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リビア情勢(2010 年 1 月)
ロシアのプーチン首相は 1 月 30 日、リビアとの間で計 13 億ユーロの兵器売却契約を結ん
られるところでは、最新鋭戦闘機 20 機、防空システム2基(S-300)、T-90C 戦車などが含
Sunday, 31 January, 2010: Moscow - Libya has struck a deal to buy Russian arms
worth almost two billion dollars, Russian news agencies quoted Prime Minister Vladimir
Putin as saying Saturday. "Yesterday (Friday), a contract worth 1.3 billion euros (1.8
billion dollars) was signed. It does not only involve firearms", Putin was quoted as
saying by Ria Novosti and Interfax. Putin was speaking following a meeting with the
head of the Izhmash factory, which manufactures Kalashnikov rifles. Russian officials
said early this week that negotiations were underway with the Libyan Defence Minister
Younes Jaber in Moscow over the sale of Russian weapons. The Russian prime
minister did not specify the type of arms or military equipment involved in the deal. But a
Russian diplomatic source told Interfax Tuesday however that Libya wanted to acquire
20 fighter planes, at least two S-300 air defence systems, several dozen T-90C tanks
and other arms. [AFP]
イスラム・シーア派高等委員会の Sheikh Abdul Amir Qabalan 副議長は、レバノンは近々
リビアで開催されるアラブ・サミットをボイコットすべきと主張。1978 年に起きた
Moussa Sadr 師とその弟子の誘拐事件におけるリビアのかかわりを暗に非難した発言。
Sunday, 31 January, 2010: Deputy Head of the Higher Islamic Shiite Council Sheikh
Abdul Amir Qabalan stressed that Lebanon should boycott the forthcoming Arab
Summit that will be held in Libya. In an interview with An Nahar daily, Qabalan
described Libya as "a hostile and tyrant state." Qabalan accused Libya of kidnapping
AMAL's founder Imam Moussa Sadr and his companions in 1978. "Is that how we
respect Imam Sadr and his Lebanese, Arab, and Islamic position?" added Qabalan,
admonishing Lebanon's decision to participate in Libya's summit. As Qabalan hailed the
inter-Arab reconciliations, he voiced refusal for them to happen "on expense of Imam
Sadr's cause," adding that participation becomes legitimate if the case was solved
before the occurrence of the summit and if the Lebanese officials put prior conditions on
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to reveal the truth in Sadr's case. [Nahar Net]
アフリカ連合の第 14 回サミットは、カダフィ大佐が連続して議長にとどまるかどうか
Sunday, 31 January, 2010: The African Union (AU) was to kick off its 14th summit
Sunday, with a rift over Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi's likely bid to keep the
organisation's chair set to overshadow talks on the continent's many conflicts. The
summit's official theme is information technology and United Nations Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon was expected to highlight the importance of putting the Millennium
Development Goals back on their 2015 target. But the 53-member body's annual
meeting at the Addis Ababa headquarters looked set to be hijacked by one of its most
controversial leaders. Kadhafi was elected almost by default a year ago but set the tone
for his tenure by claiming to be the "king of kings" and vowing to achieve the "United
States of Africa" project he has championed for years. But his dream of a fully integrated
continent, his pet craze since he pushed through the creation of the AU in 2001, still
looks a tall order and the unease was palpable in the corridors of the Addis
headquarters ahead of the summit. "Kadhafi's chairmanship has been very harmful to
the AU's image, notably in the handling of political crises such as Madagascar and
Guinea," said an official close to Jean Ping, who heads the body's main executive arm.
[Hindustan Times]
・Saturday, 30 January, 2010: A diplomatic row has broken out at the African Union
over attempts to extend Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi's chairmanship of the
organisation. The role rotates every year on a regional basis and southern Africa
has picked Malawi as its candidate. But Tunisia has now floated a proposal before
a heads of state summit next week suggesting Col Gaddafi stay on. The BBC's Uduak
Amimo in Addis Ababa says some diplomats have been angered by the pressure. A
Malawian diplomat told our correspondent the country would not give up its
candidature without a fight. But she says it is a delicate issue and diplomats
at AU headquarters in Addis Ababa are reluctant to speak on the record about the
negotiations. [BBC]
・Saturday, 30 January, 2010: It was always a risk for African nations to name Libya's
Muammar Kaddafi as chairman of the African Union last February. True, he's no longer
in the business of blowing up civilian airliners or attempting to build nuclear weapons,
and the post was only for a year. How bad could it be? As his tenure as Brother Leader
comes to a close, we finally have the answer: in his efforts to embarrass himself and the
pan-African institution, he outdid even himself. This weekend probably marks the end of
his term, as African heads of state gather in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa. They're
likely to reject a last-ditch Kaddafi effort to stay on in the AU's top post, for a very long
list of reasons. [Newsweek]
・Saturday, 30 January, 2010: Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi
may run for a second term as chairman of the African Union, plunging the organization‘s
conference next week into conflict as he pushes for greater unity on the continent, an
AU official said. Other leaders will either persuade Qaddafi to step aside or there will be
a battle at the conference in Ethiopia‘s capital, Addis Ababa, said the official, who
declined to be identified because the reelection bid hasn‘t been disclosed publicly. The
conference starts on Jan. 31. Qaddafi is ―trying to get support‖ to remain in the post,
Delphine Lecoutre, a political scientist at the Institute for Peace and Security Studies at
Addis Ababa University, said in an interview yesterday. [Bloomberg]
・マラウィの Bingu wa Mutharika 大統領はアジスアベバに向かう直前、「AU 議長職は
Saturday, 30 January, 2010: Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika has said the southern
African country was qualified to lead the African Union and that he was ready to take up the
mantle. "The chairmanship of the African Union is rotational," Mutharika told journalists before
departing for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to attend the summit at which he has been earmarked to
take over the chairmanship of the continental grouping from the Libyan leader, Muammar
Kadhafi. He said: "The Southern African region, through SADC (the Southern African
Development Community), has elected Malawi and therefore we are looking forward to be
nominated." [Afrique Jet]
Business Monitor International 編集の Libya Oil and Gas Report 最新版は、2014 年までにリ
ビアはアフリカ地域の石油需要の 7.76%を占める一方で、16.77%の供給をまかなうと
Saturday, 30 January, 2010: DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Research and Markets
(http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/6c417d/libya_oil_and_gas) has announced the
addition of the "Libya Oil and Gas Report Q1 2010" report to their offering. Business Monitor
International's Libya Oil and Gas Report provides industry professionals and strategists,
corporate analysts, oil and gas associations, government departments and regulatory bodies with
independent forecasts and competitive intelligence on Libya's oil and gas industry. The latest
Libya Oil & Gas Report from BMI forecasts that the country will account for 7.76% of African
regional oil demand by 2014, while providing 16.77% of supply. African regional oil use of
2.98mn barrels per day (b/d) in 2001 rose to an estimated 3.60mn b/d in 2009. It should average
3.66mn b/d in 2010 and then rise to around 4.13mn b/d by 2014. Regional oil production was
7.84mn b/d in 2001, and in 2009 averaged an estimated 9.79mn b/d. It is set to rise to 12.52mn
b/d by 2014. Oil exports are growing steadily. [Business Wire]
Saturday, 30 January, 2010: CAIRO — Eight Egyptian fishermen drowned when their boat
capsized off the Libyan coast, an Egyptian security official told AFP on Friday. The small
fishing boat had left the Egyptian port town of Al-Salloum near the border with Libya on
Thursday when it capsized due to bad weather and high waters, the official said. "Eight people
died. One person survived after being pulled out of the water by the crew of another boat," the
official said. The accident happened in Libyan waters and the survivor was taken to Al-Salloum,
he said. Hundreds of people, mainly African and Arab migrants trying to get to Europe, have
died off the Mediterranean coast in bad weather. [AFP]
Mustapha Abdeljalil 法務大臣は無罪が確定している 300 名の囚人を釈放することに関し
Saturday, 30 January, 2010: (ANSAmed) - TRIPOLI, JANUARY 29 - Libyàs Justice Minister,
Mustapha Abdeljalil, in a declaration of Libyan radio and television, affirmed the desire to
resign from his post because of the impossibility of overcoming the "obstacles" that impede the
release of 300 prisoners whose innocence has already been established. The unexpected
announcement came yesterday from Sirte, from the sidelines of the annual meeting of the
Peoplés General Congress, Libyàs legislative body. The minister, on live television and radio,
spoke of "the failure of the judicial system" and of "impotence in the face of obstacles that are
keeping 300 innocent people in prison". Abdeljalil also declared "having seen prisoners
sentenced to death released without the consent of the victim's families". Libyàs leader
Muammar Gaddafi, also from Sirte, where he participated in a part of the meeting of the
congress, in his speech broadcast on State radio and television, in commenting on the minister's
resignation statement limited himself to saying "he is not well informed" on the 300 prisoners
and that "amnesty had been declared" for those sentenced to death. [ANSAmed]
Friday, 29 January, 2010: TRIPOLI - Libyan Justice Minister Mustafa Abdeljalil said on
Thursday he wants to resign because of "hindrances" and his inability to secure freedom for
hundreds of prisoners who have been found innocent. "I can no longer continue in office
because of difficulties and hindrances I am unable to surmount," he told the annual conference
of the General People's Congress, or parliament, broadcast on state television. Abdeljalil cited,
among other things, "the inability of the justice ministry to implement rulings that found 300
Libyan prisoners innocent who are still languishing in jail." He also said some prisoners on
death row had been freed without his authorisation or the agreement of their victims' families, as
called for under Islamic laws. But Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, who spoke after Abdeljalil,
called the minister's comments "inadequate." "It turns out that the prisoners mentioned by the
justice minister are Al-Qaeda terrorists. [AFP]
(1 月 31 日開幕)。
Friday, 29 January, 2010: A pre-summit meeting of African foreign ministers has opened with a
Libyan call for prompt action to realize Moammar Gadhafi's dream of a continental federation.
Ministers are preparing for a summit of African leaders beginning Sunday. Libyan Foreign
Minister Moussa Koussa told the African Union Executive Council the organization must
redouble efforts to create a federation, which he called the United States of Africa. When he was
elected AU chairman a year ago, Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi said he would use his
one-year term to further his dream of a continental government. He outlined a plan for a
federation that would have a single African military force, a single currency and a single
passport for Africans to move freely. [VOA]
Friday, 29 January, 2010: Libya will keep up to 300 al Qaeda members in prison indefinitely
after they have completed their jail sentences to stop them staging fresh attacks, Libyan leader
Muammar Gaddafi said on Thursday. "These people are heretics. They are followers of (Osama)
Bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahri. They killed a number of civilians and police," Gaddafi told a
gathering of his top legislative body, referring to al Qaeda's two global commanders. "It is a
necessity to keep them in prison. They are very dangerous as they are ready to resume killing
people in our streets here or travel to Algeria or Egypt or elsewhere to stage attacks," he said in
remarks broadcast on state television and monitored in Rabat. It was not immediately clear if
Gaddafi's comments marked an end to a government policy of seeking reconciliation with jailed
leaders of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a radical group with has had ties to al
Qaeda. [Reuters]
Ferhat Ben Gdhara リビア中央銀行総裁は世界金融恐慌による経済的ダメージはリビア
Friday, 29 January, 2010: The Governor of the Libyan Central Bank (BCL), Ferhat Ben Gdhara
said the country's economy has not been affected by the world financial crisis because of the
financial policies adopted by the country, chief of which is avoiding dependency on foreign
countries and loans from international financial institutions, PANA reported from here
Wednesday. Speaking Tuesday at Sirte (central Libya) before the Libyan General People's
Congress (CGP - the highest legislative authority) which opened its annual meeting for the
collation of decisions taken by the Grassroots People's Congress (the high est authority), Gdhara
pleaded for the need to reduce dependence on oil, which is the main earner to cover public
expenditures. [African Manager]
Thursday, 28 January, 2010: The Times has obtained a lengthy letter by the son of Libyan
strongman Moammar Kadafi to the president of Germany, complaining about the European
nation's support for Israel. Saif Islam Kadafi, the 38-year old son of Libya's long-ruling leader
and the president of the Libyan charity Gaddafi International Charity and Development
Foundation, said in the letter that he was troubled by alleged plans by the German
government to provide Israel with more high-tech naval warships -- a deal he claimed would
be paid for by German taxpayers. In the letter (PDF 1 MB), he rebuked German Chancellor
Angela Merkel for providing Israel with more offensive military capacity. "We have read with
great surprise about the news reports indicating that the German government will support
the state of Israel by offering gifts in the form of a sophisticated submarine and two missile
boats," said the letter, published on the stationery of the foundation he heads.[LA Times]
Thursday, 28 January, 2010: MOSCOW (UPI) -- Libya is poised to pick up more than $2
billion worth of Russian arms, focusing mainly on a fleet of 200 fighter planes, Russia's
Interfax news agency reports. The report comes hot on the heels of a key visit to Russia by
Libya's defense minister, Gen. Abu-Bakr Yunis Jaber. The visit signals the latest show of
renewed cooperation between Russia and the once pariah state of North Africa. "Libya is
ready to buy around 20 fighter planes, at least two divisions of S-300PMU2 air defense
systems and several dozen T-90S tanks from Russia, and also to modernize more than 70
tanks and other weapons," Interfax reported citing unidentified military sources. Officials on
both sides have refused to openly concede the deal, which local media, including the
reputable Vedomosti newspaper, put the contract at $2 billion. [UPI]
リビアのユニス国防大臣が 26 日、モスクワに到着、ロシアとの間で 20 機の戦
闘機を含めた 20 億ドルの商談を成立させる予定。
Wednesday, 27 January, 2010: Libya's defense minister arrived in Moscow on Tuesday
for talks that Russian media said could result in a $2 billion defense contract including
20 jets. Officials in the Libyan Embassy in Moscow confirmed that Major General
Abu-Bakr Yunis Jabr was making the trip but declined to discuss the likelihood of a deal,
saying only that a news conference might be scheduled for Wednesday. "Libya is ready
to buy around 20 fighter planes, not less than two divisions of S-300PMU-2 air defense
systems, several dozen T-90S tanks from Russia, and also to modernize more than 140
T-72 tanks and other weapons," Interfax reported, citing what it called "a
military-diplomatic source." Vedomosti reported that the package could be worth up to
$2 billion, citing sources who said the sale of the S-300 systems was "practically
agreed." [The Moscow Times]
Tuesday, 26 January, 2010: Malawi is scheduled to take over the rotating African Union
presidency from Libya at an AU summit next week. But, delegates gathering for
pre-summit sessions are expecting the unexpected from the outgoing president, Libyan
leader Moammar Gadhafi. Libya's year as president of the African Union is about to
come to an end. Or at least it is supposed to. Since the organization was founded, the
presidency has rotated yearly by geographical region. Last year it was Libya's turn as
the candidate of North Africa. This year, is is southern Africa's turn, and Malawi has
been chosen by the regional grouping, known as SADC, to take the job. Malawi's
President Bingu wa Mutarika has signaled he is ready to take up the post. But as
pre-summit talks began Monday, the question on everyone's lips is whether Libyan
leader Moammar Gadhafi will find a way to stay on. [VOA News]
Al-Ghad Media Group が発行している Oyia 紙と Qurayna 紙(サイフ氏との関係が深い)が
Tuesday, 26 January, 2010: Two private newspapers in Libya - Oyia and Qurayna,
published by the Al-Ghad Media Group which is close to one of the sons of the Libyan
leader, have disappeared from the news stands following the decision of the board to
continue with only its on-line editions and the government immediately said it was not
involved in the shut down. The board of directors of the company, which comes under
the control of the Kadhafi Development Foundation (FKD), chaired by Kadhafi's son Seif
Ul-Islam Mouammar Kadhafi, decided at an emergency meeting on Thursday to stop
the printed version of the two newspapers but to continue only with the on-line versions.
[Afrique Jet]
●経済(開発 3 ヶ年計画)
リビアは 2010 年-2013 年の開発 3 ヵ年計画を発表。3.393 兆ディナールの予算。2191
プロジェクトで 25,167 の仕事が創出される計画。
Tuesday, 26 January, 2010: Libya has adopted a 2010-2013 (three-year) development
p lan for industrialization, estimated at 3,393 billion Libyan dinars (1,230 Libya n dinars
= US$ 1), according to the Libyan People's General Committee for Industr y , Economy
and Trade. Under the plan, to be funded by the trade bank, the Libyan private sector
and fo reign financial institutions in the country, 2,191 projects that will create 25, 1 67
jobs for Libyans will be executed. Drawn up by the industrial and economic research
centres in collaboration with c ommissions made up of various industry experts and
other investments institution s , the plan aims at making a change likely to speed up the
economic development o f the country. [African Manager]
Tuesday, 26 January, 2010: GAZA CITY: A senior Hamas leader confirmed on
Saturday that the movement has received a Libyan invitation to send its representatives
to Tripoli to meet with Libyan officials over Palestinian national reconciliation, a report
said. The Jerusalem-based "Al-Manar" newspaper also quoted a Libyan official sources
as saying that the Fatah movement would soon receive a similar invitation. The same
sources said this step came in the framework of Libyan efforts to support Palestinian
reconciliation. It is worth mentioning that Hamas' chief Khalid Meshaal has recently
visited Libya and met there with senior Libyan officials. [Arab News]
Wednesday, 20 January, 2010: Three weeks ago, a group of four or five men
accompanied by bodyguards entered the decorated lobby of Bethlehem's
Intercontinental Hotel. A few days earlier, the delegation had crossed over from Jordan
and presented their passports to Israeli border control officers. The officers examined
the Libyan documents, checked the visas and sent the rare guests on their way. Senior
Fatah officials were awaiting the official visitors from Tripoli at the Palestinian Authority's
offices in Ramallah. In late March, Libya will host the Arab League summit, and it is
important to PA President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) that Muammar Gadhafi be on
his side. Years ago, the Libyan leader adopted Hamas' concept of a single binational
state. In April 2004, his son, Saif al-Islam Gadhafi, suggested that Libyan Jews who
immigrated to Israel return to "their original homeland." In an interview with the Egyptian
weekly Al Ahram al-Arabi, Saif al-Islam explained that this would help resolve the
Palestinian problem, as these Jews would thereby leave their homes for the
Palestinians. [Haaretz]
シリアのバシャール・アサド大統領が 24 日、トリポリでカダフィ大佐と会談。
Monday, 25 January, 2010: Syrian President Bashar Assad met Sunday afternoon in Tripoli
with Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Official Syrian news agency SANA reported that the
two leaders stressed during the meeting that Arab countries must overcome their
differences in order to promote their shared interests. "The challenges facing the Arab
nation, and especially the oppressing blockade imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities
on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the obstacles placed by Israel ahead of
achieving peace in the region, obligate all Arab countries to overcome the differences and
stand together in a way which will boost the joint Arab activity," the two leaders said in a joint
statement. "We must leave the next Arab summit with results which will serve the Arab
interests and realize the aspirations of the Arab people". [YNet News]
リビア税務庁によると、2009 年の税収は 26 億 9000 万ディナールを計上した。
Sunday, 24 January, 2010: Libya's taxation services recorded some 2.69 billion Libyan
dinars as revenue during 2009 from taxes on economic activities and inland revenue stamps,
according to a report by the Libyan General Taxation Office. The figures quoted the Libyan
newspaper, Oyia, say the cash revenues from tax services recorded over the first 10 months
of 2009 reached 2.370 billion dinars. Taxes called 'djihad' are estimated at 176 million dinars
wh ile the taxes on revenues are put to 147 million dinars. The taxation Office says that
revenues generated through taxes had increased from 847 million FCFA in 2003 to 2.3
billion dinars in 2008 despite the reduction of the tax rate of 46% because of the new
legislations. [Afrique Jet]
ロシア軍関係者によるとリビアの Younis 国防大臣がモスクワを訪問する 1 月 26 日、27 日の両
Saturday, 23 January, 2010: Russia is looking to sign a series of contracts for the delivery of
fighter jets and air-defense systems to Libya, a defense industry official said on Friday.
Vyacheslav Dzirkaln, deputy head of the Federal Service for Military and Technical
Cooperation, said the contracts could be signed on January 26-27, when Libyan Defense
Minister Maj. Gen. Younis Jaber visits Russia. "We believe that the visit will not be purely
political, but will also enable us to sign contracts for the delivery of arms and military
equipment," Dzirkaln said. "A large delegation will arrive, including specialists on air
defense," he said. "Something should be signed." He added that Russia had also offered
Libya assistance in the modernization and maintenance of Soviet-made equipment, which
was still in "good repair." [RIAN]
リビア国営石油は 2009 年に 7 ヶ所の油・ガス田を新たに発見したことを明らかにした(場所はガダ
Saturday, 23 January, 2010: The Libyan National Oil company (NOC) announced on
Thursday that seven new oil and gas deposits were discovered in 2009 in the country. The
report on activities in the oil sector released on the internet site of NOC, stressed that the oil
companies which discovered those deposits were, the Austrian company, Woodside, which
discovered an oil deposit in the basin of Ghadamis, about 900 km South of Tripoli and the
Canadian company, Vernex which discovered a gas deposit in Ghadamis. [Afrique Jet]
Friday, 22 January, 2010: TRIPOLI - Libya plans to tighten its visa rules for citizens of some
European countries in retaliation for its own citizens being denied European visas, a senior
official said on Thursday. The move -- which he said would come into force "in a few days" -comes amid continued fallout after Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi's son and wife were
arrested in Switzerland in 2008. The official said the stricter rules would apply to citizens of
European countries that are part of the Schengen pact, which allows travellers to obtain a
single visa that is good for travel to 24 European states. Tripoli "will harden conditions for
granting visas to businessmen, the executives of European companies operating in Libya...
He said the measures were being taken because most Libyan applications for visas to
Schengen area states are turned down. [AFP]
ムサクサ外相は 1986 年の米国によるリビア空爆に関する事前通知をマルタが行なってくれたこと
に対して、改めて謝意を表した。ムサクサ外相はマルタ・リビア共同委員会出席のため、21 日から
Friday, 22 January, 2010: Libyan Foreign Minister Mousa Koussa has thanked Malta again
for having, in 1986, warned Libya of a US Air Force attack on Tripoli. The warning had been
made personally by then Prime Minister Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici when the bombers, which
took off from the UK and from an aircraft carrier, were detected overflying the Mediterranean
towards Libya. An adopted daughter of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was among those
who died but Col Gaddafi had time to shelter and survived without injury. Mr Koussa was in
Malta yesterday for meetings of the Malta-Libya joint commission and had meetings with
President George Abela, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Foreign Minister Tonio Borg. It
was during his meeting with Dr Gonzi that the 1986 incident was recalled. Earlier Mr Koussa
announced that Col Gaddafi would visit Malta in March - his first visit since the 1980s. His
visits of the time are remembered in particular for an MLP mass meeting where he launched
a strong verbal attack on US President Ronald Reagan... [Times of Malta]
Tuesday, 19 January, 2010: Malta and Libya are to hold talks on a range of subjects this
week during a meeting of a Joint Commission formed of senior officials from both
countries. Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa will come to Malta to lead the Libyan
delegation. Maltese Foreign Minister Tonio Borg will lead the Maltese officials. The
commission will discuss search and rescue, visa procedures, vocational training,
tourism studies, marine pollution, fisheries and culture. The ministers are due to hold
separate talks, when issues such as illegal immigration will be discussed. The
commission last met in October 2008. [Times of Malta]
国連人権機関 Jesuit Refugee Service がリビアが不法移民に対して人権侵害的扱いを行なって
Monday, 25 January, 2010: The UN refugee agency has "serious grounds for concern" over
the situation of illegal immigrants in Libya, after hearing accounts of "appalling" detention
conditions, instances of abuse and exposure to sexual harassment. Reacting to a recent
report by the Jesuit Refugee Service, which was rubbished as "propaganda" by Libyan
Foreign Minister Mousa Kousa during his visit to Malta last Wednesday, a UNHCR
spokesman said this was one of several reports highlighting the problematic situation.
"References to discrimination, mistreatment and sub-standard conditions are common to
most of these reports," he said. JRS' report, based on interviews with migrants who reached
Europe, spoke of death, violence and racism as being the order of the day in Libya. The
migrants claimed they were refused medical care and fed just two bread rolls a day.
However, due to restricted access, the UNHCR could not report on specific episodes in
Libya where they had witnessed violence or degrading treatment. [Times of Malta]
Thursday, 21 January, 2010: Libyan Foreign Minister Mousa Kousa this afternoon
refuted claims that Libya violated human rights of illegal immigrants, insisting voluntary
organisations were using the issue for propaganda purposes. Mr Kousa was asked by
timesofmalta.com for his reaction to a report by the Jesuit Refugee Service in
December, which argued that Libyan detention centres were ―hopeless, dark,
overcrowded and lacking basic sanitation and hygiene facilities‖. The Libyan Foreign
Minister is in Malta for the 26th meeting of the Malta-Libya joint commission. He was
speaking at a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Tonio Borg. The JRS report
documented the stories of migrants who made it to Malta. They spoke of death, violence
and racism as being the order of the day in Libya. [Times of Malta]
Thursday, 21 January, 2010: Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is expected to make a
long-awaited return to Malta in March, Libyan Foreign Minister Mousa Kousa said on
Wednesday. Mr Kousa made the announcement during the 26th meeting of the
Malta-Libya joint commission. During a joint press conference, both Mr Kousa and his
Maltese counterpart, Tonio Borg, expressed satisfaction at the progress made through
the setting up of a mechanism for the exchange of information and enhancement of
cooperation in relation to economic crime and illegal immigration. The last time Col
Gaddafi visited Malta was in 1984, when he accompanied a Libyan delegation to Malta.
In 2005, the Foreign Ministry received a note verbale request for a visit by the Libyan
leader, but the visit had to be shelved as it would have occurred around the time of the
Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting. [Di-Ve]
リビアの石油企業 Oil Libya の責任者がウガンダに到着。新たな石油精製施設建設のた
Tuesday, 19 January, 2010: KAMPALA, Uganda, Jan. 18 (UPI) -- Libyan investors
arrived in Uganda to begin negotiations on the development of oil refineries in the east
African nation, oil executives said. Ibrahim Ibrahim, the manager of Oil Libya, told
Ugandan newspaper New Vision that negotiations have begun with the government of
Uganda. "We have just started discussions and we hope to progress," he said. Ibrahim
arrived in Uganda during the weekend to explore new energy investment opportunities.
Ali Zwaik, the director in mineral investments for Libya, said Tripoli had interest in the
mining sector as well. [UPI]
Tuesday, 19 January, 2010: (ANSAmed) - CAIRO, JANUARY 18 - EgyptAir decided to
operate jumbo planes to absorb the huge numbers of Egyptian workers flying to Libyàs
cities of Benghazi and Tripoli. The EgyptAir action comes in response to the large
numbers of Egyptian workers trying to reach Libya before implementing the new rules
set by Libyan authorities, which will come into force as of tomorrow, said EgyptAir
official Salah Taher. The new rules prescribe that Egyptian workers must get
authenticated work contracts to travel to Libya. [ANSAmed]
Tuesday, 19 January, 2010: Libya has placed Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden – who
is wanted internationally – on a watch list of those entering Libyan territory, to facilitate
his arrest and surrender to Interpol. According to a copy of an official Libyan document
obtained by Asharq Al-Awsat, the international fugitive "Osama Mohamed Awad Bin
Laden" born 30 July 1957 is wanted as part of a special joint-bulletin [previously] issued
by the UN Security Council and Interpol. This document, which is an official address
from Brigadier General Mohamed al-Ramali, Director of the Libyan General Directorate
of Passports and Nationalities, to the Director of the Libyan External Security
Organization (i.e. Libyan intelligence), called for Bin Laden's name to be added to the
watch list of those entering Libya, in order to aid his capture. [Asharq Al-Awsat]
Monday, 18 January, 2010: LIBYA wants to invest in an oil refinery in Uganda should
the Government decide to build one. The manager of Oil Libya, which is a subsidiary of
the African Investment Portfolio (LAP), Libya‘s investment arm, told The New Vision
yesterday that negotiations were starting today between Libya and the Government of
Uganda over the matter. ―We have just started discussions and we hope to progress,‖
Ibrahim Ibrahim told journalists at Entebbe airport yesterday, adding that Oil Libya had
already built four gas stations in Uganda. Ibrahim is part of a delegation that arrived in
Uganda over the weekend to explore new investment ventures, as well as consolidate
existing ones. The team also visited Juba in Southern Sudan yesterday. They were led
by the vice-chairman and chief executive of LAP, Dr. Khaled Ali Kagigi. [New Vision]
2009 年の最初の 8 ヶ月の歳入は 224 億ドル(2008 年同時期は 427 億ドル)。減少の
Monday, 18 January, 2010: Libya's revenues at the Central Bank of Libya (BCL) over
the first eight months of 2009 were US$22.4 billion as against US$42.7 billion over the
same period in 2008, a drop of US$20.3 billion, the Libyan monetary institution says.
According to the newspaper Oyia which on Tuesday quotes a report made by BCL, the
reasons for the drop can be seen in the drop in oil prices because of the global financial
downturn. The same source says that oil revenues represented 73.7% of the total
currency revenues, or US$16.5 billion as against 37.7% over the same period in 2008,
which represents a drop of US$21.2 billion, or 56.2% The report says that over 1
January 2009 to 31 August 2009, the total expenditure in currency devoted to additional
needs reached US$17.4 billion, or 77.7% of revenues recorded over the same period as
against US$16.3 billion over the same period in 2008. [Tripoli Post]
Human Rights Watch はリビアがエリトリアの亡命希望者に対して人権侵害を犯し、リ
Sunday, 17 January, 2010: NEW YORK, Jan. 16 (UPI) -- Libya is denying Eritrean
migrants their right to seek asylum, human rights advocates say. Human Rights Watch
said Friday in New York that Libyan authorities are giving Eritrean officials access to
Eritrean migrants, including many asylum seekers who are being detained in Libya.
"Eritreans seeking asylum because of a fear of persecution at home have a right to
confidentiality while their claims are pending," Bill Frelick, refugee policy director at
Human Rights Watch, said in a news release. "In inviting Eritrean officials to meet -- and
possibly intimidate -- them in detention, Libya is committing a serious breach of their
asylum rights." HRW noted the United Nations refugee agency has recommended host
governments refrain from forcibly returning even rejected asylum seekers to Eritrea.
リビアとアラブ首長国連邦は相互の関係強化のための MOU を締結。
Saturday, 16 January, 2010: Libya and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Thursday
signed two memorandum of understanding to enhance their relations, especially the
setting up of a joint commission. The Secretary of the Libyan People's General
Committee for External Affairs and International Cooperation, Moussa Koussa, and the
Emirate Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cheikh Abdallah Ben Zayed Al Nahyane, signed
the deals that covered politics, economy, trade, investments, communications, air
transportation, culture and science as well as cooperation in consular and judicial
matters. The two parties also agreed to hold the first session of their joint commission
as soon as possible, in 2010, in Dubai, the capital city of UAE. [Afrique Jet]
Huawei Marine Networks( Huawei Technologies と Global Marine のジョイント企業)
は‗T-E‘ 海底ケーブルプロジェクトの契約を受注したことを明らかにした。2010 年央の
Saturday, 16 January, 2010: Huawei Marine Networks, a joint venture between Huawei
Technologies and Global Marine, has announced that it has been awarded a contract to
build out Libyan telco LPTIC‘s ‗T-E‘ submarine cable project. The equipment vendor will
provide end-to-end turnkey solutions for the deployment of the 177km cable, which will
connect the Libyan coastal cities of Tubrok and Emasaed, with a maximum design
capacity of 3.2Tbps. The system will not only integrate the national backbone network,
providing extensive route protection, but will also improve Libya's international
communications bandwidth to meet the increase in demand for external
communications services. The project is expected to be delivered in mid-2010.
た件に関して調査を開始。現在建設業界を中心に約 87000 人のバングラデシュ人がリ
Friday, 15 January, 2010: The government is investigating detail causes of deportation
of hundreds of Bangladeshi workers from Libya as part of its exercise to clean up
fraudulent practices in overseas recruitment, officials said Wednesday. They said the
Home Ministry and the state-run Bureau of Manpower have launched separate probes
to find out the culprits involved in sending migrants with false documents. In the latest
incident, a total of 50 Bangladeshi migrants, were detained in Libya and later sent back
to Bangladesh as their visas and work permits were found to be forged. Currently, an
estimated 87,000 Bangladeshis are working in Libya, most of whom are in its booming
construction sector. Some 24,000 found jobs in the oil-rich North African nation in 2009
after Dhaka and Tripoli signed a manpower export deal in 2008. [The Financial Express]
Sunday, 17 January, 2010: Libya has expressed its keenness to recruit a large number
of doctors, nurses and workers from Bangladesh. Labour and Employment and
Expatriate Welfare and Overseas Employment Minister Mosharraf Hossain said this
while talking to journalists on his return from Libya at Zia International Airport yesterday.
The Libyan government will set up five vocational training centres in their country for
making skilled manpower and trainers from Bangladesh will be appointed for imparting
training in the centres, said the minister. Bangladesh and Libya have signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in this connection, he added. Mosharraf said
that Libya also relaxed their conditions for recruiting workers. [The Daily Star]
高名な作家でイタリア研究者でもあるリビア人 Khalifa Mohammed Tillisi 氏がトリポリ
で死去。享年 80 歳。
Friday, 15 January, 2010: (ANSAmed) - ROME, JANUARY 14 - Khalifa Mohammed
Tillisi, one of Libyàs best-known and respected writers, and one of the greatest italianist
in the Arab world, has died in Tripoli, at the age of 80. The news featured prominently in
Libyas main newspapers, and was announced in the General Peoples Congress. Tillisi
was known throughout the world for his literary works, his poetry, his histories and
literary criticism. In Italy he was known for being one of the greatest Arab Italianists, the
author of an Arabic-Italian dictionary. He translated works by writers such as Luigi
Pirandello and Eugenio Montale into Arabic, and other writers like Pablo Neruda and
Federico Garcia Lorca from Italian into Arabic. His passion for Pirandellòs work was
well-known, and he wrote a number of essays on the writer, which have been collected
in two volumes: 'A journey towards words and Literary notebooks'. [ANSAmed]
● エネルギー(価格・需給)
NOC のガーネム総裁は 80 ドル/バレル台で推移している現在の価格に満足している点、
100 ドル/バレルに高騰しない限り OPEC は生産量の調整は行なわないであろう点、を
Thursday, 14 January, 2010: Oil prices around $80 (R594) a barrel are satisfactory and
OPEC is unlikely to raise its oil output targets unless prices reach $100, Libya's top oil
official said on Wednesday. The comments indicate that some in the Organization of the
Petroleum Exporting Countries see no need to cap the rise in oil prices. Oil is trading
around $80, having hit a 15-month high near $84 this week. "The price at the present
point in time, we are satisfied with the market situation," Libya's Shokri Ghanem, the
chairman of Libya's National Oil Corporation, said. "I do not think an action will be taken
-- I mean increasing -- unless the price reaches $100. Because of the volatility, it may
reach $90 for a few days and then come back down." [Business Report]
Monday, 25 January, 2010: DUBAI (Zawya Dow Jones)--Libya's top oil official said Sunday
he expects crude oil prices to remain between $70-80 a barrel in 2010 and Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries, including Libya, should aim at improving their production
quota compliance this year. "I would like compliance to be 100% but I will compromise for
90% or 85%," Shokri Ghanem, chairman of Libya's National Oil Co., or NOC, told Zawya
Dow Jones in a telephone interview. "Anything above 85% is acceptable." Ghanem said
Libya was among those OPEC members exceeding its quota "but we are doing our best to
comply. [WSJ]
● 経済(金融)
リビア中央銀行はバーレーンに拠点を置く Arab Banking Corporation (ABC)に対して
11 億ドルの資金提供を保証することを明らかにした。
Thursday, 14 January, 2010: The Central Bank of Libya is underwriting a planned $1.1
billion capital hike of Bahrain-based Arab Banking Corporation (ABC), the bank said on
Wednesday, while Kuwait is also expected to subscribe. Libya's central bank currently
owns a 29.5 percent stake in the bank, with Kuwait Investment Authority (KIA) and the
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) also owning stakes of almost 30 percent in the
bank. Other Libyan entities own an additional 6.9 percent stake. ABC said in a
statement posted to the Bahrain stock exchange it also expects KIA to fully subscribe to
its share in the rights issue. [Reuters]
● 政治(中東・アフリカ)
アラブ連盟は第 2 回アラブ・アフリカ・サミットを 2010 年後半にリビアで行うことを
Thursday, 14 January, 2010: CAIRO, Jan 13 (KUNA) -- The Arab League announced
on Wednesday that the Second Arab-African Summit would be held on Libya in late
2010, 33 years after the first such event took place here in 1977. The upcoming summit
aims to build an Arab-African strategic partnership, director of the African affairs division
of the league Ambassador Samir Hosni told reporters here. The Arab League will host a
meeting on Sunday under the co-chairmanship of the league's Secretary General Amr
Moussa and President of African Union (AU) Commission Jean Ping to commence the
arrangements for the summit. [KUNA]
● 政治(中東)
UAE の H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan 外相はリビアとの関係強化を要望す
Thursday, 14 January, 2010: WAM Tripoli, 13th Jan. 2010 (WAM) -- UAE Foreign
Minister H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan called today for formulating a
permanent Emirati-Libyan committee at foreign ministers' level to push bilateral
cooperation and bonds forward. ''We hope that Libya under the leadership of Colonel
Mummar Gathafi, leader of the Libyan Revolution would play an important role when it
hosts and chairs the upcoming African Union summit. We are aware that Libya will have
an active role in developing the joint Arab action to a better level than of today,''sheikh
Abdullah said while co-chairing a session of talks between the UAE and Libya with
Secretary of the General People's Congress for Foreign Liaison... [WAM]
● 政治(アジア)
Wednesday, 13 January, 2010: KARACHI (APP) - Vast employment opportunities are
available for Pakistani workers in Libya in oil and gas, construction, agriculture and
banking sectors. This was stated by Chief Executive of Trade Development Authority of
Pakistan (TDAP) Syed Mohibullah Shah in an interview regarding the outcome of a
single country exhibition being held in Tripoli,Libya from January 10 to 13, 2010 on the
instructions of President Asif Ali Zardari. He said the response was overwhelming in the
first three days at the exhibition where more than 80 Pakistani exhibitors from various
sectors displayed their wide variety of products and services to Libyan businessmen
and visitors. He said that this exhibition has opened doors for Pakistani exporters and
workers to Libya which is a gateway to sub-Saharan Africa. [Nation]
● 政治(内政)
10 日、基礎人民会議が始まる。
Wednesday, 13 January, 2010: (ANSAmed) - Last Sunday saw the beginning of a
series of meetings in Libya during which the Basic Peoplés Congresses should define
the future laws of the Great Jamahiriya, based on the decisions made by the
government, the Libyan People General Committee and the bodies tasked with
implementing the measures contained in Muhammar Gheddafis speeches. Six issues
are on the agenda: monitoring and reports, general issues, taxes, budgets, foreign
policy, monitoring the office of the Secretary-general of the People General Congress
(the countrys highest legislative body) and the People General Committee (the
government). All citizens are entitled to take part... [ANSAmed]
● 政治(北アフリカ)
何十人ものチュニジア人が昨年 12 月にリビアから帰国した。リビアは新たな規則を設定し、リ
ビア訪問者は入国時に 78 ユーロの支払いと所持金を最低でも 1000 ドル持っていることを義
務付けた。一方リビア人はチュニジアには自由にお出入りでき、2009 年には約 150 万人が
Wednesday, 13 January, 2010: (ANSAmed) - Dozens of Tunisian citizens were
expelled from Libya and flown back to their country last December, website Jeune
Afrique reported without mentioning the reasons behind the repatriation. The website
explained that, according to recent regulations, visitors to Libya are requested to pay a
78 euro tax to enter the country and have a cash availability of at least one thousand
dollars, or the equivalent amount in euro). "Furious at the new restrictions, the Tunisians,
who traditionally live on exchanges between the two countries, vented their rage, the
website reported. On the contrary, Libyan citizens are allowed to enter Tunisia freely.
About 1.5 million of them travelled to Tunisia in 2009. [ANSAmed]
● 政治(アジア)
Tuesday, 12 January, 2010: Bangladesh will seek Libyan assistance in disciplining the
labour recruitment process and ensuring Bangladeshi workers' welfare in the oil-rich
North African country, which requires around a million foreign workers by 2014. ―We
shall ask the Libyan counterparts so that none can trade on visas and hike migration
cost of workers,‖ said Expatriates' Welfare and Overseas Employment Minister
Khandakar Mosharraf Hossain, who left for Libya leading a five-member delegation last
night. During the three-day visit, they are scheduled to meet Libyan human resources
and interior ministers and the Bangladeshi workers and businessmen there. Though
Bangladesh's labour market shrunk by half during the global economic recession, Libya
continued hiring Bangladeshi workers, which started early last year. [The Daily Star]
● エネルギー(石油)
Geotrace 社 は BP がオペレーターを務めるシルテ鉱区で世界最大の地震探査作業を完了
したことを明らかにした。これは 17,500 平方キロをカバーするものであり、BP 初の海上
Tuesday, 12 January, 2010: LONDON, UK – Geotrace announced today the completion
of one of the world‘s largest onboard data processing projects for BP, as operator in its
EPSA 4 NOC/LIC/BP exploration contract in BP‘s Sirt Basin concession off the coast of
Libya. BP‘s first 3D marine survey in Libya‘s Gulf of Sirt was one of the world‘s largest,
covering 17,500 square kilometers. The contract split the area into four tracts of
approximately equal area and stipulated onboard processing, including 2D SRME and
full pre-stack time migration with velocity model picking, within six weeks of last shot for
each tract. The aim was to produce a high-quality image for prospect identification and
to enable the complete well planning process to begin in 2009 leading to early
exploration drilling. [EP Mag]
● 政治(欧州)
Monday, 11 January, 2010: TRIPOLI — The appeal trial of Swiss businessman Rashid
Hamdani, sentenced to 16 months in jail for overstaying his Libyan visa, was adjourned
on Sunday for two weeks, his lawyer said. "The trial has been postponed until January
24," Salah Zahaf told AFP, without giving a reason for the latest delay. Hamdani and
another Swiss businessman, Max Goeldi, who have been holed up at their country's
embassy in Tripoli, were initially due in court in December but legal proceedings were
delayed at the request of the defence. On November 30, both were sentenced to
16-month jail terms in absentia for overstaying their Libyan visas. Goeldi is due to
launch his own appeal on Thursday. [AFP]
・Sunday, 31 January, 2010: TRIPOLI, Jan 30 (Reuters) - A Libyan judge said on
Saturday he would hand down his verdict in March on one of the two Swiss
businessmen whose prosecution has caused a diplomatic row between Libya and
Switzerland, their lawyer said. The cases of Max Goeldi and Rachid Hamdani have
embarrassed the Swiss government, and unsettled some of the foreign investors who
flocked to Libya after the oil producer emerged from international isolation. The trials, on
charges of violating business rules, have been deadlocked for weeks because the two
men refused to attend. Both have been staying inside the Swiss embassy in Tripoli,
where the Libyan authorities have no jurisdiction. But the trial of Goeldi, head of Libyan
operations for Swiss-Swedish engineering firm ABB (ABBN.VX: Quote, Profile,
Research) moved forward on Saturday when he left the embassy to appear in court, his
lawyer Salah Zahaf told reporters. [Reuters]
・Friday, 15 January, 2010: Tripoli - A Libyan court on Thursday once again postponed
the trial of Max Goldi, a Swiss businessman charged with visa violations, his lawyer told
the German Press Agency dpa. The court adjourned Goldi's trial until January 28,
saying it required his presence in the courtroom, Salah al-Zahaf, who is representing
Goldi and fellow Swiss businessman Rashid Hamdani, told dpa. Goldi and Hamdani
have taken refuge at the Swiss Embassy in Tripoli. A Libyan court on November 30
sentenced both in absentia to 16 months in prison on charges of 'illegal residence' in the
country. A second trial for the two men had been scheduled to begin on December 22,
but was postponed a second time. Hamdani's trial is now scheduled to resume January
24. The two were arrested in July 2008, shortly after Swiss police questioned Libyan
leader Moamer Gaddafi's son, Hannibal, following a complaint that he had abused
domestic staff at a luxury hotel in Geneva. [M & C]
Tuesday, 19 January, 2010: The trial in Libya of a second Swiss businessman accused
of conducting ―illegal economic activities‖ was postponed on Sunday when the accused
failed to appear. Rachid Hamdani, like fellow-countryman Max Göldi on Saturday,
refused to leave the Swiss embassy in Tripoli, where the two men have been living for
several months. The men‘s lawyer, Salah Zahaf, said Hamdani‘s trial was now
scheduled for January 31. Göldi‘s is due to take place the day before. The two have
already been sentenced to 16 months in jail and a fine of $1,500 each (SFr 1,540) for
visa irregularities and tax evasion. Their appeals against the verdict have been
postponed twice because the court is demanding that they turn up in person for the
hearings.[Swiss Info]
● 政治(中東)
Saad Mujber 駐イラン・リビア大使が 9 日イランのモッタキ外相と会談。モッタキ外相はリビア
Monday, 11 January, 2010: Libyan Ambassador to Tehran Saad Mujber conferred on
Saturday with Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on expansion of relations and
cooperation between the two countries. Mottaki said Iran is determined to bolster all-out
relations and cooperation with Libya in various political, economic, cultural, regional and
international affairs. Setting up joint commission will be useful to harmonize economic
cooperation in oil, industry and commerce, between the two countries, Mottaki said. The
Libyan ambassador, for his part, expressed the hope to witness practical steps on
expansion of cooperation between Tehran and Tripoli. [ISRIA]
イランのモッタキ外相が 14 日トリポリを訪問。リビア政府関係者と地域振興、ムスリ
Friday, 15 January, 2010: Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki says the Islamic
Republic and Libya have common views on regional issues. Upon arrival in Tripoli on
Thursday, Mottaki said that Libya plays a significant role both in Africa and in the Arab
world. Mottaki is in Libya to discuss a range of issues with Libyan officials, including
regional developments, the unity of Muslim nations and bilateral economic cooperation.
"Iran and Libya's position in the Middle East and North Africa, [as well as the] unity and
cooperation of Islamic countries will be discussed during the visit," said Mottaki. [Press
Saturday, 16 January, 2010: Washington, 15 January (WashingtonTV)—Iran‘s Foreign
Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said on Friday that Iran and Libya will establish economic
and political committees to promote bilateral ties. Speaking during a meeting in Tripoli
between Libyan economic experts and representatives of Iran‘s economic sector, who
are accompanying the foreign minister on his two-day official visit to Libya, Mottaki
voiced hope that the committees would open up a new phase in bilateral relations.
Mottaki arrived in Tripoli on Thursday, heading a high-level political and economic
delegation, reports the official IRNA news agency. Libyan Prime Minister Baghdadi
Mahmudi, who also took part in the meeting, said he would make sure necessary
measures are taken to support all Iranian firms which are keen on investing in Libya.
[Television Washington]
Sunday, 17 January, 2010: TRIPOLI, Jan. 16 (MNA) – Libyan Prime Minister Baghdadi
Mahmudi has invited all the Iranian investors and economic entrepreneurs to participate
in Libya's development projects. Addressing a meeting of Iranian and Libyan investors
and traders in Tripoli on Friday, Mahmudi added his country welcomes Iranian
economic entities to establish joint companies with Libyan counterparts. Iran's Foreign
Minister Manouchehr Mottaki who headed the Iranian economic delegation said the
Islamic Republic of Iran and Libya will set up economic, political and cultural committees
to promote bilateral ties. [Tehran Times]
● 政治(北アフリカ)
アルジェリアとリビアは 10 日、第 6 回フォローアップ委員会の議事録に署名。
Monday, 11 January, 2010: ALGIERS, Jan 10 (KUNA) -- Algeria and Libya signed
Sunday minutes of the sixth session of the Follow-up Committee meetings in the
Algerian government palace. Algerian Prime Minister Ahmad Ouyahia expressed
satisfaction on the results of such session and described, to reporters after the meetings,
that such session is vital and would contribute to bolstering bilateral relations on various
fields. The Follow-up Committee has made a comprehensive review on issues of mutual
concern, including results of cooperation since the 12th session of the joint executive
committee meeting, Ouyahia said. [KUNA]
Sunday, 10 January, 2010:A Libyan plane carrying relief supplies for Malawi's quake victims
was turned away as Tripoli has not informed local officials of its arrival, a Malawian minister
said in a newspaper Saturday. The plane, which diverted to neighbouring Tanzania, entered
Malawi's airspace two weeks ago "without notifying aviation authorities," transport minister
Khumbo Kachali was quoted by the Nation newspaper. "They said they were coming from
Libya. They didn't follow procedures. Malawi was supposed to know. We are poor, yes, but
we are a sovereign state," he said. "You just don't fly into a country like that... It's not
accepted anywhere." [PH]
パレスチナとリビアはリビア人の 1000 家族がイスラエルの攻撃によって苦難の道を歩んでいるパ
レスチナの 1000 家族を支援することで合意。
Sunday, 10 January, 2010: Gaza – Ma‘an – De facto Prmie Minister Ismail Haniyah and a
Libyan relief delegation signed on Thursday an agreement whereby 1,000 Libyan families
will support 1,000 Palestinian families affected by Israel's war last winter, sponsored by the
Gaza Ministry of Social Affairs. "It is not strange that Libyan people should help and stand by
Palestinians because both nations are like brothers and have real partnership. Palestinians
are still suffering from the blockade but they will be released from it with the help of the
Libyan people," said Haniyah. The de facto prime minister's comments followed a visit on
Thursday with the Libyan delegation of the International Organization for Peace to the
Rayan family. [Maan News]
た。Pan-African News Agency が報じた。
Saturday, 9 January, 2010: Libya indicated Wednesday it is moving to establish a peaceful
nuclear program through work with multiple nations that signed civilian nuclear trade deals
with the African state, the Pan-African News Agency reported (see GSN, Aug. 3, 2008).
Tripoli has settled on various initial steps to take toward establishing a civilian nuclear
program, Libyan official Ali Mohamed Ghachout said, adding that the effort would focus on
generating electricity and removal of salt from water. A new government commission is
working to regulate Libya's nuclear power program through statutory guidelines, while a
separate panel would choose the locations of the country's future nuclear power plants and
carry out related work, Ghachout said. In addition, a new nuclear control board would assist
in regulation, he said. [Global Security Newswire]
Rastota General Constructions 社に雇われている少なくても 46 名のバングラデシュ人労働者
(Orbit Consultant の介在で 2009 年 4 月に就職)は劣悪な条件の中、6 ヶ月も給料が支払われ
Saturday, 9 January, 2010: At least 46 Bangladeshi workers in Libya have been passing
days with no jobs or salaries for around six months, which placed them and their families at
home in total misery. ―We are living in a shabby abandoned camp with no sanitation or water
facilities. Our company used to give us some money for food, but now it is stopped,‖ Kaiser
Ahmed, one of the workers facing hardship in Libya, told The Daily Star over phone on
Sunday. These workers went to Libya to work for Rastota General Constructions through
recruiting agency Orbit Consultant early April last year. Only for first two months up to
mid-June, they were paid lump sums, said the workers from the North African country. [The
Daily Star]
Geotrace 社は BP が保有するシルテ堆積盆の 3D 調査(三次元地震探鉱)を完了した。調査面積
は 17,500km2.
Friday, 8 January, 2010: LONDON - Geotrace has completed an onboard data processing
project for BP‘s Sirt basin concession, offshore Libya. The 3D marine survey in Libya‘s Gulf
of Sirt covered 17,500 sq km (6,756 sq mi). The contract split the area into four tracts and
covered onboard processing, including 2D SRME and full pre-stack time migration with
velocity model picking, within six weeks of last shot for each tract. In addition to the
conventional pre-stack time processed data, Geotrace processed and delivered a high
resolution shallow hazard cube onboard the vessel, and conducted a multiple-azimuth test
run over a subset of the full survey area. The company used its proprietary ANSER and
Diamond software systems and a high capacity PC cluster based on a Dell M600 blade
cluster with 2048 CPU‘s for quality control and processing services including pre-stack
imaging and advanced demultiple techniques. [Offshore Mag]
Friday, 8 January, 2010: The governments of Rwanda and Libya on Tuesday held talks in
Kigali with the aim of reviving their bilateral cooperation and prepare the forthcoming joint
meeting slated for May. Top on the agenda of the meeting held at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs was the revival of the Joint Permanent Commission (JPC). The meeting that was
attended by senior Rwandan officials and eight government and business executives from
Libya is a follow up of a previous meeting between the Prime Ministers of the two countries
late last year. ―At the time, the two met, they discussed and recommended the revival of the
previous bilateral cooperation programme, building on the one that existed in the old
arrangement,‖ Joseph Kabakeza, the Director General of Bilateral and Multilateral
Cooperation in the ministry told The New Times. [New Times]
Thursday, 7 January, 2010: KAMPALA, Uganda (Dow Jones)--Uganda's oil-rich Bunyoro
kingdom is boosting ties with the Libyan government as the country prepares to start oil
production in the next couple of years, kingdom officials said Wednesday. They said the
King of Bunyoro, Gafabusa Iguru, traveled at least four times to Libya since last year and
attended the inauguration of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi as African Union chairman in
Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, last February. "The relations between Bunyoro and
Libya have been greatly entrenched since last year. Libya is already financing a number of
projects in the kingdom including a big hospital and various schools," an Ugandan security
official said. The Libyan embassy in Ugandan couldn't comment immediately. Ford Mirima,
the spokesman of the Bunyoro kingdom told Dow Jones Newswires that it is in the interests
of Bunyoro and Uganda as whole to forge cordial relations with Libya. [WSJ]
Thursday, 7 January, 2010: CAIRO, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) -- Libya protested on Wednesday
decision taken by the U.S. to apply tightened security measures in airports on its citizens,
Libyan news agency Jana reported. Libya's General People's Committee for Foreign Liaison
and International Cooperation said it summoned on Wednesday the U.S. ambassador in
Tripoli Gene A. Cretz to protest against the measure. On his part, the U.S. ambassador said
the decision does not mean that his country has re-listed Libya among terrorism sponsor
countries. "Not all the countries in the list are terrorism-sponsor countries... The U.S.
administration believes there were extremist movements in those countries and it is
following up them (the movements) because some of their members might enter the U.S.,"
he said. However, Secretary General of the committee Mousa Kousa said "whatever the
explanations he heard (from the ambassador) were," Libya will apply the reciprocity principle.
パキスタンはリビアとの貿易拡大を模索。パキスタンの Tareen 財務大臣が 17 日から 20 日まで
Wednesday, 6 January, 2010: Tripoli (Libya) - Pakistan is embarking upon an ambitions
plan to take Pak-Libya trade relations to new heights. Talking to a select gathering of
Pakistani Businessmen in Tripoli, Pakistan‘s Ambassador to Libya, Mr. Jamil Ahmed Khan
said, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan, in line with the directives of the President
wants to augment Pakistan‘s exports to Libya to the tune of one billion dollar per annum.
Pakistan‘s Finance Minister, Mr. Shaukat Tareen, is also visiting Libya from 17 to 20
January to promote Pak-Libya trade relations. President Zardari visited Libya at the end of
2009 and had signed six MOUs and one agreement with Libyan government. At that time his
visit was highly projected. [Pak Observer]
トルコの Zafer Caglayan 外国貿易担当大臣がリビアを訪問。
Wednesday, 6 January, 2010: The Turkish state minister for foreign trade will travel to Libya
on Tuesday, his office said on Monday. Turkey's State Minister Zafer Caglayan will leave for
Libya together with representatives of Turkish contracting companies on Tuesday. Caglayan
will meet Libyan Prime Minister Ali al-Baghdadi al-Mahmudi and have talks with Libyan
ministers. A Turkish-Libyan contracting business forum will take place on the sidelines of
Caglayan's visit to Libya. Participants will discuss new contracting projects Libya is planning
to fulfil in coming days. Commercial relations between Turkey and Libya have been on the
rise in the recent five years. Libya was the third biggest trade partner of Turkey in the
continent of Africa in 2008, whereas the two countries had a foreign trade volume of 1.4
billion USD in that year. In 2009, Turkey's exports to Libya were up to 1.8 billion USD and
the trade volume was over 2 billion USD between the two countries. [World Bulletin]
Thursday, 7 January, 2010: Turkish State Minister Zafer Caglayan said on Wednesday that
Libya would give "lion's share" to Turkish companies in projects in the coming years.
Caglayan released a written statement to give information to journalists about his visit to
Libya where he attended Turkey-Libya contractors' business forum. Caglayan said Libyan
Prime Minister al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmudi told him that Libya would make investments
worth 100 billion USD in the next three years, "Libyan prime minister told me that they
wanted to give lion's share to Turkish companies, which have established joint ventures with
Libyan companies, in projects that would be carried out in Libya," he said. "A new era has
started in Turkish-Libyan relations. We paid a one-day visit to this country upon an invitation
by al-Mahmudi. [World Bulletin]
キューバのラウル・カストロ議長は 2009 年 12 月 28 日、同国を訪問中のモッタセム・カダフィ国家
Sunday, 3 January, 2010: Cuban President Raul Castro received Libyan National Security
Adviser Dr. Muatasim Gaddafi, Monday December 28 in the Cuban capital Havana, who is
currently on a visit to Cuba. During the meeting, President Castro welcomed Dr. Muatasim
and expressed profound gratitude to the visit that comes within the continuous consultation
between Libya and Cuba. [Tripoli Post]
Saturday, 2 January, 2010: Kadhafi's Development Foundation (FKD), managed by the
Libyan leader's son Seif Ul-Islam, has announced that it will institute a "Libyan prize for
Excellence" to reward people in the public service, sciences and ecology. The decision was
announced Wednesday on the FKD website. The award aims at promoting good
performances in state institutions and the private sector by encouraging competitive spirit as
well as quality of work. Funds to finance the prize will come from the FKD budget and
dedicated donors. [Afrique Jet]
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