
Operator notation and the existence of solutions

by taratuta

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Operator notation and the existence of solutions
In fact, we shall be concerned with various special cases of (23.4), which are
known by particular names. Firstly, if g(x) = 0 then the unknown function y(x)
appears only under the integral sign, and (23.4) is called a linear integral equation
of the first kind. Alternatively, if g(x) = 1, so that y(x) appears twice, once inside
the integral and once outside, then (23.4) is called a linear integral equation of
the second kind. In either case, if f(x) = 0 the equation is called homogeneous,
otherwise inhomogeneous.
We can distinguish further between different types of integral equation by the
form of the integration limits a and b. If these limits are fixed constants then the
equation is called a Fredholm equation. If, however, the upper limit b = x (i.e. it
is variable) then the equation is called a Volterra equation; such an equation is
analogous to one with fixed limits but for which the kernel K(x, z) = 0 for z > x.
Finally, we note that any equation for which either (or both) of the integration
limits is infinite, or for which K(x, z) becomes infinite in the range of integration,
is called a singular integral equation.
23.3 Operator notation and the existence of solutions
There is a close correspondence between linear integral equations and the matrix
equations discussed in chapter 8. However, the former involve linear, integral relations between functions in an infinite-dimensional function space (see chapter 17),
whereas the latter specify linear relations among vectors in a finite-dimensional
vector space.
Since we are restricting our attention to linear integral equations, it will be
convenient to introduce the linear integral operator K, whose action on an
arbitrary function y is given by
K(x, z)y(z) dz.
Ky =
This is analogous to the introduction in chapters 16 and 17 of the notation L to
describe a linear differential operator. Furthermore, we may define the Hermitian
conjugate K† by
K ∗ (z, x)y(z) dz,
K† y =
where the asterisk denotes complex conjugation and we have reversed the order
of the arguments in the kernel.
It is clear from (23.5) that K is indeed linear. Moreover, since K operates on
the infinite-dimensional space of (reasonable) functions, we may make an obvious
analogy with matrix equations and consider the action of K on a function f as
that of a matrix on a column vector (both of infinite dimension).
When written in operator form, the integral equations discussed in the previous section resemble equations familiar from linear algebra. For example, the
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