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リビア情勢(2010 年 7 月)
Saturday, 31 July, 2010: A U.S. Senate hearing over the release of the Libyan spy, Abdel Basset
al-Megrahi scheduled for Thursday was postponed after "key witnesses" failed to appear before
the U.S. Congress. The hearing sought to question BP boss and other prominent English and
Scottish leaders over the reasons behind the release of Abdel Basset al-Megrahi. The U.S.
suspects that a petrol deal could have influenced the spy’s release. This affair, which comes in
the backdrop of the BP oil spill, has contributed to recent deteriorating relations between
London and Washington. The U.S. Senate plans to launch an investigation into the affair. Did
Oil giant BP put pressure on British authorities for the release of Abdel Basset al-Megrahi...
[Afrik News]
リビア・ユダヤ人社会のリーダー(ロンドン在住)が 1967 年に国外追放処分になって
から初めて、生まれ故郷のベンガジに 83 歳の年老いた母親と帰郷。
Saturday, 31 July, 2010: TRIPOLI — A Libyan Jewish community leader who visited his
birthplace for the first time since being forced to flee in 1967 said on Friday it felt like he was
living a dream. Raphael Luzon, who was driven out after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war and now
lives in London, visited his birthplace of Benghazi, 1,000 kilometres (600 miles) east of Tripoli,
with his sister and 83-year-old mother. "We visited Benghazi and met our loved ones amid tears
and great longing for friends we have never forgotten," Luzon told AFP. It felt like he was "in a
dream." Luzon, who also met several Libyan officials during the visit, said he regretted not
having had the chance to hold talks with the country's leader Moamer Kadhafi. Libya's Jewish
population, numbering tens of thousands, shrunk after the founding of the state of Israel in 1948.
Most of the estimated 7,000 remaining Jews were evacuated after the 1967 war following
anti-Jewish riots. [AFP]
リビアの原油の可採埋蔵量は新しい油田からの埋蔵量 6 億 1200 万バレルを加えて今年
前半に 460 億バレルとなった。Oea 紙が報じた。
Saturday, 31 July, 2010: TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya's proven crude oil reserves rose to 46
billion barrels in the first half of this year after adding 612 million barrels from new fields, local
daily Oea said on Friday, quoting the country's top oil official. OPEC member Libya has the
biggest crude oil reserves in Africa. "Libya's oil reserves will increase further in next months
because the exploration efforts in the first half accounted for 40 percent of the hydrocarbons
search programme for the year," Oea quoted Shokri Ghanem as saying. "We expect the
discovery of 20 additional oilfields this year," said Ghanem who is the chairman of Libya's
National Oil Corporation (NOC) and top energy official of his country which does not have an
oil minister. [Reuters]
ロッカビー事件の犯人釈放に関する調査を行なっている米国上院議員 Robert Menende
Friday, 30 July, 2010: The US senator, who is to chair a rescheduled congressional inquiry into
the Lockerbie bomber release, has said he may send investigators to Britain. In an interview for
the BBC's Newsnight programme, Senator Robert Menendez said he wanted to take up offers
from some witnesses to be questioned in the UK. Scots Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill and
former UK Justice Secretary Jack Straw refused to testify in the US. BP's outgoing chief
executive Tony Hayward also declined to appear. Mr Menendez has rescheduled the hearing for
September and issued fresh invitations to all potential witnesses. [BBC]
北朝鮮の外務省副大臣がリビアを 6 月 8 日~10 日で訪問。韓国の諜報員が逮捕されて
Friday, 30 July, 2010: A high-ranking North Korean official visited Libya from June 8 to 10, the
foreign ministry confirmed Thursday. Kim Young-joon, vice minister of North Korea’s foreign
ministry, paid a visit to the African nation around the time a South Korean intelligence agent
was arrested, questioned and ordered to leave Libya. Libya deported the South Korean agent,
whose name has not been made public due to the sensitive nature of his work, on June 15 for
allegedly spying on intelligence related to North Korea and the defense industry. Kim
Young-sun, spokesman of Seoul’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, declined to give
details on the nature of the North Korean official’s visit or who he met with during the three-day
trip. [Korea Times]
韓国諜報部員が 6 月 18 日にスパイ容疑で逮捕され国外追放処分を受けた件を受けて、
Friday, 30 July, 2010: A Korean legislator, who recently traveled to Libya to resolve espionage
allegations, said Wednesday the incident won't lead to severance of the two countries' relations,
according to Yonhap News Agency. Rep. Lee Sang-deuk of the ruling Grand National Party
who is an elder brother of President Lee Myung-bak, said he flew to Libya as a special
presidential envoy "for the sake of national interest." "I tried to convince the Libyan government
and clarify the situation," Lee said. "I got the sense that our bilateral relations wouldn't break."
On June 18, Libya deported an agent from the National Intelligence Service on charges of
spying on the country's leader, Muammar al-Qaddafi, and his family. After Seoul raised issue
with the expulsion, Libya shut down its economic cooperation bureau in Seoul, which had
served as a de facto embassy. Lee told Yonhap that "Prime Minister Al-Baghdadi Ali
al-Mahmudi came to see me on three occasions, without prior appointments," adding, “I told
him that (the agent) wasn't engaged in any spying activities." [Korea Times]
Thursday, 29 July, 2010: A South Korean agent who was deported from Libya in June on
spying charges was apparently accused of seeking information about the likely successor to
Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi -- an extremely sensitive subject in the North African
country. A South Korean diplomat on Wednesday said Qaddafi's second son is the most likely
successor, but there is talk that his fourth son is also emerging as a strong candidate. "To my
knowledge, our staff member tried to contact officials close to the fourth son and ended up
being misunderstood by Libyan authorities." Just like North Korea, Libya is highly likely to see
a hereditary transfer of power. The source said the agent who was deported was not fluent in
Arabic and gathered information with a South Korean interpreter who lives there. It appears the
Libyan authorities arrested a South Korean missionary and a farm owner in the process of
investigating the case, the source said. [Chosun]
・Wednesday, 28 July, 2010: A South Korean agent was deported from Libya for spying on June
18, a diplomatic source here said Tuesday. The National Intelligence Service official, identified
as Jun, had been held since earlier that month. Libya also arrested a South Korean missionary
and a farmer for assisting him, and withdrew three staff at its economic cooperation bureau in
Seoul, which serves as the de facto embassy. The government sent a negotiation team to Libya
on July 20, but it has made little progress. Tripoli is demanding an official apology and
assurances that this will not happen again, according to sources. "Jun was engaged in tasks like
collecting information about North Korea and the defense industry, but Libya says that was not
routine," the diplomatic source said. Press reports in the Middle East said Jun tried to find
information about the country's leader Mammar al-Qaddafi and his family. "This is a
misunderstanding on the part of Libyan authorities," the source said. [Chosun]
・Tuesday, 27 July, 2010: SEOUL, Jul 26 - Libya has suspended diplomatic operations in South
Korea, officials said Monday, amid reports of worsening relations over the arrest of a Christian
pastor and Seoul media coverage of Tripoli. The foreign ministry confirmed Libya has closed its
de facto embassy, an economic cooperation office, in Seoul and said Korean businessmen must
now travel to other countries to get visas. The ministry gave no reason for the move. "There has
been no formal notice that Libya will close its economic cooperation bureau here but we
understand that operations there are temporarily suspended," spokesman Kim Young-Sun told a
briefing. Seoul and Tripoli have built strong economic ties since establishing diplomatic
relations in 1980, with South Korean firms winning a series of massive civil engineering
contracts there. [Capital News]
・Sunday, 25 July, 2010: Two Koreans are detained in Libya for proselytization, which is illegal
in the Islam country, the local JoongAng Ilbo newspaper said on Saturday, citing a diplomatic
source. One of them, a Christian missionary, identified as Koh, has been detained since about a
month ago, while another, identified as Joo, was arrested last week, it said. The diplomatic
source said Koh was a well-known figure in the Korean community in Tripoli, the nation’s
capital. Joo, a businessman who owns a farm there, has been known to finance Koh’s
missionary work, it said. The news didn’t elaborate on whether and when the two will be
subject to judicial hearing for their reported violation of the local law. [Korea Times]
Eni SpA はリビアと天然ガス契約の再交渉を開始する予定。
Thursday, 29 July, 2010: ROME (Dow Jones)--Eni SpA (E) is about to start renegotiations of its
long-term natural gas contracts with Libya and will soon begin the same with Algeria, said
Chief Executive Paolo Scaroni Wednesday as spot prices of the fossil fuel remain low.
Renegotiation "windows" are allowing the Italian oil and gas company to take this step, said
Scaroni on a conference call to comment on the company's second-quarter results. Eni isn't only
renegotiating the price in these long-term contracts, but also the take-or-pay conditions, he said.
The Rome-based company earlier this year renegotiated its long-term gas contracts with
Russia's OAO Gazprom (GAZP.RS). The next renegotiation "window" with Gazprom is in
January 2012, said Scaroni. [Wall Street Journal]
リビアでは毎年約 2300 名が交通事故で死亡。死亡する原因のトップになっている。
Thursday, 29 July, 2010: Some 2,300 people in Libya die every year in road accide nts, making
it the top cause of mortality in the country, the managing director of the Department in charge of
road traffic in Libya, Tahar Al-Mahmoudi, said on W ednesday. He said the age bracket of
victims is 15-45 years. Al-Mahmoudi called for the setting up of a security institution on road
accident based on citizen's consciousness. [Afrique Jet]
水の浄化に関する専門家会議が 12 カ国からの参加者を集めてトリポリで開催。
Thursday, 29 July, 2010: Experts in water purification meet in Libya - Experts and specialists in
the field of water purificati on, representing 12 countries, began a workshop here Wednesday on
"the appropriate techniques for the purification of waste water in Libya", PANA reported from
the Libyan capital. During the workshop, participants are expected to find solutions to the
management and cleaning of the sewage treatment plants in the country. Opening the workshop,
the Libyan Popular General Secretary of Basic Infrastructure Services, Maatoug Mohamed
Maatoug, called for a maximum use of all water resources in the country, including waste water,
adding that Libya was ranked fifth of the poorest countries which do not have good water
purification in spite of the country's efforts to promote and preserve good water resources.
[Afrique Jet]
エミュレーツ航空はトリポリ便の乗客数が増加したことを明らかにし、8 月 1 日から輸
Thursday, 29 July, 2010: Dubai-based carrier Emirates has announced that it is increasing
capacity on its Tripoli route due to rising demand from passengers. From August 1, Emirates
will offer a total of 3,612 seats per week between Tripoli and Dubai representing an increase of
nine percent in passenger capacity. “Demand for our services to Libya has been steadily
building so the addition of the A340-500 will not only increase capacity but will also enhance
the customer experience when travelling on this route,” said Haitham Al Battawy, Emirates
manager Libya. [Arabian Business]
Wednesday, 28 July, 2010: KAMPALA, July 27 (Reuters) - Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi
said on Tuesday his dream of a United States of Africa was still alive and this week's African
Union summit was another step towards that objective. Gaddafi has been pushing for an African
unity government for years, saying it is the only way Africa can develop without Western
interference, but many African states say the idea is impractical and would encroach on their
sovereignty. Like previous African summits, this week's gathering in the Ugandan capital
Kampala discussed steps towards creating an African government, but the issue was
overshadowed by chaos in Somalia and an international arrest warrant for Sudan's president. "I
am satisfied that Africa is going along its historic and right road," Gaddafi told a small group of
reporters in Kampala at the end of the summit. "One day it will become similar to the United
States of America." [Reuters]
Saturday, 24 July, 2010: NDJAMENA — Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi put 90 billion dollars
at the disposal of Africa during summit talks on creating a "United States of Africa", Senegal's
President Abdoulaye Wade said Friday. "We were having a discussion to define a common
stance on progress to a United States of Africa," Wade said during the lunch break at the
meeting. "We raised the economic issue and particularly the projects to be achieved in African
countries. To do this, Mr Kadhafi put 90 billion dollars (70.1 billion euros) at the disposal of
Africa," he said. "Now, it's a question of defining the mechanism by which we should use this
money. I propose a fund in partnership with the private sector," Wade said on the sidelines of
the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD) summit. [AFP]
ロシア国営の兵器輸出企業 Rosoboronexport はリビアが武器輸出の有望な輸出先である
Wednesday, 28 July, 2010: Russia holds a strong position on Libya's weapons market, a
department head for Russia's state-controlled arms exporter Rosoboronexport said. Sergei
Kornyev, the department head of Russia's Air Force special equipment and services, made the
announcement after the Farnsborough Air Show outside London ended on Sunday. "We confirm
the signing of contracts of delivery for six training Yak-130 fighters and Mi helicopters to
Libya," Kornyev said, adding: "We are looking at this market with optimism and are not
planning on giving up our strong positions [on it]." Russia's Irkut signed through
Rosoboronexport a contract for the delivery of six Yak-130s to Libya. Under the contract, the
first two fighters will be delivered in 2011, and the remaining four in 2012. [Rian]
リビアの通信会社 LAP Green Network はセルビアの Telekom Srbija の株式取得に興味を
示している。LAP Green Network はアフリカ大陸6カ国で事業を行っているが、今回の
Wednesday, 28 July, 2010: Libyan company LAP Green Network announced it was interested
in purchasing a majority stake in Serbia's landline operator Telekom Srbija , IntelliNews
reported. The company's CEO Abdulbaset Elazzabi met with Serbian PM Mirko Cvetkovic to
discuss the potential acquisition of the telecom. LAP Green Network is a provider of total
communication solutions, operating in six African countries and the acquisition of Telekom
Srbija would be the company's first investment outside Africa. LAP Green Network is part of
Libya - Africa Investment Portfolio (LAP) that was incorporated in 2006 as a Libyan foreign
investment vehicle primarily focusing on contributing to the development of African countries.
According to earlier reports, Germany's Deutsche Telekom , Egypt's Orascom Telekom, China
Telecom, the United Arab Emirates-based Etisalat, Turkey's Turk Telekom , and Spain's
Telefonica have all expressed interest in the Serbian telecom. [Balkans]
Wednesday, 28 July, 2010: ROME, July 26 (KUNA) -- Italy voiced concern Monday over
British Petroleum's (BP) off-shore drilling in the Gulf of Sirt, Libya, calling for the involvement
of the Union of the Mediterranean to avoid an environmental disaster like the one in the Gulf of
Mexico in the US. BP's drilling in the Libyan territorial waters "is an issue that clearly concerns
the entire Meditarranean basin," foreign minister Franco Frattini was quoted by the Italian TV
channels from Brussels where he was taking part in a meeting of the EU's foreign ministers. He
called for involvement of the Union of the Mediterranean in this issue. Frattini said there should
be "guarantees over the use of safe technology." The BP drilling should not be restricted to an
issue of "bilateral relations," said Frattini because it concerns Libya as well as Malta, Tunisia
and all other countries overlooking the Mediterranean. [Kuna]
Saturday, 24 July, 2010: BP will start deep-water drilling off the coast of Libya within weeks in
spite of concerns about the UK group’s environmental and safety record after the Gulf of
Mexico oil spill disaster. The move comes as BP faces increased scrutiny over its acquisition of
rights to a big oil and gas field off the African coast three years ago, a subject that
overshadowed the visit of David Cameron, UK prime minister, to Washington this week. BP oil
well near LibyaAt 1,700 metres below sea-level in Libya’s Gulf of Sirte, the well will be 200
metres deeper than the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico which triggered the worst US
offshore oil spill disaster when the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, killing 11
people. “Drilling will start within a few weeks,” BP confirmed. [Financial Times]
シリアの Mohammed al-Hussein 財務大臣は第1回シリア・リビア投資フォーラムの冒頭
Monday, 26 July, 2010: Syria (Damascus) – Syrian Minister of Finance Mohammed al-Hussein
said on Sunday the 1st Syrian-Libyan Investment Forum represents the beginning of a series of
economic activities and efforts by both countries to activate the role of private sector in
investment and trade exchange. Speaking at the opening of the forum titled "Investment, Way of
Development & Integration", al-Hussein stressed the Syrian government's readiness to eliminate
custom tariffs on Libyan goods and facilitate their flow into Syria. The Minister called upon the
Syrian state companies working in Libya to study Libya's investment atmosphere and make
joint investments that will benefit both countries. He underscored the importance of signing
agreements on bank transfers, customs and transport, calling for using Libya's geographical
location as a gate for Syria to Africa and Syria's position as a gate for Libyan businessmen to
Asia. [Global Arab Network]
上)を受けていたことを The Daily Telegraph がすっぱ抜いた。この企業はイラクのアブ・
グレイブ刑務所を建設した中東でも有名な企業で、PLO とも関係が深いといわれている。
Sunday, 25 July, 2010: The Conservative Party has received a six-figure donation from a
company owned by Palestinian millionaires who were developing Libya’s vast offshore oilfields,
The Daily Telegraph can disclose. The business figures, who were well-known in the Middle
East, built the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq and reportedly had close links with the Palestine
Liberation Organisation. They previously hired senior Labour figures as “consultants” but
began donating money to the Conservatives shortly before the election. The money was donated
by a small British firm owned by one of their Middle Eastern holding companies. During his
first official visit to America this week, David Cameron was under intense pressure over BP’s
oil contracts in Libya and the possible link to the release of the Lockerbie bomber. The Prime
Minister has refused to criticise the oil giant – or call for a suspension of its drilling in Libya –
to the irritation of some senior American politicians. [The Telegraph]
フランスの Dassault Aviation 社はリビアとの間で Rafale 戦闘機 14 機を売り込む交渉を
行っている。8 月 11 日までに成立させる見込み。フランスの経済誌 La Tribune が報じ
Saturday, 24 July, 2010: PARIS (Reuters) - French defence company Dassault Aviation is in
talks with Libya over the sale of 14 Rafale fighter jets, in a deal that could be concluded before
August 11, French business daily La Tribune said on Friday. A Dassault Aviation spokesman
could not immediately be reached to comment on the report. The Rafale multirole combat
aircraft is a flagship programme for the French defence industry but has had problems attracting
export buyers. French defence companies Dassault Aviation and Thales and European group
MBDA have been in Tripoli for two weeks to negotiate big arms contracts, the paper said, citing
a number of sources. [Reuters]
経済危機に直面しているギリシャは 10 月にリビアと大臣級の会合を開催。リビアとの
Friday, 23 July, 2010: ATHENS: Greece, struggling to beat recession and slash huge debts, will
hold ministerial meetings with Libya in October to explore investment and trade accords, the
Greek foreign ministry said on Thursday. “Tripoli wishes and seeks the participation of Greek
businesses in the Libyan economy through cooperation in the fields of industry, manufacture
and agricultural products,” deputy foreign minister Spyros Kouvelis said. Kouvelis, who
completed an official visit to Libya at the head of a large business delegation, added that the two
countries would also work together on archaeology, tourism and on building an undersea
telecommunications cable. “Greek expertise has been sought on excavation issues and the
restoration of old cities,” the ministry said. Talks were also held on energy cooperation with
possible exports of Libyan liquid and compressed natural gas, and an undersea electricity link, it
said. [The News]
Friday, 23 July, 2010: Scottish ministers have declined a request to attend a U.S. Senate hearing
into the circumstances surrounding the release of the Lockerbie bomber, a spokesman for the
Scottish government said Thursday. BP PLC said that CEO Tony Hayward was also asked to
attend the hearing but had not made a decision about the invitation. The Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations wrote to the Scottish administration inviting Justice Secretary Kenny
MacAskill and the Scottish Prison Service's medical chief, Andrew Fraser, to attend the hearing
in Washington on July 29. Sen. Robert Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, wrote to First
Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond, saying that the invitation was to help the senators better
understand why Scotland decided to free Lockerbie bomber Abdel Baset al-Megrahi from jail
last year and send him home to Libya. [Town Hall]
た。総工費 12 億 4000 万ドル。
Wednesday, 21 July, 2010: SEOUL July 20 (Reuters) - Hyundai Engineering and Construction
Co Ltd (000720.KS: Quote) said on Tuesday it had won a 1.5 trillion won ($1.24 billion) order
to build a power plant in Libya. Hyundai Engineering said in a filing to the Korea Exchange it
had won the contract from the government of Libya. ($1=1213.8 Won) [Reuters]
南アフリカのズマ大統領が 20 日日帰りでカダフィ大佐を訪問。アフリカ連合への更な
Wednesday, 21 July, 2010: Johannesburg — PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma yesterday paid a
one-day visit to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. The visit was an attempt by SA to garner
continent-wide support to strengthen multilateral institutions such as the African Union (AU).
Presidential spokesman Zizi Kodwa said yesterday no agreement would be signed. "This visit is
more concerned about strengthening the organs of the AU and how to speed up the process of
regional integration," Mr Kodwa said. International Relations and Co-operation Minister Maite
Nkoana-Mashabane accompanied Mr Zuma on the visit. SA exports foods, including nuts and
vegetables, and manufactured goods to Libya. Mr Gaddafi has been one of the key proponents
of a United States of Africa modelled along the lines of the US. During a meeting of African
ministers at the AU's headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in February, Libya again called for
efforts to be stepped up to make a United States of Africa a reality. [Business Day]
Tuesday, 20 July, 2010: (Reuters) - The British government said it had no plans to re-examine a
prisoner transfer agreement with Libya after oil company BP confirmed it had lobbied its
predecessor on the issue. U.S. politicians angry with BP over a huge oil spill in the Gulf of
Mexico want to know if the company played a role in securing the release of a Libyan convicted
of the 1988 bombing of a U.S. airliner over the Scottish town of Lockerbie. Scottish authorities,
who have broad legal powers, released Libyan intelligence officer Abdel Basset al-Megrahi last
year because they believed he had only three months to live. Megrahi is still alive and living in
Tripoli. "To be absolutely clear, the release of Megrahi was a decision based upon
compassionate grounds and was unrelated to discussions with Libya regarding prisoner
transfers.." [Reuters]
・Thursday, 22 July, 2010: There was much talk of the special relationship between the UK and
the US this week; both David Cameron, UK prime minister, and Barack Obama, the US
president, kept mentioning it at the White House. But the more intriguing relationship is that
between BP and Libya. There is no evidence that the oil company directly lobbied the British
government for the release of Abdel Basset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber, but it admits to
backing a prisoner transfer deal with Libya in 2007. Two years later, Mr Megrahi was home and
BP had its offshore drilling rights. Crude oil indeed. Even if Mr Megrahi had been released in a
direct quid pro quo for BP obtaining the contract, rather than on dubious health grounds, no law
would have been broken. Had BP bribed Libyan officials with hard cash, it would have been in
trouble under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, but commercial realpolitik is not illegal.
[Finantial Times]
・Friday, 23 July, 2010: BP faced a new outcry Thursday about whether the Scottish and British
governments sought to smooth BP's oil exploration contract talks with Libya by releasing
prisoners, including the man convicted of bombing the Pan Am plane that went down over
Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988. The bombing killed 270 people, including 189 Americans. With
the approach of the first anniversary of the Lockerbie bomber's release from a Scottish prison,
several factors are feeding the new uproar, including new assertions by BP and the British
government. U.S. senators from New York and New Jersey urged the company to shelve plans
to drill offshore from Libya and called on the British government to demand the return of the
Lockerbie bomber. "Both the British and United States have vowed to fight a war on terror, and
if one of the worst terrorists in history, responsible for more deaths than all but a handful of
people, can be released for a few coins, or pounds, what does it say to other terrorists?" said Sen.
Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.). " 'Commit this kind of act and we'll take care of you, too.' "
[Washington Post]
・Friday, 23 July, 2010: New York (CNN) -- The eruption of new controversy over the release
last August of a Libyan man convicted in the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie,
Scotland, is a "media firestorm" that threatens to distract Washington from more pressing issues,
says analyst Fareed Zakaria. Controversy over the move cast a shadow over British Prime
Minister David Cameron's visit this week and was a topic at the press conference Cameron and
President Obama held. Zakaria told CNN there are still legitimate questions to be explored on
the release of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi, including the role of BP in lobbying the
British government for the resolution of issues with Libya. The Libyan, who was reported to be
suffering from prostate cancer, is still alive even though he was released on compassionate
grounds because he reportedly only had three months to live. [CNN]
イスラエルの Avigdor Lieberman 外相はエジプトの諜報機関幹部に対して、リビアの救
Sunday, 18 July, 2010: Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman spoke to Egypt's intelligence chief
on Thursday, thanking him for Cairo's cooperation in preventing the Libya-sponsored aid ship
from breaking the Gaza blockade. Speaking with the director General Intelligence Services,
Minister Omar Suleiman, Lieberman said that the between the two countries led to positive
results and that the situation was resolved without necessitating the use of force and without any
injuries. Lieberman also updated Suleiman on Israel's new policy regarding Gaza, and the two
agreed to meet during Suleiman's next visit to Israel, when Lieberman will present him with
new information. The phone conversation between the two top officials came as the
London-based A-Sharq al-Awsat reported that a deal had been struck between Israeli and
Egyptian officials, enabling the ship to change course and dock peacefully at an Egyptian port.
第 6 回通信展示会が来週トリポリの国際見本展示場で開催。
Sunday, 18 July, 2010: Sixth annual telecoms trade show to hold in Libya next Wednesday The sixth edition of the annual telecommunications and information technologies trade show,
tagged "Taqnya", will take place next week at the Tripoli International Fair under the auspices
of the Libyan General Office of telecommunications. According to organizers, the event,
running from Wednesday to Saturday, will bring together 60 local and International business
figures, including companies operating in the mobile and landline telephone sectors. In recent
years, the telecommunications sector in Libya has experienced a rapid development, notably
with the promotion of the mobile telephony. The mobile operators, Libyana and Al-Madar
al-Jadid, have, by 2009, a total of 9.5 million subscribers in addition to the 417,000 subscribers
who access Internet services in the country. [Afrique Jet]
Sunday, 25 July, 2010: The sixth annual edition of Telecommunication and Information
Technologies Exhibition, TAQNYA, in Tripoli has registered success and the official organizer,
the Libyan General Telecommunication Authority, has seen this year more expansion in the
sector. The exhibition was organized by TAQNYA under the auspices of The General
Telecommunication Authority of Libya. The opening ceremony of the four-day exhibition took
place on Tuesday 20 July and was headed by Dr. Mohammed Muammar Gaddafi, the Secretary
of the General Telecommunication Authority. The main goal of the exhibition is to create a
yearly meeting point for the ICT community, also to provide the services and equipment
providers an opportunity to meet their targeted clients. [Tripoli Post]
リビアの石油関係者はロッカビー事件の犯人釈放と BP のリビアでの石油権益取得の関
Sunday, 18 July, 2010: (CNN) -- A top Libyan oil official on Friday denied allegations of an
agreement to free the Lockerbie bomber in exchange for bolstered BP commercial interests in
the country. Britain and Libya had sparred over whether Abdelbeset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi
should be included in a prisoner transfer agreement the two nations were negotiating. Under the
agreement, Libyan prisoners in Britain would be transferred to Libya to serve out their
sentences. British officials and BP said the oil company's interests -- mainly, seeking a huge
deal to drill for oil in Libya -- were a consideration in those talks. In the end, al Megrahi was
included in the transfer agreement, but he was never transferred to a Libyan jail. Instead, he was
freed on what officials in Scotland said were humanitarian grounds separate from the agreement.
・Wednesday, 21 July, 2010: July 20 (Reuters) - Last year's release of a Libyan convicted of the
Lockerbie bombing and what role BP Plc had in his case cast a shadow on British Prime
Minister David Cameron's talks with President Barack Obama on Tuesday. BP (BP.L) (BP.N)
has drawn close scrutiny from U.S. politicians, angry over oil pollution in the Gulf of Mexico
following the explosion and leak at one of the company's offshore wells. Below are some
questions and answers about the case. WHO IS ABDEL BASSET AL-MEGRAHI? Libyan
intelligence officer Abdel Basset al-Megrahi was the only person convicted of the Dec. 21, 1988
mid-air bombing of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, which killed 270 people, most
of them Americans. Megrahi was found to have played a "prominent part in planning and in
perpetrating" the bombing of the London to New York flight and was convicted of the murder
of the 259 people aboard and 11 people on the ground killed by falling debris. [Reuters]
Sunday, 18 July, 2010: FOREIGN Secretary William Hague is to hold talks with US senators in
a bid to dampen claims in Washington that the release of the Lockerbie bomber was linked to
oil deals with Libya. The US state department confirmed yesterday that Hague will speak
directly with senators on Capitol Hill in the hope of defusing the row over the affair. The move
comes after four senators announced last week they wanted a full investigation into allegations
that Megrahi's release had been a factor in a lucrative deal to allow BP to begin drilling for oil
off the Libyan coast. Their hearing has been called for 29 July and senators are set to make clear
this week who they want to call for evidence. Along with BP executives and State Department
officials, UK and Scottish ministers including Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill and former
Justice Secretary Jack Straw could be among those asked to attend. [The Scotsman]
Saturday, 17 July, 2010: The end of Qadhafi's rule is not in sight, but when it comes, Libya's
government will likely endure. Muammar al-Qadhafi, 67, has led Libya since 1969, making him
the longest-serving current national leader in the Arab world and in Africa. He is the architect of
Libya's eccentric political system, and is unchallenged in his control of the country. He appears
to be in good health, and lives safely, so it is likely that he can continue to lead Libya for some
time--perhaps 10 years or more. Nonetheless, it is always possible that a sudden deterioration in
health or his death could occur. As the likelihood of this grows, so too will speculation about the
outlook for Libya after Qadhafi. [Forbes]
●Nigel Sheinwald 駐米英国大使は、昨年のロッカビー事件犯人の釈放とBPの権益取得
Saturday, 17 July, 2010: July 16 (Bloomberg) -- British Ambassador to the U.S. Nigel
Sheinwald rejected suggestions that the release last year of Lockerbie bomber Abdel Basset
Al-Megrahi and BP Plc’s commercial interests were linked. The Senate Foreign Relations
Committee said yesterday it will hold a hearing on July 29 into the circumstances of AlMegrahi’s release to Libya. Senator Robert Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat, said the panel
will ask officials from London- based BP, Europe’s second-biggest energy company by market
value, to testify. Sheinwald wrote yesterday to complain before Prime Minister David
Cameron’s scheduled meeting in Washington with President Barack Obama next week. The row
over Libya follows Obama’s criticism of BP over the Gulf of Mexico oil leak. “I am troubled by
the claims made in the press that Megrahi was released because of an oil deal involving BP, and
that the medical evidence supporting his release was paid for by the Libyan government,”
Sheinwald wrote in a letter to Senator John Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat and chairman of
the Foreign Relations Committee. He said these were “inaccuracies” that were “harmful to the
U.K.” [Businessweek]
Saturday, 17 July, 2010: The growing controversy over BP's role in the decision to release the
Lockerbie bomber is threatening to overshadow David Cameron's first visit to Washington as
Prime Minister. US President Barack Obama is expected to raise the issue when they meet at the
White House on Tuesday. It comes just days after a powerful senate committee announced it
wants to question BP executives at a hearing into the affair in 10 days' time. Mr Cameron is set
to reiterate that BP's Libyan oil contracts were not behind the release of Abdulbaset al-Megrahi
by the Scottish government on compassionate grounds. A British diplomat said: "I am sure the
fact that senators have said they want a hearing means they will touch upon it." Senior BP
executives are to be called to Washington later this month to appear before a senate committee
scrutinising any role the oil giant played in the controversial release of the former Libyan spy.
[The Telegraph]
・Sunday, 18 July, 2010: The Senate Foreign Relations Committee says it will probe the role BP
played in freeing convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi. Megrahi, the only person
who has been convicted of the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing that killed 270 people in 1988, was
released last August from a Scottish prison. It has since come to light that BP may have lobbied
for his release in order to secure a $900 million deal to drill in the Gulf of Sidra. BP has
admitted that it lobbied the British government in late 2007 on a prisoner transfer agreement.
"BP told the UK government that we were concerned about the slow progress that was being
made in concluding a Prisoner Transfer Agreement with Libya," the company said in a
statement yesterday. "We were aware that this could have a negative impact on UK commercial
interests, including the ratification by the Libyan government of BP's exploration agreement."
The oil giant says it was not involved in discussions about Megrahi specifically, however.
[Mother Jones]
・Saturday, 17 July, 2010: July 15 (Reuters) - BP Plc (BP.L: Quote) is soon to start deepwater
drilling offshore Libya. Here are some facts about BP's involvement in the North African
country. * BP signed an exploration and production agreement with Libya's National Oil
Corporation in 2007, after the lifting of international sanctions removed legal barriers to doing
business there. * At the time, BP Chief Executive Tony Hayward said the $900 million deal
with Libya was its largest single exploration commitment. * The deal called for BP and its
Libyan partner, the Libya Investment Corporation, to explore an area of around 54,000 square
kilometres of the onshore Ghadames and offshore Sirte basins. The North Ghadames acreage is
the size of Kuwait and the area in the Sirte basin the size of Belgium. [Reuters]
(7 月 15 日-16 日の情報については文字化けのため割愛)
米国政府は 13 日、リビアに対してガザ向け物資輸送に関してイスラエルと摩擦を起こさないよ
Wednesday, 14 July, 2010: The United States urged Libya on Tuesday to avoid confrontation with Israel
over a Libyan ship heading for the blockaded Gaza Strip with aid supplies for Palestinians. The State
Department also criticized Israel's demolition of several Palestinian buildings in East Jerusalem. Hoping
to avoid a repeat of the fatal clash between Israeli commandos and Turkish activists in May, the United
States is urging Libya to submit a Gaza-bound boatload of food and medicine to Israeli inspection. A
Libyan-chartered ship with 2,000 tons of aid supplies is reportedly heading for the Gaza coast, despite a
radioed warning from the Israeli navy to change course. The Moldovan-flagged vessel is said to be
carrying 14 activists affiliated with a charity run by Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's son, Saif al-Islam
Gadhafi. [VOA]
El-Brega にある肥料工場で火事。2 名が死亡し 2 名が負傷。この工場はノルウェーの Yara
International が 50%の権益を保有している。
Wednesday, 14 July, 2010: ALGIERS (Reuters) - Two people were killed and two others injured in a fire
at a Libyan fertiliser complex in which Norway's Yara International holds a 50 percent stake, Yara and
Libyan state energy firm NOC said on Tuesday. The fire on Sunday broke out during maintenance work
on a heat exchanger at the complex in the city of El Brega, NOC said in a statement on its internet site
noc.ly/. "The other plants of the complex have not been affected by the incident and continue to operate
normally," it said. Torgeir Kvidal, a spokesman for Yara, confirmed that two people had been killed at the
plant and two injured. Asked when production would restart at the unit he said: "I do not expect any long
stoppage but it is too early to be very precise." Early last year Yara sealed a joint venture deal worth $225
million with Libya to upgrade the complex, which produces urea and ammonia. [Reuters]
Wednesday, 14 July, 2010: Egypt and Libya has signed an employment cooperation agreement. The deal
was signed by Libya's secretary for labor and training al-Amin Mansour and Egyptian Manpower
Minister Aisha Abdel-Hadi. The agreement aims to establish an electronic link between the Egyptian
ministry and the Libyan authority, designed to regulate the flow of Egyptian workers to Libya and curb
brokerage in both countries in regard to employment. Abdel-Hadi also held a meeting with
representatives from the Egyptian community in Tripoli. The Minister posted the Egyptian expatriates on
the outcome of her talks with Libyan officials on the conditions of the Egyptian workers in Libya. She
also listened to problems facing the Egyptian laborers working in the country. Abdel-Hadi called on the
Egyptian workers to cooperate with Libyan authorities to legalize their status and address any problem
that they might face there. [Global Arab Network]
イタリアの裁判所がサーディ・カダフィ(カダフィ大佐の 3 男、再婚した夫人の次男)に対して
未払いのホテル代 392,000 ユーロの支払いを命じた。
Monday, 12 July, 2010: An Italian judge has ordered Saadi Gaddafi, the third son of Libyan leader
Muammar Gaddafi, to pay a €392,000 (£328,000) hotel bill he failed to settle. Gaddafi was taken to court
by the Grand Hotel Excelsior in Rapallo, near Portofino, after staying for about 40 days in early 2008,
accompanied by secretaries, bodyguards, a personal trainer, a driver and a dog trainer. The party left
without paying the bill but did leave behind a black sports utility vehicle, which is still parked at the hotel,
local media reported. At the time, Gaddafi was winding up his career as a professional footballer in Italy.
After signing in 2003 for Serie A side Perugia, Gaddafi joined Udinese in 2005 and Sampdoria in 2006,
playing in a total of two matches in Italy and failing a drugs test. When not in training, he made the Italian
gossip columns when he reportedly crashed a yacht into a harbour wall in Sardinia. He is now reportedly
forging a new career as a film mogul. [Guardian]
セルビアの Dragan Šutanovac 国防大臣がベオグラードでリビア国軍代表と会談。両国の軍事協力
Sunday, 11 July, 2010: BELGRADE -- Serbian Defense Minister Dragan Šutanovac met in Belgrade on
Friday with a delegation of the Libyan armed forces. They discussed fostering bilateral military
cooperation, primarily in the domain of military education and military-economic and military-medical
cooperation. The Libyan side showed great interest in advancing the education of its officers at the
Military Academy and the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade, cooperation in the reconstruction of a
military hospital in Libya, as well as the exchange of experts and military products. The meeting
underlined the traditionally friendly relations between the two countries and the two nations and their
very successful cooperation in the domain of defense, according to a statement given to the Tanjug news
agency. [Tanjug]
Tuesday, 13 July, 2010: Minister of Defence Dragan Sutanovac met on Friday with a delegation from
Libya, led by Chief of the Libyan Ground Forces Staff Brigadier General Shaban Al-Mahdi Abugarad.
They agreed that the relations between their countries have been traditionally good and that the
cooperation in the defence sector is successful, which is a basis for further cooperation in other areas.
Their main topic of discussion was the improvement of bilateral military cooperation, primarily in
military education, as well as in the military-economic and military-medical sectors. Apart from its
interest in educating its officers at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade, Libya is also eager to
cooperate on the renovation of a military hospital in Libya and exchange experts with Serbia. It is also
interested in Serbia’s military industry. The visit of the Libyan delegation resulted from Minister
Sutanovac’s recent visit to Tripoli, when the two countries signed an agreement on military-technical
cooperation. [Balkans]
リビア・ガス・サミットが 6 月 28 日~30 日、ローマの Westin Excelsior ホテルで開催された。ス
Sunday, 11 July, 2010: Bringing together Senior representatives from The National Oil Corporation in
Libya, Libyan affiliate companies, International Oil Companies, Service Providers and experts from
Libya and internationally, the Libya Gas summit delivered real insight into the challenges and
opportunities for Libya, an update on the global gas situation, a rare view of emerging technological and
commercial practices and dynamic discussions surrounding the real possibilities for gas monetization and
integration across the value chain. The inaugural Libya Gas Summit took place from the 28th-30th of
June 2010 at the Westin Excelsior Hotel in Rome with the official support of the National Oil Corporation
Libya lead by H.E. Dr Shokri Ghanem. [Tripoli Post]
サイフ氏が率いる慈善団体が、8 日ギリシャからガザへの救援船を派遣。
Saturday, 10 July, 2010: ATHENS: A charity headed by the second son of Libyan leader Muammar
Gaddafi is sending an aid boat from Greece to Gaza on Friday to break the Israeli “siege”, the organisers
said. The Moldova-flagged cargo ship Amalthea will depart from Lavrio, some 60 kilometres (37 miles)
southeast of Athens, the vessel’s agents said. The 92-metre (302-foot) freighter has a 12-man crew and
will carry up to nine passengers, a representative of Piraeus-based agents Alpha Shipping said. “The ship
is expected to sail this evening”, he told. But a member of crew later said the departure could be delayed
for Saturday. “We expect to reach Gaza in four or five days without stopping”, crew member Oussama
Almahamid from Syria told. “It all depends on the weather, there are strong winds at the moment”, he
added. [Daily Times]
支援船に関し。イスラエル軍は 14 日、同船がエジプト北東部のアリーシュ港方面に向かってい
協議してエジプト北東部のアリーシュ港に入港させることを検討していた(2010.7.15 朝日)。
・Wednesday, 14 July, 2010: The Israeli military says it has begun efforts to try to stop a Libyan aid ship
from reaching Gaza. The navy has made contact with the vessel, but its commandos have not boarded the
ship, a spokeswoman said. The Amalthea is expected to reach Gaza's territorial waters on Wednesday,
Palestinian and Israeli reports said. The Moldovan-flagged ship, chartered by a charity run by the son of
Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi, left a Greek port on Saturday. The executive director of the
Gaddafi International Charity and Development Foundation, told Reuters news agency by telephone from
Tripoli that the ship was "still heading to Gaza and there has been no decision to change course". He
added: "The ship has received an ultimatum from the Israelis that we have to leave the area by tonight.
We are not going to do that." [BBC]
・Wednesday, 14 July, 2010: The captain of the Libyan-sponsored Gaza-bound aid ship on Tuesday told
Israel Navy officials that he plans to sail to the Egyptian port of El-Arish and not attempt to break the
maritime blockade of the Gaza Strip. Speaking with Israeli authorities by radio, the captain of the
Al-Amal assured them that he is in charge of the vessel and that the activists aboard will obey his orders.
One of the activists' leaders, a Libyan national, also said that, despite the group's desire to sail to Gaza, it
will accept their captain's decision. Israel Navy officials continue to track the aid ship, saying they will
only know the Al-Amal's true course at around 4 A.M. when it nears the coast. Just before midnight, the
ship's crew said they were stuck because of engine trouble. In a recording played on Israel Radio, a crew
member said he did not know how long it would take to repair the main engine and resume their journey.
・Wednesday, 14 July, 2010: A Libyan aid ship originally destined for Gaza last night appeared to
sidestep a direct confrontation with the Israeli military, after reports it was being diverted to Egypt. srael
had warned it would try to board the ship, just six weeks after its commandos killed nine activists on a
Turkish flotilla trying to reach the Palestinian territory. Israeli commanders relayed a message to the MV
Almathea, chartered by a charity run by the son of Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, ordering it to
change course or face interception. The freight, carrying 2,000 tons of food and medicine and 15 activists,
last night appeared to heed Israel’s demands, with reports from Egyptian and Israeli officials claiming it
was now sailing towards the Egyptian port of El Arish. An Egyptian official said the ship sought and
received permission to sail to El Arish. [Telegraph]
・Tuesday, 13 July, 2010: Activists aboard the Libyan aid ship headed for Gaza plan to arrive at their
destination Wednesday, AFP news agency reported Monday. The website of the charity funding the ship,
headed by Saif al-Islam Gadaffi, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddaffi, stated that "the crew on board
the ship maintains a positive mood." The aim of the Libyan backed aid ship the Amalthea is to sail
directly to Gaza, Youssef Sawani, executive director of Gaddafi International Charity and Development
Foundation, which has mounted the operation, said last Sunday in an interview with Army Radio. In
response to these comments Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told Army Radio on Sunday that "no
ship of any kind will be allowed to arrive at Gaza." "I hope that common sense will prevail," said
Lieberman. "They can deliver aid for Gaza to [Egyptian port] El-Arish or Ashdod." [Jerusale Post]
・Monday, 12 July, 2010: TRIPOLI: A Libyan aid ship stayed on course for the besieged Gaza Strip on
Sunday despite Israeli warnings that it will be intercepted at sea, said an organiser on board the boat. “We
are heading for Gaza. We will not change direction,” Mashallah Zwei, a representative of the Gaddafi
Foundation, a Libyan charity, told. Zwei insisted the foundation was not seeking “a confrontation or a
provocation,” when asked about the risks of a repeat of an Israeli naval raid on an aid flotilla on May 31
that killed nine Turks. “For the time being our only thought is delivering the aid to Gaza,” he said. “We
are supported by the international community, who, we hope, will help us reach our goal.” Zwei said the
boat was currently “close to Crete” and would likely reach Gaza in about two days. [Daily Times]
・Saturday, 10 July, 2010: Libya will send a 20-truck humanitarian aid convoy to the Gaza Strip next
Monday. This came in a statement today by the General Coordinator of the Jamahiriya National Standing
Committee for the Support of the People of Palestine Nouri Ben Othman. Accoridng to the official, the
cargo will specifically comprise flour and cereals, dates, clothing and blankets, medical equipment and
medicines, school bags and stationery, and also fresh water and juices. Arriving on the convoy will be a
team of medical workers. [RUVR]
・Saturday, 10 July, 2010: A Libyan charity organization headed by the son of Libyan President
Muammar Gaddafi announced that it will send an aid boat to the region in order to break the blockade on
the Gaza Strip. The boat, called Hope, is slated to set sail Friday from Greece carrying thousands of tons
of medical equipment and food. [AFP]
・Saturday, 10 July, 2010: Israel on Friday has requested the UN step up efforts in preventing the
Gaza-bound Lybian ship from setting sail from Greece Friday. In an in an official letter to UN Secretary
General Ban Ki Moon, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gabriela Shalev requested the international
community use its power to halt the humanitarian aid ship, funded by an organization headed by the son
of Lybian leader Muammar Gaddafi. "Israel calls upon the international community to exert its influence
on the government of Libya to demonstrate responsibility and prevent the ship from departing to the Gaza
Strip," the envoy requested. "Israel reserves the right under international law to prevent this ship from
violating the existing naval blockade on the Gaza Strip," Shalev told Ban Ki Moon. [Jerusalem Post]
・Sunday, 11 July, 2010: JERUSALEM: Intense diplomatic efforts have likely prevented a Libyan aid
ship from trying to breach Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip, the foreign ministry said yesterday. Israel's
foreign minister held talks with his counterparts in Greece, where the boat is currently anchored, and with
Moldova, whose flag it flies. Israel also asked Egypt to allow the boat to dock in one of its ports instead
of going to Gaza. "Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman spoke several times in recent days with the
foreign minist ers of Greece and Moldova and reached understandings with them about dealing with the
Libyan ship," a ministry statement said. The foreign ministry believes that due to these talks, the ship will
not reach Gaza," the statement added. The Greek foreign ministry confirmed it was in contact with Israel
over the boat but would not elaborate. [Kuwait Times]
Friday, 9 July, 2010: TRIPOLI, July 8 (Reuters) - Libya denied allegations from human rights groups on
Thursday that it was mistreating a group of Eritrean migrants who had been turned back at sea by Italian
patrols and handed over to Libya. Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg
has said he had information the migrants were subjected to violence by Libyan police, leaving several of
them seriously injured. Libya says there are 400 refugees in total. Of them, 245 have been turned back by
Italian patrols and handed over to Libya -- a case that has caused a political row in Italy.
[ID:nLDE6651R3] "There are about 400 illegal migrants from Eritrea being held in detention centres in
Libya and they are treated as temporary guests," Libya's official Jana news agency quoted a foreign
ministry statement as saying. [Reuters]
カダフィ大佐の有力後継者で改革派とされるサイフ氏側の影響を受けた 2 紙(The Oea 紙と
Quryna 紙)が 8 日、6 ヶ月の発禁処分の後に新聞売り場に復活。
Friday, 9 July, 2010: TRIPOLI, July 8 (Reuters) - Two newspapers allied to a reform-minded son of
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi were back on newsstands on Thursday after a six-month absence that
had been seen as a sign the reformist camp was losing influence. The Oea and Quryna newspapers have
helped promote a reform agenda pushed by Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam, a man viewed by many as a
possible successor to his father but who is locked in a turf war with a conservative old guard. Analysts
say that since the print editions of the titles were suspended in January -- a decision the papers' managers
said they were forced to take by official pressure -- Saif al-Islam has been able to consolidate his power
base. International rights groups have praised the two newspapers for testing the limits of press freedom
in Libya by publishing stories about official corruption. Staff had continued to publish them online after
the print editions stopped. [Reuters]
リビア国立教育・文化・科学委員会は UNESCO Statistics Institute と合同で、2 日間にわたって統
Friday, 9 July, 2010: Scientific framework of teaching statistics - A two-day training workshop on
statistics and updating international forms began Wednesday in Tripoli with several Libyan experts in
attendance. Participants came from the Libyan Statistics Centre, the Directorate for Planning in Education,
Basic Education, the Department of Planning and Finance as well as the National Committee for
Education, Culture and Science. The theme of the workshop is related to the scientific framework of
teaching statistics and types of international classification in teaching to build the capacity of the staff of
education statistics. Organized by the Libyan National Committee for Education, Culture and Science, in
collaboration with the UNESCO Statistics Institute, the workshop aims to promote the procedures of
using international classifications. [Afrique Jet]
ロシアはリビア陸軍のために今後 5 年間で T-72戦車 200 台の近代化を計る計画。
Thursday, 8 July, 2010: Russia will modernize about 200 T-72 main battle tanks for the Libyan Army
over the next few years, a Russian defense industry source said on Wednesday. "A 1.3-bln euro
[military-technical cooperation] deal signed between Russia and Libya this year includes the
modernization of about 200 T-72 tanks which have been in service with the Libyan Army since the Soviet
era," the source close to negotiations told RIA Novosti. Moscow and Tripoli have been involved in talks
on the modernization of the T-72 tanks since 2006 as part of renewed efforts to revive bilateral
military-technical cooperation. Libya was one of the largest buyers of Russian-made armaments in the
second half of the 20th century. [Rian]
WPLEl が El-Zulal と協力して排水の病院での再利用を計画。
Thursday, 8 July, 2010: New wastewater treatment solutions are being offered in Libya to treat water near
a hospital. WPL has teamed up with local distributors El Zulal to develop the solutions for a hospital near
Ubari in an attempt to produce cleaner water for its patients. They have provided the clinic with a HiPAF
(High Performance Aerated Filter) plant as a replacement for an older system, which no longer functioned
effectively. In addition to the HiPAF, the companies have installed a Sand Filter system "to meet the
hospital's needs" and produce treated water for over 600 members of staff and patients. WPL also
confirmed that the wastewater systems have been designed to meet World Health Organisation irrigation
standards. [Envirotech]
欧州委員会の人権委員長がイタリア政府に対して、リビアにいる 250 名のエリトリア人に関する
Wednesday, 7 July, 2010: (ANSAmed) - STRASBOURG, JULY 6 - Human Rights Commissioner of the
Council of Europe, Thomas Hammarberg, has asked for the Italian government to help provide
information on the destiny of 250 Eritreans in Libya. With two letters sent on July 2 to Foreign Minister
Franco Frattini and Interior Minister Roberto Maroni - whose text was made public today - Hammarberg
asked the Italian government to ''collaborate to clarify the situation with the Libyan government''. Since
June 30, 250 Eritreans have been held at the Braq detention centre, 80km from Seba in the south of Libya,
where they were transferred from the detention centre for migrants in Misurata. The group was deported
on three trucks as a ''punishment'' following the revolt that broke out the day before between the prisoners,
who did not want to provide their identity to diplomats from their country, because they feared being
subject to forced repatriations. [ANSAmed]
Thursday, 8 July, 2010: (ANSA) - Rome, July 7 - Libyan authorities have agreed a deal to allow a group
of Eritreans in immigration detention, reportedly turned away from Italian shores last year, to remain in
the North African country, sources said on Wednesday The 245 migrants and asylum seekers have been at
the centre of a row in Italy over allegations they have been abused in Libyan custody and reports that
Tripoli plans to send them back to Eritrea. But sources at the Tripoli office of the International
Organization for Migration said the Libyan government had worked out an arrangement that would allow
the group to stay. They said Libyan Public Security Minister Younis Al Obeidi had announced the
Eritreans would be given a residence visa in exchange for work. The accord will result in the Eritreans
being released from the prison where they are currently being held and given "socially useful work in
different municipalities of Libya," [ANSA]
NOC のガーネム総裁はメキシコ湾の事故によって株価が下がっている BP の株式をリビア投資局
などが購入することを薦めている。BP の株式は 4 月 20 日以降 48%も下がっている。
Tuesday, 6 July, 2010: Shokri Ghanem, chairman of Libya's National Oil Co, said he will
recommend buying a stake in BP to the Libyan Investment Authority, or LIA, the North African
state's sovereign wealth fund. BP shares are down about 48 per cent since April 20, when an
explosion on Transocean's Deepwater Horizon drilling rig -- leased by BP for its Macondo well
in the Gulf of Mexico -- killed 11 workers and triggered one of the worst oil spill disasters the
US has ever seen. "BP is interesting now with the price lower by half, and I still have trust in BP.
I will recommend it to the LIA," Mr Ghanem said in a telephone interview. "It's a good
opportunity for bargain hunters." [The Australian]
リビアの刑務所に収監されていた 100 名以上のニジェール人が 5 日本国に送還された。
150 名の囚人がこれに続いて送還される予定。
Tuesday, 6 July, 2010: More than 100 Niger nationals jailed in Libya were extradited to their
home country on Monday, the Niger government said, with at least another 150 due to follow.
"A first group of 111 Nigeriens, including a woman, who were detained in Libya, arrived on
Monday from Tripoli at around 1:35 pm," a communication ministry official told AFP. They
arrived in the capital Niamey on board a plane which also carried Niger Interior Minister
Ousmane Cisse and Justice Minister Abdoulaye Djibo, who were returning from a visit to the
neighbouring country. Another group of 207 detainees was due from the Libyan city of Sebha in
the coming hours, the ministry official said. [Times Live]
スロベニアとリビアは 5 日、外交・サービスに関わるパスポート保持者のビザを廃止す
Tuesday, 6 July, 2010: Brdo pri Kranju, 5 July (STA) - Slovenia and Libya signed an agreement
on abolishing visas for diplomatic and service passport holders on Monday as part of efforts to
facilitate economic cooperation, especially in construction, health care and tourism. [STA]
医師が栄誉賞(Knight of the Order of Orange Nassau)をオランダから贈られた。
Monday, 5 July, 2010: The Libyan doctor who operated on Ruben, the Dutch boy who was the
sole survivor of May’s air crash near Tripoli, has been given a Dutch royal honour. The surgeon,
Sedig Bendala, has been made a Knight of the Order of Orange Nassau. He received the
distinction in Tripoli from the Dutch foreign ministry’s director general. The nine-year-old boy who
survived the crash on 12 May was among 104 people on board the plane. After he was rescued
from the wreckage, he was taken to a hospital in Tripoli, where doctor Bendala performed the
surgery. The surgeon also accompanied Ruben on his way back to the Netherlands. Seventy
Dutch nationals died in the crash. The crash was commemorated in Tripoli on Saturday. [RNW]
(7 月 2 日~4 日のリビア当局発行の関連記事などは文字化けのため掲載できず)
ロシアの Gazprom は Elephant 油田の開発作業に関する協力の可能性をリビアの石油関
Thursday, 1 July, 2010: MOSCOW, June 30 (UPI) -- Russian oil company Gazprom Neft is in
talks with oil executives in Libya to help develop the Elephant oil field, directors of the
company said. Boris Zilbermints, the deputy chief executive of Gazprom Neft, said his
company is exploring various business opportunities in oil-rich Libya, Russia's state-owned
news agency RIA Novosti reports. "We are planning to join the Elephant in late summer but we
don't plan to invest much, except the entrance fee because the project has already been
launched," he said. "We are currently negotiating with several other asset owners in Libya."
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