
The Crane - Hiroshima International School

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The Crane - Hiroshima International School
The Crane
The newsletter of Hiroshima International School
23rd April 2010
Dates to note
Please make a note of these forthcoming events.
Saturday 24th April – International Festival Uchiage Party
Monday 26th April – Soccer vs. AICJ
Thursday 29th April to Wednesday 5th May – Golden Week (no school)
Tuesday 11th to Thursday 27th May – IGCSE exams
Thursday 13th May – Grade 4/5 Exhibition @ 6.30pm
Tuesday 18th May – PYP Student-led conferences
Wednesday 19th May – Elementary Soccer Tournament in Kobe
International Festival
Last week we noted that all we needed for a successful International Festival was good weather. And we
got it! This may be the wettest, coldest Spring in memory but Saturday was dry, warm, sunny and perfect
for the ambitious event which the PTA had planned.
And what a success it was! Our student numbers may be lower this year than in recent times but the
turnout on Saturday was the highest anyone can remember. The whole school seemed filled with people
and the mood was happy and optimistic. It was an event that showed the school community at its very
best. Sincere thanks are due to Jackie Ikegami and the whole PTA for doing such a superb job of planning
and organizing everything and to all the teachers, parents and friends who volunteered on the day.
Thank you, everyone!
(See the PTA’s report on page 3)
Earth Day
“It rained real hard and it rained for a real long time”. It did and because we knew it was going to we decided to postpone Earth Day. It’s a pity as a number of teachers had worked hard to prepare for the day
and the students were looking forward to it. But it is only postponed, not cancelled, and we are finalizing
arrangements to hold the same programme of events next month. Details to follow.
Homework Club
Starting after Golden Week, we will be running a Homework Club on Thursdays after school. It will run
from 3.30 until 5pm and take place in the Library. Volunteer teachers will be available to assist and advise
students. Please note that students will need be collected from school at 5pm or make their own way
home as there will be no school bus at this time.
Yearbook Cover Contest
from Nigel Barker
How would you like to see your design on the cover of this year's yearbook? If you would like to try, then
please submit your drawing or painting on A4 paper (front cover) or A3 paper (front and back) during the
first week back after Golden Week. Please don't include any writing - we will add that later.
Older students might try an electronic drawing or image. If you do, then please e-mail your svg or jpg file
to Mr. Barker. If you are submitting a jpg, then it should meet the following specifications: 300 dpi(or ppi),
The winner will be chosen by the yearbook team.
Terry Fox Run
from Grade 11
On Saturday 15th May, the 11th Grade will be hosting the Terry Fox Run - Marathon of Hope as a part
of their CAS programme. It will be held at the eastern bank of Otagawa river near Yokogawa Station.
Running courses will include 1km, 3km and 5km.
This event is a fun day out for the whole family. You can walk or run the course and all money raised will
be donated to cancer research (Children's Cancer Association of Japan).
Terry Fox was a Canadian man who lost his leg to cancer when he was only 18 years old. He then began
his mission to run coast to coast in Canada in order to raise money for cancer research. He ran for 143
days - a total of 5,373km (3,339 miles). He was not able to finish his run due to his cancer returning. In
order to honour his achievement the Grade 11 students will be hosting the Terry Fox Run - Marathon of
Your child should have received a flier/registration form from his/her teacher earlier this week. The registration form is also being sent with this newsletter. We would like to ask for the registration form to be
handed in to the School Office no later than May 7th, 2010 (Friday).
If you have any questions, please call the School Office or e-mail [email protected]
We hope to see you all at the run!
Thank you.
テリー・フォックス・マラソン 2010
資金を集めるため 走ってカナダ横断することを決意しました。彼は143日で5373km(3
7日(金)までに HIS オフィスまで提出してください。
ご質問などありましたら学校の事務、また [email protected] までご連絡ください。
PYP Exhibition (1)
from Matt Sides, PYP Coordinator
The Grade 4/5 classes will present their Exhibition Project on Thursday 13th May in the Gym. This is the
culmination of the students’ hard work over eleven weeks.
We would like to invite parents, friends and family to the Exhibition Presentation which starts at 6.30pm.
There will be oral and visual presentations of their work as well as performances in dance and music.
If you do not have a child in Grade 4 or 5 but would be interested to see the Presentation then you are
equally welcome! The Exhibition is a formal and essential part of the PYP programme and all children in
younger Grades have this ahead of them. Please feel free to come and see what it is all about.
Please e-mail me at [email protected] to let me know you are coming and to indicate how many
seats you will need. Thank you.
PYP Exhibition (2)
from The Grade 4/5 Forest Group
Jillian Kuo, Kiana Kendall, Yifan Feng, Jenny Kwon, and Michael Cheng are looking into the relationships
within and between communities, for this year's PYP Exhibition. Our group's topic is “Forests”. We want
to try and encourage students and teachers at HIS to stop using disposable chopsticks to help save forests.
We would like to make everyday at HIS "Reusable Hashi Day". The school will have several pairs of chopsticks in each classroom. We want you to cooperate with us to help save the planet!
Thank you, Jillian, Kiana, Yifan, Jenny, and Michael
PTA News
from Jackie Ikegami
Well, didn’t we do well!!!
According to Seiko Yukawa, the PTA treasurer, the latest estimate of our profits for last weekend’s amazing
efforts is in the region of ¥700,000, which means that a donation of about ¥145,000 will be made to UNICEF
in the name of Hiroshima International School in the near future. It will take a few more days to get the
exact figures, and I will inform everyone in an e-mail as soon as I can, but I just wanted to give you an idea,
as soon as possible, of what can be achieved when the whole school comes together for a joint purpose.
One of my major personal goals in taking on the job of PTA President was to try and get everyone connected, so that we could call ourselves a community, and each do what we could, when we could, to enhance our kids’ environment. Last Saturday, most families were represented, almost every member of
staff pitched in, and even our amazing students took on responsible roles in working together to make
what has been called by many people the best International Festival yet! If that’s not a great school community, I don’t know what is! Money was made, and what’s more important, I saw a lot of smiling faces.
Fantastic work everyone! Whether you donated stuff for the bake sale or the ¥100 shop, worked on a
store for hours, collected donations for the PTA from your family and friends, or came into work on your
day off to do your bit for HIS, you are all stars, so thank you for your time and support.
If you have any constructive feedback about the festival, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Thanks to everyone who supported the raffle. I’m sorry everyone could not win one of the big prizes, but
your donations will be put to good use for the school and the kids. The prize winners should be posted on
the school website by now, so please check to see if you won a prize. Apologies for any confusion on the
day, but the number of prizes was greater than we originally anticipated, thanks to our generous sponsors,
so the draw went on for longer than the festival did. Uncollected prizes will be available for collection in
the school office until Friday, May 14th. Please bring your ticket stub when you claim your prize.
Bake Sale
Bake Sale
りがとうございました。4 つのテーブルが一杯になるほどで、バラエティ豊かでした。フェスティ
バル終了の 3 時には、すべて完売しました。皆様のご協力、本当にありがとうございました!志
治久子 [email protected]
I would like to thank all HIS parents who donated baked goods for the International Festival. We had four
tables full of delicious baked goods with so much variety to choose from. Before the Festival was over, all
the baked goods were sold: a success! Thank you, again, for your time and energy. Hisako
Uchiage PARTY!! Saturday April 24th
After all that hard work, I think we need a party. The “uchiage” party will be in three parts to allow people
to take part as they wish and as they are able.
Part 1 SKATING, Big Wave Ice Rink 2pm -5pm (about)
Bring the whole family, and friends if you want, and let’s use this last chance to use the Ice Rink, as it closes
for the summer season this weekend. Get your own tickets and skates when you get there, and just show
up if you want to. No reservations required.
Part 2 – EATING (about) 6:30pm to 8:30pm
I will reserve somewhere in the city centre for dinner when I have an idea of numbers. Please let me
know ASAP on 09078909464 if you want to join us. I will try to choose the cheapest and best place for the
people who wish to come, depending on the number of children involved. Please let me know numbers.
Part 3 – DRINKING from 8:30
Those who can find someone to look after their kids, let’s go out for a drink or two. Again, where we will
go will depend on the numbers, but remember the point is the company, not the place!
Feel free to give ideas for venues when you get in touch.
Have a great Golden Week!
I just got a phone call from the Fureai Channel from Cable TV. Apparently they are showing their report on
the Festival at 12:20pm today with repeats at 4 pm, 6pm, 8pm and 11pm (or shortly after) today! If you
have Cable, please tune in and see what they have to say!
先ほど、ふれあいチャンネルの方から電話があり、フェスティバルについての放 送時間について
聞きました。今日の昼12時20分、午後 4 時、6時、8時、11時過ぎ頃に放送する予定だそ
Golden Week
The school will be closed from Thursday 29th April until Wednesday 5th May for Golden Week. Normal
classes will resume on Thursday 6th May
Monday to Wednesday next week will be normal school days.
With best wishes
Peter MacKenzie
Hiroshima International School
3-49-1, Kurakake, Asakita-ku
Hiroshima 739-1743
tel. (082) 843 4111
fax. (082) 843 6399
Fly UP