
グローバルな人の移動百科事典 全 5 巻

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グローバルな人の移動百科事典 全 5 巻
KS-3723 / July 2012
グローバルな人の移動百科事典 全 5 巻
The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. 5 vols.
Ness, Immanuel (General ed.), The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. 5 vols. 2600 pp. 2013:1
(Wiley, US) <593-6>
ISBN 978-1-4443-3489-0
特別価格(2013 年 5 月 15 日まで) hard set
定 価 hard set
本書はニューヨーク市立大学の政治学研究者 I.ネスの監修の下に、歴
Saër Maty Bâ, University of Bangor, UK
Danièle Bélanger, University of Western Ontario,
Michael Borgolte, Humboldt University, Berlin
Bridget Brereton, University of West Indies
Stephen Castles, University of Sydney, Australia
Raúl Delgado Wise, Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico
Donna Gabaccia, University of Minnesota, USA
Dirk Hoerder, Arizona State University, USA
Binod Khadria, Jawaharlal Nehru Univesity, India
Graeme Hugo, University of Adelaide, Australia
Alex Julca , United Nations
Hye-Kyung Lee, Pai Chai University, Korea
Adam McKeown, Columbia University, USA
Cecilia Menjivar, Arizona State University, USA
Marlou Schrover, Leiden University, Netherlands
Beverly Tomek, University of Houston, Victoria, USA
Edson Urano, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Gregory Woolf, University of St. Andrews, UK
《収録見出し語明細(一部:A to B)》
Acadian migration, Canada to Louisiana
Adoption and migration
Africa Maghreb, migration to the European Union,
1980 - present
Africa, commerce and pre-colonial migration
Africa, Fulbe migrations
Africa, gender and migration
Africa, health and migration
Africa, historical migrations
Africa, immigrant legislation and laws
Africa, internal migration
Africa, medieval era migrations
Africa, south of the Sahara, modern era migration
African colonization, Manifest Destiny and Indian
African diaspora
African emigration to United Kingdom
African slave trade and maritime transportation
Agriculture and migration
Air travel
Albanian speaking migration, mid-19th century to
Ancient era migrations, China
Ancient era, diasporas and colonization
Ancient era, Greek colonization
Ancient era, Greek migrations and colonies
Ancient era, India; see Peninsular India and the
Bay of Bengal, mobility and travel
Ancient era, Jewish migration
Ancient era, Mediterranean migrations 2000 – 1
Ancient era, Mesopotamian and Persian migrations
Ancient era, migration to Rome
Ancient era, Phoenician and Carthaginian Migrations
Ancient era, protohistoric European migrations
Ancient era, Roman colonization
Ancient era, Roman world, mobility
Ancient era, Seleucid Empire colonization and
Ancient era, Steppe, people of
Andes, migration, 1900 to present
Anglo-American migration to Mexico, 19th to early
20th century
Anglo-Saxon migrations
Anomie, psychological disillusionment
Anthropology of migration
Anticolonialism, decolonialism, neocolonialism
Arab diaspora, US
Arab Gulf Cooperation Council in Southwest Asia
Arctic migrations
Argentina, migration, mid-19th century to present
Armed conflict and refugees
Armenian diaspora
Arts, music, and migration
Ascetics, missionaries, and pilgrims, medieval era
Asia, development and migration
Asia, gender and migration
Asia, migration and development nexus
Asian and minority banks
Asian indentured immigration to the Caribbean,
1838 - 1917
Asian migration to Australia
Assimilation, integration, and incorporation
Atlantic early-modern migrations, 16th-18th century and economic globalization
Atlantic historical migrations, 1500-1965
Australasia, immigrant legislation and laws
Australia, internal migration
Australia, migration, early-20th century to present
Austria, migration, mid-19th century to present
Balkans, migration, mid-19th century to present
Baltic Sea colonizations, medieval era
Baltic States, migration, 20th century to present
Bangladesh, migration, 1969 to present
Barbarian migrations (Völkerwanderung)
Basque Country, migrations, ancient to 17th century
Basque diaspora, 18th - 20th century
Belgium, migration, 1946 to present
Berbers and Arabs in Magrib and Europe, medieval era
Berne Initiative
Bilateral labor agreements
Biodiversity and migration
Bonded labor and migration, India
Bonded labor and migration, Russia
Bonded labor and migration, US
Borderlands and cultural bonds
Brain drain, brain gain, India
Brazil, emigration, 1968 to present
Brazil, internal migration
Brazil, migration and demographic change, 1800 1975
Britain, migration, c. 1800 to present
British Isles, medieval colonization
Bulgaria, migration, late-19th century to present
Business and professional migrants
Byzantium, medieval era migrations
KS-3723 / グローバルな人の移動百科事典
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