
Pours in drawings

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Pours in drawings
See also Edge chamfers in drawings on page 220
Displaying edge chamfers in a drawing on page 220
4.13 Pours in drawings
Tekla Structures shows cast-in-place structures as continuous in general arrangement
drawings exactly like they have been modeled: overlappings and extra outlines vanish if the
parts collide, have the same concrete material grade, have Cast in place as the Cast unit
type, and have the same pour phase.
You can add associative notes to both pour breaks and pour objects.
Automatic dimensions cannot be created for the pours and pour breaks. You can add manual
dimensions, but they are not associative. If the part geometry changes, the dimensions have
to be updated manually.
Below are some examples of continuous cast-in-place structures.
Editing drawings
Pours in drawings
Editing drawings
Pours in drawings
Below is an example where reinforcing bars have been added into a strip footing.
Editing drawings
Pours in drawings
Pour breaks are shown in general arrangement drawings as they have been modeled. The
pour breaks are represented by a symbol, see the image below. You can change the symbol
using the advanced option The symbol scale and the spacing between the symbols follows
the drawing view scale automatically.
See also Showing pours and pour breaks in drawings on page 228
Modifying pour breaks in drawings on page 229
Changing the pour break symbol on page 229
Adding associative notes on page 177
Editing drawings
Pours in drawings
Showing pours and pour breaks in drawings
Pours and pour breaks are shown in the drawing if the pour management is enabled, and if
the pour breaks are set visible.
To enable pour management and show pours correctly:
1. Go to Tools --> Options --> Advanced Options --> Concrete Detailing .
2. Check that the advanced option XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT is set to TRUE.
3. Click OK.
4. Open a general arrangement drawing containing pour breaks.
5. Double-click the drawing background to display the drawing properties dialog box.
6. Click Pour breaks and set the Visibility to Visible.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Neighbor reinforcement and set the Visibility of all reinforcing bars to Visible.
9. Click Modify.
The new settings are activated in the drawing, and the pours and pour breaks are shown
See also Pours in drawings on page 225
Modifying pour breaks in drawings
You can modify the appearance of pour breaks in drawings.
To modify pour breaks in an open drawing:
1. Double-click the pour break.
2. Go to the Appearance tab and adjust the color and type of the visible lines and hidden
3. Click Modify.
See also Pours in drawings on page 225
Changing the pour break symbol
To change the pour break symbol:
1. Go to Tools --> Options --> Advanced Options --> Drawing Properties .
2. Set a new value for the advanced option XS_POUR_BREAK_SYMBOL.
Editing drawings
Pours in drawings
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