speaking.
⑹ A : I’ve lost my favorite watch my uncle gave to me.
B : ( )
〔 〕
ア Where did you buy it? イ No, thank you. ウ Oh, that’s great. エ That’s too bad.
30 3
次の日本文に合う英文になるように, に適する語を書きなさい。
⑴ ニューオーリンズは音楽で有名です。
New Orleans is its music.
⑵ ところで,サッカーボールにはいろいろな色があります。
By the , soccer balls have different colors.
⑶ もし見たいなら,その DVD を貸してあげましょう。
I’ll lend the DVD to you, if you would see it.
⑷ お茶を1杯ください。
Please give me a tea.
⑸ あなたにお会いするのを楽しみにしています。
I’m looking seeing you.
意味の通る正しい英文になるように, に適する前置詞を書きなさい。
⑴ We’ll be able to go there in an hour car.
⑵ On the Internet, you will also be able to study at home going to school.
⑶ What program do you watch TV?
⑷ Shigeo and Noboru are talking about what to do Saturday morning.
⑸ Are you afraid spiders?
次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, に適する語を書きなさい。
Lucy went into the room. She had a dictionary in her hand then. ⑴
Lucy went into the room a dictionary in her hand.
How important this lesson is!
important lesson this is!
You mean you got this book thirty years ago?
You mean you have kept this book thirty years?
He plays tennis very well.
He is very at tennis. 6
意味の通る正しい英文になるように,( )
⑴ A : Do you know our new *ALT?
〔 注 〕 ALT 外国人指導助手
(Assistant Language Teacher の略)
B : No, I don’t. ( is / like / he / what / ? )
A : He is very friendly. Everyone likes him. ⑵ A : Where is John?
B : He is( the / of / front / library / in )
. He is
⑶ My mother is a nurse. She( of / takes / many / care )sick people in the hospital.
sick people in the hospital.
31 HIGH STEP 問 題
Jordan and Isabelle are friends and classmates. While they studied together for their exams,
they talked about their plans for the summer.
“I was hoping to get to New York City to visit museums,” said Isabelle, “but my parents think
going to the city alone is not a very good plan. So I’m thinking about what else to do.”
Jordan said, “I want to do something important this summer. Now at the age of sixteen, we have
plenty of time to do that, but I just don’t know what to do.”
“ ① ) But, right now, we need to study,” replied Isabelle, and they got back to work.
The next day, after school, Isabelle returned to their *discussion of summer plans.
made up my mind to do something important, too. Have you heard about the Kids In
Need of Desks project? It’s a *United Nations project. Students in richer countries like Japan and
the United States raise money to buy desks for children in *Malawi in Africa. It must be very hard
to sit on a cold hard *concrete f loor all day long.”
“ ③ ) I also want to help people and I’m thinking about a therapy dog,” said Jordan.
“A therapy dog? What’s that?” Isabelle asked.
Jordan replied, “You know I’m fond of animals, and I think I can do something important this
summer by training a dog to provide *comfort and *affection to people who need help.”
“Are you talking about the dogs that open doors for people in *wheelchairs or help *blind people
cross the street safely?” asked Isabelle.
Jordan explained that dogs that take care of people are called “service dogs” or “assistance dogs”
and are very diff icult to train. “Therapy dogs are different from service dogs because they work
only as *calm, *dependable friends, not as helpers to people. It takes about f ive months to train a
therapy dog. So I’ll look for a good dog as soon as school is f inished and look after it all summer.
By the time we go back to school, I can start looking for people who need the dog’s help.”
“ ( you / with / forward / I’m / helping / to / looking )the dog,” Isabelle said. “People can’t live
without a friend, and a therapy dog sounds like a very good friend for lonely people.”
〔 注 〕 discussion 話し合い United Nations 国連 Malawi マラウイ
concrete コンクリートの comfort 心地よさ,なぐさめ affection 愛情 wheelchair 車いす
blind 目の不自由な calm 穏やかな dependable 信頼できる
問1 ①,③の
( )に最も適する英文をア∼オからそれぞれ1つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。
ア That’s a good idea.
イ Pardon me? ウ You’re right.
エ What’s the matter?
オ I don’t think so.
問2 下線部②を同じ意味を表す英単語1語で書きかえなさい。
① 〔 〕
③ 〔 〕
問3 therapy dogs と service dogs のそれぞれの特徴を,違いがわかるように日本語で答えなさい。
therapy dogs は( )
service dogs は( )
問4 下線部④の( )
the dog,
32 2
意味の通る正しい英文になるように, に適する前置詞を書きなさい。
⑴ You look nice your blue suit today. ⑵ They are proud their country and its history.
⑶ A : What time does your school begin?
B : It begins 8:30.
⑷ Fred worked a clerk. When he got the off ice, he found a letter on
his desk.
次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, に適する語を書きなさい。
We enjoyed the party very much last night.
We a very time at the party last night.
We need water to live.
We cannot live water.
Milk is made into butter.
Butter is made milk.
There was a little difference between his plan and yours.
His plan a little yours.
Joe likes rock music very much.
Joe is very of rock music.
次の日本文に合う英文になるように,( )
⑴ 私たちの電車はあと数分で出発します。
〔1語不要 〕
( will / a / for / minutes / train / our / leave / in / few / . )
⑵ 私は3月1日にシドニーへ向けてロンドンを出発する予定です。
( London / Sydney / am / on / to / I / leave / March 1 / going / . )
〔1語補充 〕
ある日,先生は黒板に “SMILES” と書きました。
「 これは英語で一番長い単語の1つだよ。」とクラスのみんなに言いました。多くの生徒は笑いましたが,1人
「 なぜかって言うと,最初の S と最後の S の間に1マイルあるからね。」と先生は笑いながら言いました。
① ② 6
You are having breakfast with your family. Your sister looks sick and has very little breakfast.
What do you say to your sister? 33 
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