Environmental, social awareness take center
9/12/2014 Environmental, social awareness take center stage at Fuji Rock Festival - 毎日新聞 Text Photos Font size Contact Us Sep. 12, 2014 (Fri.) Home National Business World Sports Opinion Entertainment Lifestyle [PR] 40代会社員妻1⼈⼦2⼈。最近、ローンで買った家をコレで売りました 2 ツイート 8 おすすめ 235 0 Japanese Features Mainichi Weekly 記事を印刷 ⽂字サイズ ⼩ 中 今週の⼀⾯:オーランド・ブル ームさん 刑事役で新境地 ⼤ HOT TOPICS:豪の脱⾛⽺ 初 の⽑刈りで⽺⽑23キロ Environmental, social awareness take center stage at Fuji Rock Festival With midsummer weather on Mount Takenoko in the Niigata prefectural town of Yuzawa alternating each year between roasting heat and downpours, one would hardly think that this would be the particular time and place to reliably draw an annual crowd of both domestic and overseas visitors. And yet, some 100,000 music and nature lovers headed to the mountain's Naeba Ski Resort this year from July 25-27 -- just as they do around the same time every year -- for the Fuji Rock Festival, an event that has put Japan on the map of the world's top outdoor summer music gatherings. With its 14 sprawling stages drawing top musicians from around the world, on top of local talent from across Fuji Rock Festival attendees are seen together with one of the many art installments decorating the festival grounds. (Mainichi) Japan, the Fuji Rock Festival is a round-the-clock celebration that dramatically transforms the local 拡⼤写真 pastoral landscape into a makeshift town each year. Among the venue's features are pop-up bars and dance floors, an outdoor movie theater, DJ tents, all manner of food stalls, an elaborate kids play area, music and dance workshops, imaginative artistic creations dotting the surrounding forest, SNS話題記事 22 shares 25 Editorial: Volcanic threat no light matter for Japan's nuclear plant operators Two more dengue fever infections shares found far from Tokyo's Yoyogi Park 68 Gov't to regulate nightclubs based on shares lighting intensity, not dancing camping facilities, an onsite hot spring spa, and even an open mic area for those wanting to test their own musical abilities. As its name suggests, the event was originally conceptualized to take place at the base of Mount Fuji. After a typhoon forced the inaugural festival's early closure there in 1997, however -- and following an experimental staging of the event at a metropolitan Tokyo venue in 1998 -- the festival found its home at the present-day Niigata venue in 1999. Headlining the 2014 festival were indie acts Franz Also Inside Letter from Burma Haiku in English Hibakusha Series Odds & Ends Ferdinand, Arcade Fire and Jack Johnson, together with hip-hop duo OutKast. Joining them in the lineup were One of the numerous garbage separation stations on the Fuji Rock Festival grounds is seen along with the message, "For music lovers, garbage separation should be a breeze." (Mainichi) 拡⼤写真 more than 200 other acts, including Tuvan throat singing group Huun Huur Tu, Hawaiian ukulele talent Jake Shimabukuro, a group of pan pipers from the Solomon Islands known as Narasirato, New Orleansbased Preservation Hall Jazz Band, The Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band featuring several Japanese and overseas guest artists, and numerous additional performers from across the musical spectrum. With this many festival-goers -- or Fuji Rockers, as they are wont to call themselves -converging in the great outdoors all at the same time, concerns have naturally arisen おすすめ情報 1/5 9/12/2014 Environmental, social awareness take center stage at Fuji Rock Festival - 毎日新聞 regarding the impact on the surrounding environment. The festival has therefore ポッコリが気になる⼥性に カロリー制限や運動もしてるのに サントリーの新成分がサポート placed great emphasis on sustainability, including the meticulous garbage separation for which Japan is already renowned, several stages and facilities powered entirely by ⾎圧130、でも仕事が… biodiesel and solar energy, and a boardwalk constructed to minimize the impact of 仕事の忙しさを理由にしてきた⽅へ コレなら誰でも⼿軽に!サントリー foot traffic between stages -- also rendering the forest path wheelchair and babybuggy accessible. There was also a recycling project to turn paper cups into toilet paper rolls, wooden chopsticks into wood pellets for stoves, and plastic bottles into 注⽬ブランド 愛昇殿はゆったり葬儀 jackets for festival staff. 愛知県を中⼼に45店舗を展開。 家族葬・⼀般葬・社葬は【愛昇殿】 The festival has additionally made efforts to raise funds and awareness for those あなたのお家は今いくら? affected by the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant disaster through 不動産の実勢価格が変動中!? 簡単45秒⼊⼒で⼀括査定できる! its Benefit for Nippon program. Donation boxes are placed throughout the festival grounds, and a portion of sales proceeds from certain goods including T-shirts, food 古い⾞、売値がつかない? and drink will go toward ongoing disaster relief. 愛⾞の現在価格を調べよう! 買取各社への⼀括査定申込み! The event also features an NGO Village with 特集企画 booths from various nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations. Their 東海⼤学:何歳になっても元気で⋯健康づくり は幼児期からの習慣づけ、課題は働き盛りの年 代 representatives are even given time onstage to introduce their respective activities, while talk 急速に進む⾼齢化社会に向け、ますますその重要性に注 ⽬が集まる⽣涯スポーツの意義と課題を聞く。 sessions titled "Atomic Cafe" -- after the 1980s anti-nuclear film of the same name -- are held Dlife 特集:話題作続々! 歴代ディズニープリン セスたちも登場! on each day of the festival to discuss nuclearrelated issues and the shift toward renewable energy. いよいよ英語⼒の向上、待ったなし! Masae Ishikawa, 35, who attended the festival this year for her second time, commented, "What I love about Fuji Rock is the diversity of music, people, ideas, food, and more. (The festival) is not only about music, politics, environment, and nature -- it's about everything." Spectators are seen enjoying a musical performance at the Fuji Rock Festival's Gypsy Avalon stage, which also hosts daily Atomic Cafe discussion sessions and introductions from NGO Village representatives regarding their organizations' activities. (Mainichi) 拡⼤写真 Ishikawa, who is from Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, is a co-director of the nonprofit organization It's Not Just Mud (INJM), which began working nearly immediately following the 2011 disaster to provide ⾒る知る学ぶ「⽂字のないニュース」 ⼤⼿の信頼性で選ぶ、新築マンション ロシアの今が分かる「ロシアNOW」 ⼈気推理作家が語る「嗜好と⽂化」 知っておきたいマネー情報 **⼤阪 10⽉5⽇資産活⽤セミナー参加者 募集中** support to local residents in rebuilding their homes and livelihoods. She attended the 地域活性化フォーラム 参加者募集 festival together with a group of INJM volunteers including Damian Keyte, 41, a こころからの⼿紙コンテスト作品募集 seafarer who is originally from Australia and lives in Kutchan, Hokkaido. ⾼校⽣⼩論⽂コンテスト通過者公開中 "This was my first time at Fuji Rock after being in Japan for over 10 years," he 第11回グリーンツーリズム⼤賞発表 commented. "I loved the fact that the crowd represented every walk of life and age group, and that everyone got along perfectly. I will definitely be back again." Given the ticket prices that run upwards of 40,000 yen for a three-day pass and 17,000 for a single day ticket, the festival is not cheap. With so many potential activities on offer, however, most attendees find the fee well worth it -- so much so that many end up becoming Japanese rock band the Cro Magnons are seen performing on the Fuji Rock Festival's Green Stage against the backdrop of Mount Takenoko in Yuzawa, Niigata Prefecture. (Mainichi) 拡⼤写真 repeaters. And since you now have a year to start saving up, why not consider becoming a Fuji Rocker yourself? For full festival details, see the official website at (By Kimberly Hughes, Staff Writer) 2/5 9/12/2014 Environmental, social awareness take center stage at Fuji Rock Festival - 毎日新聞 August 10, 2014(Mainichi Japan) PR情報 今、年収600万円以上の求⼈が増加中。年内⼊社で転職をお考えの⽅は必⾒ ⾎中中性脂肪が…1⽇1本続けて約20%低下!?ヒト試験で驚きの結果 「流して聞くだけ “英語” まだ信じてる?」知らなかった…の声が続々? 「あの頃、⾎圧管理しておけば…」後悔する前に始める⾎圧管理法 写真特集 あなたにオススメ (レコメンドシステムによる記事選択) Osaka woman reveals tragedy witnessed during… Hope for Crown Princess Masako's recovery 10… Second member of K-pop group dies from car crash ⽔島広雄さん死去:⽇本⼀の百貨店王から転落 波乱の⼈⽣ 戦艦⼤和:艦⻑、駐⽶時の⽇記発⾒ 「豊かさ、⽐較にならぬ」 Japanese doctor says hospitals closing down in… その他のオススメ (外部サイトへリンクします) Russia Invested $200 Billion In Ukraine Over 20… (Economy Watch) A Mushroom Grows in Moscow (Now I Know) Recommended by スポンサーサイト検索 定年退職 マージャン 最新スマートフォン 格安レンタカー 家庭教師 初孫 祝い 起業 パーソナルトレーニング 国⺠年⾦基⾦ 独⽴ 健康診断 古本 買取 カントリーライフ プロバイダ⽐較 住宅ローン 広告 あなたの肝臓は⼤丈夫?|飲みすぎで肝臓が⼼配なあなたへ。スルフォラファンが肝臓の解 毒⼒を⾼める? 東京で⼈気のランチ|ちょっと贅沢なご褒美ランチの情報が満載とっておきのグルメ情報サ イト/ヒトサラ ⼤前研⼀が話題のニュースを解説|政治・経済の最新動向や裏を読み解くあなたのロジック を鍛える無料メルマガ Ads by Yahoo! JAPAN 最新写真特集 3/5 9/12/2014 Environmental, social awareness take center stage at Fuji Rock Festival - 毎日新聞 おすすめワード マネー ローン返済 資格 WEBデザイナー 学校 保険 終⾝保険 個⼈向け国債 ⼦育て⽀援 テニス上達法 学資保険 定期貯⾦ 予備校 ⽐較 ⽕災保険 英会話カフェ がん保険 不動産 ウィークリーマンション 快適リノベーション ウィークリィーマンション スマートハウス 東京で⼈気のランチ|ちょっと贅沢なご褒美ランチの情報が満載とっておきのグルメ情報サイ ト/ヒトサラ ⼤前研⼀が話題のニュースを解説|政治・経済の最新動向や裏を読み解くあなたのロジックを 鍛える無料メルマガ Ads by Yahoo! 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