
Legal Organizations

by taratuta

Category: Documents





Legal Organizations
chapter 11  | Help beyond the Book |  403
Legal Organizations
Many national lesbian and gay legal organizations, local LGBT bar
associations, and local LGBT community centers make lawyer referrals.
If there’s no referral organization near you and you can’t find a lawyer to
help you with your problem, try calling one of the national organizations,
a local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), or the
National Lawyers Guild.
Someone on the other end of the phone may be able to give you the
name of a local lawyer, or just offer a sympathetic ear. And if you have a
lawyer, your lawyer may want to contact one of the national lesbian and
gay legal groups to get some support. Many of the legal problems lesbians
and gay men encounter have been faced before—a lawyer who works
full time in the struggle for gay and lesbian rights probably has helpful
materials or suggestions.
National Lesbian and Gay Legal Organizations
Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund
National Office
120 Wall Street, Suite 1500
New York, NY 10005-3904
212-809-8585 (voice)
212-809-0055 (fax)
Midwestern Regional Office
11 East Adams Street, Suite 1008
Chicago, IL 60603-6303
312-663-4413 (voice)
312-663-4307 (fax)
Southern Regional Office
730 Peachtree Street, NE, Suite 1070
Atlanta, GA 30309-3027
404-897-1880 (voice)
404-897-1884 (fax)
404  |  A Legal guide for Lesbian and Gay Couples
South Central Regional Office
3500 Oak Lawn Avenue, Suite 500
Dallas, TX 75219-6722
214-219-8585 (voice)
214-219-4455 (fax)
Western Regional Office
3325 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1800
Los Angeles, CA 90036-3617
213-382-7600 (voice)
213-351-6050 (fax)
National Center for Lesbian Rights
870 Market Street, Suite 370
San Francisco, CA 94102
415-392-6257 (voice)
415-392-8442 (fax)
Human Rights Campaign
1640 Rhode Island Avenue, NW,
Washington, DC 20036-3278
202-628-4160 (voice)
202-347-5323 (fax)
202-216-1572 (TTY)
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
1325 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC 20005
202-393-5177 (voice)
202-393-2241 (fax)
202-393-2284 (TTY)
chapter 11  | Help beyond the Book |  405
Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders (GLAD)
30 Winter Street, Suite 800
Boston, MA 02108
617-426-1350 (voice)
617-426-3594 (fax)
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Lesbian & Gay Rights and AIDS Projects
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004
212-549-2627 (voice)
Legal Referrals for People With HIV
If you need legal assistance and don’t know where to turn, check your
local telephone directory or the Internet for an HIV-specific legal
organization, a legal aid or legal services office, or your city or county’s
bar association. Many of those groups can provide HIV-related legal
referrals. You should also check with the national and regional LGBT
legal associations listed in the previous section. The American Bar
Association maintains a clearinghouse for legal information about AIDS
and HIV. Here is the contact information:
ABA AIDS Coordination Project
750 15th St., NW
Washington, DC 20005-1009
202-662-1025 (voice)
Fly UP