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金メダルを取ることが 目的ではありません。 動きを取り戻せること、健康でいること、 そして自信を持てること・・・・・ それが重要なのです。 Passion for Paralympics ハインリッヒ ポポフ 選手(ドイツ) 陸上競技 IPC 世界選手権 2013(フランス) 100m 金メダル ロンドンパラリンピック 2012 100m 金メダル 200m/400 mリレー銅メダル 北京パラリンピック 2008 100m 銀メダル ーパラリンピックをサポートするオットーボックー パラリンピックへの情熱 -Passion for Paralympicsー ロンドン 2012 パラリンピック競技大会を記念して、オットーボック社は国際パラリンピック委員会と共催でパ ラリンピックの競技者が使用している機器とそのテクノロジーに関した「パラリンピックへの情熱」という展示 会を開催しました。 パラリンピック競技大会の歴史、障がい者スポーツで使用される最先端の機器、技術の紹介の他に、板バネ式の スポーツ義足を使用するのにどれ程の力が必要なのかなどを体験できるような展示もあり、訪れた全ての人々に 驚きと感動を与えています。 私がスポーツする理由は、 ただ身体を動かすことが好きだから・・・。 義足でも、 チャレンジすればスポーツができるし 世界も広がりました。 だから、 これからもチャレンジし続けます。 英国での成功を得て、オットーボック社はパラリンピックスポーツを世界中に広めるために、この展示会を世界 各地で開催しています。2012 年 11 月にはブラジル、リオデジャネイロで、2013 年には中国とアメリカで、そ して 2014 年ソチ大会を控えたロシアで展示会を開催しました。 山本篤 選手 ( 日本 ) 陸上競技 パラリンピックの真価とも言える勇気、固い意志、活力、躍動、平等性をベースにした展示は、パラリンピック スポーツを頂点とする障がい者スポーツに命を吹き込み、来場者に感動を与えています。 IPC 世界選手権 2013(フランス) 走り幅跳び 金メダル ロンドンパラリンピック 2012 走り幅跳び 5位 北京パラリンピック 2008 走り幅跳び 銀メダル オットーボック ・ ジャパン株式会社 〒 108-0023 東京都港区芝浦 4-4-44 横河ビル 8F TEL 03-3798-2111 ( 代表) FAX 03-3798-2112 IPC 世界選手権 2011(ニュージーランド) 走り幅跳び 銅メダル 障がい者スポーツと パラリンピックムーブメント 障がい者スポーツにおける 機器の重要性と選手・技術者の関わり スポーツは全ての人を動かすものであり、また、多くの 人々の共感や感動を呼び覚ますものです。 障がい者スポーツの中では、選手の身体の一部ともいえ る義肢や車椅子などが大きな役割を果たします。鍛え抜 かれた選手の身体能力と高度な機器の機能が一体化する ことにより、近年、ハイレベルな記録が次々と生まれて います。 障がい者のスポーツ参加について、ロンドンパラリン ピック金メダリストであるポポフ選手は「障がいを負っ た人々が元の生活を取り戻すための一番の近道はスポー ツをすること」と語っています。 Tel Aviv, Israel 1,657 40 Toronto, Canada 419 1984 22 Innsbruck, Austria History of the Paralympic Games :16 名Summer :1 カ国Games The first Paralympic Games were held In Tel Aviv, new events such as Lawn directly following the Olympic Games東京オリンピック終了後 Bowls, women’s Basketball and the ローマオリンピック終了 in後に、 Rome,「国際ストーク・マ Italy. The event used the same men’s 100m Wheelchair Race were の大会で初めて「パラリ venues and format as the Olympic ンピック(対麻痺者のオ introduced. After having won two gold ンデビル大会(実質的な event and included 400 athletes from medals in field events at the 1964 パラリンピック第 1 回大 リンピック)」という名称 23 countries. The Paralympic Games Games in Tokyo, Italy’s Roberto 会)が開催され、以降、 が使われ、車いすユーザー were to continue in this manner every Marson had worked diligently to オリンピック開催国での 以外の身体障がい者も参 four years following the Olympic cycle. broaden his athletic participation to 実施となる。 加し、大成功をおさめた。 Swimming and Fencing. He won 10 gold medals this time – three in field events, three in Swimming and four in Fencing. 400 :400 名 Rome, :23 カ国 Italy 東京 23 :375 名 :21 カ国 The first Paralympic Games were held 1948 1960directly following the Olympic1964 Games Winter Games in Rome, Italy. The event used the same venues and format as the Olympic event and included 400 athletes from 23 countries. The Paralympic Games were to continue in this manner every four years following the Olympic cycle. 1992 365 24 1996 Tignes-Albertville, France 3,259 104 Atlanta, USA 2000 3,881 122 Sydney, Australia 2004 3,808 135 Athens, Greece 2008 3,951 146 Beijing, China 2012 > 4000 > 150 London, Great Britain In Atlanta, athletes with an intellectual On the occasion of the Sydney More than 3,000 journalists, including The Beijing Paralympic Games were With already one million tickets sold disability took part inorthopaedic the Games for Paralympic Games, the IPC and more than 68 broadcasters from “Games oftechnicians Equal Splendour”, raising year in Ottobock advance, the London オットーボック修理サービ トロント大会以降、脊損、 Ottobock installs Ottobock installs a mobile Ottobock installs a orthopaedic mobile a installs mobile aorthopaedic mobile orthopaedic The Ottobock The Ottobock The team Ottobock includes The team Ottobock team includes 60 orthopaedic includes team 60 orthopaedic includes 60 orthopaedic 60 orthopaedic 68 technicians 68 68 technicians handle 68more handle technicians handle than more 2,000 more handle than repairs than 2,000 more 2,000 repairs than repairs 2,000 one repairs The workshop The workshop The expands: workshop The expands: 25 workshop expands: Ottobock 25 expands: Ottobock 25 Ottobock 25IOC Ottobock Four orthopaedic FourFour orthopaedic orthopaedic technicians Four orthopaedic technicians technicians from Ottobock from technicians from Ottobock Ottobock from Ottobock Ottobock Ottobock technicians Ottobock technicians Ottobock technicians work around work technicians work the around clock around work theサービスチームには日本か clock the around clock the clock IOC IPC IPC と の協力体制樹立 との テクニカルサービス開始 workshop in workshop thefirst Paralympic inworkshop the in Paralympic thealong Village, Paralympic in the Village, which Paralympic Village, which Village, which technicians technicians technicians fromworld, 11 from technicians countries. from 11 countries. 11 from countries. countries. in the repair in the in centres. repair theParalympic repair in centres. thecentres. repairSport centres. technicians technicians handle 1,100 handle technicians handle repairs. 1,1001,100 handle repairs. repairs. 1,100 repairs. in Australia in Australia in setAustralia up aset in small Australia up setpavilion aup small a set small pavilion to upprovide pavilion a small to provide pavilion to provide to provideworkshop to complete to complete to 2,188 complete repairs to 2,188 complete 2,188 during repairs repairs 2,188 the during during repairs the Games. the during Games. the Games. the time, with athletes with which technicians outlined the principles of an agreement around the covered the11Games the standard of to a Paralympic Games are expected to Games. set 1 8 名の技術者が参加。 ス セ ン タ ー で は , 日 本 人 視覚障害、四肢切断の選手 ら トー 2000 年シドニー大会中に国際 パートナー契約締結 オットーボック・オースト houses 3,001 houses houses athletes. 3,0013,001 houses athletes. athletes. 3,001 athletes. free technical free free technical service technical free to service athletes. technical service to athletes. to service athletes. to athletes. spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, to strengthen future relations. It was in Athens. High-level politicians were new IPC many new records. London 2012 aims 名を 含level. む 68 名President の 技 術Sir 者 Philip が も出場し、大規模な大会へ タルの修理サービスの件数 オリンピックと国際パラリン ラリアの 4 名の義肢装具士 オットーボック社は国際パ the first time that the Paralympic Games amputations, les autres and visual on hand to cheer for their respective Craven called them the “Best Games to deliver accessible and inclusive 2,000 件以上の修理サービ と発展。 は 2188 件に。 ピックの両委員会長の会談が が小さなブースで初めての ラリンピック委員会(IPC) Seoul, Seoul, Korea Seoul, Korea Seoul, KoreaKorea Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain Spain Atlanta, Atlanta, Atlanta, USA Atlanta, USA USAinternational USA Sydney, Sydney, Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia Australia Athens, Athens, Athens, Greece Athens, Greece Greece Greece Beijing, Beijing, ChinaBeijing, China ChinaChina 1976 198 16 2,900 45 3,001 83 1984 1992 had comprehensive TV impairments. InSpain all, about 4,500 people countries. An elevator forAustralia wheelchair Ever,” leaving a legacy for millions of designs for Beijing, all facilities, maximize スを提供。 もたれ、2001 年に更なる協議 In the beginning In the In beginning the it was beginning In just the it was an beginning it experiment. was just an just it experiment. was an experiment. just an experiment. Seoul was Seoul a watershed Seoul was was a watershed Seoul moment. a watershed was moment. a It watershed showed moment. It that showed moment. It showed that It that showed that The trend The continued trend The trend continued in The Atlanta. continued trend in More Atlanta. continued in Atlanta. and More more in More Atlanta. and more and More more and more Fanie Lombard Fanie Fanie Lombard was Lombard leading Fanie was Lombard the was leading Pentathlon leading the was Pentathlon the leading when Pentathlon the when Pentathlon when when The Iranian The national Iranian The Iranian Wheelchair national The national Iranian Wheelchair Basketball Wheelchair national Basketball Wheelchair team’s Basketball team’s Basketball team’s team’s Madagascar’s Madagascar’s Madagascar’s Josefa Harijaona Madagascar’s Josefa Josefa Harijaona wanted Harijaona Josefa to wanted have Harijaona wanted to have towanted have to have トロント 修理サービスを提供。 とパートナーシップ協定を coverage. More than 340,000 school attended, including athletes and users was installed at the Acropolis people with a disability in China. The media coverage and strengthen the Ottobock Australia Ottobock Australia sent Ottobock Australia foursent technicians Australia sent four technicians fourto sent technicians thefourtotechnicians theto the to the great things great can great things bethings accomplished can great be can things accomplished be accomplished can when beathletes accomplished whenwhen athletes athletes when athletes athletes competed athletes athletes competed in the competed athletes Paralympic in the competed inParalympic theGames. Paralympic in theGames. Paralympic Games. Games. the kneethe jointknee the in his knee joint prosthetic the joint in his knee inprosthetic his leg joint prosthetic broke in his leg out prosthetic broke leg of its broke out leg ofout its broke of its out of itshopes ofhopes competing hopes of competing of inhopes competing the Paralympic of in competing theinParalympic theGames Paralympic in the were Games Paralympic Games werewere Games were the foot of thehis foot the oldof foot aluminum hisof the old hisfoot aluminum old and ofaluminum his leather old andaluminum prosthesis leather and leather prosthesis andprosthesis leather prosthesis を経てオリンピックとパラリ 締結。北京大会、ロンドン Örnsköldsvik, Stoke Mandeville, UK Ottobock Barcelona, Spain children were brought to Nearly the venues to delegation members. 12,000 volunteers – accessibility became a social issue. Games saw ashattered total ofwhen 279 new World Paralympic Movement. The Games will :1288 名 Sweden Paralympics Paralympics to Paralympics provide to Paralympics athletes provide to provide with athletes tofree athletes provide with technical with free athletes technical free with technical free technical and experienced and experienced and technicians experienced and technicians experienced work technicians closely work technicians together. work closely closely together. worktogether. closely together. The public’s The interest public’s The public’s grew, interest The interest public’s too. grew, Nearly grew, interest too.400,000 too. grew, Nearly 400,000 too.400,000 Nearly 400,000 anchor. Ottobock’s anchor. anchor. Ottobock’s technicians Ottobock’s anchor.technicians Ottobock’s raced technicians to raced repair technicians raced to it repair to raced repair it to it repair it nearly shattered nearly nearly when shattered nearly they arrived shattered when theyinthey arrived Athens. when arrived inthey Their Athens. inarrived Athens. Their in Their Athens. Their repaired.repaired. Ottobock’s repaired. Ottobock’s technicians repaired. Ottobock’s technicians Ottobock’s saw technicians littlesaw hope technicians saw little of little hopesaw hope of little of hope of ンピック委員会が協力して大 The first Paralympic & New York, USA The Games inSummer Barcelona experience Paralympic Sport first hand. were recruited help with Records. Around the world 3.8 billion to2provide conditions that service inservice a small service inworkshop. a small inParalympic service a small workshop. These inworkshop. a small Summer These workshop. These Summer These Summer In Barcelona, In Barcelona, InOttobock Barcelona, In Ottobock set Barcelona, Ottobock up ato set fully-equipped Ottobock up seta up fully-equipped a fully-equipped setthe up massive a fully-equipped spectators spectators and spectators overand 2,000 spectators over and members over 2,000 and 2,000 members of over the members 2,000 media of the members ofmedia the media of the mediaright in the right stadium. right in theinstadium. The the right stadium. South in The the African stadium. South The South remained African The African South remained in remained African in remained in wheelchairs, in wheelchairs, wheelchairs, which had which wheelchairs, been which had disassembled been had which been disassembled had disassembled forbeen the disassembled for the for the strive for the fixing the fixing outdated fixing the outdated the footfixing outdated and foot the offered outdated and footenable tooffered and build foot offered him toand build atooffered build him ahim to build a him a 大会中に 度の契約更新を :40 カ国Winter Games Games saw Games track Games saw & fielders saw track Games &compete fielders saw & fielders track compete with &in compete fielders theorganizational now withcompete with the now the now with the now mobile workshop mobile mobile workshop forworkshop the mobile first for time workshop the forfirst to thegive time first fortime to thegive first to give time to give came to came watch came to the watch competition. to watch came the competition. to thewatch The competition. Ottobock the The competition. Ottobock The Ottobock The Ottobock contention contention and contention eventually and contention eventually and won eventually gold. and won The eventually won gold. number gold. Thewon of number Thegold. number of The of number flight, of were flight, missing flight, werewere tiny missing flight, but missing important were tiny but tiny missing important but washers. important tinyand but washers. important washers.washers. new Josefa new one.declined one. Josefa new Josefa declined the one. offer declined Josefa the because offer declined the offer because he the because offer he because he he The 1984 Paralympic Games were held were held in Sweden. Many innovations were a track benchmark operations. viewers followed the Games on TV, the athletes to compete in an 会運営することが合意された。 し、2016 年リオ大会まで延 commoncommon carbon common springs carbon common carbon for springs the springs carbon first for time. the for springs first the Andtime. first itfortime. the Andfirst And it time. it And it Paralympians Paralympians Paralympians direct access Paralympians directdirect toaccess their access experts. direct to their toaccess their experts. experts. to their experts. workshop workshop hadworkshop morehad and workshop more had more more and tohad do. more andmore more to do. and to do. more to do. spectators spectators reached spectators reached 1.2 spectators million reached 1.2– million more reached 1.2 million than – more 1.2 twice – million more than than twice – more twice than twiceReplacement Replacement Replacement parts forReplacement parts the entire parts for the for team entire parts thewould entire team for the take team would entire would take team take would takecouldn’t couldn’t afford couldn’t it. afford He could afford couldn’t it. He hardly it.could afford He believe could hardly it. He hardly his believe could ears believe hardly his ears his believe ears his ears in both Europe and North America. were seen in ski equipment design, excellence. Athletes experienced more than 3.4 million spectators filled environment of excellence, friendship made a difference. mademade a difference. Many a difference. made Paralympians Many a difference. Many Paralympians Paralympians improved Many Paralympians improved improvedimproved as many as as many inas Atlanta. many as inas Atlanta. many in Atlanta. as in Atlanta. time – precious time time – precious time – precious Iran time time didn’t – precious time Iran have didn’t Iranwith time didn’t have the Iran have with didn’t with the have the長されている。 with the when he when was when told he was that he when was told he wouldn’t that told he he was thatwouldn’t have he toldwouldn’t that to pay have hefor wouldn’t have to pay to for pay have forto pay for Amputees, les autres, cerebral palsy their personal such as “three-track skiing” using vibrant venues filled with spectators the venues. and enjoyment. their their personal bests personal bytheir bests leaps personal bests by and leaps by bounds bests leaps and and bounds by and leaps the bounds and andthe and bounds the for and the Games beginning Games Games beginning thebeginning Games following thebeginning following the day.following Improvisation day. the following day. Improvisation Improvisation day. Improvisation the service. the service. the service. the service. ソウル アトランタ シドニー アテネ 北京 バルセロナ エイズベリー quickly became quickly quickly became the day’s became quickly the buzzword. day’s the became day’s buzzword. the buzzword. day’s buzzword. world witnessed worldworld witnessed a host witnessed world of anew host witnessed aworld host of Paralympic new of sprint anew world host records. world sprint of new sprint records. world records. sprint and visually impaired athletes crutches. the first time. Games for records. :4 名 :25 名 :60 名 :68 名 :12 名 テルアビブ ハイデルベルグ アーネム 1968 750 29 1976 1,657 40ニューヨーク 1984 365 disability 24 1996 3,259 104 2000 3,881 122 2004 3,808 135 2008 3,951 146 2012 > 4000 > 150 :86 名 competed in New York,419 while athletes22 athletes 1992 with an intellectual :3061 名 :3259 名 :3881 名 :3808 名 :3951 名 :3001 名 :2102 名spinal cord disabilities competed :782 名 :926 名 :1651 名 with were held in Madrid shortly after. Tel :28 Aviv,カ国 Israel :41 カ国 Toronto, Canada Austria Tignes-Albertville, France :83 Atlanta, USA Sydney, Greece Beijing, China London, Great Britain :146 カ国 :60 カ国 :104 カ国 Australia :122Athens, カ国 :135 カ国 カ国 in StokeInnsbruck, Mandeville. Although the :42 カ国 :54 カ国 In Tel Aviv, new events such as Lawn In Atlanta, athletes with an intellectual On the occasion of the Sydney More than 3,000 journalists, including The Beijing Paralympic Games were With already one million tickets sold Games were a success, the organizers Bowls, women’s Basketball and the disability took part in the Games for Paralympic Games, the IPC and IOC more than 68 broadcasters from “Games of Equal Splendour”, raising one year in advance, the London agreed that the Games should in future1988 1988 1992 765,00012 –* * 65,000 1998 20 24 32850,000 162,974 2010 –86 1988 4 1988 4 75,000* 4 75,000* 4 75,000* 75,000* 1992 1992 1992 12 1992 12 12 65,000 * 65,000 * * 1996 1996 1996 25 1996 25 25 388,373 388,373 25 388,373 388,373 151,376 2000 2000 2000 60 2000 602002 60 1.2 mio 60 1.2 1.2 miomio 1.2211,790 mio 2004 2004 2004 68 2006 2004 68 68 850,000 68 850,000 850,000 2008 2008 2008 86 2008 86 1,820,000 1,820,000 86230,000 1,820,000 1,820,000 *No data available men’s 100m Wheelchair Race were the first time, along with athletes with outlined the principles of an agreement around the world, covered the Games the standard of Paralympic Sport to a Paralympic Games are expected to set *Opening Ceremony *Opening only *Opening Ceremony Ceremony only *Opening onlyCeremony only *Opening Ceremony *Opening only *Opening Ceremony Ceremony only *Opening onlyCeremony only be held at the same venue. ヤイロ インスブルック インスブルック リレハンメル アルベールビル 長野 ソルトレイクシティ トリノ バンクーバー introduced. After having won two gold spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, to strengthen future relations. It was in Athens. High-level politicians were new level. IPC President Sir Philip many new records. London 2012 aims Albertville, France Nagano,名Japan Salt Lake名City, USA Torino, Italy Vancouver, Canada :229 名 :419 名 :377 名 :7 名 :471 名 :20 :24 :32 名 :502 名 medals in field events at the 1964 amputations, les autres and visual the first time that the Paralympic Games on hand to cheer for their respective Craven called them the “Best Games to deliver accessible and inclusive The Paralympic Winter Games in Tignes-Albertville Young Canadian Mark Ludbrook – a below-knee Slovakia’s Iveta Chlebakova brought her prosthetic Liudmila Vauchok of Belarus and Greta In cooperation with the International Paralympic History of the Paralympic Games ローマ1960 オットーボック社の修理サービスは、最先端の技術、専 門知識、さまざまな競技へのサポートを通して培ってき た豊富な経験により、「あらゆることに対応してくれる」 という競技者からの信頼の言葉とともに、今やパラリン ピックにおいてなくてはならない存在となっています。 Ottobock, Ottobock, Ottobock, Ottobock, Partner Partner Partner Partner ofof of the of the the the Paralympic Paralympic Paralympic Paralympic Games Games Games Games since since since since 1988 1988 1988 1988 パラリンピック競技大会の歴史と 1968 750 29 1976 1960 400 23 オットーボックのテクニカル修理サービスの歩み ストークマンデビル また、2005 年には国際パラリンピック協会(IPC) との パートナーシップ契約を締結し、強い信頼関係を築きな がら、パラリンピックムーブメントを支えてきました。 また、高機能な機器の開発においては、選手と技術者と のコラボレーションが大変重要です。ロンドンパラリン ピックの 100 m金メダリストであるポポフ選手の担当 CPO( 義肢装具士)ティノ・ハートマンは「選手との密 接な関係は不可欠です。彼らはアスリートの視点でさま ざまなことを教えてくます。彼らの意見は、機器の開発 だけでなく、競技中のアスリートへの修理サービスにも 活かすことができます。」と語っています。 パラリンピックムーブメントは、スポーツの重要性だけ でなく、何かにチャレンジする全ての人々が最高のゴー ルを達成しうるということを教えてくれる、新しいロー ルモデルとなっています。 ロンドンオリンピックに 合わせ、ストーク・マン デビル病院で車いすアー チェリー大会が開催され、 パラリンピック競技大会 の原点に。その後「国際 ストーク・マンデビル大 会」へと発展。 オットーボック・ヘルスケア社は 1988 年開催のソウル 大会以来、四半世紀という長きにわたり、夏・ 冬のパラ リンピック競技大会において、全てのメーカーの機器に 対する無償のテクニカル修理サービスを提供し、多くの 競技者をサポートしています。 パラリンピックに向けて、トレーニングを積み重ね、競 技に集中してきた選手が、機器のトラブルにより最高の パフォーマンスができなくなることのないように、迅速 かつ最高の修理技術が必要とされています。 今日、パラリンピックはオリンピックに次いで 2 番目に 大きな総合スポーツ競技大会となり、そのハイレベルな 競技内容のみならず、スポーツに対する純粋な思いや情 熱により、何百万の人々を魅了しています。全世界の人々 が障がいをもったアスリートの技術と情熱を称えるよう になったのです。 Rome, Italy テクニカル修理サービスを通して パラリンピックをサポートする オットーボック 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1985 Arnhem, 1976 :18 198カ国 Netherlands 16 :22 カ国 1984 1988 1989 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Seoul, Korea 2005 2006 2008 2010 パラリンピック発祥地での More than More 80More than orthopaedic than 80More orthopaedic 80 orthopaedic than technicians 80 orthopaedic technicians technicians will will technicians will テクニカル修理サービス will offer service offeroffer at service the service Ottobock offer at the at service Ottobock the repair Ottobock at centres the repair Ottobock repair centres centres repair centres 開催。サービスチームには 25 周年 during the during Paralympic during the Paralympic the during Games. Paralympic the Games. Paralympic Games. Games. 3 名の日本技術者も参加。 テクニカル修理サービス開 トータル 2062 件の修理サー 始 25 周年を記念し、ベルリ London, London, London, England London, England England England ビスを提供。 「パラリンピッ In 2012 Ottobock In 2012 In 2012 Ottobock willOttobock In once 2012 will again Ottobock once willbeonce again on hand will again beonce onbehand again on hand be on hand ンのサイエンスセンターに to provide to maintenance provide to provide maintenance tomaintenance and provide repairs maintenance andofrepairs and prostheses, repairs ofand prostheses, ofrepairs prostheses, of prostheses, クへの情熱」展を同時開催。 て、IPC と共催で展示会を orthosesorthoses and orthoses wheelchairs and orthoses wheelchairs andfor wheelchairs Paralympians, andfor wheelchairs Paralympians, for Paralympians, setting for Paralympians, setting setting setting up repairup centres repair up repair in centres allup centres three repair in all Paralympic inthree centres all three Paralympic inVillages. Paralympic all threeVillages. Paralympic Villages. Villages. Additional Additional workshops Additional workshops Additional are workshops also planned are workshops also are also planned for selected planned are also for selected for planned selected for selected venues. venues. venues. venues. :参加競技者 :参加国 Credits: Lieven Coudenys, Getty Images, Carroll Grevemberg, Handikappidrott, IPC, Arie Kanfer, NPC Korea, Jamie Schapiro, in Tokyo. The Opening Ceremony was 2020 東京 2012 2013 2014 2012 2012 2012 88 2012 882,000,000* 88 2,000,000* 882,000,000* 2,000,000* *expected *expected *expected *expected ソチ : 28 名 :550 名 :45 カ国 エンシェルツヴィーグ :オットーボック修理技術者 in Stoke Mandeville. Two teams with 14 :80 名 :4237 名 :164 カ国 were the first to take same :31 location as カ国 amputee – broke arm to the Ottobock’s workshop on the eve of the Khndzrtsyan of Armenia were their team’s flag Ottobock “Spirit in :22 :365 名place inIntheall, :561 名his aluminum :416 名 wheelchair :474 名presented :44 カ国 2,900 45 1992カ国 3,001 83 impairments. about 4,500 people had comprehensive international TV ankle joint in a countries. An elevator for Ever,” leaving a legacy for millions of designsCommittee, for all facilities, maximize the Olympics. Ottobock –* offered technical services training run. After just the workshop, Giant Slalom. Underneath her cosmetic glove the bearers for the Opening beginning Motion Us” – a public – 1992 7 –* 1998 1998 20 151,376 2002 242006Ceremony 211,790 2006– Discover What 32 Moves 162,974 – 230,000 1992 7 20five hours in151,376 2002 24 211,790 32 in 162,974 2010 230,000 2010 The 1980 Paralympic Games were The Seoul 1988 Paralympic Games attended, including athletes coverage. More users was installed thetheAcropolis people with disability China. The with the media coverage and strengthen the The :36 カ国 *No data available 31340,000 :24 カ国 : カ国 :38 カ国 for the first time at the Paralympic Games. and histhan prosthetic leg was school as good as new and Mark technicians at found hand had been shattered justaa few hours. Butin both had a problem exhibition built right in the heart of Whistler. *No data available Winter expected to be held in the same city as were, at that time, the largest and was back out on the race course. Ottobock’s into countless pieces. Overnight the team brackets on their wheelchairs. At the Ottobock “Snow Dome” attracted nearly 25,000 visitors and Örnsköldsvik, Sweden Stoke Mandeville, UK Barcelona, Spain delegation members. 12,000 volunteers children were brought to the venues to – accessibility became a social issue. Games saw a total of 279 new World Paralympic Movement. The Games will service team in Nagano was led by Germanconstructed Japan a completely new arm. The next day, workshop in Sestriere, new ones were welded for showed just how much interest has grown in the Albertville, France Nagano, Salt Lake City, USA Torino, Italy Vancouver, Canada the Olympic Games. As there was no best-facilitated in Games history. They Albertville, France Nagano, Japan Salt Lake City, USA Torino, Italy Vancouver, The first Paralympic Winter Games & New York, USA The Paralympic Games in Barcelona were recruited to help with the massive experience Paralympic Sport first hand. Records.Slovakia’s Around the world billion strive tohistory provide conditions enable Canada Japanese orthopaedic specialist Koiichi Tsukishiro. afterCanadian winning bronze, Iveta stopped by the them andIveta the two arrived at3.8 the Olympic andVauchok technology behindthat competitive The Paralympic Winter Games in Tignes-Albertville Young Mark Ludbrook – a below-knee Chlebakova brought her Stadium prosthetic Liudmila of Belarus and Greta sports In cooperation with the International Paralympic The Paralympic Winter Games in Tignes-Albertville Young Canadian Mark Ludbrook – a below-knee Slovakia’s Iveta Chlebakova brought her prosthetic Liudmila Vauchok of Belarus and Greta In cooperation with the International Paralympic positive reply from Moscow, the Games gave a new generation of Paralympic workshop to show off her new medal and gave in Torino just in time. for athletes withofaArmenia disability. were the first to take place in the same location as amputee – broke his aluminum ankle joint in a arm to the Ottobock’s workshop theand eve of the Khndzrtsyan Committee, Ottobock presented “Spirit in were held in Sweden. Many innovations The 1984 Paralympic Games were held were a benchmark in organizational operations. viewers followed the Games on on TV, the athletes to compete inwere an their team’s flag were the first to take place in the same location as amputee – broke his aluminum ankle joint in a arm to theLaermann Ottobock’sstart workshop Khndzrtsyan of Armenia were their team’s flag Committee, Ottobock presented “Spirit in technician Robert numberon as the eve of the were hosted in Arnhem. A crowd athletes the opportunity to compete in the Olympics. Ottobock offered technical services training run. After just five hoursher in the workshop, Giant Slalom. Underneath her cosmetic glove the bearers for the Opening Ceremony beginning in Motion – Discover What Moves Us” – a public were seen in ski equipment design, in both Europe and North America. excellence. Athletes experienced the Olympics. Ottobock offered technical services more environment of excellence,Motion friendship training run. After just five hours in the workshop, Giant Slalom. Underneath her cosmetic glove the than 3.4 million spectators bearers for thefilled Opening Ceremony beginning in – Discover What Moves Us” – a public a token of gratitude. :53 名of 12,000 attended the Opening for the first time at the Paralympic Winter Games. his prosthetic leg was as good as new and Mark technicians found the hand had been shattered just a few hours. But both had a problem with the exhibition built right in the heart of Whistler. The many of the well-designed and wellforfor the first time at the Paralympic Winter Games. his prosthetic leg was as good as new and Mark technicians theOttobock’s hand had been shattered justOvernight a few hours. But both had a problem thebrackets on their wheelchairs. exhibition right in the heart of Whistler.“Snow The Dome” attracted nearly 25,000 visitors and such as “three-track skiing” using Amputees, les autres, cerebral palsy vibrant venues filled with spectators the venues. andwith enjoyment. was back out on the racefound course. into countless pieces. the team At thebuilt Ottobock Number of オットーボック社はこの大 アジアで初めて冬季パラリ オットーボックと 共催 :16 カ国 Ceremony on 21 June at the Papendal constructed facilities used previously for was back out on the race course. Ottobock’s into pieces. brackets their wheelchairs. At the Ottobock workshop in Sestriere, new “Snow attracted and just how much interest hasIPC service team in countless Nagano was led by Overnight German- the team constructed a completely newon arm. The next day, ones Dome” were welded for nearly 25,000 visitors showed grown in the crutches. and visually impaired athletes the first time. Paralympic Games for Summer Athletes Netherlands KoreaFor the first time a service team in Nagano was led by Germanconstructedspecialist a completely arm. The next day, workshop in Sestriere, just how much interest has grown で「モーションスピリット in the and technology behind competitive sports Japanese orthopaedic Koiichinew Tsukishiro. after winning bronze, Iveta stopped by the new ones were welded for them and the two arrived showed at the Olympic Stadium history 会で冬季大会としては初め ンピックが開催。修理サー Stadium.Arnhem, Her Royal Highness Princess theSeoul, Olympic Games. Games competed in New York, while athletes athletes with an intellectual disability Japanese orthopaedic specialist Koiichi Tsukishiro. after winning bronze, Iveta stopped by the them twoand arrived history and technology behind competitive for sports workshop to show off herand newthe medal gave at the Olympic Stadiumin Torino just in time. athletes with a disability. The 1980 Paralympic Games were The Seoul 1988 Paralympic Games ビスチームでは日本人技術 私たちを動かしているもの Stoke Mandeville, Tokyo, Japan Heidelberg, Germany スェーデンのエンシェルツ Lillehammer, Norwayての修理サービスを提供。 Nagano, Japan Salt Lake City, USA Torino, Italy Vancouver, Canada Margriet of the Netherlands officially free technical service for all athletes was technician Robert Laermann number as workshop to show off her new medal and gave in Torino her juststart in time. for athletes with a disability. Summer with disabilities competed were held in Madrid shortly after. expected to be held in the same city as spinal cord were, at that time, the largest and a tokenWith of gratitude. Great Britain With the success of the 1960 Games in Since the Olympic village in Munich ヴィークにおいて、初の冬 The Lillehammer 1994 Paralympic The 1998 Games in Nagano, Japan, It者が中心となりサービスを was a high priority of the organisers Wheelchair made its a theme of „One Inspires Many“, opened the Games. provided by Ottobock. technicianCurling Robert Laermann her start number as を見てみよう」展を現地開 Games Although the history. They the Olympic Games. As there wasin noStoke Mandeville. best-facilitated in Games a token ofdebut gratitude. On 28 July, the day of the Olympic Rome, Paralympic Games founder was to be closed and converted into 季大会が開催された。 Winter Games were the first Games were the first Paralympic Winter Games to提供した。 provide a higher level of television Paralympic at the Torino the Opening Ceremony in Vancouver 催。 positive reply from Moscow, the Games a new generation of Paralympic Games were agave success, the organizers Winter Games Opening Ceremony in London, Sir Ludwig Guttmann was keen to private apartments, Heidelberg held under IPC創設 management. It was to be held outside Europe. His Imperial coverage for the Paralympic Winter Paralympic Winter Games in front of featured over 5,000 local performers. Summer were hosted in Arnhem. A crowd agreed that theathletes theshould opportunity to compete in IPC Games Games in future パラリンピック Number of Games the Stoke Mandeville Games took place stage the Games again at the same stepped in and invited the organizers to here that障がい者にスポーツ活 Ice Sledge Hockey was Highness the Crown Prince of Japan Games 2002 in Salt Lake City. After packed crowds. Torino also welcomed 15-year old snowboarder Zach of 12,000 attended the Opening the well-designed and wellSummer be held at the many sameofvenue. Countries Games Ceremony on 21 June at the Papendal が公式名称に constructed facilities used previously for for the first time on the hospital grounds venue as the Olympic Games in 1964, stage the Games in their city. In the introduced to the Paralympic Winter officiated at the Opening Ceremony. long negotiations, a live, worldwide Mexico and Mongolia to their first Beaumont, an amputee, was the final 動の機会を提供すると Stadium. Her Royal Highness Princess the Olympic Games. For the first time a in Stoke Mandeville. Two teams with 14 in Tokyo. The Opening Ceremony was seven days of competition, several new Sports Programme. A total of 1,468 media covered the television signal of all sports was Winter Paralympic Games. The medal torch bearer who lit the Games 「パラプレジア(対麻 Winter いう「機会均等と完全 Stoke Mandeville, Heidelberg, Germany Lillehammer, Norway Nagano, Japan Tokyo, Japan Salt Lake City, USA Torino, Italy Vancouver, Canada Margriet of the Netherlands officially free technical service for all athletes was former servicemenGames and two former held in front of some 5,000 spectators. records were set, mostly in Swimming. Games. The official Games website secured for the Salt Lake City tally was topped by Russia with 13 gold Cauldron. It was the first time Canada Number ofThe Lillehammer 1994 Paralympic Winter 痺者の) 」に加え、 「パ Great Britain With the success of the 1960 Games in Since the Olympic village in Munich The 1998 Games in Nagano, Japan, It was a high priority of the organisers Wheelchair Curling made its With a theme of „One Inspires Many“, opened the Games. provided by Ottobock. 参加」を理念に、国際 servicewomen in wheelchairs competed 1980 1,973 42 1988 3,057 61 TechniciansWinter Games were the first GamesGames The patrons of the Games, His Imperial recorded a total of 7.7 million hits Paralympic Winter Games. There was medals, followed by Germany with hosted the Winter Paralympic Games. ラレル (もうひとつの) On 28 July, the day of the Olympic were the first Paralympic Winter Games Rome, Paralympic Games founder was to be closed and converted into to provide a higher level of television Paralympic debut at the Torino the Opening Ceremony in Vancouver Winter パラリンピック委員会 in Archery. Highness Prince Akihito Princess duringEurope. the course of the Games. coverage for the Paralympic such a high demand from spectators and Ukraine, France Games Opening Ceremony in London, to be held outside His Imperial Sir and Ludwig Guttmann was keen to private apartments, Heidelberg held under IPC management. It was Winter Paralympic Winter Games eight in frontgolds of featured over and 5,000 local performers. オリンピック」と解釈Games (IPC) が創設された。 Highness the Crown Prince of Japan Michiko, were in attendance. the total number of tickets available USA all tied with seven goldold medals the Stoke Mandeville Games took place stage the Games again at the same stepped in and invited the organizers to here that Ice Sledge Hockey was Games 2002 in Saltthat Lake City. After packed crowds. Torino also welcomed 15-year snowboarder Zach されるようになった。 Geilo, Norway Innsbruck, Austria be increased. each. for the first time on the hospital grounds officiated at the Opening Ceremony. venue as the Olympic Games in 1964, stage the Games in their city. In the introduced to the Paralympic Winter long negotiations, ahad live,to worldwide Mexico and Mongolia to their first Beaumont, an amputee, was the final Games in Tokyo, Italy’s Roberto Marson had worked diligently to broaden his athletic participation to Swimming and Fencing. He won 10 gold medals this time – three in field events, three in Swimming and four in Fencing. 2016 リオデジャネイロ 2018 ピョンチャン 開催。 ロンドン 今後の開催都市 seven days of competition, several new Number Sports Programme. of Visitors Number of A total of 1,468 media covered the television signal of all sports was Winter Paralympic Games. The medal torch bearer who lit the Games サービスチームでは日本人 1 名を含む技術者 28 名が 2 カ所のパラリンピック村と 3 カ所の競技会場でサービ スを提供。