Japanese Divine Costumes
神 々と着 物 The 4th Tsurugaoka Intellectual Salon Japanese Divine Costumes Have you ever seen such a truly gorgeous fashion... The 4th TIS focuses on these sacred fabrics of the divine costumes, and the tradition of Japanese clothing especially in the Japanese Imperial Court, which had a strong influence on the style of divine costumes preserved in Shinto shrines. Sun, 13th 13 :30 ~16 :30 Mar. 2016 Program 13:30 Opening Lecture by Chief Priest Shigeho Yoshida 14:30 Workshop “Wearing the Costume of the Court Lady in Medieval Japan” 15:30 Tea Reception 16:30 Closing Place Language Reception Hall, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Japanese/English ( simultaneous translation ) Seats 40 ( first-serve basis ) Please reserve your seats by Email or Fax by 29th Feb. 日本 語・英 語( 同時 通 訳 ) Contact Tsurugaoka Hachimangu 神 奈川県 鎌 倉 市雪ノ下2-1-31 Tel. 0467-22-0315 Fax. 0467-22-4667 Email : [email protected] H.P. : Trace the life of Japanese Court Ladies in 12th century In Late Heian period (10-12c), Japanese culture was developed by the aristocrats, and Japanese original fashion derived from the imported culture from China was established. The costumes for the ladies in the Imperial Court was also changed. They wore the kimono in several layers and put an apron-like train called Mo. These fabulously gorgeous set of kimono is known as Junihitoe (twelve-layered robe). In the medieval Japan, many Junihitoe-like kimono were made for Japanese goddess as well as for the court ladies. They made and dedicated these luxury robes for the deities of Shinto shrines, and some of these dress remains as the divine treasure. In addition, the reproduction of divine treasures of Ise Jingu in every twenty year enables to preserve the traditional craftsmanship for more than 1,000 years. 女房装 束は、平安時 代(8~12世紀 )宮廷に奉 仕する 後に「 十二 単」という名称も生まれ 、 中で、女性たちは季節に合わせた色の組合せを楽しみ 名な着 物の 一つ じゅう 日本の伝統美 ―十 二単の世界に触れる The Ageless Beauty in Japanese Culture に ひとえ 女性の装束として誕生しました。着物を重ねる文化の ました。特に晴れ 装 束として、儀 式などの際に腰に裳 を着けたその姿はとても美しく、華やかなものでした。 W o r k s h o p 現 在 で も日 本 の 有 となりました。 Demonstration of dressing Junihitoe [研修会 ] 十二単の着付けの実演 Following to the lecture by Chief Priest, the workshop to experience the life in the Japanese Imperial Court in 12th century is held. The professional instructors demonstrate how the Heian princesses were dressed in Junihitoe. The colours and patterns of each robe are determined by season, situation, and their position in the Court. These system of colour combination represents Japanese flowers and animals related to each season. These costumes tell us how the Japanese people felt and enjoyed the transition of seasons. 宮司による講演の後、代表者の方に十二単の着付けを実演致します。 一枚一枚着物を重ねていく様子や、着物を重ねることで生まれる色の美しさをご堪能ください。その後皆様にも装 束に袖を通していただき、十二単を体験していただきます。 Shigeho Yoshida Chief Priest 鶴岡八幡宮 宮司 𠮷田 茂 Born in 1942. Graduated from Kokugakuin University with a major in Shinto study in 1966. Since he was appointed Chief Priest in 1997, he has been actively promoting international cultural exchanges. Among them are overseas performances of mikagura (Japanese traditional court music and dance) and yabusame (horseback archery), a joint performance with traditional hula in Hawaii, and inviting ambassadors and diplomats of foreign embassies to Tsurugaoka Hachimangu and its festivals. 1942年生まれ。1966年國學院大學神道学専攻科修了。1997年に宮司就任以降、国際交流活 動に力を入れ、ハワイの古典フラとの合同公演や御神楽奉仕、流鏑馬神事公演等、多様な教化 活動を行う。各国大使館との交流も深く、祭典への参列や参拝の招待・受入れを行っている。