
English Edition - Nagoya International Center

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English Edition - Nagoya International Center
English Edition
March 2011
平成23年3月1日(毎月1回1日発行) 第317号 発行所 財団法人 名古屋国際センター 〒450-0001 名古屋市中村区那古野一丁目47-1
Visit our website at
or call us at
Photo: Courtesy of the Chunichi Shimbun. Runners from around the World compete in last year’s Nagoya Women’s Marathon. Full details of this year’s race are on page 6.
About Us
The Nagoya International Center offers free legal consultations, personal counseling, a
civic advisory service, information service, and a great library. Full details are on page 9.
There’s more on our website - www.nic-nagoya.or.jp
Follow the Nagoya International Center on Twitter @the_nic
Find us on Facebook - Nagoya International Center (English)
The Nagoya Calendar is printed on recycled paper that contains post-consumer recycled pulp.
From the NIC - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Entertainment Calendar
Public Service Announcements
Movie Theatre Schedule
Five minute-long public service announcements from the Nagoya International
Center and the Aichi International Association are broadcast on internet radio
station - Radio-iSCAPE - www.radio-iscape.jp on weekdays at around 16:00. No
broadcasts on national holidays; 2 broadcasts will be made on the following day.
- Mondays - English
- Tuesdays - Portuguese / Spanish (alternate)
- Wednesdays - Chinese
- Thursdays - Tagalog
- Fridays - Korean
A Nagoya Station, FUSHIMI AREA
................................ (052)551-5461✪✩
................................ (052)527-8808✩
................................ (052)451-0815✪✩
................................ (052)452-6036✩
................................ (052)541-3109★
................................ (052)212-2437✪✩
New Grand
Midland Square
Exit 1
Hirokoji D
Police Station
Exit 10
................................ (052)264-8580✪✩
8.Meien CINE SALON 1-2
................................ (052)931-1701✩
Multi-language E-mail Support from April
Hirokoji Dori
Admission discount services:
✪: Foreign students
(Must present alien registration card
and student ID)
★: Women ¥1,000 on Wednesdays
✩: Women ¥1,000 on Thursdays
Hotel com's
Route 23
Bay City
Ring Road
Route 41
................................ (052)659-0111✪✩
Nakagawa Canal
................................ (052)733-3959✩
Post Office
Listed below are English language movies being shown in Nagoya theaters. Listings are subject to change. Movies are usually shown in their original language with Japanese subtitles; some
showings may be dubbed in Japanese for younger audiences. Numbers in < > after the movie listing correspond to the above location guide.
Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp;dir. Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck–From Mar.5
★TRUE GRIT トゥルー・グリッド
Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon;dir. Joel Coen–From Mar.18<6><10>
TV-Regular Bilingual
#3 (NHK)
Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi;dir. Byron Howard–From Mar.12<2><5><10>
★HOW DO YOU KNOW 幸せの始まりは
Reese Witherspoon, Owen Wilson;dir. James L. Brooks–From Feb.11<2><5><10>
Mon @ 11:30--11:55 / Guide To Style (TBA 3/28)
Tue @ 19:25--19:49 / i Carly
Wed @ 14:00--14:30 / Nippon no Dentou Geinou (TBA 3/30)
[Repeat: Tue @ 5:05]
Thu @ 18:55--19:34 / Chikyu Dramatic (TBA 3/31)
Sat @ 8:35--8:58 / Curious George
Sat @ 23:00--23:45 / Kyle XY
Anthony Hopkins, Colin O'Donoghue;dir. Mikael Hafstrom–From Mar.19<5><10>
★MORNING GLORY 恋とニュースの作り方
BS2 (NHK Satellite TV 2)
Tue @ 23:00--23:45 / The Good Wife (End 3/15)
Thu @ 23:00--23:45 / ER XV(End3/10 22:45--0:10)
※ RetrospectiveER 3/10 22:00--22:43
Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford;dir. Roger Michell–Thru Mar.<2><10>
ナルニア国物語 第 3 章:アスラン王と魔法の島
Ben Barnes, Gary Sweet.;dir. Michael Apted–Thru Mar.<2><5><10>
Kristen Stewart,Dakota Fanning;dir. Floria Sigismondi–From Mar.19<6><7>
★AMAZING GRACE アメイジング・グレイス
Ioan Gruffudd, Romola Garai;dir. Michael Apted–From Mar.19<8>
#11(Nagoya TV)
Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush;dir. Tom Hooper–Thru Mar.<8><10>
There’s more on our Website
3@13:00-BS24@ 0:45-BS24@21:00-#35
Alias Season 2 (※Working Title)
Fri @ 26:45--27:40 on 3/4
@ 26:05--27:00 on 3/11
@ 26:35--27:30 on 3/18
(Except 3/25)
★AGORA アレクサンドリア
Rachel Weisz, Max Minghella;dir. Alejandro Amenabar–From Mar.5<2><10>
Tue @ 25:59--26:54 / DRESDEN FILES
Wen @ 25:59--26:54 / Missing Season 3 (End 3/22)
#35 (Chukyo TV)
1@ 0:45-BS2-
2@ 0:45-BS2-
#9 (NHK Education)
★THE RITE ザ・ライト∼エクソシストの真実∼
★HEREAFTER ヒア・アフター
Matt Damon, Cecile De France;dir. Clint Eastwood–Until Mar.25<2><5><10>
Everyday @ 19:00, Mon -- Fri @ 21:00 / News
Thu @ 00:15--00:59 / The Ugly Betty Season 3 (End 3/24)
Sun @ 23:00--24:00 / I・San(Start 3/27)
★TANGLED 塔の上のラプンツェル
Movies on TV
22@ 0:15-BS223@ 0:15-BS224@ 0:15-BS225@ 0:15-BS228@14:00-#2529@ 0:00-BS230@ 0:00-BS231@ 0:00-BS2-
トゥームレイダー 2・
セルラー ・
その男ゾルバ ・
I am S
am アイ・アム・サム ・
Children’s Story Book Time 外国語で楽しむ絵本の会
Come and share in the fun at the Nagoya International Center 3F Library
& listen to foreign volunteers as they read a selection of books in their
native language from the library's large collection of children's story
books. All are welcome! Participation is free!
★Upcoming Spring Schedule
- Sunday, March 13 (10:30 - 11:00) in English
- Sunday, March 27 (14:00 - 14:30) in Portuguese and English
- Sunday, April 10 (10:30 - 11:00) in English
- Sunday, April 24 (14:00 - 14:30) in Portuguese and English
Join Us! Kyuban Danchi Children’s Football School
From April 1 as well as directly calling (052-581-0100) or visiting the Nagoya Make friends and be part of our volunteer-run multi-cultural community-building project.
When: Every Saturday (13:00 - 16:00); classes are cancelled if raining
International Center 3F Information Counter during service hours, you can now
Where: Tokai Elementary School Athletics’ Ground (Minato Ku, Kyuban Cho).
make enquiries directly with our multi-language staff via text and e-mail.
For Who: Children aged 7 to 15; all nationalities are welcome!
Chinese(simplified) → [email protected]
Cost: Free!
French → [email protected] Applications: Join us any time! However, there is a short introduction for
Korean → [email protected] first timers; a parent is requested to attend this introduction.
Filipino → [email protected] Inquiries: For inquiries in English call NIC’s 4F Exchange and Cooperation
Portuguese → [email protected] Division at Tel: 052-581-5689 (Tues - Sun 09:00 to 17:00)
Spanish → [email protected] e-mail [email protected]
Vietnamese → [email protected]
NIC’s Classroom for Global Citizen’s Program Needs YOU! NIC 地球市民教室 - 外国人講師募集中!
Want to help us to create a globally aware Nagoya? As part of its international understanding education program, NIC’s Classroom for Global Citizen’s program is
looking for foreign instructors to visit schools and local organizations and introduce their home countries. We are looking for instructors who are able to communicate
in Japanese, who are available during the day time. Successful applicants will be asked to attend training on Sunday, April 17 (10:00 - 12:00).
Compensation: 6000 to 8000 Yen per assignment depending on the location destination (income tax and commuting costs are included).
Applications and inquiries should be addressed to the Exchange & Cooperation Division - Classroom for Global Citizen’s Program by Sunday, April 10.
Tel:052-581-5691, Fax: 052-581-5629, Email: [email protected]
- Nagoya International Center Services - Visit or call the NIC 3F for more information - 052-581-0100
★Free Personal Counseling 外国人こころの相談
★Free Civic Advisory Service for Foreign Residents 外国人市政相談
★Free Legal Consultations
★Information Counter 情報カウンター
Professional native English-speaking counselors are
available to provide support to foreign residents
who have difficulties with their lives in Japan.
■When: By appointment only
■Reservations: Call the NIC 3F Info Counter
(052-581-0100) for more information.
■When: Saturdays 10:00 - 12:30
■Reservations: To make an appointment, please
leave your name & phone number on the
answering machine at 052-581-6111. A counseling
support staff member will call you back at a later
date to schedule an appointment with you.
Information & advice for foreign residents on anything related to
government administration such as labour concerns, immigration, divorce,
& taxation.
■When: Japanese & English are available Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 12:00 & 13:00 - 17:00 (except national holidays). Reservations not
required. See our website for service times in other languages.
■Tel: 052-581-0100
Information service for foreign residents on daily life and sightseeing in
Japan available in 8 foreign languages including English, Chinese, Filipino,
French, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, and now Vietnamese. Japanese &
English is available Tuesday to Sunday (09:00 - 19:00). Reservations not
required. See our website for service times in other languages.
■Tel: 052-581-0100 ■E-mail [email protected]
★Free Counseling Service for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
- RHQ による難民定住者などの相談窓口
The Kobe-based Refugee Assistance Headquarters (RHQ) provides a counseling service for refugees, convention refugees, their family members, and
asylum seekers. Confidentiality is guaranteed.
■When: 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month (10:00 - 16:00); on the Wednesday before if the Thursday is a national holiday.
■Languages: English and Japanese only. ■Where: NIC 3F Info Counter
■For more information call RHQ at 078-361-1700 (website www.rhq.gr.jp/english)
Nagoya Calendar Delivered Free
Visit our website for useful advice, answers to FAQ, and things to to Your Group or Organization
do this winter in the Nagoya area ! www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/en
Get up to 15 issues of the Nagoya Calendar
magazine delivered free to your business or
You can also listen to our Out & About podcast → on our organization at the start of each month. Pass on
website or on iTunes
our free magazine to your members, staff, and
customers. It's full of event, sightseeing, and
lifeline information... and it's free!
For more information contact us at 052-581-0100
or e-mail / text us at [email protected].
Daily Living Information
TOICA - The Handy JR Pass トイカにつて
TOICA (トイカ) is the name JR Central’s rechargeable contactless smart card ticketing system. The name is the acronym of "TOkai Ic CArd". Using TOICA means that you don't
have to buy a ticket each time you travel - the ticket gate automatically calculates your fare! The cards can be repeatedly charged up and can also be used from in-station stores
and vending machines.
★Area エリアについて
TOICA is currently accepted on JR Central lines in the following area.
- on the To-kaido- Line, between Kannami (Shizuoka Pref.) and Sekigahara (Gifu Pref.)
- on the Chu-o- Line, between Nagoya and Nakatsugawa (Gifu Pref.)
- on the Kansai Line, between Nagoya and Yokkaichi (Mie Pref.)
- on the Taketoyo Line between O-bu and Taketoyo
- on the Iida Line between Toyohashi and Toyokawa
- on the Taita Line (Gifu Pref.) between Tajimi and Mino O-ta
- on the Takayama Line (Gifu Pref.) between Gifu and Mino O-ta
- on the Minobu Line (Shizuoka Pref.) between Fuji and Nish Fuji
- on the Gotenba Line (Shizuoka Pref.) between Numazu and Gotenba
Daily Living Information
Don’t Fall Victim to Petty Theft
ひったくり防止 -Statistics have been provided by the Aichi Prefectural Police.
In the first 6 months of 2010 there were on average over 100 reported cases of bag snatching each month. If a robber takes your bag
it does not automatically mean that they are just after your cash - the loss of cash cards, credit cards, driving licenses, cell phones, and
keys makes you vulnerable to identity theft, and break-ins, and will cause you a lot of cost & hassle to replace lost items.
 Over 70% of cases occurred in Nagoya City (approx 30% of Aichi's population).
 Over 90% of victims were women.
 Approximately 1 in 4 victims are in their 20's. Approximately 2 in 5 victims are over the age of 60.
 Approximately 1 in 3 thefts occur between 7 and 10pm, however recently the number of late morning thefts has increased.
 It may be no surprise to learn that nearly 4 out of 5 theft victims were on foot when the theft occurred. However 1 in 5 victims were on a bicycle, and
bags have also been stolen from passenger seats of vehicles waiting at traffic lights.
Nearly 90% of thieves approached unsuspecting victims from behind either on a motor-bike or scooter (67%), bicycle (16%), or on foot (15%).
★Theft Prevention
Refrain from wearing your bag on your shoulder facing the road.
Keep hold of your bag at all times
Use a shoulder-bag that has a strap you can wear across your chest.
Listen out for approaching bicycles and motor-bikes.
Occasionally look over your shoulder and walk with purpose.
Try and commute through areas that are well-used and well-lit.
Refrain from texting and talking on your mobile whilst walking.
Be especially vigilant after visiting a bank or ATM.
If using a bicycle cover your front basket with an anti-theft net
(see right). These are available from "home centers", cycle
shops, and large department stores such as Jusco and Apita.
★How to use ご利用方法
Simply touch the TOICA screen (see left) with your pass as you go through the ticket gates. The gate will beep once and let you through. You
can even leave the card in a pass case.
However, be aware that the gate won't let you through if you have more than one TOICA card in your pass case.
★How to Buy 自動改札機のご利用方法
A TOICA card costs 2000 Yen, 500 Yen of which is a refundable deposit - which can be claimed if you decide to return your card. Cards can be purchased from JR Ticket machines showing
the TOICA logo. On the menu screen press the ENGLISH button located in the top right corner then select the TOICA logo is the bottom left corner to take you to the main TOICA menu.
- Purchase a New IC Card
- Charge to IC Card
- Change to IC Commuter Pass
- Renew IC Commuter Pass
★If you are a victim ...
Shout! The robber may be come alarmed and flee, passersby will be alerted to the situation,
and someone may come and assist you and pursue the robber.
Contact the police. Call 110
- Call 110 as soon as possible - don't wait until later - the sooner you call the more chance
there is of the police apprehending the robbers and getting your possessions returned.
- Be prepared to describe the robber and the direction or their departure
At ticket machines displaying the TOICA logo, an ordinary commuter pass can easily be upgraded to a TOICA IC commuter pass; it is also possible to renew TOICA IC commuter passes at
these machines. The TOICA IC Commuter Pass (定期券 teiki-ken) is a TOICA card for use along a route between two designated stations. Even if you travel to or from station outside
of your designated zone, the automatic ticket gate calculates the additional fare needed and debits your card when you exit the ticket gate.
Child cards (for elementary school students) are also available. As a form of ID is required to issue these cards, they can only be purchased from a ticket counter. Child cards are valid until
March 31 of the year the child graduates from elementary school.
★How to Charge Up a Card チャージ
- Put your TOICA card into a JR ticket machine or fare adjustment machine displaying the TOICA logo, or TOICA charge machine (see right).
- Insert cash. Cards can be charged to a maximum of 20,000 Yen.
- Select the amount you want to put on the card and push the corresponding button.
★Usage History 履歴確認
- The TOICA charge machines and ticket machines displaying the TOICA logo also allow you
to display and print out your usage history and keep a track of your travel costs. However
for TOICA IC commuter passes, travel records are not displayed for travel made within the
card’s designated area.
★Shopping 電子マネー
A TOICA card can also be used in shops and convenience stores displaying the TOICA mark
(see left), as well as at kiosks and vending machines located within JR stations.
In shops simply show your TOICA card to the teller at the checkout and touch your card
onto the TOICA pad. For vending machines select your purchase then touch your card onto
the TOICA pad.
★Calling the Police
If you call 110 you will be connected to the Aichi Police HQ in Nagoya. The operator will ask the following questions.
Q: 何がありましたか Nani ga arimashita ka ‒ what happened?
A: Dorobo desu ‒ 泥棒です ‒ I was robbed.
いつ起こりましたか ‒ Sore wa itsu okorimashita ka ‒ when
Q: それは、
did it happen?
A: Say what time or how many minutes ago – go fun mae (5 minutes ago)
Q: その場所はどこですか ‒ Sono basho wa doko desu ka ‒ where did it
A: 1) Give a landmark – XYZ kosa-ten / XYZ koen / XYZ eki no chikaku desu ‒ near
XYZ junction / XYZ park / XYZ station
Q: 犯人はどうしましたか Hannin wa do-shimashitaka - Can you describe the
A: 1) Number of robber(s) - hannin wa hitori / futari / san nin desu - there was 1 / 2
/ 3 robber(s).
2) Appearance / clothes 3) Direction and means of departure - baiku de XXXXX
hōkō he nigeta - they fled on a motorbike in the direction of XXXX.
Q: 被害の状況は?Higai no jo-kyo- wa? - Are you injured? What was stolen?
A: Describe what was stolen - both bag and contents
氏名 Anata no jusho shimei - What is your name and
Q: あなたの住所、
A: Give your name and address, and an alternative contact number if you cell phone
was taken with your bag.
New Garbage Regulations for Nagoya City
The following 3 changes will come into effect from Friday, April 1:
1) Plastic buckets (ポリバケツ) made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) ポリエチレン and similar
items will now be collected as burnable refuse (previously non-burnable).
※However, anything showing the
mark will be collected with the plastic recyclables.
2)Unburnable refuse will be collected once a month (previously once-a-week). Collection days will
change for all areas.
3)Plastic recyclables will be collected from in front of each household / apartment (previously at
your neighbourhood recycle station). Collection days may also change for some areas.
All households in Nagoya will receive a new "refuse collection day schedule" 町名別収集日一覧
during March. Check your mail box. Find your area name (the first part of your address after the "Ku")
and read across to find your new refuse collection days.
Upcoming Highlights - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Upcoming Highlights - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
To-ka sai - The Peach Flower Festival 桃花祭
Marc Chagall Lithographies 所蔵企画 シャガール版画展
When: Sunday, April 3 (09:00 - 15:00)
Where: Masumida Jinja 真清田神社,Ichinomiya City
Access: An 8 minute walk north-east from JR Owari Ichinomiya Station
A selection of 94 colour lithograph prints from the Belarusian French artist Marc Chagall (1887-1985); one of the most successful
artists of the 20th century. Towards the end of his long career, Chagall created many colourful lithographs. The exhibition features
42 lithographs from the "Daphnis and Chloé" series (1961), 12 from the "Arabian Nights" series (1948), 10 from the "In the
Land of the Gods" series (1967), and 38 from the "Circus" series (1967).
This "Peach Flower Festival" is held from April 1 to 3 at Masumida Shrine in Ichinomiya City, Aichi Prefecture. It
celebrates the enshrinement of the saijin (deity of the shrine), Amenoho Akari no mikoto, which took place on the
third day of the third month of the lunar calendar. In ancient times, people conducted a purification ceremony using
peach branches on a riverbank. This festival's name is derived from the practice of garnishing the food offering
(shinsen) with peach blossoms.
The museum also has a permanent collection featuring European paintings after Impressionism as well as Japanese style and
Japanese-western style paintings from the Meiji Period. The collection includes works by Georges Rouault, Pablo Picasso, and
other notable European artists.
When: March 5 - April 17
Where: Menard Art Museum メナード美術館, Komaki City
Open: 10:00 – 17:00; closed Mondays (open 3/21, closed
Admission: Adults 800 Yen, students 600 Yen, children ages
6 – 12 300 Yen
Access: A 15 minute walk from (Meitetsu) Komaki Station 小
牧. Komaki Station is connected to the Kamiiida Subway Line.
English website: http://museum.menard.co.jp/english
The main festival on April 3:
10:00 - mounted archery is performed in front of the main gate.
10:30 - 14:30 - a procession (shinkō) leaves the shrine and proceeds to a temporary shrine. The procession is
led by armored men, followed by warrior guards and nearly twenty dashi uma (horses decorated with streamers
and ornaments).
The Adventure of Becoming an Artist: Van Gogh
没後120 年 ゴッホ展
This spring the Nagoya City Art Museum in Fushimi will be hosting an exhibition
dedicated to the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. On show
will be approximately 120 works on-loan from the collection at the Van Gogh
Museum in Amsterdam and the collection at the Kröller Müller Museum in
Works include over 60 oil paintings, prints, and drawings by the Dutch master,
as well as over 50 oil paintings, prints, and related materials by Anton Mauve,
Claude Monet, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Paul Gauguin, and Jean-Francois
Where: Nagoya City Art Museum 名古屋市美術館
When: Until Sunday, April 10
Open: 09:30 - 17:00 (until 20:00 on Fridays & Saturdays);closed March 22, and
closed on Mondays (except 3/21).
Admission: Adults 1500 Yen, students 1000 Yen, 600 Yen for 6 - 15s. 100 Yen
discount with a valid subway day pass / Donichi Eco Kippu. The admission price
also includes admission to the museum’s permanent collection.
Access: An 8 minute walk from Fushimi Subway Station, exit 5; located in
Shirakawa Koen
Image: The Sower (1888). Oil on canvas, 32 x 40 cm,
©Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (Vincent van Gogh Foundation)
Image (left):Daphnis and Chloe - "Dryas Discovers Chloé"
-1961 © ADAGP, Paris & SPDA, Tokyo, 2011, Chagall ®
★Ticket Giveaway!
The Nagoya International Center has 10 sets of pair tickets to give away for the Marc Chagall Lithographies exhibition.
You can enter our free draw via our website at www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/en/giveaway. The draw closes on March 21. Winners will be notified by e-mail.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade セントパトリックスデイ・パレード名古屋
Be sure to wear something green, and come along and join in the fun. With live Irish music, singers
and dancers, bagpipes, and perhaps a few leprechauns - St. Patrick’s Day comes to Nagoya!
When: Saturday, March 12 (from 12:00)
12:00 - Opening Ceremony (Osu Koen) with live Irish music and dance
14:00 - St. Patrick's Day Parade (Around Osu Arcade)
17:00 onwards - After Events at Shamrock, Hub and Shooters in Fushimi, and the Hubs in Sakae
and Nagoya Station. Depending on location, we will have Irish traditional music, folk music, bagpipes,
and traditional flute, so something to suit everyone! Live music is expected to start between 6-7 at
above locations.
Where: Osu Kannon Arcade 大須観音
Access: Osu Kannon Subway Station, exit 2.
INJ Nagoya Website: www.stpatricksnagoya.com
2011 Nagoya International Women’s Marathon 名古屋国際女子マラソン大会
Opening of the Sakuradori Line Extension 桜通線野並・徳重間開通
Japan has produced some of the world’s best female long distance marathon runners of recent times; boasting
3 of the 10 fastest marathon times in history and the current Olympic record. Expect to see fast times and some
of the current and future top athletes. Former Olympic Gold medalist and 2009 New York Marathon winner
Ethiopian Derartu Tulu finished 2nd in the 2010 race to Japan's Yuri Kanō. This is one of the big three domestic
marathons and the race will also be used as a selection race for the Japan national team for the upcoming 13th
World Championships in Athletics - which will be held in August in Daegu, South Korea.
When: Sunday, March 13 (from 12:15)
Where: Across Nagoya
Access: Mizuho Undojo Higashi or Mizuho Undojo Nishi Subway Stations.
Website: www.chunichi.co.jp/niwm
Route: Mizuho Athletic Ground (12:15), Imaike (13:01 - 25), Sakae (13:11 - 14:33), Nagoya Castle (half-way
point), Sakae (13:59 - 14:46), Imaike (14:13 - 15:09), Mizuho Athletic Ground (14:35 - 15:33).
*Heavy traffic delays are expected in and around Central Nagoya between 12:00 & 16:00.
Photo: Yuri Kanō wins the 2010 race. Courtesy of the Chunichi Shimbun
From Sunday, March 27, 4 new stations will open on the Sakura-dori Subway Line.
The new stations are:
Naruko Kita (Tenpaku Ward - located approx 1km east of Nonami on Tokai-dori.
Aioiyama (Midori Ward) - located next to the Daiei Naruko store approx 2km east of Nonami
on Tokai-dori.
Kamisawa (Midori Ward) - located next to the Seiyu Narumi store approx 3.3km south-east
of Nonami on Tokai-dori.
Tokushige (Midori Ward) - located on Tokai-dori near the Midori Ward Office (Tokushige
Branch) and the Apita Midori Store.
The journey from Nagoya Station to Tokushige will now take just 35 minutes.
Inuyama Castle Spring Festival 犬山祭
When: Saturday, April 2 & Sunday, April 3
Where: Inuyama City, Aichi
Access: Located near Meitetsu Inuyama Station; however the castle is best-reached
from Inuyama-yuen Station 犬山遊園.
Photo: Courtesy of Inuyama Tourist Association
From 18:00 to 21:30 traditional
festival floats are lit up and
pulled through the city’s cherry
blossomed streets. The festival
starts in front of Haritsuna Jinja,
located down the hill from
Inuyama Castle - Japan’s oldest.
The castle is open daily (09:00 to
17:00) , admission is 500 Yen for
adults and 100 Yen for children
under 15.
In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Nagoya City Science Museum Reopens in March! 名古屋市科学館新館の開館について
At a cost of around 16.8 billion Yen the new wing of the Nagoya City Science Museum will open on Saturday,
March 19. The highlight of the redevelopment is its new 35m diameter, state-of-the-art planetarium - the world's
largest! The new wing replaces the old Science & Technology and Astronomy buildings. It boasts a new observatory
with a 80cm diameter telescope, more exhibition space, barrier-free access, and new concepts.
■ Admission: Exhibitions & Planetarium admission is 800 Yen, exhibitions only 300 Yen; free entry for Junior
High School students and under.
■ Open: daily 09:30 to 17:00; closed on Mondays (except on holidays) & the 3rd Friday of each month.
■ Access: Located on the edge of Shirakawa Koen, a 5-minute walk from exit 5 of Fushimi Station.
★Life Science Building - New Permanent Exhibitions
5F - Secrets of Life - Learn about DNA and biotechnology
4F - Human Body - explore the huge 25-meters tall human body.
3F - Clothing, Food, and Housing - learn about the food, clothing, and housing we use in
our daily lives.
2F - Discovering the Earth - learn about phenomena that occur on the Earth and the
history of life.
★Astronomy Building
6F Planetarium - A starry sky very similar to the world’s is replicated in the world’s largest
planetarium dome. Specialized curators give a live explanation about a wide range of
astronomical topics every month.
- New Permanent Exhibitions
5F - Our Universe - learn about the cosmos and astronomy
4F - Science Stage - Daily science shows with fun experiments and explanations.
★Science & Technology Building
- New Permanent Exhibitions
6F - Frontiers of Science - learn the latest science on global warming, space exploration,
and the underground environment
5F - Matter and Energy - learn about atoms, molecules, energy, and materials
4F - Principles of Nature - explores the laws and theories of science
3F - Mechanics and Technology - discover the science behind manufacturing and
machines in our daily life
2F - Wonders of Science - interact and discover science - look, listen, touch, move
- New Large Exhibitions
2 & 3F - Exploring Water - learn about rain, snow, rivers, and oceans
3F & 4F - Tornado Lab
4F & 5F - Electrical Discharge Lab
5F - Deep Freeze Lab
See the Chunichi Dragons at The Nagoya Dome – 中日ドラゴンズ情報
The Chunichi Dragons play in the Japanese Professional Baseball’s Central League. The defending Central League champions play nearly all their home games at the Nagoya
Dome. The Dome is a 5 minute walk from Nagoya Dome-mae Yada Subway Station. The 144-game regular season runs from March 25 until September 25. The top 3 teams
in each league at the end of the season play-off to decide which team will represent each league in the best-of-seven Japan Series in October.
★Ticket Information
★Regular Season Schedule for March & April 2011
Tickets for the Hanshin and Giants ■Infield (S) 内野S – 5800 Yen ■March 25 (Fri) from 18:00 vs Hiroshima Toyo Carp
games are always sell outs and ■Infield (A) 内野A – 4800 Yen ■March 26 (Sat) from 18:00 vs Hiroshima Toyo Carp
you will need to buy advanced
■March 27 (Sun) from 15:00 vs Hiroshima Toyo Carp
■Infield (B) 内野B – 3800 Yen
tickets if you want to see one of
■April 1 (Fri) from 18:00 vs Yomiuri Giants
these games. Tickets for all games
■April 2 (Sat) from 18:00 vs Yomiuri Giants
- 2500 Yen / children 500 Yen are sold at Lawsons (using L-code
■April 3 (Sun) from 15:00 vs Yomiuri Giants
[44 + 3 figure date], and via ■Outfield (Upper Level B) パノラマ(外
■April 5 (Tues), April 6 (Wed), & April 7 (Thu) from 18:00 vs Tokyo Yakult Swallows
- 1500 Yen / children 500 Yen
P-code 591-090 at Circle K,
■April 15 (Fri) from 18:00 vs Hanshin Tigers
SunKus, & Ticket Pia. You can also ■Outfield (Support Section) ドラゴンズ
■April 16(Sat) from 18:00 vs Hanshin Tigers
外野応援 ‒1800 Yen / children 500 Yen
buy tickets on the day at the
■April 17 (Sun) from 15:00 vs Hanshin Tigers
Nagoya Dome Ticket Booths near ■Left outfield (Upper Level) レフト側外
■April 28 (Thu) from 18:00 vs Yokohama Baystars
Gates 1 & Gates 3 on the 2F walkway (open 10:00
野応援 – 1800 Yen / children 500 Yen
■April 29 (Fri) from 18:00 vs Hiroshima Toyo Carp
– end of 5th innings). If you really want to savour the
■April 30 (Sat) from 15:00 vs Hiroshima Toyo Carp
atmosphere, get a ticket in outfield seats.
■May 1 (Sun) from 15:00 vs Hiroshima Toyo Carp
☆Full 2011 fixture list – http://dragons.jp/ticket/sales/
Japanese Speech Contest for Foreign Students 留学生の主張 - 第2回日本語弁論大会
The Japan-China Culture Association is running a Japanese speech contest open to foreign students studying at colleges, universities, or Japanese language schools in Aichi, Gifu,
and Mie. There is a top prize of 50,000 Yen. The application deadline is March 31 and the top 20 entries will be asked to attend the final at Sugiyama Jogakuen University
(Hoshigaoka, Nagoya) on Sunday, May 15. Full details are on our website in easy-to-read Japanese - www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/en/e/archives/2910
Cherry Blossom Information 花見情報
Enjoy Japan’s fascination with cherry blossoms and take in some of the best hanami spots the area has to offer. In Nagoya the year on year average date for the first blossoms to appear
is March 28; March 30 in Gifu, April 1 in Tsu, and April 16 in Takayama. Many popular spots are lit-up until 21:00 or later.
Popular spots in and around Nagoya include:
The Gojo River in Iwakura, Okazaki Koen (8 minute walk from Meitetsu Okazaki Koen Mae Station) and a 2.8km stretch of the Yamazaki River
(Mizuho Undojo-nishi Subway Station, exit 2) are included in Japan’s Top 100 viewing spots. Other famous spots include, Nagoya Castle & Meijo
Koen (Shiyakusho Subway Station, exit 7), Tsuruma Park (Tsurumai Subway Station, exit 4), Shiroyama Koen in Owariasahi (a 10 minute walk
from Meitetsu Seto Line’s Asahi-mae Station), Arakogawa Koen in Minato Ward (near Arakogawa Koen Station), Heiwa Koen in Chikusa Ward,
Shonai Ryokuchi Koen in Nishi Ward (Shōnai Ryokuchi Koen Subway Station), Odaka Ryokuchi Koen in Midori Ward (Meitetsu Sakyoyama
Station), and Fujigaoka & the nearby Kanare River in Meito Ward (Fujigaoka Subway Station).
Maps and access information to all these places and more is available on our website at www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/en/hanami
March in Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change The Night of AdEaters 世界のCMフェスティバル
Created and produced since 1981 by Jean Marie Boursicot and produced in Japan since 1999, The Night of the AdEaters is a show that now runs in more that 40
countries worldwide dedicated to showing the production of advertising among 60 different nationalities on the Big Screen and in a crazy atmosphere! It's the
opportunity to fling open a window on the world and for 3 hours to get a taste of what Russian, Asian, African, and South American advertisers serve up. The show
has English and Japanese subtitles, but with advertising you don’t really need them as thirty second bursts of humour transcend linguistic and cultural differences!
When: Saturday, March 26 (16:30 - 19:00; doors open 16:00)
Where: Winc Aichi ウィンクあいち; located behind Midland Square - a 3 minute walk from JR Nagoya Station.
Admission: 3000 Yen (2500 in advance); advance tickets available with P-code 557-245 from Circle K, SunKus and Ticket Pia, or from Lawson with L-code 47544.
Flower Dome 2011 フラワードーム
Flowers and rare plants from all over the world will be on display with gardeners and florists from all over the World
competing in numerous prize events in Japan’s largest annual flower show. Flower pressing and flower arranging
classes (additional fee), gardening advice corner, and on-stage demonstrations from TV garden show presenters
(daily 11:00 - 11:40) and on-stage gardening class (13:20 - 14:00 - daily except 3/14). There is also a special Kids
Day program on Saturday, March 12 with stamp rally, quiz (12:10 - 12:50), and other family events.
When: Friday, March 11 - Monday, March 14 (09:30 –17:00)
Where: Nagoya Dome, Higashi Ward
Access: Nagoya Dome-mae Yada Subway Station
Admission: Adults 1800 Yen, ages 13 to 18 1200 Yen, under 13s free. Discounted advance tickets available with
P-code 987-1169 at Ticket Pia・Circle K・Sunkus, and at Lawson with L-code 47554.
Full details (in Japanese) at http://event.chunichi.co.jp/flowerdome/
On March 12 & 13 there is a free shuttle bus service between Nagoya Dome and the Tokugawa Art Museum. Show
a Flower Dome ticket stub and get 200 Yen off admission (100 Yen off for students & children) to the Hina Matsuri
Special Exhibition (see below).
Hina Matsuri Special Exhibition 尾張徳川家の雛まつり
The dolls displayed by the Tokugawa Art Museum are from the private collection of the Owari Tokugawa Family, one
of the most richest and powerful families in Japan’s history.
When: Until April 3 (10:00 - 17:00, last entry 16:30); closed on Mondays (or the next day if a national holiday)
Where: Tokugawa Art Museum 徳川美術館
Admission: Entry 1200 Yen, 1000 Yen for adults with a Subway Day Pass
Access: By Nagoya Kanko Route Bus - bus stop 8 from in front of JR Nagoya Station - in service between 09:30 &
15:30 runs at :00 & :30 past the hour on weekends; :30 only on weekdays
Website: www.tokugawa-art-museum.jp
ETJ-Aichi Workshop 英語教師のためのワークショップ
Presentation on Teaching Special Children by Cynthia Akazawa followed by discussion and announcements. English
Teachers in Japan - Aichi is a professional development and networking group for aspiring, new, or established
English teachers and school owners - join for free.
When: Sunday, March 20 (10:00-12:30)
Where: Chukyo University 中京大学 (Nagoya Campus), Center Building, 6F, Room 0604.
Access: A short walk from Yagoto Subway Station, exit 5. See etjaichi.kweto.com for photo-directions from the
Fee: 500 Yen, payable on the day. Pre-register on-line. Reserve seats no later than 2 days before the workshop date.
There is a 70-seat limit.
Kakuozan Spring Festival 覚王山春祭
When: Saturday, April 9 & Sunday, April 10 (10:00 - 18:00)
Where: On the main street from Kakuozan Subway Station leading up the hill to Nittaiji Temple. With an art market,
flea market, performance stage, and various international themed stalls, this event is always well attended.
Access: A 5 minute walk up the hill from exit 1 of Kakuozan Subway Station.
The Tagata Festival 田縣神社・豊年祭
The Ho-nen Matsuri is a well-known unique festival where
villagers carry on their shoulders a portable shrine which bears
a 2m-long phallus-shaped wooden sculpture made from
Japanese cypress. They offer this huge phallus to the shrine
praying for world peace, the growth of all things, and a good
harvest. If you are in Japan only for a short time, this is a festival
you should not miss.
When: Tuesday, March 15 (10:00 - 16:00; parade 14:00 15:30)
Where: Tagata Jinja, Komaki City
Access: A 5 minute walk from Tagata-jinja-mae Station 田県神
社前, on the Meitetsu Komaki Line; from Heian Dori Subway
Station take the Kami-iida Line bound for Inuyama.
The Ieyasu Parade 家康行列
This is the main event of Okazaki’s annual cherry blossom festival.
More than one thousand samurai warriors led by Japan’s most
prominent historical figure, Okazaki-born Tokugawa Ieyasu will
parade through the streets and perform a mock battle on the
banks of the river.
When: Sunday, April 10 (13:00 - 16:30)
Where: Okazaki City, Aichi
Access: A 10 minute walk from Meitetsu Okazaki Koen Mae
Station 岡崎公園前駅.
13:30 - 14:00 Iga Hachiman-gu Shrine 伊賀八幡宮
14:45 - 15:15 Meitetsu Higashi Okazaki Station 東岡崎
15:30 - 16:30 Otogawa riverbank
Tokugawaen Open Day 徳川園無料開園
The Tokugawa Lord, Mitsutomo Tokugawa, built the gardens and
house as a retirement home and relocated here from Ozone in
1695. To commemorate this event, the gardens have an annual
open day. A great chance to enjoy the gardens for free with
added entertainment provided by several street entertainers.
When: Saturday, March 19
Where: Tokugawaen, Higashi Ward
Admission: Free!
Access: Take the Nagoya Sightseeing Route Bus direct from in
front of JR Nagoya Station bus stop 8; - in service between 09:30
& 15:30; runs every 20 - 30 minutes on weekends, :30 only on
Free Guided Tour of Nagoya (in English) 定期に開催しているガイドツアー
The Aichi Goodwill Guides Network (AGGN) offer 5 free English-speaking tours of sightseeing spots around Nagoya. Guides are free, but entrance fees are
to be paid by participants. For further info & reservations contact the AGGN at [email protected] or 0561-75-6977 (Tel & Fax)
■Tours of Nagoya Castle: departs East Gate of Nagoya Castle every Saturday at 13:30. Entrance fee (500 Yen). No reservations needed.
Reservations are required at least 4 days before for the following tours:
■Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology: departs museum reception on Saturdays at 13:30. Entrance fee (500 Yen).
■Atsuta Jingu Shrine: departs Main (South) Gate of Atsuta Jingu on Saturdays at 13:30.
■Osu Shopping Arcade: depart West Gate of Osu-Kannon Temple on Saturdays at 12:50.
■Arimatsu, hometown of tie-dyeing: depart Ticket Gate of Arimatsu Station 有松 (Meitetsu Main Line) on Saturdays at 13:30. Entrance fee (450 Yen).
International Cross Culture Promotion Center
★Volunteer Japanese Lessons
In these lessons,
10 spots available until
March 15th.
Sign up NOW before you
miss your chance!
*Only Japanese will be used in the class
*You will be taught by professional Japanese Language Teachers.
*Levels range from“Basic Hiraganas”to “Advanced”
*All classes will be private one-on-one lessons
*An one-time fee of 2000 yen will include a three-time 90-minute lessons and the material fee
*Time will be scheduled to your convenience (Consultation required)
*The entrance fee for regular Japanese classes will be waived if you decide to continue afterward
「TEL」: 080-1559-9744
「E-MAIL」: [email protected]
「Classroom location」:
Nagoya Volunteer NPO Center.
Aichi NPO Exchange Plaza.
「This program is sponsored by the Aichi Morikorokikin Community Service Fund」
Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board
★ About Notice Submissions - This is a free service -
Cultural Learning Opportunities
You can submit and renew notices in person at the NIC Information Counter or via our website at www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/en/bulletinboard.
Submissions for commercial purposes & job hiring are not accepted. The NIC is not responsible for any problems that arise between parties placing notices
& their respondents, and NIC reserves the right to refuse or edit notices.
Japanese Language Classes
Meeting & Activities
“Aichi Nihongo no Kai” Japanese Conversation Class - Mondays 10:00 11:30 at the Aichi-Kankokujin-Kaikan 4F North Meeting Room - near Kamejima Station exit 3.
Introductory, beginner, & intermediate courses available. 2,600 Yen (in total for all 13 lessons).
Term: April 11, 2011 to July 11, 2011; no class May 2. Start any time. Call Keiko Murakoshi
090-9173-8136 or e-mail [email protected].
★ Current Affairs Discussion Group - Let’s talk about Current Affairs; local, national, international. E-mail:
[email protected]
“A-KA-SA-TA-NA” Japanese Conversation Class - Thursdays from 10:30
to 12:00 at the Aichi International Plaza; 2 blocks west of Shiyakusho Station exit 5.
Classes Jan 13 2011 to Mar 17 2011 2000 Yen for 10 lessons. Can join anytime.
Email: [email protected]. Call Miki Ishiguro 090-7688-8699 or Yumi Tanaka
★ String quartet - violinist looking for musicians to make a string quartet, gather every week or every two
weeks. Any level welcome. Please contact Ester at [email protected].
Iroha Nihongo-no-Kai offers Japanese lessons on Thursdays, 10:30-12:00 at the
Nagoya City Volunteer Information Center, Fushimi Life Plaza 12F. Located above the fire station,
opposite Shirakawa Park; exit #6 at Fushimi Subway Station. Current term: from January 13 to
March17, 2011 for 1500 Yen per term (total 10 lessons). Join anytime!
Call: Sionoya:09065951578, O’Brien 052-851-3436, Nakamura:0568-78-1804, or email
[email protected].
★ Benvindos ao Curso de Japonês - Japanese Classes for Portuguese, Spanish & English
Speakers. Tuesdays (18:00 - 20:00). Start anytime at the Nagoya International Center 5F. Level:
beginners to JLPT Level 1 for writing and conversation. Qualified bilingual Japanese graduated
teacher. Fee: 1000 yen for original texts and 3000 yen/four lessons/ month (Free Trial Lesson).
Contact: [email protected] (080-3646-1945)
★ Japanese Language School “KANOWA”. Everyday (10:00 - 21:00). All levels. 2000 Yen for 2
hours. Private lessons. Contact Ms. Sato at 080-3657-4425 or e-mail [email protected]
★ Japanese Language Classes - Japanese native helps you to speak and write in smooth
& natural Japanese. Since intructor is only able to communicate in Japanese & English,
applicants are required to at least able to communicate in intermediate English. Time: Saturdays
14:00-15:30. Venue: Near Nagoya Station, For further details contact Ito at 090-2922-2828 or
[email protected]
★Langue Japanese Language Classes - Saturdays 18:30 - 20:00 at Midori Lifelong
Learning Center. 10,000 Yen for 10 classes. 3 minutes from Meitetsu Narumi Station. Call
Sugiyama at 052-878-3424.
★ Kanji Class - Would you like to study Kanji? Is the culture of Japan understood through
Kanji? Open to those who can read hiragana and can speak conversational Japanese.
Thursdays 19:00 - 20:30 at Medical Information Center Aichi (Meieki-minami 2-11-43,
Nakamura Ward). 3000 Yen per month. Call Okihashi at 090-1724-3999 or 052-588-7040.
★“Kotoba-no-kai” - for non-native speakers of Japanese on Wednesdays & Fridays
(intermediate level and up) from 10:00-11:30 @ Nagoya Josei Kaikan; A 3-minute walk from
Higashi Betsuin Station. 1500 Yen for 15 classes. Call Ms. Izumi Hayashi at 052-937-8077.
★ MER Nihongo Club Japanese Class - Thursdays and Saturdays 18:30 to 20:30 at My
English Room in Shin Sakae (8 min from Sakae Station, exit 12); group lessons from Beginners
to Advanced. 1000 Yen per month, start anytime. Private lesson 1500 Yen per month. Call Akiko
090-3956-1022 or e-mail [email protected]. Map at www.myenglishroom.jp
★Nihongo Kyoshitsu Imaike - Regular 60-minute classes with qualified teachers are on
weekdays from 11:00 to 20:00 & Sundays from 11:00 to 17:00; 4 classes for 5000 Yen.
1 minute walk from Imaike Station, exit 1. For class times, & directions call 090-6610-1522 or
e-mail [email protected]
★ NIHONGO KYOUSHITSU - Japanese classes for AET's in Nagoya. 1000 Yen per month.
Upper beginners class Thursdays 17:30-19:00, beginners class Thursdays 19:00 - 20:30.
Location is Fushimi Life Plaza Building 12F. Contact Yamada Sensei cell: 080-3629-1873 /
home: 052-936-8485.
★ Ama Tsuhima Japanese Class - Study Japanese useful for your daily life. Every Saturday
(09:30 - 11:30) until October 30, 2010 at the Miwa Information Center (near Meitetsu Kida
Station) with a Japanese education expert. Tuition is free! Call Mrs. Mizuno at 0567-26-8582.
★ "Yuttari Club" (Japanese Conversation Group, Gokiso) - Sundays from 10:30 -12:00.
1000 yen per session. Free-speaking practice in a supportive environment. Our Japanese
native teachers will help you use YOUR Japanese. Reservations required.
E-mail [email protected] or download our flyer at http://home.comcast.net/~icc-azure
Other Services and Assistance Available for Foreigners
★ Nagoya International Alcoholics Anonymous - Think you have a problem with
alcohol? Call us @ 090-9938-0596. Meetings on Sundays at 19:00.
Private Professional English Counseling Service - able to hold individual, couple, & family
sessions privately & confidentially. Call Counselor Wallace at 052-362-8883. Fees negotiable.
★ Personal and Marriage Counseling - available by professional counselor who has lived
in Japan 20 years, free consultation, English or Japanese okay, confidentiality guaranteed,
contact Ms. Nielsen at 0562-95-0857.
★ General Union (Tokai Branch): We are a legally registered Japanese labour union open
to all nationalities and all occupations. We are continuing to improve working conditions and
protect workers’ rights. Visit our website at www.generalunion.org or e-mail is at
[email protected].
★ The English-Japanese Social Klub - is looking for new members interested in regular meetings, activities,
friendship, and fun. Interested? E-mail us at [email protected] for info. “’Klub’ with a ‘K’, ‘cause it’s cool
that way.”
★The Nagoya International Personal Computer Club - We are a group of computer users from many
nationalities who come together every 3rd Saturday of the month at Shooters Sports Bar in Fushimi to catch
up with the latest information on technology and social media. See www.nipcc.org for details and topics of
upcoming presentations. All levels welcome!
★ Nagoya Writes - We have monthly readings and occasional workshops. Fiction, essays, poetry, personal
narratives, are all welcome. Or, you can drop by and meet other writers. For information contact Albert at
[email protected] or Paul at [email protected] Website: http://nagoyawrites.wordpress.com
★ Nagoya Meet and Greet - A monthly lunch where 40+ women of various nationalities, interests, and ages
gather to meet, eat, and greet. Great for new arrivals and those seeking new friends. Children's play area
available. English is the language of communication. E-mail: [email protected]
★ The Nagoya International Club - founded to promote a vibrant foreign community in the Chubu and
Nagoya area, give people an opportunity to make friends, and introduce the Chubu region. Come have some fun!
Sports & Outdoor Clubs
★ Futsal in Nagoya - A friendly game of 6-a-side FUTSAL. Takes place in Nagoya on Sundays and Mondays.
Come and improve your soccer skills in time for the world cup! Email Chris at: [email protected]
★ Nagoya International Volleyball Club - A friendly, non-competitive, mixed game of volleyball for
foreigners and Japanese people living in Nagoya. Meet on Sundays twice a month. Open to men and women of
all levels. Get some exercise, have some fun and meet people of different nationalities. Find us on Facebook.
E-mail: [email protected]
★Chubu Hiking International Club (CHIC) is a Nagoya-based hiking club that welcomes guests & new
members who want to explore the mountains in the Chubu area. E-mail [email protected]. Website:
★ Australian Rules Football - The Nagoya Redbacks - Training every Sunday. Contact Ben at
[email protected] or Tel: 090-9903-0550 Website: www.nagoyaredbacks.com
★ Nagoya Dodgeball - a friendly game of Dodgeball every few Sundays followed by drinks in central Nagoya.
If you're interested e-mail [email protected], and always remember the five D's of Dodgeball: Dodge,
Duck, Dip, Dive and ... Dodge!
★ Free Judo Lesson for Beginners - at Associacao Calasans de Judo (ACJ). 5000 Yen per month. Free lesson
and uniform for beginners. Mondays & Fridays (20:00) at ACJ Dojo located near JR Kasadera Station. Saturdays
(18:30) at Aichi-ken Budokan. For more information call 090-2929-1360 or e-mail [email protected].
★Rock Climbing - Nagoya UK rock climber, bilingual, seeks fellow climbers for strenuous Sundays. Contact
Mitch, e mail [email protected]
★ Sunday Shonai Football / Soccer - friendly kick-about every Sunday from 13:30 behind the athletics track
at Shonai Ryokuchi Koen, a 5 minute walk from Shonai Ryokuchi Koen Subway Station, exit 2. They are on
Facebook under “Shonai FC”!
★Tokai Japan Canada Society Monthly Street Hockey - monthly street hockey practice on the 3rd Sat /
Sun in the street hockey rink under the expressway near Shirakawa Park. TJCS members free. Non-members 500
Yen. Equipment is provided. Details on www.tjcs.jp
Yoga class in English - This is an easy Hatha yoga class in English taught by a certified yoga instructor.
The class will meet one Sunday a month from 10:30-11:45 a.m. in Shin Sakae and there will be a 500 Yen fee to
cover room rental. Please email me at [email protected] for more information.
Family Groups
★ Association of Foreign Wives of Japanese: Chubu-Tokai - Offers friendship, support, & mutual help in
adapting to Japanese culture & society. E-mail: [email protected].
★ Baby Massage for foreign mama’s. Every 3rd Tuesday at Takaoka Jidokan. Call Masako Sanji at 090-48641657 or e-mail [email protected] ★ Chayagasaka Cooperative English Playgroup - for children 0 to 6 with at least one (English-speaking)
non-Japanese parent. Wednesday mornings near Chayagasaka station; 500yen per session. Games, songs, snacks
& crafts. Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/chayagasaka_playgroup/
Email Eleanor at
[email protected]
★ Foreign Mothers’ Group - Pregnant or just had a baby? Talk about your and share your experiences with
other parents & health professionals. Meet 10:00 -12:00 every 2nd Saturday of the month (exc Aug. & Dec.) at
the Nagoya City Women’s Center (exit 1, Higashi Betsuin Station). Website: www.tcp-ip.or.jp/~lorna/mothers. Call
Misako at 052-847-0243 or call Lorna at 090-2344-8978.
★ Breastfeeding class for expecting and new parents (times same as above)! Parents with older children and
those preparing for a second/third child are also very welcome. Contact Maria at [email protected]
★ Music Class in English - Do you and your kids like music? Join us and enjoy singing along to English songs.
For 0-3 year olds. Contact Kiyono [email protected] Tel: 090-8566-8678
★ English Family Group - Fostering bi-lingual & bi-cultural child-raising through socialization & academics.
Fun, parent led activities in English for children of elementary school age, from families with at least 1
non-Japanese parent or recent returnees. Children and parents need conversational English. Meets 2 Saturdays a
month in Nagoya. 500 Yen/month. Kawahara 052-836-0091
★ Nakamura English Playgroup meets each Saturday (except the 3rd Saturday of the month) from 10-12 at
the Nakamura Lifelong Learning Center. All foreign & bi-cultural families, returnees are welcome. \300 per child,
free the first time. E-mail [email protected]
★ Ever worn a kimono? No? Would you like to? Kimono & accessories provided! Fitting: 500 yen
each time. Lessons: 4 times a month 1,000 yen per month. 1 minute from Kamejima Station. Tel /fax:
★ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Services each Sunday near Gokiso Station, at
Kitayama-cho 3-41; tel. 052-732-5176. Sacrament Meeting at 10:00, followed by English Sunday
School; translation assistance available for other meetings. Friends & visitors always welcome. Call
Nagoya LDS Mission 052-773-0755.
★ Ikebana Communications - Enjoy your stay in Japan & make new friends in an inter-cultural
atmosphere by learning Ikebana from qualified and licensed teachers. At the Nagoya International
Center 5F every 2nd & 4th Sat 6pm to 8pm. Fee 1300 Yen per class (flowers & room rent). To join, call
Mrs. Keiko Mizutani 090-9946-2854.
★ Eternal Power Ministries - is a Christian based Ministry in Nagoya, specializing in teaching Biblical
teaching. Our goal is to provide biblical counseling to those in need of direction, Sunday morning
preaching from the Bible, and providing prayer for those in need. All Nationalities are welcome. Services
on Sundays at 11:00 A:M and are led by Dr Rev Willie Legree. Please email [email protected] for
directions and more information. Website: http://www.eternalpowerministries.org/
★ Ikebana Classes in Nisshin - Qualified and experienced teacher. Third Tuesday of the month
13:30 - 18:00. Stay as long as you want. Only 500 Yen. Flowers are extra. Contact Kakoyo at 0561-742338 or [email protected].
★ Faith Charismatic Church (FCC) - We meet every Sunday at Naka Ward Sports Center (3F Room
3) at 10:00. Call Pastor Rebson at 090-1727-8902, Bede at 080-5139-6777, or Sister Joan at
★ Do you swing dance? - Want to learn how? Nagoya Swings is an international group that holds
a workshop & dance party once a month in Fushimi. Come on out & dance with us. Beginners are
always welcome, and you never need a partner. More info: [email protected]
★ Djembe & Didgeridoo Lessons - Learn to play traditional African & Australian music with an
experienced musician in Nagoya. 1500 yen per lesson. Contact Fumi for more details at [email protected]
★ Enjoy French Conversation Salon in a friendly atmosphere. 4000 Yen per month. 3 minutes from
Kamejima Station. Contact Véronique for more details 090-2925-3421 or [email protected]
★ Enjoy Wearing And Feel Beautiful - Traditional Spanish and Latin American new clothes are
available to be worn by men and women. Take a photo and keep your best memory. We are near
Hirabari Station. Call Ms. Chozo 090-5036-1581
★ Hana-no-ki-kai - Ikebana & sado classes every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month 13:00 - 16:00 at Will
Aichi 4F, a 10 minute walk from Shiyakusho Station, exit 2. Classes planned for 12/7 & 12/18. Only
actual cost charged for materials. Reservations to Ms. Suzuki at 0562-93-5213 or Fax to 0562-93-5214.
★ Japanese Cooking Class, Ikebana & Tea Ceremony in English. Learn to use the different
sauces & spices common to traditional Japanese dishes. Flower arranging & tea ceremony lessons
available; private or group lessons OK. Call Hideko at 052-211-2586.
Learn to Play the Koto - a traditional Japanese stringed musical instrument. One-on-one
lessons by appointment. Lessons designed for female students. Trial lesson 1000 Yen. A 3-minute
walk from Kakuozan Station. Call Ms. Yamamoto at 090-1797-8744 (or [email protected]);
English is OK. Full details at http://web.me.com/a.koto/E.
★ Like dancing? Let's dance without memorizing steps. Latin music makes you feel healthy and
happy. No need to be a professional dancer, just feel the rhythm. Write an e-mail to
[email protected] (Carlos).
★ Let’s Enjoy Japanese Kimono - Calling all foreign women! Join us and try on a variety of kimonos
and learn about Japanese culture. Every second Saturday (13:00 - 15:00) at Atsuta Lifelong Learning
Center - located next the Shiratori Japanese Gardens - a 15 minute walk from Hibino Subway Station,
exit 1. Participation fee only 500 Yen. Call or fax to reserve your place 052-681-9414.
★ Piano Lessons - one-on-one piano lessons in English. 4 times a month 45min lessons. Contact Ms,
Noriko Kugimoto 090-6181-1274 or [email protected]
★ Pilates Lessons - one-on-one at Jingu NIshi in English using special pilates machines. Contact Maki
at [email protected]
★ Sahaj Marg Raja Yoga Meditation: A state of balance and peace is achieved through features
such as yogic transmission and cleaning. No fee to learn and continue and all are welcome. Contact
Sriram or Nithya at 090-9825-3105 or e-mail: [email protected]. Website: www.srcm.org.
★ Shodo - Learn traditional Japanese calligraphy with a professional teacher. Small group lessons for
beginners to advanced students. Saturdays 11:00 - 12:30 & 13:00 - 14:30. Cost: 1,000 Yen plus 1,500
Yen for materials. A 3-minute walk from Kamejima Station. E-mail Mr. Kikuyama at
[email protected]
★ Spanish & Latin American Cooking - Just buying ingredients altogether, we will spend a good
time eating after learning how to prepare: paella, tacos, cebiche, salads and desserts. Foreigners and
Japanese welcome. Call Nelly 080-3646-5207
★ Traditional Japanese Calligraphy & Flower Arrangement for Ladies with a certified
professional teacher. 2 hour long small group lessons for all levels; costs 1000 Yen plus 800 Yen for
flowers. Tues @ 19:00 Wed @13:00, Thur@10:00, & Sat @15:00. 5 mins walk from Kanayama Station.
Call Kazumi at 090-3300-1117 or e-mail [email protected].
Religious Services
★ Anglican / Episcopal Kani Mission - Mission station of the Anglican Chubu Diocese and the
Episcopal Diocese of North-Central Philippines. English service at 10:00 every Sunday in Kani-shi,
Gifu-ken. Stop at Shin-kani eki and walk 10 minutes towards Kani City Hall. Contact person: Rev.
Deacon Glenn B. Yamashita 090-9903-4079.
★ All Nations Fellowship - Come join a vibrant, warm, and welcoming community for our
English-based worship service at All Nations Fellowship every Sunday at 4 pm. ANF features the
preaching of Dr. Michael Oh and Dr. Joe Kim. Enjoy contemporary praise music with our excellent praise
band. Sunday school is available for ages 4-10. For more information and directions visit our website at
★ Nagoya International Baptist Church (NIBC), is located in the Tenpaku Ward. Service Times:
Sunday Service (English only) 2:30 PM (fellowship time following the service). Attendees from all over
the World! Ladies’Bible Study (English only) 1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month at 10 AM (please call
before coming). Website: www.nibc.japanforchrist.com - Calvary Baptist Church (CBC) is also located in the Tenpaku Ward. Service times: Sunday School
(Japanese) 10 AM; Morning Service (Japanese) 11 AM. Ladies’ Bible Study (Japanese) 1st Tuesday of
every month at 9:30 AM. Website: www.cbcnagoya.japanforchrist.com - For further information about CBC & NIBC, contact pastor Tim Melton (fluent in Japanese and English)
at 052-801-8064 or 08036505539.
★Gospel Bible Study - 19:00(Fri), 13:00(Sat)and13:00(Sun) for an hour. Contemporary gospel songs
and Bible study with profound, exciting and applicable to daily lives teachings. Why don't you join us if
you want to improve your life? 7-min walk from Nagoya St (Shinkansen). Call Mr Tan at 090-29222828 or e-mail to [email protected] http://wwjdhiroko.blog59.fc2.com/
★ Inter-Christian Fellowship is an evangelical fellowship that welcomes Filipinos and English
speaking people. Experience: warm fellowship, lively praise & worship songs, practical Tagalog & English
sermon and Bible story lessons for your Japanese speaking kids. Sunday School @ 10:00 am and
Worship service @ 11:00 am. For more information contact Ptr. Nino Solito @ 052-8759394 or
090-8540-8260 Website: www.icfnagoya.org
★ Islam Ahmadiyya Mosque - hosts Muslim Friday Prayer at 13:00 and is open for five prayers.
Offers study of the Holy Qu'ran, Arabic, and Urdu. Islamic library and cooking classes. Located in Meito
Ward at Kifune 2-1602. A 7 minute walk across Route 302 from the Meito Post Office. Website:
www.ahmadiyyat.jp Email: [email protected] Tel: 052-703-1868
★Mikokoro (Sacred Heart) International Catholic Center Nagoya - English Masses every
Saturday 18:00, Sunday 10:00 & 15:00; Novena, Wednesdays at 15:00. Confessions, baptisms,
marriages available. Tel: 052-971-0334. Near Hisaya-odori Station. Website: www.mikokoro.net ★Nagoya English Fellowship is an inter-denominational Evangelical Fellowship with services in
English & bilingual Sunday School for children. We meet at the Nishi Lifelong Learning Center above
Joshin Subway Station, exit 6. The service starts at 11 AM. Contact: Willie Gonzales at 052-523-1775,
090-2579-1007 more information at http://nefchurch.org.
★Nagoya Glorious Chapel - Christian protestant church committed to Bible teaching, discipleship &
evangelism through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ at www.yesngc.com Tel: 052-833-1092.
★ The Nagoya Indonesian Catholic Community hosts Indonesian mass once a month (4th
Sunday) in Johokubashi Catholic Church at 12.30pm, 8 minutes walk from Meijo Koen station exit 1.
Email: [email protected]
★ Nagoya International Christian Assembly near Gokiso and Fukiage Stations has Sunday
Services in English 08:30 to10:30 - singing, preaching, Bible study, & fellowship. 18:30 to 20:30 - praise
& worship. Filipino (Tagalog) Bible study Sundays at 16:00. Call pastors Gary & Carol Hall at 052-8355455. Website: www.nicachurch.org
★Nagoya Mosque - hosts Muslim Friday Prayers & is open for five-time prayers Khutba at 12:30 &
Prayer at 12:40. Halal meat & Islamic literature are also available. Honjin Station, exit 3. Call 052-4862380 Website: http://nagoyamosque.com
★Nagoya Port Mosque - Friday Prayer Khutba from 12:30. Open for five time prayers, every Saturday
special speech & dinner after Isha Prayer. Arabic lessons for children on Saturdays. On Route 23,
between Hojin & Juichiya traffic lights, next to the over head crossing; parking available for 10 cars,
except Fridays (11:30 - 14:00). A 15 minute walk from Inaei Aonami Line Station. Address: Nagoya,
Minato-Ku, Zennan-Cho 33-3. Tel: 090 3251 5381
Updated Nagoya Orthodox Church located near Kawana Station. Vespers on Saturday @ 17:30
& Holy Liturgy on Sundays @ 10:00. Nativity (Christmas) service 12/24 6-8pm Vigil. 12/25 9:30
am Holy Liturgy. Call Fr. George Matsushima @ 052-734-9000 or e-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.orthodox-jp.com/nagoya
★ Nagoya Seventh-Day Adventist Church: Imaike Minami 24-15, Chikusa-ku. Call Pastor Hiroyuki
Yoshida at 052-731-4605 for directions from Imaike Station.
★ Nagoya Union Church - share fellowship & worship in English with Christians from many
countries. Sunday worship at 16:00 at Kinjo Church near Takaoka Station, exit 2. Email:
[email protected] Website: www.nagoyaunionchurch.com
★ New Testament Church - is an inter-denominational Pentecostal Fellowship committed to
practical Bible teaching for daily lives and prayer through personal relationship with the Lord Jesus
Christ. Sunday worship service is at 10:30am. Venue: Near Nagoya Station. For further details call
052-482-0928 or e-mail: [email protected] You may also visit us at www.wa.commufa.jp/~ntc
★ His Call Church - Making Disciples Church As a Team - An independent Pentecostal church located
in Tenpaku Ward, Nagoya. Sunday Services from 14:00 at Nichiei Culture Hall - 1 minute walk from
Ueda Subway Station, exit 3. Website: www.hiscallchurch.com
e-mail: [email protected]
★ St. Matthew’s Anglican / Episcopal Church: English language service on the second Sunday of
every month @ 17:30. A 5 minute walk from exit 4 of Gokiso Subway Station. Go straight out of the
exit & turn right between Circle K and the police box. Inquiries: e-mail [email protected]
Website: www.nagoyaanglican.org
★ Meito Christ International Church - Interdenominational English services Sundays at 17:00
followed by fellowship. Open to all, friendly, casual, served by Protestant pastor. Children welcome. Five
minute walk from Fujigaoka. Map/info at www.meitochurch.org; contact Erin Sakakibara 090-33084148, [email protected] Toyohashi St Mary Magdalene Chapel, Traditional Anglican Episcopalian - services in
English every Sunday (11:00 & 18:00) April 3 - July 24 & Sep 25 to Dec 18. Take the Toyohashi city tram
to Shin Kawa, (2nd stop). Location: V.E.S., N.I Village Mansion 5F, just behind MUFJ Bank. Call Rev. Ivan
Cosby 0532-47-4614 or mail [email protected]
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