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リビア政治経済社会情勢 2011 年 3 月
CIA が対リビア空爆に関して諜報員をリビアに送り込み、反政府側と連絡を取り合った
Thursday, 31 March, 2011: WASHINGTON — The Central Intelligence Agency has inserted
clandestine operatives into Libya to gather intelligence for military airstrikes and make contacts
with rebels battling Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s forces, according to American officials. While
President Obama has insisted that no American ground troops join in the Libyan campaign,
small groups of C.I.A. operatives have been working in Libya for several weeks and are part of
a shadow force of Westerners that the Obama administration hopes can help set back Colonel
Qaddafi’s military, the officials said. The C.I.A. presence comprises an unknown number of
American officers who had worked at the spy agency’s station in Tripoli and those who arrived
more recently. [New York Times]
「少なくても 370 名のリビア人が 2 月中旬からリビア東部で行方不明。リビア政府軍に
拘束された可能性が強い」と Human Rights Watch が懸念を表明。
Thursday, 31 March, 2011: (Benghazi) - At least 370 Libyans have been reported missing in the
eastern part of the country since mid-February 2011, some of them known or suspected to be in
Libyan government custody, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch
documented 72 cases in the east of people who are missing or were apparently disappeared by
government forces. The Libyan Red Crescent Society in Benghazi has recorded 370 missing
person cases from Benghazi and Baida. Most of those reported missing to Human Rights Watch
are men who apparently fought with rebels against the government, Human Rights Watch said.
Thursday, 31 March, 2011: Chinese President Hu Jintao has warned that coalition airstrikes on
Libya could violate the spirit of the UN resolution on the North African country if civilians are
killed in the process. Speaking at a press conference with visiting French President Nicolas
Sarkozy Wednesday, Hu also said violence would not resolve the armed political stand-off in
Libya. Rebels in eastern Libya are fighting to end Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's 41-year
hold on power. Sarkozy is a strong backer of the coalition operation against Gadhafi that aims to
destroy the Libyan leader's air and land defenses, and prevent him from attacking his own
people. [VOA News]
Thursday, 31 March, 2011: RABAT — A post-Gaddafi Libya would likely seek to diversify its
economy and encourage the private sector, the World Bank's regional director said on
Wednesday. "I would have thought going forward, depending on what the authorities would be
looking at, is to build up a modern, private-sector friendly environment that allows it to
diversify from its petrol-rich dependency to something that's more sustainable," Simon Gray,
who oversees the Maghreb region, told Reuters when asked how he thought Libya's economy
might change in the event Muammar Gaddafi left power. The West has launched an air war on
Gaddafi's forces to support rebels who now control part of Libya. Western leaders say they want
Gaddafi to leave office. [MSNBC]
Thursday, 31 March, 2011: Libyan rebels are preparing to launch a television channel,
broadcasting from Qatar. The channel, named simply Libya and calling itself "the new channel
for all Free Libyans" had been scheduled to start transmissions this evening, according to local
media reports, though it is unclear whether that deadline will be met. There was frenzied
activity this evening at the Doha compound here the channel is based. Qatari police prevented
journalists approaching the offices where technical staff appeared to be working. A spokesman
for Libya's Interim National Council, the hastily formed western-backed rebel leadership body,
said that the timing was ideal. [Guardian]
米国の高官がリビアにおいて 3 つの目的を国際社会が共有すべきであると強調。
Wednesday, 30 March, 2011: WASHINGTON, March 29, 2011 – The international community
must work toward three goals in Libya, America’s senior diplomat said today: delivering
humanitarian assistance, pressuring and isolating Moammar Gadhafi’s regime, and supporting
Libyans’ efforts for political change. Speaking at the International Conference on Libya in
London, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the United States has been proud to
stand with its NATO, Arab and European partners in protecting Libya’s people. “We have
prevented a potential massacre, established a no-fly zone, stopped an advancing army, added
more partners to this coalition, and transferred command of the military effort to NATO,” she
said. Today’s conference in London marks a turning point, Clinton said. While military actions
will continue under NATO command, she explained, international attention must focus on
humanitarian assistance and political transition in Libya. [Defence]
Wednesday, 30 March, 2011: President Barack Obama says the United States is at the center of
efforts to build a better future for the Libyan people, but is not acting alone. The president spoke
one day after laying out his policy on Libya. President Obama said Tuesday American
leadership is helping an international coalition to save innocent lives in Libya. "We are making
it clear that the United States of America and the world stand with those who seek to determine
their own destiny, free from fear, and free to dream of a day when they, too, can live in justice
and dignity. I think that is the essence of American leadership. That is what it means to lead," he
said. [VOA News]
意。同国南部にはすでに 4 ヶ所の米軍基地がある。
Wednesday, 30 March, 2011: Romania has agreed to allow the U.S. military aircraft in its
territory for refueling in the wake of ongoing Libya mission. Romania's Presidential
Administration said that Supreme Council for National Defense (CSAT) has accepted
Washington’s request to open its aerodromes on the basis of the Strategic Partnership between
them. Romania already has four American military bases in southeastern Romania. The U.S.
particularly uses Mihail Kogalniceanu air base to transport equipment and troops for its
operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The council’s decision came exactly a week after it allowed
sending more than 200 Navy soldiers in a frigate to help enforce the ban against Libya in the
Mediterranean Sea. [All Headline News]
ロンドンでの国際会議開催前に反政府側の Mahmoud Jebril 氏と会談した際に明らかに
Wednesday, 30 March, 2011: The U.S. will send its special envoy for Libya to Benghazi within
the next week for talks with rebel opposition leaders, an administration official said. The
announcement came as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with Libyan opposition leader
Mahmoud Jebril before a London conference today to discuss political and military progress in
Libya. The meeting, attended by more than 30 foreign ministers, comes as the U.S.-led coalition
hands over command of military operations to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. U.K.
Prime Minister David Cameron proposed creation of a steering group to work on all aspects of
Libya’s political transition in remarks before the gathered ministers. [Bloomberg]
反政権側(Interim National Council (INC))の代表団がロンドンでキャメロン首相と会談
Wednesday, 30 March, 2011: Representatives of the Libyan opposition today set out their vision
for a democratic country after dictator Muammar Gaddafi has been removed from power. A
delegation from the transitional Interim National Council (INC) was in London for today's
international conference, led by special envoy Mahmoud Jabril, who met Prime Minister David
Cameron for talks in 10 Downing Street. In a statement entitled "A Vision of a Democratic
Libya", the INC said it was committed - following the defeat of the "illegal" Gaddafi regime - to
a "civil society that recognises intellectual and political pluralism and allows for the peaceful
transition of power through legal institutions and ballot boxes; in accordance with a national
constitution crafted by the people and endorsed in a referendum". Every adult citizen would
have the right to vote in "free and fair parliamentary and presidential elections as well as the
right to run for office", it said. It said the state would "respect the sanctity of religious doctrine
and condemn intolerance, extremism and violence" and "denounce violence, terrorism,
intolerance and cultural isolation". [Independent]
・Wednesday, 30 March, 2011: London - Members of the Libyan opposition's Interim National
Council appeared today at the London meeting on the international action in Libya and called
for broader political support. “We have been fighting with machine guns” against a superior
army, said media chief Mahmoud Shammam, "but we are asking for political support more than
we are asking for arms.” In sharp contrast to what Muammar Qaddafi has called drug addicts
and Al Qaeda members, he described the rebel movement as being made up of "well-educated"
young people. What's more, said Shammam, a Libyan exile and native of Benghazi, where the
rebel government is based, rebels want to implement secular and democratic reforms. US
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and British Foreign Minister William Hague met opposition
leader Mahmoud Jabril outside of the talks here. Ms. Clinton said that Mr. Jabril’s views on
politics and civil society, including a secular vision of government, are “exactly in line with
what [the opposition] has said are their goals.” [Christian Science Monitor]
Wednesday, 30 March, 2011: PITTSBURGH — A Libyan man who graduated from the
University of Pittsburgh has returned to his homeland to set up a website to help rebels
communicate in their efforts to topple the government headed by Moammar Gadhafi. "I just
want to pitch in and help. God is on our side," Abdulrahman Salem told the Pittsburgh
Tribune-Review's Middle East correspondent in Benghazi earlier this month. Salem works as a
software developer for Google in Pittsburgh, having graduated from Pitt in 2007 with an
information science degree, and left for Libya three weeks ago, the newspaper reported in
Tuesday's editions. Massaud Salem came to Pittsburgh in 1977 and is supporting his son's
efforts and the rebels from his family's business, Salem's Market & Grill, which has become a
haven for Pittsburgh's tiny Libyan population. [The Republic]
リビア外相が英国亡命=カダフィ政権から離脱(時事通信 3 月 31 日)
英外務省スポークスマンは 30 日夜、リビアのクーサ外相が同日、チュニジアからロ
動する意思はない」とし、カダフィ政権から離脱したと述べた。BBC テレビは、英国
で海外にいるとし、カダフィ政権からの離脱や亡命を否定していた。クーサ外相は 28
Thursday, 31 March, 2011: Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa is in Britain and "no longer
willing" to work for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's regime, the Foreign Office says. He
flew into an airport near the capital earlier on Wednesday. He has subsequently spent hours
talking to British officials. His apparent defection comes as rebels in Libya are retreating from
former strongholds along the eastern coast as Colonel Gaddafi's forces advance. The rebels have
now lost the key oil port of Ras Lanuf and the nearby town of Bin Jawad, and are also in full
retreat from Brega. [BBC]
米仏独英首脳、「カダフィ大佐退陣」で一致=ホワイトハウス(ロイター3 月 29 日)
リビア カダフィ大佐の地元めぐり攻防 シルト 多国籍軍空爆、ヤマ場(産経新聞 3 月 29 日)
・Tuesday, 29 March, 2011: BENGHAZI: As Libya’s rebel fighters push west, retaking towns
they lost to government forces a week earlier, opposition representatives in Benghazi are trying
to form a government-in-waiting. The task is a difficult and delicate one, being handled by a
group of Libyan elites, many of whom have returned from exile. They face obstacles ranging
from poor communications to the sensitivities of Libyans at home and abroad. At present, the
official voice of Libya’s opposition rests with the so-called Provisional Transitional National
Council (PTNC), a group of 31 members representing the country’s major cities and towns. The
names of only 13 have been publicly revealed. The council says it remains too dangerous to
identify members in areas still controlled by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. [The Peninsula
・Monday, 28 March, 2011: Air raids targeting the Libyan city of Sirte tonight aided rebels
advancing towards the city, a regime stronghold, while it was confirmed that NATO will now be
assuming the entire mission in the war-torn country, including all air strikes and the civilian
protection mission. Taking Moammar Gadhafi's hometown Sirte, which lies halfway between
the rebel-held east and the government-controlled west, would be a major coup for the rebels
who are quickly advancing toward the capitol city of Tripoli. Entrances to Sirte have been
mined, according to The Associated Press. Earlier today, rebels regained two key oil complexes
along Libya's coastal highway. Their westward march towards Sirte mirrors their earlier
advancement towards the capitol, but this week they had powerful air forces bombarding
Gadhafi's military and clearing a path. [ABC]
・Tuesday, 29 March, 2011: British Tornado jets have flown "deep into the desert" to strike at
ammunition bunkers in Libya, Prime Minister David Cameron has said. In a Commons
statement on 28 March 2011 on last week's EU summit, Mr Cameron told MPs that the RAF
had flown more than 120 sorties since military action began, praising the "extremely skilful and
courageous" work of British pilots. Mr Cameron, who will host an international conference on
Libya tomorrow, said it was vital to have "political and diplomatic unity" to put pressure on
Muammar Gaddafi. The PM said: "The no-fly zone is now fully operational and effective. When
it has been challenged, Gaddafi's planes have been shot down. [BBC]
・Tuesday, 29 March, 2011: Colonel Gaddafi's regime staged a show of force in Misurata last
night to support claims it had retaken the only opposition stronghold in western Libya, despite
reports British jets bombed tanks and armoured vehicles in the area. Soldiers from the feared
32nd Brigade of the Libyan army, known as the Khamis brigade for its loyalty to Col Gaddafi's
son Khamis, had deployed to fixed positions around burnt-out buildings and pockmarked
shopping centres. Facing the best equipped and trained unit in the Libyan army, local fighters
have proved resilient but are in retreat. The Ministry of Defence confirmed RAF Tornado
aircraft had destroyed two main battle tanks and two armoured vehicles in the Misurata area on
Monday. [Telegraph]
Tuesday, 29 March, 2011: President Barack Obama goes before the American people late
Monday (at 23:30 UTC) to explain his decisions, and objectives that the U.S., its international
partners and NATO have in Libya. Our correspondent reports on what the nation and the world
are likely to hear from the president. NATO is already formally in charge of enforcing the no-fly
zone over Libya, and carrying out the United Nations-mandated humanitarian mission of
protecting Libyan civilians from forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi. After a key meeting of U.S.
and international partners, including the Arab League, in London, NATO will also assume full
control of command and control of Libya operations. [VOA News]
・Monday, 28 March, 2011: The Obama administration is defending its decision to intervene
militarily in Libya, despite admitting that no vital U.S. interests are at stake in the country. One
day before President Barack Obama is to speak to the nation on U.S. efforts in Libya, Defense
Secretary Robert Gates was asked if turmoil and bloodshed in Libya posed a threat to the United
States. "No, no. It was not a vital national interest of the United States. But it was an interest:
the engagement of the Arabs [Arab League], the engagement of the Europeans, the general
humanitarian question that was at stake," he said. "You have had revolutions on the east and the
west of Libya, Egypt and Tunisia. So you had a potentially destabilizing event taking place in
Libya that put at risk, potentially, the revolutions in both Tunisia and Egypt. And that was
another [U.S.] consideration." [VOA]
Tuesday, 29 March, 2011: Turkey is positioning itself as a mediator in the ongoing conflict in
Libya. With fighting continuing to escalate in Libya, Turkey is intensifying its efforts to find a
political solution to the conflict. It is one of the few countries that still has both its embassy
open in the Libyan capital Tripoli and a consul functioning in Benghazi - the center of the rebel
opposition. Senior Turkish diplomat Selim Yenel said a political solution is crucial for Libya.
"Turkey is now talking to both sides, and we believe one of the few countries that can to talk to
both sides. In the end it's the only way out, otherwise more and more military actions will push
people into a corner and you have to show a way out. And we believe a diplomatic solution is a
way out. " [VOA News]
Tuesday, 29 March, 2011: TUNIS, Tunisia — Tunisia's official news agency says Libya's
Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa has arrived in Tunisia for a "private visit." TAP news agency
says Koussa crossed into the country Monday through Ras Jedir border crossing. It quotes
Tunisia's foreign ministry as saying that Koussa came on a "private visit." It did not elaborate.
TAP says Koussa is not on a list of Libyan official banned from international travel following
the U.N. sanctions imposed on Libya, following Moammar Gadhafi's crackdown on protesters.
[Canadian Press]
Tuesday, 29 March, 2011: ROME: Libya will soon be "liberated" from Moamer Kadhafi, Italian
Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said on Monday, adding that the strongman could give up
power under an African Union proposal. "I think that Libya will be liberated quickly and that
the situation will be resolved in short notice," Frattini said on La7 television. "In the UN
resolution no violent collapse of the regime" is foreseen, but there is "an implicit pre-condition,
unwritten, that I read as: Kadhafi must go," he said. "I think the African Union has the
possibility of coming up with a useful proposition that will push Kadhafi to give up power," he
said. [Economic Times]
Amnesty International はカダフィ大佐側の軍隊によって多くの国民が殺害されたり行方
Tuesday, 29 March, 2011: Amnesty International says dozens of people in Libya, including
dissidents and opposition figures, have disappeared and are likely detained by forces loyal to
Moammar Gadhafi. The London-based rights group lists more than 30 cases in which
individuals including political activists and those suspected of supporting rebel fighters have
disappeared since February. The cases were based on testimonies from relatives and others
related to those reported missing. The group said Monday that Gadhafi's supporters appear to
have a systematic policy to detain anyone suspected of opposition to the dictator's rule. It says
some of the dissidents are held incommunicado and transfered to Gadhafi's stronghold in
western Libya. [Taiwan News]
リビア反体制派による原油輸出、制裁措置の対象外=米財務省当局者(ロイター3 月 29 日)
28日 ロイター] 米財務省当局者は28日、リビア反体制派によ
指揮権継承で合意=対リビア空爆作戦、多国籍軍から―NATO(時事通信 3 月 28 日)
【ブリュッセル時事】北大西洋条約機構(NATO)は 27 日、ブリュッセルで大使級
で合意した。NATO は同日、リビア上空の飛行禁止空域を維持する警戒監視活動でも多
ア軍事行動はいずれも NATO の指揮下に入る。NATO が空爆作戦を担うことについて
はトルコやフランスが反対を唱え、決定が遅れていたが、1 週間に及ぶ調整を経て、同
盟に深刻な対立が生じる事態は回避できた。合意を受けてラスムセン NATO 事務総長
権は 72 時間以内に NATO に移る見通しだ。これに伴い、空爆を主導してきた米軍は作
リビア飛行禁止区域 NATOが指揮権 任務解釈で混乱も(産経新聞 3 月 26 日)
・Sunday, 27 March, 2011: President Obama said Saturday that he sent U.S. warplanes into
Libya a week ago to avert a "humanitarian catastrophe" and a "blood bath," and he denied that
the U.S. is being drawn into a wider war there. "The United States should not -- and cannot -intervene every time there's a crisis somewhere in the world," the president said in his Saturday
radio address. "But I firmly believe that when innocent people are being brutalized, when
someone like [Moammar] Kadafii threats a blood bath that could destabilize an entire region,
and when the international community is prepared to come together to save many thousands of
lives, then it's in our national interest to act. And it's our responsibility. This is one of those
times." [Los Angeles Times]
・Sunday, 27 March, 2011: TRIPOLI, Libya — Days of coalition airstrikes appeared Saturday to
have pushed open the door to western Libya for anti-government rebel forces, which retook the
strategic city of Ajdabiya as a weakened military loyal to leader Moammar Gaddafi fell back.
Although fluid and potentially reversible, the rebel gains on the ground were the clearest
indication yet that intensive airstrikes carried out by U.S., French and British warplanes and
naval assets over the past week have softened up Libya’s military considerably. The rebel
advance also underscored the central role that international forces are playing in Libya’s internal
conflict, providing military support to rebels that Libyan officials condemned for exceeding the
United Nations mandate to protect civilians. [Washington Post]
ているような状況を行なえば、EU などが介入する事態を招くと警告。
Sunday, 27 March, 2011: EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - French President Nicolas Sarkozy has
warned all Arab rulers that they risk Libya-type intervention if they cross a certain line of
violence against their own people. The president told press at an EU summit in Brussels on
Thursday (24 March) that UN Security Council resolution 1973 authorising air strikes on Libya
has created a legal and political precedent on the "responsibility to protect." Referring to deadly
violence in Syria, he explained: "Every ruler should understand, and especially every Arab ruler
should understand that the reaction of the international community and of Europe will from this
moment on each time be the same: we will be on the side of peaceful protesters who must not be
repressed with violence." [EU Observer]
・カタールの戦闘機が 25 日アラブ諸国初となるリビア空爆に参加。
Saturday, 26 March, 2011: A Qatar fighter pilot, in a strong and symbolic show of military
support, became the first from any Arab nation to fly a combat mission over Libya Friday. The
Qatari Air Force Mirage 2000 was joined by a French fighter jet when heading out on its first
patrol. "Qatar has been a great ally since day one," said Mustafa Gheriani, spokesman for the
opposition Benghazi city council. "It's an Arab country to be proud of." Qatar has pledged six
Mirages and two C-17s transports in the Libyan operation. Officials did not release any details
of the Qatar pilot's role in his debut coalition flight. "Having our first Arab nation join and start
flying with us emphasizes that the world wants the innocent Libyan people protected from the
atrocities perpetrated by the pro-regime forces," said U.S. Air Force Commander Maj. Gen.
Margaret Woodward. [New York Daily News]
カダフィ大佐の息子のカミス(27 歳)は内戦勃発の数週間前に米国の施設を訪問して
Saturday, 26 March, 2011: WASHINGTON (AP) -- A son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi
toured U.S. ports and military facilities just weeks before he helped lead deadly attacks on
rebels protesting his father's authoritarian regime. Khamis Gaddafi, 27, spent four weeks in the
U.S. as part of an internship with AECOM, a global infrastructure company with deep business
interests in Libya, according to Paul Gennaro, AECOM's Senior Vice President for Global
Communications. The trip was to include visits to the Port of Houston, Air Force Academy,
National War College and West Point, Gennaro said. The West Point visit was canceled on Feb.
17, when the trip was cut short and Gaddafi returned to Libya, Gennaro said. The uprising there
began with a series of protests on Feb. 15. [...] Khamis Gaddafi was killed earlier this week after
a disaffected Libyan air force pilot who crash-landed his jet in the ruling family's headquarters,
according to unconfirmed reports cited by ABC News and Al-Arabiya television. [Huffington
対リビア軍事作戦 10 カ国参加=航空機 350 機、艦船 38 隻(時事通信 3 月 25 日)
米国防総省は 24 日、対リビアの軍事作戦には、中東のカタールを含め 10 カ国が参加
イタリア、カナダなど 8 カ国が参加していることを明らかにした。多国籍軍は航空機
350 機以上、艦船 38 隻(米軍 12 隻)を投入している。米軍統合参謀本部のゴートニー
チュニジア国境に至る東西のリビア沿岸部のほか、トリポリ南方約 800 キロのセブハも
政府軍の砲撃続く 西部の港湾を奪還(毎日新聞 3 月 24 日)
・対リビア作戦、米から NATO に権限委譲へ(CNN.co.jp 3 月 25 日
北大西洋条約機構(NATO)のラスムセン事務総長は 24 日、リビア上空での飛行禁
止空域実施の指揮権について、「数日内に」NATO が米国から引き継ぐことで合意した
と明らかにした。NATO 情報筋によると、指揮権移譲は 27 日夜までに行われる見通し
だという。ラスムセン氏は CNN 記者に対し、NATO がリビア上空での飛行禁止空域を
だ」と語った。ラスムセン氏はまた、NATO は国連安全保障理事会の対リビア決議で求
語った。一方、クリントン米国務長官は同日、NATO 軍当局が国連の対リビア決議に基
づく市民保護作戦の拡大計画を作成することについて、NATO 加盟全 28 カ国が承認し
たと述べた。クリントン氏は 29 日にロンドンを訪れ、リビア問題に関する国際会議に
・Friday, 25 March, 2011: NATO has agreed to relieve the United States of responsibility for
enforcing the no-fly zone in Libya, a NATO official said today. The diplomatic movement came
on the same day that Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi challenged the no-fly zone only to
see one of his few remaining planes destroyed by a French jet. The official said that NATO
Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen will shortly go into a meeting of the North Atlantic
Council where a formal consensus will be reached for NATO to assume the no-fly zone
responsibilities for Libya. After what is expected to be a brief meeting, Rasmussen will
announce the arrangement. [ABC News]
・Friday, 25 March, 2011: (Reuters) - Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will travel to London for
a meeting on Libya on Tuesday as operational command shifts from the United States to NATO
leadership, a U.S. official said on Thursday. The meeting, called by Britain and France, is
intended to create a contact group to provide political guidance for the international response to
the Libya crisis. Such a move could ease concerns among Arab and other countries about NATO
being in charge. NATO moved closer to agreement to take command of allied military
operations in Libya from the United States within days after lengthy wrangling with Muslim
NATO member Turkey. Turkish leaders questioned the motives behind Western intervention in
Libya, suggesting action was driven by oil and mineral wealth rather than a desire to protect
civilians from Muammar Gaddafi's forces. [Reuters]
政権側と反政府勢力同席へ=リビア問題で会合(時事通信 3 月 25 日)
国連の潘基文事務総長は 24 日、リビア情勢に関する安保理会合で演説し、エチオピ
アの首都アディスアベバで 25 日に、アフリカ連合(AU)主催の関係国会合が開かれ、
た。停戦実現とリビア問題全般の解決策について協議する。安保理常任理事国 5 カ国の
までに 33 万人以上が国外に脱出したと述べ、人道面の懸念も強調した。
Friday, 25 March, 2011: UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Representatives of Moammar Gadhafi's
government and the Libyan opposition will be among those attending an African Union meeting
in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Friday, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Thursday. The
meeting is part of efforts to reach a cease-fire and political solution in Libya, Ban said. The U.N.
chief told the Security Council that his special envoy to Libya, former Jordanian foreign
minister Abdelilah Al-Khatib, as well as representatives of relevant countries and regional
organizations will also attend. Ban told the 15-member council that there is no evidence that
Libyan officials have instituted a cease-fire as they claim. [USA Today]
Friday, 25 March, 2011: President Barack Obama spoke with Russian President Dmitry
Medvedev about the military campaign in Libya and the unrest in the Middle East during a
telephone call this morning, according to a White House statement. Obama “expressed his
appreciation for Russia’s support for the implementation of United Nations Security Council
Resolution 1973 and subsequent positive statements that President Medvedev has made
regarding the resolution’s mandate,” the statement said, referring to the UN mandate for
imposition of a no-fly zone over Libya. The two leaders also discussed Russia’s progress toward
becoming part of the World Trade Organization this year, the White House said. Obama
reaffirmed U.S. support for Russia’s entry this year, and the two leaders talked about ways to
bolster trade relations between their nations. [Bloomberg]
Friday, 25 March, 2011: UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Thursday told the Security Council that
Libyan government troops are disregarding a UN ceasefire order, despite heavy bombing of
Muammar Gaddafi's forces by an international coalition. "Libyan authorities have repeatedly
claimed they have instituted a ceasefire," Mr Ban said at UN headquarters in New York. "We
see no evidence that that is the case. On the contrary, fierce battles have continued." Reporting
to the council on implementation of a resolution authorising the use of force to end Mr
Gaddafi's onslaught against armed rebels, Mr Ban said the Libyan government had not "taken
steps to carry out their obligations". He also said that human rights abuses continued in Libya
and that "those responsible for crimes against their people will be held accountable". [Herald
西ヨーロッパでビジネスを展開しているリビアの Tamoil は国連安保理決議を受けて 24
Friday, 25 March, 2011: LONDON—Libya's Tamoil Group has been told it isn't covered by
European Union sanctions against the North African nation and can operate independently
despite the measures, a Tamoil manager said Thursday. Tamoil, which operates refineries and
fuel stations throughout Western Europe, wasn't named on the list of sanctioned companies
announced Thursday by the European Union in application of a U.N. resolution. But there was
concern the measures could apply to it because of its Libyan ownership. But Peter Etman,
general manager of the company's Dutch unit, said "the ministry of finance told us we aren't
under sanctions. "The other countries [Tamoil subsidiaries] aren't under sanctions" either, he
said. [Wall Street Journal]
オバマ大統領がリビア空爆に踏み切った理由としては、17 年前(クリントン政権)に
ルワンダに軍事介入しなかったことへの後悔がある。1994 年当時ルワンダ政府は大量
Friday, 25 March, 2011: One apparent reason President Obama decided to take action in Libya:
A lack of action 17 years ago in Rwanda. Some members of Obama's national security team also
worked for President Bill Clinton, who has said his biggest regret was not intervening in 1994
when the Rwandan government killed hundreds of thousands of people. Clinton said his wife,
Hillary Rodham Clinton -- then first lady, now secretary of State -- advocated intervention in
Rwanda. He is a prominent supporter of the Libya action. Susan Rice, Obama's United Nations
ambassador and a National Security Council staff member during the Clinton years has
expressed regret for Rwanda. [USA Today]
カダフィ政権側に拘束されていたジャーナリスト 3 名(Dave Clark と Roberto Schmidt
は Agence France-Presse 所属、Joe Raedle は Getty Images 所属)は解放された後の 23 日
Thursday, 24 March, 2011: RAS AJDIR, Tunisia (Agence France-Presse) — Three journalists
who were arrested in Libya last weekend by forces loyal to Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi arrived in
Tunisia on Wednesday after being released overnight. Dave Clark and Roberto Schmidt, who
work for Agence France-Presse, and Joe Raedle from Getty Images crossed the border at Ras
Ajdir shortly after noon and were driving to Tunis, the capital, about 370 miles to the north.
They were released early on Wednesday morning after an appeal by Agence France-Presse. The
journalists were arrested Saturday near the town of Ajdabiya in eastern Libya. [New York
Thursday, 24 March, 2011: Leaders of the opposition national council in rebel-controlled
eastern Libya say they are making regular, secure contacts with allied military representatives in
Europe to help commanders identify targets for the U.S.-led air assault. The contacts, conducted
through the council's civilian representatives in France and elsewhere in Europe, are made by
secure satellite telephone connections, according to spokesmen for the rebel leadership in its
eastern base of Benghazi. "There is communication between the Provisional National Council
and U.N. assembled forces, and we work on letting them know what areas need to be
bombarded," spokesman Ahmed Khalifa said in an interview Wednesday. [Los Angeles Times]
・Thursday, 24 March, 2011: BENGHAZI, Libya, March 23 (Reuters) - Libya's rebel national
council on Wednesday named a U.S.-based academic and exile opposition figure, Ali Tarhouni,
as the senior finance official in a transitional government it is setting up. He will head the
financial and commercial committee, in effect acting as finance minister in a body which the
rebels hope will win international recognition in their struggle against Muammar Gaddafi's 41
year-rule. Tarhouni, aged 60, left Libya for the United States in 1973 after being jailed by
Gaddafi for student political activities. He was stripped of his Libyan citizenship and sentenced
to death in absentia in 1978, he said. He holds a PhD in economics and finance from Michigan
State university and has been teaching at the Foster School of Business at the University of
Washington in Seattle while remaining active in the exile opposition. [Reuters]
Thursday, 24 March, 2011: Libyan Foreign Minister Musa Kusa spoke by telephone Sunday
night with assistant secretary of State Jeffrey Feltman, a senior State Department official
intimately involved with the Libyan crisis told Fox News. The call was initiated by Kusa, the
official said, adding that Feltman never reaches out to Kusa, but takes the foreign minister's
calls. A spokesman for the State Department, speaking in early March, had confirmed an earlier
call between Kusa and Feltman. The contents of Sunday night's conversation remain unknown,
but it constitutes the highest-level contact between the United States government and the
Qaddafi regime known to have occurred since hostilities commenced in the U.N.-backed
military campaign against the regime. [Fox News]
Thursday, 24 March, 2011: LONDON: The U.K. government has confirmed its war aims in
Libya include regime change and the removal of Moammar Gadhafi from power. A U.K.
Foreign Office official told The Daily Star that the one of the aims of the U.K., as part of the
coalition of Western nations enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya, was to help establish a
government “that is not run by Gadhafi.” The official said: “Our aim is a unified Libya, under a
central government that is more open and democratic, not run by Gadhafi, which does not pose
external threats, either in the region or more broadly.” The comments are in stark contrast to
earlier statements from the U.K. government that the military action was “not about regime
change.” [Daily Star]
・NATO 偵察機が国連による武器禁輸措置の状況把握のためリビア沿岸を偵察飛行。
Thursday, 24 March, 2011: NATO warships started patrolling off Libya's coast yesterday to
enforce the UN arms embargo. Canada's Brigadier General Pierre St Amand said naval
operation Unified Protector "is now under way" with six vessels involved during the first day of
patrols. Nato had already received offers of up to 16 ships to patrol the Mediterranean off Libya,
he said. Notably Turkey, which has voiced reservations about the scale of the air strikes, agreed
to send five warships and a submarine to join the naval operation. Other nations offering vessels
are the United States, Britain, Romania, Italy, Canada, Spain and Greece. Nato spokeswoman
Oana Lungescu said the naval action was to "cut off the flow of arms and mercenaries".
ロッキード・マーティン社の F-16 戦闘爆撃機はオランダの空軍基地から飛び立ち、リ
Thursday, 24 March, 2011: Lockheed Martin F-16s from the Royal Danish Air Force have for
the first time dropped weapons on Libya, the service has confirmed. A detachment of four
Danish F-16s touched down at Sigonella air base in Sicily on 19 March, two days after the UN
security council had passed resolution 1973 approving the introduction of measures against the
Libyan state, including the imposition of a no-fly zone. In an operational update released on 23
March, the Royal Danish Air Force said its aircraft have so far flown 12 sorties in support of the
US-led Operation "Odyssey Dawn". Eleven of these were dedicated to air-to-ground tasks, it
said, and confirmed that precision-guided bombs had been released. [Flight Global]
Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: CNN) -- Since the U.N. Security Council authorized action
Thursday to protect civilians from the effects of Libya's civil war, a vigorous debate has erupted
over the U.S. role in the intervention. In CNN.com's Opinion section, writers raised questions
about the ultimate goal of the military operation and U.S. policy. CNN's Ed Henry describes
President Barack Obama's dilemma here. Here are links to the writer's op-eds and brief excerpts:
Gloria Borger: Obama and Libya: Tell us how this ends In theory, the Obama doctrine -- which
is clearly attempting to change the storyline of American military intervention in the Arab world
-- is a game-changer. [CNN]
・Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: Diplomats in Brussels are trying to overcome a messy and often
fractious start to establish a command structure for the Libyan operation that would meet Barack
Obama's demand to relieve Washington of operational control. Obama, who wants to avoid a
repeat of the US-led "shock and awe" tactics of the 2003 invasion of Iraq, has made clear that
Washington would command the campaign only in its early stages. A clear message was sent
across the Atlantic: Nato or a combination of its members with the support of Arab nations
would have to take command of the no-fly zone to show the world the US had no wish to
impose its will on a Muslim country. [Guardian]
・Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: A statement issued in Paris said that French President Nicolas
Sarkozy and President Barack Obama "agreed on the modalities of using the structures of the
NATO command to support the coalition." The statement says both leaders spoke on Tuesday.
Separately, British Prime Minister David Cameron's office said that he and Obama also agreed
that NATO should play a key role in commanding the military campaign in Libya. NATO
members, meeting Tuesday in Brussels, agreed to have the alliance use sea power to enforce a
U.N arms embargo on Libya. But the organizations members continued to debate the much
more difficult issue of whether the alliance would coordinate enforcement of a U.N. imposed
no-fly zone over Libya. [Fox News]
Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: (Reuters) - Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud at a meeting with
British Prime Minister David Cameron in London on Tuesday expressed strong support for the
aims of the U.N. resolution on Libya, Cameron's office said. "On Libya, the prime minister set
out the action we were taking in support of implementation of UNSCR 1973. Prince Saud
expressed strong support for the aims of UNSCR 1973 and the steps being taken by the
international community to enforce it," Downing Street said in a statement. [Reuters]
ニューヨークタイムズの女性写真家が同僚 3 名とともにカダフィ政権側に捕らわれて
性的嫌がらせや殺害の恐怖を味わったもよう。6 日間の監禁の後、在リビア・トルコ大
Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: A war photographer for the New York Times, the only woman in a
group of four journalists captured in Libya last week, said that she was sexual assaulted and
threatened with death by Libyan soldiers while in captivity. Lynsey Addario and her colleagues
were released into the custody of the Turkish Embassy in Libya Monday, after a six-day ordeal.
The team was detained last Tuesday when pro-Gadhafi forces stopped their car at a checkpoint
near the war-torn city of Ajdabiya. The soldiers pulled them out of the car and the group tried to
make a run for it. The soldiers quickly caught them and considered shooting them, they told the
Times. But the soldiers instead chose to detain them after realizing they were Americans. [ABC
Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: U.S. President Barack Obama’s intervention in Libya clashes with
his status as a Nobel Peace Prize winner, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said. “The
president of the United States is playing a sad role and meanwhile his government is already
involved in five wars and is now opening a new front of war and bombs,” Chavez said in
comments carried on state television. The U.S. and its allies bombed targets belonging to forces
loyal to Colonel Muammar Qaddafi for a third day after the United Nations Security Council
approved a resolution to enforce a no-fly zone over Libya. [Bloomberg]
Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: PARIS, March 22 (Reuters) - A majority of French support the
Western military action in Libya, according to the first poll carried out in France since
operations started against Muammar Gaddafi's forces on Saturday. France has been
spearheading efforts to implement a U.N. resolution on Libya and was the first country to send
fighter jets over Libyan skies to halt the advance of Gaddafi's troops towards the rebel
stronghold of Benghazi in the east of the country. The survey conducted by pollster IFOP
showed 66 percent of those surveyed supported the intervention by the coalition in Libya and
there was no difference between left-wing or right-wing political streams. [Reuters]
・オランダは F-16 戦闘機 6 機、200 名の兵士などを NATO に提供。
Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: THE Netherlands will contribute six F-16 fighter jets, about 200
soldiers, a mine hunter ship and a tanker plane to NATO efforts to enforce a Libyan arms
embargo, Prime Minister Mark Rutte said today. US President Barack Obama will end his Latin
America tour ahead of schedule, returning to Washington a few hours early today to deal with
events in Libya. The White House announced the schedule change from El Salvador, Mr
Obama's final stop on his five-day trip. Much of the visit has been overshadowed by
developments in Libya, and Obama aides have juggled the president's schedule to make time for
briefings and conference calls with his national security team. [Heral Sun]
・Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: Harrier fighter bombers will take off from the USS Kearsarge,
the largest American ship deployed in the Mediterranean against forces loyal to Muammar
Gadaffi, and head for unspecified targets in Libya. "We will be flying tonight," said Rear
Admiral Peg Klein, the commander of thousands of sailors and marines serving with an
expeditionary strike group stationed off the North African coast, a key component of Operation
Odyssey Dawn. Col Gaddafi is still attacking civilians, in violation of a United Nations
resolution, American commanders said. "It's my judgement that despite our success, Gaddafi
and his forces are not yet complying to the UN resolution due to the continued aggressive
actions his forces have taken against the civilian population of Libya," said Admiral Samuel
Locklear aboard the USS Mount Whitney, the command and control ship for the strike group.
・Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: TRIPOLI, March 22 (Reuters) - Western missiles launched
overnight destroyed Soviet-made missile carriers at a Libyan navy facility in Tripoli, leaving
smouldering rubble and twisted metal, Libyan officials said on Tuesday. A Reuters reporter
taken to the facility by Libyan officials said the missiles appeared to have come through the roof
of the warehouse. The charred hulks of at least four missile trucks were visible with craters in
the floor where they had been parked. Fifteen hours after the air strike, smoke was still rising
above the site. "Yesterday, six missiles and one bomb from a warplane hit this facility," said
Captain Fathi al-Rabti, an officer at the facility in the east of Tripoli. "It was a massive
explosion." Officials said the navy base was evacuated before the air strike and no one was hurt.
Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: Kiev - Ukrainian marines, aircraft and a warship were preparing
for deployment to Libya on Tuesday to aid in the evacuation of Ukrainian nationals and to
provide humanitarian assistance, officials said. The forces could arrive in a week, officials said.
They provided no details about the nature or scope of their mission. The landing ship Kostiantyn
Olshansky was taking on board infantry and supplies in the Black Sea port Sevastopol, and a
pre-departure inspection of troops and equipment was scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, officials
at Ukraine's Ministry of Defence said. [M&C]
米国人の世論調査。10 人に 7 人は飛行禁止区域設定に賛成。しかし同数で地上部隊派
Tuesday, 22 March, 2011: A new poll finds that seven in 10 Americans support the
establishment of a no-fly zone over Libya, but that an equal amount would oppose sending in
ground troops. The CNN/Opinion Research survey of 1,012 Americans was conducted from
Friday through Sunday, which means some were interviewed before the launch of Operation
Odyssey Dawn on Saturday. Support for the no-fly zone increased in the past week. An earlier
survey found that 56% would support such an operation, while 40% opposed it. The new survey
pegged support at 70%, with 27% opposed. When asked about directly attacking Libyan dictator
Moammar Kadafi's troops, support slips to 54%. And only 28% of respondents said they would
support sending in U.S. ground troops. [Los Angeles Times]
Tuesday, 22 March, 2011: Turkey says it has agreed to a U.S. request to represent American
interests in Libya. The Turkish embassy in Washington says that Turkey will act as an
intermediary while the U.S. embassy is closed. A State Department official confirmed the report,
but spoke on condition of anonymity because the agreement had not been officially signed. The
agreement comes as the U.S. and its allies are waging an air campaign against Moammar
Gadhafi's forces. On Monday, Libya released four New York Times journalists and handed them
to the Turkish ambassador in Tripoli. [Seattle Times]
EU各国、リビア国営石油への制裁で合意(ロイター3 月 24 日)
[ブリュッセル 23日
ロイター] 欧州連合(EU)加盟各国は23日、国連安
・Wednesday, 23 March, 2011: WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--The U.S. on Tuesday identified
14 companies owned by the Libya's National Oil Corporation in another move taken to isolate
the regime of Moammar Gadhafi. The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control
called the National Oil Corporation "the centerpiece of Libya's state-owned oil apparatus."
Adam Szubin, who directs the Office of Foreign Assets Control, said the National Oil
Corporation has been a primary funding source for Gadhafi. "All governments should block the
National Oil Corporation's assets and ensure that Gadhafi cannot use this network of companies
to support his activities," Szubin said. [Wall Street Journal]
カダフィ大佐、出国先模索? =「奨励したい」と米国務長官(時事通信 3 月 23 日)
【ワシントン時事】クリントン米国務長官は 22 日、ABC テレビとのインタビューで、
リビアの飛行禁止区域、長期化なら 10 億ドル超のコストも(ロイター 3 月 23 日)
[ワシントン 22日 ロイター] リビア上空の飛行禁止区域の設定が数カ月に及ぶ
リビア軍事介入4日目、戦況は長期化も(TBS 系(JNN)3 月 23 日)
リビア軍依然、市民攻撃=親衛隊の動向監視―米軍高官(時事通信 3 月 23 日)
アフリカ地域担当)は 22 日、電話回線を通じて国防総省で記者会見し、リビア軍が依
いと指摘。また、カダフィ大佐の親衛隊で、精鋭の第 32 旅団は当初、首都トリポリ周
Tuesday, 22 March, 2011: Forces loyal to Gaddafi surrounded Misrata, the only big rebel
stronghold in western Libya, on Monday and Western forces prepared to switch from air strikes
to air patrols amid questions over whether coordination would be effective without a clear
NATO role. Juppe said while the United States was currently coordinating the interventions with
France and Britain, in the next few days, if the United States pulled back from the operation,
NATO would be ready to come in with support. "The Arab League does not want the operation
to be placed completely under NATO's responsibility," Juppe said. "It's a coalition of countries
that is leading the operation, so they are in political control of it, and Arab countries, North
American countries and European countries are participating in it," he said. [Reuters]
Monday, 21 March, 2011: The U.S military said Sunday that the first airstrikes to enforce a
U.N.-authorized no-fly zone over Libya have been effective. A top military officer in
Washington told reporters that the United States and coalition forces would continue to target
Libyan military positions, but not the residence of leader Moammar Gadhafi. Navy Vice
Admiral William Gortney said the U.S.-led military operation to enforce the no-fly zone has
been successful. At a Pentagon news briefing, he said the air campaign had significantly
degraded Libya's air defense capability. Gortney said the allied coalition has also targeted
government forces near the eastern city of Benghazi. " If [Libyan government forces] are
moving and advancing onto the opposition forces in Libya, yes we will take them under attack,"
he said. [VOA News]
(2011 年 3 月 22 日 読売新聞)
・Tuesday, 22 March, 2011: TRIPOLI, Libya, March 21 (UPI) -- A missile attack on Libyan
leader Moammar Gadhafi's compound in Tripoli by British forces was postponed due
international news crews nearby, Fox News said. British sources said British aircraft ready to
fire seven Storm Shadow missiles Sunday had to stand down when it was discovered crews
from CNN and other organizations were nearby, Fox News reported Monday. The U.S. network
said the journalists had been brought to the compound by Libya's Ministry of Information to
show them damage inflicted by initial attacks and to use them as human shields. The
postponement of the missile attack annoyed coalition members, Fox News reported. The New
York Times said the Libyan government released four of its journalists Monday, nearly a week
after they were detained. [UPI]
・Sunday, 20 March, 2011: (CNN) -- An international military coalition including France, the
United States and Great Britain attacked Libyan air-defense and other military targets Saturday
night in an operation that eventually will include enforcing a no-fly zone. Libyan rebels had
called on international action to help them stave off assaults by Libyan government forces on
their positions in Benghazi and other enclaves. The coalition's intervention in Libya's civil war
comes two days after the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution authorizing the use of force,
including a no-fly zone, to "protect civilians and civilian populated areas" from government
attack. Here is a look at how the situation got to this point, and what the major players are
saying and doing. [CNN]
・Tuesday, 22 March, 2011: TRIPOLI, Libya, March 21 (UPI) -- A missile attack on Libyan
leader Moammar Gadhafi's compound in Tripoli by British forces was postponed due
international news crews nearby, Fox News said. British sources said British aircraft ready to
fire seven Storm Shadow missiles Sunday had to stand down when it was discovered crews
from CNN and other organizations were nearby, Fox News reported Monday. The U.S. network
said the journalists had been brought to the compound by Libya's Ministry of Information to
show them damage inflicted by initial attacks and to use them as human shields. The
postponement of the missile attack annoyed coalition members, Fox News reported. The New
York Times said the Libyan government released four of its journalists Monday, nearly a week
after they were detained. [UPI]
・Tuesday, 22 March, 2011: New York, March 22 (DPA) The UN Security Council held a
closed-door meeting Monday on the situation in Libya as a coalition of countries implementing
the no-fly zone was being formed. The UN said countries that have officially announced their
participation in the no-fly zone include the US, France, Britain, Denmark, Canada, Italy and
Qatar. Other countries with the intention to contribute to the coalition could include Norway,
Spain and Belgium. The 15-nation council met at the request of Tripoli, which accused allied
forces of killing civilians during airstrikes that began Saturday and were aimed at Libyan
military installations. The meeting ended after 45 minutes without immediate reaction from
council members. [Sify]
・Tuesday, 22 March, 2011: A new poll finds that seven in 10 Americans support the
establishment of a no-fly zone over Libya, but that an equal amount would oppose sending in
ground troops. The CNN/Opinion Research survey of 1,012 Americans was conducted from
Friday through Sunday, which means some were interviewed before the launch of Operation
Odyssey Dawn on Saturday. Support for the no-fly zone increased in the past week. An earlier
survey found that 56% would support such an operation, while 40% opposed it. The new survey
pegged support at 70%, with 27% opposed. When asked about directly attacking Libyan dictator
Moammar Kadafi's troops, support slips to 54%. And only 28% of respondents said they would
support sending in U.S. ground troops. [Los Angeles Times]
リニア空爆賛成:33%、反対:43%、わからない:22%(ComRes/ITN による調査)
Tuesday, 22 March, 2011: LONDON, March 21 (Reuters) - Only one in three Britons agree with
the decision to take military action in Libya, a poll published on Monday showed. The
ComRes/ITN poll found that 43 percent disagreed with the action and 22 percent were unsure.
Just under half of those surveyed felt military action was an unnecessary risk for Britain to take.
Haunted by the experience of the recent Iraq war and continued losses in Afghanistan, Britons
told Reuters they were wary of getting dragged into another lengthy foreign conflict at a time of
belt-tightening at home. "We shouldn't be in there, we've got enough on our plate in
Afghanistan," said Neil Wozencroft, a 35-year-old pipe fitter. [Reuters]
Saturday, 19 March, 2011: (Reuters) - France kept up the pressure on Muammar Gaddafi on
Friday, saying it was ready to launch military intervention despite the Libyan leader's
government declaring a ceasefire in its attacks on rebel forces. President Nicolas Sarkozy's
government said it will host talks on Saturday between the European Council president, Arab
League officials and senior representatives of all states wanting to support a U.N.-mandated
intervention in Libya. French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe told Reuters television after meeting
the prime minister and members of parliament that everything was ready for strikes but declined
to give details. "We are ready but I cannot give you more precise details of the calendar at this
stage," he said. [Reuters]
Saturday, 19 March, 2011: Brussels - France is to host representatives of the European Union,
United Nations and the African Union in Paris on Saturday to discuss the Libyan crisis, EU
foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said Friday. 'Tonight, I will travel to Paris where I will
meet tomorrow, we hope, with Ban Ki-moon, certainly with Amr Moussa of the Arab League
and Jean Ping of the African Union,' Ashton told a news conference in Brussels, adding that
French President Nicolas Sarkozy would host the meeting. In Berlin, German Chancellor
Angela Merkel said Sarkozy had also invited leaders from Britain, Italy, Spain, Portugal,
Denmark and Belgium, as well as foreign ministers from the United Arab Emirates and Saudi
Arabia. [M&C]
NATO 軍に移管する考えを示した。
Monday, 21 March, 2011: The Pentagon expects to hand over control of allied military
operations in Libya "in a matter of days", US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said. Control
would likely go to either to a UK-France coalition or to Nato, Gates said, speaking on a US
military plane en route to Russia. "I think this is basically going to have to be resolved by the
Libyans themselves," he said. "Whether or not there is additional outside help for the rebels I
think remains to be seen." British, French and American jets bombed strategic targets across
Libya on Sunday to enforce a no-fly zone over the country meant to stop leader Muammar
Gaddafi's forces from killing civilians . The three governments issued statements confirming the
attacks had continued on Sunday, the second day of operations over Libya. [LB Times]
Monday, 21 March, 2011: BEIJING—China "expressed regret" over the use of military force in
Libya even as it decided last week not to block authorization of the strikes at the United Nations
Security Council. China's rare acquiescence moved it further away from its longstanding foreign
policy based on non-intervention. "The Chinese side has always opposed the use of military
force in international relations," a government statement said after military strikes against Libya.
The attacks are part of a European-led effort to establish a no-fly zone over the country and
shake support for Libyan strongman Col. Moammar Gadhafi. Analysts said the government's
decision Thursday not to veto a Security Council resolution to approve the use of force in Libya
reflects changes in Beijing's diplomatic strategy as its global interests become more extensive
and complex. [Wall Street Journal]
・Monday, 21 March, 2011: (Reuters) - The top U.S. military officer on Sunday said aircraft
from Qatar were moving into position near Libya to participate in the Western military
operation that has effectively established a no-fly zone. "There are forces, airplanes in particular
from Qatar, that are moving into position as we speak, into theater. There are other countries
who have committed, although I'd rather have them publicly announce that commitment," he
said in an interview with CBS' "Face the Nation" program. [Reuters]
ロシアは 20 日、欧米のリビアへの無差別攻撃を停止するよう要請。
Monday, 21 March, 2011: MOSCOW, March 20 (UPI) -- Russia Sunday called on U.S. and
European forces to stop the "indiscriminate" attack on Libya. "The reports say that during air
raids on Libya strikes were also delivered on non-military facilities. ... As a result, 48 civilians
are reported dead and over 150 wounded," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried by
the RIA Novosti news agency. "In this connection, we are calling on the respective states to halt
the indiscriminate use of force," the Kremlin said. Russia abstained during the vote on the U.N.
Security Council resolution that authorized a no-fly zone and "all necessary measures" against
Moammar Gadhafi's forces. [UPI]
Monday, 21 March, 2011: The German foreign minister has defended Berlin's decision not to
take part in the Western invasion of Libya, warning of a protracted conflict in turmoil-hit
country. "It is not because we have some sort of lingering soft spot for [Libyan ruler Muammar]
Gaddafi's system that we decided not to send German troops to Libya, but because we also have
to see the risks of a lengthy mission," AFP quoted Guido Westerwelle as saying on Sunday. He
made the remarks as Western countries, including the US, Britain, France, Denmark, Norway,
and Canada have attacked Libya, saying that the invasion is part of a UN-mandated resolution
to put into effect a no-fly zone over the North African country. [Press TV]
・Sunday, 20 March, 2011: David Cameron ordered British forces into action against Libya in
“Operation Ellamy”, saying the bombardment was “necessary, legal and right”. Explosions were
reported at an airport east of Tripoli as a British Trafalgar Class submarine and US Navy ships
and submarines stationed off Libya fired 110 Tomahawk missiles at 20 targets in what one
source described as a “night of carnage”. The missiles targeted Libyan command and control
centres, radar installations and surface-to-air missile sites. Libyan officials said the attacks were
“barbaric” and causing civilian casualties. British Tornado GR4 jets from RAF Marham were
poised to attack more sites with Storm Shadow missiles, which can be fired from 200 miles
from their target. [Telegraph]
Sunday, 20 March, 2011: Reporting from Tripoli, Libya— It was to be a human shield, a
massive gathering of Moammar Kadafi's supporters at his Bab Azizia compound, and the
Libyan leader was to give a late-night speech of defiance against the international forces arrayed
against him. They would stand by their beloved Brother Leader at the same compound
destroyed by President Reagan's airstrikes in 1986. Even if the bombs came sailing down. Even
if the entire place went up in flames. "I'm here to support Moammar Kadafi and to oppose the
threats of the West," said Ghazal Muftah, a 52-year-old grandmother in a camouflage army
jacket and hijab, or head scarf, among about 400 or so gathered around the ruler's vast and
well-protected residence. [Los Angeles Times]
・Sunday, 20 March, 2011: TRIPOLI: Western forces carried out air and missile strikes on
Libyan leader Muammer Gaddafi's hometown of Sirte on Saturday, the state-run news agency
Jana said. "Air bombardment and missile attacks have struck several civilian targets in Zuwarah,
Tripoli, Sirte and Benghazi," in raids along the coast stretching from western to eastern Libya,
an armed forces spokesman said, quoted by Jana. Western powers on Saturday launched attacks
from the air and sea against Gaddafi's forces under a UN Security Council resolution to impose
a ceasefire in a month-long showdown between loyalists and rebels. Gaddafi was reputedly born
in a Bedouin tent in Sirte, a Mediterranean city 360 kilometres (225 miles) east of Tripoli.
[Times of India]
Sunday, 20 March, 2011: Australia's prime minister Julia Gillard has backed the military
intervention in Libya, saying it's consistent with the UN Security Council resolution. "I believe
the resolution has got breadth in terms of what the international community can do. "But I
believe the Security Council would meet and deliberate again if there was a question of ground
forces," she said. Australia's foreign minister Kevin Rudd says he has spoken to his British
counterpart about the situation in Libya. Mr Rudd says it's a difficult and complex military
operation. [Radio Australia News]
Sunday, 20 March, 2011: TRIPOLI, March 20 (Xinhua) -- Libya called for an emergency
meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Saturday night after a coalition of Western
countries launched airstrikes on its military forces, Al-Arabiya TV reported. The U.N. Security
Council has passed a resolution imposing a no- fly zone over Libya and allowing the use of "all
necessary measures" to protect civilians in the North African country. In the letters sent to the
U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, British Prime Minister
David Cameron and U.S. President Barak Obama on Saturday, Libyan leader Muammar
Gaddafi said that according to the Charter of the United Nations, the U.N. Security Council is
not authorized to intervene in Libya's internal affairs. [Xinhuanet]
Sunday, 20 March, 2011: Moscow regrets the attack from a range of European countries on
Libya which is being conducted "with reference to the hastily adopted UN Security Council
resolution," official spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry Alexander Lukashevich said
on Saturday. The new UN Security Council resolution on Libya was adopted on Thursday; it
encompasses a no-fly zone and "all necessary measures" against forces loyal to Libya's
strongman Muammar Gaddafi. Paris has taken the leading role in coordinating the world's
response to the tumult in Libya and takes efforts to halt Gaddafi's attacks on the poorly armed
rebel forces. [Rian]
・Sunday, 20 March, 2011: The attack on Libya on Saturday night was only the first stage of an
operation that will see the might of Britain, the United States and France pitted against the
Libyan regime. The Pentagon said that 110 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAM) fired by
British and US forces were supported by a French air strike on tanks and armoured vehicles in
what has been described as the “kinetic” phase of the operation – bombing to take out Libya’s
anti-aircraft defences. Further attacks by British Tornado GR4 ground attack aircraft, based at
RAF Marham in Norfolk, were expected over the night. RAF Marham is home to 9 and 31
Squadrons, which are equipped with air-launched anti-radiation missiles, which home in on the
radiation emitted by enemy radar, and Storm Shadow missiles, used to target command and
control bunkers and radar stations. [Telegraph]
・Saturday, 19 March, 2011: Washington - US President Barack Obama on Friday ordered Col.
Muammar el-Gaddafi to carry out an immediate cease-fire, withdraw his forces from rebel-held
cities and stop all attacks on Libyan civilians or face military action from the United States and
its allies in Europe and the Arab world. "Let me be clear, these terms are not negotiable," Mr.
Obama said from the East Room of the White House. Those terms, particularly lifting the siege
of opposition-held territories, would give the rebels a reprieve, if not a military advantage.
Libya had pledged a cease-fire hours before. But reports from rebel-held territory indicated that
the attacks by Gaddafi militias continued unabated in the east and west. [NDTV]
NATO はリビアへの軍事介入計画策定を迅速化。
Saturday, 19 March, 2011: NATO allies have agreed to speed up planning for possible military
action in Libya, but the alliance has yet to decide whether to intervene in the conflict, a NATO
official says. The decision was made on Friday by ambassadors of the 28-nation alliance after
the UN Security Council approved military action, including the enforcement of a no-fly zone,
to stop Muammar Gaddafi's regime from crushing rebels. "The ambassadors agreed to
accelerate the military planning," a NATO official said on condition of anonymity, adding that
envoys will meet again in the coming days to try to complete the process. Advertisement: Story
continues below "The issue of concrete action is not on the table yet," the official added. [SMH]
Saturday, 19 March, 2011: The State of Qatar has welcomed the resolution No 1973 for 2011 of
the UN Security Council, issued on Thursday on the Libya situation. This was disclosed to
Qatar News Agency by a source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The source said the State of
Qatar, according to the resolution, had decided to take part in the international efforts aiming to
stop the bloodshed and protect the civilians in Libya. The source confirmed that the State of
Qatar respected the choices of the Libyan people and its legitimate right to a peaceful living.
The source reiterated that Qatar was looking forward to seeing a prompt implementation of the
UN Security Council resolution so as to put an immediate end to bloodshed in Libya and bring
about stability and security for the brotherly Libyan people. [Gulf Times]
Saturday, 19 March, 2011: Muammar Gaddafi's ceasefire offer will not satisfy western leaders
queuing up to take a shot at him – but it's unclear what will. When the US and its allies invaded
Iraq in 2003 the aim was to overthrow Saddam Hussein. When Nato entered Kosovo in 1999 its
purpose was to stop ethnic cleansing by Slobodan Milosevic's army. The precise objectives of
the Libyan war 2011, and how they will be achieved, are less well-defined – and therefore,
potentially problematic. The ceasefire hastily announced by Libyan foreign minister Moussa
Koussa in the wake of UN resolution 1973 authorising foreign military intervention will be seen
as a welcome first step. Except that regime forces bombarding Misrata and other cities appeared
not to hear the news. Given Tripoli's talent for lies, the enforcement, verification, and
permanence of a ceasefire could be a vexed and lengthy matter. It will not happen overnight.
戦線拡大に懸念強まる(産経ニュース 2011.3.20)
Friday, 18 March, 2011: TRIPOLI, March 18 (Bernama) -- Libya will positively respond to the
newly adopted United Nations Security Council resolution that okays a no-fly zone over Libya,
Xinhua news agency reported quoting Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim as saying Friday.
In a statement issued in the early hours of Friday, Kaim said Libya will protect civilians in
regions across the country, and ensure the supply of food and medicines. The UN Security
Council on Thursday adopted a resolution to authorise a no-fly zone over Libya and called for
"all necessary measures," excluding troops on the ground, to protect civilians under threat of
attack in the North African country. [Bernama]
Friday, 18 March, 2011: PARIS, March 17 (Reuters) - A major French grain exporter said on
Thursday trade with Libya had completely stopped despite the country's need to purchase food
commodities. Loic Desselas, head of trading at Soufflet, a French grain trading company which
counts Libya as a client, said that France's harsh political stance could hurt future exports if
Muammar Gaddafi stays in power. Oil-rich Libya imports large quantities of grain. A French
political source said on Thursday France believed it could muster enough support for the U.N.
Security Council to pass a resolution on Libya and that military intervention could take place
within hours of that. [ID:nPISHEE77C] "I don't know what will happen, but it is possible that
this market will close (for France) for political reasons," Desselas said at a conference organised
by grain lobby France Export Cereales. [Reuters]
即時の軍事力行使を=リビア安保理決議採択―仏首相(時事通信 3 月 18 日)
フィヨン仏首相は 17 日、対リビア軍事力行使を事実上容認する国連安保理決議の採
AFP 通信によると、同首相は「ここ数日間、安保理決議採択を目指し働き掛けてきたの
はフランスだ」と強調した。サルコジ仏大統領は 11 日の欧州連合(EU)緊急首脳会議
・Friday, 18 March, 2011: Downing Street have cautioned against earlier suggestions that British
planes could be in action "within hours" and declined to put a timetable on it. The UN resolution
rules out a foreign occupation force in any part of Libya. The cabinet will meet on Friday and
Prime Minister David Cameron will make a statement to the Commons, No 10 said. Foreign
Secretary William Hague said the resolution authorised a no-fly zone over Libya and "all
necessary measures" to protect the civilian population - including those in the rebel stronghold
of Benghazi. It also called for an immediate ceasefire, an end to the violence, measures to make
it more difficult to bring foreign mercenaries into Libya and a tightening of sanctions. [BBC]
カダフィ氏、飛行禁止区域設定なら「航空機・船舶を攻撃」(産経新聞 3 月 18 日)
Friday, 18 March, 2011: Security council authorizes military action against Qaddafi. The
measure also calls on nations to intercept ships or planes suspected of carrying arms or
mercenaries to Libya, and freezes the foreign assets of seven government officials and five
entities. The list includes the Central Bank of Libya, Libyan National Oil Corp., the nation's
defense minister and three of Qaddafi's sons. Chinese and Russian envoys said they were
concerned that the resolution could lead to a wider war and that questions about implementation
of the no-fly zone weren't answered to their satisfaction. "China is always against the use of
force in international relations," said Chinese Ambassador Li Baodong. [SF Gate]
・Friday, 18 March, 2011: David Cameron is experiencing one of his most significant moments
since becoming prime minister last May. The vote at the United Nations to take "all necessary
measures" to protect civilians in Libya, allowing a no-fly zone, is little short of a personal
triumph. It may well define his approach to foreign policy for the rest of his premiership. It is
only a few weeks since Cameron was mocked for being isolated on the world stage as he
demanded tough action against Muammar Gaddafi. Some unkind souls even had the cheek to
suggest that his support for a no-fly zone showed that the prime minister had a James Bond
view of foreign policy on the grounds that he thought Britain could project military power with
little help. [Guardian]
・安保理がリビアの飛行禁止区域を承認、数時間以内に軍事行動も(ロイター3 月 18 日)
・Friday, 18 March, 2011: The French Defence Minister has confirmed that military action
against the Ghaddafi regime can start only hours after the UN Security Council approves of it.
Defence Minister Alain Juppé today said France was ready for immediate strikes against the
Ghaddafi regime as soon as the UN Security Council gives its much awaited approval. The
Council is to vote over a no-fly zone and possible military action against the Ghaddafi regime
this night, with most observers expecting an approval. French diplomatic sources today
confirmed this to the news agency 'AFP', saying military actions "could start only hours after the
resolution is approved of." [AFROL]
ベンガジに「最後通告」…政府軍が攻勢(毎日新聞 3 月 17 日)
・Friday, 18 March, 2011: Shortly before midnight, the streets of Libya's de facto rebel capital,
Benghazi, were quiet, nearly deserted. A few minutes after midnight, tracer bullets and
celebratory machine-gun fire were racing into the air from every direction and residents piled
into their cars for a massive street party. In between, the United Nations Security Council voted
by 10-0 to not only impose a no-fly zone over eastern Libya but to allow for “all necessary
measures” short of an occupation to protect the country’s civilians from Col. Muammar Qaddafi,
the dictator who’s ruled Libya for nearly 42 years. It had been a grim week for a revolution that
began as a peaceful uprising against a despot on Feb. 17, with this city and many others wrested
from Mr. Qaddafi’s grasp by young people armed with little more than stones and a fierce will
for change. [Christian Science Monitor]
・Saturday, 5 March, 2011: Moammar Gadhafi's regime struck back at its opponents with a
powerful attack Friday on the closest opposition-held city to Tripoli and a barrage of tear gas
and live ammunition to smother new protests in the capital. At least 37 people died in fighting
and in an explosion at an ammunitions depot in Libya's rebellious east. The bloodshed signaled
an escalation in efforts by both sides to break the deadlock that has gripped Libya's 18-day
upheaval, which has lasted longer than the Egyptian revolt that led to the ouster of President
Hosni Mubarak and inspired a wave of protests across the region. So far, Gadhafi has had little
success in taking back territory, with several rebel cities repelling assaults and the entire eastern
half of the country under rebel control. But the opposition forces have seemed unable to go on
the offensive to march on pro-Gadhafi areas. [ABC]
Eni は対リビア制裁を解除するように欧州諸国に要請。同社は南欧州向けの石油・天然
Thursday, 17 March, 2011: (Reuters) - Italy's Eni called on Europe to abandon sanctions against Libya,
becoming the first Western firm to try to rebuild bridges as Muammar Gaddafi is regaining control and
may reopen the oil taps. While other firms declined to comment on their return to Libya, analysts said
they believed sanctions would remain in place to isolate Libya from big companies for months to come,
making it a playground for smuggling by little-known traders. "Whatever happens, imposing sanctions is
shooting ourselves in the foot because by not taking this gas, we are not ensuring our energy security,"
said Eni's chief Paolo Scaroni, whose company produces both oil and gas in Libya, much of which is
exported to southern Europe. [Reuters]
Thursday, 17 March, 2011: Cameron calls for 'leadership' on Libya David Cameron urged the
UN on Wednesday to “show some leadership”’ on Libya, calling on the UN Security Council to
back a no-fly zone that would try to contain Muammer Gaddafi’s assault on rebels seeking to
overthrow him. As France and Britain led efforts to secure a new UN Security Council
resolution on Libya today, Mr Cameron conceded there was “a wide range of views” within the
body over how to proceed against Col Gaddafi. But the prime minister told MPs that he was
urging Security Council members “to take the right steps, so that, actually, we show some
leadership on this issue and make sure that we get rid of this regime”. [Financial Times]
Thursday, 17 March, 2011: The son of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi says Libya helped finance the
campaign of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and now wants the money back. Saif al-Islam Gadhafi has
told France-based Euronews television that Libyan funds were poured into Sarkozy's 2007 campaign so
France could help the Libyan people. But he said Sarkozy has disappointed them. Gadhafi said Libya has
documentary evidence of the contributions and is ready to reveal everything. The French president has led
the call for a military intervention in Libya, where fighting has broken out between Gadhafi supporters
and rebels calling for the end of his four-decade regime. [VOA News]
Thursday, 17 March, 2011: Opting instead for a summit on Libya between the European Union, the
African Union, and the Arab League, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini ruled out Italian military
intervention. In a setback for English and French strategists, who have been working to gain European
Union consensus on military intervention against Colonel Gaddafi in Libya, Italy has publicly announced
its intention not to commit military assets to the conflict in Libya. According to a report in the Jerusalem
Post, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini expressed his interest in seeing a Libyan summit - convened
by European Union, African Union, and Arab League representatives. [Digital Journal]
Thursday, 17 March, 2011: A Libyan opposition member says those opposed by Moammar Gadhafi will
be disappointed with the United States and the rest of the international community if they fail to impose a
no-fly zone over Libya. Ali Tarhouni, member of the Economic and Oil Committee of the Provincial
Council running the liberated areas of Libya, says the days of the Libyan leader are numbered and the
people will remember those who supported them in their time of need. “I think it is actually a shame that
the Western world, particularly the United States, that advocates for democracy [and] human rights, and
now we see more of a cowardly position. The Libyan people are not asking for much. All they are asking
for is for no-fly zone,” he said. [VOA News]
Thursday, 17 March, 2011: OTTAWA — The UN Security Council is the proper place to decide on action
against Libya, Canada said Tuesday as G8 countries refused to support a no-fly zone proposed by France
and Britain. "It's clear that there is a need to provide a response through the UN Security Council, a
response that will be effective diplomatically, involving the Arab League and other partners," Foreign
Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said as G8 foreign ministers wrapped a two-day meeting in Paris. The
carnage in Libya dominated the two days of discussion, but host France was unable to marshal support for
the no-fly proposal. Along with Britain, France proposed the intervention to halt the advance of
Moammar Gadhafi's forces, which are winning back territory with tanks, warships and artillery from
badly-outgunned rebel forces. [CTV]
Wednesday, 16 March, 2011: A proposal to establish a no-fly zone over Libya has been
introduced to the U.N. Security Council, though both its chance of passage and effectiveness
even if it does pass are very much in doubt. The resolution would provide political and legal
authorization for the establishment of a no-fly zone over Libya, strengthen existing economic
sanctions -- including a more robust enforcement of an arms embargo -- and expand a list of
individuals, organizations and companies that are subject to travel bans and to the freezing of
assets from Libya. The draft also calls for a ban on the use of commercial flights to transport
mercenaries into the country and other means to end the involvement of foreign fighters. [Fox
Thursday, 17 March, 2011: UNITED NATIONS -- Ibrahim Dabbashi, Libya's deputy envoy to the U.N.
who has turned against Moammar Gadhafi, said today the U.N. Security Council had 10 hours to pass a
resolution imposing a no-fly zone in Libya and possibly authorizing airstrikes. "We think Col. Gadhafi
today has lost his mind," Dabbashi told journalists, explaining that Gadhafi's forces had instructions to
"destroy everything and kill whoever you find" in the eastern city of Ajdabiya. "We think that in the
coming hours we will see real genocide in Ajdabiya," he said. "The international community has to act
within the next 10 hours." [AOL News]
Wednesday, 16 March, 2011: Cape Town — President Jacob Zuma will be leaving for Libya
next week as part of a high level committee selected by the African Union to mediate in the
worsening conflict there. Other committee members included Presidents of Mauritania, Congo,
Mali and Uganda. The announcement was made in Cape Town today by International Relations
and Cooperation Deputy Minister Marius Fransman. He said South Africa supported the AU's
position on calling for the immediate end of air strikes and other hostilities. Furthermore, the
deputy minister said they supported a call for "Libyan authorities to facilitate the timely delivery
of humanitarian assistance to the needy population and the adoption and implementation of
political reforms to end the on-going conflict." [All Africa]
Wednesday, 16 March, 2011: PARIS — The eight most powerful industrialized nations failed to
agree Tuesday on a no-flight zone or any other military operation to help the Libyan opposition,
instead passing the problem to the United Nations Security Council by urging an undefined
increase of pressure on the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. France and Britain
pressed for agreement on a no-flight zone, while Germany and Russia opposed the measure and
the United States was cautious, officials said, speaking anonymously following diplomatic
protocol. Alain Juppé, the French foreign minister, read a statement after talks among foreign
ministers of the Group of 8 nations concluded here on Tuesday, saying that they called on
Colonel Qaddafi “to respect the legitimate claim of the Libyan people to fundamental rights,
freedom of expression and a representative form of government.” [New York Times]
Wednesday, 16 March, 2011: The United States imposed more economic sanctions on Libya's
government Tuesday, as forces loyal to Moammar Gadhafi continued their crackdown on the
opposition. The conflict is also hitting home in western Virginia, where a family is mourning a
young man with ties to our area who was killed in the fighting. Suzi Elarabi was worried for her
son's safety, calling Muhannad Bensadik every hour from her Martinsville apartment. As the
fighting in Libya escalated, she encouraged him to leave for the United States, but knew he
wouldn't come. "Libya is his country too," Elarabi told News 7, "so he decided that he would
not leave Libya until he did what he had to do and fight for freedom for the Libyan people." The
21-year-old was born in Eden, North Carolina. He spent summers in the Martinsville area, and
attended Magna Vista High School in the 9th grade. [WDBJ7]
Monday, 7 March, 2011: WASHINGTON — The United States came under mounting pressure
Sunday to help arm rebels facing Moamer Kadhafi's emboldened and regrouping military, amid
charges Washington missed recent chances to oust Libya's strongman. President Barack Obama
has insisted that all options including military action remain on the table with respect to Libya,
where Kadhafi forces have unleashed deadly airstrikes on rebels and civilians in efforts to crush
an uprising in which thousands are believed to have been killed. But with the administration
cautioning that a decision on a no-fly zone was still far off, US lawmakers and former officials
appearing on Sunday talk shows coalesced around the likelihood that supplying weapons to the
outgunned rebels was a way forward. [AFP]
<G8外相会議>カダフィ氏退陣求める 議長総括を採択(毎日新聞 3 月 16 日)
【トブルク(リビア)時事 3 月 16 日】反政府勢力への反転攻勢を強めるリビア政府軍・
・Sunday, 6 March, 2011: A honking, cheering, flag-waving convoy of rebel gunmen in dusty
pickup trucks and battered sedans screeches to a halt in Bin Jawwad, a flyspecked hamlet. They
had advanced 110 miles in 18 hours. Reporting from Bin Jawwad, Libya - The Libyan jet
fighter circled once, twice, and then dipped, low and ominous. "Scatter! Scatter!" a rebel
commander screamed. On a windswept highway here on the new front line in the ever-shifting
war in Libya's east, rebel gunmen raced for cover behind boulders the color of sand. Several
antiaircraft guns burst to life, sending bright red rounds streaking toward the sky. They
exploded in black puffs above the desert Saturday afternoon. Then the plane was gone, and the
frenzied, all-day celebration of the rebel victory over pro-government forces the night before
resumed. [Los Angeles Times]
・Thursday, 17 March, 2011: Anthony Shadid, Stephen Farrell, Tyler Hicks and Lynsey Addario were
reporting on the fighting in the eastern part of the country, the Times said in a statement. Bill Keller, the
Times executive editor, said on Twitter: "Four of the best journalists I know, missing in action. Libyans
say if they're in [government] custody, they will be freed." The reporters were last in contact with their
editors Tuesday morning. According to the newspaper, secondhand reports said that Times reporters and
photographers had been swept up by Libyan government forces in the town of Ajdabiyah. This could not
be confirmed however. [ABC News]
・Wednesday, 16 March, 2011: AJDABIYA, Libya -- Rebels opposed to Col. Moammar
Gadhafi's Tuesday fled this strategic post after government troops took the city in a
stealth assault, overwhelming the only major population center on the way to the rebel
capital Benghazi and making a crucial stride towards snuffing out the four-week-old
uprising. Demoralized rebel fighters streamed out of the city, trying to regroup along a
four-lane highway to Benghazi that was packed with speeding ambulances and cars of
fleeing Ajdabiya citizens. Advance, unite in numbers. Yes, he owns planes, yes he owns
missiles, but we have God with us and we'll achieve victory or death!" urged a frantic
broadcast Tuesday afternoon on the Voice of Free Libya, the rebels' Benghazi-based
channel. "This is our last stand." [Wall Street Jornal]
・Thursday, 17 March, 2011: BENGHAZI, 15 March 2011 (IRIN) - Benghazi, Libya’s second
largest city and seat of the opposition Libyan National Council, is bracing for the fall-out from
fighting in Brega, 200km away, with residents warning they could suffer gas and electricity
shortages. “If Gaddafi [forces] should take Brega, we will find ourselves with no gas and
electricity,” a local resident of Benghazi, who gave his name as Salar, told IRIN. It was unclear
by 14 March whether government forces had overrun the town, with both sides claiming they
were still in control of the area. Observers warn that the fall of eastern towns like Brega could
encourage government forces, which are battling retreating armed opposition fighters, to turn
their guns on Benghazi. Should that happen, fighting would disrupt fuel and water supply lines,
and affect operations at the port through which some aid has been arriving. [IRIN News]
<EU外相>アラブ連盟と会談 リビア巡り意見交換(毎日新聞 3 月 14 日)
「3 月 9 日から 3 月 15 日の期間
.ltaking towns may be easy for C ,s eastern front'On Libya .Libya ,Ajdabiya :2011 ,March 15 ,Tuesday
After days of being pounded by rocket fire .but holding them is something else again –afi Muammar Qadd
s rebel army piled into their pickup trucks yesterday 'Libya ,and bombing runs from forces loyal to Qaddafi
They left .miles to the east 40 ,ega to Ajdabiyaafternoon and cut a ragged retreat from the oil town of Br
That was .Qaddafi’s fighters surging behind ,mounds of ammunition and supplies behind them as they fled
and then we ,forward [s forces'Qaddafi] werd eW“ .Majbouli-says Mohammed el ,all according to plan
a former member of Qaddafi’s special ,Majbouli .rM syas ”,uvered behind them and trapped themmane
」 [Christian Science Monitor] .forces who is now organizing rebel fighters
反政府側はフランスと(毎日 3 月 9 日)
・Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: (CNN) -- NATO has launched around-the-clock surveillance flights
of Libya as it considers various options for dealing with escalating violence in the war-torn
country, America's ambassador to the organization told reporters Monday. Representatives of
key Western powers also highlighted the possibility of establishing a no-fly zone in Libya -- part
of growing campaign to break strongman Moammar Gadhafi's grip on power. British, French
and U.S. officials were working on a draft text that includes language on a no-fly zone,
diplomatic sources at the United Nations told CNN. The language in the text will deal with
triggers rather than timelines for taking such a step, one diplomat noted. If gross violations of
human rights are committed, the diplomat added, the elements of the text could be quickly
turned into a resolution. [CNN]
・Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: Speaking at the White House, Mr Obama said the US would stand
with the Libyan people as they faced "unacceptable" violence. "We have got Nato consulting
around a wide range of options in Brussels, including potential military options in response to
the violence that continues to take place inside Libya," he said. Mr Obama has instructed his
military planners to prepare a range of options, which are understood to include signal-jamming,
airdropping weapons and supplies to rebels and landing units of special forces of the sort
deployed early during the Afghanistan campaign. However Robert Gates, the US Defence
Secretary, warned that any foreign military intervention in Libya should have international
backing. He has warned that imposing a no-fly zone would involve direct military action in the
form of bombing raids to eradicate Libya's air defences, thus potentially dragging the United
States into a third major war front after Iraq and Afghanistan. [Telegraph]
・Saturday, 5 March, 2011: BENGAHZI, LIBYA - Forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar
Gaddafi unleashed their fiercest counterattack yet against the opposition on Friday, assaulting
rebel-held positions by ground and air and firing on demonstrators in the government stronghold
of Tripoli. The lethal force of the government offensive - including what rebels described as a
"bloodbath" in the strategic western port city of Zawiyah - raised the stakes for Washington and
its western allies. They have threatened military intervention should the Gaddafi government
cross red lines including the systematic endangerment of defenseless civilians or if the battle for
Libya evolved into a long-term, bloody stalemate. [Washington Post]
対リビア 飛行禁止決議へ着手 米英仏草案、中露は慎重(産経新聞 3 月 9 日)
Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: UNITED NATIONS (AP) — Britain and France are drafting a U.N.
resolution that would establish a no-fly zone over Libya to prevent Moammar Gadhafi's air
force from bombing civilians and rebels fighting to oust him from power. A British diplomat at
the U.N. stressed Monday that the resolution is being prepared as a contingency in case it is
needed, but no decision has been made to introduce it at the U.N. Security Council. Pressure for
the no-fly zone appears to be intensifying after Gadhafi's regime unleashed its air power on the
poorly equipped and poorly organized rebel force trying to oust their ruler of 41 years. The
heavy use of air power on Sunday — and again on Monday — signaled the regime's concern
that it needed to check the advance of the rebel force toward the city of Sirte, Gadhafi's
hometown and stronghold which lies on the main road to the capital, Tripoli. [AP]
・Saturday, 5 March, 2011: LONDON: Bomb attacks on Brega harbour were intended to scare
rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi, his son Seif Al-Islam told Britain's Sky News
late Thursday. "The bombs were just to frighten them to go away," Gaddafi's son said. "There is
no city there, the city of Brega is miles away. I am talking about the harbour, only oil refinery
there," he insisted. Seif Al-Islam made it clear the regime would do all it could to prevent the
harbour falling into rebel hands. "This is the oil and gas hub of Libya," he explained. "All of us,
we eat, we live because of Brega. Without Brega six million people have no future because we
export all of our oil from there. Read more: Libya bombings only to 'frighten' rebels: Gaddafi
son - The Times of India [Times of India]
Occidental Petroleum Corp (OXY.N)は米国政府の対リビア制裁措置に全面的に従う姿勢
を示した。同社によれば 2010 年のリビアの原油生産量(同社権益分)は約 13000 バレル/
日で同社の世界中の権益量の 2%に満たない量であるとのことである。
Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: (Reuters) - Occidental Petroleum Corp (OXY.N) said on Monday it is
in full compliance with U.S. sanctions on Libya. Libya provides less than two percent of
Occidental's total worldwide production. The company's share of production from Libyan
properties in 2010 was approximately 13,000 barrels-of-oil-equivalent per day. "We are not
aware of the current production status of the Libya oilfields where Oxy produces," said the
spokesman in response to a question about the status of its fields. [Reuters]
Exxon Mobil は米国政府の対リビア制裁措置に従う考えを示し、リビア原油の販売活動
Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: (Reuters) - Exxon Mobil has stopped trading crude oil with Libya to
comply with U.S. sanctions, two trading sources told Reuters on Monday citing unofficial
information they received from the U.S. supermajor. Sources also said they understood U.S. oil
firms ConocoPhillips and Marathon, which are stake holders in Libyan oil production projects,
have also either fully scrapped or reduced dealings with the country. Earlier on Monday, trade
sources told Reuters Wall Street bank Morgan Stanley had also stopped all contracts with Libya.
Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: (Reuters) - ConocoPhillips (COP.N) is in full compliance with U.S.
sanctions against Libya and is not exporting oil from that country. "We are full compliance with
U.S. sanctions, a company spokesman said on Monday. Conoco has a non-operating 16 percent
interest in the Waha concessions in Libya. Net oil production averaged 46,000 barrels per day in
2010, versus 45,000 barrels per day in 2009, according to a regulatory filing. In the 2010 fourth
quarter, Conoco's daily output averaged 1.73 million barrels of oil equivalent. [Reuters]
・Wednesday, 16 March, 2011: TRIPOLI, March 15 (Reuters) - Libya's government will honour
existing contracts with Western oil companies but the crisis is likely to influence its future
cooperation with them, a senior foreign ministry official said on Tuesday. "Yesterday I met with
Mr Shukri Ghanem, the president of the National Oil Commission, and he told me he is still in
contact with the chairmen of Eni (ENI.MI: Quote) and some American companies," Deputy
Foreign Minister Khaled Kaim told Reuters in Tripoli. "We hope that they will be convinced
that the security is guaranteed for everyone and they will be back here to resume their work," he
said. Asked if existing contracts could be reviewed, he said: "I don't think so at this stage. ...
Maybe for new ones, for new concessions, for new contracts. Maybe what happened in the last
four weeks will be reflected in the future cooperation with other countries." [Reuters]
Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: Potentially embarrassing details of links between the Gaddafi regime
and British universities have emerged, including revelations that one of the Libyan dictator's
sons was tutored in the UK. Mutassim Gaddafi, who has been described as a "war criminal" by
Libyan anti-government protesters, was given private lessons at the School of Oriental and
African Studies in the summer of 2006. Four years later Soas, which is part of the University of
London, announced a lucrative deal with a Libyan university. It has also emerged that another
British university formed a partnership with a Libyan government ministry to reform the
country's prisons. But the university did not gain access to Libya's two most notorious jails.
Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: RAS LANOUF, Libya (AP) - Libyan warplanes launched fresh
airstrikes on rebel positions around a key oil port today, trying to block the opposition fighters
from advancing toward Moammar Gadhafi’s stronghold in the capital, Tripoli. Rebels in the
area said they can take on Gadhafi’s elite ground forces, but are outgunned if he uses his air
power. [Vindy]
Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: Libya's government extended an olive branch to rebels today in a bid
to prevent further bloodshed as the armed uprising in the oil-rich country entered its fourth week.
Jadallah Azous al-Talhi, a former Libyan prime minister of the 1980s who is from eastern Libya,
appeared on state television reading an address to elders in the insurgent stronghold of Benghazi.
Mr Talhi asked them to "give a chance to national dialogue to resolve this crisis, to help stop the
bloodshed and not give a chance to foreigners to come and capture our country again." But
Ahmed Jabreel, an aide to rebel chief Mustafa Abdel Jalil, said: "Any negotiations must be on
the basis that Gadaffi will step down. There can be no other compromise." [Morning Star]
・Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: RIYADH: Saudi Arabia on Monday called for an end to the ongoing
bloody violence in Libya — which started on Feb. 15 — in order to save the lives of Libyans
and safeguard the country’s territorial integrity. The Council of Ministers, presided over by
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah, also urged the Libyan authorities to allow
distribution of relief supplies among the country’s strife victims. The Cabinet expressed its
concern over the worsening security situation in some Arab and Islamic countries and
emphasized the need to deal with such developments with patience and wisdom, ensuring the
security and stability of people in those countries. [Arab News]
・Monday, 7 March, 2011: The BBC's John Simpson says Ras Lanuf remains in rebel hands.
Four Libyan towns which forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi claimed to have retaken remain under
rebel control, witnesses say. Tobruk and Ras Lanuf remain in rebel hands, BBC correspondents
said. Anti-Gaddafi forces still control Misrata and Zawiya, residents and rebels said. But both
Misrata and Ras Lanuf came under renewed attack on Sunday, and clashes have been reported
in the small town of Bin Jawad. In the capital, Tripoli, officials said pre-dawn gunfire there was
celebrating pro-Gaddafi "gains" of the towns. Many people there first thought the firing was
clashes between pro- and anti-government forces, and there are suspicions celebratory gunfire
was then used to cover up the gunfight. [BBC]
リビア革命でカダフィ大佐の同志であった Abdul Fatah Younis はいまやカダフィ大佐を
Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: When the Libyan revolution erupted, Abdul Fatah Younis was at the
heart of the action. As one of a small group of young army officers involved in the conspiracy
against the regime, he helped seize the radio station in Benghazi, Libya’s second city. That was
in 1969 and his comrade in arms was a 27-year-old captain – Muammer Gaddafi. In the four
decades that followed, he rose to the rank of general, headed Libya’s special forces, and took up
the post of interior minister as a trusted member of Col Gaddafi’s regime. But, in a reflection of
the extraordinary events that have swept across Libya, he is now deploying his special forces to
support and advise rebel fighters bent on ousting the Libyan leader, predicting the regime’s
downfall within days and alleging that Col Gaddafi’s Ukrainian nurse has been dispatched to
her homeland with $50m to hire fighter pilots for the regime and buy spare parts for the air force.
[Financial Times]
Tuesday, 8 March, 2011: Arab League Secretary general Amr Moussa called on Libyan leader
Muammar Gaddafi to launch reconciliation talks with rebel forces as soon as possible if he
wishes to stay in power, though he believes the Libyan people aren't likely to accept
reconciliation. In an interview with French radio Moussa added that international inspectors
should be sent to eastern Libya to see for themselves whether mass murder is in fact being
committed against Libyan citizens. If these reports are true, he said, then it is imperative that
those responsible be brought to justice. AFP [Ynet News]
中国:揺らぐ資源戦略、リビアから3万人救出 アフリカ進出熱の後退危惧(毎日 3 月 7
EU がリビアからの脱出方法などを検討する高級官僚レベルのミッションをリビアに派
遣。2 月 14 日に反政府運動が始まって以来はじめての試み。
Monday, 7 March, 2011: Brussels, March 7 (IANS/RIA Novosti) The European Union (EU) has
sent a high-level mission to troubled Libya to assess the needs of the people and monitor
evacuation efforts. The office of the EU foreign affairs chief said Sunday that it will be the first
such mission to Libya since the anti-regime protests began Feb 14 against Muammar Gaddafi's
41-year rule. The Libyan authorities are fiercely suppressing the riots, and at least 6,000 people
have been killed, according to international organisations. The EU experts will have to report on
the humanitarian situation in the oil-rich north African country to the emergency EU summit on
Libya to be held in Brussels March 11. [Sify]
Monday, 7 March, 2011: (Reuters) - The rebel council based in eastern Libya says the region
has food supplies that will last three to four months, Saad al-Ferjani, the council member
managing economic affairs, told Al Arabiya television on Sunday. He said the National Libyan
Council would honour all contracts to supply oil from the crude-producing region. "We will
cover all of our contracts, they cannot be changed," he said. "The food supplies are available at
a high level, and are enough for three to four months," he said. Medicine, petrol and gas were
also available, he said. [Reuters]
リビア:「反体制派が正統代表」 フランスが承認毎日新聞
2011 年 3 月 10 日
決議 1970 を拒否。
Monday, 7 March, 2011: TRIPOLI - The Libyan government officially rejected the United
Nations Resolution 1970 which imposed travel ban and assets freeze on Gaddafi's family and
some senior officials, and expressed "deep regret" over the position of the UN Security Council,
according to an official statement released on Sunday. The resolution was based on external
media reports, rather than on accurate, well-documented, and verifiable information whose
credibility has been ascertained by an in independent and impartial facts-finding committee, the
statement said. The north African country is witnessing the worst unrest in the past four decades,
which broke out on February 16 in the eastern city of Benghazi. The mass protests, demanding
an end to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year rule, have turned into violent clashes
between anti-government protesters and pro-Gaddafi troops. The parties responsible for the
violence in the country are " sleeping cells which belong to al-Qaida terrorist organization
operating in a region that they call the Muslim Maghreb," the statement added. [China Daily]
Sunday, 6 March, 2011: Italy and Japan have confirmed they will endorse UN and EU sanctions
on Libya. The UN Security Council unanimously voted to back a sanctions resolution aimed at
ending the Libyan government's attack on citizens. Authorities in Italy, Libya's main trading
partner, agreed to freeze assets linked to Colonel Gaddafi and his family. 'We have to listen to
Libyan people... we have to help this transitional process be peaceful, without violence, without
a regime killing its own population' said Italy's Foreign Minister Franco Frattini. Gaddafi's
regime has demanded that the UN suspend sanctions against the Libyan leader over his
crackdown on protests. Human rights groups say 6,000 people have been killed since protests
against Colonel Gaddafi erupted last month. [Sky News]
Sunday, 6 March, 2011: PARIS, (AFP) - Moammar Kadhafi said he wanted the United Nations
or the African Union to probe the unrest rocking Libya and promised investigators free access,
in an interview published Sunday. The strongman, making his first such demand since the
outbreak of violent protests against his rule and the ensuing bloody riposte, also warned that the
unrest would spell disaster for Europe. "First of all I would like that an investigatory
commission of the United Nations or the African Union comes here to Libya," he told the
French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche. "We will let this panel work unhampered," he said,
adding that he would be in favour of France "coordinating and leading" the probe body. Shortly
after the unrest broke out, Kadhafi’s son Saif al-Islam, long seen as a possible successor, said he
wanted an independent domestic probe into the unrest. [Montreal Gazette]
Sunday, 6 March, 2011: The U.N. Human Rights Council has postponed issuing its report on
Libya in the wake of criticism that it contains praise for the North African nation's human rights
record. The 47-nation council said Thursday it would hold off on adopting the report on Libya
after critics said it was too soft. The routine report was prepared before the recent uprisings and
Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi's violent crackdown on protesters. The U.S. ambassador
to the council, Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe, said the delay was the right thing to do and
hopefully "the voices of the Libyan people, and not just the voice of the Gadhafi regime, can be
reflected." [Sify]
Saturday, 5 March, 2011: Internet service was blocked in much of Libya, notably the capital city
of Tripoli, making it difficult for people to plan or communicate Friday in the violence-torn
country. U.S. firms that monitor global Internet networks reported that Web traffic in and out of
Libya was disconnected abruptly Thursday afternoon local time and continued to be unavailable
late Friday. Tripoli, a city of 2 million people, was suffering a near-total outage, according to
residents in several neighborhoods, as well as Libyans abroad who are in telephone contact with
family members in other neighborhoods. Google Inc., which tracks the status of its services,
reported a sudden halt in traffic from Libya starting at approximately 2 p.m. local time Thursday
(7 a.m. EST) and continuing through Friday. [Wall Street Journal]
リビア政府は新たな国連大使に前外務大臣の Ali Abdussalam Treki 氏を任命。
Saturday, 5 March, 2011: According to Reuters, Colonel Gaddafi has designated a new man at
the United Nations. Apparently, breaking down in tears and begging for international sanctions
was not considered helpful: " Libya has appointed ex-foreign minister Ali Abdussalam Treki as
its U.N. envoy in New York, replacing an ambassador who renounced the Libyan leadership, the
United Nations said on Friday. "The Secretary-General (Ban Ki-moon) has received
correspondence from the Libyan authorities," U.N. spokesman Martin Nesirky said. "That
correspondence names Dr. Treki as the person they wish to have as the permanent representative
of their country." It is not clear whether Treki, one of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's most
senior foreign policy advisers and a former president of the U.N. General Assembly, will ever
take up the post as Libyan ambassador to the United Nations." [Foreign Policy]
始まった 2 月最終週でも 57 万バレル/日の原油が輸出された。西側の石油関係者やトレ
Saturday, 5 March, 2011: Muammer Gaddafi’s regime is still benefiting from hundreds of
millions of dollars in oil export revenues, even as western powers impose financial sanctions
aimed at forcing Libya’s leader from power. Payments for crude oil exports are finding their
way back to Libya’s central bank and, potentially, into Col Gaddafi’s direct control, according to
a senior western oil official and traders contacted by the Financial Times. Oil officials and
shipbrokers said that Libya exported about 570,000 barrels a day in the last week of February,
when the unrest started, and shipped about 400,000 b/d this week. At current prices, the oil
shipped over the two-week period is worth $770m. The export flow is now tailing off as more
oil companies and tanker owners stop dealing with Libya because of reputational risk,
executives and shipbrokers said. However, Chinese and Indian companies have continued
buying the crude, they said. [Financial Times]
1000 トンの小麦粉を積んだ船がベンガジに向けて出港したが、目的を果たせずに帰港
Saturday, 5 March, 2011: A ship loaded with 1,000 tons of flour bound for Benghazi in eastern
Libya returned to port on Thursday without delivering its cargo because of reports of aerial
bombardments in the area, officials said. "The owners of the ship took the decision. There were
concerns about the reports of aerial bombardments," Greg Barrow, a spokesman for the
Rome-based World Food Program, which chartered the ship, said. The WFP, which has
launched an operation costing $39.2 million US to provide food aid inside Libya and to the
thousands crossing into Tunisia and Egypt, said the ship had returned to Malta. "We urgently
call for safe humanitarian access to Libya. This shows the scale of the challenge we face,
especially if there is a need to ramp up food and other assistance in Libya," WFP chief Josette
Sheeran said in a statement. [Edmonton Journal]
Friday, 4 March, 2011: WASHINGTON — President Obama delivered what he called an "very
unambiguous" message to Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi on Thursday: "Step down from
power and leave." He also warned those carrying out Gadhafi's orders that they will be held
accountable for their actions. "They should know history is moving against Colonel Gadhafi,"
Obama said. In his first public comments on the crisis in Libya in more than a week, the
president also said he has instructed the Defense and State departments to explore all U.S.
options to influence the Libyan uprising and Gadhafi's violent efforts to crush it. [USA Today]
Friday, 4 March, 2011: TRIPOLI, Libya—The residents of Libya's capital, subject to a
clampdown as Col. Moammar Gadhafi loses much of the rest of his country to opponents, are
gripped by fear and paranoia. Pro-Gadhafi security forces, visiting homes at night, have made
scores of arrests. Families of some anti-government activists have gone into hiding after
receiving threats from officials. Doctors say patients with gunshot wounds—a sign the injured
person may have been at a street demonstration—have been arrested and taken from hospitals.
Some residents of Tripoli, home to 2 million of Libya's 6 million people, on Thursday described
these and other incidents that form what they say is a tapestry of terror in the capital. As Col.
Gadhafi has rallied his base, these people say, reprisals have escalated against those who protest
his rule. [Wall Street Journal]
Friday, 4 March, 2011: Oil production in Libya has been cut in half due to nationwide civil
unrest, according to Shukri Ghanem, chairman of Libya's National Oil Corporation. "Libya's oil
production has been halved as foreign workers have left because they don't feel safe" he told
Agence France Presse. "Libyan workers also have left but most of the foreign workers are
technicians, and this has led to a reduction in production." Ghanem, who also serves as the de
facto oil minister, did not provide any data to back up his claims. However, he emphasized that
"none of the oil installations were damaged" and that "we continue to produce and export" oil.
Most foreign oil companies, including Total (NYSE: TOT) of France, have wither shut down
their operations in Libya or suspended them. [IB Times]
リビアの資産凍結措置は採られたが、リビア国営銀行の外貨準備高は少なくても 1100
Friday, 4 March, 2011: Tripoli, Libya (AHN) – Despite the freezing of Libyan assets by at least
three western nations, the strife-torn nation has enough in its war chest to fund operations.
According to the International Monetary Fund, the Central Bank of Libya holds at least $110
billion in foreign reserves. The IMF cautioned it is unclear how much money is held by the
central bank and on foreign shores. The Libyan government and strongman Muammar Gaddafi
have extensive global holdings ranging from a Hollywood production company to an Italian
soccer team and London property. The U.S. has frozen $30 billion in Libyan assets, Canada $2.3
billion and the U. another $30 billion in a global bid to pressure Gaddafi to step down after 42
years of ruling Libya with an iron fist. Despite the freeze, the IMF estimates Libya’s $110
billion international reserves are sufficient to cover the country’s imports for three years. [Gant
ギリシャの米国海軍基地に 400 隻の戦艦が集結。英国、フランスとともに反政府軍保護
Friday, 4 March, 2011: ATHENS, Greece — Some 400 U.S. Marines arrived at an American
naval base in Greece in a buildup of U.S. forces around Libya, and Britain and France said
Thursday that preparations should begin to establish a "no-fly zone" over the North African
nation to protect rebel forces. Libyan opposition leaders have pleaded for foreign powers to
launch airstrikes to help them oust Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi from power, but the
Pentagon has tried to play down the idea of using military force, including a no-fly zone.
Nevertheless, the U.S. is mobilizing: Some 400 U.S. Marines from the 2nd Marine
Expeditionary Unit, based at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, arrived Wednesday at the U.S.
Souda Bay on the Greek island of Crete. Base spokesman Paul Farley said they have been
deployed "as part of contingency planning to provide the president (Barack Obama) flexibility
on full range of option regarding Libya," along with the amphibious assault ships USS
Kearsarge and USS Ponce which have been ordered to the Mediterranean Sea. [Canadian Press]
Friday, 4 March, 2011: Russian President Dmitry Medvedev described on Thursday the situation
in Libya as moving toward the civil war. "Libya has been and is on the brink of a civil war, and
our task was to save the lives of our citizens [there]," Medvedev said during a meeting with
Emergency Situations Minister Sergei Shoigu. Russia completed on Wednesday the evacuation
of its citizens from the North African country, where at least 2,000 people are believed to have
been killed in violent clashes between troops loyal to the country's long-standing leader,
Muammar Gaddafi, and opposition protesters and rebel forces. "This was a large-scale and
complicated operation," Medvedev told Shoigu, referring to the evacuation of the Russians from
Libya. The Russian Embassy in Tripoli reported earlier on Thursday that Russia had evacuated
520 Russians and 593 foreign nationals from Libya. [Rian]
Friday, 4 March, 2011: GENEVA - The international Red Cross on Thursday urged Libyans to
respect medical personnel after two ambulances came under fire in the coastal area of Misrata,
wounding two and destroying one of the vehicles. "Credible reports indicate that two Libyan
Red Crescent ambulances were shot at today (Thursday) in Misrata, west of Benghazi, resulting
in two volunteers being injured and one of the ambulances being completely burnt," the
International Committee of the Red Cross said in a statement. "Red Crescent and Red Cross
staff must be respected and allowed to carry out their life-saving work in safety," said Simon
Brooks, head of the ICRC team in Benghazi. "This is a vital issue for us and our colleagues at
the Libyan Red Crescent. Volunteers are always ready to do their job but they must be granted
the necessary security," he added. [Vancover Sun]
Monday, 7 March, 2011: The leader of the opposition Justice and Democracy Party of Libya
says he has begun compiling evidence of what he describes as flagrant human rights abuses and
grave atrocities perpetrated by forces loyal to embattled leader Moammar Gadhafi against
anti-government protesters. Hadi Shalluf, who is also an international lawyer, says the evidence
will be sent to the International Criminal Court for the prosecution of Gadhafi and his regime,
including his immediate family. “We are trying to gather the information to give them to the
public prosecutor and the ICC (International Criminal Court), and also present it to the Libyan
(court) jurisdiction in the future, when we catch Gadhafi or we arrest him in Libya,” said Shalluf.
EU:リビア投資庁が制裁対象に 欧州で巨額の資金運用(毎日 2011.3.7)
飛行禁止空域設定の草案作成 安保理決議案(毎日新聞 3 月 8 日)
カダフィ大佐、保証付き退陣を反体制派側に提案(アルジャジーラ、ロイター3 月 8 日(火))
ICC 政権側の捜査着手(産経新聞 3 月 4 日)
Tuesday, 1 March, 2011: After two weeks of revolution and the deaths of thousands of
Libyans, the Obama administration is starting to contemplate military action against the
brutal Libyan regime of Moammar Gadhafi. The United Nations Security Council has
already sanctioned Gadhafi and referred him to the International Criminal Court
following his violent suppression of Libya’s revolutionary movement, creating the
contours of a hardening international position against Gadhafi. And now most U.S.
nationals in Libya have now fled, removing what the Obama administration has
considered an impediment to action. So here comes the Navy. The Enterprise carrier
strike group, last seen hunting pirates, is in the Red Sea — and may sail through Suez to
the Mediterranean — and the New York Times reports that an “amphibious landing
vessel, with Marines and helicopters” are there as well. [Wired]
Tuesday, 1 March, 2011: Libya’s opposition gained fresh support from the U.S. and
European nations, who promised humanitarian aid and began planning for a no-fly zone,
as leader Muammar Qaddafi declared that “my people love me” and sent forces to
regain lost territory. The European Union yesterday imposed an arms embargo and other
sanctions, and the U.S. said it has frozen $30 billion in Libyan assets. The U.S. said
refugee-aid teams were sent to Libya’s borders while American naval and air units are
being repositioned in the Mediterranean. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met
with ministers from the EU and Russia in Geneva. Qaddafi has “lost the legitimacy to
govern and it is time for him to go without further violence or delay,” Clinton said.
Tuesday, 1 March, 2011: President Barack Obama and U.N. Secretary-General Ban
Ki-moon met at the White House on Monday for talks dominated by the situation in
Libya. The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice, also took part in the
discussions and spoke with reporters. The talks came as the United States considers
what additional options to use to deal with the bloodshed in Libya, where military
forces loyal to leader Moammar Gadhafi battle opposition forces. Appearing at a White
House news briefing after attending an Oval Office meeting between President Obama
and Secretary-General Ban, Ambassador Rice referred to the U.N. Security Council
resolution approved over the weekend. [VOA]
首都の東西で攻防=政権側、反撃の動き―内戦状態に(時事通信 3 月 1 日)
リビアでは 28 日、カダフィ政権の軍・治安部隊が、首都トリポリの東約 210 キロに
攻撃を行い、反政府側も反撃した。首都の西約 50 キロの町ザウィヤでは、反政府側が
押さえる市街地を軍・治安部隊が包囲し、緊張が高まっている。AFP 通信は 28 日、リ
ビア空軍機が同日、反政府側の支配する北東部ベンガジ南方の 2 カ所で武器弾薬庫を爆
隊がおり、爆撃には離反部隊の戦力をそぐ狙いがあるとみられる。リビアは 15 日の反
政府デモ発生から 2 週間が経過し、内戦状態に陥りつつある。
中東の衛星テレビ各局によれば、リビア第 3 の都市ミスラタでは、政府側のヘリが人
口密集地域にあるラジオ放送施設を攻撃。反政府側はヘリを撃墜し、乗っていた兵士 5
しい攻撃を仕掛ける可能性がある。ザウィヤの市街地は 27 日に戦闘の末、反政府側が
戦車や対空砲を保持しているもようだ。町を包囲するカダフィ派部隊は重武装の約 2000
エジプトに本拠があるムスリム同胞団の Guidance Council はリビア危機を集結させる
Tuesday, 1 March, 2011: A prominent member of the Egypt-based Muslim
Brotherhood’s Guidance Council has called on the Arab League and Arab countries to
intervene in Libya to end the crisis, but warns the West to desist from what he describes
as interfering in Libya’s affairs. Esam Alarian, spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood,
says his group is organizing humanitarian assistance to Libya’s anti-government
protesters, who demand leader Moammar Gadhafi, step down and cede power. “We
announced many times that we are supporting the struggles of Libyans against
Gaddafi’s regime. This is our political situation. But, we appeal to the Arab League and
Amr Moussa, [VOA]
London School of Economics (LSE)大学はサイフ氏が代表を勤める財団からの寄
Tuesday, 1 March, 2011: LONDON Feb 28 (Reuters) - Embarrassed by funding ties to
Libya, Britain's prestigious London School of Economics (LSE) university moved on
Monday to repudiate a research grant it received from a charity chaired by a son of
Muammar Gaddafi. A university statement said it planned to set aside £300,000
($487,000), equivalent to the sum it had so far received from the Gaddafi International
Charity and Development Foundation, for purposes agreed with the LSE's wider
academic community. "In particular, the School is looking into establishing a
scholarship fund for Libyan students," it said, adding the university's leadership would
consider the plan on Tuesday. [Reuters]
Fly UP