Sep 94 - 24th Infantry Division Association
I'TI Infaatry Dlvfuton Aasoclatloa ・“いr EITT EI EAN ETID tEYEr&(f,.4t669 *q1+* *1 rEr-le!,s 2 5 l0 2t 30 38 39 儡ittt74 ︱ ︱ I J 15 ●′ タ , 1995 Reunion Ncwr iaridol QilI.ID If;ATBRI^I. Office of tbe Commander Zth Infailry Division (Mech) "HRST TO ΠGⅢ " September 20,1994 Dear Fellow Taro Leafers: It was a distinct honor to be part of tbe Division Reunirm in Ncw Orleans. What a privilege to be surrounded by so mny true Amfo:an hs - rnen who riskedlverything for tbeir country aDd for each other withor h4c or elpectation of reward or fame; men who still bvc ttgh Division' tbh c,orrffiy and tbir buddies. Lyme and I had a wonderful time; we enjoyed reting all of you' specid Oants goes to the members of the Association who dil stch a great job in ruming tbe Reunion. We promise to do ollr best to kccp tE ilrtory Oiritioo t t"t it s always been - the best unit in the U'S' ArBy' Or t FIRST TO FIGIIT! Maior Gened,U.S.Amy Co―anding tヽ 1 George T. Frohmader 30th St. ■ ■9945 . Camp DOuglag′ WI・ 54618 August 19′ ■9'4 24th Inf .itltry Divigion Associat,ion AEt-n: Edi tirr, Taro Leof I2O raple st. spf;inEfield, lrA. Ol I03 to'.the Edi tor: Hho froD the Kore'an war reEerbeEs Bobby Lee? Ee tJas just a young Korean boy in his early Eeens and orphaned by the ear. Babby stcte! that he osea iris life Eo the 24th Divi6ion sho took hlD ln durlng Ehe rrar. '' Tod.y he is about 60 years .o1d and pennyless. He ha6 stood up for the t.S. ArDy during Lecent riots shen Korean students sanEed Ehe U.S. troops t,o go hone. lhey even arrested hin vhen he told the student! Ehey uere urong and hov good the U.S. ArrDy uas Eo hiE aluring'the sar. He sould like to hear from anyone uho remembera him. His address is: Bobby Lee t The Peter FaEiIy counseling center Taejon City TONG-9u Indong 78-7 \ Republic of SouEh Korea Sincerely, ProctorYi I I e, Oh. 45669 lloving! Plclcc $cnd ir t chtnlc cf tddre*t to: Trro LcrfHome Based on the 1990 cearua, the VA's Nati@d Ceut€r 6r Vtt*ur Ana(pda rerwled tleae daEdic- =lP Cit口 L_____― ――――――――――――……――――………――¨‥……………… Zう Veterana poprlalim 4'7% bertween lH) rlediadby "'l 1g). W@lr'Leq4%dvdrue' o wlwtrqa vets tdal 92 riiithh o Vifamsavdg bl8,rl dlio rnA will @ toP tle H.( . (N 27,180,000 total vstettr., tbeir rr&leb hfrrmd ir wtfte 21.1 nillim (8896) bb.I - 2.3 EiIIi@ (8*) - 92i,{m (895) Espanic . Citリ Stete ffibdtr*etrrur o lJlrcsr Stete OLD drcrt: ︲ ● 〓 ¨ ‘ 一 ¨ S ミ i ︲ 一 ド ´ 〓 ´ 年 バ ﹁ ﹁ ” 、 , 静 凛 。 べ 一 ぃ ﹁ キ 一 . ﹁ ¨ .一 一 一 一 ﹁一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一一 .. . George T. Prohuader Rolrrt L. Larhon Rt.2, Bor ?11 添 ′万リル r/r ル蒻 υノ ● メ ■ ●ヽ﹁ リ ` ヽ __、 _ 苺 ″ 呵霊 AL DD00脚 躙 剛 … GRL― … 1こ11コ LコLA11 - NW TARO tt SAr N9oc.DmR DmR L SSOC.D― ‰ ■ SSOCoDrDR SEAT:NG A T THE REUN10N BANQUETS which carries poem below Oiv' Assoc for the use of the Thanks to our good friends in lhe 4th Armd' ,i]i.i-gi-"iJi!r" u*n trying to gel across lor Jonv-four vears' folks' 'twas e dillicuk iob' t'bles and saating this mob' thcse An nging wa could do to have things come out right: thtt Wc did dt To scc thtt our guests woutd bc happy tonight' possibly able: And w. did thc best th,/t we wer' teble; desirtble a at lritnds fo put You with inventot greatest the than ,ut it would ttke more conter' you in the all hwe lo plan out t room and lind' unlodunatelY and So whcn you are scated' behind' littlo a or Thtt You'ra t liltte too hr' atl that we ask' Won't You ple,,se unde'st'ld?' ' that is task' impossible an pc is .,ct For. to h've this iust good time' a So, lrieads: iust relax and have glass ol good wine' BY toasting your naw ncighbot with a B.licvc us. a ■等■・「 ・ ` 1` ∽b。 鵠胃露輩ぉ_■ 1: , “ ヽ「 B,obert L. Lawton Rt 2, Box 7l I Proctorville, OH 45669 I Novernber 94 SPECIAL i. DON:T MISS THI勢 Bob: Re$rding the ad to be placcd in the neoc ofthe TL rbout the $arnps. Plcase clrangc it to read: coq nff. Our Association has acqryB p.;lirgc mntq of US stamps in plate blocts, (frry- 3r1E$s.with the plue from the zlo's and 5Os and ar* 3 c$ts. As a frud-rais€r dozen plate blocks for five hrcks. An excellent gift for stamps. Send a stampcd, sdf-addressed emvelope t6: uf Yl|l adt qae rqqfi1d:ltr"gl--.!fi. ': : 24th Dvision Associatipn P.O. Box 6O6,6 Colorado Springs" CO 8093+6066 We'll get the scemps guanntee it! offto yor the same day we ga yor le1tr. We Whrt will be thc cut-offdue for gatiag malqiat to yor for rlre ncC ii$ef ル タノ Dutch Nelsen Sorry about the personal stationery; tf,e new 24th IDA backお m lctt€rtd has not conre the phter yet SEE STAMPS ON"EXT P4● 5 E: ー ち ,オ ‐ 一 州 盟 器 側艦盤 iation DJに : lJW DA'“ TEL US想 回 to: 狐 0卿 P.0.BOX 6066 … … 00LOmDO WINCS,∞ 園 : 器 .計 . 80934-6066 SMAKERS 一 NOw hear this Thc order of the day from rctired Gen- Norman Schwarzkopl: Older men. see the urologist. The former Gulf War comnrander considers himself the poster guy' for prostate cancer. His doctors caught it eariv. and he has fullv recovered 31を mOnths after surgery. schwarzkopf urged men over 50 and those over 40 rvho are at high risk to get tested. "Look the urolo gist right in the eye and say, 'Bring me to my knees if you have to. but do a.thorough exam.' because that way the,v-'ll save your life." he said yesterday on 'CBS This Morning.' Prostate cancer is one of the most common fornrs of cancer К HWARZKOPF affccting men. Schwarzkopf, a native of Trenton. N.J. is 60 years old. He is a graduate and. besides his role in the Per' Point sian Gulf l[hr. has secn service in Alaska. Georgia,. I{avaii. Germany. and was deputi' commander in the Grenada operation in 1983. In'1992 he retired as a full general in the U.S. army. ら 鱚 ・% │ . == 囀″ ` ・ さ hterial for pu口 こicatim can b‐ , Di■ ■ Hansm _ As30C.Editbr scη t to: ´ 2279 V.23口 th St. Torrance, Ca. 9● 50■ コ囁.30■ 二325-4940 Car■ B.Gane■ ― Assoc. Ed咀 tor 2643■ U咀 ■■ian― g Dr。 _ mita,pr■ nFJFl. 33923 ]h.8■ 3… 495-■ 586 J… 433■ H・ ROdrigue= Hissim nd. =ansas citr,=ヨ ― A330C. Editor J : ` .66■ 03 ■h. 9■ 3-262-7972 口R TO: Robert L― ― Editor nt 2′ Bo= 7■ ■ Proctorvi■ ■o, El.45669 Ph. 6■ 4-086-6935 hte: there are s.[te rtanges in this issne. Ue hope that thery are for tlre better. let us lams how yur lile it, feed bdr. is good for a fine pDlicaticr as ttris is, WE NEED TO SIGN UP MORE 、 NEW]MEMBERS! 7 : 冒 ‖費brWhom J■山【 the buglerca‖ s... Post (insido the eort) wra a nt€glphone, about eir fG€i bng aad srivsl€d God for Spec. Michael Carmcck 261. If ihe uedition ond me,aning of bugle calls is nd tlhg taught to today's soldierE, it t"lhrt thc certninb bude cdls"' Julv druld on a post, Evely be. I hrt! vivid memoriee of growing uP to tb annds of ArmY bugle6. t€t me shsro roe of them with t day'g soldien and military familiee lt toot about l0 minutoc. There were tlroee who cli B€d that thay could tstl which battery's buglfi wss playing. Soldiers would compcto to become the unit bugler. Not only did it Dsn eira . pay (as did qualifying for rlsrpshootsr or export on the rille rangs), but aloo exemition from walling post when tho bugler's unit drew Suard duty. I remember srploring ths jungle of Fort Sherman, in iho Can8l Zone, in 193?, whetr I met a eoldier of the lct Artillery practicing far from bsrscks to becomc a buglcr. Whon r privris drEw g2l.OO I day onco a month (with drductions), that e.tra two bucks or 80 wos flor bsing done, was welldelined from dawn until lights out by the bu8ler of the guard. Soldiers develoPcd ribald words for many of the ca.lle. My first memotT of Reveille is in a converttd wooden bsrrack on "Tte Fill" at Foft Monrce, V8., in the early 1920E. Awakened by the reveille gun, st thc not€6 of the c.all ("I can't 8€t 'em up. .. ") my father was out of bed and first moetly dressed by the last bars t" ..lieut4nants wor8e than and capt'ne worst of ell!"). a€rr(eanta, By mess t"chow") call ("SouPY' ξ 謙叩鵬W柵 精鱒:ad° 職 需喘郡〉 souDy, soup, without a aingle bean..."), iaa readr to wdL to his Dolt in the :撃 1龍 1醜 submarine rnine doDlrttltnt of the Co.d Aniuort School. Once a month we would hesr no &ill But it waa 8t Fon Mill! (Corn6idor but at mid-rnorning there would be late call, the in teland) in the Philippinee he l92OB that the r€st of the dsy rcallv be' camo delin€d for me by bugle calls. We livcd on Topaicle, the hiSh€st point of the irland, directly acroes from the "milc lond'barracke occupied by the 69th and 6oth Cosrt Artillery Begiment8. Thsrom, bugle calla wore our liyee. mv call. As each soldier'g last narue waa cailed. he would step forward 8nd salute the peying otncer, reepond with hio firet narne, middle initial and Ecrial number, aim witlr hir "payroll 8ign8ture," ro' ceive Nr pay and get the re8t of the day pirt of off for intortsting About,16 minutss after mesd csll canc rit& call ("Look at their eara, look at thoir a- h--- ... "). Shortly ttrcfe' aftcr came drill call, which ltErt€d iho sofiIDs day for both rogirnents. lt waa fotlorrcd bv first €ll, wHch w€ hoar at at 2lXXl the bu' uEet. In tlrc "Old Army," one did not nead a vatch. The time of day, ar well as what ffinira cler of the guard wortd pour hir sanl into Taps, uaing the megephone: four timee, io the north, south; sast and At 1100, we activiti€G. h€ad lirst 8orgrsntE call. It E€emGd Es tfiou8h every orderly room dor of the "mile [on5" barracts op€n€d aitaulbnEully rs two ruaiments of fillt eersgants haadod for the oflice of thg maior, clipbogd in r.eqi-rnantel tas Uira. Otty l6-Einuta'lstlr came o(fr' n postsh“ e adiutant. Msil call followed I at 1146 letter, you'vE got a lett€r, come 8nd get your f--- mail!) Mess call followed, 8nd then, to start the afternoon, dritl call at 1300. The end ('You've Eot of the trainiiS and fatiSue day carne with rccall, often quitc early in t}le aI' terooon in tho hopic€. Th€ militat, end of the daY came with ratrcEt, tho flring of the r€tr€at gun, and thc budcr'a rendition of "To the Colors" (orten tho ro8imentsl band plrysd tfu Netional Anthcm). Aftor rvcnlng m€ss crll, tha buSler rsrs litGnt untit (md ths timss r,8ri€d eoE po.t to @) t ttoo at 2280 and TrDr d 2800. tlc ru ticlr, rnd arrablY ("Thrrc'r all' call, vbaL Yl$ thc !.Ec PrctEPt r sunt in ths cra tith . hull€8 - - nG!l, tto rbaiE€nta of battary comone nenory of Tg co!!6a ftom trort thait omc€a, : "1. AUcr wo d bold thG Ltt nendrrrqrburrt out of od iD tho mil-1980!. ott thc rur t{orlto fc hshd aeber+ br.rAlLu thdir ldt D long ee tho' could to LaD Dl' thc rhitJ conhuca tlth th. rraturt l p.rt rbov. thc Drin ilt to th! Old d.l Erm b.ins ld. fq formttlon. imDortant! It was at Fort Sherman thst I first had 8 clear rccolloction of church call the m@t boautiful, haunting and soul' inapiring of our callr. It waa alwayB one half hour before thG religiou8 Eervica, and we had ample time to walk to the chapol over tllo only mile of paved road on thc po6t, Yee, t}e Old Army and its bugleo are gone, overt4ken by technologt and au- dio tap€6. gut that do€sn't m68n that much of the human part of the Old Army no€d be caEt ssid€ iust to be mod' ern. Armies have ursd bwle calls and t}le inEpiration fioE t.lrem for three mil' leni& Thoir irupirEtion and rignificanc.e Elpuld bo el@lain€d to roldiera at all lw' ela, perhapc wen to orr chief of rtaff. As s dalta, A;J ofndEb. lhould b€ a*rrc thet a rohrr of thc Air Forcc Band, hsre tn tIo D.C. uo., is confu.r. inr indcoth rooarc,h into tllo origiu roi tnidU-" of Eilltlry bugfc c.Ur. Try hIE, Gur, &[ H.nty F. Gtlsun Jt Ann.ndrlr, vl. い ■o■ 6 Ⅲ cie Avenue 」acksonvil■ e, FL ,22■ 0 ιわノ FREDERICK F.IRViNG 4`18Apah Aじ Z′ ule,FL 322:0 『 FЪ韻凝 Septenber i?. 8, ´ ル 't 1914 Kenlrooi Ross 24th infantry givision Assoelation 120 i:apl,e SEreet Springfield, y3,ss. OI]LO3-?.2?8 t"or-a"?-Jri-iii5i-jiSi!. .i-fril' F. 工rl■ng た %ノ バ移ル′ 三ジ と ハ ア だ 1ゐ夕 ぁ/.セし タ ′ ゎ ζ 7を ブ f ど fl. EnartTLao,,- ヽ ・ Fい ederick ' 一 . 彎 ´ け A /rW Dtileil*, 一 メ ヽト i. 一・´ 一 一 ・ ヽ Dear (en, I have jr-,t received my r?aro leaf" ar: read your nlast rrordr. Certainl-y no one has Cone Doro for the tE v:sion Lsociation than you, missed. sor"""r, -i"rtv_ni-r,. y"."" of servj.ce :s i:l^L:"-:1]-:: :9r"1{ "aoove ano. beyor-rdl atrC Jrour decislon is prcoai:iy lon-g overdue. J, Just rant to add that ue ha,t Ihdri:JOth bilthdav in Washinet.. _ on ^ third. o,e had a luncheon i:." were 'a,;tenber Les and Ibttie l{heeLer,. ft1eral g6r."^ n5Lr'i-1Lrer ex Cf,j.ef of the Afily and now presldent of the i{est .=oini'rssoc:ration of Gracr-;:es and 3enera.t calL t{cNair presldent, hJesr poi;a so;iety of C. Tlr;;;-' featured a t€ro leaf and e 'dest point shieiJ. -Uotrr"" rasD.there at ninety-sijc and 'ooth are doiJrg as weLl, as can'Ue- expected. in hiJ best ,tstes *a-rplriciation for aIL y:.: ._ done Fd ioins have for the lendiac Division. a′ nture Reun■ ong ′‐ 「 up for '951 but the deal fell :.■ ゴ we had valley forge aII llnedthe *ir919--':,P:::-'l*-' ast ninute we proCeededAntr r11t utl ■ rman. 五こ 置 racki3:I。 こ forlaI.ュ き E-ro-u,rh igh i。 署 曇 モ througttf:[。 こ ntra`馨 ●_ ● ●ヽ ●__‐ __■ ■■^ _と 月 ‐バ‐ハ哺■lv oian‐ d F: a r・ ]:ti:l:ItlyWEi31こ llth° [13:1:ir:inias13.11: _ _ ● _ ●‐_ ___L^L■ _. ‐ L^ ● ■‐‐ _● ヽハ ol that 0111 wn1: 1こ 三 二̀ ‐― probably,the_fll18:^奎 こ I′′ ‐ Y′ ●…こ じ こ rl:,1。 ― ouェ ェ ― ・ … …1■…e iSこ with oこ witn :ItilIこ … W■ thin dr:理露 .r鰤 haveep:I:Iぎ eVer attendeO. iashv■ fftiぶ e faVOrab■ 量ll:lЧ lll轟 :「3意 :`:3 tiこ i3こ ■O三 ]houia be very liと =_摯 to a孟 lξ F二 rcenta90。 f"r member3。 =こ 1995: ・ "r a'Iiiitit"'--ei よ こ こ │・ TtredacesarerhuraEryrSeDtemberTth-thSguqhsunday,-septenberllth' slnqle/double' rhe 1995, check out nqno:?t fi:-i'zth: natfl'oo one- tLre only' datss in Executive coon. 'votqfito allou IeeuayThe_lovestfor-thls rate we could nesotiate i" i ri"rlii"t" ri"a. iiE"ii-i"i"s pv occupving the b9t u"it'g 3115t' rras $79 ( average """"J"tr""-i"iE rate ls roreat' we uere nrglt, ehen the occupancy ;;;-;"'Eilaii lfiI-.I""illiil'tii!'lii i"t",-i."'"rnis oi about ss'000 to nenbers' barbacue 18 in the A Friday.night cas'ual "welcome to Naahville" ls scheduled for dinner nlght plannlng atage, trr" "t"ii-ii'"ri"" planr:ed for Banquet and saturday ntght, "to o,,"-i"'"ria1 Serviceno obJ ectrglr ls a Mondav p"rr"a-"ipt"""ed !o iiia-"v-itid[i.' r'I"tu"it-iri"g be lesa airport in" Iines that there rill checkout, commenting iii-iirgt i.i-"""g"rti""l-"i"., u"a aome normally check out llondav. for the association registration Reqistration forms for the hotel and r'EAF' Pleaae be on the i;ar;; issues of the rAf,o ilii-il-;;;;."a-i" be forthcomins about Ai;;;-,;;; infornatlon will i;i";; i"i ir,"'Il. rrJl-lrrEilAnd' bv the and do i" ao tle cansee' clty of nashvi rhe -iJ' have lazz' golden Eusict a"- ooE- n"r" ti h;;; .o""tty i"i , nusic i8-plentlful for oldies, Broadsay .r"i"ui hits, etc' -country slth rhy ve dld not 8i9n uPpossible those uho pref,er it.--u;";-h;ve asked losest the ansser is that the Grand OId Opry Hotel, and theeven after Deeting wlth the exec' ,rpriirr-wis $t04, ;;;"-th;t "a." taxi' rhich iiit" there slnce the iater vP! But ee'c"n ""siiy tp""i doek one the froe Ieaves River' cruiees uP the frfsftoiic' Cumberland block fron our hotel. days after;.memtrers are Roon rates apPly three days before and three re6tauiants; drlnk prlces entltled to a lst roli ;i;;";;' in notet functions ri1l be about the same -rate in the hospitality toot-."a-ai""er ls ${'00 for self-Park ln garage as in Ney orleans, "Iiv ",]ii".r; conprex' hotel part the of a arso il.-iiiir'i.- e "t"ppiii'.;;t;;-i; 19968 P■ aza which 1:::]::電 1:::.錯 Sept. 髪 ll:::::!::::::::il:::│:主 :i::[::dttrp・ [i:i:iド chalr thls vour fingers ln that area' and acrossed: Any ui"i-"p voiunteers? Lot; dolng pirtlclpate i" ir," Northeast to 21 1997 ln the actlon' chance for our ;;b";" --wJ.l-s"pt. 17 - sun-, sept. . ' Dates b■ OCked= to frank Plata has volunteeredf,€eP 19978 Val■ ey For(,e?? ^ii3I'"".-s"I dosn ti"a Job-Ylact reuniO五 ′ if he Bob Ender /0 ′ Uphold Democracy Nea‖ yl′ ooo local soldiers sent to assist Haitians with the effort to return elected gov- ernmentto pOwer - which - Base, N.C. and the 87th Corps Spt. Bn. left for Homestead Atr Forcc Basc, Fla. The 87th is opcratlng an lnterim 3taging bas. for clements travcllng in to lnd out of thc Caribbcan area as part of Operatlon 0phold Dcmocracy. Thig lnvolves houslng and fccding soldlcrs who comc lnto thc base, PUbl(Arf8`′ ,0"I(er malntainlng wiatlon and rcfucling oparations, and providlng gcncral morc than 500 soldiers from the supply support. By M可 .Ke‖ y ヽ The IlOth QM Co. manages fuel for forward deploycd units headed for Pope Air Forcc Fit2pat‖ Ck 24th lnfantry Dlvision and Fort Prior to this opcration, unlt3 Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield have from thc 24th Corpe Support deployed ln support of Operation Group most recently dcploycd in Uphold Democracy, bringing th. support of humanitarlan relicf total number of local soldicrs ,efforts for Cuban and Haltian deployed to nearly 1,000. migrants. Approxlmately 80 solThe soldiers are from several diers from B Company, g2nd diffircnt units: B Company, 3rd Englnecr Battallon arc still in Battalion, l5th lnfantry, which Surinamc, where thcy continue to deploycd with support elements construct a camp. from 224th Support Battalion; 3rd The 559th Quartermaster Engincer Battalion; and the 3rd Battalion has nearly 200 soldiers Battalion, 4l st Field Artillery. and the 293rd Mllitary police Thesc soldiers, known as Team Company more than 100 in Victory, departcd Tu$day for Haiti Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The on two C-141 aircraft. 559th is capable of provlding On Sept. 14, soldiers from about 400,000 gallons of potablc I loth Quaitermaster Company, water per day to the migrant 260th Quartermaster Battalion, camps therc, while thc 293rd sol. and the 87th Corps Support dieB are provlding security and a Battalion also dcploycd. range of law enforcemcnt scrvices. *"r'rffI'jfr.tfr A roldi.r trom 3rd Bn., lsth lnl,, dlsplay3 his apprehension bAor" Haiti where he and hi3 unit will .s3ist ln supportlng Op.raton Uphold Democracy. But i:電 器 la躍 駆 Thet 「 。uthOr′ l。 一¨ ,ェ event i 事ag‐ 1 b算 ●tl エ the :I搬 1 号撓ξ轟ギ P異 。 the rlι L:』 ■F:選 :議l計 詭 龍彗 肇諾離辮 ・● et Itti讐 ::: 姜 J駆 :::∬ 3:雙 毯 H● 111 ‐ , (contlnued)a " ?42 t4, 2l 一﹁一 WWU veterans honor soldier at reunion in town 鮮雌 椰 CШ 由 , 鋼 〃 識 Of POwhamn, whO ・ L魅 佃 理 ● ヾ : de8工 re. Mai■ yOur request t03 E■ ■SWOrth 8■ 2 0rion ︰ E E ■饉 菱畷 二 墨翠 調轄露 ф 塵 . ∽﹄0 員 ” C 一0●﹄´∽ ● C ● nO ■ ●o ■ ︼N コ , 層 ■ “〓限 ︺ 亜 て 盟 E I 橿 ,L ■3〓 3 8 E EE ヒ E o と貝 0 95 〓 . 3 ■ ■ 〓 ‘ 営壺 口 8 〓 鐸頭墨遷誡錯憂話 亀 醜 塁 罵慶 僣 ・ ︲ ︼X”日露Xバ〓ち轟ロ 〓3 . 0´ コ0︵ヨ“ “ヽ ハ 一 Ne■ Sen Dr.′ Co■ orado Springs C。・ 80906 二 日 ュ 喜lt ト 還こ辞 E贅 望 ビ理製 誕鋭。 o ︼●o●﹄ O J O卜 ︼切d On H0 0﹄“ ●d L J●﹄ ぬЙ O■ ト , , ﹄ 卜●● Oo”0一 曽買“o。 10﹄OLLO 卜C” OJ∽“ 0口︼ ﹄コ0卜 “ 麟 卜〓”d 翼釜種違:l:批:3盤 ■ ∽ ●ι 卜 ● ●轟 一 〓v螢 切 ■〓 X 〓 綱 ヒ ョ F £ l ● 日 電 N ‐ L J0 ノ ィ ン ⋮L " :git.y avai■ abl● 8 han3[き ・ 0■●” , . 0卜︼ oり。L 一■コ﹃〓R︶ 日 o﹄●卜 ﹄ョ●ト ロ0 ∽” ■ い0日 “”“ ●oCO I口0︻ 覇“ 。レ I C] W ﹃﹄ 0卜 8 ■υQ一 o卜 ︼ 唾 日 ” J d 〓 。 , , L :聾 葺 F■ 轟 轟 母 聾 ヽ■ ' appli::I]:::ill:i:::::::1: ]ュ NEW MEMBERS! 泄 Change of addr● Wmr L. Bramcm (3■ 9th 3● fOr: BG Rlchard J_Dirり o3uSAR 236th DSD― burg ^甲 APO AE 0917● )resides at 7■ 85 Ra■ ■road St.Po Box ■3■ N― ■■eJ ■l.36353w■ th u咀 fe Sa■ ■y. ■n Ш Ise“ d uth the 7th 3rd lnf. retired `50-′ 5■ For all vha vish te i ′ hi m_ 薇 er tu田『 jtt Htt wr24 vear3 ds GSrt emjoring - retirenent ttith Angus Catt■ e. Ar■ oL. ヨm・ Petersm ■■ノ55-2ノ 57 (24th罰 ぃdコ XOrea)54■ 引hin st.3ox 772′■ o. ■ retired ra■ ■rOader nth 3 chi■ dren ROBERT Ho LUHRSEN J03,ph P. LCHielu Hq. (■ 9th 3rd Bn 3ノ 40-6′ 42)● f 7● 5 V.脆 ore st Itemryretta, Ga. 74.137. 「 lli::;:::::::;ι ::Er:::::di: Would like to hear froln anyone who remembers him. EUGENE H. BuCNER (13th FA Hq.Btry. 8ノ 51 - 12′ 52) 2233 Cleve■ and st.′ Great Bend KS 67530′ would like to hear from anyone who served with his group. He=8 at Tel.3■ 6‐ J.L. Si=cmore 205 Hoore 793-5820。 St.Orabu ′NE 27253-9557 Jotur J. I'IcXcrEiG (f & Serr; 3■ 9ned ЧP IIY J・ D。 コ吐■■iams J.L. 瑯露 dth 34衝 h瓢 I. Go 19tlr 3l5L-?,1521 ?;O3 Eastcr ,rtve. lErr Bt.tms$id(,!{tr Jolm Faro Jr. (IQ 21st 3rd o89O1 I'trarried to frilc1s B踊 5′ 53-9′ 54) of■ 4279 0row口 咀th 5 9T― Chi■ drmJ nd. ■ロリ■e va■ ■er′ Ca 92307 dnotlrer suress storlr! Ph.6■ 9-946-■ ■2■ ― ■ld ■ike HELP: to hear frm 3ome of tlle Mai■ tO PAUL 」。 00BRIEN′ ●I′ 3 that ttre in tt a■ tf■ 七 Box 12■ , SOlllervi■ ■e HA 02■ 43, . has been returned. Pau■ is a Life Member and weld ■ike to find him. Can anyone he■ P? ::::::::;:Siこ [i::it 'I::LI::}:壁 ¥]:ISiny:ReW31:dstit:d :itialim. 〆 一 やヽ 一 一 ORVIE 」D GOsNELL 5th RCT =7/5■ -5′ 52) (M 3rd Bn 13tiⅧ Lttt,Eg芳 証鷺 HaWalian Division, wa8 [:[][:il蓮 ::。 l肇 :彗 me back. Incident on the beach. A fr■ end Of minё pinchcd a 班 be:ulttn:n inrttlt:I[laRI「 . pOt Did not know why until Oh wel■ ■ater. . E[:送 :]. 8M8n:二 ::き :1:V:]e r,,:I,:6:二 ‐ ::ughpttEE:d after '30-。 33 he still ●I 3:rh:!:l::]::::=n 3:Id:言 if: who predates hin. DONALD L. DUERK (2■ st Med. Co. 8/49-9ノ 50) ■■5 CoVe Ct.′ Col・ ・ ‐卜ia SC 292■ 2′ is now a retired PhySiCian。 He ■s trying tO ■OC ate EP會 1)。 l:lこ t鶴:rc::1騰 He is a■ SO trying to ■ocate our life member′ 1223′ WADE F. HERITAGE′ fOrmerly of Po Box 545′ Southern Pines NC 28387. wade Was DiV.Surgeon '49-15■ . (19th Serv.Co. Med.Co. and 19th 12/48-8151 and A 724th or-4- , Bn. 9/61-2/ 63) of Promen4den. Str. 13, Ch-9400-Rorseha6, Switzerland, sends his begt. CHARLES E. GARRETT wishes from beautiful Lake Constance and saYs he will drink a toast to all nembers at the convention, Present, and missing, wishi-ng all wel1. Sends sPecia I greetings to the veterans irom the 19th - JaPan and Korea, and the 724t-tr ord', Munich, Germany. A married man (c 34th wlrrr] shows a friend a story he trad cut out of a newsPaPer. It :6ili::illi:l:i]::il::[tiL loOking fOr= 11:burg PA :よ 2■ 翼 路 £多含 器:■翌∫lellAttty ? 赫 … AL cHAMBLY aZZard KY. :lIIFElounty KY ・ 奮 NeEE・ IISthe E3:二 1:景瞥 nOrthWest and any other K 19th peOple. ′あ concerned a man who had obtained a divorce on the ground that his wife went ihrouqh his Pockets. "Coinc to show it to Your wife?" tie friend asked. "No, " the husband said^ "I'm just goinq to leave it in my pocket. Gen. Vaugbt and Gen . DeFraac oct, 23, 1994 Robert, The neerspaper clipping is from the South Bay Daily Breeze, the local newspaper here in Southern CaI. The author is our very own Eric Diller, 'H" 34th. The sentiments are reflected in all of our thoughts and I figured that you might find a spot for it in the TL. The other t\ro items are self explanatory. Tony Apodaca and myself attended the ceremonies and enjoyed i-t very much . Ife rrere contacted by Philippine Consul Melba Lim and to participate. It's my guess that there rrere at least 1000 Filipino veteranE in the parade. very truthfully, I had no idea that there were that many Filipino vets in the asked area . But to make a long story short, I had an opportunity to talk to several of them prior to the start of the parade and found them to be very enthusiastic about meeting someone from the 2,lth. who had landed rrith MacArthur- And although I hadn't actualLy landed on Leyte, (the 21st. Ianded on Panoan Island, off the southern tip of teyte, to secure a PT base rhich became an jmportant factor during the naval Battle of teyte culf) the significance made no difference to themi I came with l{acArthur and that's all there uas to it. In regard to llacArthur, the Philippinos hold him in the highe8t esteem. It's my guess that the only thing that suatained them follouing the fall of Bataan was his "I shall return" promise. 24th. fu1 Iy cont inueat on pags J-5 )7 isco 24く ヽ ■nfantry DiviSion A380Ciation The VICTORY Division i ヽ ′ 29 Augu,t ■904 Melllo for Ken Ro● 3′ E■lL● r Of the TARO LEAF In the ■agt isSue of the TARO LEAF member Eugene Dishman′ Eli::l[1:1: 1lilI:q1811:'wi:mi.:ates f the ° Division's 24th Thanks to a book■ et entit■ ed THE 24th DIVIS10N′ A BRIEF EISTORY published by the Divislon P■ 0 ■■ 1947 1 wal able to find the drttes member Dishman relluested. They are as fo■ ■ows8 Divi310n Organized in Hawa■ i-1 0ctober 1941 ―July― August 1943 ′ Enroute to AUSTRALIA At ROCKHAMPTON′ Australla -31 August 43 to 3● 」an:tary 44 21st lnf et・■barked at SIDNEY 19th lnf elllbarked at BISBASNE 34th lnf embarked at CLADSTONE The division conso■ ■dated at CAMP CAVES At G00DENOUGH ISLAND 34th lnf at BIAK ISLAND HOLLANDIA 21st lnf at PANOAN LEYTE ISLAND MINDORO Marinduque Verde ■3■ and Lubang lsland Romblo■ Island Simara ls■ and LUZON 34th lnf at SIBIC BAY 19th lnf at NASUGBU 34th lnf at C`)ARECIDOR MIND4NAO― MALABANG― PARANC -30 -16 」an to 17 April ・ 14 to 17 Apri■ 44 … -22 Apr to 13 0ctober 44 -20 0ct to 21 November 44 -20 0ct 44 to 29 ―Dec 」anuary 45 44 to 12 April 1945 -29 」anuary ■945 -4 February 1945 -16 February 1945 -17 Apr to 30 Hope the above answers his question ノβ 」une ■945 こ れ 4・ 1'::)' r.-l ;ii- - i,t ンーγ 野 メ 1 ヽ → fl IU/11黛 Lら だん 淋 ・噂11義 )ォ世`節暮」 l,■ 刊 理彙(LIL:ぶ にi世燕逸彙、 IJ tFrゃ :A 準 レ l::〔 ゴコl:.1lI:ヽ _…Lゑ ・ f. iキ 1鷺 y ]レ 1∫ :´ に1 ど F │「 ││ 爵 ― │ 卜・ :戸 ■ 轟 .rい 上 瑞 i{ (′ 16 AUGUST 1955 these prints in, Thanks ArIo Arlo Peterson sent tne{ Arlo Peterson (circled) Autugt 29。 1994 llr. Kenv● ●d R。 8日 , E『 itor TARO LEAF 24th lnfantlJ DiVi● ■on■ ●sociation 120 yaFle St. Springfield, MA 0110,-2278 Iear l(en: ry check for 1994 fuea. I naCe a trip to l.euali in February 1981 and uas fortuDate to nake contact ul tb, i.rb He1 ny i'last€r Sgt. Crlring qy iuty yiti: the Finance Clflce of t\,e zl+ti. flvision lton Ooodenough lsland to ti.e Occupatlonal Forcel in "rapaa. l.Ie haC a good vlslt ard recalled nany tiiings that hapFened Curlng that tixne, bottr good and bad I uac fortruate durlng n:/ goDourn rd.-tr tle OccupgtlcnaL Porceg tc be selected by Captain Joneo to accotrfan], hl:r to Tol.vo to Return ? Lilll,1on follars of occupational ;lonev back to i-ISAFE :ieadquarters vhen ti:e declrlan vaa Eade to the reguler ;-ele1s6"a tr an encloclng YeD rethe! than Occupational- i.:onet. A-fter the tnone,r rjas ret'rrned, Ceptarn Jonea stayed irt Tol:yo and i had t::e task of seelng tl:et .,1--e tvo PPCrs vlth ua got back to 3.intsuyern.. !/e haC our ovn apeelcl car o;r the treiD ahd could take It off uherever ne nanted to yisit. Sone Colcnel , lJho lras gol.l]g to Join our Lenguage letacbent esked to join us in lokyo and rdth hLr: knoBinE tl.Le lanEuego, we l:ed a beIL ln all the tonaa ve stopped to vlslt. It tcok us about r, rreek to get back to our outflt. Just thought lrou night be lnterested !-pca,rge i Coubt that nany people kney that ue uere goln6 io use Ccc'{ratlona1 i.loney until the Ceclsion ves xhde to use the Japanese Yen. f getting ready to seDC larri F.ubin I s Ieflter to Senator liuna ,egardl-ng the chsn8lng ot t':-e 2J+t;h l.ivlsion. I u-.ini: it is a:n reClculorrs aDC I sure hope lt j.s not'lFone 批 .li 5727 South■ and r■ vd. Loudsvi]le, Iy. 40214 ギ ・ ‐ i‐ マ事雪尊曇茸ド` =… ∵ f■ 薫 ■● =. _.JX9・ 19馴 1事 RC鳳 D〕 August 22nd, 1994 24th lnFantry Division Association Hr. Kenwood ROss ::♀ iI:「 l:1::rttit6118;:2'9: ‖r. lioss: heql.est you place the following reunion information in your newsletter rrom now through Apri■ ■99,。 an Association nd。 , F■ 。rida :::iFl:Fid:i:ら 88;ne The 5th RCT Florida Contigent deeply appreciates your SuOPOrt in publicizing above announcenente S● ヽnl頂 J ■ :ミ ´ .こ 二==ド ヽ11彗 ヽ _KOREA Dear : .F rfiヽ : 8v′ Sincerely, Antho* F. Poleneni Pub■ ic Re■ ations `?ノ Comittee ‖0 0THER WORDS ARE‖ EEDED: 零 ● ・ = 螢 ●. ● ´ = 置 ︱ 卜 L レ aλ You feel like the night before, and you havent been anywhere. oYou"gpt winded playing chess. o Your drildren begrn to look middle-aged. Yotr join a health dub and don't go. o You decide to procrastinate, but then never get around to iL o Yorr look forward to a dull evening. . Your favorite part of the newspaper is 25 years ago o today. Yotr tum out the light for economic rather than mantic reasoffr. . You sit in a rmking drair and can't make it p. o Yotr stop looking forward to your next birthday. o After painting the town red, you have to take a long rest before applying a seond coat. . Dialing long distance wears you out. o You remember todaS that yesterday was your wedding anniversary. . You just cant stand people who are intolerant. r The best part of your day is over wlren your alam do& goes off. . You bura the midnight oil after 9 p.m. o Your back gpes out more than you do. . A forhrne teller offers to read Srour face. . A dripping faucet causes an unontrollable bladder urge. . You begin to outline enthusiasm. . Everything hurts and what doesn't hurt, doesn't p o work. at SeekingILrc of {rur netr mcfiibcr* is scactug First Sgt. Scrman Earris-I Go. Zlstrnf. fron Jaes A. Jmtes 6444 ilisa Ia. Ihrstut,Tx. 77lW Trrmy E. Gilbert (IIq 19th Er Z/5{t-3/5U 115Us irdrery la.Eatur Bouge,La fl!trf5 red &out the a*soc. in thG trirf xqFzirre, "Iflemt znd Ga. rret Inrddi-es tJrat I tbargftt I soul.d rrever tee to rynirr in ry lifeti-nre". 'joirrcd tlre 19th 2/5O and glt irt lfie first gru4r to lild ir f,orea. Uas uunrded ?t@ill in Battle of Taejur uffi Hn*d again in Sept stl d'Ilcc.S0.semt hmne and ilirOrugEd Decanse I sas o11'16 YEars old. I oe of the fmtr GI's Pilil J. Gairr 31098 f,lrathanr Ilr. Uttarra, IL.618O1-?0{3 EII. 217-3{+-L462 Unrld I-ilc to cqrtact aqrme vho seryed in I Go.34Er irr SuDic Day, Xalakrut Point,and Gorrigidor cilPaigrrs rhich toolc place ir Jan. and Fe.b. 1945. Sertd me your Ph. * utd I will. ctll Yur. J. Jmrcs {G 3.lth LLl4z-0.145 ) 8O ltillDroolc trr. Imrs Rivrlr,l{J 08757. A1fred if ilfurc drmt his o1d mrtfit is still alivt. Ile turld liJce to hear fror u1. of theor. I{e nas S,Sgt llfrcif Jores Sq.Ldr lst plt.C uuuld lil<e to lcrm Go,34tlr. Ifts PIt,Ldr was Lt. Gordep. 341-3631. sas sho Oa.llcan tool( and we Mcd out tlre tank that ra tlrruryfi Hq in Taejmr Umlfi rroufd lil<e to hear fro ur1'of tlre otlrer three GI's ad if tJrey made it ilfi of Taejcr. f hme not hrlrrd fron an1. of tlrern. Eil.lia E. f,ea.rm (!t,Serv. ad It ?lst '18-'521 ?,25 Eallc Ave Gmrirgtm,Fy, ll(Ila ir loolcing for ltrarold L. bfhan (ll 21st '49) can ilI|G betp ? ′グ rtl'r Ph. 9{l8- Uill-ianr' D.GmrLey (Z.lth }P Lzl46-LU47) of !l!156 Jolrmycat<e ndg.G-s Painsville, (Ir. .ll077 is sti11 loolciing for rrcutbers of tlre 24tlr !{P PIt. 46-l?. idelDert tI. Glrance (A Etry 63 ri\ utg8-9153-Pm ?ls0-9153, of Bd 5, Eox 699 l{e,rrfield, NJ 0834{. *old IiJce to hear frmt il1natc r,iho semud arit'h hiJt itt Jqran frEing ttrese datct. Glrarles Clrristoplrer {26tlr ^AiA 13t$ Frt 4/56-5/57 ftetired Safetl. fttgineer rritlr ltidsest Steel . Ittasrried to hrtlr r"ith 2 clri]-drem. trinter limne-8l-0 H Demtseur PaIm Ilr.lfissimr, J. DIMOND (D 19th 552 ) Country CIub Road, :.9 Washl nqton pA I5301, sends a contrjbution in memory of_hefty our comrades that have passed away. Thank you for remembering, -. lrick. RrclIARD -.4 f: Tx. 78572 PH. 210-581-{970. Srrmter horc-1248 Gastle St Btrttrs l{arbor, In . 46304 P,n.za9-7a7-fr977 . Srorp (f S HS Zlst .IS_ '37i of 1O45 l{ayerford Borb St.JolmstmEn,pa. 1S9O5. Itre stood parade for fffi,Shirle1. Teuple and grt a guod picture of i,melia Erhardt at Uheeler field prior to ber departure Ulrff . Ph,-llip L. ltrite (e{ft trivarQr litgd. Ilet.l ot 723 Ford. St. $si-I.urti,l(1.48198 mr ilisdDility pemsimr frmr ford fiotor Irlarri-ed 42, LlZ, y8ars to Sli.rl-ey $itlr .l grmrn Go. Char■ es w. J● hn3m muld liJ<e to hear frmr otbers tlrat he serned rl.ith irr Jqran illd Korea.I{e is at 2114 SaLnar Gt. Cilcirurati,llh. Ph. 513-931_0731. Beitred fron Belden 45231 clri-I-drcm Good joD Plri.l! Gorp. ('49-TI5rO 1 1 ︰ ら こ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 〓 重 な︱ ● l5 h 34flr) WW IH闘 劇lals Ito*,, ** r,* .I ffi**:"I H tT*1: who in the served erans An adninistrative and shipping f€e of $7 (J.S.) is aad June 15, 1942 required. for each medal eraas who received both able ADm f944 to f%5 ■ the World War Ⅵ CtOry Medal to v畿 detailing iheir senice in the I tle Philippine Indepen- other than the PLM. Itilipii€s fu 30 days between M,. 17, deoce Medal (PIM) to vet.. Cr'€*" Eust be made paynot hss f9{4, and S€p. 3, l9{5, are to DAFAO in Waeh- irutoD, D.C. nw eligible to ruire tle the PLM and PDM Eligible veterans wishItilirdre fibsatim i,Iedal .l the Philippine Republic (PLM) fron the govern- Plesidmtial Unit Citation ing to receive tleoe awards n"q.r- dfte ft:lipping. ' Badge to veterana who should forward their refts atr*dxill be iged served between Dec. 7, quest witb a copy of their frre to vdaang wto ,neka 1941, a-nd May 10, 1942, discharge, DD Fmm 214 <r i lerr sen ice r€cod "pplieUt-, rih epFqri- aud duriry ttre ate ` . t?riirpfion of seri'ice, and ― d (IIAFAO) 赫 d the … Itilippine II who served at any "頭 time Enb,qssi in Waehington, hetween Dec. 7, 1941, aad D.C. pin€s (Vetcrans Affain Section) wbo hp,l continuous service Washington, DC December 1946, and Asia-Pacific thea.ter of operations between Dec. 7, who eerr'€d in the 1941,andMar.2, the Asia-Pacific Canpaiga Medal to veterana of at least 30 days in the FRANK DOERR (■ 5th RCT Hq.3rd Bn. to P = A Plat. 4ノ 5■ -4/52)1619 Butano Dr_′ Mi■ Pitag A&irsOtrce Enbassy of tle Philip I In addilioo DAFAO will issue five dher nedals to World War If veterang of 6e Philippire c"mJ-ignn: I the Phili. ppine Defene€ ifledel eDff,) to vet€r:ans Philip ttre Philippines tb: Defense and Armed Forces cA 95035 sends in his dues AND dues for ROBERT F. OTTE 947 」ohn St.′ Covington KY 410■ 6. ・ Bob recently contacted IIte after he ]oined the 5th RCT assoco We have been ■n touch for the past few months Bob and myself were in the same p■ atoon in Korea 151352. As he is disabled due to severe health Prob■ ems he is unab■ e to attend any reun■ ons. ・ ■f anyone from the 3rd Bn. of the 5th RCT cou■ d see their way clear to possibly drop a card or letter to Bob′ I・ m sure he would great■ y 1600 Massachusettg Ave. 2ru6 For furthcr informatim, call (202)4$7 -94O9 or fax (w2w-w7. 1946. HAROLD W. GOLNICK (Hq. G Hq.Btry. ■3th FA =49-15■ ■ooking for IItembers Of 」aPan and ■3th FA '49-51 Koreao P■ ease cal■ or write: HAROLD GOLNICIK′ 506 0qemaw′ Grayling MI 49738′ (517-348-9418)= ALLEN Ro SHARP′ ToWnhOuse S.′ FM Road 1845′ Apt.307′ Longview TX 75603 (903-758) 2554)。 rt L_ ■enth(3価 ―H=‐ S … w46-2r‐ )tehttpe Oper_ Dr_・ 32F is at却 95■ ■=ntュ輌 Littユ ● ■iVerコ SC 295● 6 ph 3● 3d_ 399-■■58m餞 appreciate same. lι Seated: Hrs- Yiggens,Hrs- Peters, Hr= Hcsiett*r' Hr= Currie l"!rs - Finger, & Hrs Long Standing : Eruce Price, Charlcs Yiggans, YaI{ Peters,Doc Hostetter Sam Fingars, Hrs Hciland,Harrg Heiland, * Billg Lcng :i::M:::::di::::linil::d: SEND IN YOUR DUES NOヽ V WHILEITIS ON YOUR MIND λ7 I was about one thousand yards beyond the piIJ- boxes, lrhen I remarked to ny buddy beside me, rrllo!, did we get here?'r The last rre both remembered rras Red Newnan's r'EoIIor Uerr. Red Newman was a credit to his training at West Point and his heritage and the record should be set straight. vIhile I have ny thoughts rolling, I believe I $ri1l have to set the record straight on General Douglas lilacArthur. I discussed this with Red Nelrman at an earlier convention and he agreed that the GeneraL MacArthur rrMemoirsrr were incorrect. The ceneral- did not come in on the fourth hrave. llaybe it was the fcurih hour? I remember going back to the beach after setting up the regiroental switchboard, for more rol-Is of wire. I was in the Hq-Hq co 34th Infantry wire platoon - ny wire chief was Sgt. Hanford Rants. We lrent back to the beach and lre sar,, ceneral ltacArthur practicing his landing from the barge, with all the camera men on the beach and the nicrolihones set up for the General to nake his rf have returnedrt speech. By this tine all the heavy equipnent had al.ready been unloaded on the beach! Thank you for al■ owing me to correct these inaccuracies. Cennaro (cerry)Fischetti′ Hq― Hq Co.-34th lnf。 (43-46) I.teobershi The NeW secretary′ treasurer DutCh NelSen λ = p Chairnan Wally Kuhner ヽ i暮 黎 ■ ・ ・ 、 、 、 iluRPl{YS I-AWS OF cOmBAT 8rc not SrpormilL 2 tf ifs gtupid but worb, it lsn"t stuPid 3. Don't look canrplclous - lt drmt f,r.. 4. UUhcn ln doubt, ompty your mag€dnG. 5. Nrvcr gtren a ioxhole wi0r anyono braYor tlran yoo ra. Ud.f.r. pon m.d. by Op 6. Ncmr norgot yout 7. lf your attec{< at golng rtdly wtl!, ifs an arturlr ilo pl.n lurviv€. thc firtt cootact lnt ct 9. Al iiw.ccond frt!.. wlll bum d*m ln tftrro rccondr' 10. Try to look unlmporirnt becrlrrc Olc b.d grryl mry b. bw on ・` ■ ._ 1, You ■■.、 ■ 一 一 ld u[ st ヽ tf you are fornverd ol Thc euy rrey ltdl!- 'iort coot* m etrort of ancryltrtng cxca6 sncrrty, you eru ln t7. ff,hcn you hrvc ..curtd tn Jr!, doot forgd !o tr[ tltc cltctty' 18. hcodng frrr ha ttc dg[tt of waY. lC. Frl.ndly filt - lllrqt. 2O. fific cncnry 1r ln ttllgtc -'So Aro You'. cvcr pecrd ln plcdq! 21. No cortd rudy utdt 16. lt you hr 22 BoOr― i3:2b― ■37-● 40● 23.Thttp m ttb● Ⅲ 9mpped b― … 'I= . ス m山ギB wI‖ 固 :‐ ●ooo“ 脚田net a Annlng you do can Ootソ o口 3hd 笙 TRCerB Work― 叫 27.The m』 ソnh9-accurab_hOdng― 鷹● 向mendw罰亀 _to 00t 日b F・ で = ‐ ・ _"“ μ ご JCh are convlnced枷器 atロ ロ し n tOugh for n● 輸 ― rlgttt aro boffr "・ 30. lluphy wee a GRUNT. aq ・ 一 1t 一¨ alrno. yorr pooltorl OL.ttlLry ul[ f'il f2. mi encmydlv.rCoayou lro lgnodng !. li.mdn ffi 13. Tho lrportent tltlryl rt duayt cnPle l{ Ttrc cinple0ilngoert dwry. ll. t 「 KOREw珊 18ふ / 徊幣脚 ∬ ‖ :BT &c streets,NW,Room 7424 rashington,DC 20240‐ 9997 _ 1ヽ 202‐ 208-3561 Fax 202‐ 208‐ 3459 DEDICA10N COMMIΠ EE ――」 ULY 26-30, 1995 1 :∫ MEMORANDIIM DATE: September 19,1994 TOi 】 F]Rtく 3)1ヽ KenwoodRoss :卜 め Han"L Execujve DrdoFレ lL‐ SUBJ: イr ´二 了 Dedication Briefing Meeting l. Hication of the Korean War Veterans Memorial in the Nation's Capital will be held on July 27,1995. Tlre official activities will occur July 26 through the 30th in accordance with the attached schedule. 2. Yan@gr the official rcpresentative(s) of the 24th Infantry Dvision Asssciatioa are invited to attend a briefing for all veterans organizations to be girm in tlrc Auditorium of the Departnent of the Interior Building at the above address. The auditorium is located at the "C" Street etrtrance, and is to the right as you enter. For mc,re specific directions call Brian Fiffe on I{0GKORVETS. Also, please let Brian know who is coming. 3. Thi.s,briefing will be held at l0:00am on Tuesday, October l8th and will last aborttup'hours. . The agedda . . will inchrde the following: Status of the Memorial Intodrction ofthe Event Managernent Contsactor, WorldTravel partners Souvenir Dedication passpotts -,", .. Hotel armngements while in DC .. .:.'.,. TfA\ilel arremgemeots to and from DC Local transport and parking while in DC Logistics for visiting the Memorial while in DC . . .. . . ′∂ f= ヽ \ I !サ I i\ I Iく ()lミ 1 i \ \'li)\ ヽI ヽヽ ヽヽ 、 \ (-\ il\l :、 l[Rヽ ヽi()、 1 ヽて COMACT: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE l★ ヽ ヽ `1 Bmn Fire l‐ 800‐ KORVETS ★★★★ l KOREAN WAR VETERANS MEMORIAL DEDICATION, JULY 26.30, 1995 WashingtouDc-Thcloagawritcdlhdiclioocll@[yftrfuKolllE in tp Ndon s crpitet is mw lc[cdilGd 6. ruly 26 ,f.,rO nfy lq 1995. ol/cr 5q),m0.'crcrur ua tbcirtdies froo dl owr thc suld war vacrans Mimriel Pr,qddcmr lrc rf,pc(rcd to .*-#"t i o'rt-a thc Dcdkrlion Ccrtoory. All living of thc Rrpblic of Korta' Kin Yorng Srm' ThG u-att ",Ul rs thc M tb LJN resohrioa opPo.fu6 Ambrrc.dors to rhc U.S. trom dl 2l Nibns wto srpportcd G Nortl Xor-o invrsioa of thc Sorth will bc in ancndercc u will rloy o&cr fudF imtcd. ,rra a"mfu ogli.ri... An vacnr* ttdr frii[Gt rrd fthdr rrc - h Jury' 1953' Thc Korcan War Vctcrrn hrs o€!'tr brd a propcr ur{cm bonc' Z lory nrrs of acgolidio tfrc mrqicro prtlic wrs tircd of th codinrd €rnge wlr mt oooridatd thca rvhich in rn rrmi*icc rn unicbc tt r of th bqhqg^'?o "r"m"fftj todry' thu anioaca, ir rtcognizcd u ttc sorU' Tbr i! .d io thc Ocrlic of d'r r A c a-r-"ia"ty.'ff.r* t'd (nrfrr comulm;k fr"ui$ti e;d- J,h.,*- t tt t* t"ftatau' TRgillst'brltEE;" A Vrc,rBYREiEUMED.. n&@rwdtddurchdcscrvcd!,lmrirlforthcKomoltrVrtrqirr tll *u .*r-.4 Oa, *t'ltys cdt ftr thc cusc of frocdod" proud $htrc to Thcrc wi[ bc e prndc, p,.cd;;ilfr;, laimrs. n jri @ri'l scrvicc'i ftt'woNt!' rb triorirl (317 Mltfon) hlr t mas f,rstrr, a t .ty p*v t rm4 aoorcA rc crccr' r gr-ft*ivd' ud ufr rfr* to6 $ldy ".r*-"fiu*"q; rc msgntctury.T*{pdry &l9."d il6-d-.-.rl"d !o fni rlc* dcdicrim rrhtrG!" PIG'IG n'il ct'&to: ,r il. Korcro lVr Vau lrilodrl edvLory Bord lSrh&CStrca*RomTa2ll WuEqro'DC ?iff24&.99Y1 lf&itn dflrurar hrrc bccn ccrblirhd for tto* vac conry o I'E(DKORVEXS' c wm mii. tfrlt ttaU ua Ua tt:'toor Gdy' PIG'r crlt l-tflL567{3t? for mrt idorortioo Spetidl ″ r . i . Muster Parade, Fireworks Mernmid Services OtherEyesf$ . TmtCity . Film Festival . Entertainment . Official State visit for President Kim Young Sam . Expected attendance and crowd control . Your organization's private events e Ongoing eventVactivities of interest in DC . Veterans locator data base while in DC . Access to Memorial HonorRoll VⅡ"s Your questions.¨ 5.Q臨 〕壼d 6.… s― dounuts w‖ l 珈 beメ Ⅲ be available. of‖ me for que亜ons and eveり one will recd℃ httdouts anmg dle main polnts. ・ 轟出罵」 葛 淵:郡よ ¶眠剛駅l蹴鰍i靱 貯へ"』 celebration,the celebration you never had. 3.‐ 山 meisて ''ル “ 脚 欄 9.AH Ⅵ山田由磁are め″ ぉNarル留 ...И 陥山り R″ 励 “ 濡 ど Ⅷ 脚 a″ ''A related 胤 in宙 ted to attend.No dckets are required.Personal in宙 tation w皿 NOT be issued.All veterans are in宙 ted to attend the dedication XXX 彩 g .-.'11!-."--.(TF...,n. CAPEAL ' ' |RAI{S IVCMORIAL IN THENATIONS day 26 ハ J』 しDAY Ch●kLk夢 嘔 輸 … “ DAY 胆 … 伽 離 L磁 顧gЦ ■市 AM 早1 PM m Tmdty 山 July 27 JU疇 】 W劇 山IJ嘔 T06 oFthe I DEDICATEON● ● CLLL磁 夢嘔 MmOrial 紺 馴 Mall… ● Mall… r illdu● mtom m』 鮨 融 趣 ‐an 叫 嚇 巖 MmOrial__ … 轟鵬 Ш 出 口 ‐ ― CL‐ Mmorial Joid“ … … ・ and F-7oに 一 ・ 助 由 m耐 ェ tttrS・ 血 th-Ogial_ Ⅵ“ … Va-6… 嚇 … rlr 巖 DGilarEEsa … , V口 t… … ´//′ "Mmogid マ血 the Mmorial uottllm 'gu;rc1 r'Er.."' rnd comrud p0'' g@l itrmdio d vcltru Amirl, 'umr lL-Jtrni.nnartnow, ftr ¨ Vi壺 叫 iid' 踊躙 躙 識 予 ´ E Mmond Vlgit Mall MiVilies・ ・ 吼 ‐ t― Vtgit慟 1・ ・ h Mmogial Mall鰤 Chk OutOFhot軋 Vtsitth Mmoid V口 tt"MCIII● Im 鰤 綱 "Bllddim" … 0080ing moriolCld l the Mmom ¨ ALL DAY EVE │ ― U… 嗅Ⅲ聴 FdOm Tora _ _ … "Buddic・ ¨ J山 29 ■..b● 2 薇 呻 呻 'I W― AcdvHcr ScDoddcof tdY26-30il9t3 IDEDrc/fTKlN 州 、 W ミ Lifers sing in the shouer. Treat everyone you like you uant to be treated. yatch a sunrise- at Eeet once- i. year. Leave the toltet seat in tne ..' poirtion. aovn -ior-&ceuence, i"r"r , 'I brornleg. strive not ::I=-|:"""f9" pla?t a 116€ on your birthday. r,eu11 .*"" p?ll=I1,o": , cr€on Jofies. ngEurn borrou€d vehlcles rittr ttre g"r idtk futl. copli.ent rhree peopre ;G;t-d";. Never yaiat an . opportuntty ro rer.t soreoni yo" i"ie-ien. i;";;;;ry-_' thlng a.Iittle b6tter. ttran.yir". founa ii. xeep-ii airyie. ttlnlr big thor4trts but reliih ii;ii pi;surea. Becone the rcat positive and enthu8tastic Sison you Isrou. Flosq -your teeth. Aak tor a riise-rfien- you- teef earnit it. Be forgiving ot_youraeri &;ilip .tnanx \Drea|gfast "na'otrreisl Say you;-6 Lot. say 'rpleeiae' asaitres;es. tot. avoitt n{atiii" p"6pi".'*y uhatever kidg are.eelling on card tplEs in tfi"ii-iront yardE. Uear poUshed ahoes. Ren€nber otrrer peopte;. uiitr,a"irl-_corlt yourself to constant fapiovEneni. carry jurper cgbles in your trunk..Have a rirn nanaahake. ieia iois .S"""""" uho thinka of Val€ntine cards. Sigm theD, you're terrific.- Look pGople in tfre a" the firat to Eay "Helto. Use the good sllver. neiurn "i". alf thingg you borror, ake neu friends Urt cfreiisfr tne ofO onEs. pranr si"s in-a choir. iiovers every I-p_:"":::!:. rr9v€ a dog. Alraya accept an outatretcheat- hartl. Iprln9: atop blating others-_ fake respoirsibiliiy for eveilr---- -6e ariEa of your llfe. Itave at kiis on Uusee , there rhen people noed you. peed ; ;#a"ge;;;;i;; "Efroirf .par-king neter. Oon,t expect flfe io-Ue f;ir. N&;;-urderostiDalg thg poyer- of love. oiinf ctanpagrne ior no rqason at aII. Live your lif.e as an exclanaii5n noi-agaD explanation. Don,t be afraid to Eay, ,I nade a niJiafe. -*" Don't be afraid to aay,.r dqt.t Xnoi;'coopf inen*vli-In'"t ararl irproveuenta . Keep . yo-ur p"o.i.", i"E-ilii'"E Iarry onty for love-. nexinate 6fa fri"nashfps. Couni--,I your blessings. call your nother ,:" ;.1 , , , ir-', . ".t..Ca{tssy: - BACIL STEED (Canberra. Auatralia. ) '/,6''?8%"0-14. coc) t4-Uq3 fa,( hal Contributed ●y8B● Cil CoSte● a 2 U● de Stroot THOUGHTS TO pONDER ON! Wat80n′ Act 2602 Australl● 24th neCOn =49-=51 Trt h '51 ■-70th f s€Dt a r,d,r.o-gr.{ to Brctt @ ttrc .rtIcIa.U 3″ 子 i「 ま` イ ♂ 藤 ● Preside[t vince vel la 明‖ 鼎躍: l‖ 訛鷺 」 撃 EG Jacft L- Higgons ('41-'52? 24th Divartgi 42O5 Ja:Par *ve -Las Ylgas,Hv-891OB Yas in Leg le lnvasiofi, Korea ;51 - '52 J■ 園 ﹁ 韓 After celebrating the 50th anniversary of D-Day in Europe, we should remember there were also some "D-Days" in the Pacific Theater of World War II, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, Tarawa, to mention a few. The one I remember most vividly was the landing on kyte on Oct. 20, 1944. As a 2O-year-old combat infantryman, I was considered a seasoned veteran after surviving several New Guinea campaigns. We were still hunkered down on Red Beach barely 150 yards from the water's edge when I saw Gen. Douglas MacArthur wadg, ashore surrounded by a few dozqn of his staff and the news media. He subsequently made his famous "I have returned" spcech. It took several more bloody months to secure the island, with related casualties. In memory of the many fallen comrades, I would like all peace-loving people to remember Oct. 20, 1944, the day that the liberation of the Filipino people began in Worlti War II. ENrc DILLEI - Re.loido Beacb Frank Yitczak I lcl ,rnialro Attatoro 8984 N. Agatc place Tucson, Arizona g5741 Dear Editor: so that we 盤 mayiEifliiE 1皿難釧鵬出棚 :冊 The 11th Airborne Division Association is looking for a, ex-veterans of the division starting from activation in 1942 until o"..tiui,lon 1 July r95g. Again, members of rhe tlth Air Assault Division :D6; t;1';';;';Fort Benning, GA. Membership in the association is open If you served in any capacity y* ,r,ourJto a, ex-veterans ofthe above units. tlth Airborne 8e84 N. Agaie placi rucsonAziliiil "or;,';;,i.r" Katz 1::":,',,:1, u o2_744_2736. our membership chairman will send-you irformation on reunion in Nashville, TN, 2-6 Jul; 1995. Pete Katz Membership Chairman 3ル ,"".U"r.nip and our next :ヽ ヽ '. さ1 Editor's messsge Ke4rwho hasdone we will attempt to publish theTaro Leaf as did job that should have been a tremendous and 6 monumental performed bU s bEtteru of the members ' to ttie Toro Leaf Thank gou Ken for sll oi tnorr hours of dedication :: to build on tne soltd,. we 0 anrt the otneiAiri.iut. Ertitors) hope ttrroughplpt!!'E foundation that uou and Beverlg laicl oncl nurtured monu ueErs to.surUl&'r'"them' ,ur goal is to equsl the standErds gou have set not, Leaf to oofiraise Taro There are not enough words or space ln the regards' to Uou and Beverlg.-t fot one hold Uou in the highest ea Bob Lawhon Rt 2.BoX 711 Proctor■ ■11● .Oh 45669 N▲ ME Tュ ワι UNIT WIFE'SN▲ ME Tell us about vOWSelF: MERRY CHR:STMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! 37 P ▲DDRESS 懺︱ ︱ ︱ ︱ィ ・ 24th INE▲ NTRY DIVIS10N . ASSOCI▲ T10N TO Bob LavhOn ・ r ¨ ¨¨ 一● ■│ ` ヽ・ ` 「 1 ・` esttOns frOm the trenches prD ut nrr ncdtldooLFlold R MIth cnpcrtcood my of c(rttEyt ritdfic|Dl uuriy oryrrgE ud ° 噸 ・ L'8-d“ 咆ぱ.… 抽霞競躍 地 0属 “ 墨 B● ・ ldlm回 il=-Eii 鮮蹴電 弊│■L― 肥‰ a10L" ●d Llghtt0 801d │ ]輻 :lTffi;ffi,'ffi ffi'*h*H*,# iAEKi #5ffiffi・ ArDy's rrEo. ls bGoE _ H吼 ":ffiffi:ff,JHflffiffiffi ,cOnt¨ ― CtLPuPI● Ⅷ品胤:憾 呻 │『棚rhKcen #, H;Tffi, ofrrhhS 1血 M●」al.All“ ・ … 品imぃ ffi.ffi#H_,ffiffi ffiffiH#,:';.r,m,"*#",#; \F74. li 11器 ii' ffffi.?ffi H 諦 糀 ぶ淵蹴酬器 鵠選 F雨 11L` ヽ″ 脇出棚器躙出躙 " nず l翌 :竺 \iョ snaringrhememmies =聟 fl roy. 'ooflatoqrta6fun ut hfr.fv|IDdrEd *,.5* *f*b lhtr not *iu rrincd,. ur- ra ,___ . trHtrffiffiurpiugid;".sd,'* mugLL即 @t nqnrOm ti fftulo り 'm e comems m tod響 ヽ 肥 Army 而菅両プ .##"HiffiH,tiffim; ",Xffi"#-,Htri:ifflTffiffi_U,H w, l‖ ittg品 │ 18山 W」 ハvハ r ●‐F― l._F_._3.● =_レ __^^ ヽ″_´ │_ ´ ● ● _ IIc dro lD'ttd re*d of bli 6t E*rble' Iamlog c*p;o".d oe srrrr ot r wrr. L n, Army, he crtd Hr, irggot crpaiturb 3du wttlG t€rviD8 rD waH wy -u.rrr" doxn ' ci?icocedbecndofrvu. w leinbcNcJurnl8lrnds "-..* lt.oo lnd tE dlnrc.,. rs tbc qlncnt &ryrmr rrcqou brnlc tD hts .r'*rorroocr .r.e u.rry-i.glilr, r*lru, "r 1trrrL *",ifi-.g .6sn loo$dcgy,,,Mrri! sri{t. dlllrrycrrc r*uhtsttsttllbof@mbrtubocf,carive rr-oto.orrutmwrsriteohculLrfi;r"nory.".ruoryycj*',,ii-.u^oy-u6rs.,,,edidroycrs 11ro ofrG of Hrulcd r.!t r"rcc sntrb duriry &c vu ln "I ;r$.. wc wt brpy ;; b.t; <,ltri"o .!", u,,r if,il iiilray un6 guy8 1o rhis vorrd end se I(Ilr Hc tcm'd x'td tt vrr lire o be oinurrbcred' n*..r1*.g.u"g.rrrtfi'ri, pc; urrro.aplrin€d. plnpotnt thc KqtrD wu. Mrrtta'o ffiffifffi*wur.*Fre ffi}giptt,u.iilaiii',t";."*., cel urq[ we donl hoy where or nrtcn,,Dwru snftb'orftilD.[lc-to,-. x;;],tv5;tr50l; --rtrTiln n.a ro l9o. sincc rh€n, be's &oo.,v€d r'H' 'Thd vr ry ftrt d'v dcod.r. Iicrt wc rrr o n i" rp..uog orrcor" r. erry,rirr'.r,a Gcce orcr- H';*-,cprlrtraulson,cornnudc(of tro,'gort- iffii.r.u"r, lrrDgcd rhc o@fq*G r[octiorourbsrrhtuocm'ric!r,dD.r!@!rhc;;-*,--hrtff,"d.'y-iil-Atryhc8d'cd bcr*u r'r& Gd ec d.[c.s. xm['' DG '4F( rc'" **hol mr t!.,c I ro ll n-t tso' Mutln orr,tDtly rod&r lo Trrcta, Gr., wtrh hh rtfc dah'Dodtt[doidysGscGcoqcllodlortrionr.' oLy'o soldtcn Il Mc toowlcdge$tc .Dd Hclro.I,D&rycinolo.tc0icrltrchruo. lt L.qDaldrdUfrtruoSnttvurvdurDtc trrcr dltrt tcrer oanrioo,. tc urO. Ootf urct e,;rr1d," . "I,tnDi i; .ie `事 瑳 n- their units staod down, or had ex- John Bnce of Jugtice, Ill., thrn tended their tourB. --Ciiot in Vi"t u- beliwed the Ed lilcb ti'.' totpt hif U8s durinetb first thEe romtls inol&,r sEb laraing tle rqe, or the brt Varner saw "Yeall I remembep dio a ormtor. when the 1D0th of tie Americal stmd dowr, IonlY had tlree mqtttrs in-country. Wben I saw tlrat my nert one bccame unit was-3/21, I want€d to go' but I tlree.-rmths whcn (date dDERGI t}orglilt mn? Sd go, what I how 'eoEf didn't want to That wae farther north \an I want€d to ravel." SOP in画 ¨ untt al‐ To further illustrat€ thiB come' … one-come-all process' former SP/4 Bill Dovle. noi a CWO2 helicoPter oilot stationed at Ft. Druo, N.Y.' iavs. "When I first came in'cou.Dtry I 脚 岬 tEat tine NaDg to Da to waa sent mv Dlatoon a olatmn of 3/i21' whidt had "e-lieve been sent to Chu r -i to r€lieve some *i" *ith the fOtt During 謙櫛 欝 違 紺 m獣 ぽh"r 甘晋 part J D71 □ aol 1装 M pdddbt'ls.l; -eljoke" 釉 盛 Fore ChletFomed other unit in the Americal ttrat was standing down. "Fm; ttre 1018t I wa8 sent to the Z17th Air CavaIrY and whea tbat unit stood down, t.hen I was sent to p.lta Company of3/21. Ironically' I war assimed io the verY Platmn I haal been-sent to reliee aftw montls before." wildRumo[sA,boud Life in the Iast combat infanbY unit in Vietnam wss 'lifEcult duriry with trre iUundance of rumors f,Ying. "Slhen I first heard that te were all possibly SBtting'shortr as a unit my the spring and summer of 19/2 fir€t reaction was surTrise, Ut,l cdr- in Chu bi and the 101“ 32 V口 ″ AUGuST 1992 引躍棚れ…when m製 機 Anome siderine we'd been bring tlr* since the beJnnins of 1Sf2, I diilnt rcallv m forlt aniEgured we'd all, or at Ieast I, would be re.assi$ed to another unit, PoseiblY one of the remaining air cav units," remembers continued on page十 ダ , / I Sat. Aug。 27, 1994 LoVell, Mass. 一 メ J DeAr Ken3 Chuck F■ 3naFn w■ and his ■ife■ elen,frOn IIO■ yoke Ma88. cme to visit lne and 町 fe claire, here in Lowell. Ve ==gured that we vere nOt ab■ e tO be i● Iew orle3● ● in September, s。 the next best thine wasto be together, after nOt seing each Other since the 。n … at Vest POint。 Chuck 3nd l to● k basic tOgether at canp croFt in 194う ,。 Then ve tOgpther via Fort reade MDo Char10tte S■ iP, Iew or■eans ( or chal■ ette Lo●ユs■ ana,)tanP stonehttE ca。 3na then to vilny bay via the tran3fomed Lux― ury Liner Lu・ ■ine,. Then tO o。 。 gh Sland vhere ve were separated. chuck ・ … Vent to A.T. Co. of the ぅ4th, alld l went to canい on co. of the 21th,。 st■yed Our very Hini reunion on■ y lasted abOut Five h● ‐ s. 3ut rest assured ●● remュ n■ Bced contimlously 31l of that t■ ne. These fO■ ks are fine peOple and it WaS 8 PleaSue entertaining themo sure hope that ve see them again sO。 ■. 1'ュ enclo8■ ng it ii Vo建 d Ilope orle of twO photOs that theD is コnybe you ●●uld use in the'Taro Loafリ tbese pictures yere leturlred good eough to use. Sincerelys .\\./\\/a<-<,..t ..) /J.. /..z--ke+r.,\ /1 i C b , Louis C. DubaEe] ,/ I t09 t entvorth Ave. LoYall, t{aaa. P.S. I 01852 pistule frar0e fron Palo LeJrte, to Cbuck to be delivereal to rou. Sorrlr it took so loDg. In fact I bad forgptten about it. But believe !e rhen I Bay that all of our iatention rele hoaorabLe. gave the yooalen 1 Helen Hostettpr CG JostPh De Fransisco' Yife Lgnn I Frank Yilczak,Dutch llelsen, -Iohn Hrrmmer Yallg Kuhner Chaplin Joe Hofrichter, Ed Farmer ″/ KOBEA THE FORGOTTEN UEN 559th QM Bn. sent to help in Th. l,crgotten wat lhcy call lt ln th. hG ol you good ]mo. We'f, prctend lt CUantanamo navGr heppsrad and navar 3P6ak By Spe(. Matthcvy ot h But tt *a nBdy I lhouarnd mie3ing detained there. And lhc l!.nalb3 The group followed 2nd plaCluartermastcl ,cmGmhr lhclr names And nG.dy a mlllon lhrl rrrwd lhcre Thal camo homa att ui.ttr. toon, 5l2th Company, a tactical water dlstdbG l.ion system unit of the 559th which sent about 60 soldleB to naYar the bas€. according to rcports. To preterilfr rrcvcr lEppancd And never lpaat ol 1l Their equipment, including l0 miles of six-inch, above-ground water line and rubber bladders which hold 50,000 gallons. was .g.ln. Finally, some 40 yrars transpotted to the port of T.r.t to. bc ba&d on lalol FJaaumgnl. wo stand and 3alule ships for movement you men We'll rab€ 6 tlag And ddnk a tor3t To wara lorgoncn, and then The mission of the 512th Co. will be io prdrride wate. milJrant camps. ihllr! yolrf handa ll'3 oI lo3 hug. aid tc.r. fhGn wc'[ hrng olrr h.ad3 ln humbL .ftamo Cause lt took Som. /l( And llmG lhat Q/r1 to 15 The 559th bcgan deploylng Thursday, including tran3porting l5 Reverse Qsmosls Water - Puriflcation Units and rclated equipment to carry out thcir mbsion, saftl a 24th CSG official. About 80 more soldiers are scheduled to leaye ln less than a week, said the official. u. alld 'Thanl( you' For wtrd you dU back to Guantanamo, the reports said. W.'ll uricoma you home lfr Wlmcr The 559th Qua rterrna ster Battalion, 24th Corps Support Group at Hunter Army Ahfleld continued deploying a numbcr of soldiers to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba on Tuerdry to provide humanitallan rcllcf for Cuban and Hatian mlgrants (e erd ′ ttcn ary'Wclcoltrc Hom." and 'God BlGr3 You" Thln to 3p.rk and again Of lha honorabb m.n To Yfho tougftt NcYelobc ftrt wit torgbtLn ag[ln. tYclcomc Honcl Peul Startart Outntch D Trp lTtt C€Y !99th Lt in . Bdc. Vl.tnan 6E{9 '' topyrlght !r4 Boわ LawhOn′ KB8PIB Rt.2′ BOg 711 Proctorville′ Oh.45669 牛た Ph. 614-386-6935 ′ 自 V日 Ч ]口 L 晰 oワ sthe腱?47 un■s deployto Ha識: unit'r !)rlOr Uilltary Policc Gmfary rt Fct Fdt r!! d[ nidDg to lit !. AddoDd fctr i! Hriti riu includ. Ncarly l7 Aruy WAEIIINO1rON uDitr tE rlornd tt .DuDEy htr! (r xiU Diurt DoU.. mD.nb tr FEt lrrirDi b d.Cqd to Hdi bhb ia 0p prcr Frct Conbr4 I(y.; Fat La, Vr; od tlct Gl. Th. t0ath ArEy Nr6on l r tlrr tnd ndin'r frotm* AraP Bodry (hryd Ultitrry Polio Conpuy, Yryto, han& Ary oaHdr dd tld trtra dt it !.id Rr.rto H.o, b dp qr del lDd dor., uD ,o f6dtr Aubt nilitery D.rsnrd - d of th- Arey lddi.n ErDy tt E I Cuittot ndin. Alorri 6m rEian fr,on t}0 3d Bddtuq -ri[ Solla too tbr f0ih Houtrh Divi- f6tL lrby B.3uhr, Fat eltvrt G.., tb. reh AiF N.T., ad rin' Ibt lllru, ldt 6lo C-la1 Iit?LB ftom Httr tcr. OEI! 6oD llat EtE, Iti.C., D& Ahr.ld 8. .2r Hd6. o tbbL drbElD'nrqbr Aroku ltry rlll joinf6othcr oldio too the dllE tulr mr b llrltl tnt nd-tli CGfr rd U(Ih (lusrG, D*Qo. -rhbd rt Fcr&mrtPr*pplclty who rlll hd.armort to @b.t urdia lEt S.rut Arry fidr ritl tl. ATtl U-qrblt., nlllt 4t poti6 (MP) unitj hrt! EoYtd uD q rt Fi(ritr Ir to d+ kft Ga'|,r 1{. Tt y vlll Dtovi& ploy, rrid AtDy.pol.rou UCi. Rry ftd rpt ep9ll6 hodag rad fiid ra rd rill fElerH. lldr trrr hdlb Ctui". n UCh & ldt 8.D-amai fud .Ed dt.r Brcr af OJ th! thibd Stdi vlrl tbor., rol Bv Perrlrtt.V. Wdt tr T6-a{r h │ v unvul■ . 即 ‖ 躙 麟 … N, 口 い , Fcttffirconlhent 臓"● 肝 ― V ・ “ … C ●田ヽ N■ "V F“ 嗜 , “ 1. 調illllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllil181:lt,‖ 脳躍悩留協串儒 ‰ ゛ヽ lM疑 rt.Dru缶 . :J l!!r ftlBri S-d.. llld NV A &aE, Fo 44tn l,slh tLdL.l eE/p, fct m sun 26:lt“ ."― ―暉 獅 [" NC d; For 0■ `NC &l.:' ?l.c. 8i*i. t.,r 8.L n, ;dl g-. i,C. 静 彙 .c. 一 ﹂﹁ ・ 器計疑.:1七 鑑ll: “ " ル ﹄ 一 一 usH Er d.f. dolr.. tlri!.t tld. rg{-' SIS:d rdd thl tb ?tt Trroryc tublbhddat!. Or-tmndfiuutll!'pUc., @ t& lrwdFat hdr vr, hr. ba re,.& 6rr ;0 5 A*furit to Frri& ln lS- $: e rbb, nliliing tL Ft in Porr?inpr6ft''Effirtlotd'r-'.rill udhtr rU fOtq H.! Ltr& 'It r r{ll dD t" 260 to m r&Irt rqd tbo !6d llllrr PitUo. Ddt [isr, 6'0 lar ddE nb' mnrdr od Wbttdrd ld iG h hE NC" d tL 619tll pljoffl trto will jo don,"quen:rur !d. "Itot till hsD.&q of f,llrrNt*i&l'lbthll,lA f. .f grr f& D ..Err to tbl trrr udrnanrr folll tru.t rHrra" 1 224th Bn. P“ t . illill:::1::::Ll甲 1:::七1:,1::l11し :lilil:llf 営拙 に "J 3rd Bn., 15tb inf.Regt. lltth 3:::モ :liagter c。 all frOm Ft.Stewart. .′ Jli. GdL G" Trylol, has b€en rsninated fol appornt ieot to lialtenaltt gerEral a{d .e 6 co.nmandirE Eert E$Snrnent Corps and Fort Hood' lll ,al ol -exas. He is OePUtY Co.nrnarder' n-Chrel/Chiet of Stafl, Fo,ces )ommand, Fod McPhemn, Ga. Taylor, 53, has a bach€lo,'s ,egree in Physical education lrcrn !4iddle Tenn€ss€e State Unit,er$' ■●・ 一 y. Murlre€sboro. Tenn., and a naste/s degree in Political sclnce lrqn Kar66 Siate Unirersi- LⅧ 嗜ndttr雪 巴品 彎lhe mttn v" Dev.e Louir c- Griffi 670 Ponce dc Leon CtriDDcrn Tovers #524 San Juan, P-R- OO9O7 Lou sendt his Dest vishes to Doc Hostetter, A finc gentlemrn rnd o good doctor- lt vts rn honor to servc under hi* guidanceBert vishcs to rll 24th of l{Wl! and rll othersA *pecial Bc*t vishes to those vho vere vith mc on Lake Ronbebar Dehind encmg lincs for ?2 dags- That is ve*t of Hollrndio in northern llev Gui nea- JOB rcI,.rRrerBR /``l (LBfr) was a blessing that it wasn't limown for certain this was t]re last patrol. Too much caution can get vorr killed iusl, as sure as careless'ness. As Dovle said, "Coming out of our nightJaager and onto that days oatml. I was on Point when I nohced a wet mound of dirt on an oth- Perhaps it erwise dry Path. "I called up tle Platoon sergeant and we concluded it wag another booby-trap...we left it alone and :聰 鮮 蝋 押 continued our march bY cuttiDg a complet€ly new Path through the bush." a couple of d,aYs in the field, became iacreasinglY apparent: This mission was diff*ent. Unlike missions of the Past where the bush trol after all it The missiOn entailed sweeping 詰酬 器な :塩蹴 After This ambivalent feeling ofwanting to eo home and then not' r€llects the and fiendship that only men in a combat unit will ever know. Dale T\rttle of Muskegon, Mich., says' "Resardless ofwhich way the war went, i didn't want to leave my platoon and the men I had come to know and love lov-e as brothers." John Bruce agrees, "You are bud' dies. What can be said? I didn't want to leave them. I didn't feel that our job was done and I worried about the South Vietnamese we were treaung behind." Bidding FcEewell While the transfer of trooPs oc' curred in the bush between TF Gimlet and the South Vietnamese Army TARVN), they leamed tlre Americans were leavins the field for gpod- They asked for. ind the Gimlets gladlY save them, 3O-round M-16 maga- Tines as well as grenades. Along with the {RVNs came a helicootir frrll of reporters to record the event. TheY landed, asked questions. took pictures and stayed with the ARMrls while TF GiDlet loaded uo' to leave. Bill Doyle, the last man ofthe last Dlatoon to be extract€d' was oo the 杷麟』出躙襄鰐躍 Foc CI抽 mae臓 1 朧齢 雌Ψ譜堰議肥脚ふ蹄,nol鮭 ,T● よ e … been settins uP l22mm rocket tubes which targe-ted Da Nang and to block VC and NVA fortes in the area' Former SP/4 Richard W. Miller of IGrrnit, Texas, says ofthe last flight out to the field: "Our last combat assault out to the bush was damn near like t}re 6rst time for me. The feeling in mv gut. the sweat, and the fear. I ..memibe. thinking that I've heard the standing down BS before and ifthis was our last patrol, everybody knew You could die on the last a. ouick as You could on the first." even fhis feeling 出 was underscored bY tlre fact that while ttris patml was, as Datrols went, by-and-large uneventfirl' iwo men in the 'Killer' Platmn were wounded and had to be MEDEVAC'ed as a result of triggering booby-traps on the second day out. SP/4 James McVicar, 20, had the dubious distinction of being the last American gmnt wounded in action in Vietnam. would be humPed from dawn-todusk, it was obvious t}at specific destinations had to be reached Y,/ithin a set time. It was as if it had been Prearransed to link-up earlier with otler oh[ons in the area. On the Patrol's iourth day, members were told, "We're linking up and heading tl the landing zone (LZ) to go in." This seemei'odd. A four-daY Patrol? As ri,as the saying in Vietnam, "Never happen, 'N tneGI." lZ the men were met bY South Vietnamese soldiers being combat assault€d in to replace tiem' Roy Hager ofFlankfort" Ky.' cou.ldn't have been haPPier. "AIl I wanted to 'his do was iust for ua to Bet thmugh go piece but home, and oatml iir one iiom previous-experience, I kept askins mvself where werc we going to be nelt?i wanted to go home' but th€n again, I didn't." 〃ダ iast of the slicks (lIH-l helicopter trooD carriers) that took off for Da Irtane Air Base. He remembers, Tvervb-odv on the other choPPers, incluaini ours, PoPPed a victory smoke erenade and the smoke trailed from -the slicks as we left t}e valleY.' On Aus. I1, 1972, in a ceremonY back at "C-amp SwamPY'in Da Nang' with the lat€ CSM C!€orge Green and Ltc. Rocco Neeris officially retiring the unit colors, the men df TT'Ginlet 3d Battalion, 21st Infantry, quietly ended the American infantrJmeD's smund war in Vietnarn - reflect on that moment, I view with Dride the Een of Task Forte Gimlet who were handPicled from their Darent urit, the 196th Lieht Infantry Brigade (SeParate) wf,ich was Etanding down,' wmte retired Mai. Gen. Negris. "To the "As I man- thev were outstanding eoldiers who carried out clfficult and dangprous missions that included endlegs davs in the field, frequent PatmDing ani daily helicopter and grumd com- o batoperations-; httTes.岬 岬 h“ 日岬 V¬ ″:AIEuST 1992 33 IN HONOR JAT.IES A. KEMPER died August 30, 1994 was B l9th yiv, rI His widow, Erma, at 109 IfiIIIfiIIcrest Dr. , Washington fL 61,5 71 Reported by LEE LIST W. RUTLEDGE qred August was 5th RCT 19. t cc, '50 GEORGE xathryn, at '1i^tld9*, ,rrrf . st.,irJominqton Hlii. Reported b!, LEE [rsT Horales Sanchez $alvador (lgth A Co- '52-'55) Dues Recrived and the change of Addrcss+v Address is PO Box 148 *quada, P-R-OOOO2 Rcginald Le Btanc (tgth C Co- t-.ilt-.0{} Reeeiv*d Ducs- Reggir is at l?O Haltcad Rd Yah, Hi-{8O9? Shorlg Esiabrock of B lgth Signed up Benjanim tt- Pcrcz (X J4th ca {t) lO Saga HilI Ln- Laguoa Hills,Ca-926SJ Brn considrrs it a good dag vhan he is in are better now. thanks for the good picture of you and your lovely wife. it ED- good thoughts Ben_ Rrc-ducs from Edvin RUan (C 2lst) coutdn.t make iO this timc, Had hoped to src Earl Lec and others_ On page ? last issua thc untnovn solditr m:g he -ang*l- trulg ves that took clre of men, foragod and tradcd for food_ Solicr's stodicrPegc l9 Rcmcmbcrs Haj.Stafford as a yO and LtPagc 3l rcmcmbcrs Jamcs Ject- Hggtinen (l lth FA .,t.f-..t6) sent his ducs_ ilo is et 1329O Hcdgr Dr- Rcno,Xv.gg5l l - tilo Received dues fron Fred Eberhart. we are sorry about the accident, hope that you Frank and Helen were married Frank is at 711 Erie St. N. wheel i ng, l,J. v. (B-3rd Eng. '40-'45 Received dues from Harold S. wood 14 Scullen Dr. Trenton, NJ 08620-2953 He also sent the patch of the 71st Div. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND AHAppY NEW YEAR! +L Nov. 18 , 1944. Happy Anniversarya 3 children, S grandchi I dre I g.g chi Id D:D YOU WEAR ONE OFttHESE PATCHES7 l, you gorvod in ono ol thaso Army units, would you liko to maet lormor comrad3s? rsunionl Obtain souvenirs? Road about your old outfit? And/or attsnd the Join Your ArmY Unit Association! Wrlte or ca, lot tt oto lnformatlon end 8n appficetion' l st CaV31ry Society of the Div:s:on Assn. l st Divis:on 5 Mont9om● :v Phil● dolphi● 302 N Main St Av● Coppo′ ●3 .PA 19118 215‐ 8364841 9:00・ 2nd iindian Head) D:v.Assn.′ :nc. Nationa!HoOdqu● 7to73 P o Box400 Bud● .TX 78610 ●ヽ 70th Div.A38n. LOui3 110o07 5825 Horton Mi8● iOn,KS 66202 913‐ 722‐ 2024 COVO,TX 76522 1‐ 800‐ 234‐ 24th inf.Div. 4th lnt. 25th inf.Div. Div. Assn. Assn. Assn. R.lph Ungc,t 120 Maplo St P O Box 340 SprinOfie!d,MA 01103 Financial S.crrtrtY 161 H.rmot! Ci.. 413‐ 733‐ s.r.rot.. FL 83rd inf.Div. 5459 No7thCutt Pl● 00 36 E Bordo「 Rd. Assn.′ :nc. M● ldon,MA Flourtown,PA 19031 3194 34242 82nd Abn.Div. Assn. Davton,OH 45414 513‐898‐ 5977 9313 5:00 CST 02148 617‐ 322‐ 2754 99th inf.Div. Assn. P O Box99 Ma,ion,KS 66861 316‐ 382‐ 3475 IATELY! 101st Abn.Div. Assn. P o Box586 SwootWater.TN 37874 615‐ 3374103 Ihrtch aod AII Ue.ber6 F€b. 1, 1995 t 1, 1995 Aug. 1, 1995 Xalr Nov.1,1995 If tbe laro Leaf is to be puDl iabed oa tiae the above dates are tho laat alays that a[y revisioas caa be rade. ftle rlll glve De ti[e for aaseoDly of the iaaues aDd !ail1a9 to the publiaher. If the reviaiona to the lailiDg labela arc aot to oe orto tbe publisber at approriDately tbe Ea!€ tire tha tbe Taro Leaf rill te Dailed out on tlDe baaring a alelay Dt tDa publtaher. PLETSE TDEERA TO TEIS SCBBX'III.E t lh.nt YO(r /,* Bob LaYbon, Balitor lrear Str Irr yritlDg this letter i! hope fou .ay r€neb€r rlr father-S,/,/Sg farrco J. CorbiD rho waa ritb the 2ath lafaatrT,2lst Caano Co.R€glleot. Ia the P.l. durlag IUII. I a! ver!, iotsrest€d ia aoy halp you ca.D glve ae, about rli father, a Divisloo or Copaoy. lay iaforoation aDout hir or tbe Dattlea he sas ia. I rece iied- yournale froc KeDrood Roaa. I rould appreclate aDy help you could give !e. Ihanlr you Douglaa A. Corbia P.O. Bor 2357 continued on nert Page Sta.foad, Ct. 00906 Ph. 203-358-0257 Alright all HUII Vets caD you help this fellorrt L-R T([ Broddericl Phil Eoatetter To Eictia[ 16Pr.rod Lo(t I U! Krto to r't & s s" e" 7 , メ s* 6s ll8 # In One TwO Corbins: ArmY ・ 贔 腐 鷲 . ■1撻 ざ瑾 S/SGT. W.{BBE"\ J. COR'BIN 鮮 明 EDWrli L ooBBL\ n.。 ∬ 謂 Pゝ lerゝ 器鷲 相業,曇鳶 J∵ Ⅷ “ よ llぶ IIlmeny emゴ 詰 1:鼈 ∬ melts' aight inch oPeniIgs." Cor_ bin! Plttoon slr.adteoded en lnfertry comPsry's attack to ftEc Irrisoners held bY the NiPs. Th' assault wa! so rapid that it de' horalized thc gtardr ard evary Drisoler *'a5 freed unharmc'l' iaDs fled to the hius. ilf we 6gurc ove NiPs were kilted in .ach on{i of those amolacementt." said lcorbin, 'that irrake.s 2,500 for irs. Not 8 bad B result of hiS herolSm. ni‖ 11lII茎 :罫 ∬ ;灘 鵠 部 i'ence facilitated." the citatio! at Tel. 203-358-0257. 鷺 よ L巌神営重 - said. r/c oyed aS a cOun● y. “ム● s S1/C JOS'PH J.CORBI` fo( neBlly three and a hau YeaE, March 15, antered serlice y::よ nt■ i:li■m∬ 臨 │ 称nI 薦曜 離デ 苺撫轟 薔 T聯ゝ 芋 S 1/c JOSeph Cbrbin, WhO en‐ B緊 listed in the NaVy in 」une, 1944, 8鮮 ha= acti{e dutY otlaC● been on ha5 been 'e duty aboard :Fttrttl霊 器 wtth震 識 ∬a漁よ群 ct甜[翠 鏃 も 。umt 'The crac■ 21St lnfanu嘔 ソ can_ ∬ 盟 艦ヽ超 宙 電 調「 at 器 W:=留 T‰ ふF観 認猶 Bllvin s 1/c「 listed ln the N 撒 撚 静脚 *"no"uocrATroN ADDESS to Manila "It r ras a 28-day operation, covering 120 miles of jungled mountaiDs, during -\tr'hich. Corbin end his comrades 5rr.r3hed fanatical raristance so raPidly t}!at NiP Forces were completely ot balance To BE USED lMMEDlATELY: ON 24th:::IS::I ASSOCIAT■ 6066 .nd digortanized. "In one position," Corbin !aid, "wc were caught in the cross 6re of thrac 6ve-inch Jap naval gutts. Th. Nips had removed e lot of arttlarnant like this from sunken ship! rnd had mount€d it in coviaad concrctc .mplacements with $'alls r€vclt tcat thick. thte€ \*'ithour 4f ヽ ﹁ .. 亀ヽ . AnthOnり All● Ln● ,ic(E34th・ 41-・ 46〕 Vas at Fort J● ●腱sOn and Camp Ad● lr′ Sch● fi● コd BLs_200H01mes St_ 3e‖ _..コ .′ い 零●● ".o719多 │・ 450-8330_VOuld ll■ e tO hear from anり one_ → ′ 濡 , Cherリ コL19ht a noth.r_ ‐ Stepfather is Ragland ・ 弓. , 贅 ξ● ・ ● .・ Fdton h囁 』r. 6FЙ r“ ma■ `Fi′ e' 7omttE UrgesTr“ Her CISο ttin Kο rea■ 7ar 一 ヽi . ■■ 、 一 ・ ・ S■ ・ 8:ng rOtt the crl: ‐ 豪画面蒸轟翻 1薔 轟:奮 里螂 rl"議 鱗 l轟 Nelther 蛾 does t● 榊 h-tBoT,t 寝ヽl ttrm.・ 鑑よ my otlice. orle or !'so seemed to ,r"it. ,rc anv nury b:teit summarize all the rcsentment rtl as I Eer rllcd uD 8bour ne'oillr ktc. -.t i.ria rs aU *f otiii gooi hearts ot .lmcricaB lathers and ;.. aor.hers ltho harc )-oungsters gu.vs in Xo11r-" lfxlk*'t, f t.i"j";t, "l*llig lm*sJ"#Iil.*. .'" ''yi i.u."n and rvas kind S. Witaill of :iew iio"+ -gork to sen' lrerbert L€ht[r.:r 'oqty has Lenman .bGGn iO-ffyl. rcddn dete[dlng :tlr. Ttumaa:s ,o send along a copy ot the city telegram to me. ile-rc it;.s: por.T IlIu. Earlusliarr-s BY srEPPEt-G oN rflIs. *iote *1#"TilI'illh"1 :r*:'** I;'ilJi--.; ffi-;;J i" i -uur" rniitea it to Lehtnan- II" .*cA nf lcnttor to pl"Gct rc-rgrl it to Prerident Truman ith his in the \r'ay to settte the Korcan thank3 sttuation, ilease fire my son. Ma- tla'en L ttr hiting o( Los Argdes rire Pfc. W. I. Jensen. IIe is onc t*ired ]tr. Truman in rGgard to the of !,our so{alled marine police' bomb shclter thc pr"sidcnl :s hrvi[€ ne,i-' He doesn't see any sense ot built undcr tha White llousr. whit' zoing to Korea. maybe to die. il ing sugBcsted the preddent rulh "Detr Mr. President: . toi-fi 3heed and dlsh it out. My son is a ― rine and can take anヽ thit18 a iformer army artiner▼ ●fficer can =ヽ ■■ :ギ .■ ‐ 鱗 ._ 猟 職 驚 一求 ● 《 ■ , ギ豪苺 ヽ l謝 ξ ” 口 ” 一 二 owledge that you are cOmmallder‐ 1●・ chler but alsO a vindictive man But =o : , 「 ・ ・I selld thls With full k■ 勢議 罪 誇 霙 請 ・ F 苺 り J p ョJ 7 D島 1 wOmDNTV― Ш ド E COAT. OB W 緊難館 ACheSOn tO heip yOll. =ht・ F 層〓 & 日 r 一 you can dO with then Cet Deall 51' (CO耐 覇駆繁駐議 otrlcer yoll k● ●w■7Lat 9g E燿 重ξ 目J ョ〓 曇日3g a me any medals. SInce you are an old"tineり 理g壼 爆 F 善 I ﹁ l"rr-""orr. mcthod oi liShting. In- e."n t*.om Bredfor4 Pr.' asred ]Ir' by wire: cidentally. ttry son was 8 marine Truma4 in his sccond .vear o! pre- ;Is .'i-pic tlrrry vauEh& 8oing il*'ii.lsi -"oit"g" whrn you cau.d him to irrcacnt Mrr. Mac-lrthur siti a iii" a io' ii ocioter. witir no dclay for ;dk co.t and thc Stnsral rith niru to Antn thr scEcstar. !o tGsB dGGp Eeezc? We as dl&ilblad vct' hrlEd ii'iii" iEirilent. Ir€ just teGnt irais eie ltrrid titt lbort rt i.E iuca trc rrls cdled, Bets aad lonS-hrircd - gu!.rrift -'U -y onty chtld dicr. don't tty f^qievcitc square rnd Acbaoo to ers€ your coDscieEce and s"ud spUt the commilsion.' ♂ F 言ヽ 巳 ぎ ζ 〓 F ■ F ま,げ 8 風 〓 ユ ロ R 野 き 目 ︱, ''Ple!se recall Walter at once. as oresidcnr. Dean ' carl r' Jrclbsotl' a disabled v?t' tre doesn't betirve in -sour and 緯錯器詣葬曇翼憂要 :iil[ rattle- -!n- r.iew ,)t lvhst ls happening $eke- br- steppin3 o!1 iheir tails. itr the country :iEce dtn. ]iac-U-is rt ifayuiyo-u ttri-ntr ny loss rnd griel ahurs leturn to ahc countrrr'comb 'con- urgent lhat you hlt.e thc in dies if he ies" oc t/our '"ifi s'itrrt"-.d' '*'ar r.han if ne die! fight- shjlter rea<iy - thr .rcuprncy iir in att-out lvar on the commies' ;u! dcla:/." whitiBg advilad the these ,arts lvq don'i 日 a s F 〓 多 o■ 雷 Fロ ヨ ロ ヨr ●︰ 日 3 B ヨ 〓8 8 ¨ ︼ F ヨ ヨ. use 一 語澄覆尋言︰ξ肇 ihe source o! suppi:r ior the com' the job so he lvould be abte io mies ls left i[tact. Out here in it riEht srvar-. 甕轟 難 "Since you believc itr frlntthde who do not see e e to eye with You Q、s N sヽ 登 鎗8 λ ∞ ヽ o 腱 摯 護 ヨ Q R 欧 ゝ 相 墨ヽ ⊇ヽ く ︰ I I ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ ︰ I I I I I I ︹ ヤ After donning his pilot's helmet and gloves, the aviator climbed into the cockpit of the OH58C Kiowa for what would be his last flight in that aircraft. Scanning the myriad of lights and gauges on the instrument panel, he commenced conducting the pre-flight checks something he has done literally a thousand times before. Flying thc Kiowa is but one of many things -;-rvlritei'C-WO5 Rr-dhirld Willirims, diiision eiia: tlon safety officer, is doing for the last time on thc eve of his departure from Hunter Army Alrfield aftcr spending 16 of his 28 years in thc Army stationed at Hunter in the 24th ●0一 〓 0 ● ■ と く 0一 3 一 ﹄●¨COエ , oLo﹂ ●●E oこ卜 . 望口らい ヽ● lnfantry Division. "l'll miss my rouune knowing that this is the cnd for me here, but l,ve got a good three or iour years left in the Army. I don,t think that thare's a landing zone on Fort Stewart or Hunter that I couldn't find without a map at night and l'll miss that,' Williams said. Williams will probably not spend those thrce to four years as a pilot, he said. He enlisted in the Army in 1967 and after s.rving on other Army posts has been serving the 24th lnf. Div. since 1979, he said. He made the transition from enlisted air traffic controller to warrant officer pilot after leMng a tour in Vietnam. Col)ftttual at) {3 53 Ancl, of course, itts the TIst Infantry Division insignia. Any former member of the 71st may obtain information by contacting: TIst Division Association Kenneth A. HalI, Secy. 8905 Yoder, Rt. I Farwell l,ql 48622 Tet. st 7-58 8-9 4 29 first experience with aviauon was gettino on a helicopter in Vietnam,' he said' "l tooi th. flight aPtitude test tn Basic Training' but I wentlo Vietnam instead' When I got back, I reapplied and did another tour in Vietr,um by iii *h"re I flerr the Huey OH-l'' Williami now has 5,000 hours of flight time and has flown nearly every non-combat heliranoinq from the Bell Jet Ranger civil"oot., ion moaet-to1ne OH-13 Sioux, uH-lA'B'C'D oni ft -oa.t"' and the OH'58 Kiowa' A and C "1"1y ,m;ffi;;ts trrougt hir fiight y'ar'' t6 rh' Ior book tor th. ran timo, rfter having rer ved with the Vidory Diviti'on imoressed Yith SchwarzkoPf ' models- Additionally, Williams is ccrtilied as a lH. hod o very commanding presence'" aircraft' oilot-in"tr,.,.to, fot the OH-58 series was a straight shootcr vith Climbing out of the OH'58 C helicopter Williams s!id. "He right dovn the middlc' after his lait night-flight in a 0'S' Army air- no'ricochet' shot3 Yar within sight craft, Williams again reflected: "lvly main Whercver you vcre at and he thouoht was 'i3 thia the tast Umc l'll look down You knev hc waa there." Williams has also scen the division and the .i-G Coustot Empire in a U'S' Army heli.opt"t:' f can't say, but there is some kind of instlllauon gtow over the Years' phefinality to it. "Thc conitruction that's taken place is the non His nearly two decades of wearing noinenal. I'YC seen it tum from a sleePy Victory Oivlsion'3 taro leaf Patch lncluded priority division to a front-line, high-Priority servini under such division commanders as battlereadY divEion,' he said' recentiv retired four-star generals John Galvin At Hunter, Williams Yas able to sec the divl .ia not-on Schvarzkopf, and Gen' Barry sion grow with the addition of state'of{he-art m.Cofft.V, Present commandcr of the U'S' equipkent and necessary personnel assigncd Armv Southern Command' division, he said' oi those commanders, Williamt was most tocomprise a comPlete .■ ゛ Memorial Ceresonies ,4 at Ner Orleans Robm Lawhon ‐ Editor 28 0ctober 94 Bob: WI]you」 nln ths in the next‐ ““ Anaio'r Thanks Forgottcn Wrr? Your read rnd hear this always in the context of the Korean War. But I wonder if this does not also apply, at least to some degree, to the Pacific campaigrs of WWII. Why would I ssy this? Wel[ because of October 20th That, in case you did not know, was the 50th anniversary ofthe landing at Leyte. Lead by McArthlur four Army divisions, incfudirry th€ 24tl\ stormed ashore and bcgan the liberation of the Pffippirrcs. This milestone in world history went almost unnoticed in the Arnerican news rnodia. Orre. Assorfutim mernber reports thst offour east-coast nEwspapers only one cirried any mention of it at all, ud this was two sentences in a one-by-six inch box. Our local Colorado Springs paper did better. It was mentioned in the front section but on page 19, and a lot ofthe story was about how there was a reinactnrent ofthe landing; during wtich thc man actfurg as McArthur Hl into the water. Apparently very, very funny a real - treslapper. Tbrc of us who were in thel(orean War know how you Veterans of thal bsttle, and idccd of the Pacific campaigr, must feel. Some years back the anniversay of an iryortm battle in Koreo went unnoticed. The President of our Korean war vderans . -t: Amifion complained to several newspapers and the TV networks. They a[ told him tc gme rhin& -Its lust not newsworthy. It h a bitter pill to swallow. i Dtrch Ndsen i… … マ_ jJ ,均 … Dutch ン 覆 、︰ L† L― … lh td r bdlJE rl Daring Elevcnth Ahbome caglc end gulde of dl' Australtans, Phlllpplncs noblc made Lrytc lnvaslon Posslble- tepncrc occuPatlont Illlplno+ Ancrlcans dfcrtd dcPrlvadon; n€errrtc' domhcart d r{dns Ptans cffec,tlvely carrled out cnemy ddcnse down to neugttt October 9th lnvas on started Japancsc llect I nterccPtcd; Mines*cepers leadlng the tcam cfeirea na*es, deadly ntn$-Macirthuds Forces full of beam landed Lqte' @ober 2fifi. of lsolatlon; Froot 'I S[ Rrfuo' ltc ody consolaffon. Modc, bnvc ncn of ttc rtd*ancc DoYCDCot' Wdfltrt .tcry monctrt tod fr'on US. govcrtmcn$ Hldng drort wavc ndlo hoF to cqroY fncdom; L*yte Theatrt turnlng brtght Usherlng ln r ncw llghl Glvlng ln to hls hcart's dellght MacArthur madc hls famous *adq Prcsldmt Osmcna, General Romulo make up the trlumvlratg Popular 'Lrrytc Landlngl Photo ' snapped by Gae Falllacc Gen. MacArthuCs photo 3uY. Addrtssfug thc ?rlandlY dr 'erc rt ln for mertlrrdom?" Thnk DZ 70"Ⅳ 「 ― to Pmrldancc durtablc rrs chanSc4 Crcn ttilrclrfhut's PIen rccePtcd Wrshlngtoo mca conscotcd; SctsGnbcr 15r 1944 thc ddc res ktCdcft Rooc.,Yclt euthorlzcd; V9inston Churchlll wrote, sald lt so hlstorlans conflnncd to bc sq Battle of the Phllipplne Sea paved the nay to vlclorlB Liilc Lrnalot, now hlstory grertest naval bettle ln historY' Excttds prwlous navel combats Batrte of Jutlan4 no melch- lft cArttur's [4t!c lnvslon OdoDcr 20' JoY to thc netlon nrl, drem uP dor! for Lqtc Itncd uP' ilrcArthur's'Ancrtcrn Forccs lcft Nclr Gulncq Octobcr llth; Adtrlnl Hrlsqy's 3rd [lc.t nlghty IOnIdds 7th l[c.t hoFty GSulpFd thls dmc vldoryr eucctstr ln mlnd. MacArthur's prlde vlndlcetcd 'I Shdl ncom" documcntcd; . Mqtor turnftg polnt ln hljtorY . PNEII'DE TO EII'n0NY Now - lts 50tt AnntvcrsY IIMZ UXPNG C.ta tlot to bc lbrgottco Adnlrals Klng Nlmltd men' Gco. Krucgeds brrve 6th ArmY c.tct to fecc thc cocmY; ‐ End‐ uNA L CRUZ に Dee●…M●mLur M― ) 0団 inl Folmaati。 。 妬 … _ i■ =タ o[.ID S(X.DIES NEVTDTE By Cudtdo A Mrdrr (NOTE Wlth ttc ocs vcrston Ckr. tkonr thc Orldd) Old mldlcrs ncrcr dlc, DGvGr 4q rrr Old Soldlcrr ncrcr dlc, th.:y Jurt h& ilq. rry. w Dcctobcr &rco, d[ct .o lorty ooc, Ttd Ettor rrr boubcd rttlc[ nr tomrybty Cc ly Jepre plere acftrylry US. Arucd Forccq, ,It Locicd tn Emll OE I dlficrtnt bucs. tE vcry nuc dry Wuld War Tro frrtc4 of [lllplnor rqr r.dv.fc4 prlnc olihdr yourft rnd lD tbdr Lrd b.* ,fborudr ll ttc Te rrrrc fu U.S. Anrcd Forc ln ttc Frr Er* Ar.tlc.r rnd Flttplno roldlcrg Wcrc d& by d& gurrdta dl cotnnctr rnd plcrl lttortboU thc Corrntrr, Cortgldor-Bdu, .I! od.r to dcf:r hvedrn ftou Jryrn DoaL 'Ckr l[)ld Soldtcrr Old Soldctr rrtr rrcr dc' revrr dc' lcrc @ dc' bltrun *rlq. Doc to tcAoqlcen olprtp.lcdncrs, ItIllDDlDGr ru hvrdcd byJqncsq DcTill Hp.-.lert of rroC, urmldoor llc Trrad..aUSAFFE E adho4 r rrrE,tood. lliah dr olaAoratr ud [.rt. tdC ldhbbrlrdruddrolleptb rrudcr:d ADdl dr' frrtt tn 'h Currrjl&t d dl oatcrr ornodcnd too. ::Drnl&rreod*dodttod{c4 $totrDcrdr t[chbofr dcdc4 Edry, tb Ydaur,rn.dc Sffnq pl8rcrc dS d yrr &cy lrc dll drG, 'Old roldcrr r.ilr dc, ncEr de, Etl+ Ghrr Old roldlcn mvtr dlc, ricrJla neuql. 1 _● IЛ │プ ・ /ヽ 巡ノ 一 ぉ ヽ 声■電漁螢ど 奎〓7 , 1 ち y 慶 Dutch Nelsen cen. vaught & Dutch Nelsen :`1 可 b= 轟 ■d 魔 ゆ ー r″ヽ″ 、 レ■︱ い ′ L-R llr.& !trs. Fraat Deniae tfilctaf, Jane Srcl insli rilczat vince Vella On dance floOr at New Orleans. FUN AND ENJOYMENT AT N.0. √/ ,, し `1 1 o The quill h.s passed. Afler forty-nine y€rs as Secretary/Tieaqurer ofour Association lknwood Ross has steppcd down. Actually, that is not an accuratc strtement in sevcral rc$r&. First, he wes orr President in 1966; second, beside Sccraary/Treassurer he has rlco boen our Anorney and legal mentor all this time; and third, Kcn has never .stqrpcd down' from anything 'stepping aside" would be a bater choice ofwords. - In addition to thc honor ofbeing one ofour Founding Fathers, Ken was also awarded the Vcrbec& award in t9ti6. while he hrs not &turlly beefl at rhe helm all ofrhese forty-nine years, he as c€rtainly b€eh in the Chart Room dl that time, and its going to be hard for a lot ofus to get over thi hrhl of , 'give it to Ken.' His will be;hai act to follow. For starters, it is taking two ofus to do what he did and then no guarantee that we,ll do halfas good ajob. - Back in the deyr whon International Morse code was stilt being uscd ifa sending station rllsmitted a very long and complicared message, and the receiving op"r"ro, goi ir without having to have any groups repeated, the sender wourd extind his coriprirnant, "ll ro thU operator by sending ' F B O M F BOM.. Thar,s operator chaner for,'iine Buriness old Man Fine Business old Man." so, Kenwood, on behalf of all your fiiends io thc 24th lnfantry Division Association I say to you: \ Duct lHrcn Rcplumcnt Scc/Trcc PresJαJO ι rπ eJ Oυ er ι O Pα λSerυ たe 「 ItfL libr Y.t ftl.. “ SAX!RAI|CEO-ADhicr Orrrudttrctbffcptb oE fiqI lrthS fE To !. Ed. dd, totDtot .rtIbtbFtdo. [todtoh" .-l!$ 搬 q! 織鰤 輔 $tudrr, e! plala 町 ●dL“ 押 …躙 … … 』 離 脚 夕θ 、 1 1 Tb d,6 b & lb 46 ol, lbt&t 1919. ■一 Tb a& @ to$*.n b fu ptlli.t ll ltp Da vctr N b Dm Wte. $Db de nillifalq relerut in t,o futlD of gvah Neilc Ridge. Neai, tlp dllqe of Lendt at Av, p<it*.rlore ihc lmt lauhte an Oao lrzfu otta info ho Nott/,l, Sino 4 Le,gtz. Woorr ot t po* LhEllzttlutt**i gel+ S/W 9nfre* ot 2 othtt etiliatz[ w* ututt2, *gltp"/t bt A eig,llth FA utrat thc lwlo @vzL ea#pn o U.M l1atu te lilla to tlo euh" @o ittuuiialol,u @lltl l.'r- ehg eir,/ri at tt 155 H.dtitze,t caet*q the lryru in lto utruplva' W* Oo 6iM.D6 lac* up le into dto nigl* ,AAq ofiU- fiqhot iatowful1 to lieLa up ho ebfi ir to ilehl lVcro, Lb4o I go or. uit hitt I mN, eqknn ufuiinq. Oa Mrury ore^p in paitiot* iue ifi e'6/rL AD NaifrL Coe 4 Le& otd ot* l,liat eqen ifi pla@ cottitub,tll4 otd 4b, to [ino. It{anbtl ,tib @io 4ld$4n b oaiiotb placoA and d.en uita tRM. rlla.*t in d..iL placot b. @,.t94e4 I b nd hiru tM, tmit oe ucttc *tryttfu,e. TL.4l dlL b etil dto 2&L dt fu 32ad D&iai/m &, furlv itt u*tz/v ryb wrcA wt b. ltaql*it lln eMlpto * th t toouaa fiirfiine. Wo La/jo AAh.rtt A#analn at tlia l& 6 @e uov I gdeL aU, tfl,r,t{,. eblM * to ha.n lnfu Vanaliro'6 aaol, 6s Mi daiuion u uo Ainvt ltrfutl tth*bt@ ItM di^ ew.a ew, ir*@ nal ot,:*);, l{ lwhe. Vo6, I @)*tit $aD klr fiot W Nog, $oa, rry l,o qtDrf&n6 oa to d.e ..n ottlltcr* ttvn" hatn yoo exh b2r. * tlo lit. otd Uob lrtiatA .1i2, ot b,ta ,*' otd otlq o W, itt ydD lwt6 ge, M b et @hert ec utold nutnlow o[ ennt wttt aL yottt Tterl o p)trrlltL iil*l illo ltre tdqtoLe and ilaU 4 tfutc, auiltn @at Jue uttd oanll_11ou b ? I lsno *zn mt oo ldt tifuA itn.'-Ivad nd etryUin eAfro h*. rw drd6 ttwtvl 49 ycow d 6 nanlfu qo 6l tviib di6 b-da* $ ha,ta. it analoa olo ut Men dui doU ar.4 t#* e loq aoo, alrzrr lih.t to t ezt lan dvm. Not I m n&:unititw o toolo! lita ot rie ^L,qoub b tlio 6to tutt ttc ltop to 6o2 i+ w Are,u urw ib tr;ffffihfu lTttort sin qiA (l q ifu,-, 秘 lAe u,aot .to no Etb-ll,llDl M, i*u Itta. 】日α,3=1994 ハκ咸o to おa● こ ″ I ● co lvjln' No owmn). TtiA i6 lotio 6 I qeffil I uin "l ur6 hofing to &qd l.e qt2ad& 4 tho 21d. D&ieiot in llczo Otlzm and uoub ontd ute,ul, 4 fu, lldr FA not utlto ,!till, ltarra unW qrhh ord,NttU,go i+ I @tU,rtitu,wD irb OeA*q ". Ed El,lztttsttu Jtr. liDo6 irt l,lao Oloand. I lut o nd azzben an antaretl, e I b nd ladt tho i2arplrtI M, loaQA, ed ttis olen kbto iL loomeo o bolo" i* tleo Olzo* tDill ho2p tb Mr, dznnbq ?z"r* Tlr. d 4 epfu fi{Uq on, b 6 W otd ne W Sozutfu b if 4 gotl fitq otn dtol d dbrieA goS tto pit*u^ I uiA Utuq rry trya alot e b ow. tirw 6lt@ otd 4 I a ntill dlo eeal*V orc, titp uiU b. Lrot*q Wb at qwDet ot rygdtkn a thno b rynufug an Da* 9otain Lib Mtut HC 2, bLZU0 l*b,ttb.65676 卜一 ・ ″ ア ﹂︶¨ F・ , ′% /物 "滋 騒 “ ●lde● t ― V■ llce● t NOVenber ,e 1994 Ve■ ■● 13 21ot '44-■ 46, ■07 8■v.. ●●ffo■ o r 14216 ■●1. '16-073-7■ 29 「 Ir. nobcrt L. Itlhon t Eilltor 譜 量鷲 ・ 声 :s… :・ 難 ‐器 皿 ::=t :1ま irobr n. E€ ,21 111■ 」出担Ll■… 9th′ ● ・ 46-17, 19-3a, 59‐ 63) '■ ●12 0rlm "lv● Cbl● .8,ぼ 。 ●0 00906 T● ■ ・ ● P島 =3 7■ 0● 475-7`99 竜べ置IL哺 。 n 塁 2'電 L〕 ilSl ° 「 . _1:■ ■最 $$ffi":ii.ili"Fll.f lf th. L!b'r! stl■ ■ b0 tho口 for L 卜 F Kon Ro38 ・ ・ DutCH口 。1 1::,P:=路 Robert n■ der s::: 045, to口 03… (3 … ― J・ 5th n ●● = nd・ ●・ 52) 肥:ふ計議■17::・ T● l. 500‐ 263‐ 1930 -nim o∞ 赳 “ bb● rt Ro haer t● = ・ 島 聾 曇 を 』 li3 u. 7■ 4-526-6● 60 rm."*"prcacnt. lravc alythlnS み N0100n Bc 29407 =。 Tel.=le● 003-766-0090 Ch● of cvents rlhrer of lntcrclt H *ii' "ll.'i"oll.tii:l'r:'lrE[.'T: Enlr Yaerr to colc. If you havG anlr qucatl'onr 1 contlot nc' Youf! tnrly John R. H― er P.Ruha‐ -plctures l$l Jane● F。 ■1■ ■ 1,Ga_ll ・ ・ ― 腱 11● “ have B*:"t:"e"::!1" *x"$'ilS"iiii"}:i:rlH*i $;ss; iriiTori - 1{206 '2125' '81:L::1:335 珊 rlll 53) , 議 Dald Ihe calentlara ●■1 ‐‐ ■ carcnderll."T.i:ll.IB".lBlIIi -Ill, *?.*i:;tili i;o6b;;i;,'d;'" ;$".:it*::.:t rtu b. rhc bc grlnted !n a fcY r bc rllSo:3"t"tiil""311*' Blli iili'3Hi'ii; ri,l about $5.o0. 3 ::i:::・ 憾 bfi6s Dcar Eobl iipo.oo &r.r .r8-.sot lDlc;CIr $0 $l;"?..,iii.ltt*" ιク 滋 一 噸 甲 、 ﹁ Ч I attended the veteran's day corconleB at the VA hosgttal Ia Euntington,U.v. t here S€n. JobD D. Roclrefeller ras tbe gu€3t alr€aher for ttre 18th tiEe. I ashed hlr to keeD !e ttrfottd .' to Be Droliid rf,it ,as going oa in the senate concerrrlng veteraas.lE a sE cec'l folloriag to seDd oe naieriat froD tire to ttle.The BoD H.v. he rade to the vetera['a Ho|!e in Barboureville, SEE■Tm」 Barbourgv■ ■■e′ R― m" D. ROCEE― m IV ― ginia vetean3′ ユ コ E― west▼ 994 ′ ・・ … ・ I spoke earlier today at th€ Euntt ngton lrellc, and I toa th.t nany of you rere able to nake both of these Progrllng. - 8o thll afternoon, f rculd like to departs Just a little frm the tradltional renarks on Veterans Day and talk s[tecI'fr.caUy alout Barboursville and rhat it Eeana to us aa weat Vl'rglnianr. I am enomously proud to repreaent a state rtere serlce ia held ln great respect and esteeu. Etter aioce I entered public tlfe-to serve the people of West Vlrginia, i neant t orking very cloaely wlth -- and for -- our veterana g[sl3 fanl ]lsE. As Chaiman of the Senate Comittee oa vsterana' lffalr€, I have had a great opportunity to i.EProve the lives of veterans -and I will iontinue fightLng on many fronts to defend veterans' rights, Just as you fought to defend our countly. It is through the laws we enact that we ensure our comnitments to those who senred, often in timee of need, and often at great sacrifice to theuselves. Government cannot -- and dare not -- €rver forget Lts comitoent. Ihere can be no greater monument to govenDent keeping its comLtment to veterans than west vl'rginla'a State veterana Eotne here in Barboursville. This Eome, and Etate veterana hmea like lt acroas ths country, repreaent a true co'mitment of both fegeral and atrta governments, working together, to keep the prmises made to our veterana. ft'8 a great concePt. As early as the Civil YIar, our government realLzed t5rit. lndigent and- disabled aoldiers, wtro were no longer alrle to can theii own livelihood, needed care. lltre federal goverment operatd national ho,mes, but were unable to Deet the do'trlnd; atrd oily veterana who aerved tn the Union forcea wera eligLble' ノノ 、 一 合⋮︰ Today, the federal governDent provLdes grants to the atates to eatabliBh veterans homes, not to exceed 55 percent of the cost, and the atete provides the reat. Once the hoEes open, the federal govennent providea per dian payDents for care, not to erced oagrh.lf,. of the cost of the veterans' care. The re@ainiag coata c@e fE@ rahat veterans theEaelvea are able to contribute, and fron the .gtate government. That also aonnda pretty god to me.. GovernDent helplng . go{errlment help veterans. In fact, it sounded like a pretty good idea to De even before I became your Gever1ror. Ilhen I was -.i'J.,\ €ccretary of State, and while I sas at West virginia wealeyan, a candidate for Gov€rnor, I heard a lot of tafk about a 15r.6@-as -. veteranE h@e. But noSocly ever aeeoed to do very 4uch about it. Goveralora trlked about lt. Reeolutions were pa-sed. The Legislature .I|r6sed a bIlI authorizLng the atate to establiEh one but rB acgrhere alang the line nobody ever atopped to point--out that. it co6t Doney. So when it caDe time to put word8 into action -intg and brick8 and eomething tangible -- not oire cent.was -j pade. Frtar availeble to tranefoE tbe rhetorLc ilto reality i: pronised I'd do soEething about that when I Dade it to the Governor's office, and I did. You cannot begin to imagine the . pride that I feel knowing that over 1,000 veteranB have found a . . **= at thiE facility since it opend in 1981. fhat pride sas Datched thl6 past year, aa I rratched veteratrs and veterans organizations, coutrunity leaders, nen, rrooen and children all coEe together fron across this great State of ours iir sEpE ort of Barboursville. Veterana helping veterana -- and veterans ro-inding thoBe of, us in goverrurent of our colltD.itlDent. This nation Dust keep the prouises it Dade to its veterana, Just aa responsively as veterana answered the call of our qountrfr, l{e, in West Virginia, have over 200,000 veterana and close to trc-thirds of then are l{orLd War f I veterana. :[trLe is the aE€ that ia the most affected when we begin to fall Ehort on our ommltment to pro▼ ュde hea■ th care and do口ic■ ■■ary care。 - tioa.y, on this day aet aaide to reoember those sho eacrificed so much so that all can be gruaranteed life in a free world, Iet ua all pledge to renenber our com.itment: Others have : done so Duch, se dare not do less. .. sith ThoTk you for being here this afternoon, me in what has got- to be one of the uoai a.Dd. for sharlng g:atifyfng fr6n6rs f tn ovei thirty ye""" of prtir" eervice. I-fe€l foa tleat Virginia and E1 fellow tNeaEr. _ -The pride". virgiDiang la at tLEes oygluUefgiug- to De, ani on v"tcranJ,Dgy, rlren I retrEn bG to a Stat€ that-hag moie veterane per arol.Ei than any other, t 5a sarr a1t6d of the speclar charactd and €trength that exiats in the WeEt Virglnia veteran. ona-tpiirt tfe wLll. not forget the sacrificea Dade by our veterana, and the PIoDiseE Eade to alL of I'ou and your f''nriies. fna* y6u-ina God bless you. / 1 have recaived ≧ 1´ o*- =' 一 OCTOBER l, 1994 ― ・ :ヽ ・― 「 0.M. 24th I.D.A. P.0.Box 13552 TAMPA, FL 33611 BY THE TIME THIS AD SEES PRINT WE SHOuLD BE I‖ OUR■ 1● T[R FLORIDA. WE ARE COING TO CONTINUE WITH OUR OUARTER“ ASTER SALFS ADDRESS THROUGH SPRING ‖HEN WE WILL BE BOUNCING BACK NORTH WlT‖ ︲ ィー ﹁. 1■ ■ ■ . PLEASE ALLOW SIX WEEKS FOR DELIVERY. TELEPHONE ORDERS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED, 8ECAUSE WE ARE TRYING TO AVOID RETURNINC CALLS. GETS T00 EXPENSIVE. P::AIIR,c:「 IVl】 :Dt: :ム :,:::: :1。 ::eaI[:1::rttF l: ::19:v。 ld ::_° sl,800 1n 91」 expensive Tolophone Cal13. For your informatlon, ploaee be adv180d WO deposlt all check3 prOm● tlソ ‐ ▼ 1;1 [::° :γ ::r:ld l[ 111:・ :;m:Ron3:::S畠 :γ lW:lFei曽 1: 1lyst87:,t:。 18: :18P":' found a mallor softpack for pins and crests. we have sollle more new items not llsted in any prevう ous ad3。 F∴ f BASIC 24 1nf Div. Patch attached to the open mesh HAT in 3asiC Whlto, ●liCk, and medium Blue. Wo got these hats too late for New Orloan3 S 10。 00 E● 。 PP 11 鋼 we have a very nlce COLF′ SPORT, Shirt White with 216t lnfantry CrOot Embrodory on Right front. ThoSe havo loft pocket and full collar 3 25,00 Ea,pp. We have them in 3120S LARGE, Extra LARGE and XX LARGE. Wo have a NeW DOLO TIE with a St● lnlo3S St001 Base wlth the 24 1nf DlV Patch repllca or 24 1nf Dlv Patch repllca with C.I.B. BOth 3ame pric0 0 15.00 PP We have two new Hat Pins. HP 869 COMBAT MEDICS BADGE & HP 870 PARATROr Bd9o We a180 haVe a DRESS MESS MINI C.1.B. Second Award th13 iS the STAR C.1.B. Same pric● of only s5.00 E● . PP We a130 refer you to our old ad3 in thO old TARO LEAFS. WE have ●1l of th0 ltems llsted. We wish everyone the happiest Holldays, and the bo● t of HEALTH tO you and yours always. : 壼 ︱ ︰ 優 ︱ J鰤 メ 郷■ ■F■Eド ッ 「 笠 `η 聾 `rヽ ι3 義 .=事 │ :「 7F ‐■・ ● V Ouarte-8ter 24th l.DoA. pO Box 870 Acton H魔 01720 Te■ . 508… 263-2573 :il増 飢舜 眺 劇 24th I■ FA― … DIVIS:0日 劇8000:AT10● r xlf z{tb IDA !.t Ida ftth r PAfCf rrde crercirlly ?or to thr PAlcfl rrdr lor tli. !! Prrticlrco Saolo[. lblt tor PATOI h.. tbc z{tl Div. Prtch.nclrcld rith th "lia tb.. 2{th IfF tnY DItltId rl$CtAtt6t rlth all drtcr rlroptrd. P.tch.r arc rpmcd o B... hll ttff, "hat. !!d.talhbl! i! tG llrt coloD., l[D, GIE ' DA8f, DLIrE' cd clttE I l0.0O.rh P.P. I. .[oth.r Dt lt.r. ll f Pt1l8 (BcDlicr lledrlr I lhcra .rc coll donc .d rr. llrt.d brlor. Plcerl ordcr by ubcr LI. thr dorlln: lrc rlrils! rDd rG tl.Ilt td dcllvcr drrctly rhrt yqr rutt. uo jricted tt Ddrl! rG thoqht D3t of you tould I|!t. fc a.t ta rblc to rct otbc! rtrtr rG trortcr fror our rugpllrr. lc cra ortlr in .liGd lot!, tttt bry. to ordcr ovcr 100 .t r tlI, ?hc.c h.t pinr arc ohly rbout !r Inch by rbout 3/l ol D ltab ua rn ldc ol rtrl. IG ca! iDcld. tb.r rlth otDar ltGa l[d dD thdt Fott Prld. u. cauot rbl! th.. oG DID rt . tlr. IC rcquire r rlnintt ol thrlr glBa t 33.00 each DI[3 . Dollu Port aa .rd pEkltt ll rtl tor rr. lbt Plu. 3rh .ddftlo.l IAT Plf r.* ordcr.rra t 3.00 .rcb. IG hof tllt 13 8d H. hrv. u! tiril[ r一 ■ “ ︲ ︱ ヽ﹂L uDdlrrtud.b IG. HP-764 Pur,lo H● art Hed● 1 田P‐ 926 Brott8e Star ■ed● 1 11P‐ 927 0ood t ttl HP‐ 929 【o● ●●n …Ser▼ lce ・ ■1三 二■ 11= Hed31 F “ ﹂ リど hヽ 一︱︱ エ 蜃 〓 〓^ ′ 一 〓 ・ , ・ 日P-957 ■●tio■ al Def.SerT.Medal HP‐ 050m‐ 1l vt● 2● r,■ ed● 1 日P-950 3ilver l■ o● :田edal l HP‐ 960 臓 ric● ● ●eren.. 蹴 We al口 o b●ve [F.9G3 Plctflc CrDrtllt lHrI SFtCl Ptlllipln Llb.".lloo Lrttcl lllrton trHe{ A.artcu C.?rt|D [Gd.f . lFotl Arrt ol occe.tl6 [.d.1 Bt{56 Lrttorlu Sorrtcr ledll llH69 U.t, slFlc. tLd.l lH84 htro!!! of lrr llrdrl flFoe9 f,orora the iteoo 01l priced incldill` patac● . 躍 1=畔 t撒 批塩樹横 :illど :轟 1椰轟 鶴亀 鶴 轟111撻∵彙 :ド : ” 幸■i ■ , み牛 “お ︰ ● ︰i ロ