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Focus! 2014
~世界で輝く城西生~ 2015 年 6 月 3 日 発行 vol.8
高校 2 年生 竹下 みなみさん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
The third trimester started last month and I chose Outdoor P.E. class.
This class teaches us how to hike, and how to survive in the wilderness.
Our goal is to learn these skills for the Overnight trip which is at the end
of May. Since March 17th, we have hiked once a week for about an hour to
get in good shape for the actual hike, we went on a hike that was 10km.
The view at the top was great. There was a beautiful view that I could not
tell you about enough. It was so beautiful. The sandwich my host mom
made was the best sandwich I had ever eaten before. On the 24th, we went
to the OSU (Oregon States University) to try Challenge Course and Rock Climbing. The Challenge Course has lots
of long trees and ropes are between trees. It looks like Tightrope walking. I started crying because the trees were
super high. I guess I was scared that I was at 30 feet height and I could not trust my rope. My friends helped and
encouraged me a lot. I am lucky I did not get insecure. It was my first Rock Climbing. I thought it was really hard
but it was way easier than what I thought. I could climb to the top because I trusted my belayer and my rope. I
thought Oregon State is an awesome place again because I can challenge everything that I could not experience
when I was in Japan.
I went to my first and last Prom. I bought my dress when Russian exchange student Alisa and I went shopping
together. This year’s prom theme was Masquerade. Prom was held at a beautiful place in the town. There was a
photo booth that I could take a picture with my friend and the floor was very pretty to light up. I watched lots of
American movies when I was in elementary school. The Prom reminded me when I was little how much I had been
longing for it. It was an amazing night. At the Prom, Miley Cyrus’s “Party in the U.S.A” was played. I was
thankful for everything that I did in the U.S. and I did party! I am excited how much I could grow up in the last
one and a half months.
留学の終わりを感じた 4 月。先月から 3 学期が始まり私は Outdoor P.E.というクラスを選択しました。このクラス
では 5 月の終わりにある Over night trip に向けてハイキングや山での生活の仕方などを学ぶことが出来ます。今月
の 17 日に 10 ㎞ほどのハイキングに行きました。景色は最高で写真では伝わらない山の小さな表情まで感じることが
出来ました。ホストママが作ってくれたサンドイッチが今までで一番美味しかったです。24 日には OSU(オレゴン州立
大学)で Challenge course と Rock climbing に挑戦しました。Challenge course は高い木が沢山立っていてその間
でした。rock climbing は初めてでしたが予想より簡単でした。日本に居た時は経験することの無かった事に沢山挑
戦出来るので改めて Oregon 州は素敵な場所だと思いました。また、最初で最後の Prom に行きました。今年の Prom の
テーマは Masquerade です。小さい頃から観ていた海外の映画の Prom に今自分が参加しているのは最高な気分でした。
Prom で私の大好きな Miley Cyrus の”Party in the U.S.A.”という歌が流れ、私はまさに異国の地のアメリカで自
分が Party に参加している、その事に感動し感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。残りの 1 か月半どこまで気を抜
高校 2 年生 大舘 壽輝くん【アメリカ・Salem Academy High School(本校提携校)】
I only have 8 weeks left of my stay in America. I have hung out with my friends lately
like always and now I am able to understand every class much better than before. So I
cannot believe that my life in America is getting close to the end.
The other day, a stranger talked to me to ask the way. I was able to tell him the
correct way until the end by myself. I could not even speak the easy sentences I wanted
to say in English when I just came to America. So I just said “Yes” or “No” to the
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
questions and said “I don’t know” when I didn’t know what to say. This time I could tell him the way as I wanted
to. It was pretty good I could tell and help him.
We had Easter this month, and the important chapel of the week had Easter service. I learned
that Easter is the day that celebrates Jesus, who is the Christ, resurrected three days after he
had been crucified. The day of Easter is different every year, so it was on the 5th of April, Sunday
this year. The exchange students went to find some Easter eggs hid by Ms Fischer, who is the
teacher of the exchange students at Salem Academy. I found the first egg put under a cone. It
was a toy egg that contained some chocolates. We made Easter eggs. We put a boiled egg into the cup that has the
coloring pigment. I put an egg into blue one and green one and made the others two. On the day of Easter Sunday
I had a big dinner at our house with our relatives. I also ate some eggs. In America, I can learn about the
difference of cultures. As I started reading the Bible, I have learned about Christianity a lot. I suppose it is very
good for me thinking of religion or God. I am glad to be able to experience many things like this during my stay.
「Yes」か「No」、わからなかったら「I don’t know」
今月はイースターというキリストの復活祭があり、その週は学校で重要な集会がありました。約 2000 年前のこと、
高校 2 年生 三瀬 星くん【アメリカ・Valley Catholic High School(本校提携校)】
I’m getting close to the end of my exchange. In this country, I
feel time passes really fast. I can remember when I set foot in the
high school for the first time, and my host family told me about
how to live in this country as if they were yesterday. After I
joined the Track team I made a lot of friends and I joined the Varsity team at long jump.
So recently, I often participate in many track meets and now I’m enjoying American life.
On the other hand, when I come to think about the end of this exchange, I feel kind of
lonely. At one competition, I made a new personal record, at 17 feet and 7 inches so it
made me happy. However, after that I couldn't update that good record so I want to make a new good record by
the end of season. This school’s track team often do extremely hard practice and training. One of my friends said
those training are almost the same as a US army or Russian army’s one. Then, a few weeks later they will hold a
school festival or something like that, but I forgot what that’s called. At that time, the Japanese exchange
students and some students who are taking Japanese class will do on “Algorhythm” Performance.” When I heard
about that at first, I heard myself saying “nostalgic…” But I didn't do it for a super long time so I can’t remember
how to do it, and I still can’t do it completely. But no one can do it well at present, so we aren’t ready enough to
show that to people. My American life will end soon, so I’ll enjoy the study, play, and club work. Recently, I often
think I don't want to go back to Japan, or I want to move here. But actually I miss Japan a lot. For instance, in
Japan there are so many great foods, vending machines, and very good public peace. These are very different from
this country. I miss Japan so I want to go back to Japan but I don't want to leave this country. So now I’m
spending time with very complicated feelings.
アメリカ留学も終わりが近づいてきました。こちらでの生活は 1 日が終わるのが本当に早く、初めて学校に足を踏
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
やはり寂しいなと思ってしまう所があります。陸上では最近の競技会で自己新記録である 17.7(約 5m40cm)という記
高校 2 年生 遠藤 晨恵さん【アメリカ・Sweet Home High School(本校姉妹校)】
「アメリカ文化にどっぷり浸かって ~素敵なサプライズ~」
April 1st is April Fool’s day, a day in America for jokes or tricks. A boy who
rides the school bus with me asked me about when I was going back to Japan.
That’s when I got an idea. I said I got into trouble so I have to go back to
Japan next week. He was so surprised. I did the same trick to many friends
and they asked me what kind of trouble I got into? I said, “April Fools!” Then
everyone was laughing. It was fun on that day.
We went to California for four days. We went to Disney California
Adventure in the third day. It is in front of Disney land entrance. They have classic
Mickey Ferris wheel and a big roller coaster. My favorite is California Adventure. The
water show was very beautiful. I was impressed and I almost cried.
Prom was April 25th. Prom is for juniors and seniors only, It is a big formal dress-up
party. One day Mikaela, Daniel and I went bowling. We were talking about prom and
Mikaela said “you should invite Daniel to prom.” I remembered Mikaela’s mother saying something about dance
that Daniel would take me to prom if I asked. So I decided I would invite Daniel. I was trying to surprise him. He
is very funny and he always makes me laugh. He wants to come to Japan as an exchange student for two weeks.
I’m so excited he will come to Japan and I want to show him around Mikaela and many friends helped me to
surprise Daniel. My friends got Starbucks drink for me and I wrote “Prom?” on the drink. I also made a poster
that said “Will you leave your Xbox for one night to Xbox it with me at prom?” Because Mikaela told me he likes
Xbox, I made this kind of poster. We went to Daniel’s 3rd period class, wood shop. In wood shop class had many
students and it made me nervous and embarrassed. But I’m so happy because he said “yes” and his face was like
very surprised. Many people said to me “you are so sweet.” and “you are so cute” that made me very happy. I’m so
excited for prom and I hope prom will be like “High School Musical.”
4月1日 April fool’s day がありました。April fool’s day とは冗句を言う日です。朝バスに乗っている時ある男の
私は「ここで問題を起こして、来週には日本に帰らないといけない」という April fool のジョークを言ってみました。
4月7日から family trip として飛行機に乗って、カリフォルニアのディズニーランドに行きました。Sweet home
とは違ってとても暖かったです。カリフォルニアには4日間行きました。Disneyland やカリフォルニアアドベンチャ
4 月 25 日は Prom です。Prom とは、高校の 2、3 年生しかいけないダンスパーティーの事です。みんなドレスア
ました。ミケーラとたくさんの友達に手伝ってもらいサプライズをしました。私が大好きな Starbucks の飲み物を友
達が買って来てくれ、私が Prom?と書いたのと事前に作ったポスターを使いました。ポスターのでは「Will you leave
your Xbox for one night to Xbox it with me at Prom?」と書きました。意味は、Prom の日 Xbox の相手じゃなくて私
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
の相手をしてくれない?といような意味です。彼は Xbox がとても好きだとミケーラに聞いたので、Xbox をモチーフ
にしたポスターを作りました。Daniel のいる woods s shop に行き一緒に Prom に一緒に行かない?と聞きました。
「OK」で大成功でした。私はとても Prom に行くのが楽しみです。そして、「high school musical」の映画
のような Prom だったらもっと嬉しいです。
高校 2 年生 上田 茉尋さん【オーストラリア・All Saints’ College(本校姉妹校)】
First, I appreciate everyone who was involved with my exchange
program to All Saints’ College (ASC). I would like to thank my parents
and friends because they always supported me. On 25th March 2015, I
went to HANEDA Airport with great expectations for my new life in
Perth. I said goodbye to my family, a friend, and teachers with a smile. I
watched a foreign movie without Japanese subtitles on the airplane. It
was called “Gone Girl.” However I could not understand the story very
well. When I come back to Japan, I want to watch a foreign movie
without Japanese subtitles on the airplane. I arrived at Perth Airport
safely, Mr. Fukumoto picked me up. He teaches Japanese at ASC. I was
so excited when I saw the scenery of Perth from the car. Perth is famous as the most livable town in the world. The
climate is good all through the year, and public transportation is well developed. Shopping malls are very
substantial. There are many original Australian shops. Local people are very kind to me. I came to like this town
very quickly. So I am very happy to live here. I was so surprised because the school building and grounds were
very big.
The first week passed so quickly and it became April. There is Easter in April. It is one of important events.
Sunday in Easter week is called “Easter Sunday.” I was glad to experience Australian Easter. We had three weeks
of holidays. I went to many places with my host family. I tried ice skating for the first time. At the start, I felt
scared. However, my host sister taught me how to skate. Then I did it. After finishing, I drank a hot
chocolate. It was very delicious.
Last weekend of the holidays, my host father, sister and I rode a boat. The view of the city from the river was
great. We saw black swans there. They are the symbol of the state of Western Australia. On the last night of the
holidays, we went to a restaurant and I ate dinner with my host family’s friends. We celebrated the birthday of my
host brother. I presented him snacks which were his favorite. He was very happy so I was very glad. I appreciate
my host family because they gave me a lot of great experiences.
え続けてくれた家族、出発が決まってからたくさんの応援の言葉をかけてくれた友達、本当にありがとう。3 月 25 日、
別れをしました。少しでも耳に英語を慣れさせようと思い、機内で「Gone Girl」という洋画を日本語字幕無しで観た
休暇中の最後の週末、私とホストファザーとシスターでプライベートボートに乗りました。川の上から見る city の
城西大学附属城西中学・高等学校 〒171-0044 東京都豊島区千早 1-10-26
Fly UP