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Section 1
Japan: Then and Now
All about Japan
1. 日本の国土面積は約 378,000km2 で中国の 26 分の1、米国の 25 分の1で、ドイ
ツとほぼ同じである。英国の国土は日本の 3 分の 2、フランスの国土は日本の 1.5
倍である。日本列島は北緯ほぼ 20 度から 45 度、東経ほぼ 123 度から 154 度の
間に位置しており、南北約 3,000km におよぶ。日本標準時子午線は兵庫県の明
石市を通る東経 135 度の線である。
Useful Expressions
▼ 国土面積:land area
(ex.) Japan’s land area is about 378,000 square kilometers.
▼ ~分の 1、~分の 2:one- 序数、two- 序数(複数形)
(ex.) Japan’s land area is about one-twentyfifth that of China.
(ex.) Japan’s land area is about the same as that of Germany.
(ex.) The land area of the UK is about two-thirds that of Japan.
(ex.) France(’s land area) is 1.5 times larger than (that of) Japan.
▼ 緯度:latitude(北緯~度:~ degreesnorthlatitude)
▼ 経度:longitude(東経~度:~ degrees east longitude)
▼ 日本標準時子午線:Japan Standard Time Meridian (JSTM)
(ex.) The Japan Standard Time Meridian is 135 degrees east longitude.
Japan’s total land area is about 378,000 square kilometers. The size
is one-twenty-sixth that of China, and one-twenty-fifth that of the United
States. Japan is about the size of Germany. The land area of the United
Kingdom is two-thirds that of Japan. France is 1.5 times larger than Japan.
The Japanese Archipelago is located between 20 and 45 degrees north
latitudes, and between 123 and 154 degrees east longitudes. The Japan
Standard Time Meridian, or JSTM, is 135 degrees east longitude, which
runs across Akashi City in Hyogo Prefecture.
そう や
2. 日本の最北端は宗谷岬(北緯 45 度 31 分)、最南端は沖ノ鳥島(北緯 20 度 25 分)
である。北方領土が返還されれば日本の最北端は択捉島(北緯 45 度 33 分)に
は てる ま
なる。日本最南端の有人島は沖縄諸島の波照間島(北緯 24 度 2 分)。ちなみに、
よ な ぐに
ハワイ諸島オアフ島は北緯 21 度 20 分に位置する。日本の最西端は与那国島(東
経 122 度 56 分)、最東端は南鳥島(153 度 59 分)である。日本の国土面積は世
界 60 位だが、排他的経済水域は世界 6 位である。
Useful Expressions
▼ 最北端:thenortherntip
▼ 岬:cape(宗谷岬:CapeSoya)
▼ 北方領土:theNorthernTerritories
▼ 有人島:inhabitedisland(⇔uninhabitedisland / deserted island)
▼ ~が世界~位:ranks 序数…intheworldintermsof ~
(ex.) Japan ranks the 60th in the world in terms of land area.
= Japan’s land area is the 60th largest in the world.
▼ 排他的経済水域:exclusiveeconomiczone(EEZ)
The northern tip of Japan is Cape Soya at 45 degrees and 31 minutes
north latitude. The southern tip is Okino-torishima at 20 degrees and 25
minutes north latitude. When the Northern Territories are returned to
Japan, the northern tip of the land will be Etorofu Island at 45 degrees and
33 minutes north latitude.
The southernmost inhabited island is Hateruma Jima, which is located
south of Iriomote Island, at 24 degrees and 2 minutes north latitude. For
comparison, Oahu Island in the Hawaiian Islands is located at 21 degrees
and 20 minutes north latitude. The western tip is Yonaguni Island at 122
degrees and 56 minutes east longitude. The easternmost island is Minamitorishima at 153 degrees and 59 minutes east longitude.
Japan’s land area is the 60th largest in the world. However, Japan’s
EEZ, or the exclusive economic zone is the 6th largest in the world.
Section 1
Japan: Then and Now
All about Japan
3. 日本海を北上する暖流を対馬海流、日本列島の太平洋側を北上する暖流を日本海
流(黒潮)、日本列島の太平洋側に沿って南下してくる寒流を千 島海流(親潮)
一方、夏には南東の季節風が太平洋側に雨を多くもたらす。また、6 月半ばから
7 月半ばまで梅雨があり、8 月~ 10 月には台風が来襲する。なお、北海道地域
Useful Expressions
▼ 日本海:theSeaofJapan
▼ 太平洋:thePacificOcean
▼ 暖流:warm ocean current
▼ 寒流:cold ocean current
(ex.) The Tsushima (Warm) Current flows northward along the Japan Sea
(ex.) The Chishima (Cold) Current flows southward along the Pacific
▼ 季節風:seasonal wind / monsoon
▼ 梅雨:theearlysummerrainyseason
▼ 台風:typhoon(インド洋の台風:cyclone /北大西洋の台風:hurricane)
A warm ocean current called the Tsushima-Kairyu flows northward
along the Japan Sea coast. Another warm current called the Nihon-Kairyu
flows northward along the Pacific coast. There is also a cold current called
the Chishima-Kairyu, which flows southward from the Kuril Islands along
the Pacific coast.
In winter, wet and cold seasonal northwest winds are warmed by the
Tsushima-Kairyu, a warm ocean current, resulting in heavy snowfalls on
the coastal areas along the Sea of Japan. In summer, the Nihon-kairyu, a
warm ocean current, is further warmed up by southeastern seasonal winds,
resulting in a lot of rain on the Pacific coastal areas.
Moreover, the early summer rainy season called “tsuyu” brings heavy
rain during the mid-June through mid-July period, and typhoons frequently
hit Japan from August through November. Hokkaido has no rainy season.
4. 年間降水量は世界平均が約 970mm、日本は約 1,700mm である。地域別の気
候の特徴としては、①南西諸島は多雨で冬も温暖(平均気温が 20 ℃以上)、
②日本海側では冬に降水[雪]量が多く、③太平洋側では夏に多雨(1,500 ~
2,000mm 台)、④瀬戸内は少雨で冬も比較的温暖(1,000mm 程度)、⑤内陸地
方は少雨(1,000mm 程度)で夏冬の気温差が大きく、⑥北海道は少雨で冬の寒
さが厳しい(平均気温が 1 ケタ台)。日本の大部分の②~⑤は温帯に属しており、
四季の変化が明確である。東京の年間降水量は約 1,500mm である。
Useful Expressions
▼ 年間降水量:theannualprecipitation
(ex.) The world’s average annual precipitation is about 970 millimeters.
▼ 気候:climate(天候、天気:weather)
▼ 平均気温:theaveragetemperature
▼ 瀬戸内:theSetoInlandSea(area)
(ex.) The Seto Inland Sear area has lower precipitation throughout the
year and moderate winter temperatures.
▼ 内陸地方:inland area
▼ 温帯:theTemperateZone
(ex.) Major parts of Japan belong to the Temperate Zone.
▼ 四季の変化:changesoftheseasons/seasonalchanges
▼ 明確な:distinct / clear-cut
(ex.) Seasonal changes in Japan are distinct. / Japan has four distinct
The world’s average annual precipitation is about 970 millimeters,
while Japan’s is about 1,700 millimeters. Japan’s climate is categorized
into six types according to the region. The first type is observed in the
southwestern islands. The area has a lot of rain and a warm climate even in
winter. The average temperature is over 20 degrees Celsius.
The second type is that of the Japan Sea side. The area has a lot of
snow during winter. The third type is that of the Pacific coastal areas. The
area has a lot of rain in summer, while it gets very dry during winter. Some
areas have an annual rainfall of over 2,000 millimeters.
The fourth type is that of the Inland Sea area, where it is relatively
warm and dry throughout the year. The fifth type is that of inland areas
surrounded by mountains, where it is dry almost throughout the year,
but the temperature differences between summer and winter are rather
large. The sixth type is that of Hokkaido. It has low precipitation and gets
extremely cold during winter.
Section 1
Japan: Then and Now
All about Japan
Most parts of Japan belong to the Temperate Zone, and are
characterized by distinct seasonal changes. The average annual
precipitation of Tokyo, Japan’s capital, is about 1,500 millimeters.
5. 日本の森林率は約 67%でそのほとんどが山岳地帯である。一方、他国の森林率
は北米が 38%、ヨーロッパが 32%、アフリカが 22%、中国が 15%である。日
ツ、ハイマツ、ツガ、シラビソなど)、冷温帯・ 山地帯の落葉広葉樹林(北海道・
られる。森林には人工林と天然林があるが、近年、その割合は 4:5 程度であり、
スギは人工林の半分近くを占めており、スギ、ヒノキ、カラマツの 3 樹種で全体
の 9 割近くを占めている。一方、天然林の 72%は広葉樹が占めており、多様な
Useful Expressions
▼ 森林率:forestcover
(ex.) Japan’s forest cover is about 67%, and most forests are located in
moutainous areas.
▼ 山岳地帯:mountainous area
▼ 常緑針葉樹林:evergreenconiferousforest
▼ 落葉広葉樹林:deciduousbroadleavedforest
▼ 常緑樹/落葉樹:evergreen tree / deciduous tree
▼ 針葉樹/広葉樹:coniferoustree / broadleaved tree
▼ 照葉樹林:evergreenbroadleavedforest
▼ 熱帯雨林:tropicalrainforest
▼ マツ:pine tree
▼ ブナ:beech
▼ カエデ:maple
▼ クス:camphortree
▼ スギ:cedar
▼ ヒノキ:cypress
▼ 人工林/天然林:artificial[planted]forest/naturalforest
▼ 割合:ratio
(ex.) Currently, the ratio of planted forests to natural forests is about 4 to
(ex.) The proportion of planted forests has been increasing.
(ex.) Nearly 50 percent of planted forests in Japan consist of cedar trees.
Japan’s forest cover is about 67 percent, and most forests are located
in mountainous areas. As for the figures for other countries, North
America’s is 38 percent; Europe, 32%; Africa, 22 percent and China, 15
Japan’s forests are categorized into four types. The first is the
evergreen coniferous forests found in Hokkaido and Northern Honshu.
They consist of cedars, cypresses and others. The second is deciduous
broadleaved forests found in cold and mountainous areas such as
Hokkaido, northern Honshu and central Honshu. They consist of
beeches, oak trees, maple trees, and chestnut trees. The third is evergreen
broadleaved forests found in western Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
The forth category is tropical rain forests found in southern Kyushu and
southwestern islands.
Japan’s forests consist of both artificial forests and natural forests.
Now the ratio of planted forests to natural forests is 4 to 5, and the ratio
of planted forests has been increasing. Most planted forests consist of
coniferous trees, among which the most common are cedar trees planted
after the war, now accounting for about half of all the planted trees.
Cedar, cypress and pine trees make up about 90 percent of all the artificial
forests. On the other hand, 72 percent of natural forests are made up of
broadleaved trees, which retain great diversity.
Section 2
Talking about Japan
Questions and Answers
(1)Why does it rain a lot in Japan?
There are some reasons. In winter, cold northwest seasonal winds bring a
lot of rain and snow on the Sea of Japan side. In summer, warm and wet
seasonal winds bring a lot of rain to the Pacific coastal areas. Moreover,
there is an early summer rainy season during the mid-June through midJuly period, and many typhoons hit the country from September through
November. They also bring a lot of rain.
⇒ ここがポイント
(2)In winter what is the weather like in Hokkaido and Okinawa?
Hokkaido is very cold with its average temperatures marking below zero.
Since it snows a lot, Hokkaido is popular with skiers. Sapporo, Hokkaido’s
capital, holds a Snow Festival in February, in which large snow and ice
statues are built along the main boulevard. Okinawa is warm with average
temperatures of around 25 degrees Celsius.
⇒ ここがポイント
(3)Why does Tokyo have dry weather in winter?
In winter, northwest winds bring a lot of snow to the coastal areas of
the Sea of Japan, and the mountains beyond. These winds pass over the
mountains and have lost all their moisture by the time they reach Tokyo,
which is located on the opposite side, on the Pacific coast.
⇒ ここがポイント
(4)What is the tsuyu? How do Japanese like it?
Tsuyu is the early summer rainy season. It is caused by the seasonal
rain fronts settling over the middle to the southern parts of the Japanese
archipelago. Most Japanese think it an unpleasant season, but not
necessarily hate it because they know that the rain during the season is
indispensable for agriculture such as rice growing as well as for filling the
dams all across the country.
⇒ ここがポイント
(5)In Japan, there’re so many weather forecast programs on TV. Why is it?
Since Japan is mountainous and is surrounded by the sea, its precipitation
is generally high, and the weather sometimes changes drastically
according to the area and the season. Sometimes bad weather causes
flooding, mudslides or wind damage. Because of this, weather forecasts
are important so that people can prepare for bad weather. People going
out for the day rely on weather forecasts to decide whether to bring an
umbrella with them or what to wear for the day. Moreover, Japanese like
to hold outdoor events throughout the year including festivals and seasonal
customs such as cherry blossom viewing, so the demands for weather
forecasts are quite high.
⇒ ここがポイント
Section 3
Translation Practice
Model Answers
す。日本列島は南北約 3,000 キロメートルに延びており、北端はロシア本土のす
The Japanese Archipelago is located east of the Asian Continent, and
is separated from the continent by the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea.
The archipelago stretches about 3,000 kilometers from north to south, with
its northern tip located just east the Russian mainland, and its southwestern
islands located at nearly the same latitude as Hawaii.
Because the Japanese Archipelago stretches long from north to south,
its climate varies greatly according to the area. In addition, mountains line
the archipelago like a giant backbone, resulting in quite a different weather pattern between the areas facing the Sea of Japan and the areas facing the
Pacific Ocean.
日本は 4 つの主な島と約 6,000 の小さな島から成っています。最大の島は中央に
ある本州で、東京、名古屋、大阪などの大都市があります。2 番目に大きい島は北
海道で札幌があります。3 番目に大きい島は九州で福岡があります。4 島で最小な
Japan is made up of four major islands and about 6,000 smaller islands.
The largest island is Honshu in the middle, on which such major cities as
Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka are located. The second largest is Hokkaido where
Sapporo is located. The third largest is Kyushu where Fukuoka is located. The
smallest among the four is Shikoku.
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Section 3
Translation Practice
Model Answers
Japan’s prosperity owes much to its geographical and climatic conditions,
but at the same time, Japan’s geography and climate have frequently brought
about serious natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and volcanic
eruptions. As a result, the Japanese came to think it important to live in
harmony with nature.
20 世紀後半の日本の高度経済成長期、日本の環境は工業の発達によってひどく害
During Japan’s rapid economic growth in the latter half of the 20th century,
Japan’s environment was severely damaged by industrial development. Japan
overcame the environmental problems thanks partly to stricter regulations and
advanced technology, but Japan’s heavy precipitation also played an important
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Section 3
Translation Practice
Questions and Answers
日本は島国で、本州、北海道、九州、四国の主要 4 島ならびに無数の小さな島々
からなっています。日本列島は北から南に約 3,000 キロメートルに及んで延びて
います。日本の国土面積は約 378,000 平方キロメートルで、世界では 61 番目の大
きさですが、日本の排他的経済水域は世界 6 位の大きさです。
Japan is an island nation, made up of four major islands of Honshu,
Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku, and numerous smaller islands. The islands
stretch about 3,000 kilometers from north to south. The land area of Japan is
about 378,000 km2, which is the 61st largest in the world, but its EEZ is the
sixth largest in the world.
Because of Japan’s unique topographical features, Japan’s climate differs
greatly according to the region and the season. For example, during winter,
the areas facing the Sea of Japan have a lot of snow, while the areas facing
the Pacific Ocean have a dry weather. In early summer all the areas except
Hokkaido are affected by heavy rain.
北海道は日本の主要 4 島のうち最北端にある島です。北海道の冬の天候は亜寒帯
地方の天候に似ていますが、夏は極端に暑くなり、最高気温が 35℃を超えること
Hokkaido is the northernmost island among the four major islands of
Japan. Its winter weather is similar to that of the sub-frigid zone, but its
summer can be very hot, with the highest temperature sometimes exceeding 35
degrees centigrade. In fact, the temperature differences in Hokkaido between
winter and summer are the most drastic in Japan.
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Section 3
Translation Practice
Questions and Answers
The Japanese have frequently suffered from natural disasters such as
earthquakes, typhoons and floods, and volcanic eruptions. Because those
natural phenomena are not preventable, it became important for the Japanese
to cooperate with each other in order to survive the possible disasters.
日本は 1950 年代から 1970 年代初期の間に高度経済成長を経験しました。その期
Japan experienced a rapid economic growth between the 1950s and the
early 1970s. During that period, Japan’s environment was severely damaged.
In the process of overcoming the environmental problems, Japan’s technology
greatly advanced, and today, Japan’s green technology is one of the most
advanced in the world.
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