
14-A 基本問題

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14-A 基本問題
14-A 基本問題
1. 次の日本文に合う英文を完成させなさい。
1) 一人で行きたいですか。
Would you like to go alone?
2) 百聞は一見にしかず。
To see is to believe.
3) 彼の夢はパイロットのなることです。
His dream is to become a pilot.
4) 物理を勉強するのは好きです。
I like to study physics.
5) 彼は留学を決意しました。
He decided to study abroad.
2 ( )内の語を並べかえて日本文に合う英文を作りなさい。
1) 食べ物は十分あります。
We have ( food, to, enough, eat ).
We have ( enough food to eat ).
2) 老人たちは何か生きがいを持つべきだ。
Old people should ( something, have, for, to, live ).
Old people should (have something to live for ).
3) ヘレンは切符を買うお金を持っていなかった。
Helen didn't have ( any, buy, the, to, money, ticket ) with.
Helen didn't have ( any money to buy the ticket ) with.
4) 彼は手紙を投函するために出かけた。
He ( out, to, a, mail, letter, went ).
He ( went out to mail a letter ).
5) 多くのよい友人たちに恵まれ私は幸せです。
I ( am, to, good, many, happy, friends, have ).
I ( am happy to have many good friends ).
3 次の文の( )内の語を正しい形に直しなさい。
1) Jim finished ( wash ) his car.
Jim finished ( washing ) his car.
2) I want ( buy ) a new lap-top computer.
I want ( to buy ) a new lap-top computer.
3) We enjoyed ( watch ) a baseball game on TV last night.
We enjoyed ( watching ) a baseball game on TV last night.
4) Paula can't give up ( smoke ).
Paula can't give up ( smoking ).
5) They were hungry. They stopped ( eat ) something.
They were hungry. They stopped ( to eat ) something.
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