ファイルのダウンロードはここをクリック Burqa Ban (April 11 2011) AZUZ: In France, it's illegal to wear a burqa according to a new law that went into effect this week. Two women who were protesting the ban were arrested on Monday. Police say they weren't arrested for wearing burqas, but rather for being part of an unauthorized protest. French officials say burqas pose a security concern and affect the dignity of women who wear them. But critics of the ban say it violates European human rights laws. Atika Shubert is in France. She has more on this new law and the reaction to it. (BEGIN VIDEO) ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: A highly controversial law has gone into effect, and it's the talk of the country, as you can imagine. In fact, I'm going to hold up just a section of Le Parisien newspaper here. The headline is "the full veil is banned on the road." It actually has a small diagram here to show exactly what is allowed and what is not allowed in France now. The burqa, which covers the entire face, is banned. The niqab, which covers everything but the eyes, is also banned. But the hijab, which covers the head but leaves the face unveiled, is allowed. Now, the nuts and bolts of this law: Basically, it is now illegal for anyone to wear a full veil covering on the streets of France in public. And in public, it means anywhere on the streets, in a public office, such as a post office or a train station, even in a cinema, it is not allowed. Really, the only place where the full veil is allowed is in a car, the private vehicle, or in the privacy of your own home. There are only an estimated less than 2,000 women in France that actually wear the full veil, so it won't impact that many people, but it is highly controversial. Now, CNN did have the opportunity to speak to one woman who is wearing the full veil and says she will continue to wear the full veil even as this law goes into effect. And she told us what she thinks of this new face of France. HIND AMAS, VEIL WEARER IN FRANCE [TRANSLATED]: In all honesty, I'm just sad. I'm just sad and disappointed, because quite frankly to get to this point, I think it's very revealing about many things. And thankfully, thankfully, not all of the French population think like the politicians who voted this law. SHUBERT: Now, even though this only affects a small portion of women here in France, this law is very popular. It was passed with an overwhelming majority in France's parliament. And in the most latest polls, more than 80% of French respondent say they support the law. Atika Shubert, CNN, Paris. (END VIDEO) 解説のページ 解説のページ ニュースの解説 ニュースの解説 Burqa(ブルカ)はイスラム教徒の女性が顔を含む全身を覆い隠すヴェールのことを いいます。4 月 11 日、フランスで公共の場でブルカの着用を禁止する法律が施行さ れ、これに抗議した 2 人の女性が逮捕されました。ブルカの禁止は、(全身を覆って身 元を隠すため)警備・安全保障上問題であるとともに女性の威厳に抵触するという理 由によるものですが、一方で、この禁止法は欧州人権法に違反するという批判もあり ます。 フランスのブルカ着用人口はわずか 2000 人程度であるにも関わらず、この法律はフ ランスの注目を集め、フランス議会において圧倒的多数で可決されました。最新の世 論調査によると約 80%が本法律を支持しています。 Comprehension Questions 1. What went into effect this week in France? A new law to ban to wear a burqa in public places. 2. Why is wearing a burqa banned? Because it poses a security concern and affect the dignity of women who wear them. 3. What do the critics of the ban say? They say it violates European human rights laws. 4. What does “in public” mean? It means anywhere on the streets, in a public office, such as a post office or a train station, even in a cinema. 5. Is this law popular in France? Yes, it is. More than 80% of the latest poll respondents support the law. 用語の 用語の解説 a burqa 「ブルカ」はイスラム教徒の女性が顔を含む全身を覆い隠すヴェールのこと. a new law that went into effect go into effect は「法が効力をもって施行される」の意. the ban 「禁止」.Ban は動詞(「禁止する」)としてもよく使われる. human rights 「人権」. この表現では right(権利)は常に複数形で用いられる. a highly controversial law 「社会的に大きな論争を巻き起こす法律」. A highly controversial ~ はお薦め 表現.どこかで使ってみよう. the talk of the country 「国中の話題」. 「フランスで今最もホットな話題」といった意.The talk of the town という表現もよく使う. a small diagram here to show exactly what is allowed and what is not allowed the entire face Diagram は「図」.ヴェールで覆われる部分やかぶり方を図解して、違法とされる 場合と許可される場合を示している. burqa, niqab, hijab ヴェールのかぶり方の違いを英語表現から正しく理解しよう.Burqa は顔の全面 を覆うヴェール、niqab は目以外の全面を覆うヴェールで両者は違法.Hijab は 頭は 覆うが顔は覆わないヴェールで違法とはならない. the nuts and bolts of this law 「本法律の要、主要な部分」 Nuts and bolts は決まり文句. in public 「公共の場」 どのような場を公共の場とするかの定義が続いている.自家用車 の中や自宅は公共の場の定義外である. the full veil covering 全身全顔をヴェールで覆うこと It was passed with an overwhelming majority in France's parliament 「フランス議会で圧倒的多数で可決された」 基本的議会用語. An overwhelming majority といった表現もここで自分のものにしたいところ. ニュースの ニュースのポイントは ポイントはここ フランスの法律には controversial なものがいくつかありますが、今回の、イスラム教 徒の宗教的慣習を国内の公共の場で禁止するという法律の施行は論争を巻き起こ すこと必至です。まず、なぜこのような立法がなされるかを正しく理解すること。そして、 本法律は、賛成、反対の両サイドにおいて、人間(女性)の威厳や人権の問題に論点 があることを正しく理解しなければなりません。日本的な発想や考え方にとらわれるこ となく、広い視野に立って、このような世界での出来事に敏感に反応できるセンサー を常に稼働させておきたいものです。