
2nd Announcement - 40th World Congress of the International

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2nd Announcement - 40th World Congress of the International
Access to Kyoto
Kyoto is located in the center of Japan and is
about 500 kilometers (312 miles) west of Tokyo.
Located on the main Shinkansen (Bullet Train)
Line, Kyoto is directly accessible from
NARITA (Tokyo), HANEDA (Tokyo),
Centrair (Nagoya) and KANSAI (Osaka)
International Airports.
Kyoto International
Conference Center, the
site of ICS World
Congress 2016, is
located in the northern
part of Kyoto City. It
takes about 20minutes
from Kyoto Station by
第40回国際外科学会世界総会 / 第62回国際外科学会日本部会総会
Kyoto International Conference Center
UNESCO World Heritage
The 17 properties of the World Heritage Sites are located in Kyoto.
Wolrd Heritage Sites in Kyoto:
Kamigamo-jinja Shrine
Shimogamo-jinja Shrine
To-ji Temple
Kiyomizu-dera Temple
Enryaku-ji Temple
Daigo-ji Temple
Ninna-ji Temple
Byodo-in Temple
Ujigami-jinja Shrine
Kinkaku-ji Temple
Kozan-ji Temple
Koke-dera Temple
Tenryu-ji Temple
Kinkaku-ji Temple
Ginkaku-ji Temple
Ryoan-ji Temple
Hongwan-ji Temple
Nijo-jo Castle
Kiyomizu-dera Temple
Ryoan-ji Temple
To-ji Temple
Important Dates
Opening of Abstract Submission : February 17, 2016
Deadline for Abstract Submission : June 30, 2016
Notification of Accepted Abstracts : August 5, 2016
Opening of Early Registration : April 13, 2016
Deadline for Early Registration : August 9, 2016
Opening of Late Registration : August 10, 2016
Deadline for Late Registration : September 6, 2016
ICS World Congress 2016 Secretariat (c/o ISS, INC.)
40th World Congress of
the International College of
62nd Annual Congress of
the International College of Surgeons Japan Section
no 2n
un d
Mita MT Bldg. 8F, 3-13-12 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0073, Japan
TEL: +81-(0)3-6369-9984 FAX: +81-(0)3-3453-1180 E-MAIL: [email protected]
Principles for Surgery with a Thoughtful Mind
Congress President and
ICS World President:
Congress Chairman:
Hisakazu Yamagishi
Yik-Hong Ho
World President 2015-2016,
International College of Surgeons
Former President and Professor Emeritus of
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Congress Vice Chairman:
Organized by
Eigo Otsuji
40th World Congress of the International
College of Surgeons Organizing Committee
Science Council of Japan
Professor and Chairman of Digestive Surgery,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
Welcome Message
Congress President and ICS World President:
Congress Chairman:
Congress Vice Chairman:
World President 2015-2016, International College of Surgeons
Former President and
Professor Emeritus of
Kyoto Prefectural University of
Professor and Chairman of
Digestive Surgery,
Kyoto Prefectural University of
Yik-Hong Ho
Welcome Message
I would like to extend a very warm welcome to Fellows
of the International College of Surgeons (ICS), as well
as to surgeons from all over the world. Professor
Yamagishi and his committee are to be whole heartedly
congratulated on holding this 40th Biennial World
Congress of the International College of Surgeons, in
conjunction with the 62nd Congress of the International
College of Surgeons Japan Section. Honored Fellows of
the Japanese Section have established a strong
tradition of exemplary service to ICS, since founding of
the Japan Section in November 1954 in Osaka. Since
then, Professor Komei Nakayama (1965-1966) and
Professor Kenji Honda (1981-1982) from the Japan
Section have served as World Presidents. The
Japanese Section had hosted the first Biennial World
Congress held in the Far East (in Tokyo, 1968) as well
as the very successful 30th Biennial World Congress
also held in Kyoto in 1996. In addition, the first ICS Asian
Federation Congress took place in Gifu in 1967.
Understandably, ICS has full confidence that the 40th
Biennial World Congress will be a very worthy occasion
at which ICS can again renew our commitments to
improving the lives of patients all over the world, through
advancing the art and science of surgery.
The well-chosen theme “kokoro” is a Japanese word for
– the (non-cardiac) “heart” guiding our thoughts and
motives. I believe it describes a spiritual concept
concerned with purity of mind, so very applicable to the
vision of ICS as well as to the overall noble profession of
surgery. Not too many years ago, I remember my
teacher (sensei) telling me that “the good surgeon must
be like the Japanese Samurai warrior”. He must be able
to operate with the precision and speed of the Samurai’s
sword. Of course the way of the Samurai also involves a
(zen) spiritual aspect calling for purity of mind and body.
Based upon this unique theme, the scientific program
promises to provide a forum of cutting edge techniques
and concepts to hone to perfection the surgical skills of
the hand and the mind. Purity of mind also implies an
understanding, embracement and proper application of
40th World Congress of the International College of Surgeons
Hisakazu Yamagishi
surgical ethics. Japanese surgeons have of course
contributed significantly to the advancement of all
specialities in surgery over the years. We can expect high
quality updates, key controversies and vital technical
issues to feature in the plenary lectures and symposiums,
as well as free paper sessions. Hopefully, humanitarian
surgery will also feature as this is consistent with the main
goals and objectives of ICS, which is unique among
surgical societies in being represented on the World
Health Organization.
Kyoto is very fitting venue to host this “kokoro” themed
congress, being of course the spiritual and cultural
capital of Japan. There are 17 UNESCO World Heritage
sites in Kyoto which was the former capital for 1000
years (794 to 1869) during which time many major
temples, important shrines and imperial palaces were
built there. It is perhaps lesser known that Kyoto is also
the spiritual home of Japanese Cuisine. The renown
Kyoto cuisine (kyo-ryori) places emphasis on using
seasonal ingredients including vegetables unique to the
Kyoto region. It developed from a fusion of the traditional
cooking for the Emperor, vegetarian cooking by Buddhist
monks, cooking influenced by the Japanese Tea
Ceremony and cooking for ceremonial feasts of Samurai
families. It has truly been said that “without knowing
Kyoto, it is impossible to grasp the true essence of Japan”.
The “kokoro” inspired planning and meticulous
organization so characteristic of the Japanese culture
will assure that the 40th Biennial World Congress will be
an unforgettable time of surgical spirit renewal, an
opportunity to share the newest surgical knowledge, a
forum to exchange hard earned gems of clinical
experience with peers from all over the world and a
well-deserved occasion for social festivities where
international friendships are renewed and strengthened.
I especially urge long standing ICS fellows who have
enjoyed the privilege of belonging to this international
surgical family over the years, to bring along their
younger colleagues and introduce them into the college.
I very much look forward to personally meeting up with
you all in Kyoto.
Eigo Otsuji
Welcome Message
We sincerely hope that many of you will participate in the
ICS World Congress to make it an especially fruitful
event, and trust that your stay in Kyoto will be a truly
memorable one.
The main theme of the 40th ICS World Congress will be
“Kokoro - Principles for Surgery with a Thoughtful Mind”,
“kokoro” being the Japanese word for “mind”. Operations
conducted by surgeons may be the best medical
treatment for the patient but they are also extremely
invasive, and so it is fundamental that surgeons approach
such procedures with full consideration for the mind of the
patient. Through discussions among surgeons from
around the world on what compassionate and mindful
surgical treatment means, the Congress will search for
the ideal form of surgical treatment for the 21st century.
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 40th World
Congress of the International College of Surgeons, to be
held concurrently with the 62nd Congress of the
International College of Surgeons Japan Section from
October 23 to 26, 2016.
In the afternoon of Monday, October 24, after the Opening
Ceremony, we will hold a “Kokoro (Mind) Symposium”. We
are currently in the process of securing a very special
surprise guest speaker, so we really hope you can attend.
In addition to the academic program, we will also prepare
an attractive social program. We are planning a Welcome
Reception at Kyoto International Conference Center, the
venue for the World Congress itself, on Sunday, October
23 and a Gala Dinner at Nijo-jo Castle, a UNESCO World
Heritage Site, on Tuesday, October 25. As well as
providing a forum for the participants’ discussions, we are
confident that ancient Kyoto, the world’s best city, will be
the ideal setting for you to enjoy Japan’s cuisine, culture
and warm hospitality to the full.
On Saturday, October 22, the day before the ICS World
Congress starts, the Jidai Matsuri, one of Kyoto’s big
three festivals, will take place. The festival is a
spectacular procession of people dressed in costumes
from every period of Japanese history, who make their
way along the streets from the Kyoto Imperial Palace to
the Heian Shrine. We strongly recommend that you take
this opportunity to see it.
今 回 、第 4 0 回 国 際 外 科 学 会 世 界 総 会 のメイン テ ー マを
“Kokoro―Principles for Surgery with a Thoughtful
を意味します。 外科医の行う手術は最高の治療手段で
古都京都、World Best City Kyotoにて日本料理や日本文
Program at a Glance (Tentative)
Oct. 23 (Sun.)
Meeting of the
ICS Board of
Governors and
ICS Elections
Oct. 24 (Mon.)
Oct. 25 (Tue.)
Oct. 26 (Wed.)
General Session
General Session
Welcome Reception
General Session
Gala Dinner
Opening Ceremony & “Kokoro” Symposium
“Kokoro” Symposium will be held after the Opening Ceremony in the afternoon of Oct. 24.
Some special guests are expected to attend.
Call for Abstracts
40th World Congress of the International College of Surgeons Organizing Committee invites you to submit an abstract (s)
for oral or poster presentations. The submission of abstracts will provide authors a valuable opportunity to communicate
the most recent experience and knowledge in the field of surgery.
Please read this thoroughly before preparing your abstract.
● Abstract must be submitted online at www.icskyoto2016.jp.
● The deadline for submission is: June 30, 2016 15:00 (JST)
● Abstract should be written and presented in English.
● The maximum abstract length is 250 words, using the Abstract Template provided in the website.
● A preferred presentation method should be selected during the submission from the following options: Symposium, General
Session (Video), General Session (Oral preferred but will accept if selected as a Poster), General Session (Poster).
● If your abstract is not accepted as Symposium, it will then be considered as General Session (Video, Oral, or Poster).
● The Corresponding Person will receive an email message confirming the receipt of the abstract. Please notify your
authors that the confirmation was received.
● All abstracts will be reviewed by the ICS Kyoto 2016 Scientific Committee.
● The Scientific Committee may ask that a submission be revised in terms of format or content prior to full acceptance.
● Instructions for presentation will be provided upon notification of an abstract acceptance.
● Authors are allowed to submit multiple abstracts.
● Poster presentations will take place in a free discussion style, not a moderated poster presentation.
You are expected to attend to your poster during the allocated time period.
● Case reports will also be considered.
40th World Congress of the International College of Surgeons
Abstracts are invited in the following categories.
Surgical ethics and ICS
Current status and future perspectives of surgical risk management
Frontier in management of surgical infections
Advances and clinical application of circulating tumor cell research
Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy for gastric cancer: Frontier in international cooperation studies
Anatomical bases for rectal and pelvic surgery
Diverticular disease of the right colon
Ongoing clinical trials in Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery
Liver transplantation for Child-Pugh A HCC patients
Surgical strategy for perihilar cholangiocarcinoma
Surgical strategy for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer
Perspective of transplantation
Advances of surgical intervention for lung cancer
Establishment of axillary-conserving surgery concept of primary breast cancer
The recent development of breast cancer
Strategy of surgical intervention for pediatric solid tumor
Frontier in cosmetics surgery
Brain surgery
Recent advances in gynecologic cancer surgery: More radical
Recent advances in gynecologic cancer surgery: Sparing Fertility
Current status and future perspectives of surgery for multiple endocrine neoplasia
Forefront of surgery for peripheral nerve injury
The role of rehabilitation in surgery
New horizon in ophthalmology
Recent advances in otology: Diagnosis and surgical management of deafness
Recent advances in oral and maxillofacial surgery
Trauma surgery: Basics and applications
Ethical problems in disaster, medicine/surgery
A role of anesthesiologists for prevention of surgical site infection
The role of ICS in establishing global surgery
Robotic Surgery: Perspectives on economics, education, and experience in the United States Health Care System
Surgery in ASIA: Current status and future perspectives
Surgery in EUROPE: Current status and future perspectives
A new frontier in minimally invasive surgery of upper gastrointestinal cancer (Video Symposium)
Minimally-invasive surgery for esophageal cancer: THE v.s. TTE (Video Symposium)
Standardized laparoscopic colorectal surgery (Video Symposium)
Recent advances in robotic surgery for rectal cancer (Video Symposium)
Laparoscopic liver resection (Video Symposium)
Pancreatectomy: Safety and long-term results (Video Symposium)
Cardiovascular surgery (Video Symposium)
Hybrid, VATS, RATS for lung cancer (Video Symposium)
Recent advances in gynecologic cancer surgery: More minimally invasive (Video Symposium)
New era of robotics and technique in urologic surgery
Robotic surgery
Thailand section session: MIS and oncoplastic breast surgery; experiences in Thailand
Call for Abstracts
Registration Information
General Session
Registration Fees*1
(On or Before August 9, 2016) *2
(From August 10, 2016 to
September 6, 2016)
Member *3
JPY 50,000
JPY 60,000
Non-member *3
JPY 60,000
JPY 70,000
Trainee *3
JPY 35,000
JPY 40,000
Student *3
JPY 35,000
JPY 40,000
Nurse & Other related
professional *3
JPY 20,000
JPY 25,000
For authors submitting abstracts for General Session, please select one from each A and B Categories below.
Categories A
Basic Science
Circulating Tumor Cells
Hormone Therapy
Immunology & Immunotherapy
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Molecularly Targeted Therapy
Multimodal Treatment
Perioperative Care
Risk Management
Robotic Surgery
Surgical Technique
Categories B
Cardiovascular Surgery
Colon & Rectum
Cosmetic Surgery
General Surgery
Liver & Biliary Tract
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck
Pediatric Surgery
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
Accompanying Person *4
JPY 10,000
Gala Dinner
JPY 10,000
*1 All fees are in Japanese Yen.
*2 The fees will automatically change to that of late registration at 0:00 of August 10, 2016 (Japan standard time).
*3 Registration fees (Member/Non-member/Trainee/Student/Nurse & Other related professional) cover a program and abstract booklet,
session participation, welcome reception (Oct. 23), coffee breaks, a name badge, and a congress bag.
*4 The accompanying person category includes coffee breaks and welcome reception (Oct. 23).
Social Event
Welcome Reception (Oct. 23)
All congress participants are invited to attend the Sunday welcome reception at Kyoto International Conference Center.
Accompanying persons are welcome to purchase an accompanying person package (JPY 10,000).
Name badges are required to attend and will be available at the registration desk on the 1st floor of Kyoto International
Conference Center.
Gala Dinner (Oct. 25)
The Tuesday gala dinner will be held at Nijo Castle and ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel Kyoto with an extra JPY 10,000.
After a short tour and toast around the garden and the building of Nijo Castle, participants will move to ANA Crowne
Plaza Hotel Kyoto on foot (Approximately three minutes on foot) and have a gala dinner at the hotel banquet room.
Post Congress Tour & Accompanying Persons’ Program
Some post congress tours and accompanying persons’ programs will be arranged. Further details will be informed in the
website (www.icskyoto2016.jp).
Jidai Festival
On Oct. 22, the day before
the opening of the congress,
Jidai Festival will take place
in Kyoto. It is one of the three
largest festivals in Kyoto and
consists of a huge parade
that approximately 2,000
people dressed in traditional
Japanese costumes, moving
from the Imperial Palace to
Heian Shrine.
40th World Congress of the International College of Surgeons
Fly UP