
Waseda Law School Information for Exchange Students

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Waseda Law School Information for Exchange Students
Guidelines for Semester Study Abroad at
Waseda Law School, Waseda University, Japan
University of Michigan Law School
ANN ARBOR, MI 48109-1215
Tel: (734) 764-0535 Fax: (734) 763-9182
[email protected]
The University of Michigan Law School offers a semester study abroad opportunity with Waseda Law
School, Tokyo, Japan for one (and sometimes more than one) student per academic year for either the fall
or winter term. Interested students must comply with the General Guidelines for Semester Legal Studies
Abroad available in the Center for International and Comparative Law, 212 Hutchins Hall, or on the Law
School web site at: http://www.law.umich.edu/curriculum/studyabroad/Pages/default.aspx. Please
consult the General Guidelines along with this document. They contain important information, including
how to apply.
Waseda Law School is described on its web sites: http://www.waseda.jp/flaw/gwls/ (Japanese) and
http://www.waseda.jp/flaw/gwls/en/ (English). The Fall 2014 semester (Waseda’s second semester)
courses are attached, and the Waseda Law School web site that contains a description of the exchange
program is under construction.
The biographies of members of the faculty at the Waseda Law School may be seen at:
A student’s course selection at Waseda Law School must be approved by the University of Michigan Law
School prior to the student’s departure. Any subsequent requested changes must be approved in advance
by Assistant Dean Roopal Shah ([email protected]; TEL: 734-764-5269). The acceptance of any credit
or grade for any course taken at Waseda Law School is subject to determination by the University of
Michigan Law School.
In addition to the course requirements at Waseda, students will be responsible for fulfilling all the
requirements for the transfer of credit described in the General Guidelines for Semester Legal Studies
Abroad available in the Center for International and Comparative Law, Room 212 Hutchins Hall or on the
Law School web site at http://www.law.umich.edu/curriculum/studyabroad/Pages/default.aspx.
Dean Mark West ([email protected]) is available to advise students interested in studying at Waseda
Law School.
There currently are 13 courses offered in English in the Fall 2014 semester (Waseda’s second semester) at
Waseda Law School, and Waseda has indicated that they likely will be continued. The current Englishlanguage courses offered are: Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, Japanese Legal Culture,
Human Rights Law in Japan, International Entertainment Law, Corporate Governance & Risk
Management (Keio Univ.), International Trade Law, Civil Law in Japan, Comparative Financial Law,
Drafting International Agreements (Keio Univ.), Government Relations and Law (Keio Univ.),
Introduction to Japanese Legal Research, Criminal Justice in Japan, and Civil Dispute Resolution in
All other courses are in Japanese, and with the exception of first-year non-electives, are open to foreign
exchange students with sufficient language ability.
Dates of Term
The first semester at Waseda generally goes from early April through late July. The second semester at
Waseda generally starts in late September with classes ending in January and finals in February. The Fall
2014 semester (Waseda’s second semester) classes begin September 25, 2014. Orientation takes place on
September 22, 2014. The Spring 2015 semester (Waseda’s first semester) classes tentatively begin in
early April, 2015. The dates of orientation are to be announced. Waseda has indicated a willingness to be
flexible about scheduling final exams; for instance, fall semester (Waseda’s second semester) students
will be allowed to finish their study at Waseda Law School by the last class in December and earn fullsemester credits for enrolled courses. Appropriate methods of evaluation will be arranged in order to
compensate for the missed January classes in consultation with the exchange coordinator of the home
Students must pay full tuition and fees to the University of Michigan Law School as described in the
General Guidelines for Semester Legal Studies Abroad. Students will not be charged tuition by Waseda
Law School. The tuition structure and amount are subject to change.
Application to Waseda Law School
Students who receive approval from the Law School’s Graduate Programs and Foreign Affiliations
Committee to study abroad at Waseda pursuant to the process described in the General Guidelines for
Semester Legal Studies Abroad will then be required to complete a Waseda application form. The Center
for International & Comparative Law will send the student’s Waseda application and supporting
application items to Waseda.
Waseda reserves the right of final approval of Michigan applicants.
When Waseda grants acceptance to a student, the student is asked if he/she wishes to apply for university
housing. If Waseda’s facilities for foreign students are full, every reasonable effort is made to assist
incoming exchange students in finding suitable accommodation elsewhere.
Ms. Naoko Kurihara is the administrative contact at Waseda Law School. Her contact information is:
[email protected] or [email protected]; TEL: 81-3-5286-1678; FAX: 81-3-52861720.
Professor Akio Shimizu of Waseda Law School is the academic and overall coordinator for Michigan
students at Waseda. His email is [email protected], and his telephone number is 81-3-5286-1411.
Please contact Professor Shimizu with your questions.
For further information about Waseda
Students are strongly encouraged to read the Student Study Abroad Reports currently available in the
Center for International & Comparative Law (Room 212 Hutchins Hall). The reports contain invaluable
information about courses, professors, library, computers, housing and so on. They identify the pluses
and minuses of the students’ study abroad experiences and what aspects they enjoyed and what they
found problematic while studying at Waseda.
Updated November 2014
The information about the overseas program contained herein is provided by the host institution
and is subject to change. Interested students should confirm all information with the host
institution prior to departure to ensure that the opportunity meets their goals.
2014/11/14 Waseda Law School
2015-2016 Academic Year
Waseda Law School
Information for Exchange Students
1. Course Selection
The courses offered by Waseda Law School (WLS) are attached list.
Almost all courses are semester-long two-credit courses that meet once a week for one semester,
spending 90 minutes each time.
Taking account of your academic interest, we will assign a professor for your academic adviser.
Most of courses of WLS are taught in Japanese. Given the fact that some exchange students want to
take a few courses conducted in English, WLS will offer 10 courses of this kind in the fall semester of
2014. In addition, exchange students can take a few courses offered also in English at Keio Law School,
Keio University. These courses are:
Course and Class (Fall 2014)
International Trade Law
Japanese Legal Culture
Civil Law in Japan
Comparative Financial Law
Criminal Justice in Japan
Human Rights Law in Japan
Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
International Entertainment Law
Civil Dispute Resolution in Japan
Introduction to Japanese Legal Research
Corporate Governance & Risk Management (Keio Univ.)
Drafting International Agreements (Keio Univ.)
13 Government Relations and Law (Keio Univ.)
*Timetable of Waseda Law School
1st :9:00-10:30, 2nd :10:40-12:10, 3rd :13:00-14:30, 4th :14:45-16:15, 5th :16:30-18:00
*You can search the syllabus at <https://www.wsl.waseda.jp/syllabus/JAA101.php>.
*To be announced for the Course and Class Fall 2015.
Additional 2 credits may be given for a substantial research paper written in conjunction with the courses
you take.
The courses in the attached list are designed mainly for Japanese students who are interested in pursuing
professional legal careers. Contents of such courses may often be too specialized for exchange students.
In case the instructor of the given course deems it more appropriate, therefore, the exchange student may
be advised to take a graduate law or undergraduate law course taught by the same instructor in lieu of/
addition to a WLS course.
2014/11/14 Waseda Law School
2. Visa
Due to the regulations under the immigration law in Japan, a non-Japanese exchange student is required to
enter Japan with a valid visa of “Student”. A "Certificate of Eligibility" will be forwarded to a student who
must obtain a visa to attend Waseda Law School as soon as we receive it from the Tokyo Immigration
Office around July. This certificate needs to be submitted with a valid passport to a local Japanese
Consulate for issuance of a visa. “Visa stamp” will usually be obtained within a few days after application.
Please be sure to secure a student visa before departure.
We strongly recommend that you enter Japan with the proper status of residence because people who enter
Japan with a visa waiver status or a different status of residence have to leave Japan once, and then enter
again with a college student visa. Waseda Law School cannot make any special visa arrangements for
those planning to come to Japan earlier.
3. Accommodations
Waseda Law School is affiliated with National Students Information Center (NASIC), which manages
several private dormitories for exchange students. You will receive information about your housing
arrangement from the NASIC office by the end of July.
≪Example of Accommodation ≫
This is just one example of the accommodation. It does not mean you will be
guaranteed the following accommodation.
Room type
: Single (Floor space: 12 square meters)
Monthly rent : JPY 70,000-72,000(without meals)
Utility charges : JPY 6,500(include internet fee)+electric fee
Others : Linen fee JPY 3,150, Deposit JPY30,000
*A bed, refrigerator, bedding, desk, chair, closet, bookshelf, lamp stand and
air-conditioner are provided
*Kitchen, shower room, toilet, TV set, internet cables, etc. are shared for
common use.
≪Information on other accommodation ≫
Waseda University Property Management Corp. Student Housing Center
(*Japanese language only)
1st Floor, STEP21 Building, 1-103 Totsukamachi, Shinjuku-ku,
【URL】 http://waseda-housing.com/
*Please be advised that you would not be assigned the accommodation near WLS due to the increase in
international students even if you apply to National Students Information Center (NASIC).
4. Entry and Departure Schedule
Fall term classes will start on September 24 (Thu) and the Orientation Session will be arranged possibly
on around September 22 (Tue) - 23 (Wed). It is advisable for students to arrive in Tokyo by September
Students who will be enrolled only in fall semester can finish their study at WSL by the last class in
December, finally 19 (Sat).
Please inform your expected entry and departure dates as soon as it is decided.
2014/11/14 Waseda Law School
< Fall Semester 2015 (Tentative Schedule) >
The end of Aug.–the beginning of Sep. Placement test of Japanese language course on web site.
The middle of Sep.
Registration of Japanese language course of CJL
Sep. 21 (Mon)
University Fall semester begins
Sep. 21 (Mon)-23 (WED)
National holiday
Sep. 24 (Thu)
WLS classes begin (you can see the classes first one week)
Sep. 30 (Wed)
Course Registration of WLS Deadline
Dec.19 (Sat)
Last classes for Exchange Students
Dec. 23 (Wed) - Jan. 7 (Thu), 2016
Winter recess
Jan.29 (Fri) - Feb. 4 (Thu)
Examination period for students other than exchange students
Feb. 5 (Fri) - Mar. 31 (Thu)
Spring vacation
5. Japanese Language Course
The Center for Japanese Language of Waseda University (CJL) offers Japanese language courses from
beginners to advanced learners. Exchange students do not need to pay for the Japanese language course
fee. Please find the web site if you wish to learn Japanese language.
Center for Japanese Language (CJL)
6. Health Insurance
“Student” visa holders are obliged to participate in the National Health Insurance Scheme (国民健康保
険) of the Japanese Government. The insurance covers 70% of your medical charges. The monthly
premium is about 700 yen for international students. For details, please find a PDF file of「留学生ハン
ドブック(International Student Handbook)」on the web site.
*The English version is after the Japanese one in the above PDF.
7. Address Change
Please keep us advised of your current address. In case you change your address, please be sure to
inform us of your new address well in advance, because we will send you “Certificate of Eligibility”
(it is needed for VISA) around July.
8. Office of Waseda Law School
Classrooms and the office of WLS are located in Ono Azusa Hall (BuildingNo.27). The office is on
the 1st floor, which opens 9:00am-5:00pm from Monday to Saturday. During summer vacation (from
August 1 till September 23) the office hour is 9:00am -5:00pm on Monday to Friday. The university
will be closed between 8 and 18 in August 2015.
Naoko Kurihara (Ms.)
Administrative staff
Waseda Law School (Houmu-kenkyuka)
1-6-1 Nishi-waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,
169-8050, JAPAN
【E-mail】[email protected]
【Tel】+81-3-5286-1678 【Fax】+81-3-5286-1720
Waseda Law School
Course List, 2014Fall
科目名・クラス名 (Japanese)
民法IV P
民法IV Q
民法V P
民法V Q
民法VI P
民法VI Q
基礎民事訴訟法 P
基礎民事訴訟法 Q
刑法II P
刑法II Q
基礎刑事訴訟法 P
基礎刑事訴訟法 Q
憲法II P
憲法II Q
民法総合II P
民法総合II Q
民法総合II R
民法総合II S
民法総合II T
民法総合II U
民事訴訟法総合II P
民事訴訟法総合II Q
民事訴訟法総合II R
民事訴訟法総合II S
民事訴訟法総合II T
民事訴訟法総合II U
会社法II P
会社法II Q
会社法II R
会社法II S
会社法II T
会社法II U
刑法総合II P
刑法総合II Q
刑法総合II R
刑法総合II S
刑法総合II T
刑法総合II U
行政法総合 P
行政法総合 Q
行政法総合 R
行政法総合 S
行政法総合 T
行政法総合 U
企業統治と企業金融 B
企業統治と企業金融 C
刑事訴訟法総合II P
刑事訴訟法総合II Q
刑事訴訟法総合II R
刑事訴訟法総合II S
刑事訴訟法総合II T
刑事訴訟法総合II U
リーガル・カウンセリング アンド
ネゴシエーション A
リーガル・カウンセリング アンド
ネゴシエーション B
リーガル・カウンセリング アンド
ネゴシエーション C
リーガル・カウンセリング アンド
ネゴシエーション D
民事弁護実務 B
刑事弁護実務 A
刑事弁護実務 B
Course and Class (English)
Civil Law IV P
Civil Law IV Q
Civil Law V P
Civil Law V Q
Civil Law VI P
Civil Law VI Q
Civil Procedure P
Civil Procedure Q
Criminal Law II P
Criminal Law II Q
Criminal Procedure P
Criminal Procedure Q
Criminal Procedure
Constitutional Law II P
Constitutional Law II Q
Advanced Civil Law II P
Advanced Civil Law II Q
Advanced Civil Law II R
Advanced Civil Law II S
Advanced Civil Law II T
Advanced Civil Law II U
Advanced Civil Procedure II P
Advanced Civil Procedure II Q
Advanced Civil Procedure II R
Advanced Civil Procedure II S
Advanced Civil Procedure II T
Advanced Civil Procedure II U
Corporate Law II P
Corporate Law II Q
Corporate Law II R
Corporate Law II S
Corporate Law II T
Corporate Law II U
Advanced Criminal Law II P
Advanced Criminal Law II Q
Advanced Criminal Law II R
Advanced Criminal Law II S
Advanced Criminal Law II T
Advanced Criminal Law II U
Advanced Administrative Law P
Advanced Administrative Law Q
Advanced Administrative Law R
Advanced Administrative Law S
Advanced Administrative Law T
Advanced Administrative Law U
Corporate Governance & Finance B
Corporate Governance & Finance C
Advanced Criminal Procedure II P
Advanced Criminal Procedure II Q
Advanced Criminal Procedure II R
Advanced Criminal Procedure II S
Advanced Criminal Procedure II T
Advanced Criminal Procedure II U
Legal Counseling and Negotiation A
Legal Counseling and Negotiation B
Legal Counseling and Negotiation C
Legal Counseling and Negotiation D
Civil Law Advocacy B
Family Law Advocacy
Criminal Law Advocacy A
Criminal Law Advocacy B
in English
Waseda Law School
Course List, 2014Fall
リーガルライティング B
家族法特殊講義 A
金融担保法 B
倒産法II A
倒産法II B
労働法II A
労働法II B
労働法演習 A
労働法演習 B
労働法演習 C
捜査法 G
刑事証拠法 B
刑事証拠法 C
刑事証拠法 D
ジェンダーと法 B
外国法演習(英米法) B
Japanese Legal Culture
Civil Law in Japan
Labor Law Litigation
Legal Writing B
Family Law-Advanced A
Real Estate Law-Advanced
Consumer Law
Law of Secured Transactions B
Bankruptcy Law II A
Bankruptcy Law II B
Seminar: Bankruptcy Law
Labor Law II A
Labor Law II B
Seminar: Labor Law A
Seminar: Labor Law B
Seminar: Labor Law C
Law and Medicine I
Law and Labor Disputes II
Law of Criminal Investigation G
Criminal Evidence Law B
Criminal Evidence Law C
Criminal Evidence Law D
Juvenile Delinquency Law
Restorative Justice
Forensic Medicine
Law and Employment Discrimination
Seminar: Social Security Law
Law and Children
Law and Gender B
Law and Urban Planning
Law Local Government Dispute
Bill and Check Law
Introduction to Antimonopoly Law
Law and Capital Market
Law of Closed Corporations
Insurance Dispute
Corporate governance - Advanced
(Donated Course by Mori Hamada & Matsumoto)
International Business Transactions
Introduction to International Private Law
International Trade Law
Electronic Transactions Law
Advanced Seminar: Economic Law
Advanced Seminar: International Private Law
Advanced Seminar: International Law II
International Private Law I
Patent Act
Unfair Competition Prevention Act, Trade Mark Law
Basics of Taxation
Taxation Policy
Advanced Seminar: Intellectual Property Law
International Taxation Law
Environmental Law I
Sports & Entertainment Law
Advanced Seminar: Environmental Law
Law and Mass Media
Technical Assistance in the Legal Field
Corporate Legal Practices and Presentation II
Legal History I: Japan
Legal History II: Europe
Seminar: Law and Society
Introduction to EU Law
Introduction to Chinese Law
Seminar: Anglo-American Law B
Legal Philosophy
History of Legal Thoughts
Accounting for Lawyers
Japanese Legal Culture
Civil Law in Japan
Waseda Law School
Course List, 2014Fall
Comparative Financial Law
Criminal Justice in Japan
Human Rights Law in Japan
Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
International Entertainment Law
Civil Dispute Resolution in Japan
臨床法学教育(民事)I A
臨床法学教育(民事)I B
臨床法学教育(民事)I C
Introduction to Japanese Legal Research
民法応用演習(白石) A
民法応用演習(吉田) B
商法応用演習(松本) B
刑法応用演習(北川) A
刑法応用演習(北川) B
刑法応用演習(山口) A
刑法応用演習(山口) B
刑事手続法応用演習(井上) B
刑事手続法応用演習(塩野谷) A
刑事手続法応用演習(塩野谷) B
Corporate Governance & Risk Management
Drafting International Agreements
Comparative Financial Law
Criminal Justice in Japan
Human Rights Law in Japan
Pacific Settlement of International Disputes
Moot Court (Criminal Cases)
International Entertainment Law
Civil Dispute Resolution in Japan
Legal Practice: Clinical (Civil Law) I A
Legal Practice: Clinical (Civil Law) I B
Legal Practice: Clinical (Civil Law) I C
Legal Practice: Clinical (Family Law and Gender) I
Legal Practice: Clinical (Criminal Law) II
Legal Practice: Clinical (Labor Law) I
Legal Practice: Clinical (Law and Foreigners)
Legal Practice: Clinical (Administrative Law) I
Legal Practice: Clinical (Commercial Law) I
Introduction to Japanese Legal Research
Research Paper
Legal Seminar II
Advanced Seminar: Civil Law (Prof.Akiyama)
Advanced Seminar: Civil Law (Prof.Isomura)
Advanced Seminar: Civil Law (Prof.Kamano)
Advanced Seminar: Civil Law (Prof.Goto)
Advanced Seminar: Civil Law (Prof.Shiraishi) A
Advanced Seminar: Civil Law (Prof.Segawa)
Advanced Seminar: Civil Law (Prof.Yamanome)
Advanced Seminar: Civil Law (Prof.Yoshida) B
Advanced Seminar: Civil Procedure (Prof.Tanaka)
Advanced Seminar: Civil Procedure (Prof.Kemmotsu)
Advanced Seminar: Civil Procedure (Prof.Teshigahara)
Advanced Seminar: Civil Procedure (Prof.Nishiguchi) I
Advanced Seminar: Civil Procedure (Prof.Honma)
Advanced Seminar: Civil Procedure (Prof.Matsumura)
Advanced Seminar: Commercial Law (Prof.Iwahara)
Advanced Seminar: Commercial Law (Prof.Otsuka) I
Advanced Seminar: Commercial Law (Prof.Osaki)
Advanced Seminar: Commercial Law (Prof.Kishida) I
Advanced Seminar: Commercial Law (Prof.Kuronuma)
Advanced Seminar: Commercial Law (Prof.Toriyama)
Advanced Seminar: Commercial Law (Prof.Fukushima)
Advanced Seminar: Commercial Law (Prof.Masai)
Advanced Seminar: Commercial Law (Prof.Matumoto) B
Advanced Seminar: Commercial Law (Prof.Okuyama)
Advanced Seminar: Criminal Law (Prof.Kai)
Advanced Seminar: Criminal Law (Prof.Kitagawa) A
Advanced Seminar: Criminal Law (Prof.Kitagawa) B
Advanced Seminar: Criminal Law (Prof.Yamaguchi) A
Advanced Seminar: Criminal Law (Prof.Yamaguchi) B
Advanced Seminar: Criminal Procedure (Prof.Inoue) B
Advanced Seminar: Criminal Procedure (Prof.Ogawa)
Advanced Seminar: Criminal Procedure (Prof.Shionoya) A
Advanced Seminar: Criminal Procedure (Prof.Shionoya) B
Advanced Seminar: Constitutional Law (Prof.Hasebe)
Advanced Seminar: Constitutional Law (Prof.Imaseki)
Advanced Seminar: Constitutional Law (Prof.Kanazawa)
Advanced Seminar: Administrative Law (Prof.Kojima)
Advanced Seminar: Administrative Law (Prof.Hatakeyama)
Advanced Seminar: Administrative Law (Prof.Nakayama)
Advanced Seminar: Administrative Law (Prof.Hitomi)
Administrative Law Litigation Practice (Keio Univ.)
Medical Law II (Keio Univ.)
Cyber Law (Keio Univ.)
Corporate Governance & Risk Management (Keio Univ.)
Drafting International Agreements (Keio Univ.)
Waseda Law School
Course List, 2014Fall
Government Relations and Law
Government Relations and Law (Keio Univ.)
Financial Law (Sophia Univ.)
Comparative Law (Sophia Univ.)
Comparative Envil. Law (Sophia Univ.)
Law and Economics (Sophia Univ.)
Fly UP