
Temple Reflections Temple Reflections - Tri

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Temple Reflections Temple Reflections - Tri
Temple Reflections
In this issue!
Rev. Fujii’s message
Rev. Thompson’s message
Japanese Article
Dharma School
Save the Date
Temple Condolences
Arigato Gozaimasu
YBA MochiTsuki
Temple Offerings
Temple Discussion Dates 6
Temple Parking Policy
December Shotsuki Names
January Calendar
December Calendar
Temple Happenings
This month’s
Bodhi Day
December 2016
A TSDBT Monthly Publication
December 2016 Issue
Vow #36
The start line is its goal line.
My struggle is so-called as “sacred practices” in this vow.
“If, when I attain Buddhahood, sentient beings in the immeasurable and inconceivable
Buddha-lands of the ten directions, who have heard my Name, should not, after the end
of their lives, always perform sacred practices until they reach Buddhahood, may I not
attain perfect Enlightenment.”
Buddha-lands: Places we can hear Dharma. This world is the land of Shakyamuni
My Name:
The Name belongs to Immeasurable Working and works as the key to
open up Amida’s World.
After the end of their lives: Although this sound like everything begins after our death,
the original Sanskrit sutra (Vow #36) goes as follows: after sentient beings
have heard my Name, they perform sacred practices(learning) until they
reach the true essence of Buddhahood, …….
Sacred practices: Struggle. After we hear the Name, we learn and train until we reach
the essence of the Name. Mainly, “sacred practices” indicates a period
of listening and learning until we reach Buddhahood.
Thus, the vow #36 goes like this:
“Beings in Buddha-lands, after they have heard my Name, they perform sacred practices
until they reach the true essence of Buddhahood. (It is because Amida’s World is made to
work so.)”
I appreciate this vow very much because it reflects my path of the last 45 years. When I
read this vow, I was very happy to find me in the vow. My path began as follows: When I
heard the Name (Namo-Amida-Butsu) — many doubts and questions came to my mind -- I
tried to solve them one by one —- it took a long time but I did not give up Amida’s
Teaching — finally, I reached the true essence of the Name. Oh, I am already in there!
Or, have you ever had the following questions? If so, you are on the right track.
“What kind of Teaching is this?” “Is Nembutsu alone good enough?” “Nembutsu sounds
superstitious.” “It’s too good to be true! I doubt it!” “I should know its true meaning of
Namo-Amida-Butsu before I recite because I hate blind faith.”
It’s not necessary to set the mind to seek before we listen to Amida’s Teaching, because
Amida’s Teaching sets the mind to seek in me. Therefore, after a person hears the Name in
the Teaching, the Name itself pulls the person into the true essence of Buddhahood.
Amida’s World is made to work so.
In Gassho,
Rev. Doei Fujii
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
Page 1
Monthly Salutations
from Rev. Diana Thompson
Hello everyone, welcome to December! We have
officially come to the end of another year and, as we
all know, this time of year is a time of reflection. In
early December we observe Bodhi Day which is the
commemoration of the day on which Prince
Siddhartha attained enlightenment and became the
Buddha or Awakened One. In late December (the
very last day to be exact), we observe Joya-e or the
‘last night gathering’. Both observances have to do
with reflection, specifically reflection on our own
personal past, present and future, and while all
aspects are important, it is especially important to
focus on the future.
When Siddhartha sat beneath the Bodhi tree, he did
so in order to find a way to free himself from the
suffering or dis-ease experienced by all beings. As he
sat in meditation, he began to examine all aspects of
himself, from the physical to the mental, trying to
discover what, if anything, was truly real. He
examined his past lives, and his present state and
then, on December 8th, just as the sun was beginning
to rise, Siddhartha rose from his seat having finally
found the Truths he was looking for; the Truth that all
things are impermanent and the Truth that all things
are interconnected. He promptly left the spot he had
been seated in and took off to share what he had
found so that all who were suffering could partake in
the profound sense of well-being that he
experienced. He taught these truths to all whom he
encountered with the wish that not only would the
people in his time be freed from suffering but that
those people would teach others and therefore
ensure that all those in the future could benefit from
them as well.
On Joya-e, we are taking the time to look at the past
year. What did we do? Who did we meet? Who did
we lose? How did all of these events and people
influence us and how can we use these experiences
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temple
1947 Lawrence St.
Denver, CO 80202
RE: Bodhi Day Service
to help us in the year ahead? By contemplating our
pasts and presents we can encounter the Truths of
impermanence and interdependence and, like the
Buddha, use this knowledge to help ourselves and
others move forward towards Great Wisdom and
When we examine ourselves, we are invited to look
at the good, bad and everything in between because
all of these are part of who we are. If we look at all
aspects, we begin to realize how all things change.
We are not the same person from year to year or
even moment to moment and all the ‘good’, ‘bad’
and ‘in between’ parts of ourselves are fleeting. This
holds true for everyone. All of us are comprised of
many different pieces that shift and change and all of
these pieces make up who we are at any given
moment. But we did not create them all by
ourselves. Many people and things come and go
throughout our lives and have come and gone well
before we existed and all have had varying degrees
of influence on us. Knowing that we are all linked to
each other will hopefully lead us to a desire to keep
our own links ‘bright and strong’ but to also help
others to keep theirs in the same condition.
And so as we look ahead to the new year we must
begin by ‘cleaning house.’ Clear out any clutter that
may be keeping you from moving forward and
organize the things you wish to keep so that you can
easily find and use them when they are needed. Ask
for and accept help if the mess becomes too
overwhelming and offer help to others when you see
them struggling. Be willing to go into new places and
meet new people, stepping into all situations with
fearless resolve. You don’t have to like everything or
everyone, but each encounter will help you to see
and understand the world more clearly and will help
us all to get ever closer to the great realm of
Wisdom/Compassion that is the Pure Land.
Namo Amida Butsu
Newsletter articles are due on the
10th of each month for publication
in the next month’s issue.
1947 Lawrence Street For additional information, or to read
the newsletter online, go to our
Denver CO. 80202
website at www.tsdbt.org
Buddhist Temples
は 2650 トンの水が要る。中国では将来、米を生産するほどの多量の水を確保で
の 98%は海水、2%が淡水でそのほとんどが南極と北極の氷の中にあり、私たち
が生活に使えるのは水全体のわずか 0.01%。ところが世界では安全な水を飲めな
い子供が毎日 4900 人(年間で 180 万人)死ぬ。世界で安全な水を口にできるの
は、わずか 15 ヵ国のみ。人口増加にともない淡水の 70%が農業用に、22%が工
業用に、そして生活用水はたったの 8%。世界の水不足は深刻なのである。
ご承知のように私たちの体は約 8 割前後が水分でできている。そんな体を維持
Bake Sale hosts for December:
2016/2017 School Year
Dharma School co-Superintendents
Amy Nitta amynitta@hotmail.com
Sara Robinson downey.sara@gmail.com
Dharma School
Thank you to all who made Akimatsuri so
special including the many contributions from
our students and staff of the Dharma School. And,
as always, thank you, Sue Yoshimura, for hosting
the treat share circle. The kids always love it.
Don’t forget to listen during service
announcements regarding ordering Mochi, and
other holiday celebrations.
Students have many ways of giving back to the
temple and one way is to oshoko as a student
representative of Dharma School. If this is
something that you’d like to do, please let Amy or
Sara know.
As 2016 draws to an end, we’d like to extend a
gracious thank you to the families and students
that make Dharma school so special. We look
forward to a wonderful 2017 with you all.
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples’ membership
offers condolences to the family and friends of:
Betty Ishiguro
June 1, 1927 - November 12, 2016
SAVE THE DATE! JUNE 24 and 25 in 2017
Greetings from the Temple CBF Reps and Sakura
We are pleased to announce that the 45th Annual
Cherry Blossom Festival will be held June 24th and
We know it has been said often, but the festival truly
needs and relies on your time and talents for its
success. We look forward to another successful
collaboration in 2017.
Page 4
Dec. 4th YBA
Dec. 11th Jr. YBA
Dec. 18th 3rd/4th/5th
Dec. 25th No Dharma School
Jan. 1st No Bake Sale
Jan 8th Kindergarten/1st/2nd
Ari ozaimasu
Thank you to the following people who comprised
last month’s newsletter folding crew: Joyce
Mizunaga, Alley & Yoshimi Watada, Richard
Yoshida, Dora Shibata, Shirley Tsuchimoto, Judy
Smith, Lorraine Hisamoto, Kay Takahashi, Michi
Kawakami, Mabel Googins and Mike Shibata.
In thanking these specific individuals for a
singular task, I am also extending a broad thank
you to all persons who have ever performed an
act of dana for the Temple. . . .whether it be
straightening a row of chairs, washing dishes
after Bake Sale, teaching a Dharma class,
accompanying someone to service, sweeping the
stairs, donating a ream of paper, fixing a
computer connection, etc. . . . your efforts are
always appreciated and the Temple exists
because of you.
2016 has been a year of Great Effort – in
preparing for and carrying out activities related
to our 100th Anniversary year, we (individually
and collectively) witnessed interdependence and
Golden Chain in action. Our volunteer pool was
expanded and the benefits of many 100 Year
efforts will last beyond the celebration. The
Temple has been cleaned, showcased,
(re)defined and energized.
Volunteers envisioned a Nokotsudo and now it
has been completed and dedicated. A new sound
system gives the Ministers an extended range for
spreading the Dharma. Collaborative
communication between Sakura Square and
Temple volunteers have provided Sangha
members with free parking.
We are, indeed, a fortunate Sangha.
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
December 2016
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples gratefully acknowledges donations
and offerings received from October 1, 2016 - October 31, 2016:
100th Yr Anniversary donation
Tisha Fujii; imo Ben Fujii
Armijo Family
Chenhan Wu
Reiko Urano; imo Henry Urano
David & Joanne Sakaguchi
Sakura Foundation
Steven Shigaya
Max Yefimenko
Scottsbluff KyudoKai
Facilities Usage
DBT Craft Class
funeral reception; Sakamoto
Offering Box
Jr. YBA Dharma Class
Preschool Dharma Class
Kent & Jane Kano
Takeshi & Kumiko Ohtake
October Shotsuki ..................................
Harriett Sakamoto ..................................
Sachiko & Art Yoshimura .......................
Carolyn Takeshita ..................................
Amy Noriyuki ........................................
Dorothy Inouye .....................................
Gwennie Kawashima ..............................
Miyuki Mabel Googins ..........................
Families of Tosh & Mary Tawara ...........
JoAnne Sato ..........................................
in memory of
Bruce Decker
Kamejiro Yoshimura
Mickey Takeshita
Sam Noriyuki
Shigeo Yanaru
Shigeo Yanaru
Thomas Googins
Tosh&Mary Tawara; Tomiko Aigaki
Vickie Lee Sato & Masu Honda
Donation ................................................
Shirley Gabel ..........................................
Merrily Stewart ......................................
Families of Tosh&Mary Tawara ............
Agustina Sakaguchi ..............................
Virginia Motoyama ................................
Sumi & Yosh ..........................................
Yoshiko Kushihashi ...............................
Charles & Helen Takahashi ...................
for reason of
in memory of Ichiko Hamada – 13th yr
in gratitude for Yo Yamasaki
in memory of Mary Tawara – 3rd yr
in memory of Roberto Sakaguchi
in memory of Sally Sakamoto
in memory of Tosh&Mary Tawara
In memory of Yoko Matsuda
in memory of Tsuta Kushihashi – 25th yr
in memory of Tsuyu Takahashi – 33rd yr
Parking at
the Temple
on a Sunday
Dharma Discussion
December 8, 15 & 22
Thursday evenings at 7pm
discussion preceded by short service
You are invited to join in dharma discussions
that cover such topics as Amida Buddha and the
Pure Land, basic temple etiquette, onaijin objects
and other concepts related to Jodo Shinshu Buddhism. Bring you own questions and thoughts to
keep the discussions lively and relevant.
Contact Diana Thompson Sensei:
(303) 295-1844 OR
Dates and times are subject to change. Signing
up ahead of time is highly recommended if you
wish to park in the Sakura Square lot and so that
you can be informed of changes or cancellations.
Page 6
1. Parking lot entry is on the Larimer St. side;
pull a ticket to raise the guard arm. . . . hold
on to this ticket as you need it to exit.
2. Park on Levels 1, 2 or 3 – for Sunday service;
complementary parking from 8 am – 4 pm
3. Validation tickets can be obtained from the
Temple immediately following Service. This
validation ticket is used in conjunction with
the parking ticket.
4. You may exit the parking lot on either the
Lawrence St. side or the Larimer St. side.
Slide in your parking ticket – the machine will
calculate your parking fee – respond by
sliding through your validation ticket. The
guard arm will lift and you can exit.
Please exit safely; watch for pedestrians, bikers and
oncoming traffic. Thank you for attending service.
For parking procedures at other times and different
circumstances, please read the Parking Policies
document available in the Temple lobby or Sakura
Square LLC office.
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
December 2016
(Sangha members who have passed away in the month of December)
December Shotsuki Names
Hitoshi Aoki
Junji Arakawa
Andrew Minoru Aratani
Beaver Sadao Asano
Suekuma Bajio
Harry Satoshi Chikuma
Matsue Mae Doida
Kaoru George Egawa
Ishi Eshima
Kiyo Sasaki Furukami
Tatsuto Furuta
Gonokichi Gorai
Hanae Gorai
George Yukuo Gow
Alice Sueko Hagihara
Nao Hamano
Benjamin Tsutomu Hara
Yuku Hara
Kome Hashimoto
Kinue Hasui
Yajiro Hattori
Tsuneko Hayashi
Kiju Hayashida
Masuyo Hiraki
Shin Hiraoka
Bill Hisamoto
Toragoro Horisaka
Kaisaku Horiuchi
Saburo Horiuchi
Hisae Igata
Hajime James Imatani
Kogoro Inouye
Shigeru Robert Ishimoto
Helen Itoko Ito
Howard Hiroshi Iwata
George Kagohara
Kaori Kajiwara
Kinjiro Kamesaka
Tsutomu Jimmie Kanemoto
Steven Kataoka
Bunyoshi Katayama
Kai Kawahara
Hisayo Kawanabe
Shizue Kawano
Tsuya Kimura
Motoma Kinoshita
Kazuo Kishiyama
Toku Kishiyama
Tokuichi Kiyotake
Iwao Charlie Kobayashi
Tomeno Kodama
Takamaru Kojima
Koume Akizuki Komaru
Kameyo Konishi
Sotaro Kora
Floyd Hajime Koshio
Gontaro Kubota
Kiyo Kubota
December 2016
Kazue Kuga
Yu-Yin Kuo-Hsu
John Shimpei Kurachi
Sadami Kuroda
Tsuneko Kuroda
Sueko Maeda
Gary Masuda
Nancy Akiko Matsuda
Teruko Pauline
Ayako Matsumoto
Sojiro Matsumoto
Tomokichi Matsunaga
Chiyo Mayeda
Nisaku Mayeda
Takashi Mayeda
Haruo Mikami
Nobu Mitamura
John Tsunemi Miura
Toshiko Miyake
Hatsuye Miyamoto
Sakuichi Miyamoto
Kunihei Miyasaki
Hiroshi Miyauchi
Hirokichi Miyoshi
Fukutaro Mizokami
Oscar Mizuno
George Toshio Mizushima
Tom Togo Momii
Juki Morikawa
Asato Louis Morimoto
Masaye Morita
Masakazu Nagaki
Shintaro Nagata
Sam Sadaichi Naka
Yusuke Nakagawa
Haruko Helen Nakamoto
Chieko Nakamura
Fujie Nakamura
Futaye Nakamura
Matsuyo Nakamura
Jeanne Kesako Nakano
Bob Goro Nakao
Tokiwa Nakaoka
Mineko Nakayama
Fukuo Nakazono
Isaac Jun Nishida
Misu Nishimoto
Frances Yoshi Nishimura
Kazuma Nitta
Tamotsu John Noguchi
Janet Norimoto
Yasasuke Ogawa
Arthur Akira Oka
Tomotaro Okamoto
Kichigoro Ono
Izo Onoda
Yoichi Osumi
Louise Misuye Ota
Richard Masayoshi Ota, Sr.
Isamu Sam Ozamoto
Matsu Riuo
Sachiko Rogers
Matsunosuke Saiga
Chiye Saito
Tadashi Saito
Frank Fumio Sakamoto
Mantaro Sakuma
Taji Sanada
Kata Sasaki
Tameline Sasaki
Tetsuya Sasamoto
Sakuju Sato
Yasu Kikuchi Sato
Tokuhei Shibata
Masakichi Shigetomi
Yoshio Shigetomi
Hidekichi Shimamoto
Kamekichi Shimoda
Seiichiro Shioshita
Enzo Shiramiza
Sanaye Sogi
Craig Lopez Steinebrey
Hanako Sugihara
Jirohachi Sumada
June Sakae Suzuki
Hiro Tada
Takino Takamatsu
Hatsumi Takata
Isao Jon Takata
Tomoko Takemoto
May Takemura
Babe Yoshinori Takeoka
Kinsaku Takusagawa
Hatsue Tamai
Kiyoko Tamaki
Miyoko Tamura
Kiku Tani
Margie Tani
Toshio Tani
Yumi Tani
Gladys Shizue Taniwaki
George Taoka
Kiwa Tawara
Tomiko Sallie Tawara
John Satoshi Terada, Jr.
Eduardo Terrones
Tatsuo Tochihara
Miki Mike Toda
Bunji Tokunaga
Kimiko Tomita
Tamayo Tomoi
Frank Yasuna Torizawa
Tom Tokimaru Toya
George Yoshio Tsukamoto
Shihichi Ujifusa
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
George Tatsuo Umetani
Jim Masami Ward
Harukichi Watanabe
Mary Yagami
Mitsuo Yagami
Henry Yoichi Yagi
Itsuno Yaguchi
Kazuo Willia Yamada
Tome Yamaguchi
Yukino Yamaguchi
Amy Emiko Yamamoto
Kikuye Yamamoto
Ryokichi Yamanashi
Amy Yemiko Yamasaki
Kohana Yamashiroya
Takashi Sam Yamashita
Judy Yasuzawa
Kiyoshi Yonemoto
Herman Masanobu Yoshida
Hideichi George Yoshida
Kimi Yoshida
Tamiichi Yoshida
William Tadashi Yoshida
Hidemi Roy Yoshihara
Hajime Yoshimoto
Hide Yoshimoto
Kenji Yuasa
Namiye Rose Yura
Shotsuki Monthly
Memorial Service
December 18, 2016
The Shotsuki Service is a
general memorial service held
on a monthly basis for
members and friends of the
temple who have passed away
during the month of December.
Although there are major
memorial (hoji) services set at
specific time intervals such as
49th Day, 1st Year, 3rd Year, 7th,
13th, 17th, 25th, 33rd and 50th
years, the temple provides
families with monthly memorial
(shotsuki) services held in
conjunction with regularly
scheduled Sunday services. At
each Shotsuki service, family
members will have the
opportunity to pay respect and
gratitude to loved ones who
have passed away in
Donation by affected family
members: $50/observance.
In Gassho,
Page 7
Page 8
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
1 pm Uta Gassen practice
11 am Study Class (F)
9:30 DS service(T)
10:15 am Adult service(T)
January Shotsuki
December 2016
HoOnoko & New Year Celebration
9:30 Combined service
11:30 am HoOnko luncheon
11 am Study Class (F)
9 am Brighton service
11 am Ft. Lupton service
9:30 am DS service
10:15 Adult service
1 pm Sedgwick service
8:30 am Nihongo service
9:30 Dharma School service (F)
10:15 Adult service (F)
2 pm Student visit (F)
11 am New Year’s Day
Service (F/T)
articles due for
February newsletter
LaJara/Alamosa (F)
12 noon Greeley
6 pm Uta Gassen practice
6 pm Uta Gassen practice
6 pm Uta Gassen practice
6 pm Uta Gassen practice
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
January 2017
December 2016
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
December Shotsuki
Page 9
NO services
Office closed
11:30 TSDBT Board meeting
8:30 am Nihongo service (F)
9:30 DS service (F)
10:15 Adult service (F)
11 am Study Class (F)
9 am Brighton (T)
11 am Ft. Lupton (T)
9:30 am DS service (F)
10:15 Adult service (F)
1 pm Sedgwick service
11:15 Ukulele practice
4 Bodhi Day
8:30 Nihongo service
9:30 Dharma Family service
10:15 Adult service
2 pm Student visit (F)
7 am YBA Mochi Tsuki
7 pm Ukulele practice
4 pm Hoji & Inurnment
11 am Shinran’s Day
11 am Hoji
7 pm Dharma Discussion (T)
7 pm Dharma Discussion (T)
7 pm Dharma Discussion (T)
Fujii Sensei out of office
Fujii Sensei out of office
10 am Interfaith Camp
Meeting - offsite (T)
10:30 am HS visitors
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Would you like to send Season’s Greetings through the
newsletter? Please submit your message and $5 to the
temple Office no later than Saturday, December 10th.
All Greetings will be published in the January 2017
7 Pm New Year’s Eve
service & Bonsho
1 pm Greeley(T)
11 am Hoji
articles due for
January newsletter
11 - 1 pm DBT Judo
Kankego training
December 2016
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
1947 Lawrence Street
Denver, CO 80202
Address Service Requested
Religious Services
Dec 4
Bodhi Day Service
8:30 am Nihongo service
9:30 am Dharma Family service
10:15 am Adult service
1 pm Sedgwick service
Dec 9
11 am Shinran’s Day service
Dec 11 9:30 am Dharma Family service
10:15 am Adult service
9:00 am Brighton Sangha service
11:00 am Ft. Lupton service w/hoji
Dec 17 11 am Hoji service
1 pm Greeley service
Dec 18 December Shotsuki
8:30 am Nihongo service
9:30 am Dharma Family service
10:15 Adult serivce
Dec 28 4 pm Hoji & Ininurnment
Special Events
Saturday, December 10, 2016
11 am - 1 pm; DBT Judo
Kankego training
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
7 am - YBA Mochi Tsuki
[mochi order form on page 5]
Gym Schedule
11:30 am Karate
6 - 7:30 pm Aikido
6:30 - 8 pm Judo
7 pm Volleyball
WEDNESDAY 7:30 pm Basketball
THUR Dec 29 11 am Hoji service
6 - 7:30 pm Aikido
6:30 - 8 pm Judo
Dec 31 7 pm New Year’s Eve service
Page 10
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist
with Bonsho ringing
6 - 7:30 pm Family
Aikido 2016
Judo (every other week)
Fly UP