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詳細 - 極東書店
KS-3694 / May 2012
19~20 世紀のアメリカとイギリスの生命保険に関する史料集
英米の生命保険 1800~1914 年
Anglo-American Life Insurance,
1800 – 1914. 3 vols.
Alborn, Timothy / Murphy, Sharon Ann (eds.), Anglo-American Life Insurance,
1800 – 1914. 3 vols. 1200 pp. 2012:7 (Pickering & Chatto, UK) <593-794>
ISBN: 978-1-84893-352-1
hard set
生命保険業は、英米どちらにおいても、長い 19 世紀において最も重要な金融機関のひ
本コレクションは、1800 年から 1914 年までのアメリカとイギリスの生命保険に関す
る、雑誌、新聞、広告をはじめとする様々な史料を集めたものです。第 1 巻「生命保険と
は何か?なぜ保険に入るべきなのか?公衆に生命保険を販売する」、第 2 巻「生命保険会
社を運営する」、第 3 巻「死亡率とリスク」の全 3 巻から構成されています。また、総序
文、各巻序文、頭注・巻末注、及び第 3 巻に索引が付けられています。
Volume 1: What is Life Insurance?
Why Should You Insure? - Selling Life Insurance to the Public
‘Life Insurance’, Connecticut Courant (1833); Richard Morgan, Familiar Observations on Life
Insurance (1841)*; ‘Life Insurance in the United States’, Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine (1843);
Life Insurance Offices, New and Speculative (1846); James W Alexander, ‘Some Prejudices
about Life Assurance’, Atlantic Monthly (1900); Charter of the Corporation for the Relief of
the Widows and Children of Clergymen (1814)*; ‘Life Insurance’, Religious Intelligencer
(1835); ‘Mutual Life Insurance Company’, Christian Register (1835); ‘Prospectus of the
Dissenters’ and General Life and Fire Assurance Company’, Ecelctic Review (1839)*; ‘Life
Insurance—Ministers’, ‘Life Insurance—A Scruple’ and ‘Life Insurance of Ministers’, Christian
Secretary (1847); ‘Insurance amongst the Working Classes’, Economist (1858); Frank Ives
Scudamore, Life Insurance by Small Payments: A Few Plain Words Concerning It (1861);
George D Eldridge, ‘Assessment Life Insurance’, North American Review (1890); B H Meyer,
‘Fraternal Beneficiary Societies in the United States’, American Journal of Sociology (1901);
John F Dryden, ‘The Social Economy of Industrial Insurance: A Lecture’, in Addresses and
Papers on Life Insurance and Other Subjects (1909); Frederick Hoffman, Life Insurance of
Children (1903); Joseph Burn, ‘Industrial Life Assurance’, Journal of Federated Insurance
Institutes (1902); J F Williams, Life Insurance of the Poor: An Illumination of Economic
Disadvantage (1912); W E Burghardt Du Bois (ed.), Some Efforts of American Negroes for
their Own Social Betterment (1898)*; Arthur Wyndham Tarn, ‘Some Notes on Life Assurance
in Greater Britain’, Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (1899)*; Josiah Clark Nott, ‘Statistics
of Southern Slave Population, with especial reference to life insurance’, DeBow’s Commercial
Review (1847); William Frend, Rock Life Assurance Company (1806); An Address from the
President and Directors of the Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives ... (1814);
Standard Life, Prospectus (1833); William Bard, A Letter to David E Evans, Esquire, of Batavia, on Life Insurance (1832); Life Insurance: Its Principles, Operations and Benefits, as
presented by the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company (1849)*; Reliance Mutual
Life Assurance Society, Life Assurance Explained (1850); John Freestone, Where to Insure:
An Impartial and Independent Guide (1890); ‘Life Insurance’, Macon Weekly Telegraph
(1838); John Neal, ‘Life Assurance’, The Columbian Lady’s and Gentleman’s Magazine
(1846); Arthur Scratchley, ‘The Moral Urgency of Life Assurance’, from Observations on Life
Assurance Societies, and Savings Banks (1851); Arthur Reade, ‘Before the Wedding Ring’,
Policy-holder (1885); [Pelican], ‘Life Insurance. To Parents, Guardians, and others, desirous
of securing a provision against Sudden Death’, New-York Evening Post (1808); Equitable of
New York [advertisement], Insurance Record (1874); Joseph Allen, There is Dust in John’s
Eyes; or, American and British Life Insurance Offices Contrasted (1882); Review and correspondence concerning same, Post Magazine (1882); ‘The Mutual’s English Business’, The
Independent (1906)
Volume 2: Running a Life Insurance Company
‘Insurance as a Profession’, Bankers’ Magazine (1893); Archibald Hewat, ‘The Actuary in
Scotland’, Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries (1902)*; Henry N Kaufman, ‘Some Uses
for the Hollerith Machines’, Transactions (1909–10)*; Joel L English, ‘Home Office Management’, in Howard P Dunham (ed.), The Business of Insurance (1912); Article on new
Prudential office by ‘a lady clerk’, Ibis Magazine (1879); ‘Writing Machines, by a Caledonian
Typist’, Caledonian Jottings (1893); F A McKeans, ‘The Palatial Halls of Insurance’, Norwich
Union Magazine (1897); Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, ‘The Building’, The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (1914)*; Eagle and Protector Life Assurance Company,
Observations for the Use of the Agents (1847); ‘Advice to Insurance Agents’, Insurance
Gazette (c.1855); ‘The Life-Assurance Agents Appeal’ [poem], Chambers’s Journal of Popular
Literature, Science and Art (1860); ‘The Dodges of Life Insurance Agents’, Sphinx (1869); E
C Browne, Life Agencies: Thoughts and Suggestions concerning their Economic and Efficient
Arrangement (1878)*; ‘Bank Officials as Insurance Agents’, Bankers’ Magazine (1888);
Edward A Woods, ‘Agency Management’, in Howard P Dunham (ed.), The Business of Insurance (1912)*; ‘The Absconding Secretary of the Trust Company’, Brother Jonathan
(1843); ‘Profits and Premiums of Life Insurance’, Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine (1846); ‘The
Profits of Joint-Stock Enterprise: Life Insurance’, Economist (1869); ‘Some Life Insurance
Investments’, Bankers’ Magazine (1896); ‘Valuation of Life Insurance Policies’, Hunt’s
Merchants’ Magazine (1860); Lester William Zartman, ‘The Character of the Investments’,
The Investments of Life Insurance Companies (1907); ‘Annuities, Life Insurance, Tontines,
etc’, Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine (1847); H W Andras, ‘Endowment Assurance’, Transactions
of the Birmingham Insurance Institute (1894–5)*; ‘Endowment Assurance’, Bankers’
Magazine (1896); ‘The Capabilities of Endowment Assurance and Annuities’, English Review
(1913); Benefit Societies versus Savings Banks and Insurance Companies: An Address to the
Members of Benefit Societies and the Public in General (2nd ed. 1822); ‘The Relative Merits
of Life Insurance and Savings Banks’, Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine (1851); [response 1] ‘Mr
A B Johnson on Life Insurance’, New York Times (1851); [response 2] ‘Life Insurance’, Hunt’s
Merchants’ Magazine (1852); Charles Jellicoe, ‘The Life Assurance Controversy’, Assurance
KS-3694/英米の生命保険 1800~1914 年
Magazine (1853); ‘No. 32. An Act in Amendment of “An Act Relating to Insurance on Lives by
Foreign Corporations, Approved November 23, 1852”’, The Acts and Resolves Passed by the
General Assembly of the State of Vermont, at the October Session, 1854 (1854); Moses L
Knapp, Lectures on the Science of Life Insurance (1853)*; A K Rodger, ‘The Race for Records’,
Transactions of the Insurance and Actuarial Society of Glasgow (1900); ‘Life Insurance’,
Hallowell Gazette (1826); ‘Life Assurance’, Monthly Review (1841)*; ‘Insurance and Assurance’, All the Year Round (1865); ‘The Failure of the Albert Insurance Company’,
Economist (1869); ‘An Insurer’s Grievance’, London Times (1869); ‘The European Assurance
Case and the Necessity for Government Inspection’, Economist (1869); ‘Life Insurance’,
Galaxy (1877); ‘Life Assurance’, Economist (1853); ‘The First American Life Underwriters’
Convention’, United States Insurance Gazette and Magazine of Useful Knowledge (1859)*;
‘Proceedings of the Life Insurance Convention’, Insurance Gazette (1860)*; Paul v. Virginia
(1869); W R Malcolm, and R G C Hamilton, ‘Report to the Board of Trade upon the Accounts
and Statements of Life Assurance Companies’, Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (1875); H
R Harding, ‘British Life Assurance Companies and Colonial Legislation’, Post Magazine
(1895); William Brosmith, ‘State Laws’, in Howard P Dunham (ed.), The Business of Insurance (1912); Lester William Zartman, (ed.), ‘Deferred Dividend Policies’, Life Insurance
(1909); ‘Insurance Probers Seek These Reforms’, New York Times (1906); Sydney Brooks,
‘The Big Three, 1905–1912’, North American Review (1912); ‘The Widow and the Fatherless’,
Catholic Telegraph (1840); Arthur Scratchley, letter to Daily News calling for married
women’s act in Britain and comment on same in Post Magazine (1863)*; Thomas Bond
Sprague, ‘On the Grant of Settlement Policies under the Married Women’s Property Acts,
1870 & 1882’, Journal of the Institute of Actuaries (1883)
Volume 3: Mortality and Risk
John Adams Higham, On the Value of Selection amongst Assured Lives (1850); ‘The First
American Life Underwriters’ Convention’, United States Insurance Gazette and Magazine of
Useful Knowledge (1859)*; ‘Proceedings of the Life Insurance Convention’, Insurance Gazette (1860)*; ‘Vital Statistics. Importance of Registration’, Insurance Monitor (1867); Henry
Moir, ‘Mortality Tables’, in Lester William Zartman (ed.), Life Insurance (1909); John
Sandford, ‘Massachusetts Insurance Commission Report’, Insurance Record (1869); Samuel
Brown, ‘Preface’, from The Mortality Experience of Life Assurance Companies (1869)*; ‘The
Institute of Actuaries’ New Mortality Experience Tables’, Insurance Record (1903); Lewis
Pocock, A Familiar Explanation of the Nature, Advantages, and Importance of Assurances
upon Lives, and the Various Purposes to which they may be Usefully Applied (1842)*;
‘Comparative Rates of Domestic and Foreign Life Insurance’, Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine
(1859); Life Assurance Premiums Charged by Various Companies (1910)*; J Burnett Gibb,
‘Premium Rates: Their Calculation and Relation to Other Elements of the Policy Contract’, in
Howard P Dunham (ed.), The Business of Insurance (1912)*; ‘Insurance and Assurance’,
New Monthly Magazine (1825); David Hughes, A Treatise on the Law Relating to Insurance
(1833)*; Editorial and correspondence on medical fees, Lancet (1849); William Brinton, On
the Medical Selection of Lives for Assurance (1856)*; T Glover Lyon, ‘Some Medical Points of
Difference between Life Assurance in the United States of America and in England’, Transactions of the Life Assurance Medical Officers’ Association (1895); Clark W Davis, ‘Medical
Examinations’, in Howard P Dunham (ed.), The Business of Insurance (1912); Levi G Fouse,
‘The Policy’, Howard P Dunham (ed.), ibid.; ‘Form 6 – Ordinary Life Policy’ and ‘Form 8 –
Medical Application for Life Insurance’ in Dunham (ed.), ibid.; Mazyck P Ravenel, ‘The
Warfare against Tuberculosis’, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (1903);
‘Consumption’ and ‘Present Standards in Medical Selection’, Abstract of the Proceedings of
the Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America (1906); James Barr, ‘On Some
of the Medical Aspects of Life Insurance’, British Medical Journal (1908); Irving Fisher,
‘Economic Aspects of Lengthening Human Life’, in Lester William Zartman (ed.), Life In-
KS-3694/英米の生命保険 1800~1914 年
surance (1909); Rush, ‘To William Bard, Esq, President of the New York Life Insurance and
Trust Company’, New York Evangelist (1830); J Broomhall, ‘Temperance and Life Assurance’,
Centennial Temperance Volume (1877); Norman Kerr, ‘Inebriety and Insurance’, Post
Magazine (1893); ‘Liquor and Life Insurance’, The New Light (1902); ‘Proportionate Longevity of the Two Sexes’, Journal of Health (1831); ‘Death Busy among the Bachelors’,
Insurance Monitor (1867); ‘Travelling and Life Insurance’ and response from ‘Justitia’,
London Times (1867); ‘Life Insurance in California’, Insurance Monitor (1869); ‘Barrett vs.
The Conn. Mutual Life. Counsel’s Statement of the Case’, Insurance Monitor Supplement
(1869); C R Francis, ‘Life-Assurance and Residence in Hot Climates’, Lancet (1878); ‘Notes
on Female Risks’, Abstract of the Proceedings of the Association of Life Insurance Medical
Directors of America (1906); Harold Edward William Lutt, ‘On Extra Premiums’, Journal of the
Institute of Actuaries (1907)*; ‘War Risks of Life Insurance—Letter from Elizur Wright’,
Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine (1861); ‘Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark,
NJ—Circular to Southern Agents in Relation to their Operations’, Insurance Gazette (1861);
‘Life Insurance War Risks’, Insurance Gazette (1862); ‘Abstract of the Ninth Annual Report of
the Insurance Commissioners of Massachusetts’, Insurance Gazette (1864)*; ‘Officers in the
Army and Insurance Companies’, Morning Post (1885); Review of Frederick Schooling and
Edward A Rusher, ‘The Mortality Experience of the Imperial Forces during the War in South
Africa’, Journal of State Medicine (1903); Lecture by John Hitchman opposing suicide clause,
in Lancet (1848); ‘Important Cases in Life Insurance, from the English Common Law Reports:
Borradaile v. Hunter’, Bankers’ Magazine and Statistical Register (1849); ‘Suicide and Dueling’, Insurance Monitor (1869)*; ‘Life Assurance’, Atlantic Monthly (1866)*; Editorial,
Insurance Record (1878); ‘Life Assurance and Suicide’, British Medical Journal (1894); Lord
v. Dall (1815); Editorial, Bankers’ Circular and Monetary Times (1830); ‘Assurance and
Insurance’, London Saturday Journal (1839); ‘Gaming, Betting, Lotteries, and Insurance’,
Chambers’ Edinburgh Journal (1852); ‘Abstract of the Ninth Annual Report of the Insurance
Commissioners of Massachusetts: Insurable Interest’, Insurance Gazette (1864)*; ‘Practical
Points. Life Insurance’, The New-York Legal Observer (1843); ‘Attempt to Swindle a Life
Insurance Company’, Insurance Monitor (1867); ‘A Philadelphia Life Ins. Fraud’, Insurance
Monitor (1867); ‘Union Mutual Life Insurance Co.—Fraudulent Representations’, Insurance
Monitor (1869); Comment on Argus Life case, London Times (1846); Comment on the
London Indisputable company, Post Magazine (1851); ‘Novel Life Insurance Case’, Hunt’s
Merchants’ Magazine (1857); ‘Insurance Legal Decision. Life Insurance—Important Case’,
Insurance Gazette (1861–2); ‘Unjust Toleration. A Warning to Life Insurance Companies’,
Insurance Monitor (1867); Illustrated Life and Career of William Palmer of Rugeley (1856)*;
‘Does a Man Shorten his Life by Insuring It?’, Hunt’s Merchants’ Magazine (1856); ‘Henry
Mayhew’s Inquiries into Suspicious Deaths’, United States Insurance Gazette and Magazine
of Useful Knowledge (1856); ‘Another Life Insurance Horror’, Insurance Monitor (1879)
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