
Newsletter Vol 5 - Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute

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Newsletter Vol 5 - Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute
Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute ハリウッド日系コミュニティセンター
Vol. 5
Our Mission statement
Feb. 21th, 2015
The specific purpose of the Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute is to preserve, share, and promote the Japanese and Japanese American culture and
heritage through education, cultural programs, and activities.
President’s Message
Dear Members and Friends: Happy New Year.
I would like to wish you good health to you and your families. Some of our signature annual
activities are “New Years Party” (Feb. 21), “Movie Night” (March 21), and “Pancake Breakfast” (Apr. 26 and Sept. 27), “Udon Night”. We also have the following clubs/ groups activities: Japanese
Language, Aikido, Judo, Karate, L.A. Daiku, Kabuki Music, Yoga, Acting Class, Hollywood Buddhist Church,
Jodoin Buddhist Temple, and Gardener’s Association. Please let us know if you are interested.
Lastly, Hollywood Gakuen will be having their 100th anniversary celebration on Oct.11th. I hope that I can
share my pride with everyone for being a part of Japanese American history in the Virgil District. I would like
to thank all of the Hollywood Japanese Community for supporting the HJCI. Please come and visit anytime.
Brian Yamasaki, President of HJCI
< Community Topics >
◆Gakuen’s 100 yr. Anniversary:
We will cerebrate 100 yrs. Anniversary on Oct. Please share with us
your stories and old photos related to Gakuen history. Please contact Ogino-sensei at (323) 662-7195 or Asao Masumiya at (310)Facility use Our classrooms, annex building and
social hall are available to use. For more info, call Asao Masumiya
at (310) 413-6220
Please share your comments and
suggestions and visit our website “Hollywood JCI” for our activities and the latest news. http://www.hollywoodjci.org/
Main Events 2015
★New year’s Party Feb. 21
★Movie Night: “MIS” Mar. 21 5-7:30pm
★Spring Pancake Breakfast Apr. 26
★Fall Pancake Breakfast Sept. 27
★Gakuen’s 100 yr. Anniv. Oct. 11
★Udon Night Oct. 25
Hollywood Japanese Language School
“Let’s speak Japanese!” 「にほんごを はなしましょう!」 Hollywood Gakuen will be celebrating its
100 years anniversary this year. The Gakuen staff and HJCI will keep this legacy and continue to work hard.
Also, we have a new teacher (Miss Sachi Kuwahara). Students are assigned homework
and participate in activities.
★Children/ teens class (age 5 ~)
★ Credit
Test for High School students: students could earn high school foreign language credit.
★Adult Class: Everyone is welcome!
・Learn how to communicate with Japanese people
・Learn about Japanese traditional and sub culture
・Learn from experienced teachers at a modest price ・Small class size Textbooks: “Yasashii Nihongo”, “Japanese for busy people”, “Marugoto” and other materials. Classes: Saturday 8:45-12:15pm Contact: Ogino (323) 662-7195 or
Kuwahara (818) 708-2871 [email protected]
Acting Dojo - Acting classes with Dom Magwili
Our regular acting classes will consist of the following:
As text books we use Tom Peters’ BRAND YOU 50 for seeing this art as a formal
business and Timothy Gallwey’s INNER GAME OF TENNIS for insights into peak
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performance techniques through sports psychology.
・We do scenes and monologues – a vital component to our process because we teach in the “doing.
・Clown work - will also free expression. Improvisation and theatre games - enhances spontaneity.
・We also focus certain classes on the business of acting. We hold mock interviews to improve audition and
presentation skills.
Session runs for 6 Mondays, starting Feb. 9th, 7 to 10pm. Tuition: $250 for 6 weeks. If you’d like to join,
please contact us before we begin. We no longer accept “walk-ins”. Class size is limited. For more
information contact us via email [email protected]
Two youths first to be awarded the martial arts rank of
“Junior Shodan”
Chris Ziliotto and Andre Shimada recognized by the global Aikido organization Aikido Kenkyukai International for recent promotion to
“Junior Shodan” Rank, youth equivalent of Black Belt
Aikido Kenkyukai International, USA held their annual Kagami Biraki recently. It featured a belt ceremony for students recently promoted to the rank of
Black Belt. Until this year, AKI USA had closely followed Japanese tradition,
keeping the minimum age at 18. Now AKI USA’s National Director, Lia Suzuki Sensei has added a new rank, “Junior Shodan,” globally recognized as the equivalent of Black Belt for
youths. Two youth, Chris Ziliotto and Andre Shimada, are the first to earn this rank, specifically created for
them and those who follow in their footsteps.
To earn the rank, they participated in a 4-Day International Seminar for adults at the organization’s Los Angeles dojo, lead by Yoshinobu Takeda Shihan, an 8th dan from Japan. Guest instructors includedDaiyu
Takeda from Japan and Lia Suzuki from California.
Prior to the event, the two had trained under Suzuki Sensei for 4 years and worked their way through all the
youth ranks. They also were enrolled in the “Teacher Apprentice” program.
Before the testing, Ziliotto said, “The thought of testing for junior shodan is a very intimidating thought, however I have confidence because of the great supportive team we have at the dojo.”
L.A. Daiku (L.A. 第九を歌う会)
L.A.Daiku is a Los Angeles based chorus group formed in
September 2009. "Daiku" means "Ninth" in Japanese and
usually refers to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. The mission
of L.A.Daiku is to be open to all people who enjoy singing not
only the Ninth Symphony, but also other songs from all over
the world.
L.A. Daiku has performed on many stages including the Daiku with Cal Phil at the Disney Hall in L.A., the annual Daiku
concert in Naruto Japan, as well as our own concerts locally. We performed for "Love to Nippon", an event
for the 3/11 Tohoku earthquake victims last year. For our Fifth Anniversary Spring Concert in 2014,we invited San Francisco Forest Choir which was celebrating their tenth anniversary. Our upcoming events will
be L.A. Daiku June Concert and a premiere Japanese opera of "the Princess Kaguya" at Aratani Theatre in
L.A. in August.
We practice 6:30PM - 9PM every Tuesday at Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute ( HJCI).
L.A. Daiku is a member of the All-Japan Association of Daiku Choral Societies. L.A. Daiku is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
Hollywood Buddhist Church (ハリウッド仏教会)
HBC will commemorate our
100th Year Anniversary with a special service and celebration on Nov. 1st 2015. Without the dedicated
support of our Issei founders, Nisei & Sansei members, and past and present Rimbans and Ministers from
the Los Angeles Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, HBC would not have endured for the past 100 years.
HBC is a branch church of the L.A. Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple.
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HBC holds about 8 services a year to commemorate significant events
of the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist calender. Services are held in the Social Hall of the Hollywood Japanese Cultural Institute (HJCI).
Upcoming services for 2015:
1) Mar. 29, 10 a.m.: Spring (Equinox) Ohigan service. This is a
service to reflect and offer gratitude to our ancestors who have departed to “the other shore” seeking enlightenment. Ohigan also occurs around the Autumn equinox. A luncheon follows our services.
2) April 12, 10 a.m. : Hanamatsuri service, which celebrates the birth of Sakyamuni Buddha on April 8th.
The Hanamido (flower altar) is decorated with beautiful flowers in the center of which, a statue of the infant
Buddha is placed. This depicts and reminds us of the flower garden of Lumbini garden where Buddha was
born 2500 years ago. 3) June 14, Sunday, 10 a.m.: Gotan-e and Parent’s Day service to celebrate and express appreciation to our parents. Gotan-e celebrates the birth of Shinran Shonin (1173-1262), the found of
Shin Buddhism. 4) August 9, Sunday, 10 a.m.: Obon Memorial service. This is an occasion for us to remember our ancestors and dearly departed ones and express appreciation for their deeds.
5) Sept., 13, 10 am: Fall Ohigan service. Additional services, Buddhist study classes, and activities are
available through the LAHHBT in Little Tokyo (815 E. First St., L.A. 90012; (213) 680-9130.
Please contact Asao Masumiya for more info: (310) 306-7463 or [email protected].
Hollywood Judo Dojo (ハリウッド柔道道場
Since the last newsletter (9/14/14), Hollywood Judo Dojo continued to demonstrate excellent judo in 1 national tournament
and 3 local tournaments, collecting 6 gold, 7 silver, and 6
bronze medals along the way. Our competitors train vigorously
5 days a week to keep their body and mind in shape.
The training consists of not only judo, but also fitness and cardio - lifting weights, running sprints, climbing ropes, etc. Everyone is training even harder now to earn better
results for 2015.
Kids Class which we introduced in 2014 was very well received. Class was only twice a month, but attendance was very consistent with a growing number of students. We currently have 5 girls and 5 boys on the
roster. Due to the positive feedback from our little participants, we decided to make this a weekly class starting January 2015. Classes are packed with fun, game-like activities that relate to judo.
With Kids Class picking up steam, we decided to open Teens Class which takes place simultaneously with
the Tuesday adult class. This is a much needed class that accommodates students that fall between the kids
and the adults. Kids Class students can now transition into Teens Class in order to continue their training.
Our goal is to have a training ground geared towards every age group and to especially encourage young
students to continue training judo for life! Lastly, we updated our web site (www.hollywoodjudo.com) to
reflect our current schedule and to also introduce some of our core members. Visit our web site for more info.
Please contact us at [email protected]
Our members have participated in eight local tournaments and one National tournament since the last Sept.,
winning 35 medals in all. Five members competed in the Nationals at Reno, Nevada. Our team won 2 gold
medals, 1 silver medal, and 1 bronze medal. This was the first National gold medal for our Dojo since 1965.
Karate (松濤館流空手道場
Karate practice benefits the
student in all areas of their life. It is not an end, but a means to an
end. Karate encourages proficiency and the keen coordination of
mind and body. It is an activity in which advancing age is not a hindrance. Shotokan puts heavy focus on Kihon (basic techniques),
and Kata (forms), and kumite (sparring) to develop a range of powerful and dynamic techniques.
On one sunny weekend of November, we had an oyster BBQ party on a beach-side park in Ventura City.
We enjoyed our time relaxing, eating BBQ, and chatting to build our spirit and energy. We are training now
for upcoming National Tournament in San Francisco. Classes: Monday & Friday 8 –9pm.
For more info. contact Yuki Otaka at (818)-618-6161
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Gardener's Association (ガーデナー組合)
Meeting: 1st Friday of month except on holiday.
Contact: Brian Yamasaki (323) 661-1649 email: [email protected]
Jodoin Buddhist Temple of California (浄土院)
Jodoin is a local temple that is providing services in Pure Land Buddhism at the Hollywood JCI on the third Sunday of each month. Jodoin can trace its history back to
1936, when the late Bishop Reikai Nozaki first established Jodoin in Little Tokyo.
Jodoin has continuously provided Pure Land Buddhism to the community since its
founding. Services are conducted in both English and Japanese and everyone is
welcome to attend. Refreshments are served after the service.
Contact: Kent Kawai at [email protected] or (310) 433-4314
Nagauta shamisen and voice ensemble Class(長唄教室)
Let’s Enjoy Kabuki Music!
With Shamisen, Voice, Kotsuzumi, Okawa, and Taiko, we will make a whole
Kabuki music stage here! Together, we will discover the beauty of Japanese
traditional music. Everyone over the age of 5, beginners, experienced, from
any nationalities are welcome.
Classes will be held three Saturday afternoons. Phone: 805-620-7287, [email protected], http://fujijapanesemusic.org/
レッツ エンジョイ 歌舞伎ミュージック!
Yoga (ヨガ・クラス
Class is open to people of all ages!
The class focuses on breathing and toning/sculpting your muscles throughout your entire
body. The class is low-impact although highly enjoyed by those who participate.
Get fit and have fun! Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 PM with Takako Sato at (310) 387-4904
EM “Bokashi” making meeting (EMボカシ作りの集い)
EM, "Effective Microorganisms" is same as “Probiotics”. EM contains more than 50 (good for
health) live probiotics in a bottle. Using EM, you can make eco-friendly fertilizer called “Bokashi”
easily. Now you can turn your kitchen waste to a natural fertilizer for your home garden. Meeting: 4th Sunday of the month, 2-4pm at HJCI. For more info, Mr. Takeuchi (714) 964– 9373 or Kuwahara
(818) 708-2871
Beaded Jewelry Class Interested in learning how to make beaded jewelry? Join in on the fun! Class will be held every Saturday
from 1pm -2:30pm at HJCI. For more info, email:
[email protected] or call/text (818) 794-9291.
Kimono Remaking Gathering (着物リメイクの会)Let's make an Elegant Party
Dress from Old Kimono!!! Do you have old Kimono in your closet?
Can you use sawing
machine? Let's get together and remake kimono to something useful and beautiful. ねむっている着物で洋服
For more info, contact Kazuko Ueda (via Kuwahara) at (818) 708-2871.
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Acting Dojo(アクティング・クラス)
Contact: Dom Magwili
Aikido Dojo(合気道)
L.A. Daiku (LA第九)
6 Mondays, starting Feb. 9th, 7 to 10pm
email: [email protected]
Thursday: Children:4:30 p.m.
Tweens & Teens: 5;30p.m. Adult:6:30 p.m.
website: www.AikidoLosAngeles.org
Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. www.ladaiku.org
Contact: Yasumasa (Yasu) Tanano (310) 625-4222
email: [email protected] website:
EM Bokashi(EMボカシ講習会)
Contact: Mr. Takeuchi (714) 964-9373 or Kuwahara
(818) 708-2871
Gardeners' Association(ガーデナー組合)
Contact: Brian Yamasaki (323) 661-1649
Hollywood Buddhist Church (ハリウッド仏教会)
4th Sunday: 2 p.m. –5 p.m.
Contact: (424) 209-2083 call/text
Contact: Asao Masumiya (310) 306-7463
Japanese Language School ハリウッド学園
(Hollywood Gakuen ) Contact: Kazue Ogino
(323) 662-7195 or Kuwahara (818) 708-287
email: [email protected]
1st Friday of month except on holiday
email: [email protected]
Family services once a month, officiated by a reverend from the L.A. Betsuin
email: [email protected]
Saturday: 8:45 am – 12:15 pm
[email protected] (Sat.) (323) 664-2070
3rd Sunday of month
Contact: Kent Kawaii(310) 371-0321
Hollywood Judo Dojo(ハリウッド柔道道場)
email: [email protected]
Mon, Wed., Fri, Sat.
7:30 – 9:30 p.m.
website: http://hollywoodjudo.com/
Contact: [email protected]
Karate (
Monday & Friday: 8 – 9 p.m.
Contact: Yuki Otaka (818) 618-6161
Nagauta shamisen and voice ensemble class
(長唄教室)Contact: 805-620-7287,
Classes: three Saturday afternoons.
Yoga(ヨガ)Contact: Takako Sato (310) 390-3244
Wednesday: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Tax Scams/Consumer Alerts
Email: [email protected],
IRS-Impersonation Telephone Scam
An aggressive and sophisticated phone scam targeting taxpayers, including recent immigrants,
has been making the rounds throughout the country. Callers claim to be employees of the IRS,
but are not. These con artists can sound convincing when they call. They use fake names and bogus IRS
identification badge numbers. They may know a lot about their targets, and they usually alter the caller ID to
make it look like the IRS is calling. Victims are told they owe money to the IRS and it must be paid promptly
through a pre-loaded debit card or wire transfer. If the victim refuses to cooperate, they are then threatened
with arrest, deportation or suspension of a business or driver’s license. In many cases, the caller becomes
hostile and insulting. Or, victims may be told they have a refund due to try to trick them into sharing private
information. If the phone isn't answered, the scammers often leave an “urgent” callback request.
Note that the IRS will never: 1) call to demand immediate payment, nor will the agency call about taxes owed
without first having mailed you a bill; 2) demand that you pay taxes without giving you the opportunity to
question or appeal the amount they say you owe; 3) require you to use a specific payment method for your
taxes, such as a prepaid debit card; 4) ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone; or 5) threaten to
bring in local police or other law-enforcement groups to have you arrested for not paying. (IRS)
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Caretakers, Jorge and Keiko Sandoval, have been working hard on cleaning, patching and painting the interior of the Annex building (the green building as you enter the parking lot). It is currently vacant and available for use by interested groups.
Kunio Tsuneyoshi volunteered for the past several years, to help maintain our landscaping around the Social Hall and the northside entrance area. He recently retired for health reasons. We are very grateful to Kunio for his dedication and hard work in maintaining our pine trees and vegetation. Thanks, Kunio!
Electricians, Jay and Johnny Yoshida, completed electrical repairs in the Social Hall, and replaced a security light on the southwest side of the building.
Volunteers, Tok Chida, Masao Yoshida, and Aaron Brown repaired the locking mechanism on one of the
double doors of the Multipurpose Building. Tok is also working to increase the height of the concrete columns and wrought iron fencing along Juanita Ave. to prevent trespassers from getting onto the property.
Volunteers are needed to help with this labor intensive project. Is anyone interested in helping? Tok is
an amazing 90-year young man who has lent his energy, enthusiasm, welding and problem solving skills to
help improve our facilities. Thank you to all of these hardworking supporters and volunteers!
We are looking for a pilotless stove in good working order. The one in the kitchen has seen better days.
Monetary: Toshiye Mukai, Hiroshi Yoshida, Judy Dionzon, Takashi Hoshizaki: In Memory of Barbara Hoshizaki. Bruce Kimura & Family: Tribute to late Yoshiko T. Kimura. Asao & Kim Masumiya: plants & other items
for Fall Pancake sale Jay Yoshida: energy bracelets for sale at pancake breakfast Amy Masumiya & Ken
Helmes: cupcakes for sale at Oct. Udon fundraiser Yoshiharu Okumoto: case of beer for Oct. Udon fundraiser Karate: donuts for Udon volunteers. Bruce Kimura: donation of goods: 20 cup rice cooker, coffee maker,
cooking pots, punch bowl, 4 rolling chairs, & hand and gardening tools.
2015 Raffle prize donations: Yoshiharu Okumoto & Kazue Ogino, $250 each for cash prizes;
Asao Masumiya, $100 gift certificate for Maison Akira Restaurant; Aikido Kenkyukai, 1 Group Party / Intro
class in Aikido ($300 value); Judo Dojo, $105 in gift certificates; Masao Yoshida for obtaining donations of
bags of rice.
Ogino-sensei received “Nikkei Spirit Award” 荻野先生が「日系スピリット賞」を受賞
On Jan. 25th, Ogino-sensei was awarded the “Nikkei Spirit Award from Japanese
Chamber of Commerce of Southern California. Ogino-sensei has been contributing to Hollywood Gakuen and the Japanese American community for more than
50 years. The whole Ogino family along with ten HJCI members attended to the
celebration at Almansor Court. Everyone in the audience applauded and cheered
in her recognition.
Congratulation Ogino-sensei! (HJCI board members)
(Photo: She made a great speech in front of the audience)⇒
The Gakuen had a “Traditional mochi-tsuki” event on Dec. 13th. About 20 people including students, teachers, and community members participated. We made 50 lbs of mochi (some of them with anko, which is a
sweet bean paste). Everybody enjoyed the event.
Special thanks to Mr. Yamato and Mr. Sakai for lending us the equipment.
(Photos by Fred Yoshida)
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■“Movie Night” March 21th 5 - 7:30 pm Please come and watch this!
“MIS ~ Human Secret Weapon ~” 「二つの祖国で・日系陸軍情報部」
Director: Junichi Suzuki (
, Producer: Shigeto Terasaka (
Music: Kitaro (喜多郎) 英語/日本語のサブタイトル
The unknown stories of these men who shut their mouth up for several decades. Their duties were so much critical for the U.S. Army. In 2012, the time has set to reveal the whole
story of the Military Intelligence Service. During World War II, six thousand Nisei (secondgeneration Japanese Americans) served in the Military Intelligence Service, performing
secret intelligence work against the Japanese military. Their work dispelled any doubt that
as Americans the Nisei were willing to fight an enemy with whom they share a similar ancestral background.
This film was awarded “Yamaji Fukiko Award” and “Japanese Movie Critical Award in the feature documentary films”. (http://suzukijunichi.com/)
「東洋宮武が覗いた時代」(2008)、「442日系部隊 アメリカ史上最強の陸軍」(11)で第2次世界大戦時の日系人たち
の歴史を追ってきたすずきじゅんいち監督による、日系史映画3部作の最終作 (http://eiga.com/)
Thank You for the Food
By Helen Yoshida
Two words that my grandmother always said during the course of a meal were itadakimas
and oishi. As a child I’d watch as she pressed her hands together in prayer and say i-ta-dáki-más. “It means thank you for the food,” she said. She put rhythm into the word, and after
saying it softly to herself she looked at me and encouraged me to say it too. I pronounced
the phrase like a child would, my flat tone blindly rushing to the last syllable, my mind wanting to master the
nuances of the language that was uncomfortable on my tongue but so familiar on hers. “i-ta-da-ki-mas” she’d
say again slowly and succinctly. Each meal we had together was another chance for me to practice my pronunciation.
We said it together throughout the years and in doing so took a moment to appreciate and enjoy both what
was given to us and what we already had.
My grandmother enjoyed food, and like me, also had a sweet tooth. Throughout my childhood she would often come over to look after me, bringing with her a box of butter cookies, Hawaiian cookies, or butterscotch
candy. When we would take excursions to the Whittwood Mall we would make our regular stop to See’s. After selecting a small box of Nuts and Chews or Truffles for family she would beckon me over and together
we’d pick out our favorite flavors of lollipops: butterscotch for her and chocolate for me. “Oishi,” she’d say, as
we unfurled our candied treasures from their gold foiled-wrapping, savoring them on the trolley ride home.
She enjoyed not only the confection, but the happiness she saw in others when she gave them food.
(Helen Yoshida: Her grand parents were in Heart Mt. camp. She wrote “What my grandmother learned in her
world war II internment camp” on Atlantic magazine JUL 2 2014 issue. You can read the article on the following site: http://www.theatlantic.com/education/archive/2014/07/a-seamstress-of-circumstance/373618/
Old diary in Heart Mt. Camp, 1943 (Mr. Yoshida’s diary)
This is from Mr. Masayuki Yoshida’s old diaries. He was born in California, but
raised in Japan in Ohshima, Yamaguchi prefecture. He came back to the U.S. at
the age of 18 with his older brother. His old diaries (1937, 38, 41, 43) were donated
to HJCI. In 1937, he lived in Culver City, working at Matsuoka nursery. The first
three diaries (1937, 38, 41) were filled with daily life, such as weather, nursery jobs,
friends and things after the jobs. In 1937, he visited Ohshima in Japan and spent whole summer with his
family and friends. (H. K) Continued on our website: http://www.hollywoodjci.org/
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“Searching for our roots” The 100 years history of Hollywood Gakuen -2Built a new school building
Although Hollywood Gakuen started in
the church of Carter’s Court, it was managed with no relation to the Independent
church. However, many Buddhist parents weren’t comfortable sending their
children to a Christian church. They
wanted to have their own school. So,
with Mr. Hirai as the leader and the Buddhists acting as the core group, they
started fundraising to build a new school.
(photo: June 21, 1931 Graduation’s graduation)
A new building with three classrooms was built at 1423 Cahuenga Ave. near Sunset Blvd. On March
17th, 1919, the new Hollywood Gakuen was started.
Legal oppression against Japanese language schools
For about 10 years from 1912 to 1922, the number of Japanese language schools in California
increased more and more, reaching about 40 schools. This growth caused worries among the
American people. As the result, series of bills to control foreign language schools such as the
Parker’s bill and the Aiman’s bill in April, 1919 were submitted and some were passed. The Japanese language schools in California were totally going to suffocate. However, a Japanese language
school in Hawaii had been filed against these cases. In June, 1926, the U.S. Supreme Court made
the historical judgment to rule out those bills as against US constitution. As the result, all those bills
against foreign language school lost validity, Japanese language education was allowed under the
U.S. constitution. This opened the golden era for Japanese language schools.
Problem on the land ownership issue
Around that time, the big incident that shook the existence of the school happened. It was a landownership issue at that time when a foreigner couldn’t own a land in the United States. Hollywood
Gakuen borrowed a name of a Hawaiian Nisei name as the landowner. However, in 1929, that person started to insist that the property did indeed belong to him and it became a lawsuit. Although
Gakuen won the suit, the Hawaiian appealed and stirred lot of worry. It was resolved by the sincere
efforts of the related people.
Relocation and construction of new school building
In 1935, due to oldness of school building, increasing traffic volume, and deterioration of educational
environment, the people decided to move Gakuen for a better future. The school moved to Virgil Area where many Japanese lived. As the new place located on a slope where there were many trees,
it looked like a difficult state to build the school. But Mr. Tominosuke Ozamoto and the building committees and the parents of the students worked very hard by cutting trees, leveling the land, etc.,
and completed the new school which had a hall and three classrooms. On Nov. 5th, 1936, the big
celebration party was held. In 1938, the residential house for a principal (caretaker’s residence now)
was built.
Closing Gakuen due to the Japan-U.S. war
In 1937, Hollywood Gakuen became one of the prominent Japanese schools: the number of students reached 250 and owned two busses. The students and teachers adored the Gakuen along
with the name “Hollywood”. However, just six years after it was newly constructed, Hollywood
Gakuen was shut down by the Japan-U.S. war.
I would heartily like to show our respect for the foresight and courage of the Issei pioneers who bet
on the future. (By Yoshiharu Okumoto)
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新校舎の建設 ハリウッド学園はカーター・コートの教会内に設立され、独立教会とは関係なく別途に経営
されていたが、仏教徒の父兄は、自分たちの子供がその教会の学校に行くことを好ましく思わなかった 。そ
を集め、Sunset Blvd. に近い1423 Cahuenga Ave. に3教室の校舎を新築し、1919年3月17日同所に移
日本語学校に対する法的圧力 1912年より1922年の10年間は、学齢児童の増加により、日本語教
1935年、校舎の老朽化とCAHUEGA Ave. の交通量の増加等、教育環境の悪化に
することが決まった。 新しく購入された土地は多くの木々の立ち並ぶ傾斜地で、こんな所に校舎が建てられ
日米開戦による閉校 1937年には生徒数250人
心より敬意を表したい。 (文:奥本義晴)
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はなく、室生(ほうしょう)流(家元は本間さん)が多くなっています。 (厚子)
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2015 Membership Drive
Please complete and return the Membership application through your organization or directly to
HJCI via mail or mailbox on southwest side of the Social Hall at the bottom of the steps.
Membership fees help to support our operating costs. Thanks for your support!
Fly UP