
11-B 発展問題 1. ( )内の語を並べかえて日本文に合う英文を完成させ

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11-B 発展問題 1. ( )内の語を並べかえて日本文に合う英文を完成させ
11-B 発展問題
1. ( )内の語を並べかえて日本文に合う英文を完成させなさい。
1) 市街地はいつもより混雑していました。
The city center ( was, than, crowded, usual, more ).
The city center ( was more crowded than usual ).
2) 私は彼と同じくらい速く走れます。
I ( as, he, fast, run, as, can ).
I ( can run as fast as he ).
3) 私の兄はパイロットです。
( elder, is, my, pilot, a, brother ).
( My elder brother is a pilot ).
4) 春は私にとって一年のうちで最も忙しい時期です。
Spring ( the, time, year, of, for, the, me, busiest, is ).
Spring ( is the busiest time of the year for me ).
2. 次の各組の文が同じ意味になるように ( ) に適語を入れな
1) I don't know as many people as you do.
You know ( more ) people than I.
2) Sally and Clare are both 21 years old.
Sally is the ( same ) age as Clare.
3) I can't reach as high as you.
You are ( taller ) than I.
4) Mt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan.
Mt. Fuji is ( higher )( than ) any other ( mountain ) in Japan.
3. 日本文に合うように英文を完成させなさい。
1) 彼の病気は私たちが思っていた以上に深刻(serious)です。
His illness is more serous than we thought (expected, supposed).
2) 彼らの家は私たちの家の 3 倍ぐらいあります。
Their house is about three times as large (big) as our house.
3) できるだけ早くお金を送ってくださいませんか。
Can you send the money as soon as possible?
4. 次の文のそれぞれの問いに英語で答えなさい。
1) Mary runs faster than Bob, but Tom runs faster than she.
Who runs fastest of the three?
Tom does.
2) My sister gets up earlier than I, but my mother gets up earlier than
Who gets up earlier, my mother or I ?
My mother does.
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