
You won`t abandon her, will you?

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You won`t abandon her, will you?
Beginner Lesson 55
You have an allergy,
don't you?
あなたはアレル ギ ーが あるよね?
Today's GOAL
To be able to express certainty or uncertainty
using many kinds of tag questions.
多様な付 加疑問文を使って、確 信または あいまいさを表現できるようになる。
Today's Phrases
You have an allergy, don't you?
あなたは、アレル ギーがあるよね?
You won't abandon her, will you?
あなたは、 彼女を見捨てないよね?
Many types of tag questions(色々な種類の付加疑問文)
Ex : He has a cat allergy, doesn't he? (彼、猫アレルギーがあるよね?)
You won't abandon that dog, will you? (その犬を見捨てたりしないよね?)
She can't have pets, can she? (彼女はペットを飼えませんよね?)
There aren't any games today, are there? (今日は1つも試合がありませんよね?)
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Beginner Lesson 55
New Words / Expressions
Directions: Listen and repeat after your teacher.
講師の 後に続いて読んでみましょう。
She is so adorable, right?
under the weather
I'm just under the weather.
体 調が 悪い・元気 がない
You have an allergy, don't you?
アレル ギー
I'm allergic to cats.
アレル ギーの
Please don't apologize.
You won't abandon her, will you?
( 見) 捨てる
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Beginner Lesson 55
Short Conversation
Directions: Read the following conversation with your teacher.
▶ Emily and Layla found a cat the other day, and Emily is now showing it to her
boyfriend, Aidan.
エミリーは、先日レイラと猫を見つけ、今それを彼 氏のエイダンに見せています。
: She is so adorable, right? What's wrong? You don't like cats, do you?
(すごいかわいいでしょ?どうしたの?猫が 苦手なのね?)
: Yeah, I do. I'm a cat-person. I'm just under the weather, that's all.
: Oh god, you are not sick. You have an allergy, don't you?
(まぁ大 変、あなた調子が 悪い わけじゃない わね 。アレル ギーがあるんでしょ?)
: Well, actually I do. I'm allergic to cats. I'm sorry, Em.
: No, please don't apologize. I am sorry. Let me keep her away from you.
: Wait, you won't abandon her, will you?
No way. Never. I'm gonna call Layla and talk to her about it.
(まさか。決してしない わ。レイラに電話して、話すつもり。)
: But she lives in an apartment. She can't have pets, can she?
( でも彼女はアパートに住んでるよ。彼女はペットを飼えないよね?)
: Her parents always wanted a cat so everything is gonna be okay. Don't worry.
( 彼 女の両 親 がいつも 猫を欲しがってたから、すべて大 丈 夫よ。心 配しないで。)
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Beginner Lesson 55
Directions: Answer the questions about the story.
1. What's wrong with Aidan? Is he under the weather?
2. Can Layla have pets? Why or why not?
3. What will Emily do about the cat?
Directions: Look at the following pictures and make tag questions.
(affirmative = 肯定文 / negative = 否定文 )
次の写真を見て、付 加疑問文を作りましょう。
【例 : Example】
Teacher : John won't abandon the dog.
You : John won't abandon the dog, will he? ( Negative )
You : John will take care of the dog, won't he? ( Affirmative )
Teacher : She doesn't like the game at all.
You : ____________________. ( Negative )
You : ____________________. ( Affirmative )
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Beginner Lesson 55
Teacher : He *hates his boss. (*hate = 憎む )
You : ____________________. ( Affirmative )
You : ____________________. ( Negative )
Teacher : She has a cat allergy.
You : ____________________. ( Affirmative )
You : ____________________. ( Negative )
Teacher : She doesn't like lemons.
You : ____________________. ( Negative )
You : ____________________. ( Affirmative )
Teacher : They will need these documents next week.
You : ____________________. ( Affirmative )
You : ____________________. ( Negative )
Teacher : She can eat ten waffles.
You : ____________________. ( Affirmative )
You : ____________________. ( Negative )
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Beginner Lesson 55
Free Conversation
Directions: Let's use the phrases and the words you've learned
during the lesson and talk about the following topics freely!
Talk about a country that you and your teacher have never been to.
Make tag questions and ask each other questions.
Ex : I heard there are no movie theaters in Saudi Arabia. It's not true, is it?
y friend told me there are drive-through bars in America.
They don't sell alcohol at a drive-through, do they?
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