Drawing objects
1.4 Drawing objects Drawing views may contain several types of objects. Some of them come from the model and represent something that will exist in the real building or will be closely related to it. Others are objects that represent information that is only relevant in the drawing, or that add extra information to the information in the model. Drawings may include the following object types: • Building objects: parts, bolts, welds, chamfers, reinforcing bars, surface treatment, etc. • Associative annotation objects: dimensions, marks, associative notes • Independent annotation objects that are not linked to the model: text, text files, symbols, link, hyperlinks, DWG/DXF files, and reference models • Shapes: drawing shapes used for highlighting parts of the drawing (clouds, lines, rectangles, etc.) Shapes: clouds and rectangles Dimensions Marks, associative notes Tekla Structures drawings 17 Drawing objects