
L4 “A Piece of Cloth”

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L4 “A Piece of Cloth”
L4 “A Piece of Cloth”
Part 1 Who is Miyake Issei and what did he do in Paris.
These days,/ there are a lot of/ Japanese who are actively involved/ on the world
stage.// Among them,/ there are some influential people/ whose work is recognized/
worldwide.// Miyake Issei is one of them.// He is a world-famous Japanese pioneer/ in
clothing design.//
After graduating from an art university/ Miyake went to France.// He trained there/
to become a clothing designer.// He returned to Japan/ in 1970/ and/ established a
design office.// He showed his first collection/ in New York/ in 1971/ and/ his first/
in Paris/ in 1973.// From then on,/ he continued to show/ his works/ in Paris/ every
season.// Each time/ his new collection appeared,/ it charmed/ people everywhere in
the world.// Miyake has created/ designs showing great artistic skill.// The result is
That/ numerous exhibitions in various countries have focused on/ his creations.//
People have widely accepted/ and/ supported his work.//
L4 “A Piece of Cloth”
Part 1 Who is Miyake Issei/ and/ what did he do in Paris?
These days,/ there are a lot of/ Japanese who are actively involved/ on the world
最 近/
活 動 的に~でかかわっている日 本 人 /
世界 の
stage.// Among them,/ there are some influential people/ whose work is recognized/
舞 台で//
影 響を及ぼす日 本人 がいる/
彼らの仕 事は~で認められている/
worldwide.// Miyake Issei is one of them.// He is a world-famous Japanese pioneer/ in
世 界 中で//
ミヤケ・イッセイは彼らの中の一 人 //
彼は世 界中 で有名な日 本 人の開 拓者だ/
clothing design.//
のデザインの分 野で//
After graduating from an art university/ Miyake went to France.// He trained there/
芸大を卒 業した後 で/
彼はそこで勉 強した/
to become a clothing designer.// He returned to Japan/ in 1970/ and/ established a
1970 年に/そして/ デザイン会 社 を
彼は中 日 本へ帰ってきた/
design office.// He showed his first collection/ in New York/ in 1971/ and/ his first
1971 年に/そして/パリで行った
in Paris/ in 1973.// From then on,/ he continued to show/ his works/ in Paris/ every
1973 年に// それからというもの/
彼の作 品の/
season.// Each time/ his new collection appeared,/ it charmed/ people everywhere in
彼の新しい展 示 会がある/
~を魅 了した/
世 界のいたるところで人々を
the world.// Miyake has created/ designs showing great artistic skill.// The result is
素 晴らしい芸 術 的な技術を見せるデザインを//
その結 果~だ
that/ numerous exhibitions/ in various countries/ have focused on/ his creations.//
/ とてつもない数 の展 示 会は/
興 味を集 めた/
People have widely accepted and supported/ his work.//
人々は大いに~を受け入れ、そして支 援した/
彼の作 品を//
Part 2 What was the Miyake’s basic concept/ in designing clothing/
and/ how was it received/ in the West?
Miyake Issey is a revolutionary clothing designer.// He shone/ a new light on/ how to
make clothes.// He developed/ a new creative concept/ based on the idea of “A Piece
of Cloth.”// He made clothe/ from a small number of piece of cloth,/ but/ they look
like/ one piece.// The basic concept came/ as a shock to the fashion world/ in the
In Miyake’s view,/ clothing was first made from/ one piece of cloth/ in all countries;/
for example,/ the toga of ancient Rome and sari of India.// No essential difference
can be found/ between clothes in the East and those in the West.// His way of making
clothes does not lie in existing frameworks but rather in concepts/ which go beyond
borders.// It has brought about/ the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures.//
Part 2 What was the Miyake’s basic concept/ in designing clothing/
ミヤケの基 本的 な考えは何だったのでしょう?/
and/ how was it received/ in the West?
西 欧 諸国 で
Miyake Issey is a revolutionary clothing designer.// He shone/ a new light on/ how to
ミヤケ・イッセイは革新 的な服 のデザイナーだ//
彼は照らした/ 新しい光を/
make clothes.// He developed/ a new creative concept/ based on the idea of “A Piece
彼は発 展させた/
新しく創 造 的な考えを/
「一 枚の布」の考えに基づいて//
of Cloth.”// He made clothes from a small number of piece of cloth,/ but/ they look
like/ one piece.// The basic concept came as a shock/ to the fashion world/ in the
見えた/ 一つに//
その基 本 的な考えは衝 撃を与えた/
ファッション業 界に/
西 欧の
In Miyake’s view,/ clothing was first made from/ one piece of cloth/ in all countries;/
服 はまず~からできている/
1 枚の布/
for example,/ the toga of ancient Rome and sari of India.// No essential difference
古代 ローマのトーガやインドのサリー//
本 質 的な違いは見ることができない
can be found/ between clothes in the East and those in the West.// His way of making
/東 洋の服と西 洋の服の間に//
彼の服の作り方 は
clothes does not lie in existing frameworks but rather in concepts/ which go beyond
存 在する枠 組みにあるのではなくむしろ~の考え方にある/
国 境を越えた~
borders.// It has brought about/ the fusion of Eastern and Western cultures.//
// それはもたらした/
東洋と西 洋の文 化の融 合を/
Part 3 What were two important influences on Miyake Issey?
Miyake Issey was born/ in Hiroshima/ in 1938.// When he was only seven years old,/
the first atomic bomb dropped on/ Hiroshima/ and he experienced/ the “flash of light.”
Less than three years later,/ his mother died from/ radiation exposure.// This atomic
bomb experience came to hold/ a deep meaning for him.//
Miyake had another important experience/ in Hiroshima.// When he was in school,/ he
was deeply impressed with/ the design of railings of the two Peace of Bridges.//
They were designed by/ the Japanese American sculpture Isamu Noguchi.// He
designed two bridges with/ “life and death”/ as their theme.// The Peace Bridges
symbolizes/ living,/ and/ the West Peace Bridge represents dying.// The bridges
showed/ Miyake/ the joy of expressing ideas/ through design.//
Miyake became a designer perhaps/ because he had experienced/ those two things.//
However,/ he tried never to be defined/ by his past/ and/ he never shared/ his
memories or thoughts of the “flash o light.”// he thought that/ design had to be
future-oriented.// He tried to bring people/ beauty and joy/ through making clothes.//
Part 3 What were two important influences/ on Miyake Issey?
~に影響を与えた重 要な 2 つとはなんだったのでしょうか?/
Miyake Issey was born/ in Hiroshima/ in 1938.// When he was only seven years old,/
広 島で/
1938 年に//彼がほんの 7 歳だったときに/
the first atomic bomb dropped on/ Hiroshima/ and/ he experienced/ the “flash of light.”
最 初の原 爆が落とされた/
広 島に/
そして/ 彼は~を経 験 した/
「光の閃 光」
Less than three years later,/ his mother died from/ radiation exposure.// This atomic
3 年もしないうちに/
彼の母 親が~で亡くなった/
放 射 能 にさらされたこと//
bomb experience came to hold/ a deep meaning for him.//
原 爆の経 験は~を持つようになった/
彼にとって深 い意 味を//
Miyake had another important experience/ in Hiroshima.// When he was in school,/
ミャケは別の重 要な経 験をした/
広 島で//
彼が学 校にいたとき/
he was deeply impressed with/ the design of railings of the two Peace of Bridges.//
2 つの平 和の橋の手すりのデザインに//
彼は~に深く感 銘を受 けた/
They were designed by/ the Japanese American sculpture Isamu Noguchi.// He
それらは~によってデザインされたものだった/日本 系アメリカ人の彫 刻 家のノグチ・イサムに//
designed two bridges with/ “life and death”/ as their theme.// The Peace Bridges
平 和の橋は
symbolizes living,/ and/ the West Peace Bridge represents dying.// The bridges
生きることを象徴 し/
そして/ 西の橋は死ぬことを表 現している//
showed Miyake/ the joy of expressing ideas/ through design.//
考えを表 現することの喜 びを/
Miyake became a designer perhaps because/ he had experienced/ those two things.//
かれが~を経 験したから/
これらの 2 つの事を//
However,/ he tried never to be defined/ by his past/ and/ he never shared/ his
しかしながら/ 彼は決して定 義 されないようにした/
自 分の過 去によって/そして/彼は決して~を共 有しないようにした/
memories or thoughts of the “flash of light.”// he thought that/ design had to be
「光の閃 光」の記 憶や思い//
デザインは未来に適 応
future-oriented.// He tried to bring people/ beauty and joy/ through making clothes.//
Part 4 Why did Miyake write an article/ for The New York Times?
Something happened,/ however,/ that changed Miyake’s mind.// In April 2009,/ U.S.
President Obama made an important speech/ in Prague/ and/ promised to work/ for a
peaceful and secure world/ without nuclear weapons.// His words woke something
buried deeply/ within Miyake/ - a personal and moral responsibility/ to speak out/
as one who survived the “flash of light.”// He told himself that/ he should appeal/
for world peace.//
Miyake wrote an article/ for The New York Times/ in July 2009,/ and/ made his
experience of the atomic bombing public/ for the first time.// In “A Flash of
Memory,” he appealed to people all over the world/ to get rid of nuclear weapons.//
He said,/ “We are not naïve:/ no one person and country can stop nuclear warfare.//
People around the world must/ add their voices to President Obama.// Miyake ‘s appeal
has a special impact on/ people everywhere/ because he has achieved/ great
recognition/ throughout the world.//
Part 4 Why did Miyake write an article/ for The New York Times?
なぜミヤケは記 事を書いたのでしょう/
Something happened,/ however,/ that changed Miyake’s mind.// In April 2009,/ U.S.
ミヤケの気 持ちを変えた~//
2009 年の 4 月/
President Obama made an important speech/ in Prague/ and/ promised to work/ for a
大 統 領のオバマは重 要なスピーチを行った/
取り組むことを約 束した/
平 和で
peaceful and secure world/ without nuclear weapons.// His words woke something
安 全な世 界のために/
核 兵 器のない//
彼の言 葉は深く埋もれていた何かを
buried deeply/ within Miyake/ - a personal and moral responsibility/ to speak out/
個 人的 で道 徳 的な責 任 /
as one who survived the “flash of light.”// He told himself that/ he should appeal/
「光の閃 光」で生き残った者として//
彼は自 分 自 身に言った/
自分 は訴えるべきだと/
for world peace.//
世 界 平和 のために//
Miyake wrote an article/ for The New York Times/ in July 2009,/ and/ made his
ミヤケは記 事を書いた/
2009 年の 4 月に/ そして/
公 式に
experience of the atomic bombing public/ for the first time.// In “A Flash of
原 爆の経 験を書いた/
「記 憶の閃 光」で
Memory,” he appealed to people all over the world/ to get rid of nuclear weapons.//
/彼は世 界 中の人 々に訴えた/
核 兵 器を廃 止することを//
He said,/ “We are not naïve:/ no one person and country can stop nuclear warfare.//
彼は言った/ 「私たちは単 純ではない:/
個 人ひとりそして一 国では核 戦 争を止めることはできない//
People around the world must/ add their voices to President Obama.// Miyake ‘s appeal
世 界 中 の人 々は~すべきだ/
自 分 たちの声 をオバマ大 統 領 に付 け加 えるべきだ」//
ミヤケの訴 えは
has a special impact on/ people everywhere/ because he has achieved/ great
~に特別 な衝 撃を与えた/
世 界 中の人々に/
recognition/ throughout the world.//
認 識を/
世界 中で//
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