
Building objects in drawings

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Building objects in drawings
Draw Arc > By Three Points: Draw an arc that traverses the three points you pick,
either clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Draw Polyline: Draw a line with straight or curved segments. Bulge factor for all
lines is useful when you are creating curved polylines.
Draw Polygon: Draw a polygon by picking the corner points. To close the polygon,
pick the starting corner point again or click the middle mouse button. Use this
command to create closed polylines, which you cannot with Draw Polyline.
Draw Cloud: Create a cloud that traverses the points you pick. Close the cloud by
clicking the middle mouse button. Set the Bulge factor for all lines for clouds in the
properties dialog box.
Draw Cover-up Area: Quickly hide model object outlines in drawings. To use, select
the command and draw a non-transparent rectangular area over the model object
outline that you want to hide.
Draw Cover-up Line: Quickly hide model object outlines in drawings. To use, select
the command and draw a non-transparent line over the model object outline that
you want to hide.
2. Modify the properties as required.
3. Click OK or Apply.
4. Create the drawing shape by following the instructions on the status bar.
See also Shapes on page 194
Drawing shape properties on page 587
Defining customized line types on page 521
Hiding building object outlines using cover-up tools on page 198
4.8 Building objects in drawings
Building objects are 2D representations of the 3D parts that you have created in the model.
After making the drawing, you can change the appearance and representation of the building
objects in an open drawing.
If you want to change the model weld properties, go back to the model, and make
the changes there. In the drawing, you can only change visibility settings and
appearance of the model welds. For manually added drawing weld marks the
properties can be changed in the drawings.
See also Editing drawings on page 114
Modifying building objects on page 196
Shortening parts view by view on page 197
Editing drawings
Building objects in drawings
Hiding building object outlines using cover-up tools on page 198
Edge chamfers in drawings on page 220
Showing a single reinforcing bar in a group on page 199
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings on page 568
Showing layer information on reinforcing bars (RebarLayeringMarker) on page 200
Drawing objects on page 17
Modifying building objects
You can modify the drawing properties of the building objects (parts, bolts, reinforcement,
surface treatment) in an open drawing.
Limitations: The color of the center lines can be changed only on the drawing and view level,
not on the object level. For center lines, you can adjust only the color in the properties dialog
box, not the type. You can adjust the line type of part center lines with the advanced option
To modify the properties of a building object in a drawing:
1. Double-click a building object, for example a part, reinforcement, surface treatment, or
2. Switch all the check boxes off in the dialog box by clicking the on/off switch
at the bottom of the dialog box.
3. Select the check boxes of only those properties that you want to modify.
4. On the Contents tab, select the part representation, whether to show hidden lines, center
lines and reference lines, and which additional markings to show.
5. On the Appearance tab, select the color and type of the lines.
It is easier to adjust the center line color, if you hide the hidden lines on the Contents
tab first.
6. On the Fill tab, set the part and section fill options.
7. Click Modify.
See also Part and neighbor part properties in drawings on page 568
Bolt content and appearance properties in drawings on page 571
Surface treatment visibility and content properties in drawings on page 572
Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings on page 577
Editing drawings
Building objects in drawings
Example: Part representations on page 494
Adding automatic hatch patterns on drawing objects on page 507
Shortening parts view by view
You can shorten parts in the selected view in an open drawing.
To shorten parts view by view:
1. Double-click the view frame.
2. In the View Properties dialog box, go to the Attributes2 tab.
3. In Cut parts, select Yes, Only in x direction or Only in y direction.
4. In Cut skew parts, select if you want to cut skewed parts.
5. In Minimum cut part length, set the minimum length of the shortened part.
This option defines how long the part must at least be to get shortened. The length of the
part must be at least twice the entered value.
6. In Space between cut parts, enter the distance between the cut parts on paper.
7. Click Modify.
To use a view shortening symbol instead of the empty area, set the advanced options
You can control the appearance of the view shortening symbol with the advanced options
Example Below is an example of how the view shortening symbol is displayed.
Editing drawings
Building objects in drawings
See also Shortening parts in drawing views on page 366
Shortening and lengthening parts on page 365
Building objects in drawings on page 195
View properties in drawings on page 529
Hiding building object outlines using cover-up tools
Use cover-up line and cover-up area tools for quickly hiding building object outlines in
1. Click Shapes --> Draw Cover-up Area
or Draw Cover-up Line
2. Draw a non-transparent rectangular area or line over the model object outline that you
want to hide. You can drag the cover-up objects to another location, and resize the
objects by dragging the handles.
Editing drawings
Building objects in drawings
See also Shapes on page 194
Showing a single reinforcing bar in a group
To have Tekla Structures show only a single reinforcing bar from a group or mesh:
1. Select the reinforcing bar group or mesh.
2. Click Edit --> Adjust Reinforcing Bars .
3. Click the bar you want to remain visible.
4. If needed, change the number of visible bars again by double-clicking the bar and
changing the Visibility of reinforcing bars setting.
When you use the Adjust Reinforcing Bars command to select the visible reinforcing bar,
also the customized setting becomes available for the Visibility of reinforcing bars
option in the Drawing Reinforcement Properties dialog box. You can use this setting only
after you have used the Adjust Reinforcing Bars command and not, for example, when
you create the drawing.
See also Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings on page 577
Building objects in drawings on page 195
Adjusting the location of a single reinforcing bar on page 199
Editing drawings
Building objects in drawings
Adjusting the location of a single reinforcing bar
To adjust a location of a single visible bar in a reinforcing bar group:
1. Right-click the reinforcing bar.
2. Select Adjust location from the pop-up menu.
3. Click the location where you want to place the bar.
If you have the whole reinforcing bar group visible, Tekla Structures deletes all bars except
one from the group when you select the command.
Showing layer information on reinforcing bars (RebarLayeringMarker)
You can show reinforcing bar layer information in a drawing.
Before you can show layer information in a drawing, you must run the
RebarClassificator macro in the model. The RebarClassificator classifies
the meshes and reinforcing bars in the selected walls or slabs by their position. All reinforcing
bars and meshes get an attribute indicating the layer where they are placed inside the
concrete element.
To show reinforcing bar layer information:
1. Open the drawing.
2. Click Tools --> Macros .
3. Select RebarLayeringMarker from the list and click Run.
The Rebar Layering marker dialog box is displayed.
4. On the Marking style tab, select the marking style you want to use (symbol style or level
prefix style).
5. On the Marking settings tab, select the marker line type.
6. On the Marking settings tab, do one of the following depending on the selected marking
For symbol style markers, select the symbol you want to use, and the symbol height.
For level prefix style markers, select the level prefix.
7. Click All objects to show layering markers on all reinforcing bars, or select the individual
reinforcing bars and click Selected objects to show the markers on the selected bars
Editing drawings
Building objects in drawings
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