
Prospects for the Next Step

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Prospects for the Next Step
TMDU International Collaboration Centers 1
The Research Partnership between TMDU and
Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research,
Ghana: Prospects for the Next Step
Ghana-Tokyo Medical and Dental University Research Collaboration Center
Nobuo Ohta
Professor, Environmental
Parasitology, TMDU
Professor Kwadwo
Koram, Director of
NMIMR and Visiting
Professor at TMDU.
Research Collaboration in
West Africa
tween Africa and Japan.
In order to provide young Japanese students and
samples from patients thought to be infected.
Our counterpart in Ghana is the Noguchi Me-
researchers with experience in an African set-
Fortunately, all samples tested at NMIMR were
morial Institute for Medical Research (NMIMR).
ting, we sought to establish a procedure for dis-
negative, but all the staff including our TMDU
Our international research collaboration project
Using the MEXT scheme, TMDU founded its
patching Japanese undergraduate students to
team were nervous when we received the sam-
between Japan and Ghana started in 2008 as part
International Collaboration Center at NMIMR in
Ghana. In the past two years, medical students
of the Program for Founding Research Centers
2008. Since then, two researchers, Professors
from TMDU were dispatched to NMIMR to join
Another topic was a recurrent episode of Afri-
for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Dis-
Eiji Ido and Takashi Suzuki, have been dis-
the MEXT research project. Although three stu-
can trypanosomiasis. Another name for this is
eases, sponsored by the Ministry of Education,
patched to the collaboration center at NMIMR,
dents were scheduled to go in 2014, it was un-
African sleeping sickness, and it can be fatal
Culture, Sports and Technology (MEXT). The
to implement research and to promote the ex-
fortunately cancelled because of the Ebola epi-
without sufficient care.
aim of this program is to promote on-site re-
change of students and researchers between TMDU
demic in West Africa. Ebola was not epidemic in
Although no human pa-
search into infectious diseases to improve public
and NMIMR.
Ghana, but for the sake of security, TMDU de-
tients were reported in the
health in Japan and the counterpart countries, as
The final year of the J-GRID program was
cided to pass up traveling to Ghana. The pro-
past decade, human cases
well as to develop human resources in the field
2014, and it has been announced that the scope
gram will be resumed when the epidemic sub-
have been reported in
of infectious disease research. We are now in the
and scheme of the MEXT program will be re-
Ghana since 2013. Ghana
second phase of the MEXT program, which is
constructed for the next five years of activities.
Encouraging young Ghanaian researchers is
can be considered to be
named the Japan Initiative for Global Network
Members of our project have started discussions
another obligation of our exchange. Based on
located on the front line
on Infectious Diseases (J-GRID). From a global
for the next phase of our collaboration project.
the agreement, TMDU has invited young re-
of infectious diseases.
point of view, sub-Saharan Africa is an area with
Virology and Parasitology are the two main
searchers from NMIMR for training in conduct-
With help from various
an urgent need for the control of infectious dis-
components of our research project. HIV and
ing laboratory experiments. Although they were
organizations, the collab-
eases. There are only two J-GRID projects being
viral hemorrhagic fever are the topics of our vi-
short-term experiences, young Ghanaians en-
oration project between
implemented in Africa. One is the project at our
rology research. Both diseases represent a seri-
joyed the training, and the opportunity to engage
Ghana Center in West Africa, and the other is at
ous health problem in the West African sub-re-
with Japanese culture and people.
making steady improve-
the Zambia Center in East Africa. In this sense,
gion. The main targets of our parasitology
Another project added to this program was a
our situation in the MEXT project is quite im-
research are malaria and trypanosomiasis. All of
PhD course funded by the Japanese Govern-
portant, and it is expected to lead to expanded
these are globally significant diseases, with
ment. The PhD program named Global Health
and more intensive research collaboration be-
pathogens specific to Africa. This means that
Leaders for Disease Prevention started in 2014.
Japanese researchers have had direct access to
This is for fostering health leaders with a scien-
the pathogens, which is an important opportuni-
tific mind. In 2014, two talented young people
ty for researchers in infectious disease. Our col-
from NMIMR joined the PhD course at TMDU.
laborative center provided unique and significant
This is important for promoting the research ca-
opportunities for the Japanese researchers, and
pabilities of our partner towards stronger collab-
TMDU is expected to maintain and expand this
research collaboration project.
Education and Training in Ghana
Kind Support from the Diplomatic
One of the aims of our international collabora-
Recurrence of diseases in West Africa; The Eb-
tion center at NMIMR was to promote exchange
ola epidemic in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Libe-
in education and training, as well as in research.
ria, located in West African Sub-region was a
For this purpose, several mutual visits were ar-
major news item. Although those countries are
ranged between Ghana and Japan, and more than
far away from Ghana, NMIMR was designated
20 young Japanese and Ghanaian staff and stu-
to be the reference center for testing Ebola. In
dents have visited each other in the past years.
the latter half of 2014, NMIMR was busy testing
ment towards the future.
2014年 9 月5日
本年 3 月末からギニアで流行が始まったエボラウイルス感染症が、隣国シエラレオネ、
リベリアに拡 大し、患 者 数の増 加が見られます。また、これらの地 域から移 動した患
ガーナでは、現在まで、エボラウイルス感染症が陽性(Positive)と確認されたケースは ありません。また、ガーナ政府は、万が一感染例が出たとしても流行が止められるよう対
JICA 事務所としても、情報の収集に努めており、重要な情報については、早急に皆さんに
このため、常日頃から食料品や水の備蓄(おおよそ 1 週間程度)、パスポートや貴重品を
TMDU staff visited Vice Chancellor, Professor Aryeetey, to discuss further collaboration
between TMDU and the University of Ghana.
1 Research collaboration in
a parasitology laboratory.
2 Joint meeting of research
output from J-GRID project.
Researchers from both sides
met and discussed self-evaluation.
3 A PhD student of TMDU
gave seminar at NMIMR to
exchange scientific information of entomological research careed out in the joint
Information about the Ebola
epidemic in the West African
sub-region was released
through official and private
channels in 2014.
TMDU International Collaboration Centers 2
Growing TMDU Network in Latin American
Countries; Academic, Educational and Clinical
Latin American Collaborative Research Center,
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Santiago, Chile
Tatsuyuki Kawano
Professor, Esophageal and
General Surgery, TMDU
IN 1968, PROFESSOR Tadashige Murakami,
screening (Fig. 1), and the Latin American Col-
former professor of surgery of TMDU, visited
laborative Research Center (LACRC) was estab-
Chile to give a lecture on gastric cancer. This was
lished at CLC in 2010. TMDU has continuously
the start of long relationship between TMDU and
sent experts in pathology, endoscopy and research
LACRC is staffed by experts from the pathology,
Chile. In the 1970s, the Japan International Coop-
to LACRC. From 2012, PRENEC (the Prevention
endoscopy and research departments of TMDU,
Academically speaking, the Ministry of Health
eration Agency (JICA) launched a project for the
Project for Neoplasia of Colon and Rectum) has
and various doctors have been involved in their
of Ecuador holds annual medical congresses
early detection of gastric cancers in order to reduce
been implemented in three major cities, Punta
work in Chile. As of 2014, LACRC is operated
in Quito, and TMDU professors are regularly
their high mortality rate. The Gastric Cancer Cen-
Arenas, Valparaiso and Santiago. More cities are
by three TMDU doctors, Dr. Hiroshi Kawachi
invited as presenters. In Paraguay, TMDU
ter in Santiago was founded in 1977 at Hospital
planning to join the project in the near future.
(pathologist, since March 2012), Dr. Maki
agreed to a direct request from the President of
Paula Jaraquemada (now the Hospital Clinico San
The Japanese method using immunological fecal
Kobayashi (molecular biologist, since July 2012),
Paraguay for support for the colorectal cancer
Borja Arriaran), and this center has long played a
occult blood test and colonoscopy has been
and Dr. Takuya Okada (endoscopist, since April
screening project. Dr. Kawachi from TMDU
major role in the project. TMDU also dispatched
adopted for the detection of colorectal cancer.
2013). Two more doctors joined the endoscopic
attended a signing ceremony for the agreement
numerous experts there to support the prevention
From 2012 to 2013, 11,311 participants were
department, Dr. Masahiro Tsubaki in October, and
held in Asuncion in June 2013.
of gastric cancer. The Gastric Cancer Center was
enrolled through PRENEC, and 99 of them
Dr. Tomoyuki Odagaki in November 2014.
later renamed the Chilean-Japanese Institute for
(0.89%) were found to have colorectal cancers.
LACRC members and University
Activities in 2014
from TMDU. LACRC sent doctors from Chile to
Ecuador several times, for discussions and to
makes suggestions about the cancer screening
system (Fig. 5).
Furthermore, approximately two-thirds of these
appointing medical students to institutions
overseas. Four to six students are sent to Chile
The Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry,
ypectomy or mucosectomy, without surgery. The
every year. The students are attached to the labo-
Japan(METI) recently asked TMDU to start
Chilean-Japanese Institute for Digestive Diseases
ratories at the University of Chile and CLC,
colorectal cancer screening in Brazil. In July
at Hospital San Borja Arriaran is the headquarter
where they participate in innovative studies with
2013, TMDU set up a consortium to handle the
In Chile, the mortality from colorectal cancer has
of PRENEC in Santiago. The institute also serves
local researchers. LACRC supports their work
project offered by METI, with two Japanese
been increasing in the last two decades, and the
as a training center for endoscopy. Three Chilean
and everyday lives in Chile (Fig. 3).
enterprises, Fujifilm Corporation (endoscopy) and
requirement for colorectal cancer screening has
doctors took a training course in endoscopy,
TMDU seeks to enhance its academic and edu-
Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd (immunological fecal
grown rapidly. Based on a proposal from Dr.
acquiring the skills required for colonoscopic
cational relationship with Chile. In 2013, TMDU
occult blood tests). The first delegate of the
Lopez of the Clinica Las Condes (CLC), one of
cancer screening. The Institute’s endoscopy unit
and the University of Chile, the leading university
consortium visited Sao Paulo in October 2013,
the biggest and most advanced hospitals in Chile,
has been renovated for PRENEC, with extensive
in the country, reached an agreement of on a
and reached an agreement for collaboration with
approval was given to start a screening project for
support from the Japanese Embassy in Chile.
Joint Degree Program that will enable doctors or
three major hospitals, including the University
researchers to receive a joint degree issued by
of Sao Paulo. Brazilian doctors, nurses and
both universities. Through this attractive pro-
coordinators visited Chile twice in September
gram, the two universities offer interchangeable
2013 and January 2014, to recieve guidance in
In July, Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
classes and courses, and participants can select
colorectal cancer screening.
and the first lady Akie Abe paid an official
the most suitable curriculum from a wide range of
visit to Chile. On the occasion of their visit,
options. Thorough preparation is currently under-
a ceremony was held at Hospital San Borja Ar-
way and the program will start in 2016 (Fig. 4).
maintaining the health of the Chilean people.
Colorectal Cancer Screening in
Chile, Supported by TMDU
colorectal cancer. Due to the long history between
TMDU and Chile, our university was invited to
supervise the project. In 2009, the Ministry of
Health of Chile, CLC and TMDU signed a collaboration agreement for colorectal cancer
Conversation with the First Lady
of Japan
riaran, commemorating the donation of medical
devices from the Japanese Embassy in Chile.
2 Ms. Akie Abe, the First Lady
of Japan, with LACRC staff
and TMDU at Hospital San
Borja Arriaran in Santiago
3 Research presentations by
TMDU students at CLC
4 Dr. Vivaldi, President of
the University of Chile and
staff, with the TMDU delegate
to Chile
METI Project for Colorectal
Cancer Screening in Brazil
TMDU operates the Project Semester program,
patients were treated endoscopically using pol-
Digestive Diseases, and it still contributes to
1 Conclusion of an
agreement for
colorectal cancer
screening between
the Chilean Ministry of Health, CLC
and TMDU
Projects in Ecuador and Paraguay
Ms. Akie Abe attended the ceremony and had a
TMDU came to an agreement regarding a cancer
conversation with doctors from LACRC and the
screening program with the government of Ecua-
hospital. Ms. Akie Abe spoke encouraging words
dor in 2012. At that time, a pilot project for
for the dedicated activities of LACRC, and ex-
colorectal cancer screening was being carried out
pressed her hope for the improved welfare of the
at National Hospital Pablo Arturo Suarez in Qui-
Chilean people (Fig. 2).
to, with clinical and project management support
5 Dr. Kawachi
a n d D r. O k a d a
from LACRC at
the workshop in
TMDU International Collaboration Centers 3
Strengthening Relationships between
TMDU and Universities in
Southeast Asia
CU-TMDU Research and Education Collaboration Center, Thailand
Yoko Kawaguchi
Professor, Oral Health
Promotion, TMDU
Joint Degree Program
Province, Northern Thailand. After the agreement
duced the idea of e-learning, explained how to
signing ceremony, Prof. Keiji Moriyama, Dean of
use e-learning, and gave instructions on how to
TMDU and Chulalongkorn University held their
School of Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry and Prof. Yoko Kawaguchi,
create software. Participants asked TMDU to
first meeting on May 12, 2014 with the aim of
Three 4th year students from the Faculty of Den-
Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
offer the dental e-learning seminar at other
establishing a Joint Degree Program on Dental
tistry, TMDU received training at Srinakharin-
gave special lectures to the students of the Faculty
universities too.
Science. The purpose of the meeting was to form
wirot University and Chulalongkorn University.
of Dentistry, NU.
a Joint Degree Program committee with the aim
They also visited the health center in Bangkok
of starting the program in August of 2016. For the
and the children’s center in a suburb of Bangkok
Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University,
to study dental care in Thailand. This program
this is the first time to create a joint degree program. Both universities have agreed to open this
Chiang Mai Univ11ersity
Health Seminar and Consultation
for Japanese Residents
On November 11, 2014, an Agreement on Aca-
was conducted from August 29 to September 6,
TMDU conducted a health seminar and dental
Yoshinobu Eishi, Dean of Faculty of Medicine,
2014, under the Re-inventing Japan Project.
consultation for Japanese residents in Thailand at
TMDU and Assoc. Prof. Watana Navacharoen,
joint degree program in August of 2016 as sched-
School of Health Care Sciences,
Bangkok General Hospital with co-sponsorship
Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai
uled, and it is expected that students of this joint
Faculty of Medicine
from Bangkok General Hospital on May 31,
University. A collaboration in the field of anato-
degree program will become leaders of dental
TMDU concluded a memorandum of understand-
2014. In the health seminar, Prof. Yasunari Mi-
my is planned for the near future.
science in Southeast Asia, as well as in Japan.
ing on Academic and Student Exchange with the
yazaki, Director of the Office of Student Support
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn
and Health Administration Organization, Junior
University on November 8, 2013. As part of the
Associate Professor Tatsuo Kawamoto from
A memorial event was held in the Faculty of
TMDU provided information about our school,
student exchange program, six students from the
Maxillofacial Orthognathics, and Dr. Thiravud
Dentistry at Srinakharinwirot University to
especially the graduate school, to potential
School of Health Care Sciences and Graduate
Khuhaprema, Visiting Professor of TMDU and
celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding
candidates of our Ph.D. program at meetings
School received training and held a cultural
Director of Cancer Center of Bangkok Hospital
of the Faculty. Prof. Keiji Moriyama, Dean of
of the South East Asia Association for Dental
exchange event at the Faculty of Allied Health
gave presentations.
Faculty of Dentistry, TMDU attended and de-
Education (SEAADE) and International Associa-
Science, Chulalongkorn University from August
The dental consultation was conducted by Dr.
livered a congratulatory address. TMDU and Sri-
tion for Dental Research Southeast Asia Division
17 to 27, 2014 under the sponsorship of the Re-
Yoshiaki Ono from the Department of Pediatric
nakharinwirot University signed an Agreement
(IADR SEA) in Kuching, Malaysia, held August
inventing Japan Project.
Dentistry, Dr. Shinji Kuroda from the Depart-
for Academic Exchange in 2010, and we have
9-14, 2014. Many people stopped by the TMDU
School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
ment of Oral Implantology and Regenerative
since conducted a student exchange program.
booth to listen to the explanations given by TM-
Three 4th year students from the School of Medi-
Dental Medicine, Dr. Kazuto Kurohara from the
DU staff, especially international students. Inter-
cine received training in the Faculty of Medicine,
Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Dr. Yuichi
national students described their own experiences
Chulalongkorn University, June 25 to November
Ikeda from the Department of Periodontology,
and student life at TMDU. Nearly 200 visitors
21, 2014 as part of the Project Semester and
and Dr. Tatsuo Kawamoto from the Department
On February 28, 2014, we held a memorial tree
from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, especially
Re-inventing Japan Project. These student ex-
of Maxillofacial Orthognathics.
planting ceremony at Chulalongkorn University.
East Asia, came to the TMDU booth.
change programs will contribute to an expanded
Studying Abroad at TMDU
The first joint meeting for
Joint Degree Program
Student Exchange Program
medical and dental network between TMDU and
universities in Southeast Asia in the future.
Agreement on Academic Exchange
Faculty of Dentistry, Naresuan University
On June 23, 2014 an Agreement on Academic
Dental e-learning Seminar
demic Exchange was concluded between Prof.
Srinakharinwirot University
Tree of Friendship in
Chulalongkorn University
Prof. Takashi Ohyama, President of TMDU at
the time, and Prof. Pirom Kamolratanakul,
On July 15, 2014 a dental e-learning seminar
President of Chulalongkorn University, planted a
was conducted at the CU-TMDU Research and
“Thai-Sakura” tree to represent the friendship
Education Collaboration Center, located in CU,
between both universities. This tree is a symbol
for 18 former international students in the Faculty
of the enhanced collaboration between the
of Dentistry, CU and Chiang Mai University.
universities. The “Thai-Sakura” tree is a very
Exchange was concluded between Prof. Keiji
In the seminar, Prof. Atsuhiro Kinoshita, Direc-
famous tree in Thailand. It was planted in front of
Moriyama, Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, TMDU
tor of the Institute for Library and Media Infor-
the administration building where many people
and Dr. Thaosapol Piyappattamin, Dean of Facul-
mation Technology, TMDU and Assistant Prof.
pass by. The tree is getting taller day by day,
ty of Dentistry, Naresuan University at Naresuan
Masayo Sunaga from the Institute for Library and
symbolizing our hope for further engagement
University located in Phitsanulok, Phitsanulok
Media Information Technology, TMDU, intro-
between our universities.
1 Signing ceremony of MOU
between TMDU and Naresuan University
2 Dental training program in
3 Cultural exchange program in Thailand
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