transportat10n― city garage coⅳimittee meeting
TRANSPORTAT10N― CITY GARAGE COⅣ IMITTEE MEETING AGENDA DATE: Monday,Apri1 21,2014 LOCATI()ヾ :City Hall Confercncc Room TIME 4:00p m I CALL T0 0RDER II AblNOUNCE MEMBERS nヾ ATTENDANCE(VERIFY QUORUM) IH ADOPT10N OF TRANSPORTAT10N MNUTES:Janllary 27,2014 1V DEPARTMENT REPORTS: a Ridcrship Janu暉 ,Fcbrtlaw and March 2014(Arthur Bing) b Financial Slatcmcllts Dcccmbcr 2013,Janu暉 ,Fcbruaり and March 2014 (Lorrainc Foust) c Disadvantagcd Busincss Entcrprisc Program(DBE) d Equal Employmcllt OppOrluniけ (EEO) c Budgct FY 2014-2015 , FTA Tricnnial Rcvicw August 4th -5th g V Gaagc RcpOrt」 anu岬 ,Fcbruary andヽ イ arch 2014 COMMITTEE ACT10N REQUIRED DECEMBER 2013,JANUARY,FEBRUARY AND MARCH 2014 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS VOTE VI VII C:TY COUNCIL ACTICN REQUIRED ADJOURNMENT VIII PUBLIC COMMENTS(5 minutcs cach) Transportation Committee Meeting Minutes Monday, January 27, 2014 4:00 P.M. City Hall Conference Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Marc Harris, Committee Chair Deanna McLaughlin, Member Kaye Jones, Member Kip McNeill, lvlember EIVPLOYEES PRESENTI Jimmy Smith, Director Arthur Bing, Transportation Deputy Director Lorraine Foust, Financial Director Lori Hart, Accountant Randy Reese, Garage Manager Barbara Black, Administrative Support Specialist CALL IO ORDER The January 27rh meeting o{ the Transportation Committee was called to order by Chairman lvlarc Harris at 4:00 P.M., in the City Hall Conference Room MINUTES: Chairman Harris called for a motion to accept the November 25, 20'13 minutes. A motion from irrs. Mclaughlin was made and seconded by Mr. McNeill; followed by the Committee's unanimous approval. Department Reports: [rr. Bing reported the ridership report for November. He stated the system transported 61,.1 11 passengers. He stated in November there were '1,160 can goods collected and donated to lranna Cafe. Ridership was down from the previous November by '19%. [rr. Bing stated that the December report shows the system transported 56,624. New Yeais Eve Operations Safe Ride transported '155 and Warm Souls transported 266. Mr. Bing stated again ridership was down 16010. [,Irs. McLaughlin stated it was much colder this year. Lilr. Smith added that even though we've lost riders; we are breaking even on revenue. There were no questions regarding the Ridership. Mrs. Foust stated we have the November 2013 financial statement. She stated that the accounting office ran into a bump in the road with MUNIS trying to get their reports and lust got it going again. lvrs. Foust stated that they have to revise the way they present the report. She stated that the December 20'13 and January 20'14 should be ready for the next meeting. l\,lrs. Foust stated for November the CTS is under budget $60,815.65. The areas that are under budget are wages, fringes and fuel. She stated that will pick up in December and January during the holidays. Mrs. lrclaughlin stated Transit was the only one under budget in fuel. There were no questions regarding the November 2013 financial statement. Chairman Harris entertained a motion to approve the November 2014 financial statement. Title Vl Plan 20'15-20171 The next item was a request to approve the Clarksville Transit System's three year Title Vl Program Plan FYs 2015-2017. Mr. Bang stated this was annually; now it's every three years. He stated the plan basically states that we are not discriminating against anyone due to race, color or national origin. We are also working on the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) plans which are also on three year cycles. There were no questions and Chairman Harris entertained a motion for approval. 1 Tennessee Code Annotated 4-3-7'11 Energy Division: Chairman Harris stated next we have the Tennessee Code Annotated energy division selaside program for petroleum products. l\,Ir. Smith stated several years back there was trouble getting fuel. Mr. Smith stated that we talked about that a little back then. He stated several months ago fuel got a little tight and we only received one bid; not price just availability. Mr. Smith stated that the Governor signed this legislation several weeks ago. He stated that it put public transportation provideG across the state on the same playing field as police, ambulance and flre. lf we have a fuel shortagei then we have priority in getting fuel. Garage Report: Chairman Harris slated that he wanted to commend Mr. Reese on his Green Certification. He did an outstanding job. lvlr. Reese stated that the Garage employees work hard and do a good job. lrr. Reese reported Novemberthe citywide vehicle expense totals was $53,522.43. He informed the members the total gas and diesel totaled 40,164.76. Mr. Reese stated the off- site fueling (Fleet One) total cost was 28,091.99. The Fuel Master cost was $119,144.38. There were 770.60 work hours. The parts cost was $49,348.20. lilr. Reese stated the tire cost was $3,358.03. He reported there were 34,050.0 gallons of unleaded and 8,20'1.0 gallons of diesel fuel purchased. Mr. Reese stated the average unleaded price was $2.95 and diesel was $3.05 the end of November. Mr. Reese ended his report by stating $224,431.8'1 in requisitions turned into finance. lvlr. Smith added on the Fleet One usage it is roughly $28,000 a month. Mr. Reese stated we pay $0.10 a transaction. [rr. Smith stated if we had a couple of alternate fuel locationst over time it would pay for itself in what we are paying for outside fuel purchases. l\rr. Smith stated the Capital lmprovement is not on the agenda but I will bring you up to speed on it. [Ir. Smith stated that he had inskucted Mr. Reese to put three hundred thousand in the Garage Capital lmprovement budget for land purchase (Miller property) across 1'lth street from the existing Garage. He stated we need to start to plan for growth. Mr. Smith stated the city will not pay more than the land is appraised. Mrs. Mclaughlin suggested that it made sance to put a carwash bay at the alternate fueling locations while in the planning stage. Mr. Smith stated he agreed. COMITITTEE ACTION REOUIRED: Mrs. McLaughlin motioned to approve the Transit's November 2013 financial statement. Mrs. Jones seconded. The financials were unanimously approved. Mr. l\rcNeill motioned to approve the Clarksville Transit System's Title Vl Program Plan for FYs 2015, 2016 and 2017. Mrs. McLaughlan seconded. The vote of approvalwas unanimous. COUNCIL ACTION REQUIRED: ADJOURNMENT: Chairman Harris requested a motion to adjourn at 4:'18. Mrs. McLaughlin motioned with Mr. i,IcNeill seconding. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chairperson Date つ 一 Clarksvillo Transit Sysism JANUARY 2014 Ridership Roport OД IE DAY F,x● d D● ,コ ●●d Roul● F● ●oo● 3● 7● 3J‐ “ llJo■ J 「 螢 1脚 ●n m● ● 140o● 16J●● 1"ぃ I" W“ ■ F" “ lN● ● ■ 20」 ● ● M●“ ● 21● in l● ● 2」 ●o W“ 2N● o ¬ 17」 ●● o " 7● 25J●● 鑢 ““ 7● ●● 晰 23● o● ■●● 劉 oo W“ 300● ● ■h● 31● ●It ,■ Toi● ― … C-71“ ― ",`円 凛 、 、 529“ 15● 17■ 17● 2230 2340 2376 1“ 2 471,7 632(7 7872 5767 62944 71 11 `o9● T,:JW"iday(■ FL otal W● ●kond(Sal, Fi、 ● d Ro口● Tot● │ 2,8 D:"bbd : ,う , 20,7 237` 2411 2'23 :∼ 2112 3912 33エ heelcha,`s 347 Bi,■ L= 537 131● 1,24 2182 2102 2,田 22 14“ O 0 0 2221 1珊 「 21● 21“ 2=И 2'71 mi釧 i-od 55356 興 Toi.b Oct 12 814741 0c112 78899 3599 3348 M● 71H 2■ ●v20,2 CTSい ●tem RIdeら ヽip 嗜 才 、 197 0 1 385 2“ O ■ … /臨「 Ja卜 ,3 273〔 2 1“ Satu′ d● yAv● 中 `¨ ユ¨ 薇, … 2086 MFハ Y2[o9。 2,35 0 0 0 2412 Jar1 14 )oilv Av● ● ●。o ¨ ヾ ■t= │● ′ 1955 0 0 C 0 │ 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 C O O O "“●● F■ 3」 “ ω ●● 場ぃ “ "“ ,J● ● I● ● "" ●Tho 10■ ● t● Sv,f● ," ‐ … I― 75¨ “ l‐ ■¨ 65m ml … 1" … ― 1ヽ 噂 ユ¨ l,l lr !t ” ¨ ¨ ― Od Xov "詢 0r ,x! r.a L 12-r'mB iv“ rar Lr :` 12, =1,,, 薔 CⅢ ,● ハ0, ●り ●● 14 ●,3● 11 ' 型 ¨ ”” ■ 油 一 一 ︼ ︼ ︼ ︼ 口 一¨ ¨ m ¨い “ , 山 ¨ ″﹂ “ ” ¨ m`≠ 5ヽ “い 腋: 賀 ; rn Clarksville Transit System FEBRUARY 20'14 Ridership Report Demand ″′ χed 04 TE 1ギ ●b 3f● b S● l Mo● 1976 2386 oO T● ● W● d ob Tho 2353 2387 7ギ ●b F■ 2366 ●b 鍮 4‐ F● 鮮 「 R● s∞ flA γ b 1釧Ю 1298 1041● b ll● ● 2341 「 1lf● 0 ■●● 2091 12fob W● d 2341 13f● b Tho 2780 l● √● ● F‖ 2361 1暫 ●b 17f● b 1731 鍮 腸 ● ●5 2.701 1 10f● b To● 1野 ●b W● │ 2呼 ●b 7hu 21f● 2● 58 2333 2623 F● 22f● b 鎌 1 7“ 24f● b 恥 ● 2α 2年 ob To● 2501“ 2“ oし W“ 22" 27千 ●b 200, 2“ 5 Th● 20F● ● F■ 5四 "sa 59 50 113 109 120 116 00 110 10, 106 116 1∞ 65 50 113 103 103 110 53 103 100 130 0 0 C O 0 2“ Ю 0 0 2“ 1 D R Avettqo(Sat, 2731 1317 2712 2810 2429 2514 D R Total(MF) 0 0 O O O O O 0 0 0 0 121 0 0 0 12 Fixed Rout● Feb‐ 13 し F● `4 2286 299: 4808: 2057 6372, 076: 54862 71 95: 1994 9238 8766 20,5 2006 2499 2432 2487 2482 1323 2469 2500 2446 2006 2451 1706 1075 2,19 0 0 0 0 54862 Tola13 0′ Serlco 3 1“ ●d Routo Total 'ス Sonior C liz● o3 Disablod 1 704 55C 24 Fob 14 Demond Ro,po口 ,。 (DR) Foし lo 2146 2160 2343 2392 229 O R Total(Sat) DR Total 17150 27o7 23% 57195 Rocord Totals Oc■ 12 Oct 12 … Maゃヽ 2■ ●v2012 で 衝“ "M“ "01 贖 312 ● 1= b) “ 餞 耐 = 31¨ d "7-■ 餞, … Crs Syrtem Ridelship 85¨ 1ヽ … 7ヽ aXl コ ・・ ・ 70¨ ,“ ml `、 弓刊 ¨ “ ',IIX sllmo tul tu! t? od ioY D(r Ln t … lr.r &r il:l hi --flI0lt J ﹁ +rY20u -.-RaD M― t B喘 11=,, =,14 `12 ビ ' 」 隋 … ・ "― " “ d― 1鱒 ●●ぬ ロ 暉“ “ ― 躊 … … ● じ ● らB “ “ “ 爾 G― 順 ■ 日 衝 t● “r/知 1 メ =● " '“ ● ● │● ● 2 Clarksville Transit System MARCH 2014 Ridership Report F=、ed 0ハ 7E Dハ γ l M● , 軸 鍛 , ■ll● , Spec al ure 珈 “1386 M● ● 949 7● ● ,Mo, W● d 1750 2070 ●M● , 2′ 24 43 6 2“ 5 58 62 105 112 iO M● ′ M● ● 1“8 2481 1“ 11■ ●′ ru● 2406 1" 1 2Mar W● d 13‐ M● ′ Tho 1989 100 116 104 7M● Th● ` F■ 8 M● ′ 14‐ Mar 8● t ,71 1-′ 諏 174● ` Moo● 10M● ` I● 10M● r W● d 204● , Thυ 21■ ● ` F● 鍮 22 H● , 2225 1737 2405 2426 2509 2603 2625 1540 2● H● ′ H● ● 2ハ 2,M● , 7● o 204, 2611● , 2′ W● d 27M● , T“ 2ト リL7 F■ 29]14“ ● TOta18 螢 Mbo 23, 269 0 0 1 772 10009 8841 2329 17“ 96 ● 2● 1 133 0 0 O 2550 2020 26● 2723 1“ 7 2302 01 68198 │ 2138 0 0 43 Routo Tot● 1'08 51 0 1 387 58763 2585 2355 0 2623 2798 9435 FIス od O 123 “ 105 105 105 2265 1298 2`03 1000 2152 2539 2000 4' Mar 13 2117 2223 1648 46796 ,55 0 O 123 103 Mar 14 1" 0 0 0 0 0 111 “ 2,76 rOt,′ S´ fem 0 0 0 40 2239 ice 0 O O O 2169 2369 0 ■370 O 0 0 2400 Oi“ bled 571 607 ° 酪J製 │]「 ■ 2201 1 341 57373 Oct 12 Oct 12 Marつ4 ・ C● ●●●′ Ю,t,",, t'・ ・ l“ " ¨ “ ∝ Rt i G―・ IM“ u 2‖ α 2012 輸 “ … ●t= `“ CIS 3"¨ … ●t, 詢 "― Syrt.nRid.rehip ¨ ・・ 脚“ 75¨ “ 71¨ 6ヽ 中 ¨ “ Ю SSα ¨ 'α ル1“ ="“ ― Fγ NOVは υロ ー Ⅳ 20B l■ ■い Fγ 臓 ヽ 7町 jO■ m14 ″︱ ●●■■珈 い 一 “ 一¨ “ ¨ ビ悧 双 ¨ 四 ︻ ¨ m (● 8,311 ■ ,Ⅲ 劇 "● I● ●│● ― 躊 “ … … 暉 … k● I "“ WЮ t● ● 0“ ●■し 14 ●m● ● “ l CtARKSViLtF TRANSiT SYSTEM CITV OF CLARKSViLLE TEN NESSEE SuMMARY FlNANCIALSTAttEMENT DECEMBER 2013 ・ MONTHLV ACTUALS フ8191 PASSENG ER FARES 47′ SPECIAL TRANSiT FARES 12.50550 AuXILIARY TRANSPORTAT10N FUNDS INTEREST REV[NU[ NON― TRANSPORTAT10N FUNDS TOTAL D!RECTLY GENERATED FUNDS FEDERAL ASSiSTANCE STATE ASS STANCE LOCAL ASSiSTANC[ 5′ 22519 3256 000 65,54516 Net Y‐ T‐ D MONTHLV BUDGET 34633 14′ 58333 50′ underBudget$ MONTHLV VAR!ANCE YEAR10-DATE ACruAtS YEAR‐ ■o‐ DATE 56442 305,81698 302,07802 2,07783 000 2000 41′ 47519 23730 0∞ 57200 421,24947 2′ 6,16667 (1173) 0 1Xl 16 5′ 232.58800 86.46530 191,45601 89,34801 (41.13199) 1,346′ 88271 494′ 116,lXll1 69 119′ 42541 3,424フ 2 2′ TOTAL FEDERAL/STATE/LOCAL ASST 435′ 05399 41Xl,22943 (34,82456) TOTAL ALL REVENUES 500,59915 471,34659 (29′ WAGES&FRINGFS 351.30472 347′ 3′ SERVICES FUEL AND tUBRICANTS TIRES AND TUBES OTHER MATER:ALS AND SUPPL〔 S 09516 6Q52117 19400 16′ 28,63842 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 59915 495,6フ 842 2/20/2014 37642 786′ 21201 2′ 8 13,06966 4,92073 3704 36406 DECCMB[R2013 99998 139′ 96794 51′ 135,56187 2′ 786.21201 76676 71.21458 491,16420 1,17502 93.41244 39,68758 4フ ′ フ (12201) 2′ (4,47521) (11228) 0∞ (197′ 51466} 41,70966 192′ 21888 36,41388 41,86745 1,949′ 89,81760 38,11628 99438 4′ 55254 2′ 45210 73594 716′ 25256 (183) 500′ 8.54466 148′ 536.08794 401′ 19583 69207 CASUALTV AND LIABI[ITY COSTS 5,45357 2′ 81,85530 (3,73896) 426,70304 96254 69,36672 460.60014 VAR:ANCE 13,78002 364′ 1,944.56026 27′ 60895 7′ 1′ VEAR‐ To‐ DATE 50002 36′ 99998 12502 0∞ 87′ 2′ 72451 15.56876 6.61457 8,66667 23,32801 UT,LIT ES MlSCELLANEOuS EXPENSE 58021 86907 25060 37828 524′ 33366 4,22609 (21′ 33413) 11′ BU DGET 73′ フ 94148 2083 71′ 11フ S46,72292 838′ 38850 (5,20650) (1,84786) (30,56406) (72292) (3,59484) 57130) (4′ 26294) 4.40607 (1′ CtARKSVILLE TRANS:T SYSTEM CITY OF CtARKSVILLE TENNESSEE SuMMARV FINANCIAL STATEMENT JANuARY 2014 ・ NetY T― D underBudget $54,86296 MONTHLY ACTUALS PASSENGER FARES 50′ フ9330 SPECtAL TRANStT FARES 20′ 08269 AUX LIARV TRANSPORTAT10N FUNDS :N■ REST REVENUE NON‐ TRANSPORTAT10N FUNDS TOTAL DIREt:LY GENERATED FUNDS FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 5,09999 76′ 00532 223′ 64300 82′ LOCAL ASS STANCE 87,30027 52795 TOTAL FEDCRAL/STAT〔 /tOCAL ASST 393′ TOTAL ALL REVENUES 469′ 47654 WAGES&FRINGES 328,52471 8.27415 FUEL AND LUBRlCANTS 47122 CASUALTY AND LIAB L1lY COSTS 35841 4000 13′ 28485 00586 67657 M SCELLANEOuS EXPENSE 18,31199 TIRES AND TUBES OTHER MATERIALS ANO SUPPLIES uTlLlTIES TOTAL OPCRATING EXPENSES TOTAL(PROF T)LOSS 83′ MONTHLY VEAR10‐ DATE VAR!ANCE ACTUALS 34633 14′ 58333 (5′ 1666フ 1′ 6′ 2083 000 49936) 06668 (4,88816) 191′ 45601 (32′ 18699) 89,34801 119,42541 6.82006 32′ 12514 400′ 22943 471′ 34659 63021 11′ 86907 81′ 85530 19583 321′ 6′ 75821 {3,40853) 14585 (12079) 00D O CXl 497.25479 497′ 82020 56541 1′ 569′ 89860 1′ 340,19195 0 1Xl 576′ 90623 611′ 63393 2′ 625,43595 835′ 97795 801′ 60585 48,52972 224,34402 17209 3.299,4260S 43,73750 89450 2,273′ 08497 2,274.39697 13,594921 77.64087 83,08365 (1.31200) (5,44278) 6′ 1.50311 3′ 543′ 95855 49210 2′ (229′ 70165) 68855 573′ 01950 (5,01602) 403,10245 4フ .12214 56,41361 153,87386 1,37085 108,98120 46.30215 60,66665 163,29595 2518鋤 3,255′ 68855 3,311,11692 (15583) (2′ 2′ 8′ 8,6666フ 990 2332801 28391) 39129 1,61817 “ 2/20/2014 18593) 8,28066 (4′ 102,08335 43,16665 255′ 1,87005 6,6145フ ,6181η 42435 VAR:ANCE 43376 15.56875 ゛ 0叫 352′ YEARIO‐ DATξ 758′ 9′ 469,47654 469,72842 BuDGFr 4657518 26664 1850 00D 71.11716 YEAR TO‐ OATE 356,61028 93.80269 (44697) 50′ 2934 00D STATE ASSiSTANCE SERViCES MONTHLY BUDGET (000) 11,69087 43′ (29′ (5,87875) 81999 (4′ 25304) (9,42209) (55′ 4283フ ) 1,690871 “ ,ANUARV 2014 00,95) (878フ 5) CLARKSVlLLE TRANSIT SVSTEM CITY OF CtARKSVILLE TENNESSEE SuMMARV FINANCIALSTATEMENT FEBRUARY 2014 'Net Y■ ― D underBudget$7815178 MONTHLV ACTUAtS PASSENGER FARES 50′ SPEC!AL TRANSIT FARES 20′ AUXltiARY TRANSPORTAT10N FUNDS INTEREST REVFNUE NON‐ TRANSPORTAT10N FUNDS TOTAL DlREC■ Y GENERATED FUNDS FEDERAL ASSISTANCE STATE ASS:STANCE LOCAL ASS STANCE 94451 21120 5,44999 MONTHLV BUDGET 50.34633 14,58333 6′ 3567 0∞ 76.64137 198,64210 71,11716 18722 (2,69185) 16668 (13563) 89616 56893736 {495880) 00D (5′ 52421) 4,93524 42フ ,84959 472,26062 WAGES&FRINGCS 315′ 72176 SERVICES 13,97537 63021 12′ 78309 FU[L AND LuBRlCANTS 62,69794 81,85530 4800 TIRES ANO nJBES 321′ uTILlTlES 9′ 89659 CASUALTV AND LIABIL!lγ COSTS 1′ OS0 66 19583 15.56875 6.61457 8.66668 13.81677 2332801 427.84959 470,64244 10,64250 000 (1.61818) (6′ 44′ 573′ 1,768,53570 3′ (19,15736) (14783) 2′ 3′ (9′ (42′ 51124) 79285) 956.13426 67892 265′ 86460 209,14742 99.50544 3.77■ 08478 94.54664 596′ 02718 (7.22045) (10.64866) 148.21831) 109′ 64198 588,80673 91.61624 606.65649 167′ 3′ 69063 683′ 53814 000 `.61018 FEBRUARY 2014 0∞ 690,26966 57′ 4642フ (7,61602) 2,65279 (231′ 03808) 113,フ 28202 (4,7841■ 537,49762 54010 4495 57′ 01873 (4,92625) VAR:ANCC 715′ 51554 814 1.19228 000 VEAR10‐DATE 650′ 83662 41103 ●,9084, BuOGtt 114′ (1484) 8,43946 11,51678 TOTAL ALL REVENUES 3/24/2014 116.66668 49.33332 73.93039 78,63573 401,14346 TOTAL(PROFITI LOSS 402′ 77068 01389 52′ 02517 30231 009 62787) 71668 45488) 15′ 50907 40′ 88105 192′ 20822 TOTAL OPERAllNG EXPENSES 407′ 55479 (59818) (5′ 000 351′ M SCttLANEOuS EXPENSE VEAR TO‐ DArE 16667 2083 TOTAL FCDERAL/STATE/LOCAL ASST OTHER MATERIAtS AND SupPLlES MONTH[V vEAR TO‐ DATE VARIANCE ACTUAtS 1′ 3′ 2′ 102.26490 654,87480 1,56668 64′ (1,02658) 54996 (10.80501) 52.91672 69,33332 186,62396 4,10201 124′ 3,788′ 15752 10,07274 (11.86905) (18,93333) (104′ 61938) (10.07274) 1 The Disadvantaged Busines Entewrise Program and Policy for the CΠY OF CLARKSVILLE CLARKSVILLE TRANttT SY鰤 Chrks輌 │に Transit System POLiCY STATEMENT Sectiom 26:.2● 23 0bj“ t"コP硼 け Statemmt Thc CIty orCtarksvillc Ctarksvillc Traltslt Sy■ teln(CrS)has cStabllshed a DittvantagOd Busincss Entcrprlsc(DBE)"ogram tn aαttrdance wth rcgulatbns oFthc Li S Dcpanmt oF Tr‐ portalお n(DOT).49 CFR Par 26 Thc City OrCiarksvillc Clarksvillc Tm¨ lt Systcln has cc市 od F● d“ l FtnancLI assuallccぉ m thc Dcpm― tOfTttpo"at10n.and as a∞ ndnbn ofro∝ iving this assista嘔 .lhc Ctty ofCIコ 蔵svi:lQ Clarksvillc trarL311 Syslcm has signod an suranccthat i wi‖ ∞ ¨ ly whh 49 CFR Part 26 itヽ thc policy OFthc Chy o「 Clarksvilに Clarksvi‖ cT【sit Svsltt to clsurc that DBFs arc dcincd in Part 2C havc an"嘔 l oppOrtt8ntty,0… ivc and pantcipatc in DOT― assistod contrads it is also Our policy: 1 l o cnsurc nondiscnnination in the award and administ口 t,on oFEX)T― assistod contracts: 2 To cratc a kvelplaying ndd m、 hich DBEs can compcte Fairl,for DOT assisted conmcts: 3 To●、urethatthc DBE Propm is naru‖ y● 11-d in attvdは ncc with appllcablc Lw: ncc1 40 CFR Part 26 chgibJity standards arc r‐ ・ ittCd to I To cnsurc that tlnly rlnns that ful:ン .・ pa"lcipate as DBR: S To hclp rTЮ vc ba扇 c、 tO● F particip嘔 tKln OFDBEs in DOT assislcd conlttcisi 6 To assistthc dOclop¨ loFF― thatcan cotte s― DBEPttm ‐Sinyinthc mrkd Placc ou、 idc thc Thc Dcputy Di暉 ■or haFあm dc!egat“ s the DBE Liaison Orltt in thnt capac“ y,thc dcputy Dh轍 orヽ rcspOnsib!c Forimplcrncnting an aspe oFthc DBE p70gram implcmentattln OFthc DBE¨ 印 mtaで ∞ rdcd thc satt pmaly as∞ mphance wれ ha‖ ottt lc8a:obligalhns ulcncd by thc Clty。 「 Clarkvil:oC!arksvi:lc T"“ It sy● ¨n in its 611allcial assi● ancc agor-ls w"h thc DcPmm1 0fTranspOItabn (ity oFClarksv‖ lc,Clarksvillc T口nslt Syscm has dlsscrninalcd this policy slatalmt lo l腱 Maン or and TrapOrtallon Commlttcc and● ‖Orthc cclmpOnents orOuror8mvathn Wc havc DBE and mn‐ DBE bustns∞ almunltics ht prorln work for us on DOT‐ asistcd∞ ntracts Thls pOncy statO曖 ■tW‖ i hc availabicお r public acccss on CTS dぶ t"butcd thヽ ゛atmmtto wcbshc(www CLttSv■ l職 麹 重 ,Qt8)and dIStibutod to busincstt in thc communhi“ that pcrli)rm t\'()rk li)r -ea3isled contracts via lcgsl rdvcrtise-rnent ofa Public Notice in localjournals- ("`′ A、 ,■ rtri、 r`″ ′ ル `′ st llP,\RI \ (;u\lR,\t. Rt:Qt IRI.t)tu\ ts Sectlor 26.1, 26.23 ObJectlvcs 'I-he obJc.cli|es arc lirund in lhe policy stalern€nt on the lirsrr page ofthis p.ogram. Sectlon 26.3 Appllcsbllity Thc City ofClarksville, Clarksville Transit System is the rccipient of fcderal funds aulhoried by ,19 U.S.C. 47i01..,rreg. ofClarksvillq Clarksville Transit System is the rocipient of federal funds undcr illoving Ahead firr Progres,s in lhe 2l sl Century (MAP,2l ). reauthorizing surfacc transponarrcn programs. The Fcderal Transit laws coditied in 49 (,SC Chapter 5]. The Cily Thc Cily ofClarlsville, Clarksvillc Transil System is the recipient ofliieral tran$it funds authorized by Titles I. IIl, V, and Vl of I STEA, Pub. L. l0l-:40 or by F€d6al lroNir laws in Titlc 49. U.S. Codc. or Titlcs l. ll. and V ofthe Teas-21. P!'b. L. 105- 178. Scctiotr 26.5 Dellnitions l he ('ily ofClalksville. Clarksville '[ ransit System will adopt the detinitions mnlained in Seclirn 26.5 ofPan 26 for lhis program S€ction 26.7 Non-dlscrimhrilon Requlrcmetrtt The Cill.' ofClarksville. Clarksville Transrl Slstern will nev6 exclude any pefson fmm participation in. dLny any pcrson the benefls of, orothenrise discriminate against anyrnc rn connection with lhe award and perfonnancc ofany contract covered by 49 CFR part 26 on thc hasis ofracc. cobr. scx- or natirnal origin. In administering ils DBE pmgran! rhe Cily ofClarksvillc, Clarksville Transil Syslcm will not. dir€clly or through contractual or other urrangernents. use crileria or mcthods of adrninistrat nrn thnl havc lhc effclt ofdefcatinS or subslantially impairing accomplishmcnt ofthc objcrtivcs of thc DBH program with resp(rt to individuals ofa panicular racc. color, se& or national origrn. Sectio[ 26.1I Record Kecphg Rcqulrrments L"@!cytre!!r_26.! !E) City ol Clarksvillc, Clalksvillc Transit S)a em will rqna DBE paniciparion lo thc relevant operating administration FfA using the (Jnitbrm Rcpon ofDBE Awads or Commitments 8 l Paymenls. fbund in App€ndix B to lhe DBE regulation. Bidders List_l "?6-1,!19) 'fhe City ol Clarksviltq Clarlcvillc Transh Systsn will create a biddcrs list, @nsistinS ol' inforrnation aboul all DBE and rKrn-DBE finns thai bid or qrDleon DoT-assisted contrads. The purpose ofthis requirement is to allo\ir use oflhe bidders' list appmach ro calculating ov(rdll goals. The bidd6 lisl will include the name, address. DBE non-DBts status. age, and annual tiross receipts of firms. Wc willcollcct this inft,rmation in thc followrnS ways: will crcatc a biddcrs list. consislinS ofall DBE snd non DBE firms rhat bil or quile on Dol-assisted contrarls. fhe purpose oflhis roquirement is Io allow use oflhe bidders' lisl appmach to calculating overall goals. Wc will c.llect this informatbn from all ac:tual vendors who cilhcr rErfi.)rm work or wlx) seek k) do busine$ wilh u.s. Prime mntractors will be asked to pmvile intbrmation for all sub-contrdctors. The City ofClarksville. Clarksville Transit Srstem Scctlon 26.1J Assura[ces Ciy ofClarlsvillc. Clarksville Transit Sysrem has si8ncd lhe folhwing assurances, applicable to all DoT-assisted contracls and thcir administ.ation: F_ederal Finqncial Assi -26.I3(a) City ofClarksville. Clarksvillc Transit Slsiem shall rrcl discriminalc on thc basis ofracc. color. national origin. or sex in the award and peribmnncc ol any DOT assisted contract or in thc administratfun ofits DBE Progriun or the ruluiremq s of ,19 CFR pan 26. Thc rcripica[ shall take all necqisary ard reasonable sleps uder 49 CFR part 26 to ensure oondisfiimination in ihe award and adminislration ofDOT a.ssistql cuntmds. The City ofClarksville, Clarksvillc 'lransit S:/stem's DBE Progranr .s requied b),49 CFR part 26 and as appmved by DOT. rs incorporaled by referencc in this agreernenl. lmplementation ofthis program is a lcgalobligation and failure to csry out iis t6ms shall bc trcrlcd ds a violation oflhis lgreemcnt. Upon notification lo lhe City ofClarksville, Clarksvillc Transil Slaitcm ofits failure to carry out its appmved progranl thc Dcpartnxint may impos€ sanclion as providod for und6 part 26 and may, in approprintc cases, retirr thc matter for enforccrrrrt undcr I 8 U.S.C. I00l aryyor lhc Program Fraud Civil Remedic's Acl of 1986 (31 tl.S.('. lEol ?r xeq.). 'Ihis languagc will appear in Iinlncial assistance agrcc-rnmts with sub-recipients. epa&et1suelcc: 26.11b we will ensure that the following clause is placed in c\'€ry DoT-assisted contrad and subconl ract: 'Ihc contrador. sutlr@ipient. oa sub(x)ntmdor shall not discriminale on the basis ofracc, (l)lor. national origin. or sex in the p€rformance ofthis contrscl. The contraclor shall carry out applicable requiremenls of49 CFR pan 26 in thc awatd and adminislration ofDOT assistcd contracls. Failure by lhc q)ntraclor to qrrry out lhese requircments is a nElerial breach ofthls conlract. \rhich may rcsuh in lhe termination ofthis contraq or such other rcanedy 4s tht recipient dc'cnls appropriole. SUBPART B _ ADMINISTRATIVE REQI.'IREMENTS Sectlon 26,21 DBE Prog.]n Upd.te3 Since the City ofClarksvillq Clartsvillc TrarBil System has re'ccived a grant of$250,000 or more in FTA planning clpital. and or operating assistancc in a federal fiscal year we will conlinuc to carry out lhis pmgram unlil rll funds from frOT financial arsistancc have been cxpcndul. We will provide to DOT uJrdates represcntinS significant chMgcs in the program. Scction 26.25 DBE Lirisor Ollicer (DBELO) We have dcsignated lhc folhwing individual es our DBE Liaison Oflicer: Arthur Bing. Clarksville l ransil Sysiem. 4J0 Boillin Lane. Clarksville. Ienncssee J7M0. Teleptrnc: (931) 553-2410. Email: [email protected] In that capacily. the DBELO is resfxrrlsible for implernenting allaspccts ofthc DBE prugrdm arxl ensuring thal thc Cily ofClarkvillc. Clarksville Trsnsil S)stcm complics with all provision 49 Ct'R Pa( 26. The DBELO has direa. independent acc6s lo the Director, Jimmy Smith of conceming DBE pmgram matlers. An orSanizark n chafl displaying the DBELO's position in lhc organiz.tion is found in Atlachnc'it to this pro8lal'! The DBEI-O is r€qnnsible for devehping. implemenling and rmnitoring thc DBE prugram in coordination wilh othcr appropriatc officials. The DBELO has a staffof 2 assislants lo a-ssisl in the administr.tion ofthc pmgram. The dutics and reqrnsibililies includc the follo\r ins: l. (;ath!'rs l. and rcporls statisticaldala and olher infonnation as r€quired by fr)l. Reric*'s third pany contracls and purchrse requisilions for compliance with lhis l. [i)rts proSr"am- wiih all dg,artmcnls lo s€l ov6all amual goals 4. Flnsures thal bid noliccs afld requesls for proposals arE available !o DBES in a limely manner. 5. ldcnlilies codtracls and proc$emcnts so thal DBE goals a.e included in solicilations (both mcc" ncltral mahods and contracl spccilic gmls altainmc1lt and identifics *ay3 lo impm\'c proIrl"is. 6. Analt?-6 Cily ofClarksville. wsys ro impmve progrcrs. Clarkvillc Tramit Systern's progrcss toward altammcnt and idcnlifi6 7 Panicipalcs in prc-bid mcctinSs 8. Mvises lhc CEo\govcming body on DBE malt€rs and achicvcmcnr. 9. Chairs thc DDE Advis('ry Com,ni(ce10. PanicipatLs in prc-bid I L ll m.ltinfs. Pmvidca DBE! wilh informalion and assistance in Freparing bids. obtaining bonding and Plans and paaicrpates rn DBF rrarnrn8 seminars I3. Cenifie\ l)llEs according to the crilqia s€l by DOT and acts as fiaison to the Unilbrm Ccrlification Procss in Tcnncssec. 14. Provides oulr.ach to DBF-S and communily Ggrnizelions to advise them l5 Mainlains thc City DBEs. Secrlon 26.27 DBll ll of( larkslillc. ClarksvrIle I-ransir Systc.rn ofopponuniti(5. s updaled directory on certified Fir..chl lnstitutiohj policy ofthe City ofClarksville. Clarksvillc Trarlsit Srstem to inv€$igate the full exlent ol'services olTcrcd by financial institutions owned and contmlled by socially and curnomically disadva aged individuals in the community, to rnake reasonable efForts io use thcsc inniutions. and to enmurage prime contractors on DoT-assisted c{,ntract to make use ofthese institutions. wc have made lhe bllowing efforts lo identiry and usc such inslitutions thmugh a sesrch oflhe Tcnnessee UCP DBE direcrory maintained by lhe Teonessee Depanrhent ofTransportalion. Thc City ofCla.ksville. Clartsville Transit System will re-evaluate the availability of DBE financial insl itutions every year. is lhe Inforrmtion on the availability ofsuch inslitutions can be obtained from the DBE Liaison Officer. Sccllon 26.29 Pronpt Prym.Dt Mech.nl3ms Lq'.D!!-qsc!!2q2ga) Thc Ciry ofClarksville. Clarksville Transir System will includc rhe fullolring clausc in cach DoT-assisted primc crnlmrl: Thc prirne q)ntractor agrees to pay cach subc{rntractor urxier lhis prime contrad tbr srtisfactory pcrlb.mance of its contmct rx) later than lhirty (30) da)s iom the rec_cipt ofeach paymcnt thc primc contract rccciv€s from City ofClarksville. Cla*svillc Transit Systern_ Any dclay or fx)(Jx)nemenl ofpayment the atbve aeferorced timc frame may occur only for good csnsc lbllowing *ritter app.oval oflhc Clty ofClarksville. Cliuksville Transit SFtem. This clause applies to both DBE and non-DBE subcontmcls. Balsinaec: 20.?90) Thc prime slnlractor aSre€s lo return retain!8e pa).mcnts to cach sutrcontraclor u'i(hin thiriy (J0) days aflerthc subcontractonr work is salisfacbrily complacd. Any dclay or postponement of payment ,itm the atnve refermccd time liamc may occur only fbr good causc following written approvalofthc C y ofClarksvillc. Clarksvillc Trarrsit Systcm. This clausc applics to both DBE arxl non-frBFl suhcontiicts iv"ni!q!!s at|!l-E!-&rce!!c!!-5"?9ld) l hc City ofClarksville. Clarksvillc Transit System .'srablished a n[nitorinS and ml'orcemer|t mechanism lo veriry that ihc n()rk commitled to DBES at contmct award was itclually perfi)nned by the DBEs. This mechanism pnrvides a running tally ofiicrual DBE atlainrncnts and includcs a prcvision ensuring that DBI! pa icipation is creditcd towad overall or oontrad Soals only wtEn paymcnts are actually made lo DBE firrns. Thc CTS DBE Pmgram Liarson preliotrsly me.nlloned in this prograr[ would bc the mechanism pmvided lirr thc nx)nitoring and cnforcemcnt. Setion 26.31 Dirccion, 'Ihc City ofClarksville, Clarksvillc Transit Syslern mainrains a dircdory idcntilying all firms eligible to participate as DBES. The directory lists the lirm's name. address. ptnne number, datc ofthe tmsl rarent certification, and ihe tvDc ofwork thc firm has been cerlificd to peribrm as a DBE. \,lre revisc the Dircctory annually. Wc rnake thc Directory available at thc Clarksville Tnnsit Slstcnr 430 Boillin Lane Clarksvillc. Teonessrx. The link to the directory is: ht tp: //w1v\v. tdot. uvdb€d irecl intcmr:l / Scclion 26.3-1 Ove.coDcer tr.tlon City ofClarksvillc. Clarksville Transrt Syslem has nol ldentified thnt overc{ncmtration cx6ts thc t,?qs ofwork that DBES psrform Wo will rc-evaluate lbr ovcrooncentration cvery ycar. Scction 26.-15 Burine.s llevelopmcni Prcgnms Thc City ofClarksville, Clarksville Transil S,.stem has nol established a busincss developmenl prograh. Wc will re-cvaluate lhe need for such a prcgmm cvcry ycar. Sectioo 26J7 Monitoring.nd Enforccm.nt ltlG.h.!iuDs The City ofClarksville, Clarksvillc Tra$it Systcm will takc the folkrwing monitoring and cnlbrcemenl mechanisms to ensurc compliance *,ith 49 CFR pan 16. rn ofl ransportalion any falsc. Faudulent. or dishonest conducl in con ccl ion with the p()Btanl. so that DOT can lrke the steps (c.8.. retaTral to lhc Deparlment ofJuslicc lbr oiminal prosecution, relcrral to thc DOT Inspector General, aclion urdcr su-spcnsion and dcharment or Pmgrarn Fraud and Civil Pcnahies rulcs) providcd in L we will bring k) 26. the altenlbn ofthe D!?aflment t09 2. Wc will considcr similar action under our own legol authorities, including responsibility delcrminations in firture conlraos- Attachment lists thc regulation. provisions, and conracl rcrncrlics availablc lo us in thc cvents ofrmn-compliancc with thc DBE regulation by a participant in our lEocurcrnenl activilics. we will also provide a nnnitoring and cnfbrcelnent mqlhanism lo vcriry that work committcd to DBES d contract award is aclually pglbrmed by lhe DBE'S. This will be accomplished by 3. l-hc City ofClarksville. Clarksville Transit System will conducl compliance tct ic\r s and sitc visit on each contract/projes on which DBF's are participating in. Complia.ce rcviews may include a check ol'the identity and DBE status ofcontractors on-sitc (]Il the datc ol'a siie visit; intcn'ieNs ofthc prime contEctor's sitc supc.rintendmt and on-sitc supcrvisors ofsubcontmclors Jrcrlirrming work on the dole oli site visit and review ofother intbrmation and documcntation dccmed relevant lo such compliance revicw. The findings ofthe compliance reviews shall bc rcfxrrtcd in writing and thc wriltLn repon shall ide.tify lhc sources ol'infonnation nnd docurnentalion rcvicwed and rclicd upon in making sprcitic firdings. 4. Wc will kecp a running tally of aflual payments to DBE lirms tbr work mmmitt(i to ihem al Section 26.39 Smrll Buiincsr Paiiicip.tion Thc City ofClarksvillq Clarksville Transit Sysem h&s incorporated the folbwin8 non- disqiminatory clement to its DBE program, in order k) facilitate competitiofl on DoT-assisled public works pn jeds by small business concems (both DBES ar non-DBE small businesscs): The City ofClarksville. Clarksville Transit system (CTs) has esrablishcd a Small Business Participation program in acc'ordance wilh regulations oflhc U.S. t cpartrnent ofTransponalion (DoT),49 CfR Part 26. Thc Clarksvillc Transil syslcm has receivcd Fcdeial tinancial assistancc li'om thc Depanfircnt of Tran-spnarion- and as a condition ofreccilin8 this assislancc. the C'l S has siSned an assurance that il will comply \rith 49 CFR Parl 26. Thc CTS willcxe'rcise diligence and sensitivity to ensure thal opfnltunities to small businesscs for doing business with CTs are equivalcnt to thosc pmvided to th)sc mlities which are not small and minority_owncd. It is lhc policy ol thc CtS to crl5ure that Srnall Busincss s. as defincd in Part 26. hal'c an cqual oppo(unity lo receive and panicipate in lx)T-assisted (irntra(,s. Il is also ihe CIs s policy: . To ensure nondiscrimiralion in the award and odininistration ofDOT essistcd contmcls; . 'li) create a lcvcl playing hcld on which Small Busincsscs cln compete tairly for DOT a-ssist€d contmcts: . ]i) erlsure that the Srnall Business participatbn . . is nalrowly laibred in aclordance with applicable law; To ensure thal only firms lhat lirlly meet eligibility standords are pennittql to padicipalc as Small Business's: and -Io help rernve barriers t{l lhc lanicipation ofsmall Btlsinesses in DOT a\sisled c{rntnEts A. Mission To expand relationships and enrich economic opponunities for small businesses, including, mixrrity and women{\ nod business cnteryrises with thc Clarksvillc Transit Stslcm B. Corhmitment To devclop rclationships and incrcasc our business prnicipation wilh small, including minorily and wonrcn-owned busincss eitcrprisL's in a fiscally responsiblc manner C. Objectives In an eflbrt to implement lhe srnall busin€ss p.ogaml lhe CTS shall pursue the folhwing objcctivcs: a) To establish i race-neutral small business pmglam lilr primc contEcts und6 s 100-000.00. b) To easure in multi-year dqiign-build mntlacts or other largc contmcts k) rquiring hidders on thc prime contracls lo specili elcmenls ofthc contract or specific subcontracls that are considg srnall busincsses. includinli DBE'S, can rc-a-$nably perform- c) To enswe on primc oontracts not t|avmg contract goals, (4uiring the pnme contractor t() provide subcontracting opgrnunities ofa sizt thal small businesses, including DBES, can rcasonably perfunn rather than self-performing all thc work involved. d) To ide iry alcrnatilc acquisition slrateSics and struar,ring procurernents to facilitalc rhc ability ofcorsortia orjoint vcntures consisting ofsmall busine;scs. including DBEs. to cr)rnpcte for ard perform paimc contmcts. c) To ensure thc ptojected goal is ma thmugh race-neulral mc&sures, eirsuring lhat a reasonable number ofprimc conlracts are ol a siz-e that sr|all businesses. including DBES can reasonablY pcrfornl StiBPAR I(― GOAlS.(:000 FAITH EFFORTS.ヽ ヽD COliヽ T:ヽ C Scction 26 43 Scrasidcs Or QuotaS Thc City ofClarksville, Clarksvillc Transit System docs not use qtx)tas in any way in lhe administration ol'this DBE prog^am. Sectior 26.,15 (rverrll ln accordarcc with Secll()n 26.45. thc City ofClarksvillc. Cla*sville Trarlsrt Sysl€rn will submit its triennial ove.all DBE goal to FIA by Augusr l< olthc year spcrified by FTA. DBE Gmup B. DBE l year goal submission is due on or before August l. 2014 'fhc City ofClarksvillc, Cla.ksville Transit System will slso requcst rrs€ ofpmject-spc\:itic DBF: goals as appropriate. and/or will cstablish project- specilic DBE goals as dircctcd b], I:fA. Thc proccss gcnerally usal by City ofClarksville, Clarksville Transit System ro establish overall DBE goals is as folkrrvs: Thc goal will bc dcrEmincd by lookiog al thc pcrcentagc ofthc rcvcnuc spcnt in a fiscal year, thc percc,ntage charge(l to F-fA dollals. the availability ofDBEs in cach purch&\ing catcgory, and proraled considcring lhc anticipatcd purcha$cs for thc lblbw fiscal ycars. Method: St(p One Begin goal setting piocqss by de(ermrning a base figurc for the relalive availability ol-DBEs. Usc DBE Dircclorics and Ccnsus Bu.@u Data. Dctemine thc numbo-ofready. *,ill and able DBEs in lour markct fiom the DBE directory. Ls thc Census Bureau s County Business Pattefn of all ready, willing and able businessei available in thc market that pgrform work in thc samc SIC mdes. Divide the number ofDBEs hy the numher ofall husinessL\ to derivc a base figure for lhe relativc availahility ofDBEs in lhe ntarket. Stcp 2: allofthe evidc"nce available in thc lo determine what sdjuslrneni. ifany is nerded to lhe hase figurc in ordcr lo amve ct Juridiction thc ovcrall goal. C)ncc the calculated base figure I coftplete. cxamine Beforc cslsblishing the ovctall goal cach ycar. thc City of Clarkville. Clarksville Transit Slstcm will consuh u ith the Montgomer]' County Clcrk's Oflicc. Clarksville Chamher ofComm6cc. Tennessee Department ofTraisportation, Tcrnessee Small Businqss Adminislration. thc Ilispanic Organizatkrn for Progres and Educatiorl thc Minority Business Directory committc{ k) ohtain inlbrmation concerning thc availability ofdisadvanragcd and nonJisdvanlagql husincsscs, the cffccls of discrimination on oppftunitius for DBEs. and lhe City ofClarksville. Clarksville Transit System eflbrts Io establish a level playing field tirr the participation ofDBEs. !-ollowing this consultatbn we*illpublisha notice ofthe pn,fmscd overallgoals, informing thc public that the prolnsed goal and its rational are alailablc for insFrection during nonnal business hours at your principal office for l0 dals followiog thc datc ofthc noticc, ard informing the public that you and I)Of will accept comments on the goals fo. 45 days from the date ofthe noticc. Thc notice will bc publishcrl in thc local ne*'spapersl Thc LcafChroniclc and El Cruceto. Normally, wc $,ill issuc lhis noticc by June I or esch ycar. The rx)ticr: will includc addreises to which commeols rray be sent and addresses (including offices and websites) wherc thc propos.l may bc revicwed. Our overall goal submission to DO t will include: thc goal (including the brcakout ofc'slimated racc- neutral and mcc-conslious panicipali(trr as approFialc): a q)py ofthe mctludohrgy. worksheas. etc., us€d lo d€r,,elop lhe goal a summar),of information ard comments rc{eived during this public panicipation proq:ss and our reslnnscs: and prrrrfofpuhlication ofthc goal in mcdia outlets listed ,tx)vc. Wc will begin using our overall goal on Octob!, I ofthc specific{ year, tmlcss wc luvc receivul olhcr instructions fmm DOT. lfwe establish a goal on s pmject b&sis. vre will bcgin using ow goal by thc time oflhe first s.licitathn for a Dc)T-assisled c{rntract l-or th€ pmjcrt. Our goal will rcmain eff'ectivc for thc duration ofthc threc-ycar perinl cstablishcd ard approvcd hy FfA. Seclion 26.47 Go.l Sctthg ltrd Accouot.bility lfthc awards and commhmeots sk)\r,n on Cil), ofClarksville. Clarksville Trarlsit Systcm Uniform RefDrt ofAwards or Commitments and Payncnts at thc cnd ofany tiscal ycar arc less than the overall applicahle to that iiscal year. wc L Analfzc will: in dc(ail thc reason for thc differcncc bc{wccn the ovcrall goal and thc actual awardvmmmitmmts: 2. Estahlish specific slsps and mileslones to <r.rn.:ct thc problems idcntified in thc analysis: and .1. Suhmil thc plan to FIA within g0 da)s ofthc end oflhe affectol fiscal ycar. Section 26.49 Trinill Vehlcle 'fhc City ofClarksville. Clarkvillc Transit System will require each transit vchicle manufacturcr, as a condition ofbcing authorized to bid or proF)sc on FTA-ir-qsistql trarrsit 1'ehicle procurements. lo certiry thal it has complied with rhe requ[ements ofthis sectionAhcrnativcly, the Cily ofCla svillc, Clarksvillc Transit Systern may. at its discrction and with FI A approval. cstablish projecr'spccific goals for DBF. pa.rticipaliln in the pmcurement of transit vehicles in licu ofthe TvM cl)mplying $ith lhis element oflhe progrnm. Sectlor 26.51 Meethg Ovenll'Contr.ct hc Cit-v ofClffks!ille. Clarksville Trarlsit system will mea the rvrximum feasible ponion of its orcrall goal using racc-ncutml mcans of facilitding DBE panicipalion. ln order l() do so. City (,f Clarksville. Clarksville Transit Syslem wi,l look to DBIi husinessqi lo be prime q)ntaactors. l Thc City ofclarksville. Clarksville Transit Slstem *ill use cantract Eoals lo mecl any portion ol' rhc ovcrall goal the City ofClalksyille. Clarksville Transit System docli not projL'ct being able k' mc\t rrsing race-neutral means. Contmcl goals are eslablished so lhat. over the priod to which lhc overall goals applies, thcy will cumulalively i€suh in meeting any portion ofour overall Soal that is not projccted to be ma thmugi the usc ofrac€-nculral rrcans. Wc will establish contEct goals only on ltlose DoT-a\sisted contla(1s that have sutrconlracting possibilities. Wc need not cstahlish a c-ontmc't goal on evcry such contracl and tho size of conlrocl goals will be adapted to (he cLcumstances ofsrch such conlmcl (e.9. l)?c and localion of s'orlc availability of DBEs lo pcrform lhc panicular r$rc ofwork). We will express our Seciion 26.53 Cood conrad goals as a pcrcclllage ofkrlal amounl o[a DoT-&ssistql @ntrac1. F.ith f,ffon! Proc.dure3 At _0ld_!-fgqllrlelstSlh_LDBgcontract Gool: 26.531 c-) ln those instanccs whcre a c{rntract-specific DBE goal is included in a procuremcnt/solicitation. thc City ofClarksville. Clarksville Transit System will rx)t award thc contmct lo a bidder \a,tn doqt rx)t either: ( l) meel thc entract goal with verifiql. counrable DBE paflicipation: or (?) documeots it has made adequate good faith cflons to mcet th€ DBE mntrad gool, cven though it was unable to do so. lt is thc ohligation oflhe bidder lo d!.rmnstralc it ha( madc sufficient g(xxl faith cfforts prior to submission ofits brrl Evir,lustioaqf_Qrxr{Eal[E frrrlet 2!l3b) & 1!) The ft,llowing peromel arc rc'sponsible for dc{finining whether a hidder/offemr wlrt has not rhct the contract goal has docuriented sumcient good faith effons lo bc regarded as responsive. l'hc pmcrss used to ddermine whether gorrd faith eli'()rts have been made by biddcr has mel thc minimum DBE pe.centage stated in the solicitatirl. a biddcr is ifthc Wc will ensurc that all infonnaliJn is complele and accumtc ard adcquately documents the bidder,'ofler's good laith efli)'ts before wc mmmit to thc pcrfonnancc ofthc contmct by thc hiddcr/offenrr. LLlbIn1.?Iion lo hc Submiled: 26.53(b) ( ily ofClarksville. Clarksville Transit Systcm treats biddff/offcrs' ormpliancc with good (l'li!ns requitemcnls as a rnat lcr o f resFins ivcness. l'aith Each solicitstion for which { c.ntract goal has been established will rcquirc lhe bidders/offrfors to submil lhc following information: . . o . . . Thc namcs and addrcsscs ofDBE firms that will participale in thc contracii A dcscription oflhe worl that e3ch DBE will f'crform; Thc dollar arnouat ofthe panicipation ofcach DBE firm pa(icipatin8; Wrilten and signed documentatiofl ofcommitmenl to u-se a DBE subcontmdor whose panicipation it submits lo rne€l a {rntracl goal: writl.n and signed conlirmation fmm the DBE that rt is parricipating in the contracr as providcd in the primc mntractors commitment and lf the c.nlrad goal is not met, evdence of good faith effo(s. Adeu!str4iy9tr999!sdcr!!ion: 26.53(d) Within filtc-cn ( l5) days ofbeing informed by ('ity ofClarksville. Clarksvi,le Transit Sysrcm thal it is not rsifnnsive b€cause i has not documentcd sufficient good hith ellorts. a bidder/offeror may requcst administrative reconsiderallon. Bidder/otlemrs should make lhis requesl in wriling to the following reconsidcration official: Jimmy Smith 430 Boillin Lanc, Clarksville, Tcnncssec 37040, (931) 551-2430. jimmy.smilh@:cillofclarksville.conr. The recorlsidcration official will not have played s,ly role in the original daermination lhat the bidder/ofTeror did not documcnt sulncient gu)d faith efFons. As part ofthis rqronsideration the biddcr/offerr)r willhavc thc opF)rtunity to provide wrilrfi docurientation or arguricytt (x)nceirling tlrc issuc ofwhcthc it met thc gorl or made adequate good failh ctlbrts to do so. Thc biddcr/offcror will havc thc opportunity ro mcet in person with our reconsidfiation olficial to discuss the issue ofwhethcr it met the goal or made adequate good faith etlorts lo do. W6 will scnd thc biddcr/olfcror a written dcckion on rcconsidcration. explaining the bask for finding thai the hiddcr did ordid nor rneet lhe goalor make adequarc good 6ilh eft rls to do so. The result ofthe reconsideiation proc€ss is nol administratively appe3lablc lo the Depanmcnt ofTranspiralion. Good Faiti Eflorts when a DBE is Termin6tcd/Replac€d-o.n a Contract with Contr.ct 26.53(O GoaLs_: City ofClarksville. Clarksville Tiansit S)stem requires that prime contmctors not terminstc a DBE subc{'ntractor lined on a bilcontrnct with a DBE oontract goal without Cily ofclarksville Clarksvillc Transit Syslem's prbr wrirten consent. prior writtm consent will only be pmvidcd where thcrc is 'good causc" for tqmination ofthe DBE firrrr. as c.stablishcd by Section 26.53(fIl) oi the DBE rcCularion. Before transmitting lo Cily ofClad(sville. Clarksville Trarlsil Sldcm ils requcsl to teminatc. lhe prime contractor rlnlst givc notice in writinS lo thc DBE of irs intent to do so. A copy oflhis notice must he pmvided to Cily ofclarksvillc, Clarksvillc Transil Syslem prior to consideration ofthe request to rerminale. 'fhe DBE !rill then have five (5) dayi lo respond and advise the City ofClarksvillc. Clarksvillc Trar$it S,.slcm ofwhy it objecls to thc ploF)scd lermination. in lhose inslanccs where "good cause' exists to tqtninate a DBE'S qrntract. the City of Clarksvillc. Clarksville TraBit S)lslem will requirc the primc contrsclor to nule good t'aith effo(s to replacc a DBE that is terminatcd or has othcrwise farlcd to complcic its work on a mnlracl wilh aiother cerrificd DBE, kr lhc cxtent ncldod lo meet the oontract goal. We $ill rcluire the prime cont.acror to notiry the DBE t-iaisnn ofriccr immediately o f thc DBE's inahilily or unr*illingness lo p€rform and provdc reasonablc documcntation. ln this situation, we will require the prime contmctorto oblain ol,r prior apprcval ol the substitutc DBE and to Fovide copies ofnew or arnended subcontmcls, or documcntation ofgood faith effons. lflhe contructor fails or rcfuses to cornply in the time specili(d. our conlracling ofiice an ordcr stopping all or pan ofpaymenl.'work until satisfaclory actbn has bcen laken. c{rntraclor slill fails to proceeding. omply. the contrading officer may will issue Iflhc issuc a ta'rmination for dcfault Sartrlc-Bdllcqie4la!: Thc rcquircmcnts of49 CFR Psrt 26. Rcgulation$ ofthc U.S. Dcpartrncnt ofTrsnsponatior\ apply to this contract. lt is lhe policy ol the City of Cla*svillc. Clarl6villc Transit System to practice nondiscrimirution basod on racc. qllor. se( or nalional origin in thc award or Irrformancc ofthis contract. All firms qualirying lrnder this solicitation ,Ic cncouraged to suhmit bidvproposals. Award ofthis qrnract will be c{)ndilioned upon salisiring the requiremcnts ofthis bid specification. 'l hesc rcquirements apply to all bidd€ayoflcmrs. includinS tkrsc wfio qualiry as a DBE. A DBE contracl goal of 1 percent has been cstnblished for this (-ntrad. Thc bidd€r/offerur shall malc good faith cffons. as defined in Appcndii A. 49 CFR Part 26 (Attachrnent I ). to mcd tlte contract goal for DBE participatkrn in the pcrformance of this contrac.t. 'I he biddcr/ofieror will (l ) the narnes ard be required to submit thc tbllowing intbrmation: addresses ofDBE firms that will participstc in thc contract; (2) a description oflhc work that cach DBE firm will perlirrm: (3) the dollar armunt ol the parlicipation oferch DBE tirm pa icipating: (4) Wrillcn documentation ofthe bidder/offcror's commitment to usc a DBE sutrcontmctor whosc porlicipation it submits to mcct thc co rad goal; (5) Writtcn c.onlirmation fiom the DBE lhat it iJ padicipating in thc contract iN pruvided in thc commilmmt rnadc und6 (4): and (5) ifthe mnlract lioal is nol met. evidcncc ofSood faith clforls. section 26,55 ( ountlng DBE P.niciprlior Wc will c.unt DBE panicipatlon toward overall and conlracl goals as provided in.l9 CFR 26.55. SUBPARTS D & E- CERTIFICATIOI\ Sectl,on 26.E1 Urificd Ce ificlaion Progrrms Ttrc City ofClsrks{ille. Clirksville Transit System is thc rrembcr ol a Unified Ccrtitication Pro&'am (UCP) administered by Tennessc- Depaitmenl ofTransfronalion. The tlCP !vill mcfl all oflhe requirements ofthis scction. Thc City ofClark$villc. Clarksville Transit Systcm will usc ard count lbr DBE credil only thosc DBE firms cc ilied by thc 'tcnnessee UCP. For firms intc.csted in bccoming ccrtificd. the C(y ofClarksvillc, Clarksvillc Transit Slslem will rctbr thcm to lhe l'enneisee Unified Cenificrlron Progran Ross H. Wcbb. Tenness€e Depanrrrnl of Trrnspo(ation, Suite 1800. Jarnes K. Polk Building 505 Deaderict Stre€t Nashville. TN 17243. Tele?hone No. 615-253- 1067. Ftr\ No. 615-741-3169. ]inl Frec No. 888-37G 16{7. Itoss [email protected]. \r1t'w.!!,ao!G!)l crril-rjgh$- SUBPART F _ COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT Seclion 26.10.1 lnform.dotr, Corlid.ntl.lirt-. Cooperrtion Wc will safeguard from disclose to thid parties infonnltion rhat may reasonahly bc regarded as confidentialhusiness information. consistcnl with Federol. st6tc.ond looal law. Notwithstanding any contrary provisbns ofstate or local lau,- we will not rclca\e pcrsonal finar*-ial inforrration submittcd in rqiFrns! lo the prf$nal nel worth roquiremcnt lo a third party (othcr lhan DOT) without thc writtm cnnsenl ofthc suhmiltcr. !4ll!!!!nsc-lqtr]1c!!slo DBES Wc will requirc prime coniraclors to maintain reaords and documcnls ofpaymcnts to DBEs fi)r thrcc yenrs firlbwing thc pcrforrnance ol thc contract. l hcse records will be made r\'ailablc ti)r inspection uF)n rcqucst by any aulho.i2cd reprcsentati!e ofthe C,ly ofCla.rksvillc. Clarkslillc Transir Syilem or DOT. This reJnnins roquiremert also extcnds to any suhcontractor. ccnifiul DBE will revicw pa),me DBE subcootractors to ensure that thc aclual amount paid to DBE sub!:ontractors cquals or cxcccds the dollar armunts s(atcs in the schedule ofDBE paniciprtion. wc will pcrform inlerim audiis ofcontmct payments to DBES. The audh s to Section 26.83-26.91 Procoduroe fot Certlflcallon oecisions Crty of Clarksville, Clarksville Transit System will follow the certification processes of Subparl E of Part 26 to determine the eligibility of to parlicipale as DBES in DoT-assisted conlracts A copy of the Tennessee UCP cerlificalion procedures ancyor UCP program is included in and/oi rs available at: httpr//,t For informalon about the certilicalion process or to apply for certification, firms should contact: Any firm or complainant may appeal a lstale UCP'S] decision in a certificalion matter to OOT Such appeals may be sent to: U.S. Department of Transportation office of Civil Rights Certitication Appeals Branch 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE West Building, 7lh Floor Washington, D.C. 20590 we will promptly implement any DOT certification appeal decisions a{fecting the eliSibility of DgEs for our DOT-assisted contracting (e.8., (errify a firm if DOT has determined that ourdenialof its rpplication ヽ llヽ (‖ ヽlI:ヽ 1ヽ Attachmcnt 1 0gan口 bttl Chart Attachalcnt 2:DBE Dlrccloり Attachmcnt 3:Monlormg and Enfo… nt Mechanlsms/Lcgal Rcrnedics Attachmcnt 4:Goal Sctting Mcthodology Attachmcnt 51 Cotld Faith E「 Attachmcnt 6:DBE Rcgulatlon,49 CFR Part 26 Attachmcn1 7:Tulnsゝ 澪 Unirol“ Ic“ irlc・ntion PЮ gram(TNUCP) orts Fo,中 is \tlrchmcnl I ()rysnizrtional Ch.ri ● ",… ● ー "― l "艤 m ‐ ● ●● 騎, ― "● …・ ・・ " i… … ― … ■ ,‐―dm ■3 … ・ … "“ … … =… … Ⅲ … ‐ ´ … 〔 ― -… 崚 ,,\ttochmcnt: DBE Dircctory \,vchsiic Up:i &:E!.1do!.$4!-l[!94@]Iq lintel!c! Altachnlcnl:l [lonitoring.nd Etrforcemani Mcchrnirm/lrgal Remedles The Cily ofClalksville, Clarksvillc Trarlsit System statlrbnitors the peforrEnce ofwork lo bc performed by the DBE firms on all fcdeal aid f,mjccts. Il is uhimately the rcsponsibility of(hc Prime Conlracto.lo ensurc that the DBE firm is p€rforming a Commcrcially Useful Fuoclion (CUF). Thc City of Cla*sville. Clarksville Transil S).stern will review all elements ofwo* to be performed, including supervision ofemployee, paymll and equipment uscd by lhc DBE firm. Contraclors, DBES, and all cmployees are requiied ro c(rp€rate with the Cily ofClaiksville. Clarksvillc'Iransit SFtem personnel conducting investigations. The City ofClarksville, Clarksville T.ansil System will bring to the atlcntion ofthe T.nncsscc Department ofTraJlsportstion (TDOT) any false. Iiaudulent. or dishonest conduct in conn€:cli)n with the prograrq so thal TDOT can lake pmp6 ncps. Thc City ofClarksville. Clarksville Transit Systcm will also ulnsidcr similar aclion under ourown legal authorities, including responsibility d€rerminations in future contmcts. ln addition. thc firdralgovemment ltas available several mforcemmt nrechanisms lhat il rnay apply to lirms participating in the DBE pmblcm, including, but rnt limited ro, thc following: L Susfrcnsion or dcbarmcnt proceedings pursuant to 49 CFR pafl 26 2- Enforccmcnt action punuant to 49 CFR pan J. P.osoculion pursu&t to l8 USC 1001. 3l ,\ttrchnrtni il Section 26.45: Ov€rill Gorl C.lcuLtion Amount ofGorl L The City ofClarksvillc. Clarksville Traisit Systcm's overall goal for th6 folhwing time perkrd 201 2 -2{) 14 is the following: I o/. olthe Fedcal financial assistance we will cxpcrd in DOTassisted contracts. 2. 5652.160.00 is the dollar armuot ofDoT-assisred contracts that ihe City ofClarksville, Clarksville TraNit Syslcm cxpecls to award durinS FFY20I2 - 2014. This rncans lhar lhe City ol' Clarksvillc. Clarksville Transit Syslem has set a goalofcxpending 565,216.00 wilh DBEs during the fiscal years. M.tbodolof!', us€d to C.lculrte Over.ll Co.l Stcp l: 26.45(c) Dclcrminc the base fi8urc for thc rclarive availability ofDBEs. The base figure for the relative availabiliry of DBE's *as calculated as follows: Ready, willing, and ablc DBEi Thc Tc.rmqssee UCP ha-s 5 ccrtified DBEs in its TNUCP listing in our area that are available foa our anticipate oontracl awards. According to lhe Census Burcau's County Business Patt6ns. lhcre arc 480 busincsses in thc City ofClarksville, Clarksville Transil Syslem mark€t area willing to pmvide servicer in the SIC codes. Thcreft)rc, thc base goal for the City ofClarksville, Clarksvillc TraNit System is: Base fi8ure = 5 DBES / .A,ll firms rcady, 4t0 Businesses tbr a base goalof 19i,. willing and able The data source or dernonstmble evidenoc used !o d6ive the numerator wos: TNI.)CP listing The data source or dcrmnstrable cvidence used to de'ive the dcrnminator wa\: Clnsls Burcau's Countv Business Patt.rns When wc divided the numerator by lhc dcnominator we arrived at the base tigure lbr ouroverall goal and lhal numbcr w&s lyo Step 2: Aflcr calculating a basc figurc ofthc rclativc availability ofDBEs, evidence was examinql lo determine what adjustment was needcd lo thc base figure in order to arrive at thc ove,all goal. ln ()rder to rcllecl as accuralely as Frssiblc thc DBE panicipalion we would expect in thc abscncc of discrimination wc have dcl.rmined lhrl a l9; Race Neutral goal seenl^s l() br rc&sonable for lhc City ofClarksvillc. Clarksvillc Transit Systcm. Bascd on Cily ofChrksville. Clarksvillc Transil System knowledge ofthe contractin8 market in this orca, the base Soal will not bc adjusted. Public P.rticip.tion Wc publishcd our goal information in these puhlications: The LeafChronicle newspaper and thc Spanish publication El Crucero. Wc reccived no commenls from individuals or organizations: Seclloll 26.51: Brelkoul of Estimrled Racc.Neutr.l & Rice Consciour PanicipatioD Ciry ofClarksvillc. Cls.ksvillc Transi SFtem will mca thc maximum lcasible ponbn of its overallgoal by using race'neutral mearN offacilitating DBE panicipation. Thc Cily of Clarksville. Clarksville Tramit Systcm uses the ftrllowing racc'neutrdl means to incrcase DBE panicipation: Arranging solicitations. timcs for bid prcsentarion ofbids. quantitics. spccificaiions, schedules in ways lhal taciliiate partrcipation by DBES rnd othel snrall businesses and hy making contracts rmre accessible. Wc cstimate that, in mcsting ourovLrallSoal ol l70, we 1lillobtain l9/o liom race-ncutral parlicipatkn. Wc will maintain data separately on DBE achievcm.nts in contmcts with and without cont act Boals, respeclively. .\tlrchnrcnt 「 5 orm、 l よ 2 ror l)emonstration or(:0。 d Faith EfForts FORM l: DISADVANTACED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) UTILIZATION The undcysigned hidder/olTemr has sarisfied thc roquirements ol'the bid specilication in the fbllolving manncr (plcssc chcck thc appmpriatc space): - The bidder/offeror is conunilrcd to a minimum ofo,6 DBE ulilization on lhis contraci. The bidde/offeior (ifunable to mcct the DBE goalofTo) is u)mmi(cd lo a rninimum of 96 DBE utilization on this contract a submits docurncntalion dcrnonstratins Sood lirith - etlirns. )(anrc ol-hifticr/ollrror's lirm: Stirtc RcSrstrrlion \o. Signalurc Titlc F()Rヽ 12:LEl■ ER OF:ヽ TEヽ : Name of bidder/offeror's lirm: Addrcss: City: Srate: Zip: Namc ofDBE [inn: Addrcss: Cn\': Statc: Zip: 'I clcphone: Dcsc-ripion uf lork to be pcrformed by DBE firm: The bidder/offsor is committed to utilizing the abovc-named DBE firm for the work dcscribed above. The estimat€d dollar value oflhis work is S Amrmrtion The above-named DBE 6rm affirms lhat il will petform the po(ion ofthe contracl fur the cstimatcd dollar valuc as stated above. Si{nirlurc ltc lfthc hidder/offcror docs not reccive a$ard ofthc prime conlrrct. rny rnd sll rcpreicntations i.t this l,ctter of lntar|t rnd Amrmrtion shall be null rnd r'oid. lSuhrnit this pagc for each DBE subqnrtraclor.) R.guhtlonr: a9 CFn P.n 26 Panicipatbn by Disadvant.gcd Birsincss Assistalce Pograms: E crpdses in Dcportrn nt ofTrarl3porldbn Financiol hn!:/^r'l,i.a,x|.aol$qypks/CFR40!0.!tb4!:!o]l8t0Cf8:2OLq!{k{-9:vdlj!0d20{xlf Tmnessc€ t Inilicd Ceai6cat|on Pmglam' hl!!ll4 !r,!dot.$llc.!!Jgg!viI'riahllsaql'husbqlEld{'€spnlee$0.!d-f Tennessee Unifo:I:1 Certification Program M.rb.r A!..cht TENIIESSEE TNIT.oRM CERTIPICATION INOCRAM (Ir-t,cP) Th.nt you for your rntcrt'l in p.niciFring in th. TcnnciE Unifofin C.rtificsiim Pm8rrm {TNUCP) to bccomc r Disa&$u8.d Burincsr EntcrFile (DBEyAirpod Corrcssion Diildvlnllgcd Burincas Entcrpri3. (ACDRH). Our DBE oti.Etivc is to cnsuE thrt diladvrnhScd busin6s fiftrs have rhc muimum opponunity b Fnicipsre h DOT Y.troFllDn linr\rllc Cldleotr Ur',!pol .r tton l'6srrlb ('@i! Tlr TNUCP ir chargcd wirh thc rEsponsibilii, of crnrrying 6rEs for thc porpG. of n.inlainin8 r drl!b(r. of c.niticd DBFJ for ftc Un[.d Statc! D.p€nmdrl of Ttsn.pontion (U.S. DOT) gr! r|ccs in thc arltc of fc|nca!.!. Thb is pursu.,rt to thc Final Rule 49 Codc of Fcdazl Rcgubtions (CFR) P.n 26 thr! rrquirEs U.S. DOT Ecipicnts b tllc Fn in r slrtcvi(L unifoflr ccnificirion p.(Ecss. Ctatre& AE l.!'d.l TrlnJ,on{dr Authohrt ,.cts Tan\rr Srnrm A,Fn Aurtrnl! T.{tia C&rI$ compldc lhc att chd lpplicltion ifyou wish to bc corlidcrcd for DBf cci.lificarinn. ln ordcr lo aroid unn cls.s!ry d.l.ys. plcasc compldc ell fnnions of rhc Uoifoin Ccnificltioll AlDlr.tion lrd imludc all .o]i6 o[docuoctrl! ltqocdad on thc ln lddrtidt. thc Affi&vir ofc<iificdion r!|d rh. Fcflon.l fin ncial Srltcmcnt musl both h. no{..iad. rFlicltin. \uhn'r\ A4ur ( mB'Btrh 'll( I6n,t litrotr R$M{ I6pdi.r'dt ,rt{ Ur'!.ol Addiiioo.l &.utr|Gr|tltion tnry hc tlqu6l.d if it is conridcrld trcc.s.ssrr-, to mllc a ti(m. lncompldc .pplic.lims $ill nor ba Gvllualcd ufltil rll tlqucacd documoa.tion hr! b.m subrnir.d for rEricw. Wc hiShly rccomncnd firt )r)u l6.p a copy of all subu[cd documcn!. for your rEords. c.ttifr!6on dctcrmin It is rc lona.' ,|lccss.ry lo apDly for DBE cdrificnion !t norr dan onc ofllE mclnbcr !8cocics. lfyour firm mcds th. critcri! for c.nifEsti{h. it vill bc.ot€'!d in rh€ TNUCP deubosc. Only firms cuneuly c.niftcd rs cliSibl. DBES for rhcTNUCP may p.nicipare in lhc DBE FoSr.rn ofU.S. IX)T Sraotccs \rhhiD $c slatc of Tcnncas.c. 'lfic TNUCP is nor rrrluircd to Frlcdr ,n .pplrc.thn for ctniicalion liom r firln hrving its principl plac! of buriFas odsi& lhc sl'ic ot if th. firm isnot ccnifi.d in rti trnn slslc. lfthc lirm has its pftrcipol pLc. of hlsincss in anorhcr slarc and is cu.Gnrly c!.nified in rhrr srrtc. pl.asc conrrq $c Tdncslcc DcFnr6ll ofTransporistion. AiD(n A'rhdnt l<nEls lrus To pniciFlc in lhc TNUCP DtsI-IACDBE Fogrrm. plc's. s.rd th€ complcrcd rrplicllim and rll suppo.linS &rumcrtltion to thc lppropriltc rrcmb(r .Ecnc) listcd dl. follo$ing Xrirrqr &d rdlll S.n rr pa8e. on Iltc followiog mcrntrcr rg6c.3 FEcs DEE rppliorims. Plos for$'rd your coEptercd cenifrcrtion Fctet mc of th. lFilci! .crvinS thc lrE et'crc your fi.m hrs irs FirEip6t ptec of bolincss: ro lcnno資 呻 On "mcn1 0r TanOtta■ S熊 ‖ Bu● ness● 、cbpmmtい Mmphi、 s… :18n0088A■ 8R“ iG■ l TrampoⅢ t_ N● 贔●‖c Mdropolltan Tanlit Au¨ ■け′ RegimarrOn,ponat,On Autho■ ty IMiddlビ INl 430 Myatt C"vc N“ hvine,TN 37115 (615ヽ 80‐ 19,7 凸 vi!に m● rロ ty ^utho■ !r11フ w‖ 。 。スB卜● alatt」 lQ・ 8a.TN,7● い (423"2'14!! ,■ ∝ arla o‐ ― If r_ou 3Rl“・ 101: 下 (901),22‐ 1138 ww■ m二 !― ■■it… Ntth、 口i● ・ TN 3'243‐ 0■ 7 (888)37● 3647 (615),41‐ 3681 “ Autho■ ty ll,0:で,cc R∝ d K Polk Buildlng "m SuⅢ c:800,alll‐ 505Dで acnck Mcmphis Ara T口 ngil -翻 wirh to bc considcEd for ACDBT c.nific.tion, you $1I n6cd to cornplctc lhc Airpori ('orrc€ssion DBE ccnifrcstin appliclli,n McmphiVShclby Coun,Ai… 350S rchulahOma Ro3d Mmphヽ TN 381:R_27:8 (9011922‐ 0255 Fclrgc, *hich lrn bc acccilcd at: MctroPontan Nashvlne A10o"Au● onty "Au`ho"" ● eT― inal Dnvt Suite 50! Nashvilに TN 3,2144!14 (6!5)2,S‐ 162() _nv口 腱hvi!L com … Ch8ttan008a Mctm""tan AirpO● Autho■ ty lα )1人 inЮ ● R“ d Sunc!I Chatun00Ba・ TN 3,421 (42318SS_22!4 ― M“ Юpol13n Knoxvinc Al■かIt PO B。 KnoxvllL TN 3790!_SaXl (865)3423062 L Followtn8-ltt a… les輌 be ac― d ― Sm、 口旧 A● ド "AuthoHty_(6:SxS● 2651 For your● (731x23‐ 0995 'aCk30n AirpOlt A● “ J8CkSOn Trandt AuthO■ ty (73:X23112∞ ぐlattsγ illc T口 富1l S"cln― (932)553‐ 24∞ Kno■ vi110 Anョ T… dt 0● stol Tcnncs“ Transit― (423)旧 'SS19 MurFt・ thuro Ro■ cr Public Tmsit(61S,803‐ 6441 "Aral■ :― wwΨ ― tlor "COm tHnitthi com mklal‐ lt ― Coln w ndeilamm 、wvc"崎 tL越 ■lは ctlm (861)21S‐ ,830 ,ohn― Citv TEnsl■ (423X34.6269 Кingsp● F― www smv… Th Citics AirpOrt Colnmi輸 ―(423)325碑 IIty― Autho■ ty 、 │`“ X) nsitヽ "vicc― (123)22■ 26!3 W■ vloMaciM■ ― ■ =il o■ w理 ‐ bngOltn o" www murF― ntn"v ww ttn― rtl― Lole “ T.nn.sse. Unlform Ccrtilicrtion Proarrm CINUCP) Applic.tlon for Cstlri6tion rs . I)i..dv.nlrg.d Businers Etrtcrprise (I'BE) TNSTR UCTIONS AN D I N FO R M ATION Ptce-ic read iniruc,ions coanl.klv and thorouehh! rt.:. L ! ! A!!questi,cflsmusrbcars\r6d.Qucshonsthatdonorapplyroyourlirmshouldbcmarkd':,J'A.' 2. Alldo.umcnrs rcqulsrc{ on theCcnilicrton Chccktilr musr be prolrdcd. Mark "N/A" tor any items thar do IEI penain lo your company. l. Th€ Pellrrnrl l-in.ncirl Shlemenl mclosed musl he filled out in its cntirEly lcaving IO linc hlanl. This torm musl bc cornpletcd for (?ch DBE applicanr ed rhis forn rnust ti:.si8nd b! each DBH applicsnr in rhc prcscnce of 3 Noran Puhlic. .1. Ilrc Allidavir ofCdificalion must ti'signed by theprincipnlownc(s) in lhe prescnce Pl€r3€ not. thst fillur. ro complct. th. rpplic.aion ir lnnrudcd .hov. ! d.nlil of c.rtlfrrtlon rs r Dh.dvrntrA.d Butlltct! Ert.rprl.G. ofi Nolnry public. rtll dct.y pmc.tdni rnd mry t.tiult in !'or Your lofonnrtion L An on sirc inrenic{ will bc rEquircd for all in-srare applicanb. as pon of rhc ccnificalron r'r\\ccss. ii complete. rhis should occur wi$in m busin$s drys of rsceid ofrhe ceriification flackagc. Oncc rhc application 2. Addilional informrtion may be rcquirc.d durinS lhe prccessing information will causc a dela], in proccs.sinS fie applic{ion. :. (lan8es in olneship. control. or opcrauon oflhe busincss shoutd lx nponcd within -10 dnys ofrhc mcu'r!'tlcc. Any chrnges in o*ncnhip or rransfer of o*.rership lro (t) yca6 prior ro sutmisstun of an application u.ith ilrc Tennessee Uniform Ceni6catim Pmglrm sitt nor be acceolabtc and witl bc seriously scrutiniTcd fortiming and rcasons lor ownership changc. 4. An applicant has lhc riShl to prolcst a Depanmcnt of Tnhsfbnatio.l. tt fmod ial ofCcnificarirxr by fiIng l)clays in suhmi(inp rL\uesred an appqt with thc U.S. 5. -lAII ceflifial busincsses will be lisred ir rhe Dir€ctory ofDisadlantascd t usiness Enlcrrm*.s for rhe enncss€c Unif{rrm Ccnification Pmgmm. nder Sec. 26.107 of 19 CfR P.n 26. d.l.d F.brr.ry 2, 199!r. ifrt rny tim., thc Drprriment oru reciplent h.s re.ron to lr.ll6.e thrl.ny Ffton or lirm h.s witlfulty rnd knowingty provucd incorr.ct lnfo.mrllon or mrd.lj!. trrt.m€nt!. th. Dcprnmrnt mry lnlthte sury€nsion or debrrmerl pmceedingi tgrh3l ti. Frton or llrm uld.r 49 CfR Prn 29. trkc.lforcemenr t rction under {0 Ct'R Prn 31. Pro*r.m fr.ud rd Clvll R.m.da.. rod/or rcfcr th. nttr.r to rhe Dcp.rtm.trl ofJurik. for crimiml pmr.crtlon uod.r l8 L.S.C, 1001, *hich prohibl.3 frlle ttrtamaD8 in Fedarrl pmglrms , , 〓●●ュ 0● 一 δ﹁ 一 ︶C一 〓 ●一■一 一 ●● ユ o● ︶o● ョ ‘い一” 〓 ”0 0 〓o 〓 ヨ” う0● Fメ oヽ ●〓 o一 一〓● ¨ , 0 こ一 ■ Z 一 一C 刀‘ ︹ 日”H〓二︵ ン ¨宍︶ Z ン ヽ﹁〓^ > ¨宍︶Z ′〓 0﹁0 刃 ¨︻ 20 ¨ ′¨ X ︼[´■∼〓Z 一′ 今〓 ﹃︵ス ¨¨ 一3 0﹁‘ ●ヽ 一● ^●●一●一^一● 一0 ●ヽ “も 僣ぼ 愚 ぼ 信 ︶ 口 そ う■ 計 82 ョ ‘ズ ー 3 0 一 ︵ 彗 ¨ 3 ●〓 お3 R O 14 一 S a ‘ ヽ 3 t 3 2 ︹■ ア 8 ヨ 嗜 0こ 一 3 ●〓a ︶ a 3 一 , , , , 〇一コo●コ´o﹁︶o〓﹃﹁ヨS , , こ o﹁只 ヽ o﹁oo●5 0F 6 ●´ 嵯 6 一 6 ”R 〓 す い 0喪 ョ 3 ‘ ● おヨ^ , ■ 7o●2 ﹁〓●‘す一∽¨ ♂●●腱‘〓rgoモ¨ 3一 7●“0■″●¨ ヶ●︶ 彙●ヨ●ヨ ︵ J,むI I ユ 〓ヨ●♂■F B ﹂ 8●マ8 コ 一 F ●一〓8 0F 夕ヽ8 o菫R”o ヨ一 S一 ●∞ ‘αく彗 S零こ● , く2 3 ヨ , l ■ ョ L〓 ﹂曽8 ●ぎ 2 ●, ‘ 要 ヨ こヨム 〓 ´ d, 0﹁ 〓 2, コ ゼ, 螢И , ︵ ” ヽζ 、 ● 、 ● S や ヽ 戻 “ ヽヽ ヽ ^ヽ ヽ●● , ■ 8, oす oて つ0 ORと r● 3 ■ ●一 81 雪 11 一 ■ ■ 意た o ﹁雪 壺 お , 口 ‘ 0ヽいo●‘2 0コnt●ヨ, 三●rぜパ0もo﹁ol贄﹁ 〓 ●ョ ”●QO一バ予^″´oてヨE ”●一´ ︻ Xい●ヨ●ヨ〇一一,ご い0﹁●●ヽ■目ら Ц′0﹁”‘A一パ■■0ヨ マo“一﹁﹁ョ●コOδ︻638ヨ ”コ ,マ0﹁一 ″ oて3Qび0そn > 一r 澪 〓 り s b ¨ 〓 Q 口 〓 あ ′ 〓09 r R I ‘ 39 ヽ L 一 ぴ コ ゴ ´ o● コヨ 〓 ´ 一5 一 〓 ●C 一 ”●¨ o ■ 一 い0 コ ゴ ∽ マ , σC●一 一0●0●コ2︼二75一 ‘〓2ユ コ︵ ら7一 ヨ● ´一ヽコ●く一 ヒつ 00^ 0●m >0●●r”● α∽口> ∞→︶o﹁ Oヮo , 8●〓﹁ ■〓﹁●2●●´ 3 ご ● 一 3●OF 〓εO﹁ わ彙●●´ ■●ヨ︶ , , , 螂一”●99●3 oコ彙‘ ユ愴●6●,8さ´ , オ ン oこ ‘F つヽ 口 一 ユ o´ ^o﹃ Q o一 〇〇 3 一 X 5 ● 〓 0コ 0 ﹁ a ヨ こ ¨ る 日 〓0 ご 8 ェ ^ ● ”〓 o ﹁ イ 螢 フ ヨ ●﹁”” ﹁ ´ o て 30み 〓 ヨ , , ﹄ケ ヨ く 3 日 a > ● ︱ ヨ ー デ , ﹁¨ , , ヨ HP ●I 〓 3 3 ¨ 多 豊 ご 3 1 ≦ q o一 麟ユ コ∞含 量 ‘露 ︱ 餞 3 ; ョ 8 ︸ ”ヨ 8 ヽ 〓● ヽ こ ヽ ヽ ミ ヽ ヾ ミ ヽ ミ ミ ヽ , ﹁ O oュ 笙 ”L 雪 L 自 マ ●う 3 ● E い隈E骨EEお ● 0 一 2L>〓ユ oこコ● 9 ︼〓0●●■崇ヽ て ヽ■ミにo ヽヽヽ0 ● ψ, L一いo■ “ ■ 〓 97●こo´oヽ, , o4R Fの02一 レ, 雪こ マo﹂ ﹁ヨ■´′ ■ ¨ おコ4■ 〓と”﹃ , , , , 口 ∽7 ■ ニユ > H 8 ユ ′ ” る ヨ 全 ニ ∝ ^ リ マ〓コc¨ ●´o﹁”〓‘Oo一すoこOa ¨ 5一99巴‘o﹁﹂〓●ユoコニヨ0■一 ●”′ 0姜 ”& 2 o ﹁o R ヨ 一 ヨヨ 一て ヽ ︶ F 5ヨ ¨ o ne ︶ ¨ ●8 ご 一 “熊´日 一彗 マ”ヨ0●0ョ3 ● 口 の r こ ざ ● F ‘ o 0 3 a 5 a , 3 ス ︶ 一 ● ︼ 5 霊 “ お い L ■ 年 ´ ∞ ,廷 ●0﹁ヽRヨ2ざ, 口 0ヨ oこ ︿●〓 史 〓∞>”8 13 ¨‘一 営 マ●ヨ3 8●3︵ ●”う00■︱一 0﹁r¨ らし , , 一 P o姜 え こ 9 ⊇ 8 コ 0 こ ﹀ ︼o 黒 い籠晨ぼELぼ踵暉旧F 一 U ︻ χ澪cヨa■ ﹂0日0﹁0﹁0■■92三oo﹁■るooヨ■3ヽ , 口 I P ■ 3 8 一 A,● 力ヽ 8 3 僣 ● 3 ● e ■ ●3 3 9 ♂ A R ,〓 A ● 3 一 a L ‘ ● 〓 ヨ ロ ﹃ , n一 r一 ﹃ cヨ ■ , 2o﹁c● ●ハ︶ ● ﹁●87一 gOズo■●2﹄0 ﹁コ■3■0﹂0マYO●﹁ ヨ , , , , 檬鍵ぼ﹄麿F ,ヨ ユ● ヨ〓””¨ 8 日 vく■一 ■ ヨ ●●﹁言●3●■ ぅ0ヨ” 彙 3●●〓 ●8■●ま”お3 ■ 6 “〓F も E”” , 、ョ0お 壼﹃ , ”﹁﹁●ョ●0 ﹁ 霊﹄0日, , B ま8 , , ヒ に 旧 Y ↓〓o■ 2 3 の日 “″ cO ﹁ さ “ r●r くoε ”富 ”﹁■ く ■ ヨ 摯К 〓”く●”ユ含 ユ●ヨ3 8 ●〓 富 ‘ ﹂o●暉ヨ oヨオ 争 〓 史δ〓 ● PR一 ﹃R ‘彗 3 oc‘ o′曇3 ま つ0 一 81 口 r一 ´ oヽマφ一cn 〓コo望ヽ﹁オ0 日︼ ¨ L∽一o﹁●ら一 ■7●一o●^ Lヽ X一 ●〓︼JO﹁¨oて 0一ヽ ヨ一 o﹁一 ●PAこ一 , ”ヨ t o﹁ α 〓 Я ¨ ¨ 0コ o ﹁¨ 0 , く81508 3 3 0 ま , a F , ヽミ‘¨ ら ヤミ ● 8 8 8 ヨ ● ‘ 一 0 ヨ 0 ” 参 l 2 8●× 87●1ミ一●一一 ミ ヽヽ■、ヽヽヽ ●8姜 , , い0“‘¨ て0ヽ●巴‘ く8 一コヨ . ,風 一 ´■増 & 〓●●出 昼 ヨ 3 総0ま 日L8 翼 震ョ窒 お ♂ヨ ´ U●8■■一 お■躊0コ”●´ oコ´oヽL一︻笙 一 ■N″ 一つ2, ,︺ ce””0﹁, 霊H 住い︶oそコREnメロ¨一﹀﹀OCヽ0﹁●●こ 0^ おこヨ●22一0哭び、o﹁ 0´ くづ●ファ一 ´一 ●ヽあa‘ ●、 ”うoC 一 CCCし L Lし し●し し CCし ビ \'..r:tA(;ED Br sr\fss E:\Ttt{pRtsu Pta(x;tLi}t {9 C.t'.R. pARr 26 DISAT Uvt ronu Cnart nclrtoN A ppt-tc,trtoN ROADMAP FOR APPLTCANTS slbold I .ppb? .lsyourfirmsrlcasr5lo-owncdbyasociallyandcr-'onoriicrllydir.dvantaged individurl( s ) lr tr' also conlml. lh. firm" o ls lhc di$dvrn68cd owncra U.S. citizcn or ln$fully.dmincd lEfin.ncnt rcaidcnt of thc U,S.] o ll husincss thrt m.cis rhc Small Busincss Adminisration sr.ndad e!!ld(E. nor crccd 322.41 million in gross annuat rEcciFlt:' ls your firm orEanizcd as a for-Fo6r bulincasl ls )our finn a srn . :t s (SBA'S) si^ lfyou antwcltd "Ycs" lo all()frhc qucsrions !bvc. you g4g! cligiblc ro Fnicipsrc 'n thc U S. DOT DRI] pft,Aram. l! th... .! .$hr rry ro.pply? lf ytu.E curE lyc.nifi.dby lh.sBA 6sn,(r).nd/cSDn finn. tou 6.) b..ti8rbt. forr{Mmlincd .. ifi.anon .pplrc.rion Foce\s. t,n&.th^ th. c.nifylng .gmt ro *hrch you.r! apptyinS $hm (hi\ form. NOTf,: you,nu .tl r.d ih. r.golr.-.ra. ft. dr. DAE Folrl!.ll.hdhg uld.rf.tq r.! r.rtr. your cunmt SBA applicarion p..lagc,n tEU ofr(qulnhg you to fitt our and a. ltE ro .n.d rn ot .L ntdrtd do.t-..r! lhr.{ b .r. iorr coipkr.{.??lb.dor. &rrt!!!!.CE LE .r .r. .d ofutb ,orD 'tr: Whara crtr I flnd Do.a ilformatioo? c DOT lflp/o.dbrrcb.dolr."rhd!.rr,/db./hda.bipl (this sitr pmvides ueful linls lo thc ruk! alld llguhricrs gor.cming rtr DBE Fogr.m. questiorE snd lnswers. and U.S. othcr informarion ) o SRA lnl'://rrra.rt{Grovl.ndrrrr/uL!.htrl eod@(FDvidcs ., (F$vidcs ! lislinS of NAICS codcs) r lisiing of sizr srsndffds by NAlCScod6) .19 Cl-R Pans 2l rnd :6 (!he rul.s .nd rruhtions corcrnin,. fic DBE r,ld ACDBE Dro(rams) Undcr Se(. 16.10? of49 CFR Pan 26. drt.{ f'd'ru.ry :. 1999. if ar an} tinE, fic DcFnmcnr or a rccipicnr hlr r.a$n to hcli6'c thrt any !.rson or firm has s.illfully ard kno$ingly provi&t incorrld infonnarioa or rude l)lsc sht.rn.rts. lh. I)cp6nm6rt mry initiatc snqtnsion o. dcbirmcnr pmcctdingr againsr rhc pcrson or lirm undcr 49 CfR Pan 29, i.t. cnforcqn(fl actrfi undcr 49 CFR Pan 31. ProErJm lmud and Civil Remedies. and/or rcl(]. lhc mltter to th. Dcp.nm.,lt of Justice for crinin l prlDsdutirn und6 I8 t-i.s.C. lml. which p.ohibits fals. .,i1,..: │ヽ STRt,CT10NS FOR COMPLET:ヽ C rii[olSADVAヽ TA(〕「 CER「 :「 (A日 ON APPll(A110N Ю l■ :l● ●●,qd,・ ● d■ l“ ",‐ ●1● ●4● ●●●,q● ‐ ● I● L● D〔 i tJヽ ●phth iヽ ESS J● ― tド “ vi3 υtticw tl● yttnm ht,.nd颯 “ an m hes muav un‐ 暉 mm● "¨ yOu′ 厳 indicalc■“に mos― 壺 le t,CPlha cond“ ヵ :dllt or:h31"対 a“ “ "SDB"3‐ Y`泄 ゛Ю。日 αttaci興 nalt uCP IO“ out… ia,回 m“ r■ ,"│● tⅢ 国 ふ 面 安 aに ッ∝ni■ d unda thcい )a“ SDB rOmm` "nm“ I PrlorKll● ●r App嗚 d● ‐ ●●d… “ r● this app‐ in :ndctl● 中 綸 your nm Orany o,the p― IIs 11週 、ぉ cv“ witMnw● 8,,"!'画 I● ● for B DBE「 q鬱ョmOm SBA 81■ )or SDB pЮ tt Or whelh露 anン ヽ、ce● ζ いm (■ y‐ lnn's ntt num‐ (6) lndiCt:e yo“ , rtm.; 。r l― ‐ tlOn o「 (9) State l● ●■■ “1lin3-Of rlm s… 赫 ● hy'● .ddn"6) your.m iFl::・ l ditF― who “ t _■ m … [飩 0ド 蔵 メ η (4)C,vで lhC“ C on wh ch you maor erh Olhcr o中簡 ok ow― ● ofthC“ nn (5)Cは k llC appro● n“ c bok that― い ,市 でmmner Ⅲ hyou mduに 1■ h“ 抑 h」 OW― ● 。r "hiで [r、 Ou cに led"市 O臓 ‐α in'nlt rCC 、Ourrm `● OI● `1出 (6)― k lhe― 6m is trr"`t‐ uc bO・ thtt i“ 劇 `ぃ │■ rdums ,our:imヽ ■1“ t鎖 ●― rB■ ― っぃ Ⅲ ate boス Ⅲ ii“ icaloぃ 口 時 “ Rel■ Ⅲ ‐ Mp■ (1)-1巖 )● ● ■m isa● 1∝akd lli my ol lti bsi― :odiion, 0,` 、hd隋 ,● ●,6m… ■に1… numu嶽 。 ap。 菫 o“ ∝ ,■ ■,omce中 ="rd wathotl,α her Oに Jitに“ 、 ally suipmtnt,o子“ anッ ofrcc ュ wit1 8ny Ⅲ で,● ●釣た ,,α ,"■ ttOt1 0r ctllly of 『 my kind lf “ y"a■ ,o■ Vヽ ¨〔 n,cl● thr nl nc orl"olhcr 缶 S)● ●d“ m)aメ 画 雌 。f厳 Ⅲ Ⅲ “ `htに 佳 ilitも o,d腋 s in● でョ理∝ 四 ` 腱 =1ぃ “ (2)鮨 -1 1:卜 ● ale bOR tha indた 3ttS¨ 綸 時 llt “ ∝ … im.1lme l■ lhc,s! ・ (1) y。 ●′■●m has“m t subsl`in,of iny ot卜 で, 輌 "● :,in Whth (b)your im∞ ■●口 oF a― onc"In r Of■ “ tp● ■にx、 責 OIM 「 Ims: y (C)● ●u,6m“ so,同 ●nγ rτ 。‐ ● 。 olH■ m:md (d) y"│■ ■ (3)Ct● で (ht と 1● ぃ which l‐ur ■m wぉ o"k」 ly 卜│1爛 、 ‐ 嘲 in vα 工 `ms A● ●も o` Ⅲ ,Cm口 o"も rOS― ipl=oryOur■ 。n fo7“ 卜or the p3"th薇 定 yば 、 s●x● 祠 I (2)Gi、 で 1卜 ● Fedcml Taメ lo ,unbσ or yω ,■ mも prO、 id`On l● J,■ m,61“ u瞑 n■ umュ if y● ●hav● ●nc ● :、 ∞ o:d ilo brtL S∝ IJ S∝ unty n面 け o「 lに o、 ner or、 田 前 h8,∝“i● ■ 8 the “ nunけ of mplov‐ wofl “ o,3 fu‖ ‐:│■κ and ParJinc卜 ● ゝ (101S,κ iFy:lct● loi ,菫 階 "ur '“ s hld 3ny"● :diar‐ ofi、 。ぃっ "ヽ (3)(ヽ ck:he t_ln3に い ,lht lndに ■●sw■ 時 mッ a諧 m、 ぉ Ocr、 ● 3n● ″naship inicFen in Vour 6m “ (1)ry00 3n"… ‐Y‐‐ l● (d)or(3)idmti″ ",● en3● い 澪sh゛ に_pЮ 、1側 e n“the,“ hOW凧 Ⅲ V● : 四 ●●I ProO● … (!)i● th● box prO、 iⅢ bneny l― b. Ⅲ prrm彎 蒟oも 罰 p_FcK● ●nal● i■ 3:"whlch yo『 輌m B口 燿 yα ″ if tty … t,。 ciに ung率 i〕 so■ ■ょ誌 _31=p● ● 。Fre bo、 dd Nle“ =tha“ ,● い lht ic3J Fonn ry‐ r“ 椰 .“ indio“ ::メヵr ttnn s M`Ls of l籠 o“ α毬:Ю軋 if yOu cは k“ ヽ■腋ィ‐ bncn,α pl■ in in thcョ コ ,① V:● d Ofい ― (9)in山 ifmy ― 6m (ic (8)Suで thc,應 3-or vour p“ ●●― (8)は liに t― r」 eぃ“、 1:… lcSヽ 卜 …■hip ow■ nm 18'‐ σ ‐ ●ed under "ura “ d“ 輌 lir_,,yド 。1‐ x■■ ip ″ t dir― t● 3mで [Fy●● ´ ● lcrk“ ヽ6 ,∝ 1,whth lndい o"op■li the your omun p_.s e“ 濾 … ic● ey‐ ■m.,weL:1● (7) !“ `● prirll ",■ "t‐ ■ )-1:に ― dmied cenincJitt d― iFld d● ― 即寧 祠 40r国 bidding¨ ■lぃヽ dmi"Or― dd"則 饉忙 00m asn,α F“ hi:otil) :rЧ 断 筋 _:,yヽ :‐ k¨ 『 c● atc oF ich額 面 ●耐 ifl● e na ne of:ht■ _“ cxpla n“ :ly」 、 ●●tttた oftに 蒟 :,晨 警 cP● ∝ `は “ ,に ●o■ 21C口 NERAL:ド FORMハ ■loN た Cont● fornm● ●● `(1■ w“ l,い 。あ (:)St■ に ●r― le ttd“ tた 。f● c_wl● yα ′■mlζ ●nmη CO-1 thi'"tatⅢ ,■ m、 :“ κ趙t“ h you・ (2)Stalで ,に にコ ー t。 6m、 Anに 遂 of:驚 。 'yo●tb (3)IndiCuc he pnm"り phOm● "b腋 面 け ofyour lm (4)[ndi‐ に ,,だ OⅢ ヮ ph∝e nttmに ran, ″ doNOT Ⅲ■‖fv 調 th● 薇■or do 融 no“ to ●ompは c t,κ ‐ or t卜 :, 3pplitlll輛 lle DBE m `ヽquiに , ュ: ●3● ici"tin3 ■!hs ● tx● rol: :● ″ heに 、1● ″ NO¬ E:“ you`5nnヽ cummtけ crti6“ u‐ 1に SBAs “ 8(■ ヽ同 、 y"餃 v由 M、 r io,mplac (5) indital● "輛 for thc DBE "o_ I● :。 on“ に 、 :h」 曇 壼ヽ市 ● NOTE:ir v●ucldrdヽ o‐ tlF● y“ 1■ ind c■ lc wl燎 TERPR:SI(DBE,PR(Ю RAM tヽ :FORM “ 、山 FiCA■ 1011:NFORMAnON "1:ccR■r(1● 出 ■ ■tlom A“ PrD"0い Chに t hC8-● ntiCい え indlaling"whish… your 6● m ls c● -1,で C● [f you tre liRttdγ co● :6“ ● bo、 thc ntmで “ `DBLIACDeF ndicalc in th● _p● “ ol lle ctrtl,i● g,脚 Cy¨ ths r‐ Jy αni「 ●‐ ・ 6m and`1∞ Eヽ 出 ines for∝ h 節 y Ort籠 ■.di。 l 'Sh(2x■ 口 腱 ddres ttd t"眸 。, ・ “ im却 匈 F,口 yM● mbr BⅢ 疇 0意 l昴 で中 呻 口 にい え :indicale,、 hdher “ ,。 tr immediュ lt Famity mer●“い o、 ll an)of or manage inolH ml,■ ■mber is any_tl =c● 、ho is ytt rt峙 m¨ 、‐ 鰤嗜 、if● nd● ●ghu 訥 h動 口祠 Falに ・ "“・ pdd● … ught=md卜 in[`w∝ f● l朧 "mmw [ryo● “ "in l● “Idelhe n3 ne OfCach日 anぃ ●gntt ves‐ p●● c your =│、 rci腱 im■ ip to them:│● ●● me or● c comp8nソ 1卜 り 0″ ●。r ct m,m, A■ lmm`● -33C the〔 察 ol“ 員に s lnd whelho!い maSCt● │― pan) oW・ 。r lE 'u'l ,{ro l.qr qrh dq@'q, a'..q rr{!'!t Jo ,.Itu 4l P@ @rd .ll Jo ,l@ ,o u! ,{r lo u!.qr ,qrnDo. .. s.1- paDsw nJ{Jt '@u rrci qr.n dxF6' . s.q rql (rlu!, ,.{F x@ DJ lln b oro.^dt. t0t) {t@l[ (t) u Pr!'r srJ6ld.ql Jo Xu. E{pqa r,rbrpo lntr rq .[u.tuLlr {r I-rtJ € I ) $.uGq ,4p l&il t' pcMld @onnJ dlsrq Flr'Po!or!' s.{.$ { lg'sq qto,fl ,o .lenr'.u,rtr'{,le & 6r..1 qD lln6or -:.,!, PcDi.@ mI lt -g'riq Dqro ,i@ &J uorranJ Iait d6 & t€uDr@u t @ojl.d . \.qr {0 | ) ( u' p.EI ,o6!d .qr '6@$ | ) Jo iur r.q|.qa s:rF FI rqr rc{ ,r3J.brd(h qr t-qJ ( t I ) 'P.F!t -!N.{o ro{JFFq re,{ E rdp.ruur F|MJ E{p {E tutrrFDJ (ol) Fn :(.dnxl I{i rJ) rtsp l!rd@ tutu8'S (6) :u.u.t!,be -,rru Jo &liqud (8) \rp3 pue turDpcl\t {t) :tEqD6@u _r.llo 19) 'e^B raD8.,fu tc6rd !u{,qEl- .sruda nF tulpnta !o'sr^!dE sE.l!E(l) qol po{,r!,l1 itl [email protected] d.@orrd ,urD.Fro. p@ ttrrErMur tuDntrur 'F/uoird rEuDr@u lo tuu! D,?u. tru'H (r) 'JFq.q ,.@9 m{ 6 n*r6 tdr6E Pc r@rsptsu s,uu eI .ro fu u' @t.d'ru.d tupnt r '61@D r.!arro! Fn trEroi,lN 1t) :m,6'r{6 P@ uolltrlard Pqr.s[urEr Brttr1b tulpnlr!'.tu'p?a F tu,r.u'E3 la) : n stddt 'rrloq ItlB l'peD Jo s&'t Jo Dl'rnbd nr E.'Fta' 'JFtPq i.uu rol oo rls6p p'.@u ro tu'try{ t) xE! &Fq|g r$ or lrr! J.oI |qtuo oir (irD{rt F..{I'F.|D lca '.rrli Iq) p.rorl,ll t!,I.lE.rl .,tr{ no.{rptIo r '@g dtto rr{ q!.n d'{sDrttta su'tnq ,,{6r{,,o mn! { P6 5rs,p r d.ll6 a0 '@, ,lr Jo rlm ac qus.p, -!r , p.r$4 ml ,t '@J r@,i qns d'{.wr{a o .q l.{l (s}u} Dqp 16 E} i&d ro uao .^q3 pcrix eor$JtP ofim @uo s.u!g ,o( Jo Io! Dq|.r6 s"rr.'F/, rqDoq , r+ tn{J (rl sg6!q r{lo l.$ u, 9.@}:d @u,tru J.'l r{ Pd Pc^|q[' s, 3t{6 rt]lqn o r*snq Dqr. .9 Jo tu .'0 r|lu Eirr{ .{lE .q srn qlcr &r!:p' -3r.\- FDN4 mI Jt a0o 'g's.q {u. ,oJ uorrJljnJ &6r,u.dlr' ro rtEuldnnu r @lDd .isF t Flt $r,.r'P &/?(r rEr,l,o r.@, ,eI dp.rii 3r.1F, rElr bq .rudrdr. r0 \$lJ (€l Jo '55r!r'o Jo IE€ s. ulu ,oI s tu'.s ^m FPiPU' qJr, Jo r.p!d P4 &Hu{r. }er{u'od.h ':n'r '.@! lqr ,|!E ?op'roi ,3b aI !t (i) J6 'rP 'uu rm( qa DJtuo lFcl .{r'Jrut|, rwpq!! ,o ,o F! Jo 1+.+! ro:s! FPl^.d,i& 4r ct (li :!.rr.rMo Frag F..r.{o r,al|,E( a 1OALIOJ :r Fe..s r.6. Jo (sI,turr,ttJo ,t.^ luM. p$ -d&n<l IsEr{ '!nl!! ,rI ur.tdr. IUr.a -'t ,ts, p.Ddsc @,(Jl ae t EnB^F3r? rt'[ Jo rJrst :{r &, pcr..r. lat !e $rl E\! Io aiEtr ot..rr!r la0 roq t-iljr ''rdor<b,O (al ,trM s.E.@ qJE a.d@ q @rl3 rtdlr sr0to r UbJ -rqntrF. ,tvtd .{r 6f) uone{ltmb 5qr 3QO Dl pr! ro'Il&hsr o'th ouno rFDJo (/{Nd) quo^\ Ft)r r.ll pr9'ro:d d6 atr u'.lr.rput (|l tt!rud (B.r&rl 3AC .? ,o o!.r&t br dgu{.o F. prr.@ { Pr.$r p{.@r .q or tt rualt df, prr Jr.i.r!.rF{D fitDtEoro P.. lt|.tsi { ol r.F|'p r! qr r&ao.t c ,ro,l ! t) lottrllNnb ?eo loJ trr,(dd..t ttqr rruao qraer lois. t{.duororPsIPomA rm r.t.r!- ptq..rP.qo .4 | t ..) pr9udd ..i<l nr !r .r$@'r.t! sqE(l }{ Jo r.|tu aI xlqlp lsrfr{ rql q plr{ @'r5uij ro:irn ^lrrual pB lqrB| rlro nrJoJUru 4r,l)qu+r s.Dhos'qr polul5 no,i Jt @U rnol q}n .i'q.@rpl! -!tI.. it@ slq l'$ (s]u, r4p Iu! &J s:tDn s sono Duio s'q! ,nt.qr er6plrr rqr loq .Euddd& .'turqJ 's98nqrqru pt.q @r|.unt D )pt' r.rne r$ P@ $.uNq f\|o ,'tr Jo .u! r$5!e...s.A- p.iroqJ no{Jt s$tsiqD!& {@ rol DuanJ isr.rrl(,nr D rDu.l,llfu . r@Jd de tq rnDqi et.rrlBr rqr rdt.BBIldlr rlr tdlj @! m{ u' FonJo rsqs 4sq pcJ'nb. s{o srtr q ln & poqr.u pw g,rrb.r .rrP B3ll tED|,qr Jo.rqudd alunu,ql.|6rpdr .u! jnolJoD6oEqlo qE or 4{, s"I J. drqrdqa l!'tr@J .q|,Es .s-r...od eo srrtl !.qr elj rrciJo lo{@r d'FB{o Frol Jo .inc!.d .qr .ias ru.@.\ur ,sq'o (l) (9) (() (r) (t, Dlpc 'rDudotD r!.rs: ts., qlb & hop Dlo{ @.1 rmi $ E$rs, dlsudo r. r!r!.u or rDUEllr Bl'ur i.s o <'q!o rt!^ qtof rqr,tbtpll (:) '@!t ,@{ Jo Du N u, @.q $q buno s'qr {."ta,u6p eo,{Jo airmu {r (r) rElrut qqg{{o .no.@'nber tu4rlEb D{p'.ul8o/d }Il sr&o tu, ,u:Per ru{uld tDu'upt {ltnr{!l E Durrrr s r . n h$o ,npw I uutod aAO nr uruJ DqElott. @U el ij'tdt6lp ill]tl..a rd...P DeN\ !rlJ. a$:tgo I s sorrt'rDr )oJ,p toN i q,@ $u unr .s n rqr Jo p.r'trp..(InJ{q sr@ urnr. s.o ru+aa e D{r 'urural i sao sr{rJt 1@Pl3! ruar@d pr|nups r ir Dbo nqr s|hrpu' le{r \dl ^llnj.r.l rql tBtr'Dzrr. s n e r@ sr D0{d s,qr Jl (,i l t!!r.,or& uzor. {'lt. n Dono .rq! rqDqi .!D'Po or ro9 .Errldrtr ,'tl JtelJ (ti 'Pr'slls'uqll) rd iuu.prrrN, ,ruq|: s.ra{o i{l rqr)r6 .. u{r| p.rtrqr bi Jt 1{d& l.ql lF :t..qi) nr!'uqt r.eno riqt s:rb'po tlt0 rq.|ludlddr rqr isqt t ..lMo ,.9€6 .E!d!ddr .']r :iDqJ s PP. (r-r.r 5'Dq r.q^"l re's ,rtunu eq.l ru4 rr{r.q51r9 u'.,tu{lqnn dt,..d &,t[ elf,q r!.:S 4ho )qr ro,!ru +!:r'c srqr s.[rP!' l.Lo roq .s (J) (r) (i, (i) (rl !.Oloorrt r.Nrrr.I| .r tiotrtpgr qf,. ,., lo|rs lAt ,o etdor p.r.tduN .ptiud ,ero *o rqr !N rq uU ,.oi t0 ro|.q p.|sb, E|r.uorrt .{, i-tl,ldd oI &oi ot tErut dtq!${o I.t +F ri..d-o r|tFt ,o rr-pt^tp{t tr. ,Vplrpt lalt{stt t\L$o :{ loprq, . !@. n '. ln.rro., ln tt ,.Iorli ! Sirr. rh. g?c. Dt. Dd rbd.l, arld currar <l,ll& vd@ of a.h tE. of cquipo@l h.ld .nd/or r.d ly yolrfid. or la&d S6!e 6. of lndiclr. *h.rhd by you fim. D,p.. 4h ,i@ 's.irhd fim. ln<n€l. r hdlE ch t drcb lasd by !tu, rm. i5 arl'6 6,rd d tt.srn r .ddEr3 oflie 9... h.ld .ndd ty yor fim. l.drol. *hdtFr t@. fim wnr d les lhc 0llj6 ,*. rrd tlE co@r dolln of St l< Gcd rh.r PlbFrry q ils l6s. rlrei.ddB ofd.h doEg. +rc. h.ld rnm. lndii. r,trrhf !q, nm oyns d 1..s tlE ,rmg. +.e i., dE curmr d,llt r.l€ of rlld Fr'p.ny d rr! lar Do.. ,o.r 610 Elr o. .., .tLr lt loi r..arr.rr SIllc lh. ,x!q !s.d by y auxlhnr o. .dplDrR p.trdl? Chet d& bor rhtt indi..l6 *116rl.r r@r 6m Eli5 o {y dhd fn fd mug an tun rio.. d fd dplorE FrrDll. lf ro! .nwnld -Yc1- b.iclly.rpLo rh. ntruc ofrl'I rl'.E ..d dE qrall ro ri-t dx orlE 6m (l ) .:riq our *h flmidi ,rl(]mri6 (.) sllt rhc nD. of your ,im: hdr. tb) Ctr. D.'n Dhom nmb.r ot v@r llm.! B.rtinS 'h. b.nt (c) Civ. slarc ih. nrm. and arldrcs ofcet s!rcc. rh.ongrnrl h Idn,Md doll* imoud ud lhc .uMl .f r,urp(le fs wh'ch dch lou *.s nBdc ro you. nm. . @rEd tulc rd iDdcl, dd.un <ldlr Enack hcld d,or u.d b, ,ilt .*h mim 0E rddnrs of yM tim'! bdl heh (l) Bodi'c (r) sl!l. yq.lim\ Bin trNunbq (b) sr.c rh. im. oF yoE fim's tE d .aor a,rld k ld (c, On. !tu rsar'r/b!tn'3 plaE n6b.r. {d) Giv. rw !'/b*d 3 .dnE s. (.) sEG ru lim: lnditr8I'ni6 (i. trolts). S..'rym! bdh rh. At8rlt . .d PioJer Irrddl! .ll ro.r.( .nd.s. ..d p!.Fs ol mct td!.d ro ror tt.r. lnlrdlnr lt!. 016 .f FtuB or ll t 6ul4 rtr. L.( lf olh.. r!.n ln. lbi.d oi 6r: (: Urr rll |l lh. .o nbrrl@ o. lnE .d ol &*n t.r'ttub lour .!] ol lr o,rn ov.. tt Drn r'o md r.llD6 I.<fic.'c'n lh. s6.6 pr$ rhc hF olcmFhrrd or '&d. .!!d.h.t r.s tMsf.rld, nr cutml dolla. trlu..lhe F$. .r lim fM rhd ( Ers rturfdrd. lh. Fs or ,lm ro rhm r d ttutf.ftd. dE Bhlrm{!'p bd*@ dE tuo F,mt 3i&d fms. .nd rli. di. ot rh. rf5sf.. E. Url .rm!l llara!..dL t ld by .nt orE. or .Dplora rlyd. n6. Lisr rh! n . of *h Fe in y@r lim who hokt5 r prcf<qitul liccn. d pcnn, th. rrr. of Fnn d fi.ctrs, tlE dp,rrron d!.. of iE rE i or li@$,.d 0le 1,6.'rEmn nuhbd.nd isinr Sfl. of ln.licdc or t. l,br d!. rtl!. L.t6r (rrrn b .oopLr.d b!-, yolr nr. l. di F.r riE r'aE lf .rt. I'n tn. t[ft of acn oe... d .drftro. for rrch coimd. eid l@rid of dE un&r ad, 6rr&1. 'lm. ot ro p.rffin d dFDjei. ah codr*t. .trd th. .rolle \r. !.1* corEr. yd. nm h J. Url l} trrlr ht6r ..ttv. l.i. on rh. lh. 'f,.t .ft.rry irlltR. Fo. eh dn! job lirrd, 3lt th. nle ofilE !riD. .d r..rn rrd rlE por..l nuDtEr. th.le.rid. tl* tn of * ort Ffm.d. rh. Fojd $n &r.. rh .nftiplr.d co6pld'6 (hE. ed rh. dollr f.lE of rlE 61Er- ATnDAVIa StGlrATUt[ C.rtully E d rlE .tEh.d nrmrid in ils arircty. Fill h rd adr bhtrl S.e. .nd sisn ud d... rtr in ln. F!*ft. of . Nor.ry P.Hic, sho mlr En norriz. rh. fm tlE EqniE<, ヽcttion i,(1:R II「 IC′ ヽ11()ヽ 1ヽ l()Rヽ 1ヽ T[0ヽ 1'ri,r′ ()ther(iertirlc.ltiOn、 ヽ ls your firm currcnrly ccnificd for ● DBL lirllo*ing pro&-dms? t tf Y.:. thd k op?ru?riate tht(.: t) □ACDl■ Nnmc ot ct:nrI rn8 xscncy: any of the llas your finn's strtc UCP c.oductc(l rn on-silc visirl, 1 dYcr.on//StarqCtNo ¬ ヽ111 A STOP! lf you ch€ck.d cith€r lh! 8(a) or SDB box. you EgI ¬ SD13 Lrel have lo complele rhis applicarion . Ask l,our slarc UCP alnut lic slrc3mlined application fnocGs under rhe SBA-tX) N'oU, [ I las your ,irm { undcr 6ny nsme) or any of ils owncrs, l}oard of I)irechrs, officer or managcment p€rson nel, ever withdrsM ln spplicadon for any oflhc programs lisred.bove. or cvcr trln d€li€d cenificarion. decenificd. or debaned or suspendcd or othcrwisc had biddin8 privilcgcs &flied or ftslricted by sny slalc or tocal agcncy. or Iicdcmlcntir),] CYes.on___ ONo lf Yes. idcdif Skle and narrc of state. local. or |..{ agcncy and erplain thc naturt ofrhe adion: ヽ(ction 2:(1:ヽ ::R、 [ lヽ [()Rヽ 1ヽ 1:()ヽ (i)niadlnformrtion ,\. (l) Conucl person and Tirlc: 12) Ixsalnamc 1)Phonc=: .ddBs of lirm/\"/,., (9) Mailing xddrEss oflirm [ l14)01に ,Phonc・ 6)E‐ mail: (r ) Srrter offinn: ( r,,' (illl f.'.ontl: “ (-enry/Prirnr \ .'rv ( nunr\ ?.nshr ll. ( Ilu\in(\\ Profih I) D€scnbe thc primary acrivities ofyourfirm: (?) Fc{cml V.r.: 7,tt Srar.: 7|,: .r&r lD (ifiny): │ {')l his ttnn、 3s s● bnshed on (5) Nlerhod olicquisition kh(At thtt dppl\): n stancd ncw husincss nllought e\isting ClMergcr or consoli&tion O0thct tc-.nloit │ │ ¬ ■ (4) | 1Ve hare o$ned rhis llnn sinco: hlr\trrc\s nlnh.nrd business fls(ctrred conc$srol ) e STOP! Ifyour firm is NOT for-pmlit. thcfl you do i-O r qualifl- for lhis Fogram lnd do NOT nced ro fill out this applicitaon. (ll llDndiq Informrdor: th) Name tfyou ha\e tx'ndins c.pscrt_v. ofrgcnLtrok6 idcnr'ti: ta) Bind€, No: phonc No: ( (.) ld) AddBs of aeenttftIf; cr llordinr limit: limhヽ ) C iv Z PI mi S “ 1 L陪1 Idcntif\ ,ll eurc.i, rmounti strd purposcs ofrnoncv torncd to !our firm, in(ludins thc nrmN ot rn\' p(rsoDs or firmr lhL l,rrn- ifolhcr lhrn thc listed o$n(r: l-ist lll contributhns ( ,,nlrihtrii,'n \\sct or trrnrfc^ of a{$rr ro/from tour firm rnd to/from rnr of i(s otrners over dnkh nl,htr'.ttl \tat^ 「 oヽ いom Data of "r.-"rm Lisl crrrenl liccnrJpcrmits hcld b) \"n( ot l.iccos/Permil lloklcr ()nncr/Con(rrctor ..! oxrcr rnd/or €mptolce of )our firm (. l| .4nrld.ra4 'tvpc of l,iccnse/Permit \rm./l,oc.lion of T)p€ of u\pi tion l)arc \ork and Slatc Dollrr vrlu. of Corlract Prrformed │ , l isl lぃ threF \rmc of ( Prime and Projcrr Tr pe of '$ orl ; \nrtit C° 燎 I t),,I.r nl淵 お cd =│ │ 11 | f yF of firm f f k td "tt ttat ap?tt: Sole Pmprietorship Pannership lJ Corporatx,n lf Limited Liabillty Plrtnership O l-imited Liahility Corporarion 5 Joint vraruROrher. Dcscrit'(: (8) Has your firm evEr cristcd undcr dilrqErr J d Yes ClNo owreship., difcra't t)". ofo*Tctship. or a difTcEtrr naEc? If Ycs, explain: l,) ) Numbcr ofcmnlo!.ccs: lulliimc l0) SFcify $c Imas Eccifls of rhc finn for ( fi. bn 3 ycaB: Yeat l,n!l Year Iorilreceipls S $ilh ()lhcr llu\ine\n\ ( l) ls your firm co-lo.atcd at my ofits busincss locations. or does it sharc a tetephone number. P.O. Bor. ofiice spac€. yard, rvarEhous€. fac ilitics, equrpincnr, oroflice $slT. wirh rn),oth6 busincss, organiation, or mtityl, O Ycs ONo ( IfYeS identifv: ()th.r trm Ixplain narur. of rhaEd l:) At pEscnt. pasr. has youa or (a) bccn s sukidiarv ofany oft.r firm'., ¬ ヽぃ 0ヽ 0 {b) consislcd ofa tBnnershrp in u hich one or more ofrhe panne.s arc other my lime in drc firmi ]\'r:s uNo o\'cs 3No lc)o\rncd anv lcrccnligcofan\ olhcr tlnn'l (d) had rny subsidiari.s'l 1 1) Has any othcr fi rm an owncrship inrerest in (1) lf you answcrEd'Yes" rc any of rhe 6tu thearitread..l,l Nanrc qu@ OYes JNo y.* ffi Addt€ss L TlxE of Business 2_ l. l)o I l. l anr., of r"our ammediate famity membcs o$T or manage f Ycs. rhefl list /a?tu Nnme , .n tu shccts. i anorheriompanli-dT-E- f n..d..hl R.l,rion\h,n ヽ Jゝ ェ ゞJll l,1ヽ RIせ ヽ i ""r"at-r* | S“ tlon 3:OWNERS‖ IP :dで ■::、 3‖ indiVldual■ or holdlllg● ompanits with■ ■ Ownc` hip interest in,our ninl、 ● PrOVlding thc infornatlon reqllested belo■ ″′ で ′ 力α″ η ″′ ′ αci、 o″ ′ ccrlメ イて 力″ ″′ ,″ で″: `,″ ``'ヽ `′ `,力 `′ `777″ `,″ `,、 "り “ ヽ (2ヽ l itlc: (3)Homc Pllonc″ : (1、 . r ‐ (6) Erhnrc goup rncmbcBhip /Ch..* all thd, appht, ¬ OBlack 1ヽ (1/。 11つ ヽc、 ¬ 、て 、 │‐ (8,IawIも 1ly Admlt“ :'cmanmt Rcsident 口 Yo □NO ● Asian hc,輌 c 3(】 hO(vな OHisponic arNarive American,\.iJ, ) “ {I) ro Numhcr of years as o$ncr: TvrE ash (2) lnilial invesdnarr Dollar Vsluc acquilB oun€rship ( S mlercsl in Rcal Eslate S firm: (.t) l:llmilial relationship to olhcr owners: lhuipm€nr {5) Sh!rcs ofStock NlElrr (6)睡 sthis owncr rrrOm n managemenlorsu"Ⅳ iSO″ IfYes. idenlify: (7)1)ocs ihis o、 S Function for any other busincssl O Yes dNo Nam. orBu$ncsj: vncrown Or wo■ お r anv Othcr iinm(、 )that has ft rclnl on、 hip wilh lhi、 ¬ ‐ !i口 ll(.( `,ヽ │,./s7″ ,'・ 彙′ ′ で、 ¬ If Ycs. idenrify: \m..f Bu!,na. of ausli.s R.laxonslr,l \rrft │ Status I\OTE: Co pt(t. ihir rdn,n onll for e!.h oin.r ippttnts fo, l)B!l .- l)irrdvrrlrgd (1... forerch o*n.rct.ininq to b. ro(! r t (onomi.rlr diudrmo;j (l ) Whar is rhe PeEonsl Nel Wonh (Pltlv) of rhc o"""(.) fn;6m;;Ifr;t ,rt r bse aad aloch th( FiMncial Stot@t fo ot,he.nd of,h.t opptionod: "mtynrC otikh oatnitionot ,h..b I do^.tted o,.6n4 i! q4,h.ias) ( .liflc.ri,,lr (2) Hasanyin-st bccn crcarca for rtrc tencirt of rnis It Y es, ct pldin (ahct o.lditio,ol shzen if nedcdt aiJrnbg€d;wnc(sp Oye. ONo Section 4: (O]vfROl, ldonlif! Your rirm's ( & B[rrd ol Dlfe.tot. ll,nl rpd.. n ,\tttuir.d, auu.h t r.fit1 . E(卜 n icit、 lr (3) Do any of lhe rErsons list€d in businessl O Ycs ONo IJYes. idenlify lorcach: {4) Do an_\i (l) andor (2) above perfonn. PcBon Businc,s: managcmcnt or 3upervisory fundion for any other rirtr: IuncnoD: of thc persons listed (l I and/or (2) above own or wo* for an}. odler fimrLs) ;,1")rl"rr lhal h". has a *"1"*r.tilp rclnlionship wilh \to^.:t ofice nd.tdt t,vstn.n!\..4utpddt. tea s \rvn .t \hdt r, )? O) O)es es 3l 3No 'IE... "ll rhisfirm("s d.i(^r,p r..6!. lfYes. idenrii) li,rcjcfi: Firm i..amc, Nahrre of ltusi..s\ Rclationship: ^.rvn.t\hdt p.rvh: ldenrifr rour rirm's mrnrgemcn( pcrsonnct trho conirotlour firm in lhe fo os.irg arcas /// notu thl ^*1r.^o^\. l) Financiil D(cisions lu\pxihilnr fu. dfio.h a { "1r1rtvhn, ot 1i,.\ nl (l) as{im.ting nnd bidd;ng (.1) Iliringrfiring ol managemenr (5) Ficld,'Producli,,ll OFrations {6) Officc manrg(rnenr (?) Itlorkctins Salcs (q) Authori/ad lo Sign Company ( h('cks (lbranv nnrrbse) lll) Authonz.d ro make Iinancial lnns3crions ( PERSONAL F:NANCiAL STATEMENT へ `d Cly State &Zp Cod, n' '.,noss NamE ol Applenr C,sh6&ndAn&nt6 Sae.Os Jr.arL Ad6b 3 S― Orl. R.lir.ndl 4et 4.6!r{3 & Nol6 R@ivabh... Itl6 ln$BE Sufi.rdo. IRA or Val@ Orly . ― . (Coa\toto Sst an 8j Slod(s and Bords R€arE!.te P.tyrbL lo 3) (D.sib k .t Aulom.bHEsl Vd6 unl● ITao6 3 0倍 t出 (Oat6itb in Soctkn 5) .. よ臓鵬 品13 らし “ l olsl .^ssttr .nd J[mle rDe― 0蒻 昴 3 _ 3 ― S s 41 "騒““S________ In● “ 銹 61 ““ s た めヽ αo● り IDes● ■ P.MEIPDDolv OttsA6s6ts B.d! (oesdlb h *ct@ Mm_On麟 . (D.@ib k s.dbn OIG .. 2t rndC*E e6rn{Ado) .. .... iro PaytrEnt! t_ hstc*rErr A@rt (OttE) Ivkr Payftnk l_ LM o UE hsrrE tlol6 __ 3 P.yEU6 S __ l otal:iabil:● cs l otal As雙 "― S To● lt,Ч ――_ ttF L― 一 灘紗│IF〒≡ [ヽ ヽ,■ ption ● oF O(撻 ,:,,で 。●:O in StttiOn l ,oあ i趙 ●呵り 、● 耐 ` ほ 暉 ― `― ^I"節 "輛 “ “ ヽ●(1 ,n2 ヽ(,tt、 [ら ,)`:,Iて 1`11:"`,ヽ 、a,(!()tht,“ │ ‐ 最・ ●● ‐ ′│.│● │ ll"1● ` `│● `│ 疎ヨ toし │●・ 醸 “ ヽ ● P● ,¨ A′ ●●,● ● lt● 輌 そ れ 調 ● o●“ t 山 ,,… … “ ,ヽ ― ■ A― ・ r― … NOTARY Subscribed and sworn to bofore me this Signed County of State My Commission Expiroi day Of 20_ Notary Public in and for the /1′ FID′ ′ ,″ 7カ バ′ ヽ てヽな "′ "″ `わ 1/rO「 cどRF/F/(ル 4r/θ Ⅳ ′ ″″ ″″々 ′ lrヽ ,I、 `′ `′ '`′ ,"`′ ″ て 方、 “ “ ,′ ,ク ″ lllた "│` ヵ卜 `′ `′ `ム `″ ′ ″′ ■ ″、 、`“ ′ヽ ,′ 1ヽ /t'″ ど ′ Aヽ lATERIAI ,ヽ :']` OR rA:SEヽ rATEヽ lEヽ TOR()ヽ :sヽ :0ヽ ヽ1ヽ DEIヽ COヽ ヽド(11()ヽ W:T:::il:S FOR DEヽ :Al(〉 (じ RTIFiCAT10ヽ 、REヽ ()(:ヽ T:0ヽ OF A PR10R 「 A: 1ヽ II:All()ヽ Or Stヽ PENSloN OR DEBARヽ Eヽ I PROCEED:ヽ (ヽ Aヽ :)ヽ lAY Stl■ JEて :Tl■ ,「 ::て ヽ l:0ヽ 卜 ヽi'I'It()ヽ St F「 iCIEヽ TCハ tSE PE RS()ヽ ヽN D7()REヽ ■lTヽ ヽ:AK:ヽ G TI:EFハ :ヽ S:.ヽ lEヽ :Eヽ「 :()ヽ ヽヽ Aヽ 1).ヽ IIく [ヽ il Aヽ :) Prヽ ハ::■ にsAヽ A::Ani E Pt RSt Aヽ「: l()AI.I・ li(]ヽ BI E FEl)「 Rヽ ]ヽ ヽ1)・・ [ヽ [じ :Aヽ (RIMIヽ ■I (full name printei), $r'car or arlrm under p.nalry oflaw rhar I am (iillc) ofurTlicanl firm _ (,irm nrnrc) snd rhar I havc rcad and underslood all oflhc questions in rhis application and that all ofrh€ forcgoing infomllion and s|arernenls submirtcd in this applicaliofl and irs atlachrnenb and surponing documm$ arc tnrc and con€cr to lhc besl o[ nr) Inowlcdgc. and rhar all r6ponscs ro the quesriorls art full and corDpletc, omiiling no m.r6ial infornarion. lhe rcsponscs includc all tnarcridl informaiion n.c6sary ro fully and accur.tcly idcniify snd srplain rhc ofrclntions. cap.bilitics and penincnl history of rh€ narned firm as well as fie owncrship, conml, snd alfiliations thcrenf. I recogniza that lhc information subrnilrcd io lhis applic{lion is for rhe purpos€ ofinducidg cenificstion aftfm)val by a govemmcnt rSency. I uode$tand th.r a Sovcrnmenr agency may. by means it d€sns nprmpriarc. dcrcmine rh€ accuncy and truh oflhc $al.rnsrrs in rhe applicalion. at|d I auhorize such agcncy lo cont ct lnv crrtiiy nam€d in rhc af,plic.lion. and lhc n nEd firm's bonding compani.s. banking rllstitutionr. credit agencies. contractors. clicnts. and odrcr cenifying agcncics for rhe purposc ofvenling rhc information surplied and delcrminins $c namcd firm's €ligibility. I agrc€ to sulrmit to govcmm€nt audir, examination ond nvicw of books, records, dftumenrs and filcs. in whatever form thcy eriit, offic named firm snd its aflilistcs. instecrior ofits ptaccs(s) ofhusiness and cquipmcnl. and lo Fmir of ils principals. a!!ct|ts. aid ernployees. I undcrstald lhat Efuss! ro such inquiries sh.ll be Frounds for dcnial ofccnification. lfa\rarded a conlrad or subconhcl. I ag,t ro promflly rnd dirr.tly provi& rbe pnmc conlaclor. if.ny. and rhe Deparimcnt, r€cipigll igrncy. or f.dcral funding agcncy on an ongoing basis. cun flr, complele and accurate information rEgarding ( l) wo* performed on the (2) paylhenrsi snd (l) pmpos€d chang.s, if sny. lo lhe follgoiog rrrangefients. I aSrec to provide writt€n Doticc to thc rEipicnl ag€ncy or Unified Cerrification pmgtam (UCp) ofany orrtcrial chsngc in $c intorrnstion conrsined in the original application ,r.irhin l0 cal.idar days of such chan8r (€.g.. oercrship, lddrEss. tclqfionc nljlnbcr. etc. ). Lcknowl€dge rfld .8rE! thrl any misrcpEs€nrarions in ihis application or in rccords pcnairinS lo a conlmot or subco,tract will tc gmunds for rcrminaring any contrr.r or subconracl which may be awarded: deflial or r(\ ocalion ofa.nilicalion; susFslon 6nd debarmcnr: and for iniriaring action undcr fcdenl andrbr srarc law conceminS falsc srarcfircnt fEud or othcr applicable offct|scs I cenify rhat I am a socially aI|d c{tmomi€lly disndlanr.gcd individual who is ao owncr of drc abov6 rrfcrenrxd firm sccking ccnification as a DisadvantaScd Businars Enlclpris€ (DBE). In supoo( ofmy npplicotion, I ccnify thal I am s ncmbcr of onc or norc of tfc folowin8 gmups. and rhar I hrvc hcld myself oul as a m€mber ofthe group(s) (circleallthat apply): :tmュ lc lllick \fircncan .\srnn- Pacil;. fuicric!n Olhcr (spcrify) Hisp6nic Subcontincnt American A!i!n An ricrn Narivc Arncricrn @ orherh sincssl I Ye ONo lf Ycs. idcnrili for alch: P.Rlnl B.\inc(s: I Iill.: Fu.c on: , I I I ( l2) Do anJ_ of the persons list€d in (l ) throu8h ( l0) above o*n or worli for any orhcr firm(s) rhat hrs a rBlalionship spta.. fudcidt nvnh. ts. qripnat_ to'6. N^onn.t shatin(_.t 1.) wilh lhis firm (. F. o{n.6rip o!.teit. oiic. 'ha.dl O Yes lJNo II Ycs. idcrtily lbr NaIure oi ltu\in$\ ea€h: Ftrm Nam(: Relationship. C. roor firm's itrlentory in the follo* ing czte$oric. lada.h odditionot shcttr iI needd): O$ ncd or l.c.sed? │ ヽt1liclて 、 ヽiakt'ヽ lodcI O$ ncd or l-easd? (b' Ot^ ned or Correol l'rluc of Prop{rlv or Lcr\cd? l-ces,c 4 ()nned or t,cssd? (t' D. Does ( Currenl \'3luc of ProDrrt\ o. Lease ) \onr firn oo an) othcr tirm for mrnrgemenl funclions or rmpto)er pelrolt: l. in.ncirl ltrfrrrmrti,,n l) B.nIint lnrormetion: (b) Phonc No: Cir\ ( , E ] es O \o I cenil_v that I am (rially disadvantaged ircause I have bcen subiected Io mci.lorelhnic prejudice or cultuml bias. or h!\r sulT.Ed rhc caic.ts of dir;mimtion. b€causc of my rd€ntiry as r mcmber ofoDe or uu. ofthe 8rcuru idenrified above. without .e8ard to my indilidual qualitics. I ftlnh( cenify lhar my nel wonh does nor erce€d Sl -12 hillion. and rhat I am e.onomicall)_ diradvnnhSed becsuse my rbility to conrpere in the frce enr€rprise svsrern has b(ten inlpsrred due lo di ririshsl capilaland credit apponuniriei 6s compared to othe6 i, the samc or silnilir linc ofbusiness who arc not $cially and economically disadvanr,scd. I dela.E under p6'alty of perjury thsl thc inlormatioo p.ovid€d in rhis applicarion ind supponing docoments (l)drc) Signarurr lDBf,\pplicanr) :r-()'I ARY ( l:RTl!'ICATE: メ〓 じ レ一 と。● ●。 一 ド菫 〓 一 ,, ■ , ︶ ︶■ ﹄く 0︵ 一 一 , 一CNヽ C︹ヽ一“‘︶o﹂ ぃC︼ ︶o一で こ一n奮 一e 8 一oυ︵ 8 ■ C, 一 , 翡能 勇輩︸ 郵¨ 盛鵠♂ 襲筆橋︺ 輩¨ 議褒翼毒 謎¨ 一 一 奨一 義滞 一 縫一 oc“■つ●‘一 ● 〓型B メ●一一一●c〓●一一●E , 量難 詳一 彗無幸響 、 “ C C 一り “﹄ C ● 一9ヽ 一L ﹄p ︼■ 一 C ︼ 一一 0 一﹄C ● C の 一 メЭ〓ピEEC︶”τ 彗嚢一 摯筆一 一華畿 議醸一 一 纂襲義一 襲一 聾霙 ¨票 ﹂ 舞討¨ 、 >● み 0〓¨ 〓﹄“︻ υ。●0こ●ョ只︶●︼ 〓o一 ¨ ¢. “ ルro●“´ 疑彎 鴫議婆 拝 嚢¨ ≡弩“ 峯舞 . 野 華 瑳 纂. 押 議一 織癬 一 一 場 銘 王墓 鐸彙 C ● 。 一 一 一“一ゥに . ●マ ´C一● 〓こ ●´﹄う 0●一 一 一 . 一 ” 粁 魔 一 ︼ ¨ 一 一 一 一“ ¨¨ 一¨ 諄 t 螂 嗚 ´マ C ”〓〓 ”一 ′ C 一っこ ■こ o﹄一E c c ´¨ ︻ . 諄¨ 一 レギ”諄﹄器 一 覆 壺﹂ 3 ¨ 1一 ●ヽ0´ ■一■〓撻 ηt´≒ぅ ¨ . . 髪群甲 蟄﹄ ¨露≒ 襲¨ 0あ ¨● ●メ 0 ¨も 一ウoつ ● 一 ヽ■● ´●一●´ 0こ “´一 , F一 ●︺C C ●一r O一に ぅ ●っ つ C 一 ●一 ´●● ● 〓 一 〓 C 一●”一r C C 一〓 一 一´ ●一一0 ^〓 こ ● っ 。こ 〓 っ 。一‘ ●‘ ... ョ 一o C 。 ●● ¨● 一 0 ¨´︵︶ ︲L O つ 0一 ●● 一r●一 卜すON “ 0やON . トロ﹁“0 一 ″コヨくり∽こ の02く り0コ くLくL OロコくにuZШO の0>一 ● c●〓3■ ‘ ■●■﹂■¨ 丼 r 一一一 ︻ t一〓︼ “ e_ ・ T,{tt〔 AF THURSDAY JAN 30 2014 CHRONICti ● 01 │ :鼈 い111∼ ___ ・ =│││.:`│││ ―――― ・ ・ ・‐ ―――― IL‐ 1' 訛■ │‐ 財 IIIL彗 呻 馨 1鸞 I聴範墓FI繭 ・ iF嘴 語 専 11 1 1 1`千 1 , 1 1 111‐ 1 1脚 ]電 壼 整 1: i‐ 11 11111 , │ 1 1 11 │ 【 」] 甲警T鮮 岬 脚柵距 =■「李 1憂 :鵬 ‐ 楊 嘉 品 . │. ' 11 1:'│` │ │ ●1 │ ││. ││││・ :i:│:● '││ │ rr._P.山 tl.● 嗜 ■1 "。 ‐│ │'│ 1響 │ , 111(│ l i ll 11 11 11 = │ 躍 『:辮 男語●eC諦 '誡 ロ■口■■ロロロ‐‐――― :Illllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllロ ‐ CLARKSVILLE TRヽ NSIT SYSTEヽ 1 CLARKSヽ ILLE,TEヽ ヽESSEE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM FEBRUARY ll,2014 (UPDATE) CLARKSVILLE TRANSIT SYSTEM'S EEO STATEMENT OF POLICY Clarksville Transil System is an equal opportun[y employer. These polrcies are Clarksv'lle Transil System s Mitten commiunent to undertake specific aclrons and lo endure equal(y of opportunity hs employment praclices and bases employm6nt on rndrvrdual meri! qualificalDns and i; competence.'All employees and apPlicants for ernploymeni are consid€red equally and are ptac;a, trainea, upg.:O*, promoted, and otheMise tesled during employmont withoul regard to race, color, religon, age, gender, nationalorigin or disabality. These policies shall bo ap?lied to all aspecls of recruili.g, seleclion, hiring-, training., compensation, upgradang, promotion, relenlion, transfea, terminalaon, layofts, benefits and working conditioni of employees. SeNices shallbe provided to the public inan equaland non_ discriminatory manner. 1. Cla*sville Transit Slslem ls committed lo noa having any praclices, activily, policy or d€cision which can/or will discri;inate agamsl an individual o. group on the bas;s of rac€' color, ieliglon' national origin, sex, physical oi mental disabiliy includrng v€terans, age, nationalay, afflliation. place of birih or any oliter characterislic protecled by law. clarksvrlle Trans System will maks reasonable accommodations lor qualifEd iadrvrduals wrth known drsaullilas unless doing so would resull in an undue hardship. This policy govems all aspects ol employment, including selection, iob assignment, compensation, discipllnes, iemination access to tenellts and training 2. Clarksville Transil System b mmm(ed lo undenaking afllrmalive action proqam including goals and timelable in e continuous effort to hire, train, upgrade, promote and rclrain minorily employee and female{s) wtErever it is tn lhe power oa managemenl lo do so. responsibility for :he implementation of Clarksville Transil System's EEO program is asslgned lo lhe DeputyTransil Director, Arlhur Bing of lhe Clarksville Transil System. 3. fhe 4. All managemenl p€rsoonelshare in lhe responsib ily and wlll be assigned speciric task lo assure compliance of Clarksville Transil Slstem's EEO pol]cy. 5- All epphcants and employe€s of Clarksville Trensil System will have the righl to file comdaints alleging discflminatron wlh lhe appropriae offlcial. Ali Clarksville Transit Syslem managers, supeNjsors, etc., will be evaluated on lhe success of the EEO program. L 7 Aci:evemenl of EEO goals wll b€nefll recip,enusub-recipienrcontractor lh.ough fully ulilizalion and development of previously underulilized human resources. L This policy will be publacaze and dissemimte intemal and extemal. 9. EEO meetang wjll be held semiannuallyto discuss lhe prograrn and its implementalion. I 0 '11. EEO poslers and policy statement will b€ posted in conspacuous and accessible areas. The EEO policy statemeni willbe including in the personn€l handbook 12. [.{e€ting will be held with persons wilh disabilaties, minorilies, and females for p'ogram slrggeslions. 13, AII employees will receive a presentation of the EEO program as pan of employee orientation 14. The EEO policy and prolram will be drsseminaled exlernallv to the career cenlers, educalional institutions, min;rity, persons with disabllilies groups crvil dghis and women's organizalions,'s cenlers, communrty action qroups. training organZation, others who refer ap;licants. pLrblic media sources, radios. television slatlons, newspapers, magazines and other 15. The City Code, Personnel Policies & Procedures and Personnel Handbook will cover olher policy slatemenl for sexual harassmenl. hostile-free working envircnmenl, non-discriminaton on sexuilori€ntalion, rcprisa or person wrth physical or menlaldisability' including veterens 16. All advoriisement and vacancy announcements will slale thal lhe Clarksville Transil Syslem is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. Clarksville Transit Systen Organization Cha.t I rl, III rhfli rTT III III III lLrtr fr L1 II -I E I (t^nlteh cbmmunicalion hom CEO) EOUAL OPPORIUNIW EMPLOYMENT The Clarksville Trans System is an Equal Opportunity Efiployer. We resuit. select, train and promote only fully qualilied persom without rega.d to mce, crlor, gender, religion national origin, age, or disebility. Lik6wise. such malleG es pay, benefts, lEnsIe6, lay-offs, terminatiom, lraining, educetion or other programs will be admrnistered equally to all efiploy€es in keeping with equa: opportunily guidelines. The Clarksville Trans:l Sysiem will nol dascriminate on the basis of nationel o gln in recfilitment, hiring or termination. However, wewil:aot employ e p€rson who is or b€comes an lnauthorized align. All new employees musl provide suitable identillcation and complalo lmmigralion and Naturalization Services (lNS) Form l-9. DIRECTOR (CEO) RESPONSIBILITIES r . Assisl in idenlify problems areas and establish agency goals and obFclives . Particapale activoly in perrodic audits of allaspecls ol employmenl in order lo identify and to rernove baniers obsttcling lhe achiev6ment ot specified goa:s and objeclives . Hold regular discussions with other managers, supervisors, and employees to assure the agency's policies and proceduaes are being follow€d . Reviewlhe qualilicaiions ofallemployees lo assure that minoritaes, people wilh disabililies, and women are given full opponunilies for itansfers, promotions, training, salary increases, and olher forms of compensallon . . Padicipate in the .evieu/ e.d/or investigaiion of complaints alleging discriminataon . Participate in periodic audits to ensure that each agency unit is in complhnce (e.g- EEO posters are d6played on allemploy€e bulletin boa.ds). 86 actavely involved with local minority orgEnizations, woman s and disabled groups, community aclion organizations, cohmunity oulreach organizalions and c-ommunrty seavice progaams designed io promote EEO Conduct and suppon ereer counseling fo. all employees DEPUTY TRANSTT DIRECTOR (EEO MANAGER) RESPONSIBILITIES . Develop and recommend EEO policy, program and internal and exteraalcommunication procedures . Collect and an analyze employment data, identify problem areas, sel goals and timetrables, and develop programs lo achieve goals . Designing, implementng, and moniloring internal audit and reporting syslems to measure progEm effectiveness and to delermine where progress has been made and where further aclion is needed . Reportinq periodically to lhe Di.eclor on progress of each unit in relalion to lhe agency's goals . Serving as a liaison tletween the agency, Federal, State, and local govemments regulaaory agencies, minonly, handicapped and $/omen s organizalions, and other communitygrou9s . Assuiing that currenl legal intormallon affecling affinnative action is dissem'naled to responsible officials . Assisting in recruling minority, disabled and women appllcants and establishing oukeach sources for use bY hirjng offlclals . Be a part of aI h'res ard oromolions decrslon . Processrno and trac\ emplo)Tnenl d6crimination complainl based on race color' national (rnc uding vel€ra1s)or ag€ ongrn, sex; religor. ohysicElor nenlaldEabilily . Develop a system fo..eporling, monitonng and evalualrng improvement in hiring. Itaining transter and promolions rn are€s of under partEipanon MONITORING AND REPORTING SYSTEMS . The EEO program will consists of rcpodng, monitonng and evaluating ,mgrovemenl in hrin9, training, transfer and promotions is areas of under paaticipation and periodic reports will be collecied from supeNisory personnel . . The EEO program willtrack discaplinary aclions i.e- terminations, suspensions, demotions, etc. wilh breakdown on race, color, nalional origln, disabjlily, or sex? The EEO program willlrack EEO complaints based on race, color, national o gin, sex, religion, physical or menlal disabilily (including Veterans). or ago . Upper echelon manageme.l will be keep inform of progress and problems and solicitation of recommendalions COMPLAINT PROCEOURES The CTS has never had an EEO compleint since it b€gan service June 1, 1987. Holvever, inthe event lhal an employ€e teels thal he or she has been subiected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national odgin, sex, age, or handicap, mayfile a wrilten complainl with their immediate supervisor, th€ DeptyTransit Drraclor (EEO Ofllcer, Arthur Bing,430 Bojllin Lane. Clad(sville. TN 37040, Phone: 931'553,2330), or the Drectot (Jrmmy Smilh, 430 Boillin Lane, Clarksville, TN 37040, Phone: 931-553-2430). All complainls must be in w.,ling and signed by the complainani or their authorized representalive. Complaints s,1al!slate as i.rlly as possible the circumstances regarding lhe alleged discrimlnalion. A complaint will be regarded as me*ling en invesligalion onless: It clearly appears on its face io be trivra orfrivolous, The complainant wiiidraws the complaint, The pa.ty complained againsi concedes and agrees lo lake remedial aciion, There is other good cause lor not invesligating lhe cornplaint CTS managemenl will invesiigate any complaint in a limely manner and 1ie findings, recommendatons. and proposed aclons wil be repo(ed to lhe comdaiaant. lf the complainant is nol satisfied wth the CTS managements investEation aM decision they mayfile a complainl with the Tenressee Depadment ofTransporlaton s Office of Civil Rights (Suite 180o. James K. Polk Building, 505 Deaderack Slreet, Nashville, TN 37243 Phone:615.741' 3681 ) for further invesligalion. Employmenl Practicos Employ6e classification andiob descnptions have been established ior al1 posiiions wilhin the depan;ent. No applicants will be conside.ed fo. position with the departmenl unless they meel lhe qualificalions of the posilion for $+rich they have applied. by the selection of the most highly qualified applicanls, regErdless ofrace. color, sex, leligion, nationd o&in, age or disability, wlE meets the iob relaled criteria of the job descnplion. Aln6wor vacanl positions wllbefilled Now or vrcant posrtions will be filled by applicants provided by the Personnel Depa(ment through the Job Services of Tennessee. The Clarksville office of Job Service of Tennessee has copies of all deparlmenl iob descripljons, pay tables and job placement tables. When an order is pleced by the Personnel D€partmont io Job SeNices of Tennessee, that offce will compare lhe iob relaled requir€menls of the job description to lhe applicants qualifications on file. Those applacants will 6omplele the applicalion forms. The Pe6onnel Department will coordinale wjlh the departmenl head lo schedule lhe applicants for inlerview. The inierview questionnaire will be used Final selection musl be based on objective criierie relaled lo the applicanls' ab,liiy lo perform lhe essenlial elemenls oftheiob. ln the event that the department head chooses nol to hhe a aandidate who Job services has determined to moet al: the essenlial requiremonts of the iob based on lh6job description, the Personnel Departmenl wi:l be in wiling or lhe reason the decision was made lo reiect the olheMise qualified candidat€. When lhe applicanl for employment has been chosen, atlg departmenl will complete the 'Record of Appointmenl' form, altach the application and foMt.d the docuhenls to lhe Pe6onnel Departmenl. The personnel Depa(ment will coordinate lhe co.dilional emdoylnonl assessment (physical examanation) wilh the Risk l\,lanagement Omce and lhe backg.ound invesligation with the Clarksville Polico Department. Upon complelion of the process outlned above,lhe new employee should then be sent to Pe6onnelfor in pocessing and opening theemployee's itre. This prccess willcover all ilems listed on the Employee Oner{alion checklisl vacanl position6 within the department wil, be advertised intemally rn accordance with the provisions of Sec. 1-1310 of the city code. The iob wi:l be posled in each department for 5 working days. Employees wishing to apply for such posilbns will complele the shonjorm applicaiion and relurn it lo lhe Personnel Department. The Personnel Department will lorwerd lhe forms to the gaining deparlmenl lo schedule lhe inletview. All vacant positions/|,€nsfer will be lilled by the seledion ofthe mosl highly qualified appl,cants, .egardless of race, color, sex, religion. natronalo.igin, age ordisability, wtlo meets the job relaled c.rteria ot lhe job descriplion The PeEonnel Director willcletermine the proper piacemenl on lhe pay table and job placemenl table. The Personnel Directorwill sign the Record of Appoiritmer{ and forward to the appropriaie flnance office and lo the l\,layor for rinal appro\ral. FullTime Bus Operator positions wrll be ailled frcm the PartTime Bus Operator pool based on seniority. All olher posilions/promotions will be filled by the applicalion and interview process The seleclio; oftho most highly qualmed applicants, regardless of race. color, sex, rehgron, natonal ongir, age or drsabiltly,-wro meels lhe Job re,at6d crlte'la or thelob descrPton, will be made There are no writton. formal or scorcd tests used Clarksville Translt Systgm. an lhe employment selection prccess for the (1) Intemd !, ^re mglllllgers rnd sup€rvisors futl-v intormed of the sg€ncl's Polic! bI actions a) writtcn cofiuntrnicalion ftom the CEO/GM (Share a cop.v ofthe communication) EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYIVENT The Clarksville Transit Syslem as an Equal Opponunity Employe.. We recruit, select, train and promole onlylully qualified persons Mthout regard to race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age. or disa6ilaty. Likerrvise. such matlers as pay, benefils, transfers. lay"offs, teminations, rilining, oduc€lon or other programs willbe adminisle.ed equallyto allemployees in keoping with eaud opportunity guidelines. The Clarksville Transit Slstem willnot discriminale on the basis of nalional origin in rectuatmenl, hiring or lerminalion- However, we will nol employ a p€rson who is or bocomos an unauthorized aliea. All new employees most provde suitable idontitication and complete lmmigralion and Naturalazalion Services (lNS) Form l-9. b) Inciusion ofthe EEO Prolram iD persorlllel and opemlio.s Inan als Oell us wherc this ir located rn your manuals) The Cily Code (Sec 1 - 1303) Personnel Policaes & Procedures (91-2 #3) Personnel Handbook (pag6 2) c) Meelings held al leasl serxannually to discuss the Fogram and its implemenudon? (Tell us when & where thc mcctings were held) Department Head meetings are held atlhe Clarksvi,le 'fra.si1 SFtem the lasl Friday of each monlh and the program and ils prcgress is discussed. ,rr lerrlr!, fu rotr{upervi6ory stafr idorm€d by .ctio[s such rs (d): locations (where?) 1 Posring of EEO postcn and policy statemants in co.sPicuous and accessiblc EEO posier and policy statemenls are posted in the Adminislraiion Building near the opet'ato/s'/ training room and the Transfer Cenler on the bulletin boardconn.acts, (Name the ? Including EEO policy in ernPloyec handbooks. reports, manuals ard un:on locations) The Cty Code (S€c 1 - 1303) Personnel Policies & Procedures (91-2 #3) Personn€l Handbook (page 2) There are no unions f meeting ll/ilh persons with disabilities. millor:des, a,nd f_emates for program suggestions (whelr?) 4, Meeling with minorities and fern ales for program suggestions r^,as held on Fe'uary 5 20'1 at Polcing communlty New Provioonce ths t." omL oi Hou",ng a Commun y oevelop;ent and al Centerjob fair on Fobruary 10.2014. in all traininS proglarns' 4 PrescDtation of EEO program as part ofemplovee orientalion and (wlen & *'here did tlis lake Place?) EEO oresentatrcn is Derl of new employee orGnlaton thats held al Cfty Hall. dunng new 6mployee faining at lhe Clarksville Transrl Syslem and duihg serra'lnually Ealning' (2) Eiemallf , is lhc EEO polic) Itrd programs di$€minstEd to regtrlxr r.cmitm€trt sucl as: a) enrplolrnent agcncies, hirilg halls. unions, educational inslilubotrs. minority' Pcrsons sources with dlsabiities groupi. and womcn s organizations. civit rights oryarizations' velerans centers, Ciry/stare rob Piaccmc Ccnters, coErnunity aclion SrouPs, lraining or!,anization alrd others who refer applicanls. (Pl€se namc) All applicants for employment wilh the Clarksville Transit System come through the City of Oaai(sville, Clarksville/Montgomery Counly Career Center. 5) public media sourccs, radio. telerisiotr stalions. news?apers' rnalEzines and oth€rjoumals (o;e €d to persons with disabilides, disabled veterans, and minority populatio,t, (Plcasc name) The Clarksville Transit Syslem disseminates rts EEO policy throlgii ils web sile and whenever ads are placed in the loc;l newspaper Cfhe Leat-Chronicle), Spa.,si language paper (El Crucero) and radios stiations (WJZM and Five Sta4. EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES Th. D.lailed urt"tilc should include Prccedutls for: Rccruitmcol ud emplovment s'l'ctioil posiiol desc&trars, reduitmcni melhods. intenieq Proc.durcs lesl adhinislered siorily practiccs, proma'ioel prociu'es, rransfer pmceaur.s, trailing proramsi proc.durcs rctardmg q age and sslarv lcvels Lnens; a and otis r) pro.edures ond drschErse and reffi,narion prdctices' (N'ed promorion na*u* procedures- d'schars."raUlPlin & tctmrdtionpro.€dlrei) Eql.l opPonunhy.nPloyrn€nl S.c. - 1{ be de;i€d emdorrr€nt or .dvanc€ment. o. be eYaluacd on th€ basis ol s€r lo set bv "ttjrr or;aomv, rac!. coror. coeo o. national orig . &e shall be consldeled onlv wnh rcsp€ct to minimum {ord. No. s&200 6, 1- 6) S€c. 1-1304. E nploym.nt clas.Hatlon EmDlov66s will be hired ln one of tae tolrofing classfficaions' som€ turltme scnedure ii;r^;. Nirmirry *,,r', icdv (a0) d morg hours per week onb€nsnts and pnvire!€s or to at' are eniileo emprovses #;;;t; r;;;"p";;i.-(esulr ruut'-i omDloment as det8rminod bY lhe crtv counc'I. hours p€r reei Emplov€€s rn thrs dass are tzi ii.*i"i, ilr:,tt * No;alry w6 s lass thsn 'odv {'Io) number of h@rs m'[ed' No dhor b€nafrts re lil; based on bemfrts reti.srnonl *i,ri"O lo ir*a', pad-rime the dutie€ ot school cossrno suard on Julv 1' emprove€ F€r,omins il; ;;;ili "q,lar psvm€nt or ri,e e;dq,ee'i neat ano oentat 'ns"'ance prcmums at the ,;i liirl"-;;d"d. il""tt# t"i;'[ 11) R.a;i;; cily's expense unlilthat smployae c€as€s e(nploylEnl- l3l Tenponty, tu/lrime. Normalry wo s rony (40) holrs psr w€sk, bd the emplovmenl ls nmo_limited l. this classitcation are nol norhally ennued lo benefits Th6 ns6d to contnu6 to requir€ any Employees ts;po;rrr employ€€ wlll be evaluaisd by th6 dsiariment hoad bv lhe end ol on€ (1) vear ol emplovment f fris'neGi co;tidres to exist, ih€ lEmpoEry statt s may b€ enended wirh th6 rEcommsndauons of ihe depadrnent head 5nd approval of the human rcsourca6 dr€cror and hsvor. How€@r' d ih€ neod lor anv teirporary emptoyee exieeds t\ o (2) ysar€. lhB posilion will b€coms 6 r69ulsr. pan'time positon and will be nll€d $rcugn lhe approved s€loclion pDcesE oulinsd in section 1n 306. renpoGty, p;Aahc- Nomallyqo s forty (40) hou6 per waek, but th€ emplovment is limo]imhed' amlbyees inihrs classiication arc nol nomally 6nmbd lo bsnsf6. The nsed lo conunue lo Eq''re anv $) teniporary emptoyee will be €valuat€d by lhe deiatunenl h€ad bv tie ond oi on€ (1) v€.r ot omploymenl lf this need codinues to exis1, lhe ismpoGry galus may be enended wul tie reclrnmendatlons of th€ d€parh€nt hsad and apploval ol ihe human resources diroctot and msyor Howevet, if th€ noed for anv te;porary employs€ sxc;sds lwo (2) yEaG. ltle Posilion will become a regular, psn_Ime posiljon and will be illed lkough the appmved ser€ction pmcess outinsd an s€cton 1 -1 306. (5) Seaso;f M;i be tull-lime or pan'Un€, bul ehploy6es arc hi€d only dunng a padicular season of th€ y6ar. Emplolsss are lsnninaled al the end ol lhe saason Employees in this class arc nol entitled to (016. No.50"2m 6,1-t06) S€c. 1-1305- Job qurllilcr{ong (a) Oualifcaions for poEitons have b€en, or will b€ eslablished by, a posilion classificaton sFern using the Fb description and s!€luato. lBqu€st proc€dur€s outin€d in seclion 1-1307 and 1J310. (b) No applicants will b€ consdsred tu a posrlion wilh the cjly unlss! lhsy meot rle minimum qualifications of the position bl which th€y nat/€ appled. (Ord. No.5G200 6,1- 6) S.c. l-'!306. S6l*tion of @plicstrtB The human resource6 depattnenl is lesponsible for cootdinaling lhe s€l€clon and onentation of new employs€s. The procedurcs i'r th€ s€reclion and onenbtion of new €mPloyaes is ouuined in Personnsl Proc€dure 91-2, daled June 6, 1991. (Od. No. 5G200S6. 1-$06) Sc.. 1-1307. P6lton classlfic.tlon crealrng a n€w loo withan a dePadment. lhe depanmenl h€ad will submn a complete iob (a) When d€scdplion and evalualion requen form lo lhe hsnan resources departmenl flo newty crcaled posttion may be flled belorc proper job classilicalion is defmed. (b) Upon recsipt ot ,le job descnplon and €valualion reqlJest with a Eummary of duues or n€w ddies ;c.ompanying rre rcqussl, the human resource6 depanm€nt will compl€i€ trs job descnpton in coniunclion witr the dep€nm€ri hsad. The job will b€ ovaluated by the human r€sources depadment and placed in a pay grad€. The mayor will be the linal appmval althotily for al! reclassifrcaton lBquests. position is filled, the deFdment h€ad will consi'lisr ici Whsn a new position is sstablish€d or a vacantparl_tme €mploys€ Every efort will be made lo uliliz wneln€r the posito. c5n b€ tllled wi$ a tempoGry or patt'me temporary or employaes (Od- No. 5G200+06, 1-t06) Soc. 1-'l 313. Promotion6 Oualafications hav€ b66n establish€d for each posilion in city govsmmeni and are on fl€ rn the iuman resources deparEnent. whsnover possible. vacancies wilhn will be lilled bv a qualined c(v €mployee. Th€ ptoc€ss tor posting v6cani posilions and th€ aPplication process arc as ouUDed itl Poc6dure 91-2, paragtEph 6. {od.l{o. 5G200t06, &c. 1- PeEdnd 6) 1"1316. Dlsciplin.ry actlon conduct th€ms€lves in an od€dv and eflci€nt mann€r at all lil r* " ot. All ;,nployses arc Bxpsclsd lorEgulalDns, or standards of the citv or lh€ departtnenl in xhich ths rules, violEtes Wtren an emproye6 iimes. employed, disciplin;ry adion maybe !,aksn. Disaiplnary aclio. mav belaken in the following forms: {1) Vetualreprimand. (2) Writren repnmand. (3) R€dlction in pay. (4) Suspen$on wllhout {5} DBmoton. i6) lellnination. pay. Fat trcatnonl- Employees ot lhe cr, 6hall b6 l€arsd larrlv rn all .sp€cts ol emdovmonl when n lb) jcomgs i b didplino an emPloy€e, such discPlh6 wll b€ aPpl'6d al tlE appropnate levol in *t tlri, ciry Cdae ano suci itrar imptementng pohc€s and proc€du€s aE lh€ olv co"'cil i""o,uu."""ocessary or work nabits. ba6is of disciplins i5 nol lo punish, bui to coreEt unaccoptEblE behavio' wjll 6e Gqually apltoo ano, to tho €n6nl po$lbls, will b€ comistent and Ihe ;od€nying deems n€cessary. Dascaplin€ prlgressive in nalurE. smploy€€s wlll b€ afir.dsd ths b€noft or dLre prccass Du€ pioces' ;Aulres Sral sstabiishsd rulEs and_ proc€dur€s for di6dplmary actDn are fo,lowed and lh€t emplovees hd€ an opportunity lo rsspond io chaQ; made against lllem pdor lo ths daoision o. the dis€iplinary action to b€ Lken. Due ptoc€ss.onsists of lhe following: (1) Emploiees shall be notifiad of lhe chaiges againsi hsm. Such noffcalion will detail times. places and ic)' Mhjnun due .,r/.,ess. All ragular (2) r;e noi'fcalion {ill pmvide for rhe €mployss lo have a pre-dscBion discussion. Th€ employee shall b€ ;ien 3 Easonable psliod of lim€ to PEpare to an$iff charg€s and Prcs€nl inturmation which might ,nnuence lhe dEcipl,nary dscrs'on. conducling lhe pE_decision discussion will b€ a departn€nt h€ad or ihe sanior supeMsor in the employee'8 wolt 'Jnit.abovs shall b€ lor tha puaose of allowing the employ€e io pres€nt inlormation to drtined {4) The the manager rcgarding the dis.iptnary actron undor consideraton. stat€rerts ftDm {s) Th€ ;isc!;ioi sian b€ irlf;mal. Th€ €mployee snal hava lhe dght lo prcsent \atitenwin regatd to $e informaton l€levanl st Ement, or any oth6r ;;tness€s, or his or h€r own rritten or o.a! chaEes. Attendancs 3nd parucipalion by p€Eons olher lhsn the depa(m€n! lEad and th€ €mployoe shell be al fle discreton of the depanm6nl head. (6) lf t'€ employe€ d€dln€s the oppoturnrty to havs the disa$sion or pr€senl infotmslion th€ prcvisions or this seclion ar€ deemed to havs be€o met. {d) Cars€. Disclplinary aclionswillbe based on cause or suficienl leason, as ou{ined in s€clion 1_1317 ol rhe city code. {3) fhe PtEon ;;[ng lel Aaljons for which ez{'loyees iay .tot be clisciplined. Aclions ,or whi.h emdovees may not be disciplined include: (1) Condilions contDllsd by equal smployh€nl oppo.tunity law such as race. religion, national origin, sex. €g€, dasabiliy. or military stat'rs. (2) Unioo aclivities as d€lemined by law. Reponing Occupalional Safety and Healh Act (OSHA) violalions. or cases of waste, fraud a'd abuse i3t {1i Rgtusing to p€rforrn an unLisual work assrgnment which lhe €mplovee ,usijiablv 06[ev€s lo b' hazar.lous or life-hrcatoni'lg {5) Retusing to perbrm an acl whicn is cleany n violation of th8 law Disaprinary pro@ss. 11) Enployees olhet lhan depadnonl ,,,.ads or ctty ofllcials. i-- Discipli;ary aclion up lo, and anduding, a Mitlon repdmand will be conduct€d by supervisory P€rsonnel wihin the cJly depatun€nt. Wdtten rcpnrnands will b€ authenticalsd bv the d€padnsnt h€ad belore tney ar€ placed in the employ€e's oflicial p€tEonnsl file in the human resource department. lft b- Excepl as prcvld€d in subserlion (0{1)c-, allegations of €mplov66 misconduct whlch could wzranl redudi; in pay, sr.,sp6nsion wilhout pay, demolion, or temination, will be thorcughlv invenigatod and documeded al lhe d;pa(ment levsl. Pnor b th€ decis,on on any disopline by lhe deparlment head, lhe empioys€ will bo atroded du€ Process as s€l lorlh r subs€ction (c) Upon comPlelion ot trle invssligation lnat and aidicaiion ol du€ procesa th€ dep.dment head will decids ttlethsr to impos€ disciPline 'nd pav,,suspenson in reduclion of rmposo drsciplane dis.iplde b impos6. ,l ih6 dspanm6ni h€ad decides lo wisroul pay, d;mobn, or dmination, the depanmgf,l h€ad will filgl fo ait the rssults ol his or her invedig;to; and decision, with all supporting documentation or matsnals, 1o ihs hlmsn resour'es depar;ont head. The human msourc66 depadtneni head will ved, that Ihe emplove€ was aforded due p;cess, and that $e discipline i5 appropriats and gonslally consislenL Upon such find'ng, the human Lsourr:as aepartrent treaa witt so notify m appropnie depanmo^l h€ad of lhe €mplot€6' Th€ depadhent his o' nead willlt1; iifom the omploy€s in wrlting ot the dlscrPllne dec,son, and wll advis€ iho emplovae-ol n.. ridhr to aoDdl The €m;bv6e will havs l6n (10,;bndar davs lo apP6.l lhe dec6'on Dv notryrng lh€ ..sorr""" o"pu'tmenl h€ad h wnling lf lh€ emplovs€ doe6 nol app€al lhe drscrPline decision' o does not app€alin a lim6]y mann€r,lhe discipline snallbscoma final c. All allegations oI emdby€e misconducl that invorv€ s6xuat haEssmenl or hostils wo* onvironmenl' vol€ncs, and/or mnglul retaliaton. w l be reisnsd bv lho dep'tmEnl head irr.."i Ol""n'r.ut "oriol;c4 resouEes department lo conducl th€ €nlirc rnveslEaton Anv such allsgalrons will h€ r"rui i" it" nr."" -. ir,"i,rgnly 1;r."ljsrt"o .nd;ocumentsd bv the human tosourc€s d€panmem. Upon comPleton of lh€ lnvestliation, fre_human resourcos dopsrttn€nt will provids tte rB6ulls of said invGsligstiojl, with all suppo;ing d;umenration or matedals, lo lhe sppropdat€ d€paimenl h€ad ot lhe emplove€' Pnor b the decilion on 6ny discirline by the d€part nent head, the employee wlll be afforded due P.ocess as sel lonh in subs€clion (c). Upon compietion of the invesigatim and application ol due ptocess, oie deqaranenl head will d€cdo e/tiBthor lo impose dis.ipline, and what discrplrne lo lmpose ll tie depa,tmenl head decides lo impos discipline ot reducton i. pay, susp€nson qlhosl P.y, deinonon, or teminaliln. lle depattment hsad will frrst fo,wa.d the esults of iris or her deosion. wilh all suppotung docuin€nl,alk o. materials. io the huinan resources depaamed h€ad. The human rcsoLrrces departFent hoad sill vedfo U'al the €mploFe was afodod duo prccess, and lhat the displine is appropnate and gonerally consistent. Upon such fnding, the human rcsoules deoadnent head wll so noiiry ihe appropriale departnenl head of i!€ emplovee. The d€psrh€nl hsad will tien infom the employee in Miiing oi the disciplin€ decision, and will advise th€ employ€e of his or her ngft to appeal. The employee wil have 16,r (10) calendar days to apperi ltre de.ision by notlfying lhe huhan raso!rces deparitnent haad in wdling. lfths employee do€s not app3?'1le dasciplin€ d€ci6aon, ordoesnol appeali. a ljmely manner, the discipline shal become llnal. d. lf an employee exercises nis or he. ngn lo app€al the disciplinary aclion, ine appeal lvill [e solelv to the mayor. Tho employee's appealshall be made in writing and shall conlaln a bnet stalemenl oi the grounds for th€ appoal and the lsliol sought. The mayor shall rBnder 6 decision on the employee appeal wfiin twenlv (20)calendar days oflhe rec€ipt orthe employee appoalby rhe human resoumes diractor' Upon review,lhe mayor shalt cletemins stEther the decjsion of the dePadment head is suppodsd by any matenal evidenc€ Itihe mayordeiemines thal the decision ot the depa,lmont head is supPoned by any halenal evdence, lle imposed dis.iptinary action shall be affimed. The human resour.€6 departnsnt shall noli'{y the employee in wrilng of the mayors decision on i,le appeal by cedilied mail, addEssed to flr€ lasl inown address of the €mployee. Upon request the human resoutces departrnent will prcvde a mpy of all dodnentation p€daming to lhe disclpline of any e.nploy*. lo include the mayo,'s decision on an appeal. to any city councjl e. Any €mployos may s6et turlher review of any disopline imposed lhrcugh the courts as provided by law. Any employs€ whose disclpline 6 slspendon wit,lout pay. or leminalion. shall nol erercts€ any ot lha tunctions ofhen emplofnent dudrlg the tnre of suspension, or lermination, p€ndlng to.dlsion ol fle lime for appoal !o lapse, or dun.g any appeal plotlded for he.orn. or Pending any fnal coun adildicalion Any employse whose discipline is a redudton rn pay, demotion, or termination, will have lhei. conp€n*1i.n wilhh€ld in tho apgropnate amour{ f,€ndiE conciusion of any app€al p.ovided lor nerein, or pendng fnal coud adjudicalion. Employ€es subjec! to suspension withoui pay will have tnon comPnsalion withheld for lhe suspensior time penod pendins conclusion ol any app€al pmvided ior hs,€in, or p€nding final coun Ar. problem areas idertified and a plan ofacrion proposed? (Not idorified) With the current minoriiy and female c€tegorres soe chart, the Clarksville Transat Slstem's worldorce appeirs 10 be stable ?1:his time With very ljttle turnover anticipated excepl in lhe op€rator classfication which ias e more modeEle turnover rate. With the completion of the workforce analysis, CTS wilJ plac€ emphasis on recruiting women inlo lhe service worker category and mld-levei managElne.rl over the nexl three years. lf successful, women wall comprise a larger peacenLge of these rolls. MONIfORING AND REPORTING SYSTEMS The Clarksville Transit Systern has established an internal monitonng program that will assess EEO accomplishments by Aacking data. evalliate the program and take necessary corrective action regarding lhe development and execution of programs and goals. The EEO Managerwill reporl to the CEO moniloring and evaluating imp.ovement in hiring, training, transfer and promotions in areas of under participation, intorm of progress and problems and solic atrcr of recommendalons. The EEO Manager wili.ollecl rcports from supervisory pe$onnel periodically' The EEO Manager will lrack atlcomplaints and disciplinary actron on a spreadsheet with breakdown on race, color and sex. . The EEO program wlllcorslsls of r€ponrng, molitorrng and evaluanng improvement in . Tne EEO program willtrack disciplinary actions, i e. terminalions. suspensions, demolioni. eL. wilh breakdown on race, color, nalional origin, djsabllily, or sex? . The EEO p.ogram willtrack EEO complainls based on tace, color' national origin, sex, religion, physlcalor mentaldisabilhy (including Vete6ns), or age . Upper echelon managemeni will be keep inform ol progress and problems and solicitation of recomtnenda:ions hinng, rarnrn6. lransler ard promoilons ls areas of under panidoalpn and penodrc reports will b€ c,ollected from s!,pervisory personnel Eh}br.D*1,|@.rdr'lldzo]1.2!l! 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MRv wdm ReFitud `1悦 鶴とめ10 僣刻 ",O 曖 3m,o ' "`O 10 FM 餃 3カ 62捻 0,C C M Cc 27`ち 鬱 嫁 いO A M CC O M C ll愚,iO tt C *6tv'ddd sePr{mDuY 6co,.ddv3saldyebvelwsh€ wfr3nR@iE{ Ertd oor, €r.eE v r*qs.dv vhbM B6oe.d s6cl,€6blwihfupjod wdmR@lft 2d. No! Parc etu b s s#*i. o!r.e. e6o!.elsE€da,uRvwdbnnsin'ld .xp'cdoor.5*lyvfuMRvw.e!^Ram'd 860,€@.scd.9.ilFvv@[email protected]. Fa6 R.p& Dry. No'sh@mo, esoF6b Sr?t v.le MRv Bso!€mlsatdyvdab'w B6o!€'el&R4nkRueMd.hs6pgls BECFi&' sablv#E.uRv.GHtEr3E whsrR4m..a ●230iO 10曖 7千 wtue.irod 010 F 6220,C `曖 ,20,O F “320'O ,1“ Ю,O v.Mrt rntn vsturli.t d wM.l.,:Md MRV S3t !!e6 tuoEtu 36o'sEblSlcJyvd'ereowfudiqtrd scoEd,L#R.@1'sivsakl'v,r'.6weR4rn'n Sllwon M6d€ @ R.pds. l,s& O'a 9c OFtu w]6li.!.nd saEryvdtu,se.dns tu!4 r.6 @ B6opae €co,embwijsR.,]ffi EGoleBlols.,tlyvdai]csFdcMRvo@l@n'd S*Vvl,e, MFv, Roe D.!re B60!.6 kRcdvoMilbieBirc.Rd!,i'lvdtoweFepfu No,s.btv&e Miv sE&.6bi 1n Rd L'tn sFdiaera&3.rrvoM 96&€rb, ryo*Rgd"Fv's:k!,R.jLi!.lv.lewetrRelimd C A C C C A M C tt C 713m10 M c ●320,O C at"ヵ io M M ,9040 F 倒η iO 010 at授 “ F F c C C P C 22010 M A 1"O`O F A 191● FOiC 6′ P.!ws.O"o. xRVs*rvffi ● 312010 M ,α €GoEnlo M 2010 M ● 鋭 0,O F υ “1320,0 ' ρ040 M 89“ 10 F “ ● ● 10 , ,,Z″ │:C tt ,摯滋 0`0 議 ,2府 議 "`0 曖 ∝詢 `O VM η?3● 10 t,つ ヽ つ010 F C A C C A C A C ^O C 010 M C M A '"滋 F2a10 銀 ●露 "010 ヽ O 艤 A tt C F lor Fom.lo M lor l$als C'Cauca8lan A = Atdcan Promotlons-Transfers H. Hl3p.nlc P E Pacmc Al E Arn€rlcan lslande. Arnsrlcan lndlan Ar{ = Alallan atlvs o=other Emplo, Employ.€r 2010 Po.nbn Staru. 9l21l2OO9 acrvo Swan scoll Pbmo on -rr.nrt.r End 0.r. c.nd.. T'6n3r../c.G.,.s. DI,aO‖ ty Voi● `=● C No No C No Yts A No No 2011 Audet,Scott Bus Mills,Gina Admln. Support Techn. Wil13mS,Argela Operalor 2/23/2005 M 2/1/2006 9/19′ 2011 ReslSned /Pollce Dept. 2011 」ob● App踏 `nl廂 NAME 3mg ed lame, , Ho`o、 Denl, ヽ ●● al "Mdヽ Wampe■ 6o" Wald`om [ddie jo● e,Da●le MO=腱 n Paol Pet=`` 0,n101 S∞ "OeShawn 3owen,3`│10 Char W CI''ence」 anln Go「 doo jack‐ ● HOwar」 ` lス Wdit J● q K● ● ●● v “ Nathan Zigmυ ● O AnthonY Hll,,d ta■ ヽ Va`hlo『 o■ す Ohn,v P● le“ Dan e L。 ●卜●● [dd e E“ Hi・ ・ 0“い … ヽヽ海準もヽ﹄継﹄継ヽ海ヽ粕格海毬ヽ﹂ヽおも Gibbs,D8● 0こ H‖ Eぃ 01¨ 碗 Po、 ■boA● ●I● ● D● M.b C.!or.. Mal. Nno.n [email protected] F€@l€ C.u66l.n bJbddoibFi F€mb 1.frtu^ffirLM.L M.5 (]lidYd(tu)<uaL liLE 1/l1l2o[ orDnins i,iEbdnnoll- rltL 1/3v2ou Nordni.g t,ldrobbDorlo Mil. 1B1l2ot1 1/31/2011 h,6d sniq knID tl5r. M3b UtL &!dtidr&4rd. r&b rrb i4dnb!E6 4lll.2'tl uaL 4/tll2olt &2./2oll bndE'id"d lBv2orl \B7l2)rr v31/2011 い も F,,me,Man● 2 9′ 19′ c.@ttrn iln6^ AmBn arii6nAm6r' An'6n C.u*r'rn afiranarui..n C€6.En c.@r6h cruat€n 1′ ,′ 2012 ,ohno■ AIc F.@re hr.nY+nb lt,k r!/bre Not&..!ilnrC.lB [r!le r'l*ds clx D€o\ h Mare fd i^r.Did r F@le No 5hd lor t.r.aia r!La. .3n.d Duke`:manoe M!'3 Co● o● [お Soe Femr€ joh● ‐ o Oietta Steohen,o ■e`rano G′ o“ F@L DloYlo● [│'ah γ 19′ Ю ll ]ddr&bi&uF.@9 〔h`,,6 ■,っ v。 ァヽ ″ D*lidd lob M!l lЙ `vo。 AF● rl,c M.t ',ucl Lmo,`o McPheroo MaM■ M● ooc C畔 鮨 lt F.mle Zem・ 。。IИ arn唸 o■ T Fe@le Atklos Car t。 ● Co``o` Sh8● 」 am“ Cha● 、 H● re l 7amm eC C ar● ,{o Shov lo. l'n.rvta に e〔 〕 , ev〕 eao● e ■,ahao Tol=" G口 y Moo● て,A 9,1,′ 2011 CDL t a&n lo. lnteryr.w n c.dd rol p.s Coneat le``A Hadley Sharo● affil lld. FmE UaL I√ UNK UNK UNK Y“ UKN wEn c l&b ,6nioi t.@L M∞ o ngham K― ■ne,AL腱 H● ll UNK UNK UNK UKN M.L Oemew, No our ol TM Ded'n.d │ 6● 0● Y“ No el d SandB UNK UNK nm. th M.l. U.l€ ld and C● ●■ =v Pa丈 ●al 'uana Glke`[oOで No Full Qon 2011 i■ ichael N。 No ulL C ev・ Robioo■ No lrd. N.tlr.* 2011 γ■ 9′ 2011 C.@d. c5l].en &lE&n UKN Yes Y● ・ ″11′ 2011 4′ 1■ ′ 2011 sh Do● old Nemo, G`olvr α D・ ●o`'よ ● D● ′ ham■ y,Iロ c,ua'i'n lLL H6.frdddrffi 4′ 11′ `ah " HayOco Dale l● Vot● `● tl37l7'rt 4′ 11′ 2011 lard Ca畔 , R,0● Go● Stolo, F.tuk OoAm● ●c,, erlo ‘ い 0 ‘ 01ぼ Ord Oo疇 a,い ア 3,●‐ Char " es R● ●old,C,`、 ● T● ,rll■ i●● Sa● 0● 、 Di. r nlen/PrelDkMrL AtkanAmsrroi 9719′ 011 9た 9/2011 3′ Qu@nr. DecriPd Poltoh irtL ..nrd nd oboi^ col F€@re Gussran F.@b Aliia. h.nen 72012 Shaい●●. ●■ bi。 , Wl● mt Rad“ s。 ●ne● ,・ d′ │ stilempLoy.d n€ds A● 卿 ,,(ob`.Ch,,top e`Ao● ony Stoket th,■ c.uositn F.erE Jle,Ko● yata N Aveヽ JO● ●aヽ γ19′ Ю l: り l,ms A●gea 0 F.tule 60 F● 10sり ●mph adare Akian A6.rk Mrl. Alnon h..k . n F6Ea `Ca● o● o γO■"n'「 ■&JOh。 [ ‖ H晏 │ S,● │● ,L lemvJ H“ い )● =elen t `0● illck,o■ .」 ,│10, 9′ 19′ ,elk, jome`3 ,oho‐ o Sand`場 A3m● j‐●ω Hoし り ,“ i● 2011 c.dd not cD! !v*ds cDt 0os1 h Frmal. AiiiB.amdian MrL Afile. aft.nen F.Gr. Alri6n am.'i@n FgE16 F@ts C.Er.h 口ak,∞ 0● v O嗅 0,Hdlヽ aketdv Hol“ ,y.calい ● Homlndo2 M B腱 *o.tha lulh Male AfilonAn.nan : 1," Roben S● r● lo`P,'“ “ H● R Maω m NeeO「 ol● い0 Sin``iL Chemitta Nbodl,■ ,ohn Wllam`Fo,k Henγ r.m3re atnon Aroian Mrr. akian Ah.ieh Si, Chiγ ‐ γVete ● `cllo moe C曖 `re,0ヽ │ oF tu● ` t・ Kemple ,a蛉 │ Mい ol`“ Rl■ し mb Arra“ la勁` い は … “ 'Cn '30bS(anγ CM● ●[`m,d Sch● K,` S,崚 oH Smth Ⅵいo「 St■ ngne O,D,。 掟 Cmし │ Uoi。 ■ T● │″ o● R● beA[ G bb,Da゛ 6〔 │lom■wM● s囀 し ,`ooに Ro“ 椰 0 iよ 0● ● 3 0ar■ "' 3腱 hm“ r“ r,M Mで ●●lee Miい aet R Manin 31 yリ ,ande2 ● C′ o,H● ′ Cret, 1`ckre L `meo L =o● ` 0,lnω h"m OaeA oし たはγL "● 3moに M,い oた M o Regina O Hara Seorst Sto● Owen`Hol, Mal€ lldG. Afrrrlai Yo, 2012 」oLA,ploo′ H]′ ed NA腑 [ Pos,■ o● A,,■ 1は o∼ ,● w Davd[ G:b“ Yos 3田 邸 1● ● J,mes γo, Mel鮨 Yos Ye, 鍼 =。 “ 髄嶼 ,挺 画‐ `dが Wam,た らもaγ ヽ ″●Id`o,0[d01= Ye, Ves Ves Jooe,Da.・ ヽや, 。gr。 。 ゎ ul Po曖 ●iel ,´ Vt, Yes `sン OeShOWn S∝ ヽ 3ow・■3● ,, Chart. Cbr・ oc・ d● ′RIo● 0● ● Stato, [il3]. c.u*rlan Mar. Aten .trcric,n 1rB1/2011 FedaL Cau€5€. F€atle c.@s. lradic&P5 ,'-iee^n..d@, M,b ct@shn r.lar. C.*asian caucasiai cln .,sr4d6l.rraE Mal. C.uc.s6n Mare ca,cas.. 1/:!AOrr Nor@'ning Lrdb'6o.16 !3{2a1t 1/31/2011 Tl:i/2a1] 11312011,!orra'nins Y・ , jr Matt n 6ordo, 力Ok∞ O HO● rd wore,」 ere∼“ l‐ ● nedY Nathan Z,8mOnd Antho畔 Hlお ● L=町 Wを ,hnぼ oゎ ,1。 hn町 Paett Daniel い oeh,ら [Jd e Hlね ,d Ca″ Y。 , Ye, Yes ヽbs MtL fir'can Arercan Msle CaEs.^ .qE ryvdhBdh/rMrl. AtocanAme'lcan sl6 C?u..ean rdtdh!n6!.d3 Ma€ ftwaE3n 3/24l20ukhNqk^!6€i'ldr,rare caudasi,n am■ ■● でみMa,uo =o申 rl● e. C:観 eland PaК ual 」 uana “ = Joお oつ , S,● d● M● ●nin“ ,m Dukヽ 4′ γl夕 ● 11 D.crmedPosnlcn FeroL γe` γo, 7=ゝ 11 `“ Fero e Needs col Doern'i hFenaL F.m16 ヽo, 9'19′ ■ ●3● スぃ。●c,● 2011 `ra oce Cha,w6 :ゃ F6mk o,3お Mで ,herott l● la″ n Tぃ γo■ Woぃ oM Mao● eC畔 籠 │[ Feffiie Zigmond Varlγ ●●●T Flele Atkins Q`to■ 爬」 C● `0`Shg。 ねme`■ .mmie C Ci。 ● 。 ●●●●[1, ・ No show fo. lntefl'e, H,e協"■ 」 e,● oe Fmale F*.re T`=hao,To"● 6● v Matitt A Coocal,日 ,■ A γ =, ● /19′ 2∝ 1 UKN No 2012 Ye, Ve` Yes UKN lVЮ ll l′ Soe ,o,a′ UNK N。 carredlw int.dr.w r Fe@re Cro、 ONK ■1′鯰0■ =m,● O"o,3● じNK じNK 4711″ 0,1 Y,, J説 ● ・●● Do楡 Stephen,。 ●=、 せNK じNK 4′ KD`"│ =│ oc II● Ye, Ye, Al“ 4● ●=サ Y・ , Y‐ , Gun,0,me“ R,│ち ONK UNK Y● s ■ner A berl 0● No 11¨ 11 Mioh● el P● Oinso● 01ke,[o■ No 4′ Deoois 'ュ t`て k O● ぬ N。 Y・ s ,h Do■ ,10 ``01y, UKN Y‐ s 4l1tlr0r7 Ahllzatt '′ NeMた o。 こ Veto``n Yes Ye, Y“ H`"en '│。 │● ●●t O`te つご降 “ 口 End "“ =輛 Hlに ●●● ηot,as CDttt Ma e “ M`o At,:‐ o An er● , C.¨ 鶯 '" │ Mo● lanに ,3● ,ヽ Vぉ 機 , =● D● 喀 IIS “L● γ DI● ● 3,い ″、 ChOI● Divo, Dlve, Dive, Rev● oり 議 │「 ,∽ ●`Sa 11,3 `セ D■ vo, u、 は 。P Diver %● t撻 饉 ● D● ver opher Ail● o,y la∝め、 Ch●`気Angel D■ ● e, :時 、 K節 、 ●tta N サ Ⅲ′ oら ,osho,N WI:お msA,8■ o II D■ ● o` nelで D■ ver "衝s“ わ ,,。 D,ve` Hernande, Mig∝ D● er │ Dlvo= Santi電 o Rob賦 lore, た d● o 0■ ● 篠 Ma∞ m S,car Che`o tta Dlve, 0,ver Monda畔 ,ohn O`∼ o, VЛ ‖,m,Fttnk D,ver Dlve` lten呼 鈴x Ch● 輛 ・ Co● ● e e γttte │ 0「 渤an`“ 鷲 Rに , Olvet ● m● Amanda lev`a,on 3● Diver [ikle AtlonAn€nBi F€f,ale 719′ 2011 t @b nti@r a@i6n norob$inc1)!r& ,ttlen Affii6. Do6rt i' Fml. Aln6. ^$sic. courd fteedr COL r6m.r. caEsBn Alcadye inE luilt Mal. Atn€nAn.n6^ M.t. Mak teedirr[me M.a. ca@ta. Fs.le M'r' Mah Atiun Ameri6n Mik Ai.6. Dお ol Dlver Divel ,● .│ ,│“ Os X● t, O■ ve, Cお e慎 ■年 魚 。pmenl o""ゎ ′ =Owa“ Schざ 拠■ゝ D● vo` Smth Vido` D"o` 贅■ D● ver C,aat・ t。 。 D`拉 ol "e,H '8ied Dane ve,Roben[ Dr er Drve` Glbbs Dav d= Ho`n`bv IИ els,a[ D,ヽ er B`ooな Rona10 D D● ver MCu,=Cha le,P D`ヽ o, 3reim 3a`bar,M Dlver M●・ ● tee Dr v● M`13,R ` Lr ve` BIIlv, ● `‐ `o`nte2 ● Cr・ en』 actte t `me● [ 04ve` 0● ver [,an, De r,● ● D`ver 卜yden D● ve, D● le A Staoに yRc● 1 Divo` 3mok`Mohe e M Dive,′ A● y Stooe Regi● o D● Ver 6eo,ge “ Atndfl Amen@n o` Dive, Dlvo, OH● Md. ∼ Soe“ Ql,mae t臨 、 oF Kem口 Q力 “ ,m C●● 717“ 11 r.ron, や や ヽ 資 0 い D● ver Holidw ● IMn M2■ ,n´ ・ 0,ve` 0wens Hol, To′ F€el. Aln€. Anei6. ツ19′ ・ 011 O■ ve: 01vo “ a3燕 Yo` O■ ver 鉢 ●│,o '3ま ,■ 3 ake,C● 4 おot F.@1. Oive″ Os“ 隧 , Divol “ ,a '― た ∼ H。 に Atlcn A@n6n srbtla.eede Fe@L caucj?r 0,vo` D,ve` ldk■ ●eし F€ro]e Af.'6nAm.d6n siin 0■ vo, │ H● thir,o■ Helo● t ,o卜 o,∝ elobiri. ColFeere c.uasan Dhve` n[ ‖ "L,aに Ja● les e Could l&Bl! O■ ver ヽ ndeも temvJ 改 1,12011 2012 De.limd 3′ 5′ Diver Hag3,"│,:s CF・ and● l・ =夕 ,′ 2011 D● ver ,1● ,D Yo●n8 ,oヽ ツ D● ve, 1,ms´ R,議 , Soに Ahi6n Dis M.le ^ferion Porr'on M.le ca€lan L.r. t inl.ry/prei ` ,● Oe“ Sh,mo● a .t● .alr.d Jor nietoie*. Fem.r€ Dlver Hadtty sh′ 0● Dive, Am€.icai t€3 Divel 2013 po,■ io● Appt。 ` ¨ Y● B 3● ssF e10 ,`m● Y● 6 Ho●●J″ Mc`,` Y“ bisda ∝ o,st γ “│ Y● ,α γじ γ γ“ 。, ,e,0■ e M“ にL Paυ Pag、 oaoに Y● │ = Y● t Sc● t10c勁 ““ w● 3reo Cha■ tり こa`聰 ne,` ,acB● ● Howard Y田 Yes Ytt Y“ Wdfe Jefle″ Y● 3 3● Man■ 6o● lo■ Nathan Ke,■ ,dY′ Y● │ 218mund Aitho● γ HJわ ● b畔 囃 ぶo,り 0卜 0● γ γ田 Pα Y● 3 H■ Yes Yes ``h● "5 Dooiel し●●llan [ddた 1,`“ 呼 H■ ●en Daに サ ′ `h Oohall ヽ叙 on O,olv● =¨ HI" 口● n輌 t Eod tuld&frb! rrud^llllffi,iu.k lBrnoLT rBLno:l 7n1l2OL7 '*bdsoLLM 1Bt/7OLr ffrD1l,!,k!did!anhrll. Votol`o ●● Ca@sln UKN AI,6AM c.@$. c.dsL^ c.@En c.l,.s Y● , [email protected] rr.b ca6*^ M.r. l/l120u NorEnns cr@*F 1DV20u N.lEin'.s 4lll/2917 4/t1J2Ot7 3/2al2OI! ″11′ 2011 7117201■ 4/11′ 2011 47■ 172011 u.h M.h iredrtdBort).M.L M.l. krd bh ne [,l b lhlnr,lr{dqEi iLL r&E b'h@&"6& No Sh" l′ 9` ^'' al@tuEn@n Al,ia. ABi@n 941ツ20■ 1 │lo, 1● Tr'a γぃ 9′ 1,′ Y6 │ 。 →″,● ・ 0● veland Co● ■ ev `│ ,uaol Not`‐ ¨pt ng● 1, 2● bil,o■ Miで hael C‖ kes Lonel M● ●nhgham Ve` C,― s● o N。 C,o“ 雌■n Aれ‐ ●んmch‐ ● N● b "哺 躊 Ah“ o Ame― o 崎 Al■ Mab OoAmt● ●n Al● ‐。Ame● 0● M● │● IneL A ben Ma● Gono Dem"` Mao ● leO'or,nteM"`F● mb No Show千 o′ nt_ぃ い Ho‖ 疼1∝ ,ぃ o● 11,oh Dotes[mII● ●● ●●hoo L‐ Su● り い ヽ‐ ● D"tta Stephe● o■ ,,′ ′ ao“ D′ "い e Ma 1 Cha● Paoel t● o● Mao Fo廂 時 │ lγ Fe― Ve, 9′ 19′ 2011 腱 "― ■― “ 6 l● │― M● 崎 =o磁 Mab a“ Mc'he`o, Ma`vl● O“ I腱 0す ob I● Yo,ヽ V,、he No A● 難 M r Moo● e Crvsta t Z gmund MarⅣ an,T 製いに 嘘 Fenに お mae M● 崎 鮭 klo, Carlto● Co`so, Sh8oreリ Jame`iamm eC rto show i。 ′ite‐セヽ F● m● わ 00● W Caに ,ce[J` Moに Fo"o撼 ● leley le`o● e T,■ 6′ Fmoに han i,′ o,a ,v Mao● cA Yせ , ツ1'々 Oll Co口 d● otpas UNK 嬌 鮨 Ne`ゝ C01 Doe,nt klFo廂 b K∼ 苅 UNK Aliα tt A e● ● an M,lo John`on Sandi` UNK M● ● Molo Pa`ω N● γヽ, 臨 に t― Y“ C€@d.n F● 暉 ― ・・ UNK UNK UNK F● 2011 N● UNK M● 崚 D“ IIo atie.aru.i€. cr!*6i.. C.esln 0"ol T● ‐ Wh● ●C ttb Y“ No Csuesi.n Q山 :4● ,Full■ me=m"い 略 “ '● Famet Man腱 Gr● s rid. !@trqti,u).M.L 0卸 o,Pat● d Ouぬ am `ol R● lr!5 r,l.t F6.L FrmL !37no11 Y● │ 議 Go● St凛 o` Det● 0● t● 6ibbs Dを vl`〔 Wampe,C,γ Wat`′ ●m 〔 │lio 1" Ottヽ L燿 Am,"ω o A(● ω、 UNK UKN UKN A Co● o,t ier′ Hadley Sha`oo M ai.d tolDl.rui* . f6.b Lr. r&l. oに [● C C■ ∞● “ 8● S ta,■ 8∞ ‐ Cha■ ●S Rev● 0日 、C鮨 ●S γ19′ mll γ19′ 2111 3ゎ ′ υ 12 Te曖 │,Tina 'nEa,rPEr Oc c&ld.ol dtin clx r/bb Crudrln Fdb [email protected] Fdb^lde.^fr.rlon FdEl. ヽ詰 Shamo“ 」 “ 。 fir.a affia..n h6.i. ^lna (:El].n Still .mri.y!d rEdk ftml k&6dcd WI`ms "1“Rache uhedand Ao8el 力∞鮨 C卜 rL● pMAnmonv “ Jles K● 0揮t口 r ll A"ヽ 』 `huaヽ ヽ′1,ms Angea D ・ 011 F@L Afron lrErren 72011 llrL AtdonAndon l.L Arrt@nAm oo 9′ 1・ Stokes Cha‖ es O ,0史 ph Fie10■ Ha8,● v。 ● ng S Ca● =● j。 卜●[ :‖ ndm '71● ヽ Ode、 [emvj IIt t‐ h,,0, Heに oL Jad撃 │● F@t 馘 " j● Jel鳴 ねme,3 9′ ,“ nson Sand,a Ag。 ●1 ,es,ω 1972011 could.ot obBin @t N*ds cDt Do.s.'i k F.dL al.lEn Am.ian Mrh Afrloi am.n6. F.nEl. Ar.l6i A0.116. F.rot F.trdt Holt J∝ kl● C.uea.n 3ta短 路 Gnt,y Cw・ os 卜olヽ At6dy Holldav Olvin Hemar巌 M8● e Sant ag● T。 "咎 Ho■ lullt Mal. lfionAd.den Roben Pedro M.l. c.u6erri ii€d3Furhl@ r.frrr. Afia. Af.dd M`oom 5 0da'Chemim M●● ●γ JOh0 晰 lans i● ●kH● ●Ⅳ S、 6∼ 哺 │ Qr● ・ w*i,g ││ら Yvete Mal. Afrl6. Amerra F.mal. C.larai F.mal. C― eo l“nat, 口‐ st● ●F Kem¨ J― n McA● │げ RiⅢ レ mb― nda B● 。 :け Jむ C ark jo,h “ F6.t. Ja∞ bs Kま hy Fork Chtiet[dい 0`て 飾 o縫 t St酔 oH Smth V dol 象h。 ゆ ed O`・ e C● nt● ● '&じ T。 ● ve`Ro腱 衣 [ G10● D"」 = HoosbL Ma`鶉 L 31● ok, lい R● nald D てCloe C枯 M' `│し 3“ hm 3arb`鯰 Flnale Moocte・ Mに ヽュ●IR Maく ,3 1γ l C"´ Hemandet Carぃ on t C“ e,,ack e t 飩an`範 │.● I.l● e Hyde, Dale A iИ 3濃 nle"RIよ yし ,′ ale 3Ю oks MIい St● ol,M nc R"● ` `lo Fema e Ca,ca,an Fem,e D iИ D `le AF`i‐ oAぃ o′ ぃo : , ド 一I ■● ´一 i l i ■ l ● ●I 0 8 〓 ● ︰ 1 , 1 ● , ′ ●● I I ︰ 一 〓 ^ ■〓 ●1 : { │ ゝ : : 挙0 一 メ●●¥ メ ︶ 卜一 メ 一 一6 一 i ド や ヽ一 卜 0 一0 ´ メ 一 一F メ一〇 〓 〓■ ‘〓 ︶ 〓〓∫ ● i 一︶ ●一 ^︶●●一 一 o●一一0 ● 1 ︰ ::: │・ メ メ 一一 … ●●,,瘤 メ メ F メ メ ,: 〔 │ :. TrlnSDOrtation Cllmmittee Citv Carar Month"Rcpo“ … Ci∼ Wide Vehiclc ExDenSe Totals: $54,96134 И ,62311 Total number of Work Orders: 328 Total n― ber ofWork Order hours:64562 Total Parts Cost:S38,05801 Total Tte Cost:$16,10638 Total Labor Cost Bined to cas&water$79695 0utside Work:$ Citv Wide Cas alld Diesel Totals Price From Fuel Master Onsite: Unlcaded: $108,76612 Diesel: S23,06416 Totat ci■ wme cs and Dtscl Total G3uons“ m Fud MNe「 Citvwide Cas a遭 Diescl TotaI Price“ m Flcctonc Offsite: S131,83028 Unleaded: 36,82341 Diesel: 7,62575 To● 144,44916 Unleaded:S 19,32255 DieseL $13,72173 Totals: $33,04428 Chvwdc Gas and Dtsel To(al Ca‖ ons from Fに etonc Offs“ e Unleaded: 7,12221 Dicsel: 4,35355 Tolal EuglEursb56: Unleaded 34,419.00 totsl galloos Diesel 8,000.00 totrl gallons Fu€l Averaqe Unleaded: $2.90 p€r gallon (l -27-14 last delivery) Fuel Averaqe Diesel $3.03 per gallon (l-27-l4last delivery) Girage Vehicle Repair Totals: $5.74 Ga.raee Fuel Use Totals: Gallons REndy Rees€ Garage Manager tkp 9l.l I fuel, total cost $269.94 ll,47576 TranspOrta● on cOmmktee Ctv Garane Month"RepOrt for Fad‖ tv ,an‐ 14 l Citv Wide Vehた に Expense Totaに :S 50′ 5フ 066 Requ`niOns turned into Finance Department S 214′ 310 Totainumber of Wo「 k Orders: 62192 Totai number of Work Order Hours: Tota parts cost:S 62311 37,94455 12,62611 Tota T re Cost S Out● de Worに S un eadedi s108′ C tv VVide Gas and Diesel Totals Price from FuelMaster Onsite: DieSeL TotaL Citv Wide Cas and DieselTotal Ga‖ onsfrom Fuel Master: S23,06416 S131,83028 unleaded: Diesel: Total: unleaded: om Fleetone OfFsite: Diese: Tota1 Fuel Purchases: Unleaded gallons: 34′ Fuel Averaqe Unleaded: FuelAveraRe Diesel: S S Garaqe Vehicle RepairTotals: S Garaqe Fuel Use Totals: Randy Reese Garage Manager tkp 41900 8,00000 Dieselgallons: 2 90 perga‖ on 1/27/2014 ast de‖ very 3 03 perga‖ on 1/27/2014 ast de‖ verv 574 Gallons: 91 1l Total Cost 36′ 82341 7.62575 44,44916 unleaded: s19,32255 DieseL S13′ 72173 Tota「 S33,04428 C tv Wide Cas and Diesel Total Price frOm Fleetone Orsite: C tv Wide Cas and DieSelTotal Galion f「 76612 S269 94 フ′ 12221 4′ 11′ 35355 47576 TRANSPORTAT10N COMMITTEE C TY GARAGE MONTHLY REPORT FOR GAS AND WATER FAC 2 ヽ Vork order hours: 2170 Total work o「 dersi Parts Cost S T re Cost:S 17 Sll1 46 S2′ Totalし abor Costi S Total Cost Work Orders:S 14613 S796 95 TRANSPORTAT10N COMMllTEE C TY GARAGE MONTHLY REPORT FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT ,an-14 Work order hours: 2 CXl Totalwork orders: 1 Parts Cost: S200 S Sl,33414 Tire Cost:S Total Labor Cost: S Tota Cost Work Ordeは S Sl′ 33614 1′ 31′ MONTHLY AVERAGE OF MECHANiCS WORKED HOURS 2013 1‐ 」an‐ NORMAL sHOP WORKING HOuRS SiCЮ VAC TOTAL OVERTIME 13 ACruAL HOuRS WORKED 1565 13975 ACTuAL HOURS CHG OUT 512 12 TOTAL CH0 HOURS 1445 12775 INDIRECT LABOR AVERACE 35% 59% 59% 39% 33% 168 COMP l15 2325 168 0 0 168 15 453 168 325 0 15975 15 1“ 75 168 114 0 54 6 48 168 0 │ 1646 1675 1545 15 168 35 0S 135 12 1495 1525 4425 168 24 0 1“ 9 135 909 6592 159 562 1249 787 969 TOTAL 1542 2035 13085 111 11975 64562 54% TOTAL OVER ALL 1512 2035 13085 111 41975 64562 54% NAME BILL BROMLEY PATRICK SMITH LANDON HOCuE BRANDON TROTTER JuSTEN FERRELL HERSHEL HOGAN WAYNE TUE ALBERT DENNlS DAVID VINSON 168 168 O 0 0 12 15 75 33・/. 02% 65% 72% Trans● ortation Comlnl"cc Citv Cange Monthlv RcDOrt For thc Mtlnth Febnlarv 2014 Ci″ Wide Vchicle ExDenSe Totals: $53,14170 Rcquisitions tu ned into Finance DeDannent: S195,75246 Total numbcr OF WOrk Orders: 310 TotainumberoFWOlkOlderhows:69700 Total Pms Cost:S37,62675 T。 ●l Tire Cost S14,76420 Total Labor Cost Blled to Cas&Watcri s750 75 い もide Work:S Citv Wide Cas and Di壁 l Totaヽ PHce“ ■l Fuel Master Ondic Unleaded: $99,84520 Diesel$23,22399 Total S123,06919 Civ Wide Cas and Dtse1 l otal CouOns frOm Fuel Master Unleadcd: 33,70946 Dicscl: 7,37499 Total:41,08445 C“ vwide CJas and Diesel Total Price“ m Flcetone OrFsitc Unleaded: $18,07922 Dlesel$H,74144 Totals: $29,82066 Cilywidc Gas and DieselTotsl Callons fiom Fleeione Offsitc Unleaded:6● 6073 Diesel: 3,53040 Tota1 9,99113 Fuel Purchas€s: Unlerded 34,377.00 tohl gallons Dies€l 4025.00 total gallotrs Fu€l Averaqe UnLrded: $3.04 per gallon (2-24-14 last delivery) Fuel Averae! Diesel $3.23 per galon (2-lGl4last delivery) Garae€ Vehicle Relair Totals: $527.77 Ganqe Fuel Use Totals: callons I16.65 fuel. tot l cost $345.72 Randy Re€se Garage Maoager lkp TranspOrta● on comm"tee Citv Garane Monthiv Reoortfor Fac“ 崚vl Feb‐ 14 Citv Wide Vehicle Exllense Totals1 Citv Wide Cas and Diesel Tota s Ga‖ 95797 46′ total: ons for Fuel Master: Unleaded: Diesel: Fleetone Gas and DieselTotals: total: unteaded: Diesel: Total cost of tuel from Fuel-Master: Fleetone: Totalcost offuelfrom Work order Total work hours: oders: 37,60'1-69 Cost: S 9,350.28 S Fuel Purchases: 0 unleaded ga‖ ons: Diesel ga‖ ons: Fuel Averaqe Unleaded: S FuelAveraee Diesel: S Garaqe Vehicle RepairTotals: S Garape Gas Totals: 82066 293 S Total Labor Cost: 29′ S 671.50 Parts Cost: Tire 123,06919 S Gallons fuel: 34,3フ フ00 402500 3 04 oast de‖ very) 3239{last de‖ very) Garage Manager tkp 2/10/2014 52777 116 65 total cost iS ReouisitionsturnedintoFinanceDepartment:S Randy Reese 2/24/2014 195,752.46 S345 72 41,08445 33′ 70946 フ′ 37499 9′ 99113 6,46073 3.53040 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE CIW GARAGE MONTHLY REPORT FOR GAS ANO WATER FAC 2 Feb-14 work order hours: 19.50 Totalworkorders: 14.00 S 513.06 Parts cost: Total Labor Cost: S Total Cost Work Orders: 5750.75 S 52,972.Os TRANSPORTAT10N COM MITTEE Cllγ GARAGE MONTHLY REPORT FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT Feb-14 Work order hours1 6 00 Total work orders: 300 Parts Cost:S Tire CostiS Total Labor Cost:S S6 00 S3,20568 S0 00 TOta cOst work Orders S S3′ 21168 MONTHLY AVERACE OF MECHANICS WORKED HOuRS 223′ 2014 1‐ Feb‐ NAME B!LL BROMLEY PATRICK SMITH LANDON HOCuE BRANDON TROπ ER 」uSTEN FERREに L HERSHEL HOGAN WAYNE TUE ALBERT DENNIS DAV10 ViNSON TOTAL NORMAL SHOP WORKING HOuRS TOTAL OVERT!ME 152 SICK7VAC COMP l15 25 325 152 21 5 │ 152 16 0 152 24 0 152 225 0 152 0 0 152 16 0 1368 12225 152 152 0 0 0 14 ACTUAL HOURS WORKED 1405 1495 14375 1305 ACTuAL HOuRS CHG OUT 741 1356 662 9 TOTAL CHG HOuRS 1315 1375 13175 4245 70 99% 50% 58% 136 12 124 550 45・/. 128 12 116 32 12 1175 452 12 140 152 12 140 559 696 877 7`% 48% 50% 63% 115975 697 60% `295 1261 75 INOIRECT LABOR 9 12 12 AVERACE 56・/. TranspOrtation Commitec Chv Garage Monthlv Reoorl Forthe Month March 2014 C■ Widc Vehicle ExDenSe Tcltals: $66,04847 Reqlllsitions tumed into Finance DeDamlent $269,85258 Totalnumber of WOrk Orders 405 Total number Of WOrk Order hous:81210 Total Parts Cost:S 53,73493 Total Tire COsti S il,68214 Total Labor Cost Bined to cas&water: S63140 0uも ide Wolk$ Citv Wide Cas and Dtsel Totaヽ Pnce“ m Fud Master On“ t● Unlcaded: $111,00157 Diesel$34,88188 Total: $145,88345 Ci、 Wide Cas and Dに se!Total Callo■ s lrom Fuel Ma● eL Unleadedi 35,56296 Diesel: 10,58020 Total: 46,143 16 Citvwide Gas and Diesel Total Pric€ fro lleetone Offsit€: Unlcaded: $17,01773 DieseL$11,84513 Totals:28,86286 Civw de Cas alJ l,csel Total Ca‖ olls llonl l cetone Offs“ c Unlcadedi 5,92872 Diesel: 3,51405 Tota1 9,44277 Fuel Plrchases:Unteaded 42,686 00 1otal ga1lons Diese1 12,635 00 total ga‖ ons Fua Average unに aded s3 294 per gal10n(331141も t deh髯 rv) Fud Average Dtsd:$3 215 per gal10n(324■ 4は st dd市 e″ ) $。 CarlE Fuel Use TOtals:CallKlns 50 85 FueL total cost S159 75 ―Ran"Rcese Crarage Manager tkp Transoortation Committee Citv 6araqe Monthlv Report for Faciliw Mar-14 Citv Wide Vehicle Expense 1 Totals: 62,239.44 total: Citv Wide Gas and Diesel Totals Gallons for Fuel-Master: 45,143.16 Unleaded: 35,562.96 10,580.20 Diesel: Fleetone Gas and Diesel Total Gallons: Unleaded: Diesel: S 145,883.45 Fleetone: S 2a,a62.86 TotalcostoffuelfromFuel-Master: Totalcost offuelfrom Work order hours: 794.2 Total work orders: 397 cost: s Cost: S Parts Tire Total Labor cost: Fuel 53,349.79 8,889.65 S Purchases: gallonsi Dieselgallons: Unleaded S S FuelAveraqe Unleaded: FuelAverape Diesel: Garaqe Vehicle Reoair Totals: 5 Garaqe Gas Totals: Gallons fuel: 42,686 12,635.00 3.294 (last 3.215 (last delivery) delivery) 0.00 50.85 totalcost ReauisitionsturnedintoFinanceDeoartment:S Randy Reese Garage Manager tkp 3137/2014 3/24/2014 :S 269,852.58 5159.75 5,92a.72 3,514.05 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE CITY GARAGE MONTHLY REPORT FOR GAS AND WATER FAC 2 Mar-14 Work order hours: 76.40 Totalwork orders: 5 Parts Cost: S S381.14 Tire Cost:S Total Laborcost: $2,792.49 S Total Cost Work Orders: 5531.40 S s3,80s.03 TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE CITY GARAGE MONTHLY REPORT FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT MaL14 work order hours: 1.50 Totalwork orders: 2 Parts Cost: S 54.00 Tire Cost:S Total Labor Cost: S Total Cost work orders: S 54.oo 2014 3′ `′ NAME BILL BROMLEY PATRiCK SMITH LANDON HOGUE BRANDON TROTTER 」uSTEN FERRELL HERSHEL HOCAN WAYNE TUE ALBERT OENNIS OAMD VINSON NORMAL SHOP WORKlNG HOuRS MONTHLY AVERACE OF MECHANICS WORKED HOURS 1‐ Mar14 SICЮ VAC TOTAL ACTUAL !NOIRECT COMP OVERTIME HOURS WORKED LABOR TOTAL CHG HOURS 160 24 0 136 0 127 ACTUAL HOuRS CHC OuT AVERAGE 573 45% 72% 1006 160 875 O 15125 12 13925 460 0 O 160 12 148 173 168 28 O 140 12 128 608 168 1225 1725 35 O 15575 15075 1645 12 14375 43875 1525 468 4 0 167 42 155 168 275 0 1405 9 1315 TOTAL 1488 12225 136575 TOTAL OVER ALL 1488 12225 136575 ,68 168 0 0 12 12 `26375 `02 126375 909 972 675 788 120% 48% 56% 66% 64% 44% 60% 3121 64% 842` 64% 8`