
The Young Athlete

by taratuta

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The Young Athlete
Chapter 32
The Young Athlete
Unlike most adults, children naturally engage in
spontaneous, vigorous physical activity. It is
postulated that this phenomenon represents
more than mere play; rather, it is an essential biological process that likely plays a key role in the
child’s growth and development (Cooper 1995).
Adequate food intake is essential for a growing
child, perhaps more so for one engaged in physical training for several hours a day. Research into
the nutritional needs of the young athlete therefore needs to be addressed in the wider context of
not just the effects diet may have on performance, but also the interactions between nutritional intake, exercise and physiological growth.
In the past, there was a preoccupation with
meeting a child’s nutrient needs, but, there is
now a significant shift in thinking to address concerns with regard to nutritional behaviour
during childhood and its impact on health outcomes in later life (Lucas 1997).
Although the nutritional requirements and
nutritional habits of top-level adult sport performers have been extensively researched (Burke
& Deakin 1994), there is little information with
regard to the young athlete. This limitation is not
just in the area of youth sport; our knowledge
of the dietary requirements of normal healthy
children is also still very limited. As is the case for
the nutritional needs of the young athlete, recommendations for a child’s nutritional intake are
based mainly on adult requirements. The nutritional preparation of the elite young athlete,
however, raises special problems for the nutritionist and dietician. These physically gifted
youngsters are often highly motivated, and
undergo prolonged strenuous exercise in training on a daily basis. This period of exercise stress
often coincides with a period of rapid growth, so
there are some real difficulties in making simple
extrapolations from adult data.
Organized sport for youth is characterized
today by increasing rates of participation, at
ever-decreasing initial ages. In Western societies,
youngsters (particularly girls) in their early teens
are likely to have undergone intensive training and high-level international competition for
several years and this highlights the ‘catch them
young’ philosophy (Rowley 1987). There is a
widely held, although unsubstantiated, belief
that in order to achieve performance success at
senior level, training and competition should
begin before puberty.
As already outlined, the issue of adequate
nutrition with regard to sports performance
must be viewed in light of the physiological changes occurring during childhood which
require increased amounts of energy for growth
(Tanner 1989). The challenge for those working
with young athletes is to integrate sports nutrition into the child’s training regimen and to
ensure that the nutritional needs for growth and
development are met (Nelson Steen 1996). As
well as being highly motivated, young athletes
are often easily impressed by their heroes and
will seek to emulate not only their training
programmes but also their dietary habits. This
special considerations
can lead to extreme behaviour. A recent study of
American adolescent athletes found that over a
third were taking vitamin/mineral supplements
and that over two thirds believed that such
supplementation was improving their athletic
performance (Sobal & Marquart 1994). This is
despite the consensus in the nutrition literature that supplements do not help performance
(Haymes 1991). Such findings suggest that improved education and dietary counselling are
necessary to clarify such issues.
The first part of this review discusses the interactions between nutrition and a child’s normal
growth and the effects that training may have on
growth. The second part concentrates on nutritional requirements for performance.
Nutritional requirements of the
growing child
From birth to approximately 10 years of age, children are highly dependent on their elders for
their nutritional requirements and dietary habits.
Studies of the nutritional requirements for this
age group have been relatively neglected, apart
from infant nutrition. Healthy boys and girls
are expected to gain around 30 cm in height and
12 kg in weight between 5 and 10 years of age
(Tanner 1989). Whilst percentage body fat
remains fairly constant in boys during this
period, it usually increases slowly in girls
(Forbes 1987). At this age there is a considerable need for energy and essential nutrients for
growth. In girls, sexual maturation begins
around 8 years of age and this also affects nutritional requirements. For most essential nutrients,
requirements for schoolchildren have been estimated by interpolating between infant and adult
data, which raises concerns with regard to the
validity of these estimated requirements.
The next stage of childhood growth is
adolescence (10–19 years). Adolescence includes
puberty, which consists of characteristic development of biological age, which differs in boys
and girls, and leads to ‘final’ adult height, shape,
body composition, and physical and sexual
function. This hormonally driven development
involves a linear growth spurt which commences
about 2 years earlier in girls (around 12 years of
age) than boys, acceleration of growth of muscle
in boys and adipose tissue in girls, the emergence
of secondary sexual characteristics and finally, in
girls, menarche, or the onset of periods (Tanner
1989). Once menarche is attained, girls lose blood
(on average 44 ml) approximately every 4 weeks.
This loss of blood is equivalent to a loss of
12.5 mmol iron · day–1. However, there is wide
variation in blood loss among girls, with the 95th
centile estimated at 118 ml · period–1, or 34 mmol
iron · day–1 (Hallberg et al. 1966). Consequently,
the iron requirement for postmenarcheal girls is
higher than for boys, and much higher than the
prepubertal requirement.
In boys, the linear growth spurt is greater than
in girls and is accompanied by accelerated
muscle growth. Boys’ nutritional requirements
therefore rapidly diverge from those of girls.
During this time, bone density increases quickly
by the incorporation of calcium and phosphate.
It is estimated that 25% of peak bone mass is
acquired during adolescence. Studies have
shown positive effects of increasing the intake of
dairy products on bone-density development
(Lee et al. 1996). Although there is clear evidence
that calcium intake during growth influences
bone mineral density (Barr 1995), debate still
exists as to the levels of calcium intake required.
It also appears that physical activity is at least as
important an influence on the increase in bone
density in adolescence (Welten et al. 1994).
Adolescent dieting behaviour
Adolescence is the peak period for dietary
change, from self-imposed dietary restraint to
veganism and beyond. In girls, dieting to reduce
weight, whether needed or not, is common, particularly in some sporting events. While adolescent boys tend to exercise as much or more than
previously and eat as dictated by appetite, girls
today tend to eat towards a thin body ideal, and
exercise less than previously.
The complex and ill-understood illnesses,
anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa, almost
the young athlete
always commence with ‘simple’ dieting. In a
comprehensive review of eating disorders in
young athletes, Wilmore (1995) concluded that
athletes are at an increased risk of eating
disorders, particularly female athletes in
endurance sports or appearance sports. Dieting
is also likely to contribute to suboptimal peak
bone mass in early adulthood and early osteoporosis in the long term (Bailey et al. 1996).
Dieting and vegetarian diets nearly always contribute to iron deficiency. Iron deficiency is a
major problem in adolescence, occurring in boys
as well as girls (Kurz 1996). This is likely to contribute to reduced physical activity and hence
reduced peak bone mass, reduced immunity
and, though not proven, reduced cognitive
Although, in contrast to their non-athletic
peers, adolescent athletes are concerned with
regard to their nutrition, studies have shown that
their dietary intake may be less than adequate
(Perron & Endres 1985; Lindholm et al. 1995).
Martinez et al. (1993) found in a group of male
high school American football players that the
majority consumed inadequate food energy, iron
and calcium, when compared to recommended
dietary allowances (RDA), and consumed too
much salt. However, as no measures of body
Fig. 32.1 Adolescents excel in
some sports: gymnastics,
especially women’s gymnastics,
has traditionally been dominated
by young performers. Small
stature and low body fat content
are also characteristic of elite
performers. Photo © Allsport.
mass were recorded, it was not possible to determine whether this shortfall in RDAs resulted in
progressive weight loss. What is suggested is
that these male athletes did not have any
better or worse dietary habits than other male
teenagers (Martinez et al. 1993). Studies of
adolescent female athletes have also found that
energy intakes are significantly lower than estimated energy needs (Perron & Endres 1985;
Lindholm et al. 1995). A Swedish study compared
the nutritional intake of 22 elite female gymnasts
(age range, 13.5–16.6 years) and 22 healthy girls
(age range, 14.1–15.9 years). This study found
that both groups had energy intakes below their
estimated energy needs, but this did not seem
to influence their health status (Lindholm et al.
1995). One criticism of this type of study relates
to the interpretation of recommended RDAs.
How valid are RDAs for children? Can standard
recommendations for a child of average weight
at a given chronological age be used for comparison with an elite young gymnast, especially
given the fact that elite gymnasts are known to be
small for their chronological age, due in part to
their late sexual development (Baxter-Jones &
Helms 1996)? It is therefore suggested that a
gymnast’s recommended RDA would be lower
than the average child’s.
special considerations
Influence of exercise and diet on
a child’s growth and development
The elite young athlete
Some authors (Martinez et al. 1993; Lindholm et
al. 1995) suggest that, in the long term, if children’s energy intake is insufficient in relation to
their energy needs, this could affect their growth
and sexual development. It is well recognized
that young female gymnasts are shorter and
lighter than sedentary girls of the same age: they
also show signs of late maturation, as evidenced
by late menarche (Baxter-Jones et al. 1994; Lindholm et al. 1994; Malina 1994). Hence, although
there is clear evidence of an effect of intensive
training on the hormones of the hypothalamic–
pituitary axis, it is not clear whether this effect
accounts for what appears to be a loss of growth
potential in some elite young athletes (Theintz
et al. 1993). What is known is that malnutrition
delays growth. Children subjected to episodes of
acute starvation recover more or less completely,
provided the adverse conditions are not too
severe and do not last too long, and will reach
their predicted adult height. Chronic malnutrition, on the other hand, causes individuals to
grow to be smaller adults than they should
(Tanner 1989), but there is no evidence to suggest
that young athletes are malnourished.
It has been demonstrated that, although
restricted energy intake can delay maturation
and sexual development, the late development
which is observed in some sports is more related
to inherited characteristics than to the effects
of intensive training and/or nutritional inadequacy. Several studies have compared the physical characteristics of elite junior performers in
different sports with those of non-elite competitors and non-athletic children (McMiken 1975;
Buckler & Brodie 1977; Bloomfield et al. 1990).
Data from a longitudinal study of young female
British athletes indicated differences in stature
between three sporting groups and UK growth
standards (Fig. 32.2). At all ages, swimmers and
tennis players were above average height on
British growth standard charts (Tanner 1989). In
contrast, gymnasts were below average height,
particularly from 12 to 16 years of age. However, at 17 years of age, the gymnasts’ height was
again similar to the average height seen on the
standard charts, indicating that what was being
observed was a late attainment of the adolescent
growth spurt. The parents of these gymnasts
were also of less than average height (BaxterJones 1995), in accord with other data (Theintz
Stature (cm)
Age (years)
Fig. 32.2 Development of stature
in British female athletes
compared with standard growth
percentiles (dotted lines). Means
and standard errors are shown
at each age. Standard growth data
are taken from height percentiles
of British children (Tanner 1989).
䊉, swimming; 䉱, tennis; 䊏,
gymnastics. From Baxter-Jones
and Helms (1996), with
permission (based on data from
Tanner 1989).
the young athlete
Age of menarche (years)
et al. 1989), suggesting that the short stature of
the elite gymnast is determined largely by
genetic rather than training and nutritional
factors. Although Theintz et al. (1989) found no
evidence that the predicted adult height for a
group of elite young female gymnasts, who had
already been training intensively for a period of 5
years, was less than the target height, their subsequent work suggested otherwise (Theintz et al.
1993). However, for this question to be resolved,
both groups of athletes (Theintz et al. 1993;
Baxter-Jones 1995) need to be reassessed to ascertain their actual adult height.
The biological maturity status of athletes has
also been studied extensively, especially age at
menarche (Malina 1994; Beunen & Malina 1996).
When considering the influence of nutrition
on the biological development of the elite young
athlete, it is important to remember that this
analysis is beset with a number of difficulties.
Firstly, the definition of what constitutes an elite
young athlete is vague, and secondly, as already
discussed, it is likely that young athletes selfselected themselves for their sport due to their
appropriate size and physique (Baxter-Jones &
Helms 1996). A girl’s menarcheal age is closely
related to her mother’s menarcheal age and this
appears to be due mainly to a genetic influence
on hormonal changes (Tanner 1989). Potential
environmental influences include physical activity and nutrition (Malina 1983). In abnormal circumstances, nutrition may play an important
role in the attainment of menarche, although this
clearly relates to the malnourished child. It has
been hypothesized that young athletes undertaking intensive training have delayed menarche
due to the effects of training at an early age. In the
British longitudinal study (Baxter-Jones & Helms
1996), all the sports (gymnastics, swimming and
tennis) had later mean ages of menarche (14.3,
13.3 and 13.2 years, respectively) than the previously reported UK reference value of 13.0 years
(Fig. 32.3). A positive correlation was found
between menarcheal age in mothers and daughters (n = 201, r = 0.27, P < 0.01; Baxter-Jones et al.
1994). Analysis of covariance, using maternal
menarcheal age, socio-economic group, duration
Fig. 32.3 Mean age of menarche and associated
standard errors for British mothers (䊐) and daughter
athletes ( ) in different sports, with reference to the
UK median age (Tanner 1989). Significant differences
were found between mothers’ and daughters’ age of
menarche in gymnastics and tennis (P < 0.05). From
Baxter-Jones et al. (1994), with permission of Taylor &
of training and type of sport confirmed that
maternal menarcheal age and type of sport have
a significant influence on the subject’s age of
menarche. As maternal menarcheal age and
sport were the best predictors of menarcheal age
in the athletes studied, it would appear that
menarche was intrinsically late rather than
delayed (Baxter-Jones et al. 1994); this suggests
that some form of sport-specific selection had
Nutrition and performance
The remainder of this review will be limited to
nutritional factors that could affect performance
in the young athlete. Performance will be delimited to three major sporting areas: strength and
flexibility-based sports (gymnastics), endurance
sports (running/cycling) and high-intensity
intermittent sports (soccer, rugby, basketball).
Carbohydrate and fat
The major substrates used by the muscles during
special considerations
exercise are carbohydrate derived from muscle
glycogen or blood glucose from hepatic glycogen
stores, and fatty acids which may come from the
adipose triglyceride via plasma free fatty acids
(FFA) or from the intramuscular triglyceride
stores. The relative contributions of these fuels
during exercise is intensity dependent, with
the contribution of carbohydrate increasing as
exercise intensity increases. As documented by
Rowland (1985), effective aerobic training for the
child athlete requires a relatively high volume of
exercise at high intensity, thus placing large
demands on the body’s limited carbohydrate
stores (Coyle 1992).
In order to appreciate the nutritional consequences of carbohydrate and fat manipulation
in the diet of the young athlete, it is necessary
to understand the underpinning physiological
bases of the child athlete. Erikksson et al. (1973),
Keul (1982) and Kindermann et al. (1978) have all
demonstrated lower levels of muscle phosphofructokinase activity and a reduced glycolytic
potential in children aged 11–13 years than in
adults. Conversely, Haralambie (1979) demonstrated higher tricarboxylic-acid cycle enzyme
activity and increased lactate dehydrogenase
activity in 11–14-year-old girls than in adult
women and men.
Children performing prolonged exercise indicate a preference for fat rather than carbohydrate
metabolism (Bar-Or & Unnithan 1994). Berg et al.
(1980) and Macek and Vavra (1981) demonstrated significant increases in glycerol levels in
blood with prolonged (30–120 min) activity in
children. In addition, Martinez and Haymes
(1992) concluded that prepubertal girls relied
more on fat than on carbohydrate utilization
during exercise of moderate to heavy intensity.
Not only have higher glycerol (0.425 vs. 0.407
mmol · l–1) and FFA levels (1.97 vs. 1.82 mmol · l–1)
been noted in young children (10–12 years) vs.
adolescents (15–17 years) during exercise, but the
increase in glycerol (five times resting values)
occurred at an earlier time than seen in adults
(Berg et al. 1980). FFA uptake expressed per
minute per litre of O2 uptake has been found to
be greater in children than in adults during pro-
longed submaximal exercise. It is theorized that
a large immediate increase in noradrenaline
and a greater utilization of FFA is used by children to offset hypoglycaemia during prolonged
exercise at the same relative exercise intensity
(Delamarche et al. 1992). A confounding factor in
the interpretation of the above observations is
the fact that it is assumed that a true maximal
oxygen uptake has been achieved by the individuals under investigation. However, it has been
shown that only a minority of children and adolescents attain a true maximal oxygen uptake
(Armstrong & Welsman 1994).
Respiratory exchange ratio (RER) data also
suggest a preference for fat utilization in children. Asano and Hirakoba (1984), Macek and
Vavra (1981) and Martinez and Haymes (1992)
demonstrated lower RER values for children
than for adults during prolonged exercise.
Again, interpretation of these results is confounded by the fact that a failure to achieve a true
maximal oxygen uptake will result in overestimated submaximal work loads in children.
Therefore, comparisons between children’s and
adults’ data may not be appropriate. Macek and
Vavra (1981) demonstrated significant reductions in RER over 60 min of submaximal exercise,
in conjunction with increases in glycerol levels in
blood. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy work
by Zanconato et al. (1993) also demonstrated that
children were less able than adults to effect
adenosine triphosphate rephosphorylation by
anaerobic metabolic pathways during highintensity exercise. In conclusion, muscle enzyme,
RER and magnetic resonance spectroscopy data
suggest that children, as compared with adults,
seem better suited for aerobic than anaerobic
energy metabolism (Bar-Or & Unnithan 1994).
While it is acknowledged that children may
use fat rather than carbohydrate as the major fuel
during exercise, the ability to sustain this exercise
over a number of months and in high-intensity
exercise bouts would still depend upon
adequate carbohydrate stores being present.
Hence, appropriate knowledge and guidance
regarding carbohydrate intake are critical. Loosli
and Benson (1990) showed that in the absence of
the young athlete
directed eating from the child’s parent or
guardian, inherent nutritional knowledge with
respect to carbohydrate was poor. In a survey of
97 competitive female gymnasts (11–17 years),
77% rated protein as their favourite energy
source; 53% were unaware of what a complex
carbohydrate was and 36% chose nutrient-poor
foods such as doughnuts and soft drinks as their
favourite energy food (Loosli & Benson 1990).
Whilst the lower levels of glycolytic and
higher levels of citrate-cycle enzyme activity of
the child would imply that increased dietary fat
would produce the best responses during prolonged exercise, it is clear that certain reservations apply to this procedure. Firstly, it would be
medically unsound, as the risk of developing
coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers has been associated with eating a chronic
high fat diet; and secondly, following the hypothesis of central fatigue, increased FFA levels may
promote fatigue by enhancing free tryptophan
levels, leading to raised levels of serotonin in the
brain (Davis et al. 1992). However, it has also
been shown that increased FFA in the presence of
heprin increases endurance (see Chapter 13).
Serotonin (5-hydroxytrytamine or 5-HT) is
responsible for causing a state of tiredness in
both man and experimental animals (Young
1991). Hence, an elevation of serotonin may
exacerbate the sensation of fatigue.
Protein intake
There is no evidence that protein metabolism
differs between adults and children (Lemon
1992). Hence, the increased need for protein
intake by active adolescents is purely the product
of the extra demand imposed by exercise and
growth, and not the result of any inadequacies
of the child’s metabolism of protein. The RDA
values for the adult population vary widely
between countries (0.8–1.2 g · kg–1 · day–1): where
separate values are established for adolescents,
they are generally in the region of 1 g · kg–1 · day–1
(Lemon 1992). Bar-Or and Unnithan (1994)
suggest an increase, in non-athletic children,
from the adult value of 0.8 g · kg–1 · day–1 to 1.2 g ·
kg–1 · day–1 for boys and girls between 7 and 10
years, and a value of 1.0 g · kg–1 · day–1 for 11–14
years. These figures are based upon tables generated by the American Academy of Paediatrics
(1991): after this age, recommendations are in
line with adult figures.
O’Connor (1994) demonstrated that young
people (age range, 7–19 years) achieve a mean
dietary intake of 1.6 g · kg–1 · day–1, even in those
sports where energy intake is restricted (e.g.
gymnastics). In contrast, Martinez et al. (1993),
assessing the diet of adolescent American footballers, via the use of dietary recall, found that in
87 subjects 95% consumed less than the RDA
(16.8 MJ · day–1 or 4000 kcal · day–1) (Pipes 1989)
for the adolescent male athlete. These results parallel the findings for adolescents not engaged in
sports training and therefore it would appear
that those engaged in sports do not practice any
better nutritional habits than those who are not.
Concern was noted with regard to protein intake:
the mean protein intake was almost twice the
RDA and accounted for 16% of total energy consumed (Martinez et al. 1993). Even taking into
account the validity of the RDAs, the resultant
excess protein in the blood could be harmful to
liver function. Although, the sports practitioner
(coach) and parent should be made aware of a
possible increased protein requirement during
periods of rapid growth and intensive training, protein supplementation, as seen in adults,
should also be discouraged. Finally, it still has to
be ascertained whether protein requirements
differ depending upon the sport selected and the
level of competition undertaken.
Fluid intake and composition
In order to understand the significance of fluid
intake and drink composition for the child
athlete, it is necessary to review briefly the
underpinning thermoregulatory physiology of
the child compared to that of the adult.
Primarily as a result of their greater surface
area to body mass ratio, children and adolescents
absorb heat quicker at high ambient temperatures and lose heat faster at low ambient tem-
special considerations
peratures during activities such as walking and
running (MacDougall et al. 1983). In an attempt
to control for differences in stature between
adults and children, sweating rate is normalized
to body surface area, but, even after this adjustment, children demonstrate a lower sweating
rate than adults (Bar-Or 1980; Falk et al. 1992).
This decrease exists in spite of the fact that children have a greater number of heat-activated
sweat glands per unit skin area (Falk et al. 1992).
The sweating threshold is considerably higher in
children than in adults (Araki et al. 1979). Meyer
et al. (1992) demonstrated that adults have elevated sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) concentrations in sweat. It has also been shown that body
core temperature increases at a higher rate for
any given level of hypohydration in children
than in adults (Bar-Or et al. 1980). Despite the
multitude of differences in the physiological
responses of the child, the critical question is
whether these characteristics will limit performance in children. There is no definite answer,
but it is clear that in a hot environment, children
are at a disadvantage compared with adults. In
adult studies, it has been found that there is a
clear effect of temperature on exercise capacity
which appears to follow an inverted-U relationship. Galloway and Maughan (1997) found
under their study conditions that exercise duration was longest at 11°C: below this temperature
(at 4°C) and above this temperature (at 21°
and 31°C), a reduction in exercise capacity was
Bar-Or et al. (1992) identified that children, like
adults, do not drink enough when offered fluids
ad libitum during exercise in the heat, a condition
known as voluntary dehydration. The physiological consequences for the child athlete are
serious; at any given level of hypohydration,
children’s core temperature rises faster than that
of adults, and it is therefore critically important
to reduce voluntary dehydration (Bar-Or et al.
1992). The general guidelines that should be
issued to children exercising in the heat are to
drink until the child does not feel thirsty, and
then to drink an additional half a glass (100–125
ml); for adolescents, a full glass extra is recom-
mended. However, in order to implement these
guidelines for sporting competitions under climatic heat stress conditions, competition regulations need to be altered for the child athlete.
Suggestions include allowing the child to leave
the field of play periodically, or, as in the 1994
soccer World Cup, the positioning of drinking
bottles on the perimeter of the field to allow for
fluid intake during natural stoppages in play.
In order to encourage the child to take on
board sufficient fluid to offset voluntary dehydration, the fluid of choice has to be palatable
and should stimulate further thirst. Thirst perception is influenced by drink flavour and drink
composition. Meyer et al. (1994) demonstrated
in prepubertal children, at rest after a maximal
aerobic test and for rehydration purposes after
prolonged exercise in the heat, that grape
flavouring was preferred to apple, orange
and unflavoured water. Wilk and Bar-Or (1996)
attempted to determine which of the two factors
played the more important role. Trials were
undertaken using flavoured water and an identically flavoured carbohydrate (6%)–electrolyte
(NaCl) drink. It was shown that the flavoured
water (grape) maintained euhydration over a
90-min exercise period under heat stress conditions. The carbohydrate–electrolyte drink produced a slight overhydration over the same time
period. These studies suggest that voluntary
dehydration could be reduced by drinking
flavoured water and prevented by drinking a
carbohydrate–electrolyte drink (Fig. 32.4).
The concentration of sodium ions in the
extracellular fluid is critical to the rate of
replenishment of body fluids. Nose et al. (1988)
demonstrated that the ingestion of 0.45 g NaCl
in capsule form per 100 ml of water enhanced
volume restoration after dehydration relative to
water alone. Wilk and Bar-Or (1996) demonstrated that there was a 45% increase in drinking
volume in favour of the grape flavoured water,
and an additional 47% increase in voluntary
drinking on the addition of carbohydrate and
NaCl (Fig. 32.5). Their study design did not allow
the partitioning out of the carbohydrate and
NaCl effects, but previous studies (Nose et al.
the young athlete
Fig. 32.4 Net body weight
changes throughout chamber
sessions in unflavoured water
(W), flavoured water (FW) and
carbohydrate–electrolyte (CNa)
trials. Vertical lines denote SE
values; tinted areas show exercise
periods. 䊉, swimming; 䉱, tennis;
䊏, gymnastics; n = 12; *, P < 0.05
(CNa–W); †, P < 0.05 (CNa–FW).
From Wilk and Bar-Or (1996), with
Body weight (%)
Time (min)
Fig. 32.5 Cumulative drink intake
throughout chamber sessions in
unflavoured water (W; 䊏),
flavoured water (FW; 䊉), and
carbohydrate–electrolyte (CNa;
䉱) trials. Vertical lines denote SE
values; tinted areas show exercise
periods. n = 12 subjects. *, P < 0.05
(CNa–W); †, P < 0.05 (CNa–FW).
From Wilk and Bar-Or (1996), with
Drink intake (g)
1988; Bar-Or et al. 1992) suggest that most of the
benefit was obtained through the addition of
NaCl. A limitation to these findings is that the
population was pre- and early pubertal only;
further research is necessary in older children
and adolescents.
In recent times there has been much concern
over the adequacy of specific micronutrients in
the diets of young athletes. Vitamins, iron
and calcium are most commonly considered,
Time (min)
although zinc, sodium, potassium and magnesium have also received attention (Shephard
1982). Supplementation of the diet with vitamins
or minerals is not generally warranted in athletes, irrespective of age: additional demand for
these nutrients imposed by training should be
met if the energy intake is sufficient to meet the
additional energy expenditure incurred in training and competition, and if a varied diet is consumed. One of the major sources of inadequate
(defined as less than the required RDA) micronutrient intake is the actual methodology used to
collect the information. Dietary recall procedures
special considerations
are susceptible to under-reporting of nutritional
information and for the absence of selected
micronutrients from the food tables. Hence, the
reported intake may not be true.
Few studies have been published on the
vitamin status of young athletes. Those studies
that are available suggest inadequate vitamin
consumption resulting from diets of excessive
consumption of confectionery, soft drinks and
other low nutrient-density foods (O’Connor
1994). This is contrary to the American Dietetic
Association’s (1980) stance that athletes who
consume adequate amounts of energy do not
present with vitamin deficiencies and therefore
do not require supplements. It is therefore suggested that while indiscriminate use of vitamin
supplements in young athletes should be discouraged, their use may be appropriate in athletes who restrict their food intake (O’Connor
Iron deficiency in the absence of anaemia
is common in adolescent distance runners.
However, whether non-anaemic iron deficiency
affects athletic performance is unclear (Rowland
& Kelleher 1989). The effect of iron deficiency is
associated with incorporation of iron into
haemoglobin and other processes requiring iron
such as enzyme cofactors. However, evidence of
such deficiencies is limited; Pate et al. (1979),
Rowland et al. (1987) and Rowland and Kelleher
(1989) all demonstrated limited evidence of
anaemia in athletic children and adolescents. In
addition, Nickerson et al. (1989) demonstrated
limited evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding in
cross-country runners with iron deficiency. It is
unlikely that non-anaemic iron deficiency will
have a significant effect upon athletic performance. Performance may possibly be impaired
in females (see Chapter 24) with low ferritin
levels and borderline haemoglobin (12 g · dl–1).
If decrements in performance are noted, then
serum ferritin and haemoglobin are worth assessing. General guidelines for the child athlete
would be to encourage eating poultry, lean red
meat, iron-enriched breakfast cereals and green
Calcium requirements are highest during
childhood and adolescence, aside from during
pregnancy and lactation. Concern has centred on
those athletic populations whose total food, and
hence calcium, intake is likely to be low — for
example, gymnasts and dancers (O’Connor
1994). A combination of inadequate calcium
intake and amenorrhoea in these athletes has
raised serious concerns because of its association
with osteoporosis (Bailey et al. 1996). Although
the effectiveness of calcium supplementation in
childhood is still unclear (Welten et al. 1994),
every effort should be made to educate young
athletes about the importance of adequate
dietary calcium.
Nutritional knowledge
As already discussed, one of the major factors
that influences the nutrition of the young athlete
is a sound basis of nutritional knowledge. Work
by Richbell (1996) demonstrated in élite junior
swimmers, track and field athletes and soccer
players that whilst the three groups followed the
recommended ratio of 55 : 30 : 15 for carbohydrate, fat and protein intake, the nutritional
knowledge in all three disciplines was poor. This
type of pattern was also demonstrated by Perron
and Endres (1985), who assessed the dietary
intake of female volleyball players (13–17 years)
and showed that no significant correlation
existed between nutritional knowledge and attitudes and dietary intake. These findings seemed
to indicate that at this age other factors such as
weight concerns and dependence on others for
food selection are significant. As previously mentioned by Loosli and Benson (1990), competitive
female gymnasts had poor nutritional knowledge. Swedish gymnasts have been shown to
have energy intakes insufficient in relation to
their high energy needs; it is suggested that, if left
unchecked, this could affect their pubertal development and menstrual patterns (Lindholm et al.
1995). However, although the gymnasts in this
study (Lindholm et al. 1995) had body weights at
least 1 SD below the normal weight for Swedish
children of similar chronological age, they also
had late sexual development. Therefore, inter-
the young athlete
pretation of the data with normal growth charts
is confounded by the effects of biological age
(BA): you would expect individuals with the
same chronological age but lower BA to have
lower body weights. The above observations do,
however, suggest that young athletes need
supervision of their diet not only as an aid to performance but, more importantly, for their general
Challenges for future research
1 Longitudinal studies of non-athletic and
athletic children are required to elucidate the
relationship between nutritional intake, growth
and development and intensive training during
childhood and adolescence. It is recommended
that a mixed-longitudinal study design is chosen
so that information can be collected over a
shorter period (Baxter-Jones & Helms 1996).
2 Care is advised in the interpretation of data,
especially when comparing athletic and nonathletic groups; they must be matched for both
chronological and biological age. When comparing submaximal exercise data from adults and
children, it is essential that the failure of children
to reach a true maximal oxygen uptake be taken
into account.
3 Further work is needed to identify the relationship between the intensity of exercise and appropriate dietary intervention. In one of the few
studies that investigated the role of exercise
intensity, Rankinen et al. (1993) established that
micronutrient intake of 12–13-year-old Finnish
ice-hockey players increased with an increase in
training intensity.
4 There is a need to understand more about the
muscle metabolism of children, possibly through
magnetic resonance spectroscopy, thereby allowing us to understand more fully whether dietary
deficiencies impinge upon the functioning of the
cellular functioning of the muscle.
5 Optimization of pre- and postcompetition diet
is an area that warrants further investigation in
the child athlete.
6 Sport specificity (contact vs. non-contact,
strength/power vs. endurance) and the level of
competition that the child undertakes may well
determine the level of protein requirement.
Further research is needed in this area.
7 The results for dietary intake are usually compared with RDA, but the validity of the current
age-related RDAs is questioned. Further work is
necessary to find out if these standards, developed for the average child, are relevant for the
young athlete of the same age.
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