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cv publications - Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
1982 The Reform of Fiction in Meiji Japan, Oxford Oriental Monographs No. 3 (Ithaca press, London), pp. v + 133.
1987 Japan, with P. Spry-Leverton (Michael O’Mara, London), pp. 192.
[Dutch translation published by Van Holkema & Warendorf in 1988; German translation published by VGS,
Köln, in 1989]
1991 Early Japanese Books in Cambridge University Library: A Catalogue of the Aston, Satow and von Siebold
Collections, with N. Hayashi (Cambridge University Press), pp. xx + 520.
1993 The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Japan, co-editor with Richard Bowring (Cambridge University Press), pp. 400.
1994 La bibliothèque japonaise de Léon de Rosny (Lille: Bibliothèque Municipale de Lille), pp. x + 93.
1996 Religion in Japan: arrows to heaven and earth, co-editor with I. J. McMullen (Cambridge University Press), pp.
xv + 318.
1996 Bibliography of Japanese history to 1912 (Faculty of Oriental Studies, Cambridge), pp. 91.
1998 The book in Japan: a cultural history from the beginnings to the nineteenth century (Leiden: E. J. Brill), pp.
xviii + 498 [paperback edition published by University of Hawai’i Press in 2001].
1998 Meiji Japan, editor, and author of introductory essay; (Routledge), 4 volumes, pp. xxxiii + 296 + 304 + 322 +
1999 Catalogue of the early Japanese books in the Russian State Library (Moscow: Pashkov Dom), pp. 143.
2001 Catalogue of the early Japanese books in the Pushkin State Museum of Arts, the State Museum of Oriental Art,
and the Russian State Library, with B. G. Voronova and A. Yusupova (Moscow: Pashkov Dom), pp. 144.
2002 The Iwakura Embassy 1871-73, volume IV Continental Europe 2, translated with introduction and notes
(Matsudo: The Japan Documents), pp. xxii + 440.
2004 Catalogue of the early Japanese books in the Russian State Library, vol. 2 (Moscow: RSL Centre for Oriental
Literature), pp. 87.
2008 Having difficulty with Chinese? The rise of the vernacular book in Japan, Korea and Vietnam, annotated text
version of the Sandars Lectures 2008, deposited in the BL and CUL and made available on the CUL website.
2010 The female as subject: Women and the book in Japan, edited with Mara Patessio and Gaye Rowley (Ann Arbor:
Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan), pp. x + 279.
2010 Catalogue of the Japanese coin collection (pre-Meiji) in the British Museum, compiled with Shin’ichi Sakuraki
and Helen Wang (London: British Museum Publications), pp. vi + 218.
2011 Catalogue of pre-modern Japanese maps held in the British Library (published as a pdf on the British Library
website and in book form for distribution), pp. vii + 110.
2011 F. V. Dickins’ letters to Ernest M. Satow, Kumagusu Minakata and others, transcribed, edited and annotated
with Haruko Iwakami (Tokyo: Edition Synapse), pp. xvii + 373.
2013 The history of the book in East Asia, edited with Cynthia Brokaw (Farnham: Ashgate); volume two of threevolume set ‘The history of the book in Asia’, of which I was the general editor.
1998- Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books in Europe, now partially loaded onto the website of the National
Institute for Japanese Literature (Kokubungaku Kenkyû Shiryôkan) in Tokyo; the database consists at present
(Jan. 2009) of 11,000 entries describing early Japanese books in European collections and is continually being
added to. Project initiated by Hayashi Nozomu and myself and maintained by me in Cambridge; launched in
1988 and supported by the Leverhulme Trust for four years from 1989–94 (£88,000), by the late Mr Shigeo
Sorimachi (£100,000) and by Apple Japan (computer hardware). (http://base1.nijl.ac.jp/~oushu/).
2000- Bibliography of Japanese history to 1912, revised edition loaded onto Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern
Studies website and kept constantly up to date (http://www.ames.cam.ac.uk/jbib/bibtitle.html)
1977 ‘Nishiki no Ura: an instance of censorship and the structure of a Sharebon’, Monumenta Nipponica 32:153–188
1980 ‘The publisher’s go-between: Kashihonya in the Meiji Period’, Modern Asian Studies 14:331–344
1980 ‘Some former kashihonya books in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies’, Bulletin of the
School of Oriental and African Studies 43:544–547
1980 ‘Some books from Japanese circulating libraries in the British Library’, British Library Journal 6:188–198
1981 ‘The survival of Tokugawa fiction in the Meiji period’, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 41:461–482
1982 ‘The Enmeiin affair of 1803: the spread of information in the Tokugawa period’, Harvard Journal of Asiatic
Studies 42:503–533
1984 ‘Disraeli and the Meiji novel’, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 44:29–55
1984 「貸本文化比較考」『人文学報』 57:37–57 [a study of the role of lending libraries in Japan; in the journal
Jinbun gakuhô]
pp.449–466 [a study of provincial publishing in Japan; in a book edited by Yoshida Mitsukuni]
1985 ‘Obiya Ihei, a Japanese provincial publisher’, British Library Journal 11:131–142
1986 「明治五年の和歌山博覧会とその周辺」『万国博覧会の研究』吉田光邦編(京都、思文閣出版),
pp.116–129 [a study of the 1872 exposition in Wakayama; in a book edited by Yoshida Mitsukuni]
1990 ‘Provincial publishing in the Tokugawa period’, in Yu-Ying Brown, ed., Japanese Studies, British Library
Occasional Papers 11 (London), pp.188–197
1991 ‘William George Aston (1841–1911)’, and ‘Ernest Mason Satow (1843–1929)’, in H. Cortazzi & G. Daniels,
ed., Britain and Japan 1859–1991: Themes and personalities (Routledge), pp.64–85. Aston piece reprinted as
the introduction to Collected works of W. G. Aston, 6 vols (Bristol: Ganesha/ Tokyo: Oxford University Press
Japan, 1997) 1: xii–xxv; both pieces translated into Japanese and included in 大山瑞代訳、『英国と日本』
(京都、思文閣出版, 1998), pp.107–46; both pieces included in H. Cortazzi, ed, 2004, British envoys to Japan,
1859-1972 (Folkestone: Globe Oriental, 2004), pp. 222-240
1992 「オーストラリアの博覧会におけるジャパン」『視覚の一九世紀』横山俊夫編 (京都、思文閣出版),
pp.183–206 [a study of the representation of Japan in the 19th-century Australian exhibitions; in a book edited
by Yokoyama Toshio]
1993 ‘European japanology at the end of the seventeenth century’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African
Studies 56:502–524
1993 ‘The Japanese Collection in the Bibliotheca Lindesiana’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 75.ii:209–300
1994 ‘Public display and changing values in nineteenth-century Japan: exhibitions in the early Meiji period and their
precursors’, Monumenta Nipponica 49:167–196
1994 ‘Japan at the Australian exhibitions, Australian Studies 8:15–60
1994 ‘The emergence of the printed book in Japan: a comparative approach’, in A. C. Milner & C. A. Gerstle, eds,
Recovering the Orient: artists, scholars, appropriations (Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers), pp. 229–243
Review article on Gardner’s Descriptive catalogue, in Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 55: 237–247
‘Japanese medical and other books at the Wellcome Institute’, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African
Studies 60: 489–510
1998 ‘Agriculture, food and famine in Japan’, in P. K. Fox, ed., Cambridge University Library: the great collections
(Cambridge University Press), pp. 107–117
1999 ‘Introduction’, Collected works of Frederick Victor Dickins, 5 vols (Bristol: Ganesha), 1: ix–xxxi (Japanese
translation of the introduction separately published by Edition Synapse, Tokyo)
1999 ‘Frederick Victor Dickins (1838-1915),’ in J. E. Hoare, ed., Britain and Japan: Biographical Portraits, vol. 3
(Folkestone: Japan Library, 1999), pp. 66-77
1999 ‘The exclusion of women from the imperial succession in modern Japan’, Asiatica Venetiana 4:133-152
2000 ‘Julius Klaproth and his works’, Monumenta Nipponica 55: 579-591
2001 ‘Overcoming the limitations of woodblock printing in Japan’, in J. Michon & J.-Y. Mollier, eds, Les mutations
du livre et de l’édition dans le monde du XVIIIe siècle à l’an 2000 (Laval, Quebec: Les Presses de l’Université
Laval), 392-8
2001 ‘Literacy reconsidered: a response to Richard Rubinger’, Monumenta Nipponica 56: 381-94
2001 ‘Le nationalisme et la construction d’une tradition philologique au Japon au XIXe siècle’, Luce Giard &
Christian Jacob, ed, Des Alexandries I: du livre au texte (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale), 483-91
2003 「寛政十年の近江国犬上郡東沼波村農民所蔵の書物に関する報告書「書物留帳」 ー 翻刻と解説」
『書籍文化史』 4: 1-12 [a study of a report on village ownership of books dated 1798]
2003 ‘Japanese medical books and illustrations’, in Nigel Allan, ed., Pearls of the Orient: Asian Treasures from the
Wellcome Library (London: Wellcome Institute), 194-209
2003 ‘Kamakura shogunate’ & ‘Muromachi shogunate’, in R. McKittterick, ed., Times Medieval World
(HarperCollins), 258-65
2004 'Block-printing in seventeenth-century Japan: evidence from a newly discovered medical text', in A. Gupta & S.
Chakravorty (eds), Print areas: book history in India (Delhi: Permament Black), pp. 227-241.
5-20 [on female readership of Chinese books in the early 17th century]
2004 Aston, William George’, ‘Dickins, Frederick Victor’, & ‘Tristram, Katherine’, in New Dictionary of National
Biography (Oxford University Press)
2004 ‘Collecting Japanese books in Europe from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries’, Bulletin of Portuguese/
Japanese studies 8: 21-38
刊), pp. 195-202 [on the publication of manuscripts in the Edo period]
2005 ‘Unsuitable books for women? Genji monogatari and Ise monogatari in seventeenth-century Japan’,
Monumenta Nipponica 60: 147-193
2005 ‘The publishing trade’, in A. R. Newland, ed, The Hotei Encyclopedia of Japanese woodblock prints (2 vols),
vol. 1, pp. 303-317; and entries on c50 publishers in the reference section in vol. 2 (Amsterdam: Hotei)
2005 「ヨーロッパ人による日本古銭と古銭書の収集 —江戸時代を中心として—」『出土銭貨』23 号,
pp. 23-34 [on the collection of Japanese coins and numismatic texts by Europeans prior to 1853]
2006 ‘Manuscript, not print: scribal culture in the Edo period’, Journal of Japanese Studies 32: 23-52
2006 ‘Les femmes lectrices dans le Japon du XVIIe siècle’, in C. Galan & J. Fijalkow, eds, Langues, lecture et école
au Japon (Arles: Editions Philippe Picquer), pp. 305-319
2007 ‘New books for old’ [review article], Monumenta Nipponica 62: 97-105
2007 ‘Japan, Korea, and Vietnam’, in A companion to the history of the book, ed. Simon Eliot & Jonathan Rose,
(Oxford: Blackwell), pp. 111-125
2007 ‘Marketing the Tale of Genji in seventeenth-century Japan’, in Simon Eliot, Andrew Nash & Ian Willison, eds,
Literary cultures and the material book (The British Library), pp. 65-75.
2007 「江戸時代の写本の可能性」『文学・語学』186 号、pp. 11-14 [on the roles played by manuscripts in the
book culture of the Edo period]
2008 ‘Books in the service of politics: Tokugawa Ieyasu as custodian of the books of Japan’, Journal of the Royal
Asiatic Society 18: 71-82
2008 ‘Ikeda Kikan and the textual tradition of the Tosa nikki: European influences on Japanese textual scholarship’,
Revue d’histoire des texts 3: 263-82
2009 ‘Storia del libro e storia del Giappone: donne, medicina, traduzioni’, in Adriana Boscaro, ed., Giornata di studio
sul Giappone e un ricordo di Fosco Maraini (Venice: AISTUGIA), pp. 9-29.
2009 ‘The Lesser learning for women and other texts for Vietnamese women: a bibliographical and comparative
study’ (with Nguyen Thi Oanh), International journal of Asian studies, 6: 147-69.
2009 ‘Narrative of a catastrophe: Musashi abumi and the Meireki fire’, Japan forum, 21: 347-361
2010 ‘The history of the book in Japan’, ‘Monastic libraries in Japan’, ‘Akitaya Ichibei’, ‘Eirakuya Tôshirô’,
‘Hachimonjiya Hachizaemon’, ‘Izumoji Bunjirô’, ‘Katsumura Jiemon’, ‘Kawachiya Mohei’, ‘Murakami
Kanbei’, ‘Obiya Ihei’ & ‘Suwaraya Mohei’, The Oxford companion to the book (Oxford University Press), pp.
375-85, etc
2010 ‘The latter days of Genji’ (with Rebekah Clements), Monumenta Nipponica 64: 363-372
2010 ‘Women, education, and literacy’, in The female as subject: Women and the book in Japan, edited by PFK,
Mara Patessio and Gaye Rowley (Ann Arbor: Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan), pp. 7-37.
2010 ‘General Sir Ian Hamilton and the Russo-Japanese War’, in Hugh Cortazzi, ed., Britain and Japan:
Biographical Portraits, vol. 7 (Folkestone: Global Oriental), pp. 162-78.
2010 ‘Carmen Blacker and the study of Japanese religion’, in Hugh Cortazzi, ed., Britain and Japan: Biographical
Portraits, vol. 7 (Folkestone: Global Oriental), pp. 216-29.
2010 ‘A note on Sino-Japanese: a question of terminology’, Sino-Japanese Studies 17: 1-17
2010 ‘Nữ tiều học và các sách nữ huấn của Việt Nam – dưới góc nhìn của thư chí học so sánh’, with Nguyen Thi
Oanh, Tạp chí hán nôm 103: 23-36 [an adapted version for Vietnamese readers of the article published in the
International journal of Asian studies in 2009]
2010 ‘European interest in Japanese coins before 1853’, in Catalogue of the Japanese coin collection (pre-Meiji) in
the British Museum, edited with Shin’ichi Sakuraki and Helen Wang (London: British Museum Publications),
pp. 27-32.
2011 ‘A transnational approach to East Asian book history’, in Swapan Chakravorty and Abhijit Gupta, eds, New
word order: transnational themes in book history (Delhi: Worldview), pp. 65-79.
2012 ‘The Hyakumantō Darani and the origins of printing in eighth-century Japan’, International Journal of Asian
Studies 9: 1-28
2012 ‘Towards a history of the Tangut book: some recent publications’, East Asian Publishing and society 2:83-91.
2012 ‘Il Buddhismo, la lingua e il Giappone’, in Clara Bulfoni, ed., Tradizioni religiose e trasformazioni sociali
dell’Asia contemporanea (Milan: Biblioteca Ambrosiana/Bulzoni Editore) 315-322.
2013 ‘Korean books in Japan: from the 1590s to the end of the Edo period’, Journal of the American Oriental Society
133: 71-92.
2013 ‘Hayashi Razan’s vernacular translations and commentaries’, in Lawrence Wong, ed., Towards a History of
Translating: In Celebration of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong: CUHK), pp. 000-000.
2013 ‘Carmen Elizabeth Blacker’, in New Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford University Press)
‘The role of non-commercial editions in the diffusion of Chinese texts in East Asia’, in Michela Bussotti and
Jean-Pierre Drège, eds, Imprimer autrement: le livre non commercial dans la Chine impériale (Paris: EFEO),
pp. 000-000.
‘From Liuyu yanyi to Rikuyu engi: turning a vernacular Chinese text into a moral textbook in Edo-period Japan’,
in Annick Horiuchi and Matthias Hayek, eds, (Paris: EFEO), pp. 000-000.
‘Presenting the Great Learning to the public in Edo-period Japan’, in Ann Cheng, ed., The Great Learning in
East Asia (Paris, Collège de France), pp. 000-000.
‘The vernacularization of Buddhist texts: from the Tangut empire to Japan’, in Elman book, pp. 000-000.
‘Recent work on the history of the book in Japan’, in Jaarboek voor Nederlandse boekgeschiedenis 2013 (), pp.
1977 ‘Ozaki Kôyô and Edo Fiction’, Transactions of the International Conference of Orientalists in Japan 22:110–118
1979 「貸本屋に反対する一つの声」『貸本文化』 7:6–7
1980 「金色夜叉私論」『日本文学』 29.ix:60–63
1981 ‘Mori Ogai’, ‘Natsume Sôseki’, and ‘Tanizaki Junichirô’ in J. Wintle, ed., Makers of Modern Culture (Routledge
and Kegan Paul)
1981 ‘Notes on the Reception of Disraeli in Japan’, Newsletter of the Disraeli Project 6:3–12
1982 ‘Kyokutei Bakin’ and ‘Saigô Takamori’, in J. Wintle, ed., Makers of Nineteenth-Century Culture (Routledge and
Kegan Paul)
1983 「京都の貸本屋のいくつか」『京古本屋往来』 22:2–3
1985 ‘Printing in Japan, from the Eighth Century to the Nineteenth Century’, Cambridge Review 106:70–73
1989 ‘Broadsheets in the Tokugawa Period’, Proceedings of the Japan Society 112:56–63
1990 ‘A Union Catalog of Early Japanese Books in Europe’, Japan Foundation Newsletter 17.4:422–423
1990 ‘Collecting Japanese Books in Modern Europe’, Bulletin of the Friends of Cambridge University Library 11:19–
1991 ‘Исторический обзор японоведения в Великобритании’, in И.И.Коваленко, ed., Япония1989 Ежегодник
(Moscow, Nauka), pp. 291–297
思文閣出版), pp. 141–145
1995 ‘The Union Catalogue of Early Japanese Books in Europe: history and progress’, Committee on East Asian
Libraries Bulletin 105: 22–27
1998 Ten articles on Japanese history for the Encarta Encyclopedia 1998
2000 「人文学の用語の国際化」、横山俊夫・小林博行編『人文学の新時代 — 現代自然科学との対話をも
とめて』(京都、京都大学人文科学研究所), pp. 73–86
2001 ‘History (Pre-modern)’, in Richard Bowring & Noel J. Pinnington, eds, Teaching about Japan in Japan: a
handbook of approaches to teaching about Japan to non-Japanese students (Fukuoka: Kyushu University
Press), pp. 33-48
2001 Contribution to Hugh Cortazzi, ed., Japan experiences: fifty years, one hundred views; post-war Japan through
British eyes (Richmond: Japan Library), pp. 194-8
‘Treatment of club foot in nineteenth century in Europe and Japan’, with K. M. N. Kunzru, Medicine Chirurgie
de Pied 17: 35-37
2002 Articles on ‘Fukuchi Gen’ichirô’, ‘Japan 1600-1890’, “Kabuki’, Meiroku zasshi’, Santô Kyôden’, ‘Shunsui’, &
‘Utamaro’, in Derek Jones, ed., Censorship: a world encyclopedia, 4 vols (London: Fitzroy & Dearborn)
2004 ‘Eric Bertrand Ceadel, 1921-79: Japanese studies at Cambridge’, in H. Cortazzi, ed., Japan biographical
portraits vol 5, pp. 337-343
2006 ‘SHARP Kolkata 2006’, SHARP news 15.2/3: 1-2
2008 ‘Introduction’, in Carmen Blacker, trans., The straw sandal, or the scroll of the hundred crabs, by Santo
Kyoden (Folkestone: Global Oriental), pp. xiii-xviii
1979 Review of Dilworth and Rimer, The Incident at Sakai and Other Stories and Saiki Koi, in Asian Studies
Association of Australia Review 2.iii:128–129
1980 Review of Nakamura, Kinsei shuppanhô no kenkyû, in Asian Studies Association of Australia Review 3.iii:77–
1982 Review of Edgren, Catalogue of the Nordenskiöld Collection, in Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 42:334–
1983 Review of Danly, In the Shade of Spring Leaves, in Journal of Japanese Studies 9:353–356
1986 Review of May, Die Kommerzialisierung der japanischen Literatur in der späten Edo Zeit, in Journal of
Japanese Studies 12:412–417
1987 Review of Forrer, Eirakuya Tôshirô in Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 47:689–696
1987 Review of Wenck, Japanische Parodie, in Monumenta Nipponica 42:357–358
1988 Review of Leutner, Shikitei Sanba, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 51:176
1988 Review of Schönbein, Das Kibyôshi, in Monumenta Nipponica 43:235–236
1989 Review of Hillier, The Art of the Japanese Book, in Monumenta Nipponica, 44: 253–256
1990 Review of Rosenstone, A Mirror in the Shrine, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
1991 Review of Schalow, The Great Mirror of Male Love, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
1992 Review of Getreuer, Verzeichnis des deutschsprachigen Japan-Schrifttums and other works, in Japan Forum
1993 Review of Massarella, A World Elsewhere, and Adami, Eine schwerige Nachbarschaft, in The Historical
Journal 36:754–756
1993 Review of Tsuboi & Tanaka, The Historic City of Nara, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African
Studies 56:623–624
1993 Review of Mass, Antiquity and Anachronism, and Tonomura, Community and Commerce, in History 78:277–
1995 ‘The craft of charts’, a review of Harley and Woodward, The history of Cartography, in Times Literary
Supplement, 1 September 1995
1996 Review of Fogel, The cultural dimension of Sino-Japanese relations: essays on the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries, in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 6:462–3
Review of Kerlen, Catalogue of pre-Meiji Japanese books and maps in public collections in the Netherlands, in
Monumenta Nipponica 52:126–8
Review of Fujitani, Splendid monarchy, in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 7:500–502
Review of Kracht, Japanese thought in the Tokugawa era, in Monumenta Nipponica 56: 437-8
Review of Walthall, Matsui Taseko and the Meiji Restoration, in Modern Asian Studies 36: 503-6
‘Not as easy as ABC’, a review of Fischer, History of writing, in Times Literary Supplement, 15 March, p. 32
Review of Kohsaka & Laube, Informationssystems, in Monumenta Nipponica 57:96-99
Review of Galan, L’enseignement de la lecture, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African 65: 70-72
Review of Cambridge history of Japan, vol. 2, Japan Foundation newsletter 29.2: 17-18
Review of Miller, Adaptations of Western literature, in Monumenta Nipponica 57: 392-3
Review of Yonemoto, Mapping early modern Japan, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
67: 289-90
Review of Huffman, House: Yankee in Japan, in Journal of Asian Studies 63: 798-9
Review of Köhn, Berichte über Gesehenes und Gehörtes aus der Ansei-Zeit, May et al., Edo bunko and May et
al., Das “Ehon Muro no Yashima”, in Monumenta Nipponica 59: 416-418
Review of Mertz, Novel Japan, in Journal of Japanese Studies 31: 502-5
Review of Brokaw and Chow, eds., Printing and book culture in late imperial China, in China Review
International 12: 377-380
Review of Howell, Geographies of identity in nineteenth-century Japan, in Asian affairs 37: 135-7
Review of Screech, Japan extolled and decried, in Asian affairs 37: 137-9
Review of Screech, Secret memoirs of the Shoguns, in Asian affairs 37: 292-293
Review of Formanek and Linhart, Written texts – visual texts, in SHARP news 15.2/3: 16-17
Review of Berry, Japan in print, in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 17: 224-5
Review of Keyes, Ehon: the artist and the book in Japan, in Journal of Japanese Studies34: 205-7
Review of recent publications on Japanese book history, SHARP news 16.3: 11-12
Review of Brokaw, Commerce in culture, in Library review 57: 79-81
Review of Barrett, The woman who discovered printing, in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 19:275-6
Review of JaHyun Kim-Haboush, ed, Epistolary Korea, in East Asian publishing and society 1: 103-4
Review of Lukacs, Extensive marginalia in old Japanese medical books, in East Asian publishing and society 1:
Review of Wigen, A Malleable Map: Geographies of Restoration in Central Japan, 1600-1912, in Reviews in
History http://www.history.ac.uk/reviews/review/1113
1984 Seventy-Seven Keys to Japan, edited by Umesao Tadao (Osaka)
1985 Tales of the Old Tôdaiji (edited and published by the Tôdaiji, Nara)
Fly UP