
2017 Application Form University of Tsukuba, GSBS, MBA Program

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2017 Application Form University of Tsukuba, GSBS, MBA Program
 2017 Application Form University of Tsukuba, GSBS, MBA Program in International Business Please fill out each blank or circle the correspond number below. Please leave spaces with ※ blank for official use. Graduate School 8 セ Business Sciences Department MBA‐IB Examinee ※ number Condition when apply Status 2 Working Adult 0 2
Official Use
2 Working Foreign Student Status 3 Others 1 Government Furigana ツクバ タロウ English TSUKUBA TARO Name in own language 筑波 太郎 (Family name) (First name) Year 1 9 8 Date of Birth Month Day 3 0 9 0 1 都 道
(Official Name of School)
Qualifications for Admission (Undergraduate) Domicile (For Japanese) Nationality (For Foreigner) Name Change Date Year
changed (Middle name) B.P code Official Use
32 Status Official expected Use 1 University of Tsukuba If you attended a school after your graduation from the university listed above, list the name of school below: Final Education Graduated Expected (Year) 2004 4 (Year) Certification(s) (Month) Degree (Month) name 受験の際に特別な
necessary に○をつ
Special measures for examination Teacher’s License 00‐00 (Year) (Month)
Residence address Zip Code 112‐0012 Date of Graduation 101‐00XX 4
Screening for eligibility
not necessary
出願資格②の方は necessary
City, State
City, State
*Please write in Japanese if your 東京都文京区大塚 3‐29‐1 residence is in Japan *Indicate country if abroad Tel. 03‐3942‐6816 E‐Mail
Place of employment (Name of organization) ABC Trading Co., Ltd, Marketing Section Zip Code Month
(Year) (Month) (Year) (Month)
F 婚姻等にて姓が変更した
not necessary necessary 1 M Original Name 府 県
※ National graduated 1 Year Public 2 2 School of International Studies College of International Studies
Private others 3 Foreign 5 4 (Faculty) (Department) 各自の出願資格となる学校名を記入してください。大学卒
2 0 0
Others Degree name Bachelor of XXXXX ※ 5 業後に大学院等を修了(在学)している場合は、下段「最
Sex Age
2 Private [email protected] Full time Part time
*Please write in Japanese if your 東京都千代田区神田神保町 X‐XX 勤に○、それ以外の場合は非常勤に○をつけてください。
work place is in Japan Business address Tel. 03‐3942‐XXXX 希望するビジネスプロジェクトタイプを
Type of Business Project *Please refer to the 1 In‐Company Project "Personal Essay" 2 Business Plan Development section for more 3 Independent Research Report details on the type of 4 Overseas Internship business project 5 Japan Internship E‐Mail
[email protected] ‐ Official Use
※ Applicable Provision
Application Fee ‐
Attach the properly stamped payment receipt to this space 「郵便振替払込受付証明書」又は「収納証明書」を必ず貼
※If you wish to remit money from overseas, please contact 査結果受領後に検定料を払い込んで別途お送りください。
us by referring to "15. Inquiries and application submission" Academic Background & Employment History Examinee number If there is insufficient space on this form, make copies as necessary. Name (English) Graduate School of Business Sciences, MBA‐IB Period of schooling you have attended (Year) (Month) 1997 4 To 2000 3 From 2000 4 To 2004 3 From To From Official Use
TSUKUBA Taro From To From To Upper Secondary School ABC High School University of Tsukuba (School of International Studies, College of International Studies) Enrollment Graduation (Expected)
Enrollment 出願資格となる大学卒業後に修了(在学)した大学(大学
Graduation (Expected)
Enrollment Graduation (Expected)
Foreign applicants Elementary Education Foreign applicants Employment History Name of schools (including department and major) To Japanese applicants: Please list information from high school onward Foreign applicants: Please list information from elementary school onward Academic Background From ※ Lower Secondary School Complete clearly and correctly with period, name of organization, division and position (Sample) 1986/4 ~ 1990/3 AAA Co.Ltd, BBB Division, Assistant Manager 1990/4 ~ Present " " General Manager Period of Employment Employment Record (Year/Month) ~ (Year/Month) From ~ 2004/4 2008/3
To From ~ 2008/4 Present
To From ~ To From ~ To From ~ To From ~ To From ~ To From ~ To From ~ To From ~ To From ~ To Name of Organization, Division, Position ABC Trading Co., Ltd, Marketing Section ABC Trading Co., Ltd, Marketing Section, Assistant Manager Personal Essay The following essay questions are part of the application process to the Tsukuba MBA‐IB Program. In addition to learning about your professional aspirations, the Admissions Committee hopes to gain an understanding of your goals, values, and motivation through these essays. There are no right answers and we encourage you to answer each question thoughtfully and honestly. Answer each of the following three questions with a single‐sided, typed, double‐spaced essay on A4 or letter‐sized paper, one page per essay. Each essay should have your name and number of the Essay Question in the upper right corner. Please put this page on top of your three essays. 指示に従い、1‐3 について各 1 ページで作成してください。
ESSAY QUESTIONS 1. What is the most significant change or improvement you made to the organization with which you were recently employed or are currently affiliated? Describe the process that you went through to identify the need for the change or improvement to the organization, how you managed the process of implementing the change, and describe the results. 2. What are your short‐term and long‐term career goals? How will the Tsukuba MBA‐IB degree contribute to your career goals? 3. Please describe in detail your plan for the Business Project (*ICP, BPD, IRR, OI, JI) and discuss how you intend to integrate the Project with your broader educational and career goals. 希望するビジネスプロジェクトタイプを 1 つ選択してください。
*Types of Business Project In‐Company Project (ICP) The ICP is a project carried out at the student’s workplace generally involving some aspect of research, development or planning helpful to the student’s employer. It represents an opportunity to apply classroom knowledge acquired in the MBA‐IB program to real world business situation. Students are expected to develop a new model and/or make and implement new plans for their employers. 2 Business Plan Development (BPD) The BPD is a unique entrepreneurial experience of creating a start‐up business plan. The student will have to cover a wide range of issues regarding the key business areas of finance, accounting, marketing and management. The focus of this experience is to select a concept and create a complete and persuasive business plan that, among other things, will effectively accomplish the goal of acquiring financing. 3 Independent Research Report (IRR) In the IRR, students are expected to write an academic dissertation equivalent to that of a master thesis. Students will need to review literature, establish a research question or analytical framework, and collect and analyze public and original (questionnaires, interviews, simulation, etc.) data and information. The form of the dissertation must follow the form used in the relevant academic field. Overseas Internship (OI) Students will experience business in a foreign country or global business by interning with a foreign company or a subsidiary of a multinational company (including Japanese company) located overseas. Students are requested to include in the final report behavior observation of the type of business, and analysis of business tasks undertaken during the internship. Japan Internship (JI) Through internship either in a foreign company or a Japanese company in Japan, students will experience practical training and behavior observation in a new sector or type of business. Students are requested to include in the final report behavior observation of the type of business, and analysis of business tasks undertaken during the internship. 1 4 5 Professional Recommendation Form TO THE APPLICANT: Please complete the first section of this form. Sign the form where indicated in this section. Give the form and an envelope to the person who will serve as a recommender. Your recommender should return the form to you in the sealed and signed envelope. Enclose the signed envelope with your application materials. Last/Family Name First/Given Name
Middle Name
TSUKUBA Taro ここに出願者の氏名を記入し、この様式と封筒を推薦者に
渡してください。推薦状は 1 通だけ提出してください。2 通
TO THE RECOMMENDER: The above person is applying for admission to the Tsukuba MBA Program in International Business (MBA‐
以上提出されても、1 通しか評価の対象としません。 IB). Your evaluation of this applicant is important in the admission process. We are particularly interested in the candid comments of individuals familiar with the applicant’s professional accomplishments, personal attributes and ability to handle graduate level work. Your recommendation may be written in English or Japanese. Please sign any additional pages and attach them to this form. Seal these materials in the envelope provided, sign across the seal and return to the applicant. The applicant will submit the sealed, signed envelope as part of his or her completed application package. 推薦者は以下を記入後、提供された封筒の封をした箇所に
Thank you very much for your assistance. 署名、厳封し、出願者に返却してください。
Name Organization, title
KOKUSAI Ichiro ABC Trading Co., Ltd, Senior Manager How long have you known the applicant? What is your relationship to the applicant? 5 Years Supervisor To what extent have you and the applicant discussed his/her decision to study in an MBA program? Please check one:  Extensively  Somewhat  Not at all 1.
Please give your evaluation of the applicant’s management potential. How will management education benefit the individual in his or her career? 推薦者は英語または日本語で記入してください。
Please describe the applicant’s outstanding talents and abilities.
Comment specifically on the academic and/or management skills of relevance for an MBA‐IB program and a management career. 3.
Please describe the applicant’s areas needing improvement. What are the effects on his/her academic or professional activities? 4.
Describe the applicant’s ability to communicate orally and in writing.
If the applicant is a non‐native English speaker, address his/her ability to understand, speak, and write in English. If the applicant is a native English speaker, please comment on his/her ability to understand, speak, and write in a second language. 5.
Please comment on the applicant’s ability to work with others, including superiors, peers and subordinates. Is the applicant an effective group member or does he/she works better individually? 6.
Are there any other matters which you feel we should know about the applicant?
POOR AVERAGE GOOD OUTSTANDING                                          当てはまるものに✓してください。 Analytical Ability Integrity Maturity Self Confidence Managerial Attributes: Initiative Interpersonal Relations Leadership Potential Time Management Organizational Abilities  I strongly recommend this applicant to the Tsukuba MBA‐IB Program.  I recommend this applicant to the Tsukuba MBA‐IB Program. Ichiro KOKUSAI
Signature 署名、記入日を直筆で記入してください。
    I do not recommend this applicant to the Tsukuba MBA‐IB Program. August 31, 2016
  MBA‐IB Admission Ticket Examinee number ※ Official Use Professional degree Program Graduate School of Business Sciences MBA Program in International Business Attach your photograph here (45mm ‐ 60mm) x (35mm ‐ 50mm) Examinee number ※
Official Use
Name TSUKUBA Taro Professional degree Program Graduate School of Business Sciences MBA Program in International Business Attach your photograph here (45mm ‐ 60mm) x (35mm ‐ 50mm) (Same photo as (Same photo as “Photo Sheet”) “Admission Ticket”) Do not detach
TSUKUBA Taro Do not detach
Name MBA‐IB Photo Sheet
Note 1. Print your name on the back of your photographs. 2. Please attach your photographs (45mm ‐ 60mm) x (35mm ‐ 50mm). (Please use the same photographs) 3. Your photographs must show your face, without hat, and be taken within the past 3‐
months. Check List for Application Documents Note: Do not write in columns marked ※. ※ Examinee number Official Use
Applications are not reviewed until all required materials are received. Graduate School of Business Sciences Name TSUKUBA Taro MBA Program in International Business Application documents (Designated format) Check the following items to ensure that you have included required documents. Check Check space
Documents Required for space Remarks Column (Applicants)
(Staff) All ※ Application Form ✓ 1 Applicants Academic Background All ※ ✓ 2 & Employment History Applicants All ※ Personal Essay ✓ 3 Applicants Professional All ※ ✓ 4 Recommendation Form Applicants Admission Ticket All ※ ✓ 5 & Photo Sheet Applicants Please affix the receipt portion in the designated location Application Fee All ※ ✓ 6 of application form. (for the first screening) Applicants [For Admission Ticket] ※ Applicants Please enclose stamps to the sum of JPY 392. Postal Stamp residing in ✓ 7 [For Result of the First Screening] Japan Please enclose stamps to the sum of JPY 430. Check List for application All ※ ✓ 8 documents Applicants Eligibility Confirmation ※ If Applicable Applicants who are qualified under ②‐(1) or ②‐(2)‐(a) 9 Document Certificate of Research ※ If Applicable Foreign applicants who are qualified under ②‐(2)‐(b) 10 Activities Other necessary documents 2 3 4 Required for Check space
✓ All Applicants 1‐1.Certificate of Graduation 必ず出願資格となる学校(大学等)の
1‐1 卒業証明書と 1‐2 成
& 1‐2. Transcript 績証明書の両方を提出してください。大学卒業後、大学院を修
If Applicable 了した場合、大学の卒業証明書・成績証明書以外に大学院の
(English or Japanese) 成績・修了証明書を参考として提出することは可能です。 Documentary evidence of a change of name (Abstract of your family register) Check space (Staff) ※ ※ All Applicants  TOEIC  TOEFL Qualification ( ① - (1) - ※ ) 編入等で認定された単位がある場合は、学校名をご記入いただくととも
If there are transfer credits in your transcript, please also に、その成績証明書(編入前の教育機関を卒業した場合はその卒業証
submit a transcript from the institution where the credit 明書)も提出してください。 was originally earned. Name of school based transfer ( ※ If Applicable Remarks Column 該当する出願資格を記入してください。
) If your current family name is different from that on your submitted documents, please submit the proof of name change, (e.g., copy of marriage license or extract of family register etc...) Please refer to "5. Screening Criteria, 1 and 2." 受験日を記入してください。
*Scores of TOEIC‐IP and TOEFL ITP are not accepted. Date of test: YY/MM/DD ( ) Applicant who obtained a bachelor's degree from a college ※ Official Score Certificate TOEIC 又は TOEFL どちらのスコアを提出するか✓してください。
or university where English is the medium of instruction, (TOEIC) If Applicable submit certificate of graduation and transcript. or University name ( ) Official Score Report Applicant who obtained a bachelor’s degree from a college ※
(TOEFL) or university where English is the medium of instruction in If Applicable a country in which English is not the official language, also submit a document which can certify that the official medium of instruction is English. Certificate of Residence ※ Foreign Period of stay in Japan ( ) (or Certificate of Entry in the applicants Status of residence ( ) Residence Card) ※ 受付日:
Check the following item to ensure that you have included required documents and fill in ( ). Documents 1 月
日 ※ 郵 便 Official Use 受付者:
持 参 点検者: 
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