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calendar - Nagoya International Center
平成23年11月1日(毎月1回1日発行) 第325号 発行所 公益財団法人 名古屋国際センター 〒450-0001 名古屋市中村区那古野一丁目47-1
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English Edition
「Nagoya Calendar」は生活情報や名古屋周辺のイベント等の情報を掲載している英語の月刊情報誌です。
Photo: Autumn leaves at the Momiji Festival in Korankei, western Aichi – courtesy of the Asuke Tourist Association What’s Inside: Get warm this winter, your gas bill explained, the art of Jackson Pollock comes to Nagoya
The Nagoya Calendar is printed on recycled paper that contains post-consumer recycled pulp.
Entertainment Calendar
In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Asuke-cho in western Aichi Prefecture is of course most famous for its colourful autumn leaves (see our cover photo). The Momiji Matsuri もみじ祭り
in Korankei Gorge 香嵐渓 runs from Tuesday, November 1 - Wednesday, November 30. On weekends and holidays during November there are special
events around the gorge area. The gorge is home to about 4000 maple trees, is one of the region's best-known spots for viewing the brilliant colours
of autumn. The gorge is illuminated from dusk - 21:00 each day during November.
Movie Theatre Schedule
A Nagoya Station, FUSHIMI AREA
................................ (052)551-5461✪✩
................................ (052)527-8808✩
................................ (052)451-0815✪✩
................................ (052)452-6036✩
................................ (052)541-3109★
................................ (052)212-2437✪✩
New Grand
Midland Square
Hirokoji D
Police Station
Exit 10
Admission discount services:
✪: Foreign students
(Must present alien registration card
and student ID)
★: Women ¥1,000 on Wednesdays
✩: Women ¥1,000 on Thursdays
Hotel com's
Bay City
Route 23
Ring Road
Route 41
Nakagawa Canal
................................ (052)659-0111✪✩
................................ (052)733-3959✩
Hirokoji Dori
Post Office
................................ (052)264-8580✪✩
8.Meien CINE SALON 1-2
................................ (052)931-1701✩
However Asuke-cho is also home to Sanshu Asuke Yashiki 三州足助屋敷- a working museum where you can catch a glimpse of what life used to be
like in Japan. This unique museum was founded not only to preserve traditional handicrafts and the traditional ways of life, but also to see if some of
that spiritual wealth could be recaptured.
Exit 1
Listed below are English language movies being shown in Nagoya theaters. Listings are subject to change. Movies are usually shown in their original language with Japanese subtitles; some
showings may be dubbed in Japanese for younger audiences. Numbers in < > after the movie listing correspond to the above location guide.
★COWBOYS & ALIENS カウボーイ&エイリアン
Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford;dir. Jon Favreau–Thru Nov.<2><5><10>
TV-Regular Bilingual
三銃士 ∼王妃の首飾りとダ・ヴィンチの飛行船∼
Logan Lerman, Orlando Bloom;dir. Paul W.S. Anderson–Thru Nov.<2><5><10>
#3 (NHK)
Movies on TV
Everyday @ 19:00, Mon -- Fri @ 21:00 / News
Sun @ 23:00--24:00/ Yi・San (Except 11/13, 23:30~11/27)
Katie Featherston;dir. Henry Joost–From Nov.1<10>
★RABBIT HOLE ラビット・ホール
Nicole Kidman, Aaron Eckhart;dir. John Cameron Mitchell–From Nov.5<8>
Glenn Gould;dir. Michle Hozer–Until Nov.11<9>
★WINTER'S BONE ウィンターズ・ボーン
Jennifer Lawrence, John Hawkes;dir. Debra Granik–Until Nov.25<6>
Brad Pitt, Philip Seymour Hoffman;dir. Bennett Miller–From Nov.11<2><5><10>
★IMMORTALS インモータルズ∼神々の戦い∼
Henry Cavill, Mickey Rourke;dir.Tarsem Singh–From Nov.11<2><5><10>
★L'AGE DE RAISON マーガレットと素敵な何か
Sophie Marceau, Marton Csokas;dir. Yann Samuell–From Nov.12<8>
★CONTAGION コンテイジョン
Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon;dir. Steven Soderbergh–From Nov.12<2>
★ARTHUR CHRISTMAS アーサー・クリスマスの大冒険
James McAvoy;dir. Sarah Smith–From Nov.23<5><10>
ハッピーフィート 2 ∼踊るペンギンレスキュー隊∼
Elijah Wood, Robin Williams;dir. George Miller–From Nov.26<5><10>
★HENRY'S CRIME フェイク・クライム
Keanu Reeves, Vera Farmiga;dir. Malcolm Venville–From Nov.26<3>
#2(NHK Education)
@ 19:25--19:50 / i Carly
@ 8:35--9:00 / Curious George
@ 18:25--18:49 / i Carly(Encore broadcast)
@ 19:00--19:44 / Chikyu Dramatic
[Repeat :Mon@0:00--0:44]
Sat @ 22:00--22:45 / 90210 Season3 (Start 11/5) NHK BS Premium
Fri @ 22:00--22:59 / AKA to KURO(Bad Guy)
Fri @ 23:00--23:44 / the GOOD WIFE2
Sun @ 21:00--22:00/ Dong Yi
※A Dog Year (11/2 22:00--23:10)
#6 (Nagoya TV)
Mon @ 25:59--26:54 /Las Vegas Tue @ 25:59--26:54 /THE GUARDIAN
#10 (TV Aichi)
Sat @ 24:50--25:50/ MADMEN Season 4
(@25:20—26:00 on 11/26)
#4 (Chukyo TV)
Mon @ 25:52--26:52/ BURN NOTICE Season 2
(Start 11/7)
TaxBrains Accountancy Services
 Financial Adviser and Interpreter
 Certified Tax Accountant Hideo Katoh
1@22:00-BSP- 102 DALMATIANS
102 ワン・オー・ツー・
インヴィンシブル 栄光へのタッチダウン・
6@13:00-#10- LAYER CAKE
13@13:00-#10- END OF DAYS
16@13:00-BSP- OUT OF SIGHT
17@13:00-BSP- ROPE
18@21:00-#4THE TUXEDO
プロヴァンス物語 マルセルの夏・
プロヴァンス物語 マルセルのお城・
24@13:00-BSP- EL SUR
25@13:00-BSP- LILACS
ラフマニノフ ある愛の調べ ・
27@13:00-#10- THE BIG HIT
28@13:00-BSP- BEAU GESTE
29@13:00-BSP- MOROCCO
30@13:00-BSP- HIGH NOON
Visitors to the center can see a variety of traditional Japanese handiwork in the
making, including paper umbrellas, bamboo handicrafts and weaving. You can
also watch traditional blacksmiths at work, straw handiwork, wooden tub
making, Japanese papermaking and a variety of other traditional crafts. The
buildings in the community are remodeled after farmhouses in the area from the
Meiji Period (1868 – 1912), and the center aims to simulate a self-sufficient
community, keeping cows and chickens and growing their own vegetables. They
also mill rice in their own water mill, and make miso according to traditional
methods. Visitors can buy some of these home-made products in the restaurant
at the center. An English guide book is available at the entrance.
Open: Daily in November (09:00 - 17:00); last entry 16:30.
Other times: Closed on Thursdays (except national holidays in which case
closed following day), Dec 24 - Jan 2.
Admission: adults 300 Yen, children (age 18 and under) 100 Yen.
Access: A 10 minute walk from Korankei Bus Stop (see above for bus times)
Getting to Korankei:
From Meitetsu Higashi Okazaki Station
From Higashi Okazaki Station 東岡崎 (Meitetsu main line) take a Meitetsu bus
from #6 bus bound for Asuke 足助. Get off at Korankei 香嵐渓; takes 70 minutes.
November (partial) schedule:
Weekends & Hols
There: 08:30, 9:10, 10:10, 12:10, There: 8:30, 9:10, 10:10, 12:10, 14:10
Return: 10:51, 12:51, 14:51, 15:51,
Return: 10:51, 12:51, 14:51, 15:51, 16:51, 17:51
16:51, 17:51
From Shigō Station
From Shigō Station 四郷駅 (Aichi Loop Line 愛知環状鉄道)- take a Toyota Oiden Bus とよた
おいでん bound for Hyakunensō 百年草 - get off at Kourankei 香嵐渓 - takes 40
minutes, costs 500 Yen.
There: 08:00 - 16:00 at :39 past the hour on weekdays, at :26 on weekends & holidays
Return: 08:00 - 20:00 at :41 past the hour
Craft Workshops 体験実習
Outside of the Momiji Festival period (November 5 - December 4) regular visitors to the working museum can also try their hand at some of the crafts.
Reservations are required for some activities (see below) and can be made by calling 0565-62-1188 during open hours or e-mailing
[email protected].
Hand Loom Weaving 機織り hataori
Bamboo & thread coaster - 3 pieces 30 min / 900 Yen, 6 pieces 45 mins /
1400 Yen
Large table top bamboo coaster 60 mins / 1500 Yen
Table top cloth - 60+ mins / 1500 Yen
Reservations required.
Paper Making 紙すき kamisuki
Postcard はがき (2 pieces) - 30 mins / 400 Yen
Letter paper 便せん (4 pieces) - must be taller than 140 cm - 30+mins / 600 Yen
Both require 90 – 120 mins for drying
Reservations required 1 week in advance
Straw Sandal Makingわらぞうり warazouri Adults only. Takes 4-5 hrs 10:00 - 15:00 (with lunch break) / 1500 Yen
Reservations required 1 week in advance
Japanese Indigo Tie Dye 藍染め aizome
Handkerchief (600 - 900 Yen), Tenugui hand towel (900 Yen), shawl
(2500 Yen), t-shirt (4800 Yen). Takes 30 to 60 minutes
No reservation required (except for t-shirt dyeing) however participants
should bring their own apron and rubber gloves.
Bamboo Dragonfly 竹とんぼ taketombo
Easy course 30 mins /400 Yen
Regular course 60 mins (ages 13+) / 400 Yen
No reservation required for weekends
Bamboo Weaving 竹かご屋 takekagoya
Bamboo windmill 風車 (for children) - 30 mins / 400 Yen
Nabeshiki pot stand 鍋敷き (for adults) - several hours / 1200 Yen
1-15-28 Marunouchi, Naka ku, Nagoya, Japan
(500m from Nagoya International Center)
Contact us any time :
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 052 201 3006 Mobile: 090 8864 1274
Specializing in small to medium size
business investors
 Supporting foreign investors establishing
branch offices and Japanese corporations
 Consulting on tax issues and financial planning
 Preparation and filing of final returns
according to Japanese commercial and
tax law
What’s on in November - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Nagoya Classic Car Meeting 2011 家族で楽しめる旧車の祭典
An event for the whole family featuring a classic car parade, classic car
exhibition, flea market, and street entertainers. A native English attendant
will also be there to answer any questions you may have.
When: Sunday, November 6 (10:00 - 16:00)
Where: Toyota Stadium, West Event Plaza 豊田スタジアム 西イベント広場
Access: The Toyota Stadium is a 15 minute walk from Meitetsu Toyota-Shi
Station 豊田市 (connected to the Tsurumai Subway Line) or a 17-minute
walk from JR Shin-Toyota Station 新豊田 on the Aichi Loop Line (愛知環状線).
Parking is also available (500 Yen).
Admission: Free!
Autumn Light-up at Tokugawaen 徳川園 秋の夜間開園
Tokugawa-en the traditional Japanese garden in Higashi Ward will be lit-up for
extended evening opening hours to show off it’s colourful autumn foliage. Regular
admission prices apply. Special events include a koto concert on Nov 19 (14:00 &
16:00) & an ikebana exhibition on Nov 20 (09:30 - 18:00) and a visit from the
“Nagoya Omotenashi Busho Tai” troupe on Nov 27 (18:30 - ).
When: November 18 - 20, 23 (national holiday) - 27 (09:30 - 20:30).
Admission: Adults 300 Yen, under 16s free.
Access: By City or Meitetsu Bus; any outbound bus from the “traffic island”
bus stop at Shiyakusho Subway 市役所 Station. Get off at Tokugawaen
Shindeki 徳川園新出来; costs 200 Yen.
Dome Yakimono World 2011 ドームやきものワールド
The largest ceramics and porcelain exhibition in Japan with over 300 booths.
When: Wednesday, November 23 - Monday, November 28 (10:00 18:00; last entry 17:30)
Admission: 1000 Yen (800 Yen in advance); free admission for elementary
school students and under. Advance tickets are available using P-code:
987-447 from Ticket Pia, Sunkus, and Circle K.
Mammoth Flea Market 2011 マンモスフリーマーケット
Over 3500 booths - the largest flea market in Japan! Features a special toy
collectors’ section and live painting.
When: Saturday, November 26 & Sunday, November 27 (10:00 to 17:00)
Where: Port Messe Nagoya ポートメッセなごや
Admission: General entry is 1200 Yen, 800 Yen for 13 to 18 year olds,
under 13s free. Advance discount tickets available from Ticket Pia and
participating Circle K and Sunkus stores - P code: 987-491.
Access: A 5 minute walk from the Aonami Line‘s Kinjo-futo Station 金城埠
頭(the last stop).
The Gifu Air Show 岐阜基地航空祭
The annual open house and air show at the Japan Air Self Defense Force’s
Gifu Air Base. Kawasaki Heavy Industries has been manufacturing and
testing military aircraft at this site since before WW2.
When: Sunday, November 27 (08:00 – 15:00)
Where: JASDF Gifu Air Base 航空自衛隊岐阜基地, Kakamigahara, Gifu
Access: A 5 minute walk to the main gate from Meitetsu Mikakino Station
三柿野; accessible directly from Meitetsu Nagoya, Inuyama, or Meitetsu Gifu
stations. Please note that this year no local parking facilities are available.
2011 Dunlop World Challenge Tennis Tournament
This tournament, sanctioned by the ITF and ATP will feature a range of
young and up-and-coming players from around the world looking to rise up
the rankings. All the top-ranked players have played in this type of tournament in their early careers, so some of the players on show could well be
future Wimbledon champions. There are both men’s and women’s singles &
doubles tournaments.
When: Nov 21 (09:30-) / Nov 22 - 24 (10:00-) / Nov 25 (10:30-) / Nov 26
& 27 (11:00-)
Where: Sky Hall Toyota スカイホール豊田, Toyota City
Access: A 15 minute walk from Shin-Toyota 新豊田 or Toyota-Shi 豊田市
Admission: Day pass (on the door only) weekday 1000 Yen, weekend 1500
Yen; weekpass 2000 Yen (advance purchase only with P-code 682-602 at
Ticket Pia, Circle K, & Sunkus). Students 50% off.
Jupiter Viewing 木星をみる会
When: Saturday, December 3 (18:00 - 20:30)
Where: Rooftop observatory, Nagoya City Science Museum 名古屋市科学館
Participation fee: Adults 700 Yen, school-age children 300 Yen
Observe the planet Jupiter through the science museum's large
telescope; other smaller telescopes will also be available. Numbers are
limited to 250 participants. To apply, send a reply-paid post card to
〒460-0008 Nagoya, Naka Ku, Sakae 2-17-1, Nagoya City Science
Museum to arrive by November 12; on the reverse write: "Dec 3 Jupiter Viewing" and include the number of adults & children in your
group. - See www.bit.ly/ofuku-hagaki to find out how to write a
reply-paid postcard.
Creators Market クリエーターズマーケット
Over 3000 amateur and professional designers will be exhibiting and
selling their creations. A wide range of original hand-made art, crafts,
interior design, and fashion items will be on sale.
When: Saturday, December 3 & Sunday, December 4 (11:00 – 18:00)
Where: Port Messe Nagoya ポートメッセなごや, Exhibition Hall 3
Access: A 5 minute walk from the Aonami Line’s Kinjo-futo Station (the
last stop).
Admission: 800 Yen, free entry for up to 2 under 13s when accompanied by
an adult; advanced tickets available at Seven Eleven, Circle K, Sunkus, and
Ticket Pia (P-code 987-449).
Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra Christmas Pops
Concert 2011クリスマス・ポップスコンサート
Japan's most famous arranger, Bob Sakuma will conduct the Nagoya
Philharmonic Orchestra for a special Christmas concert featuring a
Christmas Carol Medley and "Love at the Movies - The Great Composers
of Film Music".
When: Thursday, December 15 (18:45)
Where: Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Concert Hall 愛知県芸術劇場コン
Access: Sakae Subway Station; connected to Oasis 21 at the basement
Tickets: S-6000 Yen A-5000 Yen B-4000 Yen C-3000 Yen. Available
with P-code 142-256 from Circle K, Sunkus, Seven Eleven, & Ticket Pia.
There is also a free Nagoya Philharmonic mini-concert on Wednesday,
December 14 (18:30) at the Nagoya City Music Plaza 1F 名古屋市音楽プ
ラザ1F「音楽サロン」 in Kanayama (2 blocks north of exit 1).
One Coin Classic Movie Series – An American in Paris
名作映画シリーズ ミナミシネマ Vol.12 「巴里のアメリカ人」
Watch the 1951 award-winning musical film inspired by George
Gershwin’s orchestral composition. The film won 6 Academy Awards
including Best Picture and stars Gene Kelly in his prime.
When: Tuesday, December 20 (13:30)
Where: Minami Mini Theatre 名古屋市南文化小劇場, Minami Ward
Access: A 15 minute walk north from JR Kasadera Station or a 15 minute
walk South from Horita Subway Station. You can also take a City bus
from Horita Station, exit 3: get off at Chikama-dori 2 chome.
Admission: 500 Yen. Advanced tickets available from Nadya Park Play
Guide or direct from the theatre.
Famous Works Series 第29回市民会館名曲シリーズ
The Nagoya Philharmonic will be performing Beethoven's Symphony No.
9. The Ode to Joy segment of the symphony is probably the best
well-known piece of Beethoven's music.
When: Friday, December 23 & Saturday, December 24 (16:00)
Where: Chukyo University Center for Culture & Arts - Aurora Hall
(Chukyo-daigaku-bunka-shimin-kaikan 中京大学文化市民会館)
Access: Connected to Kanayama Subway Station at the basement level;
concourse located between exits 1 and 6.
Tickets: Range from 2000 to 9000 Yen (available with P-code 136-881)
with a limited number of special youth tickets (under 24s) available
on-the-door for just 1000 Yen.
Free Guided Tour of Nagoya (in English) 定期に開催しているガイドツアー
The Aichi Goodwill Guides Network (AGGN) now offer 8 free English-speaking tours of sightseeing
spots around Nagoya. Guides are free, but entrance fees are to be paid by participants. For further
info & reservations contact the AGGN at [email protected] or 0561-75-6977 (Tel & Fax)
■Tours of Nagoya Castle: departs East Gate of Nagoya Castle every Saturday and Wednesday at 13:30. Entrance fee 500 Yen. No reservations needed.
Reservations are required at least 7 days before for the following tours:
■Toyota Commemorative Museum and Technology: departs museum reception on
Saturdays at 13:30. Entrance fee 500 Yen.
■Atsuta Jingu Shrine: departs Main (South) Gate of Atsuta Jingu on Saturdays at 13:30.
■Osu Shopping Arcade: departs West Gate of Osu-Kannon Temple on Saturdays at 12:50.
■Arimatsu, hometown of tie-dyeing: departs from the ticket gate of Meitetsu Arimatsu
Station 有松 on Saturdays at 13:30. Entrance fee 450 Yen.
■Shirotori Garden: tour time about 1 hour in the garden. Entrance fee 300 Yen.
■The Cultural Path, Nagoya’s historical residential district, from Nagoya Castle East Gate (or
Nagoya City Archives) to Futaba Museum, tour time about 2 hours, Entrance fees of 300 Yen.
■Tokugawa Art Museum & Tokugawaen: tour time about 3 hours. Total entrance fees
1500 Yen
From the NIC - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change The Nagoya International Center is a 7-minute walk or a 2-minute subway ride from Nagoya Station.
Kokusai Center Station, on the Sakura-dori Subway Line, is linked to the Nagoya International Center at the basement level.
The Nagoya International Center library and information counter are open 09:00 - 19:00
Closed on Mondays, December 29 - January 3, & the second Sundays of August & February.
Car-parking is also available at the Center and in the immediate vicinity.
Japanese Volunteer Symposium
Most foreign residents living in Japan don’t learn Japanese just for
the sake acquiring a new skill, for many residents Japanese
language skills are a necessity and need them to survive and
improve their standard of living. What should we expect from
Japanese classes and what role should they play? Listen to a
lecture and panel discussion, and hear from both foreign students
and Japanese teachers about how this problem can be
approached. Please note that all discussions will be in Japanese.
If you are interested in teaching Japanese, join the discussion on
Saturday, December 3 (10:30 - 16:40) in the Nagoya International Center Annex Hall. Admission is 500 Yen. Places are by
reservation only. Applications will only be accepted by e-mail or
fax between November 11 & 26. Application forms and full
details are on our website www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/nvs2011. For
further information call the NIC at 052-581-5689 or e-mail
[email protected].
Start Up Seminar and Gyoseishoshi Consultations for
Foreign Residents
The NIC will be hosting a free seminar (in Japanese with an English interpreter)
on Saturday, December 3 (10:30 - 12:00) on the center’s 5F. If you want to know
more about how you can easily start up and register your own business - this is
for you. Maximum 60 people. If you have more specific questions personal
consultations are available in the afternoon (below).
Following the seminar the NIC will also be hosting free gyoseishoshi consultations on Saturday, December 3 (13:00 - 16:30) in the Center’s 4F Exhibition
Room. English, Filipino, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese interpreters are
available. Maximum 50 minutes per person; maximum 16 people.
A gyoseishoshi (行政書士) is nationally certified administrative clerk who can
assist you and act on your behalf as a when handling administrative work to be
turned into governmental offices; for example paperwork related to immigration,
naturalization, marriage, divorce, starting a business, and inheritance matters.
Reservations for both sessions are required and can be made from Friday,
November 4 at 052-581-0100 or by visiting the NIC 3F Information Counter.
- Nagoya International Center Services - Visit or call the NIC 3F for more information - 052-581-0100
★Information Counter and Civic Advisory
Service Multi-language E-mail Support
★Information Counter 情報カウンター
Information service for foreign residents on daily life and sightseeing in Japan
available in 8 foreign languages. Japanese & English is available Tuesday to Sunday
(09:00 - 19:00). Reservations not required. See our website for service times in
other languages.
Tel: 052-581-0100 E-mail [email protected]
★Free Civic Advisory Service for Foreign Residents 外国人市政相談
Information & advice for foreign residents on anything related to government
administration such as labour laws, immigration, divorce, & taxation.
When: Japanese & English are available Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 &
13:00 - 17:00 (except national holidays). Reservations not required.
See our website for service times in other languages. Tel: 052-581-0100
★Free Personal Counseling 外国人こころの相談
Professional native English-speaking counselors are
available to provide support to foreign residents who
have difficulties with their lives in Japan.
When: Weekdays (Tues - Fri) by appointment only
Reservations: Call the NIC 3F Info Counter
(052-581-0100) for more information.
Make enquiries directly with our multi-language staff
via text and e-mail. Replies to enquires in French and
Vietnamese may experience a delay due limited
service hours.
Portuguese → [email protected] Spanish → [email protected] Chinese (simplified) → [email protected]
Korean → [email protected] Filipino → [email protected] French → [email protected]
Vietnamese → [email protected] ★Free Legal Consultations 外国人無料法律相談
★Free Counseling Service for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
When: Saturdays 10:00 - 12:30
Reservations: To make an appointment, please leave
your name & phone number on the answering machine at
052-581-6111. A counseling support staff member will call
you back at a later date to schedule an appointment with
- RHQによる難民定住者などの相談窓口
The Kobe-based Refugee Assistance Headquarters (RHQ) provides a counseling service for refugees, convention refugees, their family
members, and asylum seekers. Confidentiality is guaranteed.
When: 1st, 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month (10:00 - 16:00); on the Wednesday before if the Thursday is a national holiday.
Languages: English and Japanese only. Where: NIC 3F Info Counter
For more information call RHQ at 078-361-1700 (website www.rhq.gr.jp/english)
There’s more on our website - www.nic-nagoya.or.jp
Follow the Nagoya International Center on Twitter @the_nic
Find us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/NagoyaInternationalCenter
★To submit suggestions, comments and
ideas, and for information about advertisements contact the editor at
[email protected].★
English Tour of Kōshōji Temple and
Zazen Experience八事山興正寺で座禅体験
Koushoji Temple with its five-story pagoda and splendid
Japanese garden is situated in pleasant woodland on top
of a hill in the Yagoto area and is perhaps one of Nagoya’s
finest Buddhist sites. Join the Aichi Goodwill Guides
Network and take an English tour of the temple and
experience zazen.
When: Sunday, November 6 (13:00 – 16:00)
Where: Koushoji Temple (tour starts from in front of the
five-story pagoda), Showa Ku.
Access: A 3 minute walk West from Yagoto Subway
Station, exit 1.
Participation Fee: 1000 Yen. Reservations are required
and can be made by calling 0561-75-6977 or e-mailing
[email protected].
November Highlights - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Jackson Pollock: A Centennial Retrospective 生誕100年 ジャクソン・ポロック展
Celebrating the centennial of the birth of Jackson Pollock (1912-1956), this is the first retrospective of the artist’s work in Japan. In 1947, during the post-war
period, Pollock became a pioneer for the future of painting with a unique style and technique involving the pouring of paint over canvas placed on the floor.
His innovative art became the impetus for contemporary art. Jackson Pollock's No. 5, 1948 (not included in
the exhibition) currently holds the record as the world's most expensive painting - having being sold in 2006
for an estimated $140 million. This retrospective will include roughly 70 artworks (about 40 paintings)
coming from all over the world. A life-size replica of Pollock’s studio and the actual materials he used will
also be on display.
Where: Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art 愛知県美術館
When: Friday, November 11 - Sunday, January 22, 2012
Admission: Adults 1400 Yen, students 1000 Yen, under 15s free. Tickets available with P-code 764-786
at Circle K, Sunkus, and Ticket Pia, or with L-code 43828 from Lawson.
Open: 10:00 - 18:00 (until 20:00 on Fridays); closed December 28 to January 3, January 10, and closed on
Mondays (except 1/9).
Access: Aichi Arts Center 10F, located above ground next to Oasis 21 in Sakae.
Image (left): Jackson Pollock - Cut Out (1948-58) Courtesy of the Ohara Museum of Art
Christmas at the Nagoya Orchid Gardens
An orchid-decorated Christmas tree (image right) and 150,000 illuminations will light up the Nagoya Orchid Gardens during the run-up to
Christmas. Santa Claus will take time out of his busy schedule to visit the
Gardens on Saturday, November 26; a great chance for children of all
ages to take a commemorative photo and tell Santa what they want for
When: Saturday, November 19 to Sunday, December 25 (10:00 - 20:00;
until 21:00 during December).
Where: Nagoya Orchid Gardens ランの館, Naka Ward.
Admission: 700 Yen for adults (500 Yen after 17:00); children get in free!
Access: A 3 minute walk south from Yabacho Subway Station, exit 4.
Toyota International Gymnastics Competition
Walking with NIC 外国人ウォーキング2011
Want to learn about the hidden history of Nagoya? The NIC Walking Guide volunteer group will be
providing a guided walk in small groups in English around the historic Yagoto area of Nagoya City.
Home to several universities, the area was once a temple town and as a result still boasts many parks,
temples and green areas. The walk will follow a 3.5 km route from Motoyama to Yagoto - taking in
Tōganji Temple, the Nagoya University Nobel Prize Display Room, Saikōin Temple, and Kōshōji
When: Saturday, November 26 (09:00 - 12:00)
Participation Fee: Free - but a 500 Yen admission to Kōshōji Temple (refreshments included) and a
100 Yen insurance fee is required.
Places are limited and will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis by calling 052-581-0100 or
mailing your name, mobile number, nationality, and language preference to
[email protected]. Applications will be accepted from October 26.
If you cannot make the tour, you can download a printable PDF version of the Yagoto Area
walking guide (as well as a range of other NIC Walking Guides) at www.nicnagoya.or.jp/en/nicwalkingguides and explore the route at your leisure.
Children’s Story Book Time 外国語で楽しむ絵本の会
Come and share in the fun at the Nagoya International Center 3F Library & listen to foreign
volunteers as they read a selection of books in their native language from the library's vast
collection of children's story books. All are welcome! Participation is free!
★Upcoming Autumn Schedule
Sunday, November 13 (10:30 - 11:00) in English
Sunday, November 27 (14:00 - 14:30) in French
Sunday, December 11 (10:30 - 15:30) - Christmas Around the World. Foreign volunteers will
read Christmas-themed story books from their home nations in their native language. Find out
how Christmas is celebrated around the World through books and games. For ages 3 and up.
10:30 - 12:00 - Philippines (in Filipino) & New Zealand (in English)
13:00 - 15:30 - Belgium (in French), Brazil (in Portuguese), & USA (in English)
NIC Book Recycling Bazaar 本のリサイクルバザー
When: Sunday, November 13 (13:00 - 15:00)
Where: Nagoya International Center 5F, Conference Room 1
Admission: Free
Thousands of items including English fiction paperbacks, children’s books,
books about Japan, EFL texts, and books for Japanese Language learners.
Prices are not set and visitors can donate as much as they like after
choosing books. Money raised will be donated to the National Federation
of UNESCO Associations in Japan. Arrive early to avoid disappointment.
A host of renowned Japanese and international gymnasts, including medalists from
October’s World Championships, will converge on Toyota for this annual sporting event.
When: Saturday, December 10 (14:00 - ) & Sunday, December 11 (13:00 - )
Where: Sky Hall Toyota スカイホール豊田, Toyota City
Access: A 15 minute walk from Shin-Toyota 新豊田 or Toyota-Shi 豊田市 Stations
Admission: General seating 2000 Yen / 1000 Yen (ages 6 to 18), S-section 3000 Yen,
Arena Section 3500 Yen. Advance tickets available direct from the venue, with L-code:
L45794 from Lawson, or with P-code 819-833 from Ticket Pia, Sunkus, and Circle K.
Dec 10 - Men: floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings - Women: vault, uneven bars
Dec 11 - Men: vault, parallel bars, horizontal bar - Women: balance beam, floor exercise
Official Website: http://event.chunichi.co.jp/taiso
Image (right): Yan Mingyong - silver medalist at the 2010 World Artistic Gymnastics
UNICEF Christmas Cards on Sale at the
Nagoya International Center
FIVB Men's Volleyball World Cup 2011
The five continental champions, the best 4 runners-up
based on world rankings, two wild-cards, and hosts
Japan will take part in this 12-team tournament. Brazil
have won the two last World Cups in 2003 and 2007.
The first round of matches in the men's tournament will be
played in Nagoya. There are 3 matches each day over the 3
day round in Nagoya with Team Japan playing in all three of the evening games.
When: Sunday, November 20 - Tuesday, November 22 (11:00, 15:00, 18:20)
Where: Nippon Gaishi Hall 日本ガイシホール
Access: A 3 minute walk from JR Kasadera Station 笠寺
Tickets: Tickets are priced from 2000 to 10,000 Yen and are available with P-code
819-568 from Circle K, Sunkus, and Ticket Pia; or with L-code 45450 from Lawson.
Free admission for pre-schoolers if they do not require a seat.
Image (left): USA's Clayton Stanley hits the Mikasa. Courtesy of FIVB
g through
Christmas cards go on sale from Friday, November 11 (until stocks last)
at the Nagoya International Center 3F Information Counter. These
cards are on sale on behalf of UNICEF and proceeds will be used to help
protect a child from violence, exploitation, abuse, and discrimination. You
can make a difference to a child’s life.
There are 20 varieties available, priced between 180 and 200 Yen each.
The number of cards is limited. For more information call the NIC Info
Counter at 052-581-0100
International Student Cultural Exchange Luncheon 留学生の夕べ
International students will be providing cuisine from their home countries and presenting
songs & dances in their native languages. Hosted by the Aichi Foreign Students’ Association
(AFSA). Why not join them? All are welcome. Pay on the door: students 500 Yen (includes
100 Yen food ticket), non-students 1000 Yen (includes 200 Yen food ticket). For more
information call the ISC at 052-654-3511.
When: Saturday, December 10 (12:30 to 16:20)
Where: Nagoya International Center Annex Hall.
Machu Picchu Anniversary Event
To commemorate the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Peru's
"Lost City of the Incas" - Machu Picchu, the Nagoya International
Center in conjunction with the Peruvian Consulate will be holding
a special Peru-themed event in the Nagoya International Center
Annex Hall on Sunday, November 27 (13:00 -17:00). The event
includes a lecture on the Incas and Machu Picchu (in Japanese)
followed by Peruvian music and dance. Admission is free!
Preschool applications now accepted
for April 2012 start. Ages 2 ~ 5.
Spaces are limited.
Ask us about early enrollment!
This Month at the NIC - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Reggio Emilia Approach
Child led, play based curriculum
Beautiful, engaging learning spaces
Highly qualified, devoted
Early Childhood Educators
Partnership with parents
Near Fujigaoka
natural way!
After School
Daily Living Information
Heating Your Home in Winter 暖房器具の選び方
By design most Japanese homes and apartments don’t come with any form of central heating, and most homes rely primarily on space heating during winter.
The coldest time of the year in Nagoya is from late January to the end of February. The average daytime temperature usually hovers between 0 and 7 degrees
celsius (°c) and at night temperatures can drop as low as minus 5°c; arctic winds from Siberia make it feel a lot colder than it actually is.
For most apartment dwellers the air conditioner’s heating setting becomes the default source of heating. However ,depending upon your needs, style of living,
and size of residence an alternative form of heating may suit your better.
★Air Conditioner
Safe and easy to use, modern units are more efficient than ever and heat rooms well, but they will dry the air - leading to discomfort, tiredness, and an
increased susceptibility to colds. Combine with a humidifier (加湿機 kashitsuki) for maximum effect. Cleaning the filters twice a month and set the flaps so that
they point downwards for maximum effectiveness.
★Kerosene Fan Heater 石油ファンヒーター
These heater have good cost performance and heat up the room at a faster speed than other heaters.
However, the heaters have to be manually refuelled on a regular basis and care has to be taken storing and
refueling them. Most modern units have computerized safety systems that turn off the unit if the air quality
drops of if the unit is knocked or tipped, so its best to avoid using older models that do not have built in
safety systems and electric starters.
Daily Living Information
Disaster Information in English 多言語の災害情報
Earthquake, tsunami, typhoon, flood, and other official disaster-related information from the City of Nagoya is now available
in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Filipino, and easy-to-understand Japanese on the Nagoya International
Center’s website www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/saigai.
★English, Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean versions of evacuation & safe area maps for each Nagoya City ward are available
on the site for download in a printer-friendly PDF format; there’s also a mobile-friendly Google Map available for quick
You can follow all the latest updates via Twitter @nicsaigai
Calculating the Cost of Your Monthly Gas Bill ガス料金計算方法
Most of Aichi, Gifu, and Mie prefectures are served by Toho Gas* (www.tohogas.co.jp). Prices are generally higher in the winter months (December to
March) than during the rest of the year. The price per cubic meter of gas is also updated every month to reflect domestic market prices.
The amount of cubic meters you use depends upon three factors; 1) how much hot water you use and how much
cooking you do, 2) the water temperature differential – it takes more gas to heat up water to 40 degrees on a cold
day than it does on a hot day, and 3) the efficiency of the appliances you are using - a new cooker is usually more
efficient than its older counterpart.
Liquid kerosene (tōyu 灯油) can be purchased at your nearest road-side gas station, where there is a special
kerosene pump for walk-in customers - usually located off to one corner of the gas station away from the
regular petrol pumps. Home delivery is also possible in most areas in and around Nagoya. A tōyu delivery
truck may occasionally be seen slowly winding its way around small neighbourhoods with its distinctive
sales-pitch music blaring away. Many gas stations also offer a home delivery service.
Your monthly household gas bill is not only based on how many cubic meters of gas you use (see table) but also
includes a base rate. So even if you use no gas at all, you will still be charged the base rate and receive a bill.
Sample Bill
If you used 25 cubic meters of gas in August then your monthly bill would be
the monthly base rate (724.50) + the cost for each cubic meter used (184.73 x 25) - rounded up to the nearest Yen
– giving a total bill of 5,343 Yen.
Kerosene should be stored outside in a 18 litre, blue (or red), plastic jerrycan. Never refuel the heater's tank
inside the home. Take the tank out of the unit and fill it outdoors using a battery powered fuel pump
(available for purchase in supermarkets, home centers, and gas stations); these automatically cut off when
the unit's tank is full. Always operate your heater according to the manufacturer’s instructions and operate
your heater in a room with a door / window slightly open to allow ventilation.
★Ceramic Heater セラミックヒーター
Ceramic heaters are small space heaters that produce a flow of warm air via electrically heating internal
ceramic plates. Despite lacking the capacity to heat a large room, these heaters have don't have the safety
concerns that oil, gas heaters, and electric heaters have. They are simple and safe to use, light-weight and
portable, and are an excellent option for heating a small room.
★Electric Bar Heaters 電気ストーブ
These heaters are low cost and provide instant warmth without
drying or polluting the air. However, they will not heat up a large
room and have a high energy consumption so they not cost
effective over a long period.
★Oil Heater オイルヒーター
These heaters use electricity to warm up an internal oil supply
which in turn heats the metal walls and the surrounding air.
Although oil heaters are more expensive to run and provide far
less spatial heating than gas heaters, they are useful for heating
confined spaces such as bedrooms and other small-to-mediumsized enclosed areas. They are clean, safe, and easy to use. They
take time to warm up when switched on, but remain warm for a
long-period after being turned off.
★Kotatsu コタツ
The modern style of kotatsu consists of a table with an electric heater attached to its
underside. A thin futon is draped over the frame under the table-top. In the summer,
the futon can be removed and the kotatsu can be used as a normal table. A kotatsu is
a relatively inexpensive way to stay warm in the winter, as the futon traps the warm air.
The warmth is immediate but limited to the area under the futon, and as a result you
won't want to leave the comfort of your seat.
★Heated Carpet ホットカーペット
They consist of a carpet "pad" with heating wires usually topped with a waterproof
layer to guard against spillages; this pad is then covered with an area rug. They are
relatively inexpensive and come in several sizes. They work best in combination with
other heat sources. Modern heated carpets are pressure-sensitive and will only heat up
if someone or something rests on top - making them energy-efficient alternatives to the
■Appliance Button Guides
If you have just moved in and haven’t yet figured out what each button does on certain electrical appliances, then why not print out one of our web site’s
printer-friendly bilingual button guides to help you? Print out the guides and stick them next to the appliance or shrink them in a copier and stick them onto
the back of the appliances remote control. Please note the words listed are the common words found on appliances and language used will vary between
models and manufactures. As well guides for a kerosene heater and air conditioner we also have guides for a DVD player, microwave, rice cooker, TV, and a
washing machine. Download URL - www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/en/buttonguide.
If you used 26 cubic meters of gas in October then your monthly bill would be
the monthly base rate (1837.50) + the cost for each cubic meter used (145.56 x 26) - rounded up to the nearest Yen
– giving a total bill of 5,623 Yen.
Amount used
Monthly Base
Cost per 1 m
per month
Average Rate
0 to 25m3
724.50 Yen
26 to 250m3
1,837.50 Yen
251 to 500m3
2,467.50 Yen
Over 500m3
7,455.00 Yen
Key Vocabulary
base rate 基本料金 kihon ryōkin
metered unit price 従量料金単価 jūryō ryōkin tanka
* In the Nagoya area Inuyama, Fuso-cho, and
Oguchi-cho are served by Inuyama Gas, and
Tsushima & Aisai are served by Tsushima Gas.
Rates are similar See www.inym-gas.co.jp and
www.tsushimagas.co.jp/charge-info/ for details.
Changes to the Child Benefits System from October 10月以降の子ども手当制度について
Up until September 2011 all children aged 15 or under (born after April 2, 1996) that met the eligibility requirements - including those children living abroad - were entitled to receive child-rearing payments. However from
October 1, with the exception of those children abroad for study purposes (see below), children that are not
currently resident in Japan will not be eligible to receive child-rearing payments.
Applying for Children who are studying abroad. Does your child qualify?
 The child has lived in Japan for at least 3 consecutive years before studying abroad.
 The child is living abroad away from parents for the purpose of study.
 The child’s total stay abroad is less than 3 years.
If your child is abroad and meets these conditions they will still be eligible to receive the allowance if you submit
a letter from the foreign school showing proof of enrollment (translated into Japanese by a Japan based
third-party translator) along with proof of residency in Japan (school records or copy of alien registration card)
to the child care section (民生子ども課) of your ward office's welfare division.
New Applications
Families that have a new-born (both for the first time or as an addition) or have moved to Nagoya need to apply at their local ward office in order to
receive child-rearing payments. When applying you will need to bring health insurance certificates, as well as your bank book, cash card, and inkan (if
you have one). After application, parents will be able to receive the allowance from the following month. Children of foreign nationality that have a
short term stay or entertainer visa are not eligible.
Even if your child is registered with your ward office / city hall, depending upon your municipality additional paperwork may be required. Don't miss out.
If you have trouble understanding Japanese whilst at the ward office, you can ask the staff to call the Nagoya International Center's
"Torio-hon" three-way call civic interpreter service at 052-581-6112 (Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00).
Children’s Medical Subsidies 子ども医療費助成制度
From October 1, 2011 Nagoya City children’s medical subsidies were extended from their current scope to include a broader age range of children.
Subsidies are now available for:
children up to (and including) junior high school 3rd grade to help with the cost of regular hospital visits and examinations at medical institutions.
children up to (and including) junior high school 3rd grade to help with the cost of hospitalization.
Subsidies are available regardless of a family’s household income. However, costs incurred during hospitalization not covered by insurance, such as meal
and room upgrade charges, are not covered by the subsidies.
When you take your child to a hospital or clinic show your Children's Medical Care Card (kodomo iryōshō 子ども医療証) together with your health
insurance card at the reception. If your child does not already have a Children's Medical Care Card and did not receive an application form during the
summer, you can apply for one at the Health Insurance and Pension Division of your local ward (or branch) office; you will need to present your health
insurance card.
Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board
★ About Notice Submissions - This is a free service -
Meeting & Activities
You can submit and renew notices in person at the NIC Information Counter or via our website at www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/en/bulletinboard.
Submissions for commercial purposes & job hiring are not accepted. The NIC is not responsible for any problems that arise between parties
placing notices & their respondents, and NIC reserves the right to refuse or edit notices.
Cultural Learning Opportunities
Japanese Language Classes
Cultural Learning Opportunities
★Ever worn a kimono? No? Would you like to? Kimono & accessories
provided! Fitting: 500 yen each time. Lessons: 4 times a month 1,000 yen
per month. 1 minute from Kamejima Station. Tel /fax: 052-451-8582
★Do you swing dance? - Want to learn how? Nagoya Swings is an
international group that holds a workshop & dance party once a month in
Fushimi. Come on out & dance with us. Beginners are always welcome, and
you never need a partner. More info: [email protected]
★Djembe & Didgeridoo Lessons - Learn to play traditional African &
Australian music with an experienced musician in Nagoya. 1500 yen per
lesson. Contact Fumi for more details at [email protected]
★Enjoy French Conversation Salon in a friendly atmosphere. 4000 Yen
per month. 3 minutes from Kamejima Station. Contact Véronique for more
details 090-2925-3421 or [email protected]
French Class - intermediate and advanced courses using French
cinema. Sat afternoons at the Nagoya International Center. 1500 Yen per
class. Contact [email protected].
★Hana-no-ki-kai - Ikebana & sado classes every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the
month 13:00 - 16:00 at Will Aichi 4F, a 10 minute walk from Shiyakusho
Station, exit 2. Classes planned for 12/7 & 12/18. Only actual cost charged
for materials. Reservations to Ms. Suzuki at 0562-93-5213 or Fax to
★Ikebana Communications - enjoy your stay in Japan & make new friends
in an inter-cultural atmosphere by learning Ikebana. We meet every 2nd &
4th Sat 6pm to 8pm near Nagoya International Center Bldg. Fee 1300 Yen
per class. To join, please call Grace 090-4867-4262, Ms. Wakita 052-5816071 or Miki 090-7954-2892
International Class of Japanese Calligraphy - Learn from
qualified and licensed teachers in an inter-cultural atmosphere in Shinsakae.
Every 1 Monday and 3rd Friday from 10:00 - 11:00 and 11:00 - 12:00. 500
Yen. Child care service 200 Yen. All lesson fees donated to the Red Cross.
Contact Yuuca at 090-6035-2000. Map at http://ameblo.jp/yuucakoikoi
★Japanese Cooking Class, Ikebana & Tea Ceremony in English. Learn
to use the different sauces & spices common to traditional Japanese dishes.
Flower arranging & tea ceremony lessons available; private or group lessons
OK. Call Hideko at 052-211-2586.
★Japanese Cooking Class - New casual, friendly cooking class. Looking
for members. E-mail Junko at [email protected]
★Learn to Play the Koto - a traditional Japanese stringed musical
instrument. One-on-one lessons by appointment. Lessons designed for
female students. Trial lesson 1000 Yen. A 3-minute walk from Kakuozan
Station. Call Ms. Yamamoto at 090-1797-8744 (or [email protected]);
English is OK. Full details at http://web.me.com/a.koto/E.
★Like dancing? Let's dance without memorizing steps. Latin music makes
you feel healthy and happy. No need to be a professional dancer, just feel
the rhythm. Write an e-mail to [email protected] (Carlos).
★Let’s Enjoy Japanese Kimono - Calling all foreign women! Join us and
try on a variety of kimonos and learn about Japanese culture. Every 2nd
Saturday (13:00 - 15:00) at Atsuta Lifelong Learning Center - a 15 minute
walk from Hibino Subway Station, exit 1. Participation fee only 500 Yen. Call
or fax to reserve your place 052-681-9414.
★Multilanguage Lessons / Exchange - Pick up the trend and learn the most
spoken language in the World - Mandarin Chinese! Also learn about the
culture & unique business practices. Y1000/person. Gathering takes place
around Kitanagoya or Nagoya; exact location TBC. Contact Carol at
[email protected]
★Piano Lessons - one-on-one piano lessons in English. 4 times a month
45min lessons. Contact Ms, Noriko Kugimoto 090-6181-1274 or
[email protected]
★Piano Lessons in English/Chinese with an experienced piano teacher
with a DipABRSM qualification. Please contact Ms. Hiuyan (Ginny) Wong at
[email protected] for more information.
★Pilates Lessons - one-on-one at Jingu NIshi in English using special pilates
machines. Contact Maki at [email protected]
★Sahaj Marg Raja Yoga Meditation: A state of balance and peace is
achieved through features such as yogic transmission and cleaning. No fee
to learn and continue and all are welcome. Contact Sriram or Nithya at
090-9825-3105 or e-mail: [email protected].
Website: www.srcm.org.
★Spanish & Latin American Cooking - Just buying ingredients altogether,
we will spend a good time eating after learning how to prepare: paella,
tacos, cebiche, salads and desserts. Foreigners and Japanese welcome. Call
Carlos 080-3644-5512.
★Traditional Japanese Calligraphy & Flower Arrangement for Ladies
with a certified professional teacher. 2 hour long small group lessons for all
levels; costs 1000 Yen plus 800 Yen for flowers. Tues @ 19:00 Wed @13:00,
Thur@10:00, & Sat @15:00. 5 mins walk from Kanayama Station. Call
Kazumi at 090-3300-1117 or e-mail [email protected].
“Aichi Nihongo no Kai” Japanese Conversation Class - Mondays 10:00 - 11:30 at
Aichi-Kankokujin-Kaikan 4F North Meeting Room - near Kamejima Station exit 4. Introductory,
beginner, & intermediate courses available. 2,600 Yen (in total for all 13 lessons). Term: September 5, 2011 to December 12, 2011; no class Oct 10 Start any time. Call Keiko 090-9173-8136
or e-mail [email protected].
“A-KA-SA-TA-NA” Japanese Conversation Class - Thursdays from 10:30 to 12:00
at the Aichi International Plaza; 2 blocks west of Shiyakusho Station exit 5. Classes September
8 2011 to December 8 2011 2600 Yen for 13 lessons. Can join anytime. Email:
[email protected]. Call Kobayashi at 052-703-1869 or Tsukamoto 090-5105-6433.
Iroha Nihongo-no-Kai offers Japanese lessons on Thursdays, 10:30-12:00 at the
Nagoya City Volunteer Information Center, Fushimi Life Plaza 12F. Located above the fire station,
opposite Shirakawa Park; exit #6 at Fushimi Subway Station. Next term: from September 8 to
December 15, 2011 for 2100 Yen per term (total 14 lessons). Join anytime! Call: Sionoya:0906595-1578, O’Brien 052-851-3436 or email [email protected].
★Benvindos ao Curso de Japonês - Japanese Classes for Portuguese, Spanish & English
Speakers. Tuesdays (18:00 - 20:00). Start anytime at the Nagoya International Center 5F. Level:
beginners to JLPT Level 1 for writing and conversation. Qualified bilingual Japanese graduated
teacher. Fee: 1000 yen for original texts and 3000 yen/four lessons/ month (Free Trial Lesson).
Contact: [email protected] (080-3646-1945)
★Japanese Language School “KANOWA”. Everyday (10:00 - 21:00). All levels. 2000 Yen for
2 hours. Private lessons. Contact Ms. Sato at 080-3657-4425 or e-mail [email protected]
★Japanese Language Classes - Japanese native helps you to speak and write in smooth &
natural Japanese. Applicants are required to at least able to communicate in intermediate English.
Time: Saturdays 14:00-15:30. Venue: Near Nagoya Station, For further details contact Ito at
090-2922-2828 or [email protected]
★Kanji Class - Would you like to study Kanji? Is the culture of Japan understood through Kanji?
Open to those who can read hiragana and can speak conversational Japanese. Thursdays 19:00
- 20:30 at Medical Information Center Aichi (Meieki-minami 2-11-43, Nakamura Ward). 3000
Yen per month. Call Okihashi at 090-1724-3999 or 052-588-7040.
★“Kotoba-no-kai” - for non-native speakers of Japanese on Wednesdays & Fridays
(intermediate level and up) from 10:00-11:30 @ Nagoya Josei Kaikan; A 3-minute walk from
Higashi Betsuin Station. 1500 Yen for 15 classes. Call Ms. Izumi Hayashi at 052-937-8077.
★MER Nihongo Club Japanese Class - Thursdays and Saturdays 18:30 to 20:30 at My English
Room in Shin Sakae (8 min from Sakae Station, exit 12); group lessons from Beginners to
Advanced. 1000 Yen per month, start anytime. Private lesson 1500 Yen per month. Call Akiko
090-3956-1022 or e-mail [email protected]. Map at www.myenglishroom.jp
★NIHONGO KYOUSHITSU - Japanese classes for AET's in Nagoya. 1000 Yen per month.
Upper beginners class Thursdays 17:30-19:00, beginners class Thursdays 19:00 - 20:30.
Location is Fushimi Life Plaza Building 12F. Contact Yamada Sensei cell: 080-3629-1873 /
home: 052-936-8485.
★Nihongo Kyoshitsu Imaike - Regular Japanese classes near Imaike Station, exit 1. Kanji (1000
Yen) and regular class (1500 Yen). For class times and directions contact
[email protected] or [email protected].
★Helping Hands and Hearts Japan Japanese Language classes every Sunday (other days
are negotiable) from 9AM to 5PM 60min of each at Will Aichi 2F Aichi NPO Koryu Plaza, 10min
from Shiyakusho Station exit 2. All levels, Private lessons, 500 Yen per hour, Join anytime! Call:
080-3287-7982(softbank); email: [email protected].
Language Support Class to upgrade or strengthen Japanese Language! Class runs from
October 2011 - March 2012 at Life Station Aichi NPO (Nagoya Shi, Kita Ku, Yanagihara 4-2-2); a
7 minute walk from Meijo Koen Subway Station. 600 Yen per week. Contact Mr. Kamran 052-912-2316 [email protected]
Other Services and Assistance Available for Foreigners
★Nagoya International Alcoholics Anonymous - Think you have a
problem with alcohol? Call us @ 090-9938-0596. Meetings on Sundays at
19:00. www.jeaa.org
★Private Professional English Counseling Service - able to hold
individual, couple, & family sessions privately & confidentially. Call
Counselor Wallace at 052-362-8883. Fees negotiable.
★Personal and Marriage Counseling - available by professional
counselor who has lived in Japan 20 years, free consultation, English or
Japanese okay, confidentiality guaranteed, contact Ms. Nielsen at 0562-950857.
Sports & Outdoor Clubs
★Futsal in Nagoya - A friendly game of 6-a-side FUTSAL. Takes place in Nagoya on Sundays
and Mondays. Come and improve your soccer skills in time for the world cup! Email Chris at:
[email protected]
★Nagoya International Volleyball Club - A friendly, non-competitive, mixed game of
volleyball for foreigners and Japanese people living in Nagoya. Meet on Sundays twice a month.
Open to men and women of all levels. Get some exercise, have some fun and meet people of
different nationalities. Find us on Facebook. E-mail: [email protected]
★Nagoya International Badminton Club. Would you like to join us to play badminton twice
a week (indoor stadium) as doubles? Contact Dr Justin email [email protected]
★Chubu Hiking International Club (CHIC) is a Nagoya-based hiking club that welcomes
guests & new members who want to explore the mountains in the Chubu area. E-mail
[email protected].
★Australian Rules Football - The Nagoya Redbacks - Training every Sunday. Contact Ben at
[email protected] or Tel: 090-9903-0550 Website: www.nagoyaredbacks.com
★Nagoya Dodgeball - a friendly game of Dodgeball every few Sundays followed by drinks in
central Nagoya. If you're interested e-mail [email protected], and always remember the five
D's of Dodgeball: Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and ... Dodge!
★Free Judo Lesson for Beginners - at Associacao Calasans de Judo (ACJ). 5000 Yen per
month. Free lesson and uniform for beginners. Mondays & Fridays (20:00) at ACJ Dojo located
near JR Kasadera Station. Saturdays (18:30) at Aichi-ken Budokan. For more information call
090-2929-1360 or e-mail [email protected].
Sunday Shonai Football / Soccer - friendly kick-about every Sunday from 14:00
behind the athletics track at Shonai Ryokuchi Koen, a 5 minute walk from Shonai Ryokuchi Koen
Subway Station, exit 2. They are on Facebook under “Shonai FC”!
★Tempaku Futsal Club: Friendly Futsal matches on Saturday nights at Tempaku Sports Center.
Strengthen ties of friendship through the practice of futsal. Everybody is welcome! For more info
e-mail Carlos at [email protected]
★Tokai Japan Canada Society Monthly Street Hockey - monthly street hockey practice on
the 3rd Sat / Sun in the street hockey rink under the expressway near Shirakawa Park. TJCS
members free. Non-members 500 Yen. Equipment is provided. Details on www.tjcs.jp
★Touch Rugby - Want to get some exercise, have fun and meet new people? Looking for
people to make up the numbers for some touch rugby during the coming months. Email Chris
([email protected]) for more details.
★Yoga class in English - This is an easy Hatha yoga class in English taught by a certified yoga
instructor. The class will meet one Sunday a month from 10:30-11:45 a.m. in Shin Sakae and
there will be a 500 Yen fee to cover room rental. Please email me at [email protected] for
more information.
★Current Affairs Discussion Group - Let’s talk about Current Affairs; local,
national, international. E-mail: [email protected]
★The English-Japanese Social Klub - is looking for new members interested in
regular meetings, activities, friendship, and fun. Interested? E-mail us at
[email protected] for info. “’Klub’ with a ‘K’, ‘cause it’s cool that way.”
★String quartet - violinist looking for musicians to make a string quartet, gather
every week or every two weeks. Any level welcome. Please contact Ester at
[email protected].
★Filmmaking: I want to meet people interested in Filmmaking around nagoya to share
ideas and who knows to make some cool stuff in the future !! :D contact me on Skype
by Lana2xp add me there.
★International Chamber Music Ensemble - If you play music, please join us.
We are an amateur chamber international music group, we play once a month
chamber music of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and more. Many speak English and
German. Contact Hitoshi (Hank) Watanabe Tel: 080-5115-4364
[email protected]
★The Nagoya International Personal Computer Club - join computer users
from many nationalities every 3rd Saturday of the month at Shooters Sports
Bar in Fushimi to catch up with the latest information on technology and social
media. See www.nipcc.org for details. All levels welcome!
★Nagoya Players Community Theater - For over 36 years, the Nagoya Players
have been the Chubu region's premier international theatre group. We are
always looking for volunteers to work with us on & back stage. Experience is not
necessary. We are a teaching theater. [email protected]
★Japan & Asia Tour Club- Want to tour Japan & other Asian countries? Let us
explore together as a small group. Email Dr Justin Paul- [email protected]
★Nagoya Reads - Calling all book lovers! We are organizing an English book
discussion club in Nagoya. For more information, email Mike at
[email protected]
★Nagoya Writes - We have monthly readings and occasional workshops.
Fiction, essays, poetry, personal narratives, are all welcome. Or, you can drop by
[email protected] or Paul at [email protected]
Website: http://nagoyawrites.wordpress.com
★Nagoya Meet and Greet - A monthly lunch where 40+ women of various
nationalities, interests, and ages gather to meet, eat, and greet. Great for new
arrivals and those seeking new friends. Children's play area available. English is
the language of communication. E-mail: [email protected]
★The Nagoya International Club - founded to promote a vibrant foreign
community in the Chubu and Nagoya area, give people an opportunity to make
friends, and introduce the Chubu region. Come have some fun!
★Shirayuri Association - providing educational and cultural services to both
Turkish and Japanese societies in order to promote the Turkish community in
Japan, and further friendship between Turkish & Japanese communities. Located
in Yabuta-cho, Moriyama Ku - Tel/fax 052-710-9808.
★TESOL M.A. Meetup - Doing a distance M.A. in TESOL? Looking to exchange
ideas with other students in the Nagoya area? Email Mike at
[email protected] for more info.
Family Groups
★Association of Foreign Wives of Japanese: Chubu-Tokai - Offers
friendship, support, & mutual help in adapting to Japanese culture & society.
E-mail: [email protected].
★Chayagasaka Cooperative English Playgroup - for children 0 to 6 with at
least one (English-speaking) non-Japanese parent. Wednesday mornings near
Chayagasaka station; 500yen per session. Games, songs, snacks & crafts.
Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/chayagasaka_playgroup/ Email Eleanor
at [email protected]
★Foreign Mothers’ Group - Pregnant or just had a baby? Talk about your and
share your experiences with other parents & health professionals. Meet 10:00
-12:00 every 2nd Saturday of the month (exc Aug. & Dec.) at the Nagoya City
Women’s Center (exit 1, Higashi Betsuin Station). Website: www.tcpip.or.jp/~lorna/mothers. Call Misako at 052-847-0243 or call Lorna at 090-23448978.
★Breastfeeding class for expecting and new parents (times same as above)!
Parents with older children and those preparing for a second/third child are also
very welcome. Contact Maria at [email protected]
★Music Class in English - Do you and your kids like music? Join us and enjoy
singing along to English songs.
For 0-3 year olds. Contact Kiyono
[email protected] Tel: 090-8566-8678
★Nagoya Foreign Fathers - Father / child activity group. Meets one Sunday a
month for fun activity. Fostering dual nationality and international culture.
Common language is English. Sign up via our Facebook group.
★English Family Group - Fostering bi-lingual & bi-cultural child-raising through
socialization & academics. Fun, parent led activities in English for children of
elementary school age, from families with at least 1 non-Japanese parent or
recent returnees. Children and parents need conversational English. Meets 2
Saturdays a month in Nagoya. 500 Yen/month. Kawahara 052-836-0091
★Nakamura English Playgroup meets each Saturday (except the 3rd Saturday
of the month) from 10-12 at the Nakamura Lifelong Learning Center. All foreign
& bi-cultural families, returnees are welcome. ¥300 per child, free the first time.
E-mail [email protected]
Religious Services
★Anglican / Episcopal Kani Mission - Mission station of the Anglican Chubu
Diocese and the Episcopal Diocese of North-Central Philippines. English service at
10:00 every Sunday in Kani-shi, Gifu-ken. Stop at Shin-kani eki and walk 10
minutes towards Kani City Hall. Contact person: Rev. Deacon Glenn B. Yamashita
090-9903-4079 or 0574-58-0241. Website: www.kanimission.wordpress.com
e:mail: [email protected]
★All Nations Fellowship - Come join a vibrant, warm, and welcoming community for our English-based worship service at All Nations Fellowship every Sunday
at 4 pm. ANF features the preaching of Dr. Michael Oh and Dr. Joe Kim. Enjoy
contemporary praise music with our excellent praise band. Sunday school is
available for ages 4-10. For more information and directions visit our website at
★Nagoya International Baptist Church (NIBC), is located in the Tenpaku Ku.
Service Times: Sunday Service (English only) 2:30 PM (fellowship time following
the service). Attendees from all over the World! Ladies’ Bible Study (English only)
1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month at 10 AM (please call before coming).
www.nibc.japanforchrist.com - Calvary Baptist Church (CBC) is also located in the Tenpaku Ku. Service times:
Sunday School (Japanese) 10 AM; Morning Service (Japanese) 11 AM. Ladies’
Bible Study (Japanese) 1st Tuesday of every month at 9:30 AM.
www.cbcnagoya.japanforchrist.com - For further information about CBC & NIBC, contact pastor Tim Melton (fluent
in Japanese and English) at 052-801-8064 or 08036505539.
★Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Services each Sunday near
Gokiso Station, at Kitayama-cho 3-41; tel. 052-732-5176. Sacrament Meeting at
10:00, followed by English Sunday School; translation assistance available for
other meetings. Friends & visitors always welcome. Call Nagoya LDS Mission
★Eternal Power Ministries - is a Christian based Ministry in Nagoya, specializing in teaching Biblical teaching. All Nationalities are welcome. Services on
Sundays at 11:00 A:M and are led by Dr Rev Willie Legree. Please email
[email protected] for directions and more information.
Website: http://www.eternalpowerministries.org/
★Faith Charismatic Church (FCC) - We meet every Sunday at Naka Ward Sports
Center (3F Room 3) at 10:00. Call Pastor Rebson at 090-1727-8902, Bede at
080-5139-6777, or Sister Joan at 052-718-4367.
★Gospel Bible Study - 19:00(Fri), 13:00(Sat)and13:00(Sun) for an hour.
Contemporary gospel songs and Bible study with profound, exciting and
applicable to daily lives teachings. Why don't you join us if you want to improve
your life? 7-min walk from Nagoya St (Shinkansen). Call Mr Tan at 090-29222828 or e-mail to [email protected] http://wwjdhiroko.blog59.fc2.com/
★The IMMANUEL Christian Fellowship is an evangelical fellowship that welcomes
Filipinos and English speaking people. Experience: warm fellowship, lively praise &
worship songs, practical Tagalog & English sermon and Bible story lessons for your
Japanese speaking kids. Sunday School @ 10:00 am and Worship service @ 11:00 am. For
more information contact Ptr. Nino Solito @ 052-8759394 or 090-8540-8260 Website:
★Islam Ahmadiyya Mosque - hosts Muslim Friday Prayer at 13:00 and is open
for five prayers. Offers study of the Holy Qu'ran, Arabic, and Urdu. Islamic library
and cooking classes. Located in Meito Ward at Kifune 2-1602. A 7 minute walk
across Route 302 from the Meito Post Office. Website: www.ahmadiyyat.jp
Email: [email protected] Tel: 052-703-1868
★Mikokoro (Sacred Heart) International Catholic Center Nagoya - English
Masses every Saturday 18:00, Sunday 10:00 & 15:00; Novena, Wednesdays at
15:00. Confessions, baptisms, marriages available. Tel: 052-971-0334. Near
Hisaya-odori Station. Website: www.mikokoro.net ★Nagoya English Fellowship is an inter-denominational Evangelical Fellowship
with services in English & bilingual Sunday School for children. We meet at the
Nishi Lifelong Learning Center above Joshin Subway Station, exit 6. The service
starts at 11 AM. Contact: Willie Gonzales at 052-523-1775, 090-2579-1007
more information at http://nefchurch.org.
★Nagoya Glorious Chapel - Christian protestant church committed to Bible
teaching, discipleship & evangelism through a personal relationship with Jesus
Christ at www.yesngc.com Tel: 052-833-1092.
★The Nagoya Indonesian Catholic Community hosts Indonesian mass once a
month (4th Sunday) in Johokubashi Catholic Church at 12.30pm, 8 minutes walk
from Meijo Koen station exit 1. Email: [email protected]
★Nagoya International Christian Assembly near Gokiso and Fukiage Stations
has Sunday Services in English 08:30 to 10:30 - singing, preaching, Bible study, &
fellowship. 18:30 to 20:30 - praise & worship. Filipino (Tagalog) Bible study 1st
Sundays at 16:00. Website: www.nicachurch.org
★Nagoya Mosque - hosts Muslim Friday Prayers & is open for five-time prayers
Khutba at 12:30 & Prayer at 12:40. Halal meat & Islamic literature are also
available. Honjin Station, exit 3. Call 052-486-2380
Website: http://nagoyamosque.com
★Nagoya Port Mosque - Friday Prayer Khutba from 12:30. Open for five time
prayers, every Saturday special speech & dinner after Isha Prayer. Arabic lessons
for children on Saturdays. On Route 23, between Hojin & Juichiya traffic lights,
next to the over head crossing; parking available for 10 cars, except Fridays (11:30
- 14:00). A 15 minute walk from Inaei Aonami Line Station. Address: Nagoya,
Minato-Ku, Zennan-Cho 33-3. Tel: 090 3251 5381
Nagoya Orthodox Church located near Arahata Station. Vespers on
Saturday @ 17:30 & Holy Liturgy on Sundays @ 10:00. Nov 13 (12:00 -14:30)
International Food Bazaar. Call Fr. George Matsushima @ 052-734-9000 or
e-mail: [email protected]. Website: www.orthodox-jp.com/nagoya
★Nagoya Union Church - share fellowship & worship in English with Christians
from many countries. Sunday worship at 16:00 at Kinjo Church near Takaoka
[email protected]
★New Testament Church - is an inter-denominational Pentecostal Fellowship
committed to practical Bible teaching for daily lives and prayer through personal
relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Sunday worship service is at 10:30am.
Venue: Near Nagoya Station. For further details call 052-482-0928 or e-mail:
[email protected] You may also visit us at www.wa.commufa.jp/~ntc
★His Call Church - Making Disciples Church As a Team - An independent
Pentecostal church located in Tenpaku Ward, Nagoya. Sunday Services from
14:00 at Nichiei Culture Hall - 1 minute walk from Ueda Subway Station, exit 3.
Website: www.hiscallchurch.com e-mail: [email protected] Tel:052-8070966
★St. Matthew’s Anglican / Episcopal Church: English language service on the
second Sunday of every month @ 17:30. A 5 minute walk from exit 4 of Gokiso
Subway Station. Go straight out of the exit & turn right between Circle K and the
[email protected]
★Meito Christ International Church - Interdenominational English services
Sundays at 17:00 followed by fellowship. Open to all, friendly, casual, served by
Protestant pastor. Children welcome. Five minute walk from Fujigaoka. Map/info
at www.meitochurch.org; contact Erin Sakakibara 090-3308-4148,
[email protected] ★Toyohashi St Mary Magdalene Chapel, Traditional Anglican Episcopalian services in English every Sunday (11:00 & 18:00) Sep 25 to Dec 18. Take the Toyohashi city
tram to Shin Kawa, (2nd stop). Location: V.E.S., N.I Village Mansion 5F, just behind MUFJ
Bank. Call Rev. Ivan Cosby 0532-47-4614 or mail [email protected]
Fly UP