
18世紀ルイ15世アームチェア 18世紀家具

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18世紀ルイ15世アームチェア 18世紀家具
Look at this, a 18th century (a genuine one) Louis XV cabriolet armchair
On the top of it, it is signed by Pierre Othon, cabinetry master in 1760 (Pierre Verlet, « Les meubles
français du XVIII eme siècle » page 101)
more on it coming soon.
just wait…
it is coming anyway.
this is just SUPREME french antique furniture.
I am very glad to work on an 18th century piece, I have to be « very careful »
but this is very enjoyable.
Of course this is a very old piece and mainly there are two type of issues to take care of,
the first one is « structural » with the side panels being loose
and the second one is « aesthetic » with some parts of the parquetry missing.
So of course, first I will take care of the structural issue.
As you can see below, the space is quite big, of course as your are on the end grain side
you can not just put glue and press it, the adhesive power would be too weak,
so to fix it properly in the way that it will be fully and strongly fixed, you have to removed the
whole panel.
As the veneer is bit missing you can see you are not in a dovetail assembly but a tenon-mortise
So the front side of this panel is properly fix, but anyway you have to disassemble it too.
So first I will remove the veneer piece, the one in the red circle
One of the quick method is to use an iron and a very wet piece of fabric
Now you fully have access to the junction.
But also in front, you have to un-stick the veneers pieces to make sure you
don’t rip them when you disassemble it.
Now as you now that it is hide glue that was used you can make the whole humid to soften the glue
So I put a wet piece of fabric and simply wait for a while and inject water some times to times
So after a while, sensible part is coming:
remove the panel, anyway is ok BUT the aim of the game is to not break or rip anything
or at least to rip the less things possible and specially the tenons.
I used the same method for the right side
Of course I ripped some few things, but basically result is fine.
Now just let is rest for a while…
Fly UP