
January 2012 - Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temple

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January 2012 - Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temple
Temple Reflections
A TSDBT Monthly Publication
Volume XXXII
January 2012
In this issue!
Rev. Fujii’s message
Happy New Year, Everyone!
Sakura Square Update 2
Temple Office
Nihongo message
Dharma School
BWA News & Projects
Temple Condolences
Temple Offerings
Tamai Tower ad
Hoonko Invitation
Congressional Medal
Thanks to your support and understanding I could finish the year of
2011 without major regrets. I know many things are waiting to be done
in the year of 2012; I would like to walk and work with you while
sharing the Teaching of Buddha.
Please keep the following in mind in this year too:
1. Call the office and/or me before a person passes away.
2. Write your personal history for your funeral service.
3. Write a message for your family if possible.
In Gassho,
Rev. Doei Fujii
Centennial Donor Lists 8
Paint Project Donors
Temple Happenings
February Calendar
January Calendar
Kohaku Uta Gassen
This Month’s
Holidays . . .
Shusho E
New Year’s Day
Shinran Shonin’s
Death Anniversary
January 2012
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
Page 1
Update: Sakura Square Planning Process
by Gary Yamashita
As you may know from past newsletter updates, the
Joint Strategic Planning Committee, formed by the
Boards of the Tri-State Buddhist Church Apartments
(Sakura Square and Tamai Tower) and the Tri-State
Denver Buddhist Temple, have been meeting to
evaluate alternatives for redeveloping and revitalizing
the Temple as well as other Sakura Square
infrastructure and facilities.
The Committee would like to extend a thank you to
the residents, patrons, visitors, employees and other
stakeholders who shared valuable feedback and longterm visions for the future of Sakura Square in a
recently distributed survey. The Committee received
more than 150 responses, which are being evaluated
individually to help inform the decisions of the
Committee. In going through each response, the
Committee was pleased to find near unanimous
consensus among members of this community that
what you want most for the future of Sakura Square
is a “common gathering place and meaningful
connection to the Japanese community in Denver.”
Your responses were incredibly insightful and will be
extremely beneficial to the Committee as it works on
the next steps of the evaluation process. The next
Joint Strategic Planning Committee meeting date is set
for January 12, 2012. At that time, the Committee will
continue exploring options with the community’s
collective input in mind.
We continue to encourage you to contact us at any
time during the strategic planning process. Please
feel free to reach out to any of the individuals below
with your questions, comments and concerns.
Thank you for your time and ongoing cooperation.
Charles Ozaki, Chair
Tri-State Buddhist Church Apartments and Tri-State
Denver Buddhist Temple Joint Strategic Planning
(303) 489-1140
[email protected]
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
1947 Lawrence Street
Denver CO. 80202
FAX (303)295-1952
Email: [email protected]
For newsletter contributions, submit your article by the
10th of each month for publication in the next month’s
For additional information, or to read the newsletter
online, go to our website at www.tsdbt.org
Page 2
Greg Ramos, Co-President
(303) 885-5639
[email protected]
Wayne Berve, Co-President
(303) 829-4422
[email protected]
If you did not receive an invitation to complete the
survey and would like to provide feedback, please
send an email to Gary Yamashita
([email protected]) or reach him via
phone: 303-204-8039.
A Word From the Temple Office
by Donna Inouye
As you traverse your way through the arbitrary
date boundary that separates one year from the
next (the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve
signaling the arrival of New Year’s Day AND the
auspicious Year of the Dragon),
whether you are going timidly, boldly, self-assuredly or without a clue
whether you are traveling solo, incognito or (like me
) fast asleep
whether you see promise, doom n gloom, routine or
vast unknowing before you
whether or not you are ready
whether or not you know the way
whether or not you are toting all your wildest
dreams with you,
JUST KNOW that there are a few things you can
count upon:
1. this is one ‘trip’ we all have to make whatever our
conditions may be;
2. no matter what we find there (2012), it’s all
going to change;
3. newsletter article submissions will still be due on
the 10th of each month for publication in the next
month’s issue.
SERIOUSLY, (but that 10th of the month deadline
thing is quite serious), Happy New Year to All!
Thank you for your continual efforts, support and
friendship. I hope that my work continues to assist
and support you through the great and small adventures that await us in 2012.
Okagesama de.
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
January 2012
January 2012
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
Page 3
Dharma School Pages
Valuable Information and News
from Your Dharma School Co-Superintendent
Dennis Flodeen (720) 289-8098
email: [email protected]
New Year Salutations!
First of all, the TSDBT Dharma School wishes to
thank the Sangha for attending Turkey Bingo. We
had a huge turn-out, and we hope everyone had lots
of fun. Many, many, many of you volunteered your
time, energy, muscle, knowledge, humor, and voice to
make it happen, and we are thankful for your
support. Dharma School is all about the kids, and
because of your continued support, we’re able to
offer them opportunities to grow in the Dharma.
I also wish everyone a happy new year. As we
continue on our journey together, I am thankful to be
a part of this family. My new year’s resolution is to
remember that, including me, no one is perfect. We
never were, and we’ll never be perfect. Of course,
we all know it, but I’ve found myself too quick to
judge and dismiss people from my life, forgetting that
“nobody is perfect.” What’s important is that we
treat ourselves and each other with compassion and
respect, even when we’re not always happy, and
we’re suffering from dukkha. I’m grateful for this
family who continues to support me. With your help,
I’m grateful for my opportunities to support you, too.
I look forward to a new year of learning and growing
in the Dharma with you all.
In Gassho,
Dennis Flodeen
Dharma School Superintendent
WIshIng eVeryone a Wonderful
holIday season!!
from Yo
Season’s greetings and Happy New Year
Herb and Dottie Inouye
Wishing you All a Happy
and prosperous New Year
from Frank Miyazawa and Merrily Stewart
Happy New Year – A Prosperous, Healthy 2012 to all!
Akemashite Omedeto Gozaimasu
Frank & Gladys Hiraoka
Page 4
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
January 2012
BWA/Fujinkai General Meeting Notes
by Kim Morehouse
HAPPY NEW YEAR! and THANK YOU to all who attended the BWA/
Fujinkai general meeting which was held on December 4, 2011 and
apologies for the mix-up about the November date. After a short service
and one of our great pot-luck lunches, the business meeting began. Judy
Okamoto gave the treasury report which included our income and the
disbursements for our various events and donations (including the Dharma
school and YBA). Kathy Kuge reviewed the events of 2011. We were able
to continue with the Uta Gassen Bentos, the Eshinni/Kakushini seminar ,
making onigiri for the Japanese Community picnic, home visits (lap
blankets and lap purses were provided by Elaine Tsumura and Lil
Miyazawa) and funeral receptions! In addition to those traditional
activities, we sponsored two exchange students from Japan and two Senior
Care Seminars. Joyce Nakata Kim represented us at the National FBWA
delegate meeting and gave a report about it. Being a difficult year with the
sudden loss of our dear President, Mitzi Kishiyama, and the resignation of
our then president-elect, we held an election for Co-Presidents instead of
electing a new President and Vice-President. The new Co-Presidents are Deb
Omoto-Berve and Kathy Kuge. The Recording Secretary, Kim
Morehouse; Corresponding Secretary, Joyce Nakata Kim; and Treasurer,
Judy Okamoto, have another year left of their term.
We were honored to have Rev. Fujii, our Ministerial Advisor, present us
with his new, fresh input. “The first thing to happen must be HAVE FUN
AND BE HAPPY!” That being said, we will continue with the usual
activities but look forward to adding MORE FUN events!! Remember the
yarn and fabric that we told about recently?? Look for a notice about our
first COMMUNITY DANA PROJECT! It will be an event which will be
constructive, educational and fun!!
NURSING HOME - HOMEBOUND VISITS: As part of our Dana, we visit
Sangha members who are unable to come to services at the Temple.
In the Dharma
PLEASE CONTACT: Kim Morehouse, Donna or Rev. Fujii if you would like
or know of someone who would like to REQUEST such visits. And by all
means, if you would like to be a part of these visitations also contact us!
MEMBERSHIP: Welcome to our three newest members:! Shelly Tanaka ,
Deb Tono, and Ann Yoshihara-Murphy. If you would like to join our BWA/
FUJINKAI please turn in you membership form and/or talk to Judy
Okamoto. Please note, the small membership dues are for operating
expenses and our Dana projects. The true benefit as a member of this
organization is in fact the gift of Dana - the opportunity to give!
UTA GASSEN PLANNING MEETING: Please join us Sunday, January 8 at
11:15 a.m. in the auditorium after Dharma School. Here, you can see and
be a part of the BWA/FUJINKAI in action!
BWA Community
Dana Project
On Sunday, February 12th
at 12:00 the BWA will be
hosting the first of a
series of get-togethers.
Everyone is invited to
help crochet or knit little
caps for preemie babies
and caps for the
homeless. If you don’t
know how to knit or
crochet, we will gladly
teach you. Project
pattern and yarn will be
provided but knitting
needles and crochet
hooks will not. Please
join us for a few hours of
fun, knitting and
crocheting while making
something for a good
cause. Light snacks will
be provided.
For more information
please email or call Gail
Ida: [email protected]
or 303-466-6937.
Buddhist Temples’
membership offers
condolences to the family
and friends of:
Mark Kutsuma
September 26, 1960
November 17, 2011
Eiichi Tsukiji
November 23, 1918
November 25, 2011
January 2012
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
Page 5
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples gratefully acknowledges donations and offerings received
from November 1, 2011 - November 20, 2011:
In memory of Albert Tagawa-17th yr
& Hazel Tagawa-13th yr
Glenn & Eiko Tagawa
Tagawa families
Tagawa Greenhouses
In memory of Tom Kobayashi – 49th day
Joanne & Thomas Knight
Kiyoko Kobayashi
Robert & Donna Miller
Kristi Miller
Ray & Carole Sierchio
In memory of Sam Kato – 3rd yr
Deb & Wayne Berve
Jeffrey Fujiki
Steve Hiratuska
DJ & Rich Ida
Linda Kato
Dave Kato
Calvin Kato
Rich & Marlene Miyamoto
Jean Miyamoto
Masao Mura
Anna Murahata
Dennis & Joan Murahata
Herbert & Carol Nakayama
Kanya & Judy Okamoto
Kiyoko & George Omoto
Squibbs Family
Dean & Carrol Tsutsui
John Ware & Kit Mura-Smith
Anonymous .............................................
Stan & Gayle Shibao ................................
James Mizuno ..........................................
Dennis & Becky Hardman .......................
Florence & Calvin Newlin ........................
Yoko Mooney ..........................................
Kelly Walsh High School, WY ................
Robert Hagihara .......................................
Fred Aoki .................................................
Tokiyo Imanaka ........................................
Michael Shibao ........................................
Susie Navarro ..........................................
Karen Omoto ...........................................
Min Kishiyama ........................................
Yutaka & Mieko Yaguchi .........................
Page 6
Eitaikyo Service
Robin Burchardt
Michiko Chikuma
Frances Furukawa
Alice Hara
Frank & Gladys Hiraoka
Robert & Gail Ida
Herb & Dorothy Inouye
Ken & Amy Inouye
Chiko Inouye
Ruth Kamibayashi
Jack & Alice Kimura
Ayako Kimura
Manabu & Junko Kimura
Dale & Diane Kiyota
Randy & Faye Koto
Art & Tamiko Koyano
Tatsuo Matsuda
Frank Miyazawa
Ed Nakagawa
Henry & Ann Nakata
Chiyo Nakayama
Stacey Umemoto Ospina
Thom Sakata & Jennifer Trompeter
Patricia Sato & Michael Chase
Rose Shibao
James Shimada
Yuriko Shimoda
May Shuto
George Tagawa
June & Kenneth Tagawa
Brit & Jean Takara
Michio & Hisae Taniwaki
Bill & Louise Yamaguchi
Youko Yamasaki
Betty Yamashita
Alice Yasumura
Richard & Michiko Yoshida
3rd Grade Dharma class
Sumiko Chihara
Jr. YBA Dharma class
Unmarked bag
Tamai Sensei Memorial
Alice Hara
Jane Kanemoto
Sally Sakamoto
May Shuto
convalescence visit thank you
Eitaikyo; Martha Mizuno
funeral; Tom Hiraoka
nokotsudo; Kimiey & Misumasa Miyake
in memory of Mitsuru Iwaki – 1st yr
in memory of Alice Hagihara
in memory of Chiyo Aoki – 1st yr
in memory of Earl Hiroshi Imanaka – 7th yr
in memory of Harry Shibao – 17th yr
in memory of James & Josephine Fukaye
in memory of Masaru Omoto
in memory of Tom Hiraoka
in memory of their parents
Is $25/month rent too
much for you, including
all utilities? You may
qualify if you are over 62
years of age or disabled,
with extremely low
income! If you are not
eligible for federal
subsidies, the market rate
for a studio apartment is
$455/month. This
includes all utilities, i.e.
trash disposal, electricity
(heat in winter, air in
summer), limited cable
access, water, etc. Not
included is parking nor
telephone/internet service.
To qualify, the
following information
must be verified: rental
references, credit history,
criminal history, sex
offender’s list, all
financial statements and
documents regarding your
status, medical expenses
and so forth.
Applications are also
being taken for the one
and two bedroom
apartment’s waiting list.
Complete an application to
be on these lists. For
information or an
appointment, please call
Mabel Googins at 303295-0305 during office
hours, Monday – Friday;
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
January 2012
BWA Invites and Hosts Upcoming Hoonko/New Year’s Celebration
By Kathy Kuge & Deb Omoto-Berve, BWA Co-chairs
On Sunday, January 15, 2012, the Tri-State/Denver
Buddhist Temple will be observing and hosting
our HoOnko Service which commemorates the day
our founder, Shinran Shonin, passed away on
January 16, 1262.
We invite you to attend this special service.
Immediately following the service, we invite you
to join our HoOnko/New Year’s celebratory
luncheon and program – coordinated by the
Buddhist Women’s Association (BWA) as a Sangha
potluck feast.
As part of this potluck luncheon the Temple and
BWA will provide a beef teriyaki main dish. We ask
that the sangha bring a side dish to share with
about 10 people:
Last names :
vegetable or salad
rice, pasta or noodle side dish
If you would prefer a non-beef main dish (chicken,
fish or pork), please bring something you’d like to
share in lieu of the side dish.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone!
The Congressional Gold Medal
by Ron Abo
From October 31 to November 3, 2011, I had the honor
to accompany my father, Isamu Abo to Washington D.C.
where he and his fellow warriors of the 100th Battallion/
442nd Regimental Combat Team and the Military
Intelligence Service were awarded the Congressional Gold
Medal. My dad turned 94 on November 14, 2011, and I
think this was the highlight of his life.
My father graduated from college in 1940, the first and
only of his 7 siblings to do so. He enlisted in the Army on
January 23, 1941 to avoid being drafted. After Pearl
Harbor, he was shuttled around inland Army bases as a
company clerk until 1944 when the 100th Battalion and the
442nd RCT was formed and activated to Italy. He was in
Company D, in a machine gun squad in the famous battle
to rescue the Lost Battalion in France and was wounded
and sent to a field hospital. He returned to action along
the French/Italian border until the war ended. After the
war, he returned to be near his family in Idaho and farmed.
In the early 1950’s our family moved to Denver where he
operated a gas station and garage until he retired in the
late 1970’s.
My father still doesn’t talk about his war experience
except for chronological accounts of where he was. I sat
next to a Sansei my age who was representing his father
who passed away 35 years ago. He didn’t even know that
his father fought in WWII until after he died. Someone
once said to me that trying to describe war is impossible.
Maybe the impossibility is the reason for the silence.
There were many times during the trip that I was
overcome with emotion – listening to the speeches and
learning of the deeds that these men accomplished. It is
hard for me to fathom what they did and what they felt.
These men fought with weapons and equipment, which
January 2012
by today’s standards were primitive. They enlisted when
their families were being incarcerated in concentration
camps. I don’t know if I could or would do what they did.
I had the opportunity to talk to a few of them. I sat next
to James Yamane during the banquet. He was in Company
I during the battle for the Lost Battalion. Company I was
the first to reach the Lost Battalion after breaking through
enemy lines. I read from previous accounts that Company
I started with 185 men and 8 made it through without being
killed or wounded. James was one of them. He chuckled
when he told me he made it through the Lost Battalion
battle, but was later wounded in Italy.
On the plane ride home, I sat next to George Sakato who
is a Medal of Honor recipient. He was very humble. He
said the reason that he joined the Army was that he was
farming in 115 degree heat in Arizona and the Army
seemed like a better alternative. He said that the action
that earned him the Medal of Honor was born out of
outrage and anger when his best friend suffered a direct
hit from an artillery round. He said he was so mad that he
climbed out of his foxhole and charged the enemy. By the
time he had vented his rage, 32 German soldiers
surrendered to him.
These were common men put in uncommon, frightening,
life altering circumstances. They did what they had to do.
They were loyal soldiers and they ended up doing the
impossible. And when those who survived came home,
they returned to lives that were forever changed. But they
put together their lives, returned to school, raised families,
engaged in successful jobs, businesses and careers, and
gracefully got old. Through their actions and sacrifice, I
am able to enjoy freedom and access to opportunity that
might not otherwise be available to Japanese Americans.
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
Page 7
The Centennial Endowment
and Renovation Committee
and the TS/DBT Board of
Directors would like to
acknowledge and humbly
thank the following donors
who have contributed to the
Centennial Endowment and
Renovation Campaign.
Preschool Dharma School Class
Kindergarten Dharma School Class
2nd Grade Dharma School Class
rd th
3 /4 Grade Dharma School Class
5th Grade Dharma School Class
Ronald & Lisa Abo
Kiyoko Aigaki
Noel & Kimberly Allen
Glenn & Michelle Asakawa
David & Penny Askin
In memory of Kimiye Miyaki
John R. Beardt **
James C. Berryhill **
Djab Burchinow
Elsa Djab Burchinow
In memory of Namdjal B. Burchinow
Sumiko Chihara
DBAC Volleyball
DBT Aikido Dojo
DBT Choir
DBT Craft Class
DBT Dance Girls
DBT Dharma School 2007/2008 Staff
DBT Dharma School 2008/2009 Staff
DBT Japanese Language School
DBT Minyo Club
DBT YBA; paint project
Gaye Eshima
In memory of Kunio Eshima
Fred & Toki Gow *
Alice Hara
Linda Hardesty
Eileen Tochihara Heath
In memory of Jim Tochihara
Frank Higa
Sawaye Hirokawa
Chris Horiuchi
Ming & Hiroko Hung
Cindy Iida
Peter Inokoji-Kim & Aileen Okimoto
Martha Inouye
Mr.&Mrs. Steve Ishiguro *
John Iwakiri
Joan Jolliffe **
Page 8
Bronze Level $1 - $999
Linda Kato
Mike & Amy Sakurai
With gratitude to Sam & Kimi Kato
In memory of Paul Gow, Jim Hisamoto,
Ruth Kamibayashi
Roy Sugihara
Mitsuru Kanegaye
Lillian Sato
Fusako Kawahara
In memory of Frank Sato
Kayo Club
Hank & Irene Shibao
Troy & Michele Kilen
Rose Shibao
Jack & Alice Kimura
Steven Shigaya
Minoru & Michiko Kishiyama
Lily Shin
Grace Kiyotake
Sharon Shin
Mildred Kiyotake
In memory of George Y. & Sumi Shin
Kelli Koga
WM Jiro & Teruko Shoji
Katy Koshio
In memory of Mr.&Mrs. Sadakichi Harada
Art & Tamiko Koyano
& deceased children
Randy & Faye Koto
The Steinebrey Family
Myron Kuge
Family of Roy Sugihara **
In memory of Isao & Masaye Kuge
Gary Tagawa
LaJara/Alamosa Buddhist Sangha
Thomas Taggart
Brian & Marjorie Levitt
Charles & Helen Takahashi *
Mary & Steve Marx
Brit & Jean Takara
In memory of Kimiye Miyake
Isao Jon & Sayoko Takata
Ayako Matsumoto
Hiroshi Takeda
Oki Matsushima
Suzanne Tanaka
Dick & Yoshie Matsushita
Bill Tobo
Bob & Gloria Mitani *
Kristy Tochihara
Eric & Naomi Miyazawa
Thom Sakata & Jennifer Trompeter
Leonard & Alice Mizuno *
Henry & Reiko Urano
Sumi Mizushima
Garold Uyeda
In memory of George & Ken Mizushima
Kam & Fumi Uyeji *
Mitchell & Susan Mollard
MC & MS Uyemura **
Dan & Terry Moskowitz
Richard Uyemura & Paula Tapia **
Yoko Mooney
Arlene Wallace
Lee T. Murata
In memory of Frank & Kathleen Kondo
The Murata Family
Annette Ward *
In memory of Lee Murata (49th Day)
Gene & Kathy Watada
Miyo Murata *
Marian Weitzel **
William & Ann Murphy *
Doris Yagi
Randy, Joy Dawn & Roger Nakagawa
In memory of Donald T. Yagi
and Judy Hiraki
Alvin Yago *
in memory of Jimmie Hiraki
Matsuye Yago *
Chiyo Nakayama
Youko Yamasaki
Dat & Naomi Nguyen
Jean Yien & Paul Riley
in memory of Harry “Doc” Matsushima
Harlan & Emi Yoshida
Fujie Nishi *
Art & Sachiko Yoshimura
Hugh & Alice Nishimoto
Carol Gansho O’Dowd
Mutsu Osaki *
• * in memory of Paul Gow
Stacey Umemoto Ospina
• ** in memory of Roy Sugihara
Miyako Otsuki
Daniel Podell & Linda Reiter
Sally Sakamoto
George & Sumiko Saito
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
January 2012
Silver Level $1000 - $4999
In memory of Isao Tsutsui
Sadao & Shizue Asano
Wayne & Deb Omoto Berve
Dr. Robert Boudreau
In memory of Janette Haruko Boudreau
DBT Dharma School Carnival 2008 fundraiser
Denver Taiko
Mae Doida
in memory of Sam Doida
Friends and Family Fun Golf Tournament
- Victor&Naoko Tawara
- Don & Lonnie Hester & family
- Jim & Jeanne Matsuda
Janet & James Fujita
Bob & Kiyo Fujimoto
Helen Fukaye
In memory of Harry Fukaye
Warren, Marge & Rod Fukuhara
in memory of Mitsuo & Kotsuru Fukuhara
Miyuki Mabel Googins
in memory of Yoshi Nishimura
Gayle & Kellye Goto
Midori Gow
In memory of Paul Gow
Dennis & Becky Hardman
Iwao & Takako Hatanaka
Fumiko Hattori
Tommie & Kinuko Hiraoka
Amy Horiuchi
Helene Ioka
in memory of Tom Ioka
Dorothy Inouye, Grace Kiyotake & Ethel Sato
in memory of Shigeo & Florence H. Yanaru
June Inuzuka & Family
In memory of Umeko and Eisaburo Inuzuka
Sueo & Taeko Ito
Tetsuo & Sadako Iwahiro
In memory of Shigeo & Haruko Iwahiro
Charles Kagiyama
Al Kawakami
Kenzo & Irene Kawanabe
(in conjunction with Rose Foundation;
Matching Gift Program)
Knobby & Carole Kawano
In memory of Mr.&Mrs. Tomihachi Kawano
Ayako Kimura
HJ & Alice Kimura
Manabu & Junko Kimura
Charlie & Mary Matsubara
in honor of Charlie Matsubara’s 88th birthday
January 2012
Tatsuo Matsuda
In memory of Alyce Matsuda
Sam & Terry Mayeda
Carl & MaryLee Mitcham
Frank Miyazawa
Phillip & Lillian Miyazawa
in memory of Shigeo Miyazawa
Dick & Chizuko Momii
Kim & Sarah Morehouse
in memory of Kay Tamaki
Anna Murahata
Masao Mura
George & Yoko Nagai
Henry & Ann Nakata
Kanya & Judy Okamoto
George & Kiyoko Omoto
Janice & Greg Ramos
Helene H. Saeda
in memory of Moriichi & Hisayo Saeda
David & Joni Sakaguchi
Dora, Gary, Brad & Craig Shibata
in memory of:
George K. Shibata
Mistuyo & Noboru Sogi
Tatsu & Tokuhei Shibata
Steven & Stacey Shigaya
Edward & Yuriko Shimoda
Itsuo Tadehara
In memory of Masaye Doi
George Tagawa
In memory of Gail Tagawa
Ken Tagawa
Carolyn & Mickey Takeshita
Sumiji Tamaki
Robert & Shelly Tanaka
David & Debby Tanigawa
Michio & Hisae Taniwaki
Bill & Wendy Thompson
Families of Shirley, Mia & Gregg Tsuchimoto
In memory of Donn S. Tsuchimoto
& Scott Lee Kim
Kurt, Kanae, Bruce & Ariana Tsumura
Ted & Elaine Tsumura with Fairy Kuritani;
in memory of Henry Kuritani, Amy Tsumura
and Nobuzane Tsumura
Kent & Kelly Yamasaki
Betty Yamashita
Gary & Debbie Yamashita
Tom & Fumiko Yamashita
Kevin & Keiko Yoshida
Masashi & Barbara Yoshimura
in memory of Kazuo “Stanley”
& Fudeko Yoshimura
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
Page 9
Gold Level $5000 - $9999
Robert Boudreau
in memory of Janette Haruko Boudreau
DBT Judo Dojo
Nobuo, Shigeko & Azaria Eshima
Family and Friends of Karen Eiko Matsushima
Miyuki Mabel Googins
in memory of Tom Googins
Frank & Gladys Hiraoka and family
Herbert & Dorothy Inouye
George & Jane Kanemoto
In memory of Jim & Chiyo Kanemoto
Cal, Sharon (Brookes), DJ (Ida), Linda, Bob & Dave Kato
In gratitude to Sam & Kimi Kato
Tepper & Emiko Koga
Eddie & Jeanne Nozawa
Charles & Teri Ozaki and Courtney
In memory of Joe & Tamiye Ozaki and Mich Tanouye
Patricia Sato
Diamond Level $10,000 and above
Brighton Buddhist Sangha
Hiratsuka Family
(Steve Hiratsuka, Louise Takemura, Carrol Tsutsui)
In memory of our parents, Yutaka and Misaye Hiratsuka
Robert & Gail Ida
in memory of Henry Yamashita and Kazuo
& Tsurue Kimura
Sam Kato
Edward T. Nakagawa
Noreen Okubo;
in memory of Riyo Okubo & Aiko Nishimura
Tagawa Greenhouse Families
Arigato Gozaimasu
Thank you to the many people who helped fold
and prep last month’s newsletter for mailing.
Thank you to all those who arrived early for the
December 4th Sunday services and ended up
mopping up the small pond created in the gym
by a leaking roof.
Thank you for the personal donation of a 20’
extension ladder; it will very much aid fellow
volunteers in the never ending tasks of Temple
Thank you for the many seen and unseen favors
performed regularly for the purpose of
supporting the Temple.
Page 10
Centennial Endowment and Building Maintenance Fund
2010 Paint Project
4th Grade Dharma Class
Fred & Chiyeko Aoki
Junko Asakawa
Sadao & Shizue Asano
William & Phyllis Baker
In memory of Larry Fukuhara
& Christine Fukuhara-Wilhelm
Elsa Burchinow
Malcolm & Janice Campbell
Robert & Vicky Case
Sumiko Chihara
Michiko Chikuma & Family
in memory of Bill Chikuma
- Michiko Chikuma
- Faye Chikuma
- Dale, Jamie, Scott & Jen Chikuma
- Richard & Sharon Kagiyama
- Robert, Chiari, Sean & Lane Kagiyama
- Bob, Judy & Andrew Wong
- Michael, Junko, Nicole & Kyle Manley
- Mark, Jeanne, Kinsey & Kaylie Chikuma
- Jason, Sameerah & Ryah Wong
DBT Dharma School
DBT Dharma School Band
Denver Tofu
Henry Doi
Robert & Kiyo Fujimoto
in memory of Mrs. Shizuye Fujimoto
Art & Joann Fujioka
James T. & Janet Fujita
In memory of Greg Fujita & Chiyeno Fujita
Helen Fukaye
In memory of Harry Fukaye
Linda Fukuhara
Frances Furukawa
Gayle & Kellye Goto
Kiyoko Hara
Ugi & Mollie Harada
Fumiko Hattori
Frank Higa
Ryoko Hirakawa
Frank & Gladys Hiraoka
Tom & Kinu Hiraoka
Helen S. Hori
Carrie Horiuchi
Kenzo & Shirley Horiuchi
Betty Inamasu
Herb & Dorothy Inouye
Terri Iwahashi
John Iwakiri
Japanese Association of Colorado
Michael & Karen Jones
Sumie Kagohara
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
January 2012
Centennial Endowment and Building Maintenance Fund
2010 Paint Project
Betty, Phyllis & Jan Kajiwara
Melvin T. Sato
in memory of Thomas (Tom) Kajiwara
in memory of Setsu Sato
Pauline Kamite & Michael Dorsey
Patricia Sato
Mitsuru Kanegaye
Robert Sato, Jr.
Hank & Sac Katayama
in memory of Robert Sato, Sr.
Mary Kawata
Hank & Irene Shibao
Ayako Kimura
Frank & Ann Shimamoto
HJ & Alice Kimura
in memory of Harry Shimamoto
Yuji & Aiko Kimura
Yo & Betty Shimamoto
Tom & Kiyoko Kobayashi
in memory of Stanley Keith Shimamoto
Kathy Koshio
Ed & Yuri Shimoda
Randy & Faye Koto
Lily Shin
La Jara/Alamosa Buddhist Sangha
Sharon Shin
Charles & Mary Matsubara
in memory of George Shin & Sumi Shin
Tatsuo Matsuda
Mr. & Mrs. Jiro Shoji
in memory of Alyce Matsuda
May Shuto
Mile High JACL
Mr. & Mrs. Gene Side
Carl & Marylee Mitcham and Samuel Jaffee
Douglas & Merrily Stewart
Dr. & Mrs. William Miyamoto
Tagawa Greenhouses, Inc.
Eric & Naomi Miyazawa
Thomas Taggart
Phillip & Lillian Miyazawa
Takamatsu Family
in memory of our Miyazawa & Kuritani parents
in memory of Tooru & Jean Takamatsu
Paul & JoDell Mizoue
Rose Takamoto
Sumi Mizushima
in memory of Harry S. Chikuma
Yoko Mooney
Isao Jon & Sayoko Takata
Perry Murata
Hiroshi Takeda
Naginata Shugyo
Mickey & Carolyn Takeshita
Roger & Barbara Nakata
Doris & Norio Taniguchi
Chiyo Nakayama
Tamaki Family
Dat & Naomi Nguyen
in memory of Sumiji J. Tamaki
in memory of Harry Kiyoshi Matsushima
Michio & Hisae Taniwaki
Tom & Mary Nishida
Bill & Sachiko Tobo
in memory of Fujiye Tobo
Thom Sakata & Jennifer Trompeter
Mary Nishiyama
Ted & Elaine Tsumura
in memory of our Tsumura & Kuritani parents
Takeshi & Kumiko Ohtake
Patricia Umetani
Helen Okada
Garold Uyeda
Kanya & Judy Okamoto
in memory of Tsumo Uyeda & Ruth Katsumoto
Mutsu Osaki
Bill Watada
in memory of Kunio & Yae Osaki
Wendy Westwood
Satcey Umemoto Ospina
Yamako Yagami
Mark Ozawa
in memory of Mitsuo Yagami
Haru & Michi Yamamoto
Cameo & Jason Pettis
Harry & Phyllis Yamamura
Erick & Melissa Phillips
Kent & Kelly Yamasaki
Janice & Greg Ramos
Fumiko Yamashita
Dr. & Mrs. Frank Sakamoto
in memory of Tom Yamashita
Thom Sakata & Jennifer Trompeter
Gary & Debbie Yamashita
Mike & Amy Sakurai
in memory of Tom Yamashita
Akio & Yoshiko Sameshima
Shizuye Yanagida
Don B. Sato
in memory of Tom S. Kajiwara
in memory of Aya Elsie Sato
Harlan & Emi Yoshida
Carol Sato
In memory of Shoji & Mitsuko Sato
Sam Yoshihara Family
George M. Sato
In memory of Paul Gow
In memory of Elsie Sato & Setsu Sato
January 2012
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
Page 11
PAINT PROJECT DONATIONS MADE in memory of Betty Yanari
Jason Aoki
Roland & Carrie Ann Aoki
Art & Itsu Arita
Jeremy, Stephanie & Sam Barton
Sam & Peggy Bungo
Mary K. Chikuma
Milt & Nancy Domoto
Sumi Enomoto
Bob & Kiyo Fujimoto
Warren Y. Fukuhara
Muneko Furuiye
Frances M. Furukawa
Mabel Googins
Andrew Hamano
Ine Hanatani
Alyce Hara
Rodger Hara
Becky & Dennis Hardman
Ryoko Hirakawa
Frank & Gladys Hiraoka
Tom & Kinu Hiraoka
Sawaye Hirokawa
Etsu & Sachi Hisamoto
Frank & Mary Hiyama
Carrie K. Horiuchi
Ken & Aiko Horiuchi
Tak & Shirley Horiuchi
Herb & Dorothy Inouye
Harry Ito
S. Ito
Tom & Beulah Kagiyama
Betty, Phyllis & Jan Kajiwara
Ruth Kamibayashi
Kent Kano
Jack Kimura
Manabu & Junko Kimura
Min Kishiyama
Grace Y. Kiyotake
Tom Koshio
Mary Kuritani
Vernon Lee
Reiko Shibara
Ron & Jan Marshall
Dora C. Shibata
Sue Mayemura
Mike Shibata
Toshi Miyake
Mel Shimono
Eric & Naomi Miyazawa
Lily Shin
Holly Miyazawa
Frank E. Sugihara
Phil & Lil Miyazawa
Eiko Tagawa
Ruby F. Miyazawa
George Tagawa
John & Kaz Mizoue
Howard Tagawa
Paul Mizoue
Janice Tagawa
Robert & Peggy Moore
Ken & June Tagawa
Mary Morishige
Niki Tagawa
Les & Julie Moroye
Yoshi Tagawa
Richard & Dawn Moroye
Frank Takahashi & family
Virginia Motoyama
Hiroshi D. Takeda
Anna Murahata
Sumi Tanaka
Keith & Monica Nagai
Michael & Karen Tawara Jones
Edward T. Nakagawa
Daryl Tawara & family
Henry & Ann Nakata
Mary Tawara
Kiyoshi Nakata
Ruthe Terada
Chiyo Nakayama
Paul & Diane Tible
Marie Nakayama
George & Jeanette Tomomitsu
Mineko Nakayama
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
George Nishimura
Kiyo Tsukamoto
Alan & Alice Nitta
Kurt & Kanae Tsumura
Clyde & Judy Nitta
Ted 7 Elaine Tsumura
John, Sherri, Tyler & Crystal Nitta
Dean & Carrol Tsutsui
Wayne & Phyl Nitta
T. Tsutsui
Sandra Noguchi
Patricia Umetani
Jolie & Alan Noguchi
Charlie Yamaguchi
Ted Okuno
Ed. G. Yamaguchi
George & Kiyoko Omoto
Judy Yamakishi
Mary Omoto & family
Youko Yamasaki
Joe & Joan Onodera
Fumiko Yamashita
Ellen Sakamoto
Tomoe Yasumura
Harriett Sakamoto
Alice Yasumura
Sally Sakamoto
Richard & Michi Yoshida
Wes Sakamoto
Art & Sachiko Yoshimura
Hank & Irene Shibao
J. Yoshimura
Rose Shibao
Jayne Yoshimura
In Gassho,
Ken & Aiko Horiuchi
Page 12
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
January 2012
Religious Services
Jan 1
11 am New Year’s Day service
Jan 8
8:30 am Nihongo Service
9:30 am DBT services
1 pm Ft. Lupton service
3 pm Brighton service
Dharma School Events
JAN 2012
4th Grade chairs Family Services
3rd grade decorates bulletin board
SUNDAY Bake Sales
January 8
January 22
January 29
4/5th Grade
3rd Grade
2nd Grade
TUES Jan 10 6 pm Sedgwick
Special Events
Jan 14 3 pm Hoji
Jan 15 9:30 am TSDBT Hoonko Service
WEDS Jan 18 6 pm LaJara/Alamosa
Jan 21 12 noon Greeley
Jan 22 8:30 am Nihongo Service
9:30 DBT services
Jan 29 9:30 am DBT services
TSDBT Hoonko & New Year’s Otoki
Sunday, January 15, 2012
11:30 am; potluck luncheon & program
Chibi No Gakko
Saturdays, 10:30 am - 4:30 pm
January 7th, 14th, 21st
Kohaku Uta Gassen
Saturday, January 28, 2012
11 am - 5 pm
Gym Schedule
Have a happy and healthy 2012!
In Gassho,
Janice, Greg, Alex & Tia Ramos
5-7 pm Aikido
6:30 - 8 pm Judo
7 pm Volleyball
WEDNESDAY 7:30 pm Basketball
Happy New Year!
5-7 pm Aikido
6:30 - 8 pm Judo
With Love,
Jay, Sue, Amy & Joe Yoshimura
6:30 pm-7:30 pm Family Aikido
A very Happy Holiday Greeting to you all!
Sachiko and Lorraine Hisamoto
January 2012
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
Page 13
Page 14
8:30 Nihongo Service
9:30 am DBT services
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
11:30 TSDBT Annual
General Meeting
8:30 am Nihongo service
9:30 am DBT services
12 noon BWA Dana
Nehan E
9:30 am DBT services
1 pm Ft. Lupton
3 pm Brighton
January 2012
9:30 am DBT services
BCA Ministers’ Mtg
6 pm Sedgwick
NAT’L BCA Meeing @ Buddhist Church of Florin
7 pm JACGP mtg
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
11:30-4:30 Chibi No
1 pm Greeley
11:30-4:30 Chibi No
11:30-4:30 Chibi No
11:30-4:30 Chibi No
Feb 2012
SEE: Updated calendar on website - www.tsdbt.org
January 2012
8:30 am Nihongo service
9:30 am DBT services
1 pm Ft. Lupton
3 pm Brighton
11 am New Year’s Day
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
8:30 am Nihongo service
9:30 am DBT services
9:30 am TSDBT Hoonko
and Temple New Year
1-3 pm Uta Gassen Practice
6 pm Sedgwick
6 pm LaJara/Alamosa
7 pm JACGP mtg
6-9 pm Uta Gassen
6-9 pm Uta Gassen
6-9 pm Uta Gassen
6-9 pm Uta Gassen
5-8 pm Uta Gassen
Set Up
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
11 - 5 pm Kohaku Uta
12 noon Greeley
11:30-4:30 Chibi No
3 pm Hoji
11:30-4:30 Chibi No
11:30-4:30 Chibi No
Page 15
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
1947 Lawrence Street
Denver, CO 80202
Return Ser
vice R
37th Denver Kohaku Uta Gassen
(Singing Competition between the Red and White Team)
One of the most entertaining events for the Japanese Community in Denver Area known as the
“Kohaku Uta Gassen” will be held as follows:
January 28, 2012, Saturday
Open: 11:00AM
Start: 12:00PM
Tri-State Denver Buddhist Temple Auditorium
Co-Sponsored by:
Tri-State Denver Buddhist Temple
Japanese Association of Colorado (JAC)
Uta Gassen Executive Committee
Chairperson for the Event: Seiji Tanaka
Master of Ceremonies:
Masako Beecken
Team Captains:
Red Team: Yumino Kimura
White Team: Souichi Nakamura
Number of Singers:
15 singers on each team
Special Notes:
-Many special attractions are scheduled for your entertainment
-Many door prizes will be given away at the end of the event
Japanese Box Lunch:
$10.00; prepared and sold by the Buddhist Women’s Association
Entrance Fees:
$8.00 person
(15 years old or younger and 75 years old and over- free
All proceeds from this event will be donated to TS/DBT
Page 16
Tri-State/Denver Buddhist Temples
January 2012
For any questions, please contact Seiji Tanaka at (303) 427-7906
Fly UP