MYOKYO 明鏡 - the Tacoma Buddhist Temple
Temple Mission Statement "To offer those in the Pacific Northwest an enduring community that values inclusiveness and acceptance in seeking enlightenment through Japanese Shin Buddhist teachings." Tacoma Buddhist Temple (Jodo Shinshu) タコマ仏教会 (浄土真宗) 1717 S. Fawcett Ave., Tacoma, WA 98402-1706 TEL:(253) 627-1417 MAIL: [email protected] WEB: MYOKYO 明鏡 (MYOKYO, the Bright Mirror of Buddha Dharma always illuminates our LIFE) December, 2016 ___________________________________________________________ Sensei’s Message A mirror that shows my true self Rev. Kojo Kakihara The end of this year is approaching. For me, it makes me think of whether I was able to live each precious day with appreciation. A little while ago, I went bowling with my family. Since Satone and Shujo are still small, they cannot knock down very many pins. But they seemed to enjoy themselves. After bowling, we played some games in the game corner in the bowling alley. There we played a game that we caught candies with a crane. We played it for several times, but we could catch only one candy each. Every time we got one candy, I disappointingly said, “Ah, we got only one again…” As Satone was hearing my saying so, although she, too said, “We got just a few,” she looked very satisfied and joyful. Seeing her face, I was made to realize something. I was thinking that it is good and fun if we get many candies, and it is not good if we cannot get many candies. But for Satone, regardless of how many candies she got, she was just enjoying playing the crane game itself as it was. I assume that as she gets older, she will come to care about how many candies she gets. But her attitude made me realize again my attitude that I do not appreciate my given life and every day fully just as it is while assuming one day to be a good day and another day to be a bad day depending on my own convenience and calculation, or spending time in vain with being angry or depressed when something inconvenient happens. Shan-tao from China, the fifth of the Seven Pure Land Masters left the following phrase, “Sutras or teachings, these are like mirrors.” I think that we have chances to look at ourselves in a mirror several times a day. A mirror shows our figures honestly as it is. We are made to notice, “I look tired today,” or “No! I have more white hairs!” But no matter how big or how expensive the mirror is, the mirror cannot show our minds or hearts. But Shan-tao states that sutras or Buddha Dharma are like the mirror that shows us what our mind and heart really is. Because our mind is invisible and made to suit our own convenience, it is not easy for us to realize what it really is unless we bear it in mind carefully. 1 As we quietly and sincerely face the mirror of Buddha Dharma, we are made to realize our true self and what our life really is. For me, Satone and Shujo are precious Buddha’s children who teach me lots of important things. There is an announcement. We are going to change our Sunday Service format a little in the coming January. At present, our service has two portions of Dharma School Service and Family Service. But in January, we will start to have one service. After the service, children will go to their Dharma School classes as we do at present. And for adults, we will have adult version of Dharma School at Hondo. But the contents of the service will remain similar to what we have now. I ask for your understanding and cooperation. In the end, I would like to extend my deep appreciation to Rev. and Mrs. Yukawa, Minister’s assistants, Temple Board members, BEC members, BWA members, Dharma School teachers and students, all Sangha members, and all people who concerns to Temple for your devoted support and thoughtfulness through this year to Tacoma Buddhist Temple, and also to me and my family. And also, I would like to say “Thank you” to my wife, Masayo, Satone and Shujo. I wish all of you have a happy New Year. In Gassho with palms together Buddhism 101 Rev. Kojo answers your questions on Buddhism or Jodo Shinshu during Sunday Service mostly on the last Sunday of every month. Put your questions in the box at the foyer or send by email. わたし こころ うつ かがみ かきはらこうじょう 私 の 心 を映す 鏡 ことし お ちか わたし じ し ん いちねん ふ 柿原興乗 かえ いちにちいちにち かんしゃ たいせつ す 今年も終わりが近づいてきました。 私 自身、この一年を振り返り、一日一日を感謝しながら大切に過ごせた かんが だろうか、と 考 えます。 すこ まえ かぞく ぼ ー り ん ぐ い さとね ぼ ー り ん げ ー む しゅうじょう ちい たくさん ぴ ん たお たの 少し前、家族でボーリングに行きました。慧音と 修 乗 はまだ小さいので、沢山はピンを倒せませんが、楽し ぐ あと ぼ ー り ん ぐ じ ょ う へいせつ げ ー む こ ー な ー げ ー む んでいるようでした。ボーリングをした後、ボーリング場に併設してあるゲームコーナーでゲームをしました。 く れ ー ん か し と なんど いちど ひと き ゃ ん で ぃ ー と クレーンでお菓子を取るゲームをしたんですが、何度しても、一度に一つしかキャンディーが取れず、そのた わたし いっこ と ざんねん い き さとね びに 私 は、「ああ、一個しか取れなかったじゃん」と残念そうに言いました。それを聞いていた慧音も、 すこ と い かお まんぞく げ たの かお み 「少ししか取れなかったね」と言いましたが、その顔はとても満足気で楽しそうでした。その顔を見ながら、 わたし は っ わたし げ ー む たくさん か し かず かず き か し と すこ と よ 私 はハッとしました。 私 は、ゲームで沢山お菓子が取れたほうがいい、少ししか取れなければ 良くない、 おも さとね かぎ げ ー む じたい たの と思っていましたが、慧音は、お菓子の数に限らず、ゲームをすること自体を楽しんでいるようでした。もう すこ おお さとね か し おも さとね すがた じぶん つごう ものさ 少し大きくなれば、慧音もお菓子の数を気にするようになると思いますが、慧音の 姿 は、自分の都合、物差 ひ び ひ わる ひ き いや はら た お こ しで、日々を「いい日」、「悪い日」と決めつけたり、嫌なことがあれば、腹を立てたり、落ち込んだりして、 じかん す ひ い かんしゃ わたし すがた あらた むなしく時間を過ごしてしまい、ただその日を生かされていることに感謝できていない 私 の 姿 を、 改 めて き 気づかせてくれました。 2 しちこうそう ひとり ちゅうごく ぜんどう だ い し きょうきょう たと かがみ ことば のこ 七高僧のお一人、 中 国 の善導大師は、「これ 経 教 はこれを喩ふるに 鏡 のごとし」というお言葉を残されて わたし まいにち なんど まえ きょう つか かがみ み きかい おも かがみ わたし すがた うつ います。 私 たちは毎日、何度か 鏡 を見る機会があると思います。 鏡 は、 私 の 姿 をそのまま映してくれま かがみ しらが ふ き す。 鏡 の前で、「今日は疲れているなあ」とか「あ、白髪がまた増えてる」と気づかされます。しかし、ど おお こうか かがみ わたし こころ うつ きょう ぶっぽう わたし んなに大きく、どんなに高価な 鏡 でも、 私 たちの 心 を映すことはできません。お 経 、仏法は、 私 たちの こころ ほんとう すがた うつ かがみ わたし こころ め み じぶん つごう 心 の本当の 姿 を映してくれる 鏡 のようなものです。 私 たちの 心 は、目には見えませんし、自分に都合の こころ ほんとう すがた き かんたん ぶっぽう いいようにできているので、 心 がけていないと、その本当の 姿 に気づくことは簡単ではありません。仏法の かがみ しず しんし む あ じぶん こころ すがた し じぶん し 鏡 に、静かに真摯に向き合い、自分の 心 の 姿 が知らされ、自分のいのちのありさまが知らされていくので さとね しゅうじょう わたし おお らいねん がつ おし たいせつ ほとけ ないよう すこ こ す。慧音と 修 乗 は、 私 に多くのことを教えてくれる、大切な 仏 の子です。 し さ ん で ー さ ー び す ー び す へんこう よてい げんざい お知らせがあります。来年1月から、サンデーサービスの内容を少し変更する予定です。現在は、 だ る ま す く ー る さ さ び す ー び す ふ ぁ み り ー さ ふた らいねん さ ん で ー さ ー び す ひと ダルマスクールサービスとファミリーサービスの二つがありますが、来年からは、サンデーサービスを一つに ー ご こ いま どお く ら す い おとな かた げんざい ふ ぁ み り ー さ ー び す して、サービス後、子どもは今まで通りそれぞれのクラスに行き、大人の方は、現在のファミリーサービスの か おとなばん だ る ま す く ー る ほんどう おこな さ ん で ー さ ー び す ないよう いま おな ないよう 代わりに、大人版のダルマスクールを本堂で 行 います。サンデーサービスの内容は今までと同じような内容 みな りかい きょうりょく ねが です。皆さんのご理解、ご 協 力 をお願いいたします。 さいご いちねん ゆ か わ せんせい あ し す た ん と かたがた り じ か い ふじんかい にちようがっこう 最後に、この一年、湯川先生とみちこさん、アシスタントの方々、理事会、BEC、婦人会、YBA、日曜学校の せんせい せいと てら め ん ば ー かたがた てら かか すべ かたがた た こ ま ぶ っ きょうかい わたし じ し ん わたし 先生と生徒、お寺のメンバーの方々、そしてお寺に関わる全ての方々に、タコマ仏 教 会 、 私 自身、 私 の かぞく さ ぽ ー と こころづか こころ かんしゃ どうじ わたし まさよ さとね しゅうじょう 家族へのサポート、お 心 遣 いに 心 から感謝いたします。それと同時に、 私 から、優代、慧音、 修 乗 へ、 ことし みな よ とし むか 「今年もありがとう」。皆さん、良い年をお迎えください。 がっしょう 合掌 Future Schedule Sunday, December 4, 1pm 3pm Sunday, December 18 Sunday, December 25 Saturday, December 31 at 7pm Sunday, January 1 at 10am Sunday, January 8 at 10 am Temple General Mtg. Bodhi Day Service followed by Pot-luck Dinner Short Service and Temple Clean-up No Sunday Service Joya-e (Year End Svc.) (Soba noodle will be served) Gantan-e (New Year’s Day Svc.) (Zoni (Mochi soup) will be served) Family Service New Cabinets Installation, New Members Recognition Temple New Year’s Party 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I would like to thank members, volunteers, families and friends who support our temple from near and far. And a special thanks to our board members who dedicate their time by working on board committees, doing behind the scenes projects, attending our 8:15 a.m. meetings and much more. The board works as a team and we’ve done some great things together. Members Tom Hubbell, First Vice President, Coco Inoue, Secretary, Karen Yoshitomi and I are ending our 3-year term. Board members are elected in groups like this to serve 3 years to help build consistency in knowledge and experience while allowing folks a break to not burn out. One member, Ken Tanino, Treasurer gets a huge star as he has accepted to stay on another year again as Treasurer – a big thank you to him. He has done so much to organize our finances and build a working budget so we can manage our bottom line. Thank you to the 2016 Board: Officers: First V.P., Tom Hubbell, Second V.P., David Yotsuuye, Secretary, Coco Inoue, Treasurer, Ken Tanino, Assistant Treasurer, Delbert Sasaki Term 2015 – 2017: Wendy Hamai, Erik Hammerstrom, Les Hitsman, Fred Pelger, Delbert Sasaki, David Yotsuuye Term 2016 – 2018: Merlaine Cook, Mayumi Ikeda, Richard Ling, Karl Smith As I thank the outgoing and continuing board, it’s exciting to welcome (soon to be elected) new board members John Inge, June Weled and Alisha Wood. A huge thank you for stepping up to help. It was very challenging to say the least for our membership committee to fill these positions and I can’t say enough how important this role is. Of course you’ll see that John is coming on just as I’m ending and that’s probably a good thing! Can you see us in the same board meeting? A special thank you to past presidents David Yotsuuye, Jeff Hiroo and VP, Tom Hubbell who helped to guide and give me insights in areas that I knew nothing about! It’s been a fast 2 years for me, so thank you to everyone for putting up with the first woman and third Tanabe as president (Yosh, my dad and Del, my uncle). Arigato! In Gassho, Crystal Capital Projects Campaign Online Donation Made Easy at We are 25% of our way to our stretch goal of $45,000 to support capital projects such as replacing the pew cushions, flooring in the social hall and stage floor and curtains. We’ll prioritize our projects based on the funds raised, so please give – ideally before December 31. You can now give online at our website through our PayPal account that accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover cards or through your own PayPal account. Thank you for giving big! In Gassho, The Temple Board 4 Turn Your Amazon Shopping into a Donation to our Temple! It’s easy to shop and give back to our Temple at the same time. It comes as no cost to you since our Temple has registered as a non-profit organization on the Smile.Amazon site. Here are the quick steps: Step 1: Type in Step 2: Sign in and type in Tacoma Buddhist Temple. Step 3: Select Tacoma Buddhist Temple. Once selected, you will receive an email confirmation and you can begin shopping. Step 4: Start Shopping! Once you’ve selected your Tacoma Buddhist Temple everything else functions the same. Shop for your favorite products or the perfect gift. Most products are eligible on Amazon Smile–if not, you’ll be notified. You can checkout normally as well. No extra cost is passed onto you–Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to our Temple. Thank you! 5 Buddhist Women’s Association News Reflecting on this year, how do you rate your “PIA” level? (Participation, Involvement and Action?) If you felt you were a PIA more than ever, you are probably right. The BWA had a busy year and I would like to thank everyone for being a PIA, it is the heartbeat of our chapter’s success and we couldn’t have done the past year’s accomplishments without your dedication. Also, many thanks to everyone who came out and lent a hand or two or three with the Fall Bazaar. Everyone’s effort was appreciated to get the job done. I felt honored to attend Rev. Castro’s retirement service and reception on November 20 th to represent the NWD BWA. It was a delight to see and hear the talented sangha at Seattle Betsuin and also realize he is an avid Peanuts fan. Other Tacoma BWA members present were Masayo Kakihara, Elsie Taniguchi, Pauline Yamashita and Michiko Yukawa. Thank you for taking time to honor Sensei for his 39 years of service (31 years in the NWD). Just around the corner is the 70th Northwest District convention hosted by Tacoma on February 17-19, 2017, at the Double Tree Hotel, Southcenter. “Wake Up!” and please let me know if you are attending. The word I also hear is that the Hospitality room is also seeking volunteers and donations. SAVE the DATE: The next general meeting will be DECEMBER 11 after family service with a light lunch being served by the Nov/Dec toban. January 15, 2017 is the Hoonko service, the 2016 Jan/Feb toban is requested to assist with the preparation of the zenzai refreshment after service. Then mark your calendar for our BWA new year’s party on January 29, 2017 in the temple social hall. We will welcome new members and greet the new year with open arms. Hope all of you will be able to attend. Gassho, Patti Wong Dharma School News Hope everyone enjoyed a nice Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends! In December we will begin with a Bodhi Day service December 4th, conducted by our Lotus class students. We will also have our famous Tacoma Temple potluck dinner following the service. Dharma School is in charge of the set up and clean up of the dinner, so those who can help, please come early (2 pm) to help set up tables and chairs and other prep work in the kitchen. We will also have two fundraisers that day to help to defray the cost of convention registration for students and Dharma School teachers. One will be the poinsettia sales (beautiful poinsettia donated by Todd and Marcia Nakamura of StarLake Nursery). We will also have a bake sale. Dharma School families, please bring any donations of baked goods to the temple social hall. Thanks in advance for your donation! On December 11th, June Akita will help us decorate gingerbread houses, an annual treat that all our students enjoy. Each family is asked to bring one bag of candy for decoration. There will be no Dharma School classes on December 18, 25, Jan 1 and 8. Dharma School classes will resume January 15, 2017. Gassho, Donna Sasaki 6 Buddhist Education Committee News As a year draws to a close, it is natural to reflect on all that one has done, and all that one has left undone in that year. Going over our 2016 “to do list,” the BEC is pleased to report that we finished many of the things that we had hoped to accomplish when we started the year full of energy. We fulfilled our responsibility to organize Sunday services, as well as the several lectures held at the temple. The BEC also created and installed much-needed English name plaques for the pews in the hondo, organized an interfaith panel on peace-building that drew many new faces to our temple, began an overhaul of the temple website, and, with the generous help of temple members, ran information tables at several community events out in Tacoma. In the coming year, the members of the BEC will continue to do our best to support the religious mission of the Tacoma Buddhist Temple: the teaching and practice of the Dharma. People who do not know much about Jodo Shinshu often ask what our “practice” of the Dharma is. One of the central practices of Shin Buddhism is deeply “listening to the Dharma (monpo 聞法),” which we do each Sunday at the temple. In 2017 the BEC will introduce some changes into the format of Sunday service in order to emphasize this part of our practice. Beginning in January we will have only one service each Sunday. After this service is over, the students will still go off for dharma school in their classrooms, but the adults will remain in the hondo for “adult dharma school.” These talks will be about as a long as a normal second service, and they will focus on a variety of themes related to Jodo Shinshu and general Buddhism. It is our hope that this adult dharma school (we’re still working on the name) will give all temple members the opportunity to engage more deeply with the Buddhadharma and the Shin Buddhist practice of deep listening. We will do our best in 2017 to support the religious life of the temple for everyone, and we look forward to continuing to serve you in the coming year. Erik Hammerstrom From Your Facilities Committee Well folks, we are close to the finish line, but it’s still a bit too soon to dance a jig. Our contractor is five windows away from finishing the exterior wood work. If you look at the schedule to find out when the contractor will button it up you’ll come up high and dry. However, Facilities is confident the contractor will replace the windows. Another thing you can be rest assured about is the status of our fire extinguishers. AAA Fire is now the Temple’s offical fire extinguisher inspector and gave them the once over. Future inspections should be a snap since we are now officially part of their record system. Now if you look in the mirror and desire to be as pretty as the wisteria and hedges around the parsonage check out Tom. I’m sure he’d be delighted to repurpose the garden tools to spruce up your hairdo. Sometimes we just love how Mother Nature enriches our lives. We open a window and she envelopes us with a warm breeze regaling our schnozzolas with heavenly fragrances - unless we’re next to a cow pasture. But sometimes she intrudes to let us know who’s the boss around here. Reverend Kakihara discovered a leak in the Reverend Pratt room after one of those hard rain storms. But there’s no need to have your rain gear handy when attending meeties. Since our roof is still under warrantee the roofing contractor plugged up the leak. Tom was kind enough to install a toilet recall kit in the women’s bathroom on the Reverend Pratt level. He changed the 7 water pressure regulator and installed a strap around the pressure vessel. A future project will be to link the modem with the copy machine (in progress as we speak) using a 100-foot Ethernet cable arrived courtesy of Merlaine Cook. We just have to make sure the Russians don’t hack into our system and start printing propaganda on our copier. As always we are grateful for Kurt Osaka and Osaka Gardens’s efforts at keeping our grounds a sight to behold. Others active in maintaining our facility are Tom Hubbell, Rick Tanabe, Delbert Sasaki, Gary Ichinaga, Bob Yoshioka and Tad Kajimura who perform important tasks for our temple. Young Buddhist Association Report Happy December everyone! I mentioned the YBA’s Halloween party but I would like to thank everyone again for joining us for the party. I would also like to extend a huge thank you to all the temple members and the volunteers for a successful Bazaar. As I was serving I received many comments on the great food and the service. Besides the Bazaar the YBA does not have anything planned for November. In December YBA will be conducting the annual Bodhi day service. We all look forward to conducting the service. Again I would like to thank everyone for a great Bazaar. Toban News Please note, the toban groups will be switching months in 2017 and new toban group chairs will be named. A complete list will be available soon. Thank you, again, toban groups, for keeping our temple so clean. The November, December and January 2017 toban groups are included in this update. General Clean Up: ALL MEMBERS ARE ASKEDTO HELP, December 18 December 2016 and November 2016 Toban Groups: Toban heads are responsible to call group members for set up and clean up for certain Temple events held during the two month period. The chairs for each two month period will coordinate with each other to set up the actual dates of the monthly clean-up for those able in their group. Please let Merlaine Cook and Coco Inoue know the clean-up dates to check for other activity conflicts and add to Temple calendar. All toban Chairs: Initiate phone tree for our Bodhi Day potluck on December 4. Please call your group and remind them of the following dates: Bodhi Day potluck/General meeting, December 4 General meeting 1 p.m. Service (lead by YBA) 3 p.m. DS program 4 p.m. Potluck dinner after DS program General temple clean up, December 18 New Year’s Eve service, December 31 at 7 p.m. Initiate phone tree for the temple New Year’s Service and Party January 8, 2017 Service/Installation 10:00 a.m. New Year Program 11:00 a.m. Lunch 12:00 noon Cost: $15.00 Bento for members $20.00 Bento for non-members $20.00 Extra bento 8 $5.00 KFC Dinners for members or members' children $8.00 KFC Dinners for non-members or non-members' children Please give the names, number and kind of meals your toban group needs to Mayumi Ikeda by December, 18th or earlier so a final count can be made. January Group Responsibilities Your toban is in charge of ordering and getting the KFC meals for the New Year's party. Mayumi Ikeda will give you the number. Monthly clean-up with February January Toban Group: Ken and Lynne Tanino (chair), Jill Case, Tom and Lynrae Hubbell, Matthew and Merlaine Cook, Samuel Laporte, Trisha Bender Phone tree members: Toyoko Nakagawara, Devi Dawady, Kim and Cindy Nakamura, Pauline Yamashita, Ed and Kimiko Fujinaga December Group Responsibilities: Monthly clean up with November December Toban Group: John and Crystal Inge (chair), Les Hitsman and Fred Pelger, Allan Oshima, Nancy Butterfield, Jim Akagi, Sandra Schwartz Phone tree members: Yaeko Nakano, Charlotte Omoto November Group Responsibilities: Monthly clean up with December November Toban Group: Delbert and Cynthia Sasaki (chair), Jeff and Vivian Hiroo, Denise Kline, Tad and Joan Kajimura, Erin Berkey Phone tree members: Frank and Midori Komoto, Tadashi Fujioka, Byron and Geoff Sasaki We have 2 new temple members: Yarrow McConnell and Brandon Villarreal. Welcome to our Sangha! Thank you for your support and please remember to pay your 2016 membership pledges by November 30th! 9 Bazaar 2016 Thank you to everyone who helped and supported our fall Bazaar fundraiser. Thank you to the Sumner Food Bank for the apples and flour, to those who gave us berries for the pies, to Ich Nakayama for the gobo and yama imo, to those members who donated ingredient items for their particular food item, to all of the bakers for all of the delicious bake sale items, to those who cleared out some items from your homes for our craft/rummage sale, to Fumiko Kimura and Lois Yoshida who added their arts to our sumi e paintings, and to all of our members and friends who donated so many hours of their weekend to make our bazaar happen. Even though we cut the hour of serving by one hour, our menu still provided our tasty chicken, udon, curry, spam musubi, unagi bowls, tofu bowl, miso soup, mochi ice cream and homemade pies. We not only made more income than previous years, but we also did not have any demerits from the Health Department! Thank you so much to make this a successful bazaar once again. June Akita 70th Annual Northwest Buddhist Convention Planning continues for this momentous event for our temple. Our theme for the February 17-19th, 2017 convention is “WAKE UP!” We are fortunate to have Rev. Marvin Harada from the Orange County Buddhist Church as our main speaker. Our workshops and discussion topics are being discussed very seriously to include various speakers as well as the northwest ministers. We have contracted the DoubleTree Suites in Tukwila who is providing their wonderful amenities as well as great room prices. So please mark your calendars for February 17-19, 2017, and let John and/or me know if you would like to be part of any committee. Registration will begin in December 2016 and continue through January 15th. Lynne Tanino will be handling registration. You do not need to be a temple member to join us for this weekend. Sign ups will begin in December through January 15th. We will be having a Silent Auction with Cynthia Sasaki in charge. If you have items that would work well at this auction, please contact Cynthia or John or June. Paintings or Asian artifacts have been very successful items. We will also be hosting our Hospitality Room Friday evening and Saturday evening. If you can participate with food items, or help serve, please contact Kazuko or Yasuko. Karen Yoshitomi is gathering items for our Welcome Bags that will be given at our registration desk. We anticipate approximately 300 guests, so if you have items from hard candy to pens to snacks, please contact Karen or John or June. Aimee Hamilton is accepting Booster donations as well. Moneys received will go towards Dharma School and YBA activities. Our next meeting will be before church on January 8th. We are asking that all committee chairs have their agenda and needs for their area to share at this time. Thank you for the support and generosities given so far. John Inge and June Akita, Co chair 10 GREETERS SCHEDULE Note: Please have new visitors sign up their name and give them the following booklets; Temple Information Booklet Messages from the Buddha (mini booklet with pale pink cover) 1/2 page list of Temple activities “Want More Info..” (1/2 sheet form) If you are not available on the day you are assigned, please find a replacement for you. December 4 Denise Cline / Rick Tanabe (Bodhi Day Svc. at 3 pm) 11 Henry Stoll / Michael Shiogi 18 David Campbell / Les Hitsman (Short Svc. only) 25 No Sunday Service January 1 8 New Year’s Day Service (10 am) John Inge / Wendy Hamai 15 Brandon Wood / Alisha Wood 22 Del Sasaki / Mayumi Ikeda 29 Richard Ling / Kevin Ikeda Welcome! Welcome to Tacoma Buddhist Temple! We introduce our new members who joined the temple recently. Nami and Keywa Stevenson Where do you live? - “We live in Northeast Tacoma.” Where are you from originally? - “I’m from Hyogo prefecture, Japan.” Tell us about your family. “I live with my husband, two sons, and mother in-a-law.” How did you encounter Buddhism? – “My family was Buddhists, so Buddhism was familiar to me since I was small. As my grandma taught me about Buddhism and I attended Buddhist events with her, I came to have an interest.” Why did you decide to join the temple? Or what do you like about our temple? – “I really appreciate the history of the temple built by Japanese people who immigrated from Japan over 100 years ago. Also the meals served at temple remind me of my grandma. And temple members are warm and welcoming.” What are your hobbies? – “I like sewing.” 11 Yearly Memorial Services General Memorial Service Years for 2017 1st Year - 2016 17th Year - 2001 3rd Year - 2015 25th Year - 1993 7th Year - 2011 33rd Year - 1985 13th Year - 2005 50th Year - 1968 January 2017; 1st Year 3rd Year 13th Year 17th Year February 2017; 17th Year March 2017; 1st Year 3rd Year 13th Year 50th Year Itami, James Masagi Netter, Anna Henderson Seago, Anne Marie Sasaki, Pete Takashi Tanabe, George Kimoto Takagi, Marianne Sueko Shaku Shin-Ju Shakuni Bi-Sho Shakuni Wa-En Shaku Ju-Sho Shaku Sho-Do Shakuni Ji-Kyo January 1, 2016 January 4, 2016 January 26, 2015 January 20, 2005 January 19, 2001 Pickett, Robert Walter Asahara, Yoshio Shaku Dai-Zen Shaku Gi-Tai February 6, 2001 February 18, 2001 Shiogi, Yukiko Nakagawara, Nimoru Sasaki, Yaeko Bush, Stewart William Yamasaki, Noboru Oka, Toyoshige Shigio, Seki Tamaki, Hisakichi Shakuni Ko-Toku Shaku Jitsu-Gon Shakuni Ho-Chi Shaku Ko-Shun Shaku Sho-Shin Shaku Ho-Sei Shakuni Myo-Sho Shaku Ho-Kai March 1, 2016 March 12, 2015 March 5, 2005 March , 2005 March 19, 2005 March 6, 1968 March 30, 1968 March 9, 1968 12 13 14