
L2 Fun with Pakkun

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L2 Fun with Pakkun
L2 Fun with Pakkun
Part 1
I first came to Japan/ when my best friend, Patrick invited me/ here/ in 1993.// I
taught English conversation/ school in Fukui/ for two and a half years.// I made a lot
of friends/ and/ learned Japanese.//
When I moved to Tokyo/ in 1996,/ I wanted to be/ a Hollywood movie star.// It was
impossible/ to go right to America/ and/ become a star,/ so/ I planned/ to make my
Hollywood debut/ via Tokyo.// I started/ acting, modeling, DJ’ing,/ and/ doing voice
work.// A year later,/ I started comedy,// At this point/ I wanted to be/ “a Japanese
I first came to Japan/ when my best friend, Patrick invited me/ here/ in 1993.// I
わたしは最 初に日 本へやってきた/ 私の親 友であるパトリックが私を招いてくれた/
1993 年 に//
taught English conversation/ school in Fukui/ for two and a half years.// I made a lot
私は英 会 話を教えた/
福井 県の学 校 で/
2 年 半の間//
of friends/ and/ learned Japanese.//
友 達を作った/
そして/ 日 本 語を学んだ//
When I moved to Tokyo/ in 1996,/ I wanted to be/ a Hollywood movie star.// It was
1996 年に/
ハリウッドの映 画スターに//
impossible/ to go right to America/ and/ become a star,/ so/ I planned/ to make my
不 可 能だった/
直 接アメリカに行くことは/
そして/ スターになることは/
だから/ 私は計 画を立てた/ハリウッドデビュー
Hollywood debut/ via Tokyo.// I started/ acting, modeling, DJ’ing,/ and/ doing voice
東京 を//
私は~を始めた/ 演 技、モデル、DJ/
work.// A year later,/ I started comedy,// At this point/ I wanted to be/ “a Japanese
//1 年 後/
この時 点 で/
「日 本 のスター」に
Part 2
I started Manzai/ in 1997/ with Makkun.// After a few years/ together/ we decided/
to try English Manzai/ in Las Vegas.// We worked really hard/ to get our materials
ready/ and/ Makkun learned English/ for a year and a half.//
There are big differences/ between humor in Japan and in America.// For example,/
Most American comedy is/ one person stand-up comedy.// American comedians also
make jokes about/ politics and their family.// The biggest differences is that/
ordinary Americans more often tell jokes.// If you sit down/ at a dinner party/ with
20 people,/ most people will say/ funny things.// But/ I found it difficult/ to meet/
ordinary Japanese who tell jokes.// All Japanese love to laugh,/ though.//
I started Manzai/ in 1997/ with Makkun.// After a few years/ together/ we decided /
私は漫 才を始めた/
1997 年に/ マックンと//
数年 後/
一 緒に/
私 達を決 めた
to try English Manzai/ in Las Vegas.// We worked really hard/ to get our materials
援 護の漫 才に挑 戦すること/
私達は本 当に一 生 懸 命に取り組 んだ/ 自 分たちのネタを準 備することに/
ready/ and/ Makkun learned English/ for a year and a half.//
/そして/ マックンは英 語を学んだ/
1 年 半の間//
There are big differences/ between humor in Japan and in America.// For example,/
日 本のユーモアとアメリカのものとでは//
Most American comedy is/ one person stand-up comedy.// American comedians also
ひとりの人 間が立っておこなうコメディーだ//
make jokes about/ politics and their family.// The biggest differences is that/
政 治や自 分たち家 族 //
最も大きな違 いは~ということだ/
ordinary Americans more often tell jokes.// If you sit down/ at a dinner party/ with
ごく普 通のアメリカ人がよくたくさんのジョークを言う//
20 people,/ most people will say/ funny things.// But/ I found it difficult/ to meet/
20 人と/
たいていの人 達は言うだろう/
面白 いことを//
ordinary Japanese who tell jokes.// All Japanese love to laugh,/ though.//
ジョークを言うごく普 通の日 本 人 と//
すべての日 本 人は笑うことが大 好き/
Part 3
There are no shortscuts/ mastering English.// You just have to keep/ speaking,
reading, and listening.// All you have to do is/ keep doing something/ you enjoy.// You
can listen to/ English songs.// You can hang out with/ your friends/ and/ have a
no-Japanese day.//
Mastering English is like getting/ a passport and a plane ticket.// It allows you to go/
to a whole world.// It’s like a getting on/ a spaceship/ and/ going outside of your
previous life,/ and/ you don’t even have to leave/ Japan!// The reward is definitely
worth the effort!// Definitely.// If you are stuck/ and you can’t seem/ to get any
better/ at English,/ I recommend/ moving to another country/ and/ becoming a
comedian.// It’s working for me.//
There are no shortscuts/ mastering English.// You just have to keep/ speaking,
近 道はない/
英 語をマスターするための//
reading, and listening.// All you have to do is/ keep doing something/ you enjoy.// You
やらなければならないことは~だ/ ~の何かをし続けること/
can listen to/ English songs.// You can hang out with/ your friends/ and/ have a
英 語の歌を//
~とだらだら過 ごす/
友 達と/
そして/日 本 語を使わない
no-Japanese day.//
Mastering English is like getting/ a passport and a plane ticket.// It allows you to go/
英 語をマスターすることは~を取 るようなものだ/
パスポートと飛 行 機のチケットを//
to a whole world.// It’s like a getting on/ a spaceship/ and/ going outside of your
宇宙 船に/
そして/自 分の以 前の世 界から外へいく/
previous life,/ and/ you don’t even have to leave/ Japan!// The reward is definitely
~を出 発することさえする必 要がない!/
日 本を//
その報 酬は間 違いなく努 力する
worth the effort!// Definitely.// If you are stuck/ and you can’t seem/ to get any
価 値がある// 間 違いなくだ//
better/ at English,/ I recommend/ moving to another country/ and/ becoming a
上 達/
英 語において/ 私 は~を薦める/
comedian.// It’s working for me.//
そして/ コメディアンになること//
Fly UP