- 構造地質部会
º ./ » 3῎,* ,**+ Structural Geology, No. ./, 3῎,*, ,**+ ῌ Some Considerations on the Research History of the Paleo-Ryoke Belt (+) Ichikawa’s Paleo-Ryoke Belt *ῌ** Ikuo Hara* and Takami Miyamoto** Abstract : The Paleo-Ryoke Belt as a continent, which was first proposed by Ichikawa (+31* in a viewpoint of geosynclinal orogeny, +32+ in a viewpoint of plate tectonics), is now considered to be placed along the Median Tectonic Line in Southwest Japan and to have been amalgamated with the original constituents of the Ryoke belt (accretionary complexes developed in front of the Hida continent) in early Cretaceous. Some tectonic models for its reconstruction have been proposed by many authors, now being in hot dispute. This paper investigates how the di#erence between two tectonic models, Model I proposed by Takagi & Shibata (+330, ,***) and Model II proposed by Hara et al. (+33*a, +33+, +33,) and Miyamoto & Hara (+330), is related with their understanding of Ichikawa’s papers. Key words : Paleo-Ryoke Belt, tectonic model, research history, Ichikawa’s papers ῌ ,*** !" #$ῌ%ῌ& ' ,*** ( ) * + , - . MTL /( 0123456789+:; <<= 39>?: <+9/@ABC:; < , D@E FGE 4DH7 I + DJ@KE7L1<(M =NOPQ8:<( <2RS4TUV @WXV<Y6: + DZ=NV; <W[4LH7A\:H? + D< ] 012345V@"^XV=]Y 1 39( _`= abc ,*** = , Ddefghi>(j *+:@"^C7 2kl4TUV @mXV<4C:HnP<=N6:; , ,**+ - ª , «(; ,**+ . ª ,3 «; * ¬®¯° OYO CORPORATION., -῎+῎-*, Minaga, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima, 1-+῎/+,., Japan ** ±&©©²2³´)µ¶}·¸¹ Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, +῎-῎+ Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, 1-3῎2/,0, Japan DdefPo + D] ῌp d ef defῌ ; ῌp +330 =Nq H?r D]39 def def῍ ; Hara et al., +33*a, +33, ; sbc +33+ ; aῌs +330 =NV; HPn] t +31*uvwx Ichikawa +32+uyz{|ῌ}~|~ 4 5V>=NV( W4LH7 + D4] < +9tE( , Ddef Y67 U+:5P4\:=NV; <: 4LH7] ῌp +330 ,*** 39 45V tE@XV<Y6 :; "XV , D defC7N9U+: @E FGY@QC N 9:7FG@EC 39>?:! EE(7=Yc6:<@C:nU Y+Y9YH; 4qh=A\V< ]Y=Nq 394]4Y= NV<@QC:; ?: S῍/S 4LH74P<=] C 7}~|4LVJ ¡4¢UYH £]! "# +33. 5q iHP<@Q *¤:; ?: }~|4"XV¥¦ C7 §<$ Miller +321 u ¨% ῌ ©& ' ¼ 9 ¼ º »bῌ¨Zc ,*** Miller !"#$%&'!( )#* +,-./0! 11 1 2/340+! ῌ 56ῌ7 8+330 9:; 1+<=4"# !> ?@1+A(B/CC04 @D "B/E-/@1+ ! 6ῌ7 8+330 9:; F4* G<H I!A JKF !,A 6ῌ7 8,*** 9:;* +/G,#'/"4 /0! 1 , L<D῍ * MB/N ῍"B/E- ! 6ῌ7 9:+0##AOP$Q +30* % & P ' ῍ !* + / ( ) 8+30- + Ichikawa 8+30. *R/0! / () 8+30- :S+T,U)A MTL "V-. W/)A0XC01+ < Y12T,Z[:0X3 * 4'/ Ichikawa 8+30. Y12Z[ <B/0X/0+3!\]#: 56^7+ _2 8+31* # .8`N \]9: 8Missing Ryoke segment +abc* +d0/0! / < L0/ 9>(B e Y1 2 8fg:hij T,Z[0X ! ;kCl<m= >nm=<C!ojpA +32* % &?qr)<@s0At!"#CV u c\]/0C0v 9:BA<L L(!* / . %e 6ῌ7 8,*** 9 :TnCD :Tnm=56^7+ /C@ +Ew#F !+ * !"#CB _2 8+31* 9: 1[Gx'/0!#y (@, :^7)3/0* +z/0! 1 { 6ῌ7 8,*** "!9:; :+Y12|T,} ~XY12 Z ῌ ῌH)<I/0C0 8< J\]/0C0 9:* ( ! 1"#_2 8+31* 6ῌ7 8+330 A 9: CC+,A ~XY 12ZK !Cl<m=ῌ6S>n m=n(B C1+(B <,C0 +d@1+C! VL/q 6ῌ7 8,*** A Y12 Z[<B/0X/0+3!\]# * +0##< /0!<(! M"q 9:\]!T Y12 Zῌῌ* (! 11+ 9:A~X Y12Z!1+N ,(! Ichikawa 8+30. _2 8+31* 1"#C \] #* 9:* +abc 1"#ab c 1#_2:^7)+< (!+#(! () 8+30- D< 1"#CH6_2 8+31* D!+ 4!+ q Y12Z0X /0#y$A0 () 8+30- < 3 _2 8+31* W 8Y12 < 3"B/+0#1+C)#< 11+ 6ῌ7 8,*** sN (! : 9:TnCD :Tnm=5 6^7+/C@ +Ew#F +/0! AB/ OP9:9 :PQ :^7)(!0: R 8+qS +33+ +/z' 04 T-CQU!AV0* < 4/#,C@ 9: _2 8+31* W¡X(V _2¢£z C'qCC0 9:+0##AOP$Q +30* %&P'῍!* +/ () 8+30- + Ichikawa 8+30. ¤_2 8+31* D !<¥V 9 : 6ῌ7 8+330 ,*** "!ZE" #CH6¦0/z !1+§Y()# ¨ ZJ< 8,*** 6ῌ7"![ 8e.g. 6ῌ7 +330 9:©ª« 9 :P MTL ¬B/\/#y(! +0#]WAC(!"#!* +^ /0! 1 Y12_A@Z T, Z[(! MR ®¯ ῌ ῌ* \]+0 # 6ῌ7 8+330 ,*** "! _2 8+31* 9: 8MR H6°(! < _ 2 9:;1 + ±² Xd</0C0 ./³´µ ´¶·X+`A 1 9:* +0#X &<B/d</0! ; !"#d< /0! XA±2` ./N "#d </0!(! 1 () 8+30- : W^7)¸ !H L0_2 8+31* +32, Ichikawa 8+32+ 9: ;H+!1+"# ¼ 10 ¼ () 8+30- ῌ :>nm¦"¹1a# ./ » (CD¸M¹º9 ῌ ῎ ῎ !"# ῏ $%&'( )῍ !῎! "*# + ,-. /0#1 ῎$ 23 %῎%#&',(4 . 56!7(1. &)*4+,+ #78-.9:7 ;< /0=172>,-?. 3. 4 56@. 78 A+3/3B. Miyashiro A+30+B. 9 : A+30+B &CDE;FG# < #. =HIJ&K" 0>;<, /0?L῍ @AMNO ;< PB>C)QR&K ῍PB&S)DETU῍MTL FG VHO8-;<I. WX5 A+31*B /Y ZI magma front 0#4+; <+ [\# 7U. 78 A+3/3B. Miyashiro A+30+B. 9: A+30+B ῍/0?2=1" #. Suwa A+30+B ῍CD&]J M^K. /0 A+30-B ?6_L"U 7;< /0!7. 45=(4`Ka. 4 5& /',(4. 56!7( 1+ 7. Miyashiro A+30+B 4 5bc5S;PBZILN d. "e"&?=4+;f G^K7 9M7,-;<2K ;gNh\i . /0 A+30-B j&K "VH;< /7:O(P',W0 #QRklK < OSmTnWnUon;<VW pG"#+ Xaq. MYr45;. Z[ le.&\-#7 Ae.g. ]^s,. +3/-B /0 A+30-B . -t# ?u#"#. (v/0VH,-?. 45(e.&FGw& ="PBῌb]x. /09: 7;y0=x;"# ;",2K, z_" `;<. an. bc5S#Kcb A{|B }~ &K" /',(4+ #KM"# ,;< ,-;< /0. ]^s, A+3/-B E= 1"#6cd" 9:-7 eTP FGf&Sf. g %*bc(h98-"a . /',(4+ #KMhi. /0" U7jk%#6@l8-.< ?. 45,-(PBῌb] !;& ASB t# m nd;<2K "-?. /0#K y0,o,d,-; < /0 A+30-B y0FG9: 7?L῍?L῏. jD,-O;< . <!;Ojdp. >C &I)D!;HU#"*?"-"# ^K7O;< , t?L,-?. qr-dsO;<2K . btῌ: A,***B . //0 A+30-B . ]J0 MTL &IuVG. *0"# ,-. 45=(4 vW7+ # ,-O6@ G . /0?L῎?6; ,". ?L῍?L῏,-?Und 8O;"# /0?2w=. <!; Oy0^K;<U7 ?L ῎ . j?6?6x8-.. ;y=?L῎z VG7{ l&K"4+< ,. W\ `K\iq`;<2K =|`}. ~ =|`&K#,". } ¡! . -#@ &KN &U-O;< . ,U¢ =|``N7O£G&K 7. M ¤N . l¥I}HP,-l ¥I}¦;< /0?L῎ &K "O;<2K /0 A+30-B §W. y0o< , ¨A"U7 MTL ©4 AªB Ot«¬dV G7#K®,-?. YHo,. 4 7y0¯Z<d;< y0°ῌG#?. YH%# . ±IG-7y0²4<U7 &J;<,^W"*?"-"# !7h"*?"-"# . y 0. lO;< O. )Q0³17 Q&¯Z 8-.O< ;< 7. S)Q)῍´ µi< 2;< V=*?. aD ¶Nnd. @AM2 ·;<U7 ,. ;@A"O. < !;OSW MTL K4;< SW MTL K4. z_ ¼ 11 ¼ g ºῌ» +31* Ichikawa +32+ ! ,*** "#$%& ' (ῌ)*+ , -! +32, +32. . / 0,1 "2 34!, 5, +31* / "2 34!,/ . 6 !7 8* +31* +32, Ichikawa +32+ !῎ 9 + ῌ +31* ""῏#$:;<= >! +,,** m.y. *? @%( +303 &> detrital zircon A "῏ +,.3m.y. Ishizaka & Yamaguchi, +303 +,12, m.y. 'B +303 ()-C*5 + DE FG5HI,J0KL --M,/ .N/O0-1; PQRST*UV2W*?JLMXY Z [\34]356[ #7*8K "^_2 ` Paleotectonic a9 b&&T4cd4:9;: e, Missing Ryoke segment 7 MR -<fN=_,/ >?ῌg @ +30, --M, "Ah:Bi῍> jkC$l- m/ "MR =_*nDJ op/ ".N/EFGqG HGA< 3+ῌr+ *UVI sJtGq!,/ .N/O 04"῏!, + A<!, ! , +32+ Ku0 : "The clastic material was supplied both from the northern and the southern sources in the former basin (Mino-Tamba basin) and at least from the south (Kurosegawa unit) in the latter basin (Northern Chichibu belt)/ Ichikawa +32+ LLL MῌNvwxPOywz PaleoRyoke belt ! LMῌNi῍Pywz 1;PQRSTQRK9*?JST{ e.g. Shibata et al., +31+ ; Shibata & Adachi, +31,, +31. ! +31* K9UVK|W*XY,YZ !, Z[No\-]YM, Adachi +310 L}~$ + A^*9 LMῌNi῍Pywz-_OO!F ^_!,DA`OF ywz -!L*, +32, , "LM ῌ N3 9Mz bwῌabFcdPe* ,M,a/f $ Kano +313 ; gh +32, . M` wy<SS./ | *iD, +31* 7MJ j8 |JFY-k! ZL ^_ 2 34!,* D +31* ", Paleotectonic a9.#lm^_2 # $ >n MR KFL, - .#l Mesotectonic age m4]35 T:F 2 Oop< 3 4! MR qr ῌ ῌ5, Ichikawa, +30., p. 3-ῌ3. / +31* 7 KFL,2 #$g>n 4] 35_OG8 LL ,4]35_OG -L*6 "2 #$ >n MR KFL,/ J s Miyashiro +30+ 2 #$>pJ{3-t 5, ! ua -v¡,¢£¤ £zN/r +31* 7M w9 x KF¥,2 #$>g> N/O04_f/¦§¨y8© F z{| LMῌNN/O0! LL ( +31* -ª«, "+}3T~E/ k! +31* "Mesotectonic a9 )¬®wG ¯M z!,/ Minato et al. +30/ * +31* $%& j7 -M KF¥,2 #$>g> MR MTL 5,O` A LMῌN-N /O0 ! MTL O` "2 O-<,/ ,Y "34! MR qr ῌ ῌ5/ e,°±-! LL ^_2 ²J>| T~J³|´ >nῌµ¶#$>n -,Yv¡5,{M +31* · |r2 S>*YJ²J>|=_M, L! e.g. %( +3/- ; ¸( +30- LMA¹JLG ¼ 12 ¼ qF8 ./ ] %&¸¹"1$º»xy ῌ +31* ! "# $"%& MR ' ()* ' ( +,-,.) / 0"' 12 +34$ 5 6' +,- (+7)- Seki' +3/2 +3/3 89:"; ' 1<= ">12?"' @,AB !,CD* ;' > !EF"# $ @ +31* "- ' GH 5 ' $II,%&' ( +,J%&- KL MNOPQRNS)">T UQRNSV* W+XYZN">- &[,-\].^) '/_' -\]`0a, QRNS b_1"#' c02)3 4-\],QRNS5H'V*W+6 7d 89' +33. >+ 6' :1 +30- @ +31* 6' GH ef; <+gh i)j' &kl=1e%&+)3' > "* A)",>?6V*+,J* m n4nT)- @oAB"C D$EDpqF(rq' G[[stu ";nvw Hrq6xyzI/J" ' MRῌ%&'1{V*6' @ +31* KI|-L"; !E,$ T' c+GH)cf; ῌv} ~ X8 Xp "J ? M$6N6 ῌ ῌΐῑῐ῎῍ ῏ῒ @ +31* 6"; Key words *,' + O +P' , PQ"H* % &' - P* %&#"RS ) ! ' . & (' / QqFT @U)$ T' %&4 Key words ῌ' ῍' ῎ .nV @"; ' Eocene 'W6xX' Key words ῏ ῐ 6Y#' &ZW+"> MTL RSvw * H">%&6"-U 6Jn) Late Cretaceous ". MTL R S"[$%&6' Eocene &("J ' @ +31* \+]! * [> ῒ^ῒ_`ab6& ! %I)c) e.g. Kojima, +3/- @ +31* qF)F 2)6' UQ&Jd magma front G HQqFT# d * ' d +' e>@fg("c RS"CD* Uhi Mesozoic shear zoned Benioff zone d">U* j k' Late Cretaceous "; ' MTL >lS 6 R' RS6 MR \ R ' Pc_`ῒ^ab6' Q&J d m"ZW++mn& MR ' ' Q&Jd"nZW+ +o1V* P jk' MR Q&Jd6¡>A Permian¢Triassic "' >@* [H$ vpῌ£q ,*** ¤>"r : U% &q67' &q <R\l=* I' c)s¥"t$x¦) *6- ' %%&e%&@ou v' &l=1&P ¦ Tw2' +33+ * §E+mne$4' `x yuv+z¦6{*d 5 |¨J6&q ,| 6©!} **' ª«¬« )"*>"' @ +31* ' % & MR ' Q&Jd"' magma front E®>RS' *6- MTL > RS' &q6765" ' 56&l=1" )' 5c6&+ l=1" *6- ' vpῌ£q ,*** b)"\",~' nT) **' 5& l=1+V*$,- ' <¯ .nEn,°± ,G $zI,,I * "' @ +31* U % & d MR Ud "6 ,* Ud 6' UQqFTC&" >' S'"H*' qF'"#" MR ῌ²ῌd .n">,+ ³$>"$T' MR MTL RS"´ 8 ' vp ῌ £q +330' ,*** ">@ +31* %&[\ vpῌ£q ,*** ¤" : U &µ"qF'"¶' GH H ῌ ²ῌ mB1"*,* **' ·K" %&d [\6' %&ῑ"N6- ¼ 13 ¼ , º¹ῌ»5ºd !" : #+31*$ #$ % MTL MR &'(")*+,+ -.+/)0 1 #+31* *$ 2!"#3$% 4+5 &'( shear zone 6)7 08(*0&'9+:1,;-. /001 #cf. Miyashiro +301$ 10<23456=>?@A+ 7BC07'DEFG89 HI7J0 :; #Matsumoto +302 ; 6<K +303 ; Ozima et al., +301 B L$ M N O = magma front PQRS>?-@ 0 AT )NO=BUH)UC V&WD MR X" EY )) MR " ) #+31*$ MTL C3 R 0Z #+31*$ F G [ CVH )B5 [CVH 7\70 IJ9]^ K_ #+33* +33+$ 7LMU ))0 )N` %abῐOS>?cPCVH0! C3 [CVH0dQ῍e4RSf9 dT῍UV0BU #K_ +33* +33+ ; ,K +33+ ; Hara et al., +33,$ ,ῌ ΐ῍ῑῌῐ῎ῑῒ῎῏ gWῌXY #+330$ h i % MTL 5jZ[\!k7]^B_ ` + J UC52lmBaH b0cdM)cd nopF eqrqH%fCVH0*HfagBhi s=^jt!(% #k^ +31* ; Takagi +320$ 0AT #+31*$ [CVH Z.l9B mun>_opqh97B ))0 qv #+31,$ Yῌr s #+31-$ 9wtu #+32*$ 45vwS> xx y1z{xx῎qy)0 #, +33- |z$ : k^ Yῌrs * H5 [{`5|munhU q^ 0AT qv}H9~H +N_}~EF8 0AT #+31*$ n opFeqrqH%fCVH0*H 0 xx.-@B #+31*$ CVH0*Ha H0dQB CVH0Ha H0 ῐ}ῐH wtu #+32*$ S > +32* ῏ 3eqr qU5! 0dQ! BU nopFῌFopq U[CVH"BU +32+ z #Ichikawa +32+$ )) [CVH ῐ}ῐH mun9 ῐ } ῐ H #[CV $ 0 mun>_9nopFῌF N mun0$m Ichikawa #+32+$ #+32,$ 0U B% 0 [CVH^0! ῌ ῐ}ῐ H 3p7)0 ῍ ῌ}H3THI0q9pFῌ m879[n5 #Kano +313 ; +32, BL$ B9'p @pF BL ῎ g+0 *+5 ¡nopFeqrq Sf ¢Q ῏ £¤¥*HHI¡ῌ 89BB)0U [CVH ῏H p7Jῐ}ῐH #[CV $ )[CV 3 9nopFeqrq1BU* +5!07 #+32,$ [CV ῐ}ῐ H &eqr¢ MTL 1¦?BC 1§¨g£ ¨¥0G! ©N0U MTL ¤iª@¥¦"¨¥U #Ichikawa +32*$ gW:IJ90U7LMU #e.g. ,K +311a +311b ; Hara et al., +32* ; Takagi +320$ ῍YBq CVH3§¨©n0 MTL 5 «£ª@ª¬! , +32* Ii{ ®«ῐ*¬$CVH*H ¯mH °®±+K¯+" ª@.+ d° $²1S>³± ´©)0µ #$² +320 +321 +323 +33* ; Sakakibara et al., +323 ; ῍,K +33*$ U MTL 7 &eqr²° MR .¶ ) Ichikawa #+32+$ #+32,$ [CV ³´G #+31*$ 10LM #+32,$ % MTL CV&WDK¯3§µ ¨¥ *H MR D¶Dῌ·p FoE¸ 1* CV&W D9·[CV '.0¹¸70 MR 0Z! R #CVH$ 0Z!B 1 #+31*$ 10LM MTL ¼ 14 ¼ Y_ ./ » ]^¬?ºPQ ῌ MR Ichikawa +32+ +32, ! "#῍῍῍ $%&'()' *+, -&./0-& .!12 ; Ichikawa +33* ; Mizutani +33* (")#34$ 5ῌ5%&'6 7$ 89: ; < )(=(>(4$ )*> ?@)'A$ MTL +,B('6 .- ./C$ 0D +33* +33+ EF +33+ Hara et al. +33, 12 - +31* 3G45 Ichikawa +32+ +32, HI6JKL5ῌM7 5A(N >O 89:)PQ ( RS7$ 89:O )PTU V WX; ῌ Y<; Z[ +32* "\=89 ]^ _>??@T> +32, @ MRῌI?@AB; CG?@ HI6J KL5ῌM75I5?@ MRῌ IAB;CG?@(V `(' V 'PT >7 $ aDE VbF V HI6JKL5ῌM75 I5?@ MRῌIAB;CG ?@`(' V '6GH IcB< (<Jd K )Le$ fg!M' e>F bF >hi fg! M(>(7 !jHbF> Ichikawa +32+ +32, 8 9 : kEarly /Middle Jurassicl mn opqNereO< ( PI 5s)QRS!12stT '6G(>( +32, U)6 e$ : k*+,-ῌVW=uXY SmZ[v[\] wῌ^_uXY xy 3uXY[m+\z{|p },}q~:s QRSY`2s vab F +32+ @ Ichikawa +32+ c tdef{no }s Ivab.?Ig>( V QRSvabF46( 7$l V k0-efh+ij klms)e . ;n)>(l /C Matsuda and Uyeda +31+ n)>' I>Oklm6G( n( $>ofp' ( V qr"stuTvw '>( -=#xyB( I5z[klm&6 &. { z{῍+pz{|") kI&[}~n5 n p " V ,*Ma +33* "Z> Hara et al., +33*a, +33, nopqῌ q }((T +32, B( !1n2 i῍ Uemura and Yokota, +32+ ; V Hara +32, ; IRGS +32+ ; QR +32+ F +32+ ) + A¡) ¢( £)s!1 ¤n2¥;> ` A(Ig¢> T; "#῍῍῍B( |¦ A £) , !1n +32- " § +32* B=45 Ichikawa +32+ +32, B('!12 >B<¨ Seely et al. +31. Coney et al. +32* >©)P> 89:;>'OZ>(Ic Y_f1T qª|4t qr"st !1n2 ) ¥;>':O]^9g« V >Fe)PT +32* "\= +32* "\= Ichikawa +32+ +32, J¬Vd25I 5s?unopqNereS, m QRS!12s+, uXmnopqNere k0-efh+mijklms )el ($U)U> V ®) ¯F ,*** °6 $ : k¡¢ +32- I῍±²£66 M75³:´-qr")($g « EF +321 µ¤D῍¥¶DY·I῍ ±²£6*+,-!16¦# +32. .J¬5 § +320 ³:´-! 1)'6 QRSQR+!1 2;nf e.g. F +32+ ; ¨©F +32- ; Yao +32. ; | +32/ ; ª¸ +32. u Xnf # +312 ; «¹F ¼ 15 ¼ »ῌ®| +313 ; ῌ +32. ῌ +0* Ma ῌ +321 !"#$% &'(+ )* & #$%+ ,-. #/01!234$356 7$% +321 8 &#$ %9#+,-:;4 & <=#$%*8> ?@ A* >B CDE 4FG HIHJ@!KL+ ,-M'?N3#O!$%/ 6 " : #$P%8 >B!QR A# 8&'3' B(S῍T)!*)/%+, 8?N3῍)/%U-VW8N36 A 3X +321 8 >B#B(S #Y./Z%8/ ' Hara et al. +33*a [8 >B!&*#\] A* !(S#!῍^2#QR%/36 MTL _`aῌ091bU-B(SY. 23'/#QR%/34[? 6 TB(S !U? 2#QR J0N38 4c +33* 56$%4[?@ +33+ 7bd[ +33+ Hara et al. +33, !*/%[ ?N36 A3X Hara et al. +33, !*[8 ( S#!῍^*! & ῌ B(S* eKῌ* #\fg[? 6 AA[89A#8 +32* 7h:8 ;i<[ 8? #$%2 j!=kglmB(S e ' HIfg* #n> -9Yo῍MR ῌ῍!?R@3A# pA'QR4Z J0N%/3B [ T +31* +32, Ichikawa +32+ q#8; krsN%/3A#[? 6 7Z8t3 C +30- uDD5 #/0vE wF eGx#8Hrs yIU-9-JK!L R@ 2z?N3#v0A#[2? 6 7Z8 + ) 8 *#7MNM{Z ,-' : ;!2)M[=Z #v0A#[?|0# +321 8QR A#'&'3A#[? 6 A 3X }~O}W ,} ,}&9w }&9ῌ#/0PG 9!QR{l 23' J0YScT4 U T[3{Z%k3A#8 * >Be&ῌB(S* VR R-A##QR4Z3[? 6 7Z$ % +,-!9. 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