Strikes Again!` `.,
. FIORELLO H. LaGUARDIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE -. . . Student Gov'tMembers Question Cancellation of ' L'o bbyD ,' """ ay , " セMBG[NL@ sエセ、・ョ " N[セ セM 'Budget Cut.," -.- , . ... . . ' セN@ ByCbi-istiana SomerViJk· '. would save alllhe money. n ,One of the tea$Oos,lhat B h ,' ,gaveJor . her decision was that the , Chilirperson ッヲLセ uョゥカ・イウェャケ@ S . ; .' Strikes Again!' '., " ウ@ and, Faculty Inconvenienced . l CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK ..... N[LMZ@ セ@ ., ' r ",-' ', Classes:mdFaculty Slashed , nt ' "My number one concern is the Senate (USS). Greg Mayers, By Subryan Virasafui ' ,education of lhe tudems," said" bertbae ... lhe leg' t " President Raymond Bowen. , '" were going t6bave a he8rlng " During ョZァセエイ。Qゥo@ ''It.,wiU affect everylhing キ・セNB@ was posiponCd by Lourdes BOsch, ' (lnstead)and ,that they would nonle in spring '90 quarter youprobably \Vill according to Richard Elliot, A , iate Student Goverrunent PreSiden(jUst ' thcir,offices on lhat day." " " fl9tice lhallhe courses available to Dean of Administration. , ,,' '" six days before theevenL. ThiS caused ,", , Bosch also mentioned that it ' chOose from are significantly fewer ' In Spcilking ' "Somefaculty , the fellow members,ofhCr ' , , ' B キ。sセゥ「ャ・@ that there w re going to '. wheit cornparlxt to the spring of 1989. , n1embct they expressed th ir specific admini$trationtoquestiori her move. be many mm:e SUNY (Stale ,'. ケセ@ セ@ also notice an increase in. . . . conCerns regarding the cutS. . . Before Bosch's decision. a University of New Yat"') udentS in · ,classroom izes. fewer .lab hours or . According «> Dr. Sandra meeLing,waS called 「cエキ セャ@ the .four. . . It>any thanGuNY stud nts and the perhaps even none at all. . .. •. Hanson, cィ。ゥイー」セウッョ@ of the English ExeCutive Board m mbci'S on. · · 1 gi 13 rs wouJd probably pay m re These. cutbacks .tp have Department, at I t 13 sections of . 1. ,. auenLion to SUNY' inter ts instead writing courSes wiU .tJe . hOO.' and " ' 20•.an d the y VOled to· t:aJ1c Febmary エoセG N@ ...... of CUNY because of the higher. , lW literature co Can ell d; , ,.' In fact, it states in the Stu<Ient . ᄋセオュ「」イ@ of SUNY students p nt . .. . nd with at I 1 85 pee nt f Government cbnsulutionthat in セ@ • . severe udgcl cu whi h were' ·cni ring fr hm n al LaGuardia . . , cmcrgli ncy situation · theExccutivc pイ・ー 。イゥセァ@ F r Lobby 'Day imposed u an· munit}'; lIc res ' . rl.:quiring me bad Ie el cours¢.·, Brow ... inhk' 'd' " n' h ., ' . .,......; ,. . , .. in the City Univ ily of N Y rk ., thi would mean un in rc of about エィゥD@ .. セ Z セ L[B@ セLャ Z@ セ@ .•. L セ [B@ ... ,¥t. Hay , one ,f lhe organizers by the City and Slale. . . five ·tudn pe{cla. m in a class Bosch explains thatafter . 9flh 10 Yday, iu thalt bby y GセL@ セ@ , lh ":C','· u h . i wnllOg. returning from a conference in had: n. .lhr ughOUl the . LaGuardia w "It will a , lutely Albany she realized that the lobby day coIl sセヲ@ r, 1m st a month. A .' III New:y ol'k 10 I<irt impl m. Pling Q 15"d a.lming," . id Dr. Han. n. 'The' had to be cancelled. .lW hundred' Mien.1S セ@ &igncd up to .' perc ut from th if ・クセエゥョァ@ budget, . '., .f: |ャQセケ N@ arc very displeased a ut .the "When '1 ァセ N@ ' (from . . . . go to Albany: ' .' . '.' or approximately . ,000, in.. ". CUlS and y ryCarful that the uts will ' Albany) iイセ・、@ that by can eling .' " tud nts were 、ゥウ。ーセョ・@ spending whi h came aboud's 。セuャエウ・イゥッオsケ@ impact in. .Ut a ility td '. the bl.lS¢S,we \Ii re .gOfugwbe., . . since many had planned to 'rake the , of lhe seriouse(;onoQlic prol>l¢ms rVe tudcnts, " .he . ·d. ー・ョ。ャゥzセ@ f9l' aihousailddol1ars and if .•day off ヲイッセキォ@ ッイ ァ・エ Z ・セ」@ from . ヲ。」セ L@ t>Y the City and sャ。セG@ ... Sharon Devoti, Student them, it would .' ' .. G cャ。ウ・セッsXj、@ Hayes: .·. '. . '. , .... . ... Also, by the fall of 1990 " . : 0 カ・ュイゥ エセオゥG・イ[@ ishopingihat we bad エLo N セィ・、オQ@ cost another lhousanci doUars.lf we ' , ' NB Gtィセ@ bouomline is.lhatwe . . LaGuardia 'can exPect an additional ' her organization will be able to get stoppedpayffientonthe check asked studcn.ts to rcar.range.their whole . S2.5million cutback in lhe budget ',. the message across «> lhe M] ]ZM[ セ G@ G セLZ]G G@ =S=ee= ' .=Lo=b=b=Yp6::,='= ' ::,= ,. =. ' . which ヲセオャエケ。ィ、 B@ .. ' . population gQ 'lhat ihey Can fight admuiistrntors think. if passed • .will ·· 、セculsN@ . . ... , . drastically alter.QUt educational . "suidents are going to . pfOcess here at LaGuartfui. . screwedover'from thiS..,i bope that . . . .•. The current CUlS for w,hich the thtfyget: mad and do somelhing about effect$ will be felt in ュ・ウーイゥセァ@ will it/ said DevOO.aft OccUpational . result inJewer classes, larger class Therapy majOr. ウゥz・セ@ longer lines duririg registration. ' AcCorlng to Devoti t SOme f1Uljor cuts will be fell in moSt of the · . althe bursar's office; and 'so on. . . Lセ@ · miJ1OritfStudies programs such セ@ . ., . ... セャ。」ォ s エオ、ェ・ウ@ and'.Women Studies. A rally tQ proIeStbudget cilts for community coi1eges in Albany キ「ゥ」 ィゥョヲセ@ was scheduled fOr February 26. '1990, .... , . fOrdte j; ' ';' , , ',reo . セ Gセ nt we _____ swoonl many get ·· Adam Mayer, SWdenl Oovemnenl Information Services ·Simula.ted,Tritnestet , Quarter sys!eXt2fsta By '92 ' . ·· The President in the meeting . convinced officials that to change to the simuJated trlmesterbylhis fall The order to change b lhe would creal¢Severenegative , . qu8rter .system to a simul,ated cooSequences for both the students and trimester by falll 990 was repealed by , the college. ... .. . the State of NC?w Yodt after a recent . . fle also, Stresst-.d that tbechange. meeting between·Presidenl Raymond . in6ur calendar wOuld spell OUla .• Bowen' and State offtcials, tuition increase for stlJdrnts. . . The tuition and financi8J aid ........ 'riiequatter sYstem; however, is still in violation Of the state's calendar WOliJd have been alrmd to guidelines and it must ' be abolished ,. , keep the )X'OCedureslhesame $ by fall 1992. accordiOg to pゥセ、・ョエ@ current セbオエ@ if lhesirriulaied .. Bowen.·· . See Trimester p6 By Subryan Virasami me o' ,", I . I .' .' B , Lセ@ セ@ ' ,' .' Nセi@ セ@ ,. "I • ' . I ,,· +, ,,< "j : " ' • セ@ '. セ@ +'. '.', '!", ' , '. ., ' f< •• セ@ • , \ . N G セG@ .. _\ セ@ " ' .'" I . • " ' GZセ@ 'March'l990, • >',' . " ,j '. ' .,' " < ., , >', ' ,. oj' .j,'!. t , .セ@ セ@ • . . .. . セ@ • " ,. ! , セ L@ セ N@ • ' セ@ 1 + I I. . '" , "