沼津市立看護専門学校 平成 28 年度一般入学試験問題 英語 著作権
沼津市立看護専門学校 平成 28 年度一般入学試験問題 英語 (答えは、すべて解答用紙に書きなさい。 ) 受験番号 I 氏名 Jennifer McGuire さんによる次の英文エッセイを読み、下記の質問に答えなさい。 著作権保護のため掲載できません (The Asahi Weekly: March 15, 2009) 【注】1) inconsiderate: not giving enough thought to other people’s feelings or needs. 2) lenient: not as strict as expected. 問1 3) be taken aback: be surprised very much. 空欄(1)~(5)に次のすべての英単語を入れるときもっとも適切な順をア~オの記号で解答用紙 に答えなさい。 ア)offended イ)overlooked ウ)apologized ―1― エ)compared オ)rang 問2 下線部①~⑤について、下記のそれぞれの質問に対するもっとも適切な答えを1~4の中から一つ選び、 その番号を解答用紙に答えなさい。 下線部①の意味を正しく理解している文を選びなさい。 1. It is not common with university students to make a pun on time. 2. Punks are not in fashion in universities these days. 3. Not all people in the world are very strict about arriving for the appointment on time. 4. It is not important for most people in the universe to be punctual. 下線部②についての以下の英文の質問に対する答えとしてもっとも適切なものの番号を答えなさい。 How late was she running? 1. It was quite late in the evening when she came running to the station. 2. She doesn’t mention it. 3. She was just seven minutes late. 4. She must have gotten to Ueno Station around ten. 下線部③の表現にもっとも近いと思われる文の番号を選びなさい。 1. Neither of my friends seemed happy to stand outside the station. 2. Neither of my friends seemed tired from waiting for me to show up. 3. Both of my friends seemed happy to see me again after all. 4. Both of my friends seemed unfriendly with me. 下線部④の作者の感想にもっとも近いと思われる文の番号を選びなさい。 1. Italians seem more relaxed about punctuality than Japanese people. 2. Italians are more punctual for appointments than Japanese people. 3. Italians are too easygoing about punctuality to live in Japan. 4. Punctuality is the last thing Italians make a fuss about. 下線部⑤の内容にもっとも近いと思われる文の番号を選びなさい。 1. It is most important to enjoy meeting your coworkers at the company you work for. 2. It is better than anything to have a good time meeting each other. 3. It is quite important that your workplace meets your need to enjoy yourself. 4. It is most important for you to enjoy the events your workplace holds to let you all meet each other. 問3 下線部(A)、(B)が適切な文となるように、カッコ内の英単語を並べ替えなさい。 問4 下線部(C)の空所に入っていたと思われる英単語の記号を答えなさい。 ア)away イ)about ウ)ahead ―2― エ)along II 下記のそれぞれの英単語について、一番強く発音する部分の番号を解答用紙に記入しなさい。 1) main-tain 1 Ⅲ 2) la-bor 2 1 下記の英文の( 3) o-be-dient 2 12 4) per-son-nel 3 1 2 5) pho-tog-ra-pher 3 1 2 3 )内に入るもっとも適切な語句を1)~4)の中から一つ選び、その番号を解答用紙 に答えなさい。 1. What should I do to get ( 1) over 2. You should keep ( 2) under How do you cope ( 2) away I sometimes go swimming in the gym to feel ( Do I need ( 2) getting You should refrain from ( Would you like me ( I sometimes let ( I think ( The karaoke box ( 1) where 3) refreshing 4) refresh 3) to get 4) to 3) to eat 4) eating 3) showing 4) shown ) a lot of steam by singing karaoke songs. 2) going off 3) go off 4) off ) a good way of reducing stress to sing a song at the top of your voice. 1) that 10. 4) into ) you how to make a diet drink? 2) show 1) to go off 9. 3) with ) foods after 8 p.m. 2) to be eating 1) to show 8. 4) out ) my weight down to 60 kilos? 1) eat 7. 3) away ). 2) refreshed 1) get 6. 4) in ) stress? 1) to refresh 5. 3) under ) taking a lot of fast food. 1) out 4. ) shape. 2) on 1) from 3. 4 2)why 3)which 4) it ) I’m talking about is near my place. 2) which 3) why ―3― 4) whenever IV 次の1~5の日本文に合うように( )内の1~6の語句を並べ替えて英文を完成するとき、その 並べた番号の順番で2番目と5番目に来る番号を解答用紙に書きなさい。 1. ナイル川は世界で一番長い川だと信じられています。 The Nile (1. longest river 2. the 3. is 4. to be 5. believed 6. in) the world. The Nile the world. 2. 世界で最大(水量)で、二番目に長い川は8ヵ国を流れています。 The largest and second (1. the world 2. longest river 3. runs 4. in 5. through 6. eight countries). The largest and second . 3. 日本の川にはピラニアほどどう猛な魚はいません。 No fish (1. is 2. living 3. as 4. so 5. fierce 6. in Japanese rivers) piranha. No fish piranha. 4. あのレストランで出される魚は新鮮だと言われている。 The (1. are 2. in that restaurant 3. said 4. fish The 5. to be fresh 6. served). . 5. 君はいつか私とそこに行ってみたくはないだろうか。 I (1. if 2. wonder 3. like 4. you 5. would I 6. to go) there with me sometime. there with me sometime. ―4―