
英語表現 Ⅰ

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英語表現 Ⅰ
英語表現 Ⅰ
#41 Workshop5-2
We Can Make a Difference! 〈プレゼンテーション/原因と結果を示そう〉
でしょうか。英語で So, I would like to propose a
左から、KABA. ちゃん(ゲスト)
plan to ∼と言っていますので、後に続く部分を聞き取ってみましょう。また、その結果とし
て何をやめることができると言っているでしょう。As a result, they would surely stop ∼
ポイント Brain Storming アイデアを出し合おう!
今回、KABA. ちゃんとりさは「身近なところで起きている社会問題について英語でプレゼ
りとりも含めて、 完全版 でどうぞ。
What do young Japanese girls think about going on a diet?
According to one survey, as many as 80% of girls from elementary school to
high school have a desire to become slender.
※「やせている」ことを表す言葉は、slender や slim
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などが一般的です。thin は人に対して言うと失礼に
英語表現 Ⅰ
#41 Workshop5-2
Do you know how many of them actually go on a diet?
It is said that more than 30% of these girls have an experience of going on a diet.
Is there any problem?
Because many of them go on a crash diet, which is not eating enough, it is bad
for their health.
For example?
As it affects your metabolism, it will be more difficult to lose weight. In addition,
it may affect the quickness of your brain.
Some other problems?
Your skin might become all chapped and dry.
What is your opinion on this?
「このことについて、あなたの考えは?」 Since young girls these days are overdoing it, I would like to say to them not to
go on extreme diets and to stay healthy.
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英語表現 Ⅰ
#41 Workshop5-2
続いて、KABA. ちゃん自身の体験をふまえての発表です。
My topic is on How to Live My Life as I Want .
「私のトピックは、" 自分らしく生きること " についてです。」
How was your childhood?
In my childhood, many people told me to be like a man .
What did you do when you were told so?
「そう言われて、あなたはどうしましたか? 」
I didn t like boyish things so much. I liked cute clothes and things. As a result, it
led to bullying.
When was your turning point?
My turning point was when I went to the States to study dance. I met people
from different countries and cultures.
んな国や文化の人に会いました。 」
How did they influence you?
When I met them, I thought I should live true to myself.
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英語表現 Ⅰ
#41 Workshop5-2
Did anything change after you returned?
「帰国後、何か変わりましたか?」 After I made my debut in Japan, I came out of the closet.
What do you want to say to people around you?
Even though it is difficult to be true to myself, now I am living (my life) as I want
and living my life to the fullest.
ポイント オモシロ英語
今回は、少し 真面目バージョン で、環境に関係する英語表現を紹介します。
「酸性雨」は acid rain。Acid は「酸性の」「すっぱい」などの意味がありま
す。Fumes は「煙」という意味で、とくに悪臭があるものや有害な煙を指します。名詞は
fume ですが、使うときは通常、複数形の fumes になります。Carbon は「炭素」。Carbon
monoxide「一酸化炭素」や carbon dioxide「二酸化炭素」などはよく使われます。
「ゴミ」は英語で garbage「台所ゴミ、生ゴミ」、trash「ゴミ、がらくた、ク
ズ」などと言います。イギリスでは rubbish が使われますが、これはアメリカの garbage
と trash を合わせたような意味です。さらに「がれき」は debris。もとはフランス語になり
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英語表現 Ⅰ
#41 Workshop5-2
ポイント Give It a Try! さっそく使ってみよう!
りさと KABA. ちゃん、それぞれのプレゼンテーションを掲載します。日本語訳は、前のコー
Going on a Diet (ダイエットをすること)
According to one survey, as many as 80% of young girls from elementary
school to high school have a desire to become slender. It is said that more
than 30% of these girls have an experience of going on a diet. Because
many of them go on a crash diet, it is bad for their health. As it affects your
metabolism, it will be more difficult to lose weight. In addition, it may affect
the quickness of your brain. Since young girls these days are overdoing it, I
would like to say to them not to go on extreme diets and to stay healthy.
How to Live My Life as I Want (自分らしく生きるには?)
In my childhood, many people told me to be like a man , but I didn t like
boyish things so much. I liked cute clothes and things. As a result, it led to
bullying. My turning point was when I went to the States to study dance. I
met people from different countries and cultures. When I met them, I thought
I should live true to myself. After I made my debut in Japan, I came out of the
closet. Even though it is difficult to be true to myself, now I am living (my life)
as I want and living my life to the fullest.
As a result, they would surely stop this bad habit.
So, I would like to propose a plan to solve this problem.
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