
Supplementary Handout

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Supplementary Handout
OXFORD Select Readings Pre-Intermediate
It's Not Always Black and White
(Supporting text for "English Communication" コミュニケーション英語)
Supporting Material for Reflective Learning
― 内容理解の感覚を研ぎ澄ますためのプリント ―
These materials were made with the permission of OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS.
〔● ここからの太字部分はテキスト本文からの抜粋 = Selections from the text are highlighted in bold.〕
Line 6. They judge everything they see as either good or bad.
They judge (everything they see) as either good or bad.
* judge A as B
* either A or B
A を B と判断する
A か B のどちらか
Line 15. After a big night like this, the stars often paint the town red.
・A like B B のような A
(例)I'm not so good at winter sports like skiing and skating.
(例)I wish I could be a pop star like Michael Jackson.(マイケル・ジャクソンのようなポップスターになれたらいいなあ。)
(例)A busy person like him may not have time to spend with his family on holidays.
(A busy person like him) may not have time to spend with his family on holidays.
(例)On a rainy day like today, I like to watch DVDs with my cat on my lap.
(今日のような雨の日は、猫を膝に乗せて DVD を観るのがいいね。)
(例)I will never again make a mistake like this.(このような間違いは今後二度としません。)
Line 21. If you see a person doing something bad on purpose, like taking someone's wallet, ~
Line 29. If something good happens to you when you are not expecting it, like when you get a good idea, ~
・, like ~
(例)When my cousins join us, I want to do fun things with them, like playing hide-and-seek, fishing in the river and having a BBQ.
(例)I sometimes need a shoulder to cry on, like when my efforts are not rewarded.
(例えば努力が報われなかった時とか、慰めてくれる人がほしい時がある。) * a shoulder to cry on 悩みを聞いてくれる人
Line 21. If you see a person doing something bad on purpose, like taking someone's wallet, you can say that you caught the person
・on purpose 意図的に。故意に。
(例)If you did such a thing on purpose, you would be punished.
・catch 人 red-handed
人の犯行現場を目撃する。 人を現行犯逮捕する。
(例)The man shoplifted in the convenience store and I caught him red-handed.
Line 27. Blue isn't always a sad color.(青が悲しみを表す色とは限らない。)
・not always ~
(例)People with a gentle smile on their face are not always good people.
(People with a gentle smile on their face) are not always good people.
Line 30. If you run into an old friend, you can say it happened out of the blue.
・out of the blue
(例)That happy news came to me out of the blue.(そのうれしい知らせは、突然私の元に届いた。)
Line 39. Being green more often means doing good things for the environment.
(Being green)more often means (doing good things for the environment).
(例)Walking is fun.(歩くことは楽しい。)
(例)Walking in the park is fun.(公園を歩くことは楽しい。)
(例)Walking in the park with my pet dog is fun.(ペットの犬と一緒に公園を歩くのは楽しい。)
(例)My morning routine is walking.(朝に必ずすることは、散歩です。)
(例)My morning routine is walking in the park.(朝に必ずすることは、公園の中を散歩することです。)
(例)My morning routine is walking in the park with my pet dog.
(例)I like walking.(歩くことが好きです。)
(例)I like walking in the park.(公園を歩くのが好きです。)
(例)I like walking in the park with my pet dog.(ペットの犬と一緒に公園を散歩するのが好きです。)
(例)Living means breathing.(生きることは呼吸をすることである。)
(例)Living means loving each other.(生きることは人を愛することである。)
(例)Living means getting used to pain.(生きるということは痛みに慣れることである。)
(例)Being young means being active.(若いということは活発であるということだ。)
(例)Being with her was all I could do for her.(彼女と一緒にいてあげることしか私にはできなかった。)
(例)Thinking about being with him is more exciting than actually being with him.
(例)I don't remember when jumping on the bed stopped being fun... but I dream of returning to such carefree days.
〔from POST SECRET by Frank Warren 〕
Line 48. Try looking for these expressions in the things you read.
・try ~ ing
(例)Try stomping on the ground. A mole might poke its head out of the hole.
Fly UP