
様子はこちらから。 Students greatly enjoyed this year`s mystery

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様子はこちらから。 Students greatly enjoyed this year`s mystery
9月20日21日に松川青年の家で、英語科主催の English Camp が行われました。English Camp
本校 AET の Nathan 先生 Jeanne 先生に加えて、Neal 先生(伊那北高校)Jennifer 先生(阿智高校)
clues を word ゲームでつないでいくと明らかになった暗号は、
The criminal is at this camp! (犯人はこのキャンプに潜んでいる!)。
事件を解決すべく22名の Detectives(探偵たち)が、英語で質問をしたりゲームをしながら、犯人を
追い詰めていきました。 キャンプ最後に明かされた犯人の正体は・・・
毎年恒例夜のバーベキューやキャンプファイヤーも盛り上がり、2日目 Camp
最後の活動、班ごとの Live! “
Mystery” Presentation では、各班想像力豊かなストーリーと迫真の演
★ I did not like English sometime ago. But I like English now. I
enjoyed the English Camp. I’
m very very happy.(S)
★ There were a few people who joined the Camp this year. But
I had a lot of fun. It was raining heavily before the camp. So I
was worried that we cannot do BBQ and campfire. But it cleared
up and I was happy to be able to do the activities. I had a really
good time! English camp was very exciting!!(M)
★This English Camp was surely great, and I regret not having
been able to stay overnight. The best thing was the atmosphere
we all could enjoy: everybody did their best to speak in English.
Teachers and students were together all the time and could enjoy
talking, which the team spirit was strong, yet not too much: it
was great!
Just one thing: next time, make the case harder.
★It was the first time for me to join the camp. I was looking
forward to this time. I really enjoyed it. At first I was nervous
but I could have fun. I made many friends. At night we talked
and played a lot. My team was Fuetsu’
s Angel. Jennifer helped
us very much and I think we did a good presentation. There
were many funny group names. Neal was funny and Jeanne was
a good suspect and Nathan was a good chairman. I really enjoyed
them. I’
m grateful for everyone. Thank you very much.(Y)
★I enjoyed the two days very much. Not everybody knows me,
but they have contact with me like they knew me since years ago.
My group, the No Idea Detective Agency, was very very funny.
Though the name is “
No Idea”
, I think we had some good ideas.
The thing which surprised me is how to eat marshmallows. It was
very tasty. I enjoyed singing songs at the camp fire. Solving the
mystery was exciting. I learned a lot of words. I want to be able
to speak like native English speakers and I want to join the camp
t speak English but I wanted to join the English camp.
★I couldn’
And I understood what ALTs meant when I talked with them. I
was very happy and wanted to talk with them again. And I do like
English. I thank English teachers and English camp. I will speak
and study English more. I had a very good time. Thank you.(A)
★ It was very funny. As last year I worked with Neal, I wanted to
meet him again and I met him. I was very happy. The movie we
saw was an interesting and moving Disney film. I really had a
very good time and BBQ was also good.(I)
★ English Camp was very funny. I am not good as at speaking than writing. So, I didn’
t try to
speak English too much. But as I listened to a lot of English, and began to want to speak English
with my friends and ALTs. Often, I couldn’t
understand what was told by ALTs. So, I think I must
study English hard and want to know English more and more.(M)
★ It was my second camp there. So I was looking forward to seeing many ALTs. But this year’
members were much smaller than last year’
s. We had Neal in our group, and he always cared about
everyone and made us smile. In the skit, my group “
Clever Monkeys”presented each case of
mysteries. We could present happily. And we enjoyed BBQ, campfire and night’
s talk, too!
I had a good time in this camp.(M)
★ I could communicate with many people and ALTs. Last year, I felt too nervous to communicate
with anyone. But this year, I could talk to many people in a relaxed atmosphere. In playing the
drama, I felt little nervous though.(F)
★ I really enjoyed the camp. I was very happy to meet many people and to talk with them. I could
understand and speak English more than last year. I’
m very happy. And I must study English
more. I really had a good time. I express my gratitude to everyone. Thank you very much.(R)
★ I could enjoy the camp very much. I could talk with my friends and ALTs. I was glad to succeed
in our own presentations. ALTs were very interesting. Sports, BBQ, campfire presentations,
everything was interesting. I had a very good time. Thank you.(H)
Schedule done!
9 月 20 日(土) Saturday, Sep. 20th
Meet at Matsukawa Seinen no Ie (現地集合)
9:30 ∼ 10:00 Hotel check in (ホテルチェックイン)
10:00 ∼ 10:30 Opening ceremony & Orientation (開講式,オリエンテーション)
10:45 ∼ 11:45 Introductions / The theme is revealed! (自己紹介とテーマの発表)
11:45 ∼ 12:50 Lunch (昼食)
13:00 ∼ 13:45 Presentation / Skit Preparation time (スキット作り)
13:45 ∼ 14:30 Cell Phone Scavenger Hunt : Begin to solve the mystery ! (ゲーム)
14:30 ∼ 15:30 Tea Break and Sports Activities (お茶の時間とスポーツ)
15:30 ∼ 16:15 Question and test the suspects ! (ゲーム)
16:15 ∼ 17:00 Presentation / Skit Preparation time(スキット作り)
17:00 ∼ 17:30 BBQ Preparation / Meeting (BBQの準備とミーティング)
17:30 ∼ 18:45 BBQ (バーベキュー)
19:00 ∼ 20:00 Campfire & Sing Songs (キャンプファイヤーと歌)
20:00 ∼ 22:00 Bath, Bed, Chat, Watch DVDs (入浴,片付け,おしゃべり, DVD鑑賞)
Go to Bed (就寝)
9 月 21 日(日) Sunday, Sep. 21st
Wake up (起床)
6:30 ∼ 7:30 Cleaning (清掃,かたつけ)
7:40 ∼ 8:30 Breakfast (朝食)
8:40 ∼ 9:30 The Final Clue is revealed! Can you solve the mystery? (ゲーム)
9:30 ∼ 9:45 Tea Break and Prepare for Preparations (休憩)
9:45 ∼ 10:10 Last minute skit preparation (プレゼンテーションの準備)
10:10 ∼ 11:00 Live! "Mystery" Presentations (ライブ!プレゼンテーション:授賞式)
11:00 ∼ 11:30 Closing ceremony / Cleaning (閉講式・清掃)
Good bye! (現地解散)
Fly UP