INTERNSHIP PROGRAM FOR ESL STUDENTS インターンシッププログラム ENDERUN COLLEGES INC. PROGRAM OBJECTIVES このプログラムの目的 1. Expose students to day-to-day, real-life job scenarios 毎日英語を使ったリアルな仕事の場を体験 1. Provide opportunities to interact with other nationalities 様々な国の人々との交流の機会 2. Develop the students‘ conversational and functional English skills 日常会話、ビジネス英語など実用的英語能力をさらに磨く 4. Connect the students to potential professional networks さまざまなプロとの交流とネットワーキングの機会 5. Train students to become competitive, globally-adept and driven professionals グローバルな場面で働ける、有能なプロフェッショナルへの訓練 REQUIREMENTS 必要条件 1. ESL Intermediate B2 ( students will undergo a 3 month training if at B1 and a 6 month training if at A2) 英語力がB2(中級)以上であること。もしそれに満たなければ少 なくとも3ヶ月、A2レベルは少なくとも6ヶ月の語学研修 2. English Placement Examination and Needs Analysis 英語力評価テストとその分析結果 3 . Letter of recommendation/endorsement from partner school 推薦状、または協定校からの承認 4. 2x2 pictures 5cm×5cmの写真(背景白) 5. Original passport パスポート原本 6. Application form 申込用紙 7. Transcript of records 大学の成績証明書(英語) 8. Special study permit 就学許可書 Selection/選考基準とそのプロセス enrollment PROCESS 1. Select the students who will undergo the internship program. Consider the English level, school records, willingness to live in a foreign country. インターンシップ受講にあたっての選考基準-英語力、学校成績、海外で生活する意欲を考慮 2. Send the names to the International Admissions Office of Enderun Colleges and further instructions will be sent via email. 大学のインターナショナルオフィスへ申込 3. Once the student has taken the online English placement examination, an interview will be scheduled via Skype or LINE. During the interview, the program objectives shall be discussed in detail. インターンシップのための英語の試験を受け,オンライン面接 4. Wait for the official recommendations to be sent by Enderun Colleges 2 days after the interview. 面接2日後に、合格者へはエンデランから企業への推薦状を発行 IMPORTANT REMINDERS 重要なお知らせ 1. Internship positions are unpaid, so students should prepare their own money for rent, transportation, and other expenses. インターンシップは一般に無給です。ランチ代が支給されることもありますが、住居費、交通費などは支給されません 。 2. Internship terms differ depending on the rules of the company. It could be between 2weeks and 3 months. インターンシップ期間は企業によって異なりますが、通常1社が2週間から3ヶ月になります。 2. Interns should be familiar with the field either through direct experience, or through their academic studies. インターンシップ先の分野のある程度の知識は必要です。実務経験や大学での専攻も考慮に入れて考えます 3. Visa requirements should be fulfilled before the internship begins. インターンが始まるまでに必要なビザの手続きを行います。 。 programs 1-year English+Internship Program 12ヶ月コース (英語10ヶ月+インターンシップ2ヶ月) This internship course is for students who will be required to spend at least 1 year in the intensive English program to prepare them for internship. This course is recommended for those who are starting as A2 (False Beginners) learners. See the course path below: Months 1-4 Students shall attend intensive and social classes to build the basic foundations of the language. A2 (初心者)から、1年間かけて 海外企業で働けるように準備す るコース。 B1以上の人の12ヶ月コースもあ ります。 Months 5-8 Students shall be exposed to the functionality of the language and shall attend more specialized English lessons Months 9-10 Students shall undergo Intermediate English training and shall be provided with opportunities to simulate real job scenarios Months 11-12 Students will undergo internship while being supervised by Enderun Colleges programs 6-month English+Internship Program 6ヶ月コース(英語4ヶ月 +インターンシップ2ヶ月) This internship course is for students who are at at the (B2) Intermediate level and would like to undergo a refresher English course before taking their internship. See the course path below: Months 1-4 Students shall attend intermediate intensive and social classes to enhance their communication skills and be well-adjusted to the culture. B2(中級者)を対象にしたコース。海外で異文化を受 け入れつつ仕事をする土台を学んだ後、現場での経 験を積みます。 Months 5-6 Students will undergo internship while being supervised by Enderun Colleges programs 1-month English+Internship Program 4週間プロブラム(英語2週間+インターンシップ) This internship course is intended for students who have limited amount of time to study and render hours for internship. Ideally, students taking this course should be (B2) intermediate students who don’t need to establish the basic foundations of the language and may go straight to internship after only 2 weeks. See the course path below: Weeks1-2 Students shall attend intermediate intensive and social classes to enhance their communication skills and be well-adjusted to the culture. B2(中級)以上の人で長期間の休みがとれない人向 け。2週間でその分野のビジネス英語を学び、残り2週 間で、実際の現場での仕事を体験します。 Weeks 3-4 Students will undergo internship while being supervised by Enderun Colleges PARTNER HOTELS 提携ホテル Other partner companies 提携企業