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'Children are familiar with graphs and recording data due to scientific experiments. - ietationtotheaxis(whichinformationgoesaccordinglytotheaxis) Some children may struggle when collating the data as a whole, exploring the figures (which was the most popular form of travel all together? / Did more boys or more girls travel by bus?) lnformation on individual needs of learners: 3 types of differentiated worksheet included. TA to offer support to a group of children. Learning ObieCtiVes To interpret and complete a block graph where one bloc]</symbol represents one lnclud:ng links to item. NC l Year2 1lth March 2015 Success Griteria: Teachers' Standards: ALL children should be able to collate information to identify the highesUlowest number in related topic. TS4 - Plan and teach well-structured lessons TS5 - Adapt to strengths and needs of all pupils MOST children should be able to collate information to identify the highesUlowest number in related topic and be able to record the information on a graph. -fBb-- rnqke" €irruJcw: use oC ass€Srnerr+..- SOME children should be able to collate information to identify the highesUlowest number in related topic, be able to record the information on a graph whilst being able to record the same information using different formats. Key vocabulary Lesson Planning Bar chart, data, information, collecting, recording. Key questions: "How can we show this informafion so it's clear to understand?" "What does fhis bar on the graph telt us?" "How could we show information on a graph using pictures?" "How many cltildren wrote their names.. . times?" "Do the tvvo ways both give us fhe same information?" JC 2014 Resources / equipment Safety / Risk Assessment Use of lT Lesson outline and timinqs lntroduction SMART Board (Relevant PowerPoints), differentiated worksheets, whiteboards and pens. What willyou be doing? What Ask the children to hand out the whiteboards. Once doing this, put a timer on the board and ask them to see how many times they can write down the name "Sarah" in ONE MINUTE. willthe children be doing? Opportunities for Assessment for Learning Children should respond to instruction and try to complete the task given to the best of their ability. Observe the children's reactions to the activity. Are they feeling under pressure or do they seem to enjoy the time restraint? .l\ .Y ?h,g Sazfnad to v..{lp S€4r^ 1'qfo.x urLbo tq te=Se^ chddJ\gn Main teaching session: see below 'Qf, {o e't og Gn^PebhJQtu.,cn$^E . Ask the children how tlrey thinl< the best way to record the data would Children should respond to questions be. appropriately. Once established, explain to the children that to collate the information, it would be best to create a graph so that we can see the results clearly. Ask the children what the first thing is that they think they need? Prompt TITLE. Discuss the axis (HORIZONTAL NUMBER OF TIMES NAME WAS WRITTEN. E.G. 5, 10,15,201 VERTICAL _ NUMBER OF - Listen to the responses to the . questions, think about where there current understanding is and where it can potentially go. Not. Children should join in teacher-led discussion, answering questions when bC t,tSQthalr hJ\.rl*€'b,.rosc' ard drq,^^/ a* bo.C cl^LtdJen O*^fn I"eS c,o\cqP€ o0 16 F-ele^F <-nrSc.orenP{:tsnS I oclqnPrqtul 'h^g (.eS30'r ^s ck v\AS ^g{3.ttg o^, ,\ I - Listen to the responses, think about how much they have learned within \. rg,'\a- .J(.a.P0\ wil0r. -tonAr, Lesson Planning had ^ gc\P!\. necessary and sharing opinions when required. t qsred ct"\rtoLten ca.^Q- osrcBS -tt^a- cHILDREN) Ask the children what their results were (FIND OUT LOWEST NUMBER TO DECIDE WHICH NUMBER TO START ON) Ask the children key questions throughout the process, discussing with them what they would need to do next etc. ´ 鋤 (lnclude differentiation Support Teacher/ TA/ lndependent ) ぐ their lesson and try to see whether their understanding has developed. wacrisfllat^0,r, ghotostPrd "."{ U,asz- ft,r osSasscnent- ) Send children off to complete differentiated activities (S E E WORKSHEETS) Walk round the classroom ensuring that the children are understanding the activity. -re P:enary Bring children back to complete another graph, ask one child to be "the teacher" and lead the discussion, asking other children questions when necessary. Children should apply recently learnt knowledge into completing the worksheet. They should have the confidence to ask if they need help. J""^ft^ffi.. otwr larq) - 7 Whilst walking round the classroom, make sure they are supported with any prompting questions etc. /^ I r.las'a toqrUr cle.c.rss tj^.cr{ wo0a ar''d Children should join in the plenary. This witl allow them to understand where there learning is within the current topic and they can begin to think of some personal targets. 11ar - rScDficgP\rK {^o$ s:trlf hgd This will enable you to see how the children's learning has developed and which areas need to be focused ↓ t had a cLrscuss(q.t rr.r'ul3r* 'kla-- dqSS kfoCr'or a.f ber -kvt- reS'on a'@uli v..rvs.-k asrfd t e- &^ltt$d, bgg a^d *h$.. Links to future learning/ curriculum areas Lesson Planning 2尋 、 ● 6、 コ ゴ リ “ い ob ● ‘ こ 二 ■ 一 き 1 8 ご I l ヽ9 啓 ノ 8& F 糧 l F i ︻ F υr C マ 9 J 刊 v望 コ て 1 一 1 1 1 い ´3 一 バ ヽ σ ■ 欄 豊 弔 A F , っi l F 3 l 拝 ・ F F 一 . , F 下ρ o , ⊂ . R卜 っr 、3 Q √ 辟 N FO可一〇50Q 一0〓 くOE ´ ≧すo一 い〓 o一 す一 〇 0 づ﹁一 日 ヽ000■Q Oコ0 鵡地調譴 鍋討輝4詳 . 釘” 職I括 ♂森L韓﹂﹁鈍時‰﹁ 0も ‘ , ︵ ” 終 oO ス ト ● ︰ L ol l l ︲ ゴ ミ ol つ p やヽ ′ oつ lZd" ,4orcA 2otg.' -k ln tsne- Ses'd lesson oG Verrn oqgnarns t.t.\ L,teoc L, ttnq_cfoS v{a{Yect col l4bo(a*:\veg 6l€cress(1g whore_.U^o_ cfttenq wou,rd 6g ,^ 'tl"e.- cJC.las(,it^:o kurj..o t^s$, ! \el\a_- rhd6[lfeC tua- Tho- c^tuHftn trtho \",ad,-n,Uqjl$ SknAqS\d ha a. clae.[<,- r.tnderskn- eug olcl v\,efa o.brt @ a.rprrd t^crr wVlr e-lha-/1 af,flcfl.llr.bQ- ".r.{o) lq,.^ i4arcA ?OrS; tW.rUed a, ptQrtS fnoc&- StriS Fefrect Ore-cr, = go: ?nu = tr,-tn[a. +Chdd G-rnrv\e/^alQ.d t}lC.L.f v\torE vll4era la-ag ftNtel'*al &re- ?,aL h,ghlg^t€d orraa,S,