
Freezing drawings

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Freezing drawings
drawing still changes when the model changes.Tekla Structures flags locked drawings for
update if the model changes.
To lock and unlock drawings:
1. In the Drawing List, select the drawing(s) you want to lock.
2. Click Lock --> On .
The Locked by column in the Drawing List shows who has locked the drawing. If you
have logged in to your Tekla account, the account name is shown. Otherwise the user
name is shown.
3. To unlock the drawings, select the drawings and click Lock --> Off .
See also Working with drawings on page 272
Selecting drawings in the Drawing List on page 108
5.3 Freezing drawings
You can select whether to allow Tekla Structures to update all associative objects on top of
the drawing views. The geometry of the model is always updated, but freezing is used to stop
the drawing intelligence (associativity) of drawing objects on top of the model views, and
prevents them from being updated. For example, parts are updated, but dimensions, marks,
views, and shapes are not.
See also Freezing and unfreezing general arrangement drawings on page 274
Freezing and unfreezing single part, cast unit and assembly drawings on page 275
How freezing affects drawings on page 275
Working with drawings on page 272
Selecting drawings in the Drawing List on page 108
Updating marks on page 179
Freezing and unfreezing general arrangement drawings
To freeze a general arrangement drawing:
1. If you have the drawing open, close it without saving it.
2. In the Drawing List, select the drawing you want to freeze.
3. Click Freeze --> On .
4. When freezing is no longer necessary, select the frozen drawings and click Freeze -->
Off .
See also Freezing drawings on page 274
Working with drawings
Freezing drawings
Freezing and unfreezing single part, cast unit and assembly drawings
To freeze and unfreeze single part, cast unit and assembly drawings:
1. Save the model.
2. Open a drawing.
3. If the drawing does not look the way you want, close it without saving it.
4. Reopen the model. Do not save it.
5. In the Drawing List, select the drawing you want to freeze.
6. Click Freeze --> On .
7. Open the drawing.
8. When freezing is no longer necessary, select the frozen drawings and click Freeze -->
Off .
See also Freezing drawings on page 274
How freezing affects drawings on page 275
How freezing affects drawings
Freezing affects drawings in the following way:
The associativity does not disappear from a frozen drawing. When you unfreeze the
drawing, the associativity works again.
Freezing does not have any effect on the cloning result. If you edit the drawing, it does
not matter whether you freeze the drawing before or after editing it.
If a drawing is frozen, the associative drawing objects are not updated when the drawing
is updated. This means that the dimensions and views are not updated, and the marks do
not follow the parts if the parts have been moved.
If a drawing is frozen, and the part changes in the model, the geometry of the part is
updated in the frozen drawing when the drawing is updated.
Unfreezing the drawing before cloning does not have any effect on the cloning result.
This means, for example, that it does not matter whether you keep the drawing frozen all
the time or temporarily unfreeze it before cloning.
If you unfreeze a drawing before update, the drawing is updated normally.
See also Freezing drawings on page 274
Working with drawings
Issuing drawings
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