
Automatic hatch patterns in drawings

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Automatic hatch patterns in drawings
See also Automatic bolt settings in drawings on page 503
Bolt content and appearance properties in drawings on page 571
7.18 Automatic hatch patterns in drawings
Use hatching on part faces, sections or additional drawing objects, such as circles and
polygons, to show different materials. The hatch patterns are located in the
hatch_types1.pat file in the …\Tekla Structures\<version>
\environments\<environment>\inp folder. You can also use hatch patters on
surface treatment.
You can also add custom hatch patterns in the hatch_types1.pat file, see http://
See also Adding automatic hatch patterns on drawing objects on page 507
Modifying drawing settings
Automatic hatch patterns in drawings
Adding automatic surface treatment in drawings on page 510
Example: Insulation hatch patterns on page 509
Part and shape hatch pattern properties (.htc) on page 575
Surface treatment hatch pattern properties (surfacing.htc) on page 573
Adding automatic hatch patterns on drawing objects
You can add hatch patterns on parts, cross sections and shapes in a drawing.
There are some limitations in the hatch pattern background color usage:
Background color does not work in conjunction with hardware hatches.
The background color does not have any effect if there is an automatic hatch available.
The background color can only be changed if the automatic hatch is not defined for the
material type.
To add an automatic hatch pattern on a part before creating a drawing:
1. Click Drawings & Reports --> Drawing Settings and select the drawing type.
2. Load the properties that you want to change.
3. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click View creation, select the view and
the properties that you want to change, and click View properties.
4. Click Part and go to the Fill tab.
5. Select the hatch pattern from the Type list.
To preview the patterns, click the ... button next to the Type list.
You can also select the hatch pattern by double-clicking it in the Hatch window. If you
select Automatic, Tekla Structures uses the hatch patterns defined in the hatch pattern
schema (hatch pattern properties) file (.htc). Each drawing type has its own schema
6. Define a color for the pattern in the Color box.
7. Define a background color for the hatch in the Background box.
You can define the background color only after selecting a hatch pattern first.
8. In Scale, select whether to use automatic or custom scaling and rotation for hatches.
If you select automatic scaling and rotation, Tekla Structures automatically scales the
hatch pattern to suit the profile size, and you do not need to edit each drawing manually.
If you select Custom scaling and rotation:
Enter the scales in Scaling in direction x and Scaling in direction y, and select
whether to Keep the x and y ratio.
Modifying drawing settings
Automatic hatch patterns in drawings
Enter the angle of rotation in the Angle box. Angle 0.0 is for horizontal and 90.0
for vertical.
9. Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings: Click Save to save the view properties.
10. Click OK.
11. Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the drawing.
ExampleIn the example below, the following hatch pattern options have been
selected for sections:
Scale: Custom
Scaling in x direction: 0.25
Scaling in y direction: 0.50
Keep ratio of x and y is selected.
Angle: 10.00
See also Automatic part and neighbor part settings in drawings on page 493
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings on page 568
Part and shape hatch pattern properties (.htc) on page 575
Modifying drawing settings
Automatic hatch patterns in drawings
Automatic hatch patterns in drawings on page 506
Example: Insulation hatch patterns
You can use the following fill types to represent insulation:
These hatch types can be scaled and rotated.
Hatch name
Previewing To preview the scaled and rotated patterns, click the ... button next to the Type box.
See also Automatic hatch patterns in drawings on page 506
Modifying drawing settings
Automatic surface treatment in drawings
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