
事前課題5日分/Pre-Assignment(5days) PDF

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事前課題5日分/Pre-Assignment(5days) PDF
Biblical Foundation
Biblical Foundation
When we have weak foundations, we will live shallow lives. Many miss the call
of God to live deeper lives. We gravitate towards instant growth, within the
shortest possible time. The shallowness of our generation is particularly seen in
our shallowness in the Word of God. No deep roots. No deep foundations.
This session is about laying a solid foundation in our lives. It calls for a deep
life. It renounces life without depth. It examines the foundation of the Word of
God as the most necessary cornerstone for true spirituality.
We have itching ears. Compromised by spiritual consumerism, many Christians
opt for the convenience of church-hopping, programme-shopping and sermoncopying. Engaging daily with the Word is a painstaking discipline for which
many are not willing to pay the price. We give but cursory and superficial
attention to the Word.
Yet when we live according to the truth of God's Word, we will be transformed!
But we first need to return to God. And to devote ourselves afresh to His Word.
Taking it in and living it out. For Truth does not change lives. It is TRUTH
APPLIED that changes lives! The Word is not merely good thoughts to
appreciate but necessary truths to apply.
Not mere reflections but marvellous realities! This is the essence of a deep life
in God. For spiritual maturity is a mixed journey. It is a pilgrimage of many
painful trials; and yet, also of God's manifold grace. The presence of God makes
all the difference. We are not merely invited to make casual visits into God's
presence, but to have permanent residency. And abiding in the Word is the
What then is a solid foundation? It is certainly not sand. That which is built on
shifting sand will not stand the test of time. Thus, those who seek to build must
decide on the quality of the material. If the edifice is to last for posterity, then
the greatest care is needed, the choicest of material is chosen and the most
painstaking construction is undertaken. Only then will it be built to last.
Wisdom is living life through the eyes of God, a perspective which is offered to
us in the encounters of the Scripture. When we see as God sees, we will do as
God says. And when we do as God says, we will see as God sees. Thomas
Kempis wrote in The Imitation of Christ: “Without this Word no man
understands or judges aright.”
What is the foundation of your life? Upon what are you building? Give time and
attention to build to last a life of devotion upon the Word. For building such a
deep and lasting foundation is a non-negotiable call in radical discipleship!
Our Human Weakness
Building On Sand (Matt 7:24-27)
1. What exactly does Jesus mean by “building on sand”?
2. What did Jesus liken to “building on rock”?
3. How can we build a strong foundation in the Word of God?
4. In 2-3 short sentences, summarise your take-home lesson.
砂の上に建てる(マタイの福音書 7・24‐27)
1. 「砂の上に建てる」とは、イエスは実際に何を意味していますか?
2. 「岩の上に建てる」という言葉で、イエスは何をたとえていますか?
3. 私たちはどうすれば、神様のことばに強い基礎を建てることができます
4. 短い文章(二、三行)で習ったことをまとめてみましょう。
The Resulting Problem
Life Without Depth (Matt 13:3-9, 18-23)
1. What does the passage tell us about the different kinds of soil (hearts) and
their effects on the fruitfulness of the Word in our lives?
2. In contrast, Psalm 119:9-16 reflects a strong pursuit of the Word. What
qualities characterised the psalmist's pursuit?
3. In what practical ways can we cultivate a strong pursuit of the Word in our
own lives? What would be the evidence(s) of such a life?
4. In 2-3 short sentences, summarise your take-home lesson.
深みのない人生(マタイの福音書 13・3-9、18-23)
1. それぞれ違った種類の土地(心)とその影響が、私たちの人生の中に、み
2. それとは対照的に、詩篇 119・9-16 では、みことばに対する強い追求が見
3. 自分の生活で、みことばに対する強い追求を育てるために、どんな実用的
4. 短い文章(二、三行)で習ったことをまとめてみましょう。
The Radical Re-Orientation
The Non-Negotiable Foundation (Ps 119:89-96)
1. List four characteristics of the Word of God revealed in this passage.
2. What does the psalmist mean when he says that the precepts of God give life
(v93)? What is the chief implication of this for your life?
3. How can we stay true to the Word in the midst of painful afflictions?
4. In 2-3 short sentences, summarise your take-home lesson.
交渉の余地がない基礎(詩篇 119・89-96)
1. この聖書箇所から分かる、神様のことばの特徴を四つ述べましょう。
2. 神様の戒めは人を生かすと詩篇の作者が言っていますが(節 93)、作者
3. 色々な辛い悩みなどの中で、私たちはどうすれば、神様のことばに従うこ
4. 短い文章(二、三行)で習ったことをまとめてみましょう。
The Critical Need
The Living Word of the Living God (2 Tim 3:16-17)
1. What does Paul tell us about the Scripture? What particular aspect of the
description speaks to you the most? Why?
2. How is the Word of God “profitable” to equip us for every good work?
3. Is the discipline of the Word reflected in your daily living? What structures do
you need to put in your life to strengthen that discipline so that it becomes a
4. In 2-3 short sentences, summarise your take-home lesson.
生きている神の、生きていることば(II テモテ 3・16-17)
1. パウロは、聖書について私たちに何を教えていますか?この文書の描写
2. 神様のことばは、どのようにすべての良い働きのために私たちを整えるこ
3. 聖書の鍛錬は自分の日常生活に影響を与えていますか?その鍛錬が喜
4. 短い文章(二、三行)で習ったことをまとめてみましょう。
The Empowered Life of Roots and Wings
Living By Principles (Mark 2:23-28)
1. What principle was Jesus highlighting in this passage?
2. Is your life lived more by precepts (do's and don'ts) or more by principles
(truths)? In what ways is this so?
3. How can we grow to be more principle-centred in our lives and ministry?
4. In 2-3 short sentences, summarise your take-home lesson.
原則で生きる(マルコの福音書 2・23-28)
1. この文書では、イエスは何の原則を強調していますか?
2. あなたの人生は、教訓(ルール)によって生きることが多いですか?それ
3. 私たちの人生と奉仕の中で、もっと原則が中心になるようにするには、ど
4. 短い文章(二、三行)で習ったことをまとめてみましょう。
The Living Word of the Living God
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.
Isaiah 40:8
Dr. Will H. Houghton used to say, “Lay hold of the Bible until the Bible lays
hold of you.” Martin Luther went much further when he said, “The Bible is
alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold on
me.” No matter what ministry the Lord has assigned to you, you can't succeed
apart from the Word of God.
Warren Wiersbe
What is largely missing... today is a sense of context, of saying or doing
anything that is intended or even expected to live beyond the moment. There is
no culture in the world that is so obsessed as ours with immediacy. In our
journalism the trivial displaces the momentous because we tend to measure the
importance of events by how recently they happened. We have become so
obsessed with facts that we have lost all touch with truth.
Ted Koppel
In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.
Saint Augustine of Hippo
But it's been my experience that very few ministries divide over doctrine. Most
differences among Christians centre on personalities, methods of ministry,
allocation of funds, and other noteworthy but non-doctrinal matters.
Warren Wiersbe
Your heart grows by giving out, but your mind grows by taking in; and both are
necessary to a happy and balanced life of service. Christian workers who don't
read aren't taking in fuel for the mind and food for the soul, and they end up
tring to spin out their ministry like a spider's web. Bees have a much better
approach. They gather pollen from many sources but manufacture their own
honey. Most people prefer honey to spiders' webs.
Warren Wiersbe
If you can leave your church on Sunday morning with no feeling of discomfort,
of conviction, of brokenness, of challenge, then for you the hour of worship has
not been as dangerous as it should have been. The ease with which we go on
being Christian sentimentalists is one of our worst faults.
Paul Stromberg Rees
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